PNG Mining Life & Living issue 4

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PNG Mining

Life& Living magazine

Issue 4 FREE




contents on the cover

page 16


A BRIEF HISTORY OF MINING IN PNG How it was back then and how it is today.


VISIT CAIRNS For business or pleasure, Cairns Australia has you covered.


INFO ON THE RUN Technology is changing, what does this mean for you?


page 8


CONSERVATION EFFORTS What are the mining giants doing to help keep PNG beautiful.


ENGA PROVINCE A different kind of holiday for the intrepid traveller.


MINING RELATIONSHIPS There’s no such thing as a perfect couple or a perfect relationship. But these tips can help make it easier.

regulars page 6

page 10

4 Welcome Aboard 10 Our Backyard 12 Relationship Matters 16 Location profile 28 Fighting Fit 29 Talkin’ Technology 31 Your Place

Issue 4


PNG Mining

Life& Living magazine

PUBLISHER Patrick McElligott

Welcome to Mining Life & Living PNG Magazine

EDITOR Lahnee Pavlovich

DESIGN Lawrence Borchers


Mining Life & Living Magazine is published bi-monthly by Inflight Publishing Pty. Ltd. Views expressed in Airport magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. No responsibility is accepted by the publisher or the printer for the accuracy of information contained in the text or advertisements. Advertisements must comply with the relevant Trade Practices Act 1979. Responsibility for compliance with the act rests with the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisement. Neither the publisher nor the editor accepts responsibility for advertisements.


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Issue 4


ello and welcome to this edition of Mining Life and Living PNG, a free publication catering to those working in the mining and resources industry. With a clear direction toward health and lifestyle, MLL aims to provide interesting stories to assist in the improvement of readers’ work life balance as well as simply entertain with interviews, profiles, travel pieces and regular contributions from experts in their fields. This edition we take you across the seas to Cairns in Australia. Whether you travel for business or pleasure, Cairns offers a little something for everyone, and it’s only a 3 hour plane ride away! Being a FIFO worker can be tough, so in this edition you can discover how to work through the tricky parts of a mining relationship with advice on communication and how to make your marriage work. We also took a trip down mining memory lane with a feature on PNG’s mining history. I’d love to know what you think so get in touch at Until next time, enjoy the issue and keep safe and healthy in your Mining Life and Living! Lahnee Pavlovich Editor, Mining Life & Living Magazine Inflight Publishing

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Issue 4



History of Mining in PNG


or centuries the indigenous people of Papua New Guinea have mined, traded and utilised the natural resources of the unique island such as stone, ochre and clay. However, in 1852 a highly lucrative discovery changed the economic prospects for PNG forever. Hidden traces of gold were found within the pottery from Redscar Bay on the Papua Peninsula, and for years to come explorers scoured the area in search of riches. Much of PNGs early history is dominated by Colonialism, with German, British and Dutch powers all vying for ownership of the land. As such, many European explorers traveled to PNG in search of gold and by the 1870s, gold prospectors previously intent on Australian fortune had set their sights on the unique island. In time gold mining became a significant source of income for the Papua New Guinea administration, especially during the two World


Issue 4

Ok Tedi Mine.

Gold mine in Papua New Guinea’s Western Highlands.

Due to the isolated nature of the small island, PNG had previously been ignored by most nations, as many preferred to do business with countries closer to home. However, their mining sector now includes some 230 tenements held by 79 companies from seven countries, including Australia, Japan, the United States, China and South Africa. Today, gold makes up for 26% of PNG’s exported goods and 15% of PNG’s Gross Domestic Product. It is also estimated that approximately 16,000 people are employed by the gold mining industry alone. So clearly this growth in industrialisation has had a tremendously positive effect on the social welfare of the nation. Further exploration is continuously underway in PNG, with an increased range of minerals becoming available including chromium, iron, molybdenum, platinum and palladium. With all this development, it is undoubtable that future of PNGs mining industry will continue to flourish. n

