Newcastle Airport Magazine Issue 18

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National Volunteer Week Appreciating our Volunteer Ambassadors

Arnold Schwarzenegger Will be back down under!







Tempt your tastebuds

Hunter Valley Food and Wine Festival



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contents on the cover 12

ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER Seven time world bodybuilding champion, international movie star, successful businessman, philanthropist, environmentalist and the 38th Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger will hit Australian shores in June.

26 TEMPT YOUR TASTEBUDS Food, wine and fun combine at this year’s Hunter Valley Food and Wine Festival.

features page 12


WIN WITH INFLIGHT Your chance to win prizes galore.


BOARDING SCHOOLS FEATURE Choosing the school that best suits a child’s needs is one of the toughest decisions many families make. The Boarding Schools Expo will help make it easier.

19 CAVALIA A magical bond between horse and human.

page 19


DISNEY ON ICE Relive your childhood with Disney’s Princesses and Heros.


VEGAS ON THE COAST Where the world comes to play.


WHITSUNDAYS ESCAPE Sun, swimming, jet skis, cocktails and more on the Whitsunday Coast.

27 AUSSIE BODY DIET AND DETOX Get healthy with one of the best in the business.

regulars page 22

page 24

page 27

4 Welcome to Newcastle Airport 5 Newcastle Airport Updates 9 Win 11 Pick your Product 12 Chit Chat 19 What’s On 22 48 Hours in… 24 Travel Bug Bites 26 Take a Bite 27 Your Wellbeing 28 Puzzle Page 29 Map and Floor Plan 30 Talkin’ Technology COVER IMAGE: Newcastle Airport’s volunteer Ambassador program

Issue 18


PUBLISHER Patrick McElligott

EDITOR Lahnee Pavlovich


DESIGN Lawrence Borchers

ADVERTISING & ENQUIRIES WESTERN EDITION [WA] Daniela Raos NORTHERN EDITION [QLD] Robyn Crouch SOUTHERN EDITION [NSW] Brittany Cavill BOATING INDUSTRY Brittany Cavill XP TRAVELLER John Atkin PRINTING Airport Magazine is published bi-monthly by Inflight Publishing Pty. Ltd. Views expressed in Airport magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. No responsibility is accepted by the publisher or the printer for the accuracy of information contained in the text or advertisements. Advertisements must comply with the relevant Trade Practices Act 1979. Responsibility for compliance with the act rests with the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisement. Neither the publisher nor the editor accepts responsibility for advertisements.


elcome to our latest magazine. This is your copy to take with you on your travels.

With a quarter of the year already under our belts, we’ve achieved a lot. Our annual charity golf day raised $45,000 for the Hunter Breast Cancer

Foundation bringing the total amount we’ve donated to the Foundation to more than $160,000. Our development application for a terminal and road network redevelopment has been approved. Construction is once again happening at the Airport, this time we’re reconfiguring Silver 1 Car Park, adding more car parking spaces and providing a dedicated holding area for taxis and shuttle buses. Later this year you’ll also see maintenance work commence on the Gold and Rental Car Parks.


Ph (07) 3891 7793 • Fax (07) 3891 7702 PO Box 6133, Buranda, Qld 4102

If you require any assistance while you are in the Airport, make your way to the Information Services Desk or look out for one of our friendly Ambassadors in a teal blazer, they’re always happy to assist with any enquiries. Enjoy your trip and I hope to see you back at Newcastle Airport soon. Until next time,


Paul Hughes CEO


Issue 18



ur Charity of Choice, the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation is calling on people in the Port Stephens area to help people who are currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer. The Foundation urgently needs people who might be interested in becoming registered volunteers. Foundation President Rosalie Taggart said there were a number of women living in the Tomaree Peninsular and wider Port Stephens

area who desperately needed to get to and from treatment in Newcastle. “We are looking for local people who might be able to lend a few hours every so often,” Mrs Taggart said. The Foundation provides grass roots support for people undergoing treatment for breast cancer. To sign-up as a volunteer or get more information, go to



ften the first point of contact when you call Newcastle Airport, Ashlee works in the role of what we like to call director of first impressions (receptionist). Ashlee is best known in the office for her distinctive and contagious laugh. In this 30-second interview, she shares her top travel tips and favourite destinations. Name: Ashlee Blaxland



his year will be the fifth anniversary of Newcastle Airport’s volunteer Ambassador Program. That means for five years you have been helped at the pay stations, been given assistance to help calm your excited toddler, your elderly mother has been given help to find her luggage and get safely into a taxi, and your brother has been directed to the ever-important ATM. Granted, these are all small acts of kindness, and the world wouldn’t stop revolving if they didn’t happen. But the fact of the matter is they do happen. Our team of volunteers freely give their time to help you and your loved ones get into the air or on the road with as little hassle as possible. We have had the pleasure of ‘managing’ this team for five years, or should we say, being managed by this team. They have taught us many things, amongst them life’s priorities, the importance of giving back, and most of all, enjoying life. Many of our Ambassador team have been

here since day dot. When we calculated how many hours of volunteering this team has done in the past five years, our collective minds staggered. It’s a whopping 20,000 hours. And these Ambassadors willingly work on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and Easter, because they believe they make a positive difference to our passenger experience. And you know what, we agree with them. Next time you rush by one of our teal-clad Ambassadors, slow down, stop, and say ‘Hi’. We can assure you they’re more than eager to have a chat and we are sure you will board your flight or get on the road to your destination feeling better for the experience. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to our wonderful Ambassadors. Thank you for freely giving your time for others. And thank you for loving the work you do—because it is clear you love the work you do. National Volunteer Week is from 13 to 17 May 2013. More information about Newcastle Airport’s Ambassadors is at

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Flight Attendant Current role at Newcastle Airport: Receptionist What lead you to start working at Newcastle Airport? I have always been interested in the aviation industry and also have a strong passion for customer service The best thing about your job is: People What the best thing about living in the Hunter? Our beautiful beaches The best place you’ve travelled to is: New York, and in the winter Whistler Mountain, Canada What’s your dream holiday destination? London and Paris You try to relax by: Staying in and watching movies Could you suggest your top travel tip for our readers? Pack light (you can always buy more) and keep a copy of all travel documents

Issue 18




n March this year Newcastle Airport welcomed 132 golfers from around the country to Pacific Dunes Golf Club for a day of golf; all in the name of charity.

Not your typical golf day, our players were treated to Murray’s Craft Brewing Co. beer, the chance to win $1,000 cash if they fluked a hole in one, and numerous opportunities to double their money if they beat the pro, hit the ball in the circle drawn on the green (admittedly this wasn’t much larger than the actual hole), or were nearest the pin. The donations from supporters provided us with amazing silent auction items and McCarroll’s Renault Meganne cars (for a weekend getaway) for the live auction. The generous support of our supporters and players lead to us presenting a massive $45,000 cheque to the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation at the end of the day. Check out photos from the golf day at Donate to the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation at



n the last decade, Newcastle Airport has become a vital transport-hub for every-day travel in the Hunter region.

The number of awards bestowed upon the airport during this time is testament to this fact. However this is not where the story of Newcastle Airport begins. In fact, it’s not even close. This year Newcastle Airport quietly turned 65. In February of 1948 the first scheduled commercial flight, with Trans Australia Airline (TAA), touched down at what is now known as Newcastle Airport. The scheduled SydneyWilliamtown-Brisbane service landed at Williamtown carrying 18 passengers on the DC-3 aircraft. For many years services such as this continued to operate from Williamtown terminal, which affectionately became known at the ‘tin shed’. For the next few decades, services to and from Newcastle continued to grow: Newcastle— Canberra, Newcastle—Brisbane, and


Issue 18

Newcastle—Coolangatta (Gold Coast) routes were established and well patronised.

inaugural flight was from Newcastle to Melbourne and the rest, they say, is history.

In the 1990s the federal government deregulated the aviation industry and sold-off major airports to private enterprise. It was during this time that the federal government invited Newcastle City and Port Stephens Councils to jointly operate civil facilities; and in 1993 the company Newcastle Airport Limited was established.

Passenger growth at Newcastle has continued to exponentially grow. Last year Newcastle Airport welcomed 1.2 million passengers, a distant dream of the 152,335 passengers just a decade earlier.