Wars. From the onset of the first war, Australia quickly seized possession of the German colony of PNG. Subsequently, New Guinea was made a Mandated Territory of Australia by the League of Nations at which time Australia also enacted a mining legislation aimed at restricting the commercial exploitation of Eastern New Guinea to British nationals only. Previously copra, rubber, coffee and cocoa had been the most lucrative commodity in PNG. But, that was to change with the introduction of the airplane! Before the 1920‘s, the rough terrain made transportation of goods and labor near impossible but this technological advancement spurred on the mining industry and enabled the exportation of gold to expand substantially. More changes were still to come when PNG finally gained independence in the late 1970‘s. Since then mineral extraction has dominated the economy of Papua New Guinea. However, although this promised economic stability, the process of de-colonisation saw years of strife with social, environmental and political problems typical of a newly independent nation. This exasperated the many challenges faced by their newly expanded mining industry. For instance the Ok Tedi gold mine was found to be poisoning many of the water systems, causing catastrophic health issues. There was also a devastating conflict over the profits from the Panguna copper mine which eventually erupted into war. Today PNG is experiencing its longest period of economic growth since it gained independence. The PNG mining industry has catapulted PNG to becoming the sixth fastest growing economy in the world. The small nation now boasts world class gold and copper mines such as the Porgera and Lihir gold mines, and the OK Tedi copper mine. Studies have shown that the gold mining in PNG contributes a larger proportion of economic growth in PNG than it does in any other major mining country in the world. The three biggest mines produced over 49,654 kilos of Gold in the year 2011 alone.


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Issue 4


Conserving beautiful PNG P

apua New Guinea is an Island of extraordinary natural beauty and for years the islands wilderness sustained a myriad of unique indigenous life. Its extensive forest, spectacular biological diversity and its relatively low population has made PNG one of the world’s most exquisite wilderness areas. Due to the countries isolation and rugged terrain, it has remained until recently a haven for natural marvels. Along with the West Papua, PNG contains 5% of the untouched tropical terrestrial ecosystem and PNG is home to over 5% of the world’s biodiversity. As the country takes up less than 1% of the world’s total surface area, that is a unique attribute. A recent study by the Conservation International documented 643 elusive species hidden within the bountiful rain forests - some of which were previously unknown! Traditionally, the culture of PNG revered nature


Issue 4

as a gift, using the biological resources simply for food, medicine and building material. However, the harvesting of natural resources for export has become a lucrative source of income for modern PNG and the past two decades have brought about significant destruction of the natural landscape. The burgeoning population and industry has created an economy reliant on the extraction of natural resources, and as such environmental protection has taken a back seat. Industrial logging, mining, unchecked development, a growing populations and vast de-forestation have caused both short and long term concern. It has been left up to international conservation groups and nongovernmental organisations to step in and fight for the preservation of PNGs beautiful wildlife. Conservation International is one such group who has worked extensively in field research for sustainable development and also in helping communities cope with the dangers of unmanaged development, logging and mining. They are currently operating in a number of areas to ensure further damage is minimised. These areas are the Lakekamu Basin where the most extensive research is carried out; The Aroma Coastal Marine Management

Area where groups are working to restore as well as preserve the area; and East Pomio where Conservation International are working to create alternative means of development. The Nature Conservancy is another group working exclusively in PNG alongside the United Nations and USAID, and many NGOs to set up a conservation trust fund for PNG. They also provide workshops to local NGOs and support groups such as The Research and Conservation Foundation of PNG and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

The World Wildlife Fund is largely engaged in combating pollution in this area, and has been doing so with the aid of the United Nations, World Bank, International FInance Corporation and the US State Department for two decades. Greenpeace is another group that has championed the implementation of existing laws. Overall many of these groups focus is on empowering local communities to take control of their land and create a sustainable future, working with the mining companies to keep PNG beautiful for years to come. n

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Issue 4



Enga Province


ne of the best adventures to be had in PNG is in the rugged province of Enga, located in the highlands region of Papua New Guinea. The province is not well known as a tourist hot spot but this gives it an advantage because it represents a true adventure of a lifetime for the intrepid traveller. Enga is the highest province of Papua New Guinea with altitudes of over 2000m. It is a mountainous region filled with fast flowing rivers, spectacular waterfalls, high valleys and mountain passes. The lower altitudes in the province are the valleys and the plains that form the catchment systems for the two major rivers of the province, the Laigap and the Lai. The Laigap is one of the main tributaries for the Fly River and the Lai is affectionately known as the 'head’ of the might Sepik River by the Engan people of which there are more than 200,000. The unique thing about Enga Province is that it is dominated by only one language; Enga. You will find it fascinating that many people in Enga do not speak English or pidgin!