Meanwhile, in the decade that followed, Impulse Airlines commenced operation and proudly based itself at Newcastle Airport. The airline serviced destinations up and down the east coast and was primarily responsible for the Airport’s rapid growth in passenger numbers. In the 1998 calendar year Newcastle had 152,335 passengers pass through the terminal—double the throughput of 1993. In 2003 Virgin Australia (nee Blue) had its first flight from Newcastle, and in 2004 Qantas purchased Impulse and rebranded it as the carrier’s low cost alternative, Jetstar. Jetstar’s

What’s the next chapter in the Newcastle Airport story? Our hope is we’re successful in our applications for government grants which would help fund a terminal redevelopment to ease congestion during our peak periods and to set us up for international services. And our hope is when the airlines’ receive their new aircraft they have on order, they choose Newcastle, bolster existing services, and take the plunge and trust our market to support a new destination or two. These are our hopes, but really, only time will tell what the next chapter of our story will be. A detailed history of Newcastle Airport is available for free download at about/history



ir travel has an impact on our environment, yet it’s hard to imagine what the 1.2 million passengers who pass through our terminal every year would do without it. That’s why the team at Newcastle Airport, committed to managing our impact on the environment, is on a quest toward improved energy efficiency and have been working on a variety of projects behind the scenes in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint. During the past 12 months we have, in conjunction with SEE Sustainability Consulting and Ilum-a-Lite, sourced and implemented energy efficient lighting solutions for Newcastle Airport. The outcome resulted in the replacement of all internal lights; from high-energy blubs, to low-voltage LED lights and fluorescent tubes during a 10-day period with no disruption to the travelling public. Technical stuff To upgrade the airport lighting, energy inefficient magnetic ballasted fluorescent luminaires were converted to best performance T5 with Save It Easy T8-T5 adaptors. Azsence LED down lights replaced PL and CFL down lights, increasing energy efficiency by 50%, and Halogen down lights were replaced with Light Eco ® MR16 LED down lights for a massive 85% in energy savings.

Results > 35% saving in energy costs > Improved lighting levels > Unchanged ambience and functionality > Carbon emissions saving equated to 152 tonnes of CO2 > Maintenance costs were significantly reduced > The NSW Energy Savings Certificate also contributed toward capital cost in energy saving rebates > Approximate annual savings of $59,340 > Approximate investment $155, 850 > ESC rebate of $66,000 > Payback time 1.7 years > Greenhouse gas savings per year 152 tonnes of CO2, or the equivalent impact of 43 cars off the road We’re committed to responsibly managing our environmental impacts. These are the small steps we’re taking are contributing to a big change. The terminal is now literally brighter than ever and we’re looking forward to reaping the benefits of cost and energy savings well into the future.


ith more than one million passengers passing through the terminal each year, Newcastle Airport often becomes a temporary home for travellers’ orphaned items. More often than not, they’re ordinary items like jackets, thongs, a random laptop bag, or an iSomething. Other times the orphans are actual children, or things that make us stop and think “why on earth would somebody take that flying?” or “how would you not notice you’d left this behind?” – a certain pair of false teeth springs to mind in this instance. Teeth and toddlers aside, the top five weirdest things we’ve had in the lost property orphanage are:

1. A wax hand 2. Two lumps of coal 3. Esky


4. Calculator 5. A bag of paint Every single item handed in as lost property is recorded in our lost property log with the hope we can return the item, however peculiar they may be, to their rightful owner. If an item remains unclaimed for a month, they’re taken to their foster family at Legacy, before being adopted out to a new family through one of Legacy’s charity stores.

Issue 18



n recent months, Newcastle Airport has met with Cairns Airport and Chinese airlines.

Granted, until now Cairns Airport hasn’t been a ‘big blip’ on our radar. But it’s about to be. Late last year China Eastern commenced direct flights from China to Cairns. ‘What does this mean for Newcastle Airport?’ you might ask. Everything. The Chinese are travelling more than ever! With a population of more than 1 billion, and growing, the Chinese are travelling as they’ve never done before; and Australia is at the top of their travel wish list. Many Chinese who have been to Australia before have seen Sydney—the Bridge, and Opera House—but haven’t seen Far North Queensland. This is mostly thanks to the natural disasters that have ripped through that region in recent years. So, with the commencement of a direct China to Cairns service, the Chinese now have the chance to easily access and explore Far North Queensland. Again, what does this have to do with Newcastle Airport?


Well, the Hunter and Port Stephens regions are well known by the Chinese market. They know about our whales, our dolphins, and our wine. And, they want to experience it all. This is where our airport comes in. With China Eastern bringing 700 passengers a week to Australia, it’s a viable option to host them here, in the Hunter, after they’ve had their Queensland holiday. These Chinese tourists could fly directly from Cairns to Newcastle. They could spend a couple of days in our region and transfer to Sydney to fly home. It’s a perfect solution that makes our region a ‘destination’, rather than a ‘day trip’. It would bring significant amounts of money to our region through spending on accommodation and meals alone. This is why we’re now lobbying airlines to start a Newcastle – Cairns service and why Cairns Airport has become a ‘big blip on our radar’.



ort Stephens Council has approved our development application to expand the terminal.

This approval gives us the green light to proceed with our plans as outlined in our Department of Defence-approved 20-year Master Plan. It’s exciting times. We now have approval to more than double the size of the existing terminal, which will increase our annual passenger capacity from 2 million to 5 million. The expansion, estimated at $80 million, will provide the infrastructure needed to allow for domestic passengers growth as well as provide the infrastructure needed to allow for international flights. Newcastle Airport has applied for $10 million from the Hunter Infrastructure and Investment Fund (HIIF) which, if successful, will contribute to phase one of the terminal expansion. More information is available on our blog: Airport_expansion_-_News


Issue 18

I had a one night stand with...



amie Green knows what it’s like to be out on his own, homeless with a business that just didn’t work. But Jamie had friends and family to get him out of that situation. Many people don’t. “This is what I realised when it happened to me. I had been starting up businesses since I was 17 and then in 2010, on my third start up, things went terribly wrong. I ended up sleeping on the floor of my failed café’s floor for six months before I decided to reach out for help. Some people don’t have this option,” Jamie said. “So I decided what I needed to do was help these people. I looked around at social work options and not for profits but I still, despite everything, had a passion for business and wanted to give it one more shot. This is how One Night Stand was born.” One Night Stand is a profit for purpose Australian based sleepwear brand. The business, which will officially launch this month, was created in Jamie’s living room. “I wanted to create something great so

in November last year to see how people responded to the idea. Our aim was to sell 100 bedroom tees through social media and word of mouth only. It worked, really well! And because the tees were a bit cheeky we had people posting their photos on instagram and sharing so before we knew it there were 1000 pics of our tees being shared around. So we are launching the official business this month,” Jamie said. “We are currently crafting products for you to sleep on, sleep in and strip off just to make the world a better place. “We will be launching a full range of winter sleepwear designed by a textile worker in Sydney with a stylish bohemian feel. We also manufacture our clothes in Sydney so everything is done in Australia including the making of all the fabrics. “And we will dedicate our profits to be invested in ventures that are working on solving the issues of homeless youth,” Jamie said. For your One Night Stand visit

WIN! WIN! WIN! instead of jumping in head first we trialled the idea with one design – our bed tees with the words ‘I had a one night stand with…’ and we launched a social media campaign

Inflight Publishing and One Night Stand are giving you the chance to win a bed tee. Email me at with ONE NIGHT STAND in the subject line and tell me who you want to see featured in our magazines. Entries close June 1. n

Win with Inflight

p SONOS PLAYBAR The Sonos PLAYBAR Wireless HiFi System delivers all the music on earth, in every room, with deep, richly textured sound. Add as many Sonos players as you want throughout your home, wirelessly. Play different songs in any room or the same song everywhere, in perfect sync. Search, browse and play your music with the free Sonos Controller Apps for Android, iPad, iPhone, Mac or PC. Stream nearly all the music in the world in highquality 320 kbps and even get personalized music. The PLAYBAR has a sophisticated all-in-one design, built-in sensors and gets its punch from nine individually amplified speakers, six mid-woofers and three tweeters that deliver crystal clear highfrequency detail. Visit >> RRP $999


Inflight Publishing and Sonos are giving away a Sonos PLAY3 Wireless Speaker, Sonos Bridge and 12 month MOG music streaming subscription. Stream all the music on earth throughout your home with a PLAY:3 wireless all-in-one multi-room speaker system, a Sonos BRIDGE connecting the system to your home, and a 12 month music subscription to MOG. MOG is the premium on-demand music service for web, mobile and your home that provides over 16 million high-quality songs to stream through your Sonos system. Email me at with SONOS in the subject line and tell me what type of music you can’t live without. Entries close June 1.

p FITBIT FLEX Fitbit, the global innovator and market leader in the connected health and fitness category, have recently announced their latest wireless activity tracker the Fitbit Flex. The Flex is a slim, stylish wristband that records steps taken, distance travelled, and calories burned. The LED screen offers immediate feedback on your progress throughout the day, encouraging you to get active. The Fitbit Flex also tracks how long and how well you sleep, giving you a better understanding of how to achieve better sleeping patterns. Flex uses Bluetooth 4.0 to sync your data automatically to your Fitbit dashboard using selected iPhone, iPad and on selected Android devices, or your computer – there are no buttons to push and nothing to plug in. Fitbit Flex is $119.95 and will be available in Harvey Norman and Apple Stores nationwide and at from June 2013.


Inflight Publishing and Fitbit are giving away 2 Fitbit Zip’s valued at $69.95. Email me at with FITBIT in the subject line and tell me why health and fitness is important to you. Entries close June 1. n

Issue 18



PICK product Editor’s note: Taste the Vanilla OOVIO ORGANIC TEAS Mint Sky, Whimsica Sydney-based Naturopath, Herbalist, Homeopath, Rose and Premium l Ea rl Grey. They are Organic Health, Food and Lifestyle Educator Anthia refreshing, delicious Koullouros has brought out her own brand of teas, herbs and smell amazing! and spices called OVViO Organics. OVViO ingredients are sourced sustainably from around the world, are 100% certified organic and free from artificial flavours and fragrances. Her products are pure, earthy and unadulterated with buds, seeds, leaves, flowers, fruits, pods, bark and twigs – the way nature intended. Tea blends from $16

VOLUMISING SPRAY Seven Wonders Volumizing Spray is quick and easy way to add some oomph to your hair. The spray contains certified organic Argan oil to improve the texture and enhance the shine of hair. Argan Oil hydrates and, with continued use, will repair and strengthen hair follicles bringing damaged hair back to life. The spray is free from sulphates and harsh chemicals such as parabens and works well on all hair types. Seven Wonders is an Australian natural hair care brand offering a range of salonnote: grade hair products, infused with Editor’s t body! organic ingredients. Talk abou y y made m This spra and fluffy ft hair feel so of body RRP $24.95. and full way!) (in a good


Issue 18

DERMA E People with sensitive skin needn’t fear winter with the launch of Derma e, a Vitamin E-packed natural skincare range scientifically proven to provide safe, effective skincare solutions for all skin types. Both Derma e Vitamin E Skin Oil and Vitamin E Crème work to prevent signs of distress in the skin and heal skin damage. The Vitamin E 14,000IU Skin Oil is ideal for scars, stretch marks and skin affected by the elements. note: Editor’s els soft, The Vitamin E 12,000IU Crème m fe ea cr is h T ells can be used on the face and ick and sm absorbs qu en convinced ev I e. the body and helps reduce the n a divi d to give it my husban loved it so I appearance of fine lines and e h d an y tr it is pretty wrinkles and promotes cell would say r men t fo ec rf pe revitalisation. en. and wom RRP $21.95 for both products OSCAR NATURAL Oscar Natural is a range of natural grooming products for men, including shaving oils and gels. Using natural ingredients to treat and prepare skin for a quality shave, Oscar de Vries has founded an all-Australian business that is poised to take on the big brands in the male grooming space. Set apart thanks to its great quality, sleek design and natural ethos, Oscar Natural should be on every man’s bathroom shelf. Oscar Natural Shaving Oil available in Sensitive and Moisturising from Coles, Priceline and airport pharmacies, RRP $7.99 for 15mL / RRP $9.99 for 30mL Oscar Natural Shaving Gel available in Sensitive and Moisturising from Woolworths and Drakes supermarkets, RRP $8.99 for 150mL Visit

UNITY GIFTS Unity Gifts has just released its new Box Signs Collection, featuring an array of modern sign boards emblazed with heartfelt sayings or humorous quotes. Choose from signs such as "Bring Back Common Sense", "It's Not A Hangover It's Wine Flu" to "I Found The Perfect Man...He Makes More Money Than I Can Spend". Unity Gift's Box Signs allow you to add your flair to any room in your home while also making it the perfect gift idea for the person who has it all. For stock list inquires call Unity Gifts on 1800 331 023. RRP start from only $14.95, with the larger signs being only $59.95.

Inflight Publishing is giving away a Kangaroo Island Eucalyptus skin care pack. Email me at Lahnee@inflightmagazine. with KANGAROO ISLAND in the subject heading and tell me what products you want to see in ‘Pick your Product’. Entries close June 1. n


MAINE BEACH Reward and pamper your skin with Maine Beach’s new nourishing and sensual Kangaroo Island Eucalyptus skin care range that pays homage to Australia’s natural heritage. Blended with freshly picked Kangaroo Island Eucalyptus leaves, crushed bush mint and a hint of ground spice, the extensive skin care range offers an uplifting assortment of botanical oils to counter the aging process. Double distilled in one of Australia’s oldest Eucalypt distilleries, the Island’s Eucalyptus oil is then infused with a floral bouquet of white rock orchid, lavender buds and ylang ylang blossom on a delicate base of vanilla pod and soft musk. Available in Body Cream, Hand and Body Wash, Body Scrub, Hand and Nail Crème, French Milled Soap, Body Mouse and beautiful gift sets. Visit RRP from $14.95

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Issue 18



ARNOLD IS BACK! S even time world bodybuilding champion, international movie star, successful businessman, property investor, philanthropist, environmentalist and the 38th Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger will hit Australian shores in June. Schwarzenegger, who was last in Australia in 1980 when he shocked the bodybuilding world to come out of retirement and win his then record breaking 7th Mr Olympia title at the Sydney Opera House, will be the headline speaker at Jamie McIntyre’s 21st Century Financial Education Summits in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne on June 12,13, and 14 respectively. These Summits have previously hosted Sir Richard Branson (2011) and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's sister Randi Zuckerberg (2012). 21st Century's Jamie McIntyre said he was proud

Arnold in The Last Stand, © Lionsgate Films.


Movie time!



Issue 18

With an all-star cast lead by Diane Keaton, Robert De Niro, Susan Sarandon and Robin Williams, The Big Wedding is a smart, witty and often outrageous comedy that gives an intimate view of a modern family through their highs and lows over a single weekend of celebration. Don and Ellie Griffin, long divorced, are suddenly thrown back together for the sake of their adopted son’s wedding when his very conservative biological mother decides to come in for the nuptials. The Griffin’s soon learn that acting the happily married couple is not so easy and especially awkward for Don’s girlfriend, Bebe. In the midst of these charades, the Griffin’s children face their own troubles as Lyla struggles with a secret, Jared contemplates his love life or lack thereof, and Alejandro tries to keep everyone together, including his new bride, Missy who is appeasing her parents by getting married by a priest in a traditional Catholic wedding.

May 23 – THE HANGOVER III From Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures comes The Hangover Part III, the third and final film in director Todd Phillips’ record-shattering comedy franchise. This time, there’s no wedding. No bachelor party. What could go wrong, right? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all bets are off.

The daring new movie from the director of Blue Valentine, The Place Beyond the Pines is a sweeping emotional drama powerfully exploring the unbreakable bond between fathers and sons. Luke (Ryan Gosling) is a high-wire motorcycle stunt performer who travels with the carnival from town to town. While passing through Schenectady in upstate New York, he tries to reconnect with a former lover, Romina (Eva Mendes), only to learn she has given birth to their son Jason in his absence. Luke decides to give up life on the road to try and provide for his newfound family by taking a job as a car mechanic. Noticing Luke’s ambition and talents, his employer Robin (Ben Mendelsohn) proposes to partner with Luke in a string of spectacular bank robberies – which will place Luke on the radar of ambitious rookie cop Avery Cross (Bradley Cooper).

May 30 – THE GREAT GATSBY The Great Gatsby follows Fitzgerald-like, would-be writer Nick Carraway as he leaves the Midwest and comes to New York City in the spring of 1922, an era of loosening morals, glittering jazz, bootleg kings, and sky-rocketing stocks. Chasing his own American Dream Nick lands next door to a mysterious, party-giving millionaire Jay Gatsby, and across the bay from his cousin Daisy and her philandering, blue-blooded husband Tom Buchanan. It is thus that Nick is drawn into the captivating world of the super-rich, their illusions, loves and deceits. As Nick bears witness to the world he inhabits, he pens a tale of impossible love, incorruptible dreams and high-octane tragedy.