Main centres: The capital of Enga is Wabag Town. Wabag was an old airstrip and was important in the colonising of this part of the highlands from the 1920’s onwards. As Independence came in 1975, the airport was moved to Wapenamanda and the old landing strip became the main street of Wabag town, which became the capital of the newly established province of Enga. These days


Issue 4

PNG’s employment specialists

Wabag is a sprawling and busy town that continues to grow along the Highlands Highway. The other major centers in the province include Wapenamanda, which has a government and botanical research station, and Porgera where the giant Porgera gold mine is located.

Where to go and what to see in Enga: Lake Surunki is one of the highest lakes in Papua New Guinea. It’s a fresh water lake created by a large catchment basin, part of the Lai Valley. One of Enga’s major rivers, the Lai begins here at the lake and flows on to become a major tributary of the Sepik River. The lake is the habitat for a host of birds, fish and insects. Lake Rau is an isolated crater lake 3000m high in the middle of Enga. In order to get there, you must make enquiries with the Wabag District Tourism Office who will assist you with guides. There are no guest houses up there so you would rely on Enga hospitality. The Laiagam salt ponds are another interesting place to visit. These salt mines were important in ancient highlands trading routes. The salt was made by laying special tree bark and branches in the ponds. After a period, the wood was removed and burnt in a specific process, producing the salt. This salt was then wrapped in special leaves and traded all around the highlands. From here, you can understand the various direction of trading routes taken by early salt traders. Some routes lead directly to the coast while others lead to neighbouring highland communities. Located at Laiagam District is the Laiagam Research Station and Botanical Garden. The Garden has a collection of over 100 species of native orchids and more than 13 species of rhododendrons. Laiagam lies along the Highlands Highway about an hour out of Wabag travelling towards Porgera. If you get to Wabag town there is one waterfall you really need to see, less than a minute by road north of the town and a good 15 minute hike is the Yuo Waterfall. Formed by the Lai River rushing through and over a narrow channel cracked between the bedrock, this waterfall comes crashing down in a pool meters below sending white spray violently in the air and in every direction. The sheer power of the falls can be felt 20 meters away. See if you can find a local guide to escort you. For any visitor to Enga who wants to learn about the culture of the people, the Taekanda Cultural Centre (also referred to as the EndeTake) is a must see. The centre features years of research by scientists such as Dr Polly Weisener, photographs, books and articles by early missionaries and the work of photographer Don Jeffers in the 1960s onwards. With contributions by many local researchers and artists, all exhibits which include artefacts, wigs, war shields, miniature models of Enga architecture and more are displayed in the centre’s modern facilities. The giant Porgera Gold Mine and its accompanying town of Paiam at an altitude of 2,300m is an area of rapid human settlement since the open-cut silver and gold mine started more than two decades ago. Some of the settlement was planned for. The small township of Paiam was built to house national and expatriate mine personnel and many locals. It is a unique town design because according to the firm that planned it, they wanted it to be a masterpiece. It has a botanical theme, which includes planting of indigenous plants, themed gardens, landscaping and paving. The beautiful designed town market was built by locals and is the centre piece of the town. n

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Issue 4



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Three-word phrases for simple communication BY SARAH LONG, WWW.MININGFM.COM.AU


’ve been with my boyfriend for a couple of years now, and it’s fair to say he’s not a great communicator. He can fix anything I break (earrings, vacuum cleaner, furniture, you name it!), he’s got a great mind for problem solving and he’s way better than me at maths. But words are not his strong point. I would say that the majority of our arguments are due to miscommunication (or even a complete lack of communication). Being raised on a farm with three brothers might have something to do with his lack of understanding when it comes to the subject of "talking to girls", but I think it’s also to do with the practical (and fairly simple) way his mind works. And I would dare to venture that this could be the same for many a tradie man out there. Now, I’m not suggesting that these otherwise lovely men of ours start spouting Shakespeare ("shake what?"’ I hear him say). But on occasion it would just be nice to hear what you need to hear - a simple affirmation of something that you already know, but means so much more when uttered by the one you love. For instance, last week I was working late so instead of putting away the clean washing like normal, I just dumped it in the spare room. Well, you should have heard the bashing, slamming and 'I can’t find any clean undies' grumbling! If, sometime in the previous two years, he'd actually thanked me for always putting his washing away - I might have been more sympathetic and helped him out when he was desperately seeking his jocks. So for all you guys out there, he's a little list of handy threeword phrases what will improve your life out of sight, if you just speak plainly from time to time:


Issue 4

1. Thank you darling: (or sweetheart or love or pet name). When you come home and the house is clean, the dinner’s cooked, or the washing is done and your undies are exactly where you expect to find them, that’s not magic or fairies, that’s us. Please say thank you. 2. You look amazing: (or lovely or pretty ... even nice will do!) You know when her hair looks different or she’s spent some time getting ready to go out and you can’t quite put your finger on it, but it’s pleasing to you? That’s when you need to speak up. 3. You’re so hot: (or sexy or gorgeous). Please note this is not to be used to get her into bed, although if used very well you might get lucky! Make it known that she’s the one who still gets your blood boiling (throw in a kiss for luck too). 4. This is delicious: It might not be Cordon Bleu cookery; in fact it might just be a sandwich. But if time and love have gone into preparing that meal, then please be grateful. And no, burping loudly afterwards does not count! 5. How was work: (or the kids or your day). You don’t have to solve all her problems. Just listen and nod along as she vents - it will earn you several brownie points. For further instructions, the follow up to this is ‘Are you ok?’ 6. I miss you: If you think it, say it. There’s nothing wrong with missing someone and it will make her feel better about missing you too.

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7. I love you: Use it wisely, sparingly and appropriately and it will mean more than anything. n

Issue 4


Don't be a divorce statistic: make your marriage work BY ANGIE WILCOCKS, WWW.MININGFM.COM.AU


ne in three marriages ends in divorce. None of us set out to fail, and we all do our best to make our marriages happy and successful. But do you know what makes a marriage survive? American psychologist Dr John Gottman claims that he can predict (“with 94% accuracy") which couples will end up divorcing. He bases this claim on a number of studies of married couples, observed over

many years. Gottman said he could tell from the way couples interacted, even early on, which ones would struggle to stay together. What he found was pretty amazing and, given the importance of relationships to our wellbeing, I wonder why we’re not taught this sort of stuff at school! Gottman has written some great books about his findings, including The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work and The Relationship Cure. Here are some of the

important parts. Principles for successful relationships: • Know your partner: This might sound simple, but what Gottman noticed is that happy couples know a lot about their partner. They know historical as well as current information, like their partner’s favourite food, their hobbies and interests, who their childhood friends

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Issue 4

were, who they admire, what their dreams and fears are and what their ideal holiday would be, among other many other things. • Nurture your fondness and admiration: Happy couples like one another, and hold a generally positive view of each other. They appreciate each other and can recognise each other’s strengths and qualities. • Turn toward each other: Turning toward your partner means letting them know that you are interested, and that you care, each and every day (and not just on special occasions). This is about sending an encouraging text message when you know your wife is having a busy day at work, taking a minute to listen to your husband’s worries, or making sure you let your partner know you’re running late. • Let your partner influence you: This isn’t about letting one person be your “boss”; it’s about working as a team, respecting your partner’s point of view, making decisions together and looking for compromise and common ground. • Overcome gridlock: This refers to talking to each other in new ways about the complicated and long-standing problems and disagreements, rather than just repeating the same old patterns of arguments. • Create shared meaning: Shared meaning can come from shared goals, shared values, shared interests, family traditions, and

generally building a shared life that is about the two of you, not just the kids and the chores. One way to start to create shared meaning is to talk openly with your partner about your dreams as an individual and as a f amily, and to be open to hearing theirs.