21st Century’s Jamie McIntyre speaking with Arnold. Photo courtesy Daniel Kumnick.

INFLIGHT CHATS TO ARNIE ABOUT SUCCESS: During his only media conference Inflight Publishing was selected to submit a question to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Here’s what we asked.

to be hosting Arnold Schwarzenegger. “The 21st Century Financial Education Summit features world renowned speakers, authors, trainers and coaches,” Jamie said. “The sole purpose of the Summit is to empower attendees to accelerate their life or business to the next level and to live the life of their dreams. “Arnold is one of the world's most successful men; a genuine high achiever reaching the top in four different spheres bodybuilding, business, acting and politics. He is remarkable. “Arnold embodies everything that the Financial Education Summit is all about. “He is motivated, inspirational, an achiever against all odds. How incredible that a young man from a small village in Austria could by the age of 21 have moved to Los Angeles and been crowned Mr Universe; and within five years become the greatest bodybuilder of all time; and within 10 years a millionaire from business; and within 20 years the world’s biggest movie star; and then 36 years later elected Governor of California, the seventh largest economy in the world.” With a career spanning 46 years and reaching the higher echelons in sport, film and politics, Governor Schwarzenegger was the youngest person ever to win the Mr Universe title before becoming the world’s most recognisable all American action hero in films that include Last Action Hero, True Lies, End Of Days and the hugely popular Terminator trilogy. His movies have grossed more than$3 billion. Schwarzenegger himself said he was really excited about visiting Australia in June. ”Australia is one of my favourite countries in the world and the people there are always so friendly and welcoming,” he said. “Sydney will always be special for me as it’s the city that I won the title of Mr Olympia


for the final time.” After accomplishing numerous feats and being one of California’s most effective marketing tools, Schwarzenegger left office in 2011 and co-founded the R20 Regions of Climate Action, a global nonprofit dedicated to helping subnational governments develop, implement, and communicate the importance of low-carbon and climate resilient projects as well as their economic benefits. In December 2012 he was recognised as a 2012 Global Advocate by the United Nations Correspondents Association for his work with the organisation. On a totally different level, Schwarzenegger released his long-awaited autobiography, Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story in 2012 and released his recent film The Last Stand in January this year. To watch Arnie speak alongside other well-known inspirational figures such as boxing legend Danny Green, prosperity activist Pat Mesiti, ex NBA champion, speaker, mentor and visionary Eric Bailey, founder and CEO of Financial Freedom Institute Nik Halik and founder of over 12 different companies Jamie McIntyre himself, visit n

A. Arnold Schwarzenegger: You have to have a vision of where you want to go and what you want to do. You could have the best ship or the best plane in the world but if it takes off and doesn’t know where its going, it’s not going to end up anywhere. So what I always say is that the most important thing is to get in touch with what you want to accomplish and set high goals and just go for it. And always have this vision in front of you. Because the key thing is if you struggle or need to overcome obstacles you ask yourself the question ‘why am I doing this?’ When you have the vision in front of you it makes it easier because you know why you are doing it. I have never questioned myself about why I am doing this, because I always saw in front of me standing on the pedestal, receiving the big trophy, winning the Mr Universe. And because of that I was always looking forward to the next squat, the next hundred push-ups, the next hundred sit-ups. I was never thinking ‘oh my god I have to go to the gym’, I looked forward to going because I knew it would get me one step closer to turning my vision into reality. So for me, envisioning your goal is the most important thing in becoming successful. Your editor Lahnee will be traveling to Melbourne to meet Arnie and attend the 21st Century Financial Summit in June. Stay tuned for photos and check out the web conference with Arnold on our YouTube channel

Issue 18



Schools Expo

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Discover who you can be Knox offers the highest quality education balanced with independent living, ‘whole of life’ programs and superb boarding facilities in a caring, community environment. Come and see us at  toCal 3-5 may  boarding sChools expo  dubbo 17-18 may  griffith 14-15 June  tamworth 26-27 July Head of Enrolments, Martin Gooding (02) 9473 9768,


Issue 18

The benefits of boarding C

hoosing the school that best suits a child’s needs is one of the toughest decisions many families make. The decision is often tougher if it involves boarding school and when the schools in consideration are many hours from your home and spread across the countryside. Now in its ninth year, the Boarding Schools Expo was established by Narromine mother Meg Bennett after she moved her children to the country, only to be faced with the emotionally draining and time consuming task of choosing the right schools for them. As well as annual expo events in major regional centres, where families can meet senior representatives of leading schools from NSW, Victoria and the ACT in person, the Expo offers a comprehensive website to support families in the decision-making process. “Boarding schools recognise the need to offer more than just quality education these days. They appreciate that families want to balance the competing demands of a supportive educational environment with opportunities for co-curricular activities,” Mrs Bennett said. “Among the key benefits of a boarding school environment is the opportunity to learn in a structured and caring environment, with access to the latest technology and support from teachers and other staff.” From her experience Mrs Bennett believes that boarding school students are encouraged to be self-reliant and to appreciate the importance of community.

“They also have the chance to build strong friendships in a caring environment that gives them a sense of belonging and community spirit,” she said. “A good school will bring out honesty and goodness in your child and encourage them to achieve to the best of their ability.” When choosing a school, parents are encouraged to start by thinking about all the aspects of the school experience and consider what is important to the child whether their talent is in sport, creative arts or academic pursuits. While there are various lists showing how schools perform, their past and present students are usually their best advertisement. It’s also helpful to talk to students and their families to get a feel for what a school is really like, based on first-hand experience. By bringing the leading schools to major centres in regional NSW and Victoria where they are all under one roof, the Expo gives your family the chance to discuss your educational needs directly with representatives of the school. Schools taking part in the Boarding Schools Expo showcase the exceptional opportunities they have to offer, including full-time and weekly boarding, high academic standards, access to modern technology, a caring and supporting academic and boarding environment and a wide range of co-curricular activities. Admission to the Expo is free and all are welcome, especially your children.

Expo Dates Boarding Schools Expo – Deniliquin 2013 Deniliquin RSL, 72 End Street, Deniliquin Friday May 3, 12.30pm – 6.00pm Saturday May 4, 9.30am – 3.00pm Boarding Schools Expo – Dubbo 2013 Dubbo Convention Centre, 155 Darling Street, Dubbo Friday May 17, 12.30pm – 6.00pm Saturday May 18, 9.30am – 3.00pm Boarding Schools Expo – Griffith 2013 The Yoogali Club, 647 Mackay Avenue, Griffith Friday June 14, 12.30pm – 6.00pm Saturday June 15, 9.30am – 3.00pm Boarding Schools Expo – Tamworth 2013 Memorial Townhall, Fitzroy Street, Tamworth Friday July 26, 12.30pm – 6.00pm Saturday July 27, 9.30am – 3.00pm

Issue 18



Richard Porter talks about his boarding school experience BY ELEANOR FALKINER, BOARDING SCHOOLS EXPO What boarding school did you go to? St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill, NSW What was your best experience at Boarding School? One of the best experiences I had whilst at Joey’s was a week-long excursion for Year 11 Agriculture to a classmates farm at Coolac. The Graham’s welcomed about 15 of us onto their sheep and cattle property and into their home. It was great to see a farm in a different part of the world (much greener and hillier than Hay) and the experience was very much hands on with calf and lamb marking, drenching, injections and a very memorable experience of testing a group of bulls’ mounting capacity. I think the main point to make is how generous the Joey’s community was in helping the students’ progress themselves. There was a lot of behind the scenes work that went into the trip from teachers and obviously the host family themselves – and it was all to our benefit. What is your favourite memory from Boarding School? I think my best memories of Joey’s are around the dorms and the sports ovals

with mates. I think the one thing that everyone takes away from a boarding school like Joey’s is a great group of friends (I was living in a house with two Joey’s boys until I moved over to Europe) What are you doing now? At the start of October I moved to Geneva, Switzerland to start a trading traineeship with Louis Dreyfus Commodities. I’ll be here for the next 12 months and then who knows, the company has offices all over the world! Has anything you learnt at boarding school helped you with your current career? I think one important lesson you learn at boarding school, probably more than anywhere else, is how to live with a diverse group of people. Working with people in the office, on the phone and over email all day, people skills and tolerance are very important, both of which you pick up through boarding. Any advice for young kids going to boarding school? Keep busy. Throw yourself into all the sport, study and extra-curricular activities you can! n

Joel Smith talks about his boarding school experience BY ELEANOR FALKINER, BOARDING SCHOOLS EXPO


Issue 18

1. What boarding school did you go to? I attended Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School in Tamworth from 2001 to 2006 2. What was your best experience at Boarding School? I think the best memories and experiences all involve the mateships built up over the six years at Farrer. The sporting events and the end of year outdoor scheme events which took us over the states were memorable. 3. What are you doing now? I am currently employed as a helicopter mustering pilot at HeliMuster NT which is based at Victoria River Downs approximately 400kms south west of Katherine in the Northern Territory.

4. Has anything you learnt at boarding school helped you with your current career? The agricultural side of Farrer gave me the background knowledge and the skills to pursue a career in agriculture. 5. Any advice for young kids going to boarding school? The Farrer boarding experience is one I will never forget although at the beginning it was a major change, the mates and experiences gathered over the years is something that I think has contributed to who I am as a person today. For anyone looking to attend boarding school I say go for it the mates and good times will stay with you forever and maybe a little education as well. n


Wenona boarder Brigid McNamara of Year 10


hat do Wenona boarders enjoy most about their time at the North Sydney day and boarding school? The feeling of a home away from home and a world of opportunity. Wenona boarder Brigid McNamara of Goulburn, who is in Year 10, said she loved living with a big supportive family of sisters. “It’s great; we all have fun while being able to focus on the great academic, sport and musical opportunities available,” she said. “We love Wenona too,” her mother Patricia said. “It’s a really lovely experience for Brigid. When we put her back on the bus back to school she is all smiles, and the smiles are genuine.” Boarding numbers are limited to 50 at the independent and nondenominational school, established in North Sydney in 1886. Boarders from remote, rural and regional Australia are welcome at Wenona, where they quickly become part of Sydney and the wider world. New boarders are helped to feel at home through Wenona’s Big Sister Little Sister program and group outings such as rock climbing, surfing, and walks down the hill to Luna Park or across the Sydney Harbour Bridge to the Rocks. Boarders regularly take part in Wenona’s service learning activities, volunteering in Vanuatu, Indochina and Tanzania, as well as locally. For example, a number of boarders recently joined up with day girls, forming teams to help Wenona raise $75,000 in the 18-hour 2013 NSW Cancer Council’s North Shore Relay for Life, helping fight cancer. Former boarder Paige Taylor (2012), now studying Arts Law at the University of Sydney on a scholarship, was one of two Wenona students to achieve top marks of 99.95. A third of her class had ATARs above 95, and half had ATARs above 90, but high marks were not their only goal. “One of the best things about coming to Wenona in Year 7 was all the opportunities to be involved in sport and the community,” Paige said. “I really enjoyed participating in snowsports, netball and cross country and taking part in the Vanuatu Service Learning Trip in 2009. “As a boarder, I went to Wenona’s Evening Study Centre every night and made the most of my great teachers who were always happy to give extra help. I really liked the small boarding community at Wenona. Everyone knew each other and had friends in different years.” Wenona Principal Dr Briony Scott said Wenona's boarders had always been a really important part of making Wenona “extraordinary”. “In our earlier years, it was the country boarders who helped bring new ideas and experiences into our school, broadening the worlds of the city girls, and vice versa,” Dr Scott said. "These days, it is no different, except that we have boarders from even further afield, such as China and France as well as from Lord Howe Island, Darwin, Bombala and Dubbo, for example. "At Wenona, we are very aware of the importance of education for women everywhere in the world. Our vision is to educate and empower young women in a global learning community, to serve and shape their world. Visit for more information. n

WENONA Celebrating excellence in girls’ education since 1886 Join our global learning community, empowering young women to serve and shape their world.

Residential Program Find out more about our caring community and impressive results. Visit, email or telephone +61 (02) 9955 3000 to book a tour. Wenona School, 176 Walker Street, North Sydney @Wenona_School

Issue 18



with RUN Property I

nvestors Tim and Nadia Land have been gifted $45,000 and an extra $70 a week in rent by a smart investment which has rocketlaunched their property portfolio. The young couple bought a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment at Westmead near Parramatta in Sydney off the plan for $385,000 and by the time they settled on the property last year the value had grown to $430,000. And the rent estimated at $370 a week had jumped to $440 when the first tenants moved in. “We couldn’t have anticipated it working out as well as it has,” Mr Land said. Their success is typical of investors who focus on strong capital growth, high rental yields and dedicated property management offered by RUN Property, Australia’s largest metropolitan

real estate agency. RUN is a full service estate agent, which offers conventional property sales and marketing services, investment sales and rental property management. RUN manages properties valued at more than $10 billion in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and has a proven track record in matching the needs of individual property buyers with investments that out-perform the market. RUN has investment partners that cherry pick the most outstanding residential investments in Australia, many of which are offered to clients before their public release. As property managers, RUN focuses on maximising rental returns, minimising vacancies and maintaining high quality tenancies that

make investment easy for property owners. As an industry leader in the use of technology, RUN has invested millions of dollars in internet and mobile phone technology that puts every detail of an investor’s portfolio at their fingertips. RUN CEO Rob Farmer said staff were selected because they were passionate about property which flowed through to helping clients make smart property decisions. “We help landlords to make tens of thousands of dollars by showing them how to renovate for profit, boost their rent and attract the best tenants in a hassle-free way because we do all the work,” Mr Farmer said. Visit


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Issue 18

13/06/12 2:35 PM




avalia: A Magical Encounter between Human and Horse gallops down under for first time in 2013. When you enter the world of Cavalia you enter a place where horse and human are as one and where colour, creativity, creation and camaraderie come together. The entire show draws you in and keeps you until the final bow. Brisbane played host to the premiere season but Cavalia is galloping in to NSW from May 15 – 26. The grand-scale multi-media and multidisciplinary production was created by one of the co-founders of Cirque du Soleil, Normand Latourelle. Enjoyed by some 3.5 million people across North America and Europe, Cavalia is a lavish production involving 50 magnificent horses and featuring 42 riders, aerialists, acrobats, dancers and musicians from all over the world. Founder and Artistic Director Normand Latourelle said the art of Cavalia was truly a universal language. “Cavalia celebrates the relationship between humans and horses,” he said. “In Cavalia, horses cavort with the many artists in front of a constantly changing digital background projected onto a 60 metre-wide screen drawing spectators into dream-like virtual environments.” Unlike traditional horse shows, Cavalia’s audience faces a single 50 metre-wide stage

which allows the horses space to gallop at full speed, at times running completely free, unfettered by bridles or halters. Cavalia bareback, tricks and dressage performer Katie Cox said the show was unlike anything else she had been involved in. “Most of the artists in Cavalia have had a passion for horses since the very beginning,” she said. “Cavalia is different from most other shows involving horses because the focus really is on the bond between horse and rider. It is not just a circus where you come to watch the horses

do tricks, you come to experience the beautiful interactions between human and horse. “As a performer, because you are not riding in the normal fashion, you have to have a special connection with your horse because they learn to recognise your voice, the sounds you make, movements and gestures and there is a huge amount of trust between you and the horse.” Cavalia Roman rider and tricks performer Fairland Ferguson said when you had a job that incorporated your passion and your skills it was a real blessing. “Working on Cavalia is exactly that for me a blessing. I get to combine a love of horses and a love of performing,” she said. “And as an audience member you really get the feel of how much the horses are loved. “Cavalia is so different because we invite the audience in and show them just how much we value the connections we have with the horses. “There are two different VIP tickets you can purchase where you can actually go backstage after the show and interact with the horses. It’s a special experience to be up close with them like that.” And even if you don’t have a love of horses, Cavalia offers something special for everyone. Tickets for Cavalia are priced from $39.00 to $155.00. Special pricing is available for children (2-12), juniors (13-17), senior citizens (65+) and for groups. Visit for more information. n

Issue 18


a little magic


nter a world of wonder where heroes and hearts prevail when Disney On Ice presents Princesses & Heroes tours Australia this winter. This spectacular ice production featuring eight of our most loved Disney Princesses and their devoted Princes, with breathtaking skating, daring acrobatics, high flying jumps, and lovable Disney friends is just a wish away! Produced by Feld Entertainment, Disney On Ice presents Princesses & Heroes will open in Adelaide on June 14 and travel to Newcastle, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Perth until July 21. Principal skater Cecilia Bierich of Sweden, but better know to the crowds as Peter Pans faithful sidekick Tinkerbell, had a chat to Inflight Publishing about why she loves to skate in Disney on Ice. Following in her brother and sister’s footsteps, Cecilia laced up her first pair of skates at age four and quickly took to the sport. She has now been skating with Disney on Ice for three years and loves every moment of it. “Growing up I loved all the Disney movies and I would watch them over and over again,” Cecilia said. “I´ve always loved the movie Beauty and The


Issue 18

Beast but I think I loved the characters Ariel and Jasmine a little more, mostly because of their outfits. “In this show I am actually portraying the role of the little pixie fairy, Tinkerbell, but I think she sees herself as a princess too so it´s a lot of fun. “To learn the role I studied videos and practiced the characteristic movements and attitude of Tinkerbell.” Cecilia currently tours with Disney On Ice presents Princesses & Heroes and has travelled around Europe, South America and the U.S. with the production, leaving audiences with lasting memories. Join Ariel as she yearns to explore the

world above the waves and Prince Eric as he breaks Ursula’s slithering spell to reclaim his one true love. See Prince Philip defeat the evil Maleficent as she transforms herself into a fire-breathing dragon in a race against time to rescue Sleeping Beauty’s Aurora. Be there to discover a whole new world with Jasmine and Aladdin. And, watch in awe as the dreams of Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, Rapunzel and Tiana all come true! Purchase tickets from Ticketek; 132 849 or Tickets start from $28.50. Visit for more information. n

factbox 2013 National Tour Dates Adelaide - Adelaide Entertainment Centre Newcastle - Newcastle Entertainment Centre Brisbane - Brisbane Entertainment Centre Melbourne - Hisense Arena, Melbourne Sydney - Allphones Arena, Sydney Olympic Park Perth - Perth Arena

14 - 16 June 20 - 23 June 27 - 30 June 4 - 8 July 10 - 14 July 19 - 21 July



anadian singer-songwriters Tegan And Sara will return to Australia this April and May for a run of headline dates, alongside the already announced Groovin’ The Moo festival. When the identical twins first came to our attention with their canny pop smarts about 14 years ago, they were a brash young indie outfit. Oh how things have changed. These days Tegan And Sara are well and truly entrenched in the big leagues, having sold nearly a million career albums and having shared stages around the world with bands like The Killers and Neil Young. Their music has grown organically to the point where – while still adored by their underground early adopters – they’ve gained a whole new following in the pop realm, their timeless and heartfelt music connecting with people of all ages, scenes and demographics. Q. You have played countless shows around the world how many times have you been to Australia to perform? A. I think we have been to Australia close to 10 times now.

Q. How do you feel about coming back? A. We have this crazy Canadian love of Australia and we are really excited to visit this time because we will have a few extra days to look around. We love the beaches, the cities, and the architecture. And traveling with the Groovin’ The Moo festival we actually get to visit a lot of regional towns like Townsville, Bunbury, Maitland, Canberra, Bendigo; so it’s great to get a clearer view of what Australia is all about. Q. You have been recording music and performing for more than 14 years, what inspires you to keep going? A. With each new record we come up with goals, what we want to achieve and places we want to explore and so each record is a bit different and our inspirations are a bit different. With Heartthrob we decided to explore mainstream music a bit more and we pushed the sound towards pop rather than indie so this meant more radio time, bigger shows, larger venues and this is exciting for us.

Q. Your new album Heartthrob has a bit of a different sound, what was the inspiration behind this album? A. A lot of our previous albums have been a bit self-loathing, full of breakup songs and they played a big part in capturing our coming of age. We were younger when we did these albums, now being in our early 30’s we process things differently so our songs are evolving and this album has a more nostalgic, happy in love feel to it. We wanted it to be more upbeat, you can listen to this album and see these songs as inspiration to empower yourself. It’s a more mature record. Q. You have performed with some big names, who has been your favourite person or group to share the stage with? A. We have toured with a lot of people over the last 14 years and shared the stage with some incredible artists. I think a favourite for me was Cindy Lauper – that was pretty amazing and a bit of a school girl dream for me. But bands like The Killers and The Black Keys are so great to tour with and every person we have played with has been an awesome experience for us. Q. What can fans expect from your Australian tour this time? A. They can expect a diverse show with a heap of our older hits and a 9 song medley of some of the old stuff, also a heap of the new songs. I think fans are going to have a lot of fun! Visit for tickets. n

Issue 18


48 HOURS IN...

4 8 H OU R S

Vegas IN...





ith only 48 hours to spare you want to visit a place where you can fit in as much, yet as little, as possible. You want a hint of romance, a touch of relaxation, a dash of entertainment and a nip of fun. So…Viva Las Vegas!


Issue 18

Ok maybe not Vegas, but as close as we can get here in Aus. Last month my husband and I needed a break so we spent a wonderful weekend at Jupiters Hotel and Casino on the Gold Coast. From the moment you step inside the building it is easy to forget you are just minutes from Surfers Paradise and

it seems reasonable to think you have just entered one of the casinos in sin city itself. A 30 minute drive from the Gold Coast Airport at Coolangatta or a one hour drive from Brisbane Airport, this might be one of the reasons why Jupiters is perfect for a 48 hour stopover.

DAY 1: Check in: Not your usual reception area where you step inside the building and voila… the reception desk is waiting in front of you. Instead, at Jupiters you get your first taste of the casino before you have even checked in. A walk up a carpeted staircase, or quick ride in the lift, and we were overlooking the foyer, the bars, and the casino itself. A few minutes later our trip had officially begun. Room service: We were booked into a room on Level 11 of 21 floors. A refurbishment in 2008 meant the rooms were fresh, modern and extremely comfortable. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised. In my experience, hotels with so many rooms, and this one has 592 in total, can sometimes fall below scratch. I had been here less than an hour and Jupiters just kept on surprising me! A (big) bite to eat: We arrived rather late in the day so it wasn’t long before we were heading back down the lift to grab some dinner. And when you are hungry, there really is only one place to go at Jupiters and that is The PA, or The Prince Albert, where supersize was the word of the night. At The PA you get a twist on traditional pubstyle food. And when I say twist, I mean the servings are massive, delicious and inspired by American feasts. We chowed down our meals with a beer; Pablo had an old favourite chicken parmy while I went for salt and pepper squid, while watching some live big screen sport. A man’s kind of heaven I would say. Bit of rhythm: We were lucky enough during our visit to catch the premiere of Mayumana’s Momentum; an internationally acclaimed stage show spectacular that uses dance, music and movement to explore the relationships between rhythm, time and synchronicity. Walking the red carpet down flights of stairs to Jupiters Theatre, which reopened in April last year after a $20 million redevelopment, we felt like stars. Cameras snapped our movements and the champagne was flowing. We took our seats, just 5 rows from the stage, and settled in for 90 minutes of mesmerising music, thumping dance moves and a clever mix of movement and sound.

Take a look: After breakfast, which lasted a good hour or so, we decided to set off on a little exploration of the property. Jupiters Casino is open 24 hours a day, has more than 100 gaming tables and 1,400 gaming machines. But even if you are not much into the gambling side of things, you could easily fill your days here without stepping foot into the casino itself. The new state-of-the-art Jupiters Theatre caters for up to 2150 people and boasts modern technology and architecture including a second balcony level, VIP hospitality rooms for pre and post event functions, purpose-built integrated movie projection booth and a high-tech surround sound system. And there are performances on every night! If you get thirsty or hungry, there are more than 10 bars and eateries, plus in room dining if you don’t feel like getting out of bed. Each of the bars has live entertainment at night and cocktails to die for. Recreational facilities include swimming pools and 2 spas integrated into the lush gardens, a gymnasium, massage services, hair and beauty salons, a games room, shopping facilities and tennis courts giving you plenty to do without even leaving the island.

Downtime: Workout out the way, swim in the pool and plans for a big night ahead meant it was time for a rest. Take a page out of our book and use this time to take a nap, watch some in-house movies or head back down to the pool level for a massage. It’s your time off so enjoy it! Vivo Italia: There are not many occasions these days that allow for women to don long flowing dresses or the men to suit up so take advantage of the Jupiters atmosphere and go all out! And when you are eating your dinner in a restaurant as rustically beautiful as Osteria Vivo, an Italian extravaganza of mouth-watering options, you wouldn’t be doing the night justice without looking your best. To sum up the dining here, it is deceptively simple cooking with the purest of ingredients and incredible flavour. Washed down with a glass (or two) of Moet and you have a dining experience to rival most others. We dined over 2 hours on bruschetta; perfectly fluffy seasonal garlic, ruccola, margarit pizza; wild mushroom risotto; porcini mushroom crusted fillet of beef with handmade ricotta gnocchi. And if you do choose to dine at Osteria Viva, make sure you try the cinnamon zeppole and chocolate anglaise and classic tiramisu with chocolate espresso beans for dessert. Yumm! Roll the dice: For a guaranteed great night out, head to one of Jupiters Hotel & Casino’s eight bars complete with extensive beverage lists and a fantastic line-up of live entertainment including stand-up comedy and bands. Or try your luck in the casino. Whatever you do be sure to start out by taste testing the tequila cocktails in the Atrium Bar – they are delicious!

DAY 2: Food fantasy: I can’t remember the last time I got to sleep in until 8am! And still know that I could take another 2 hours to waddle on down to breakfast before the “Food Fantasy” that awaited me was packed down for the morning. Although we called it a rather early night after the show, a big buffet breakfast was still on the cards. Everything from muffins and pastries to fresh chef cooked omelettes, waffles, crispy bacon, fruit and even a juicer was sprawled ‘tastefully’ across the restaurant.

under. So after a workout this was the perfect way to cool down, catch some rays and unwind.

Work it out: After a tour of the property we decided to do the ‘right thing’ and get in a workout. So we went down to the gym. This is not your average hotel gym. This is an actual gym; with classes and all. So if you want to work off some of the food you have scoffed down, this is the perfect way to spend an hour or so in the afternoon before a well-deserved rest. Fancy a dip: One cannot go past the allure of the pools and spas at Jupiters. They even have fountains to play

DAY 3: Bye bye: After spending some time in Las Vegas (the real one in the USA) we were surprised to find just how much Jupiters reminded us of that trip. The atmosphere was electric, the foyers always busy and whether it is 3am or 3pm there is something happening. But the time had come to check out of Jupiters and check back in to reality. Jupiters we will see you again soon. n

Issue 18


A tropical A

fter a crazy airport trip – running late, getting lost in the terminal – the usual stuff, tension was a little high sitting in our seats waiting for the plane to soar into Proserpine. But the minute you do start flying over the Whitsunday Coast, when you see the lush green mountains rising up from the sea and the coral colours of the ocean, you instantly slip into the relaxation zone. We were spending two nights at the Boathaven Spa Resort in Airlie Beach where the rooms were huge; we were on the top floor with two bedrooms and a double spa bath on the balcony looking out over the ocean, the islands and the new Port of Airlie which was directly across the road. We took some time to explore Airlie’s Main Street that afternoon, had a swim in the pool before heading out to Denman Cellars and Beer Café for dinner.


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Which ‘way’ do you choose on Hamilton?

Unique in its concept, Denman’s boasts a bottle shop and cellar inside, a café/restaurant outside and about 700 beers to choose from. The menu is tapas, and the culinary choices reflect the surroundings – fresh seafood, tender steak – all served on flat slate plates and with a recommended beer, cider or wine

to accompany them. There are beers and ciders from all over the world. After standing in front of the beer fridge for about 20 minutes (you can go inside and pick your own from the fridge or have table service) I gave up and asked the waiter for his recommendation. In the end I took a

“Dr Rum made the best mojito I have ever had. And the food really was ‘D’vine’.”


journey to Cambodia with a Pilsner and Pablo, my husband, visited Austria with a hoppy beer. We followed that with a toffee apple cider and a Spanish beer. Bellies full, it was back to the resort for a spa. The next day was a little more action packed – in fact it was extreme. We were booked on the Daydream Extreme Jet Ski Tour with Whitsundays Jetski Tours. I jumped on the back as a ‘professional passenger’ and let Pablo take the wheel, or handlebars, as we pushed our way into 1.5 metre swells through the Whitsundays Passage to Daydream Island. It was exhilarating! We were jumping over waves, hooning through the ocean with sea spray drenching us and neither of us could take the smiles off our faces. The trip out was about 25km and then we spent two hours on Daydream which included lunch and a live reef encounter where we fed manta rays and held a shark!

25 more km bashing through choppy seas and we were back on dry land – the smile was still there. That night it was off for a drink, or two, at some of Airlie’s best bars including Fish D’vine and Rum Bar where Dr Rum made the best mojito I have ever had. And the food there, prawn wontons with Asian dipping sauce, oysters Kilpatrick and prawn cutlets really was ‘D’vine’. The next morning it was time to check out, and say goodbye to the spa which I had become quite accustomed too, and set off to the Great Barrier Reef with Cruise Whitsundays. We were on board the vessel Seaflight for a three hour cruise out to the Reefworld Pontoon at Hardy’s reef. It was magical – the colours of green and blue, the kind of seascape you see in the brochures, this is what you arrive to. We had about 4 hours on the pontoon so we jumped straight in for a snorkel swimming side by side with an array of colourful fish including huge Queensland Gropers, parrot fish (my favourite) and even a sea turtle. The visibility was great and the marine life so vibrant. After the snorkel it was a big buffet lunch then a sunbake before I indulged in a half hour massage on the top deck of the pontoon. There is something so peaceful about having a massage with the fresh sea air on your face. On the way back in to shore we were dropped off at Hamilton Island where we spent the next two nights at the Reef View Hotel. It was beautiful and the views couldn’t have been better; from our room on the 15th floor we woke to sweeping vistas out over Hamilton Island, the beach, the resort and the glistening ocean. On our first evening we were treated to what can only be described as an open aired food extravaganza at the islands newest restaurant coca chu. Headed up by Adam Woodfield, previously of New York’s Manhattan restaurant Betel, coca chu delivers a completely unique offering of modern Southeast Asian cuisine and the restaurant overlooks picturesque Catseye Beach.

The meals at coca chu were enjoyed as a banquet where everyone dug in to taste test the bold flavours. Must-try dishes include a starter of son in law eggs with sweet yellow bean sauce and green mango, and my favourite, twice cooked half duck with plum tamarind sauce, lemon and prickly-ash. Yum! The next morning on board Hamilton Island’s famous buggy’s we explored the island. There is nothing quite like cruising around on these golf buggy’s – we did about five full round trips of the island, during the day and night and had a ball! From the marina to the chapel, Yacht Club Villas to the islands most exclusive accommodation, Qualia, we explored everything – and why not, there is so much to see. We were even welcomed with a chilled glass of Charles Heidsieck Champagne at Qualia’s Long Pavilion, which looked more like a setting in a scene from a James Bond movie where you see the blue waters from the edge pool seemingly flowing over into the ocean below, your view flanked by mountains on all sides. The yellow, blues and browns of the Qualia décor finished off the scene perfectly. Guests at Qualia have exclusive use of two qualia restaurants, both overseen by Executive Chef Alastair Waddell. The rooms, or pavilions, are well worth the price tag with a selection of pavilions boasting a private plunge pool and views to rival any other. Although we were not staying at Qualia, we enjoyed soaking up the atmosphere for a while before heading back to our resort for a lazy swim in the pool. It was happy hour so margaritas and mojitos were on the cards. I don’t know what it is about sunbaking under swaying palm trees by a shimmering pool with a cocktail in your hand that just makes everything seem peaceful and the time tick by slower. That night, although the wind had picked up, we set out once again in our buggy to One Tree Hill, a place high on the hill that promised one of the best sunset views on the island. We were not disappointed. Cocktail in hand (again) we watched the sun rays beam down from the darkening clouds and seep into the deep blue ocean – after 40 minutes the mountains ate up what was left of the orange circle in the sky and we head off to dinner at Manta Ray Café for one of their famous pizzas. Waking the next morning we knew it was that time; time to enjoy one last buffet breakfast at the Pool Terrace Restaurant and check out. But not before a hit of mini golf (which I won!) and a quick cuddle with one of Australia’s favourite friends – a koala. At the Wildlife Park you can have breakfast with these cute creatures and then give one of the resident koalas a cuddle while you pose for a photo. As for my koala, Elvis was his name and taking over the world with his cuteness was his game – I was so excited that I threw all my extra coins in the donation tin after the cuddle. And then it was off to the airport and back to normality. n

Issue 18




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Tempt your tastebuds


f you can picture yourself sitting by the fire with a glass of wine or indulging in a feast at a gourmet restaurant, Hunter Valley Wine & Food Month should be on your to-do list. This much-anticipated annual event showcases the region’s diverse wine and food culture with a month-long series of themed activities throughout June. Hunter Valley Wine & Food Month is the perfect antidote to cure those winter blues. It provides you with a chance to wine and dine with leading Hunter Valley winemakers and chefs, take part in an array of fun and interactive classes to fine-tune your culinary skills or, if you’re after a relaxing experience, simply curl up beside an open fire with a glass of premium Hunter Valley wine and a cheese plate. This year Hunter Chefs & Co will hold its legendary Food Fight pitting the culinary skills of the Hunter Valley’s ‘Masters’ against the region’s ‘Young Guns’. Bruce Tyrrell, fourth generation Hunter Valley winemaker and self-professed bon vivant said Hunter Valley Wine & Food Month provided the perfect excuse to get family and friends together and celebrate with incredible food matched with a few bottles of wine Below is a sample of activities on offer: WINTER WARMERS A series of comforting, indulgent experiences set by an open fire in our guest houses, cellar doors and restaurants, and the perfect way to relax on a cool winter’s day. CHEF’S PLATE LUNCHES Supported by Hunter Chefs & Co, and new to the program of events in 2013, Chef’s Plate Lunches offers foodies the chance to enjoy a set price lunch at some of the Hunter Valley’s


Issue 18

Photos courtesy Chris Elfes.

guests the opportunity to get an in-depth understanding of the various attributes of Hunter Valley wine. This includes master classes, vertical tastings, museum tastings and specialised tours of vineyards. THE EDIBLE EXPERIENCE This is an opportunity for guests to meet leading producers and chefs as they show off their skills and dish up creative gourmet fare that highlight the Hunter Valley’s fresh regional produce. Enjoy olive oil tastings, cheese tastings, perfectly matched wine and food, special degustation menus, wine dinners, tasting plates, local produce menus/dish of the day and much more.

best restaurants. For just $39, diners can enjoy a main meal and a glass of Hunter Valley wine. THE WINEMAKER'S TABLE SERIES The ultimate Hunter Valley food and wine experience, where guests join leading Hunter Valley winemakers in an intimate setting of no more than 20 guests at the Winemaker's Table. This series of lunches and dinners is hosted by the winemaker, and the chef joins the table for a short time to talk guests through the menu. PURE WINE INDULGENCE An array of events hosted by winemakers and wine educators in small groups, giving

CLASS IS IN For those who want to explore their inner foodie and top up their skills in a handson masterclass. You can learn how cheese is made, what to look for in a quality olive oil, how to match cheese & wine; meet the makers and go home with new recipes and tips to impress your friends in the kitchen. For more information visit n

WIN! WIN! Inflight Publishing is giving away one double pass to the School Is In @ Hungerford Hill Wines event on June 29 and one double pass to Potters Grain to Glass at The Hunter Beer Co. on June 23.

Email me at with SCHOOL IS IN or GRAIN TO GLASS in the subject heading and tell me in 25 words why you deserve to win. Entries close June 10.

An Aussie Diet and Detox BY LAHNEE PAVLOVICH

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! @InflightPublish



f it is good enough for International Super Model Miranda Kerr, Celebrity Chef Pete Evans, Actor Hugh Jackman and Pro Surfer Taj Burrows, it’s good enough for me! As a naturopath and detox specialist, Bondi based Saimaa Miller sees Aussie’s from all walks of life; parents, celebrities, professionals, retirees, bohemians and sportsmen. What do they all have in common? They all want to look and feel great. So the naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and health coach founded The Last Resort Organic Detox Spa in Bondi in 2005. Saimaa has since been helping people restore health and rebalance to their lives. “My love of natural medicine came from my mum. She was never big on using commercial medicines and she taught me the value of nature. She passed away when I was quite young so I wanted to continue learning about naturopathy and what she had introduced me to,” Saimaa said. “I trained with masters in natural therapies all across the world and the learning happened for me before I actually did my degree.” Now, Saimaa has released her book Aussie Body Diet & Detox Plan to share her secrets to getting the vibrant and healthy Aussie body we dream of. “Aussie Body Diet & Detox Plan is for anyone from athletes to parents, from those looking to lose a few kilos to those chasing the bright complexion and energetic outlook synonymous with being an Aussie,” Saimaa said. In Aussie Body Diet & Detox Plan Saimaa helps you decide what type of ‘detoxer’ you are and prescribes a custom made fourteen day program that is right for you. Shopping lists, meal planners and tips from Saimaa’s celebrity clients will help along the way, as well her delicious recipes (and this is a diet that endorses dessert!). “I wanted to write something that would be helpful to everyone and would appeal to everyone across the country,” Saimaa said. “I want people to realise there is an obesity epidemic but getting your body back on track is actually really easy. “By using food, water, detox and movement properly and by getting out in nature, getting some sunlight and thinking differently, you can become healthy and happy.” The best part is that Saimaa’s recipes can be used long after the fourteen day detox is over and Aussie Body Diet & Detox Plan arms anyone with the tools and the knowledge needed to live a healthier, happier life. Saimaa is a big believer in traditional naturopathy specialises in nutritional programs. “I treat everyone as an individual. Every single body is different,” she said. Saimaa offers face to face consultations, or for those interstate, a personalised assessment and program via skype. Visit for more information. n

Issue 18





Can you find all these Western Australian towns in the puzzle? Albany Broome Busselton Coral Bay



7 8 9 10 11 13 15 17 20 21 22 23

1 2 3 4 5 6 12 14 16 18 19 21

Mourning (6) Go over (6) Dry out (4) Western Hemisphere (3,5) Imposing in magnificence (7) A British person (5) Store or supply (5) Replacement of teeth (7) Precise, exact (8) Change course (4) Just before dusk (6) Noisy and violent commotion (6)



Issue 18

Small, light vehicle (2-4) The opposite of false (4) Decrease, decline (7) Scowl (5) A gunfight (8) Refuge (6) Tricky, delicate (8) Having teeth or toothlike processes (7) Paying less tax (3,3) Debris (6) Sharp, sensitive (5) Pastime, amusement (4)

Esperance Geraldton Kalbarri Kalgoorlie

Laverton Leonora Margaret River Meekatharra

Monkey Mia Onslow Perth Port Hedland


Your favourite destination is closer than you think...

Your favourite destination is closer than you think...


Issue 18







Issue 18

NIKON AW110 Nikon’s newest shock-proof, freeze-proof and water-proof camera the COOLPIX AW110 features a 16 Megapixel Back-lit CMOS sensor, 5x Optical zoom and full (1080p) HD video recording. Waterproof, shock-proof and cold-resistant, the COOLPIX AW110 is also equipped with a built in GPS, electronic compass and barometer making it ideal for shooting in the outdoors. Visit

MASHA Prep Store has combined years of design and engineering experience to develop Masha. This easyto-operate product can create restaurant-quality mash with a perfect consistency and no lumps in seconds. A quick-release rotor makes the product easy to clean, while its compact design allows for easy storage. Visit RRP $69.95

POSTER CANDY Postercandy gives you the ability to take those treasured, fun and creative Instagram pics you love and turn them into unique posters for the home, office and more. In just 4 simple clicks, you can create your very own Instagram wall art with Postercandy. Visit RRP from $19.95




SODASTREAM SodaStream is launching the new Genesis Emerald Green Machine after the world’s leading colour authority Pantome declared 2013 the year of emerald green. The new addition to the SodaStream family conveys clarity, nature and revitalisation and is ideal for every household. One bottle of SodaStream can replace 2000 cans so do your bit and go ‘emerald green’ in 2013. Visit RRP $129.95

PENTAX MX-1 Go retro with Pentax’s new shooting pro, the MX-1. A highperformance compact camera showcasing classic flair and SLR-like features for the digital generation. The MX-1 packs some professional punch thanks to its 4x wide zoom lens with a maximum aperture of F1.8 to F2.5 and a 12 megapixel back illuminated CMOS sensor. Available in black and silver. Visit RRP $499

OPTIMUS G Optimus G is LG’s premium flagship mobile phone device and represents the very best that LG offers in innovation and technology. Optimus G is a collaboration of some of the finest component makers on the planet coming together to develop a standout smartphone that offers consumers practical features in line with LG’s commitment to making lives better. With the powerful quad-core CPU, Snapdragon™ S4 Pro processor and industry best technologies for enhanced viewing and enhanced battery life; LG adds the finishing touches on the Optimus G with a beautiful sleek design and innovative UX features. Visit

Issue 18



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last night

At least your feet won’t feel uncomfortable. With PORON® XRD™ shock absorption and a breathable bamboo lining, Blundstone XFoot rubber workboots will always keep your feet comfortable, even if you’re not.

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