Beware damaging relationship behaviours • Criticism: A criticism differs from a complaint in that it involves attacking your partner’s personality or character, rather than focusing on the specific behaviour that bothers you. It is healthy to air disagreements, but it’s unhealthy to attack your partner in the process. • Contempt: Contempt often takes the form of nastiness or sarcasm and involves being

intentionally hurtful and insulting to your partner. Contempt is an open sign of disrespect. • Defensiveness: This refers to how people behave in the face of conflict or disagreement. Defensiveness is a problem because it makes even simple problems hard to solve and full of conflict. • Stonewalling: Stonewalling is a step up from defensiveness. People who stonewall simply refuse to respond to their partner’s attempts to discuss concerns or problems. They shut them out, turn away and disengage. Habitual stonewalling is very damaging to relationships because it makes problems unsolvable. It also leaves one partner feeling alone, hurt, isolated and unheard. n


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Issue 4


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Issue 4


jumping or more gentle pursuits like bird watching, hiking, gourmet restaurants or just sitting under a palm tree sipping a cocktail. Cairns also offers visitors fabulous accommodation choices – everything from five star resorts to backpacker accommodation or camping grounds – along with temperate weather, sunny skies and sea breezes. Located in the heart of Cairns, Cascade Gardens offers comfortable apartment style accommodation. The studio, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments are designed to complement Cairns tropical lifestyle, with rattan furnishings, wooden floors and indoor-outdoor living spaces. All suites are self-contained with

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Issue 4

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convenient amenities such as ceiling fans, high speed internet access and air conditioning. Guests can spend their days relaxing by the resort pool, in the spa or enjoying an alfresco BBQ amongst the tropical gardens. Cairns Coconut Holiday Resort is a friendly oasis set amidst 28 acres of immaculate grounds lush with palms, rainforest areas and award winning tropical gardens and is situated on the southern entrance to Cairns, just seven minutes from the city centre. Cairns Coconut Holiday Resort has a full range of accommodation, camping and caravan sites to suit couples, families, groups or independent travellers looking for a friendly home away from home. Fill your day between lounging beside the Sun Lagoon Pool

and spa, dodging the bucket at SPLASH Water Park, flipping out on the Jumping Pillow or perhaps a game of tennis or giant chess. For the very best boutique style accommodation in Cairns, the Cairns Sheridan Hotel & Conference Centre offers affordable luxury in a modern 4 ½ star AAA rated hotel. Recently refurbished, the hotel features three types of excellent accommodation including the superbly appointed deluxe and executive rooms, and expansive suites. All rooms are complimented with the luxury features and facilities you would expect from any 5 star hotel. From the hotel it’s a short walk to the Botanical Gardens, Whitfield Range bush tracks and the Cairns Esplanade. Cairns Plaza Hotel is an independently-owned hotel,

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Issue 4


dishing up warm QLD hospitality. Located on Cairns’ prestigious Esplanade, the suites enjoy uninterrupted views over picturesque Trinity Bay, where dolphins, turtles and migrating whales are regular visitors. Just a short walk from Cairns’ vibrant shopping and restaurant district makes this a perfectly located place to stay during your time in Cairns. Nestled in lush, tropical surrounds, Heritage Cairns Boutique Hotel has some unique features to offer like refurbished modern rooms with WiFi, a tour desk, it’s easy walking distance

to the main strip in Cairns, yet tucked away from the hustle and bustle. You can even rent a bike, car or scooter to get around during your stay. Just up the road, about 30 minutes north from the bustle of central Cairns and 30 minutes south of Port Douglas, is lovely Palm Cove, an enclave for those seeking luxury amidst palm fringed tranquillity. This seaside village offers boutique-style shops, you can enjoy a game of golf or tennis, go sailing, parasailing, fishing off the Palm Cove jetty or dine at one of the many restaurants which are

all within easy walking distance. If you choose to stay in Palm Cove, Marlin Waters Beachfront Apartments is located amongst magnificent melaleuca trees opposite the beach. All of their apartments are 1 bedroom fully self-contained with ocean views. A fold out sofa in the living area allows for an extra adult or child to be accommodated. The kitchen is fully equipped with full size fridge, stove and microwave. Each holiday apartment has its own private balcony or patio and wireless broadband. A lift services all levels.

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Issue 4

The property has a pool, spa and electric barbeque for your use. So you can feel right at home. Located on the beautiful Palm Cove Esplanade, Alassio Palm Cove offers a selection of luxury 4 star AAA rated one, two or three bedroom self-contained apartments, and hotel-style studio rooms situated directly on Palm Cove beachfront. This stylish Mediterranean boutique resort is uniquely designed and crafted around ancient Melaleuca leucadendra trees with architecture that blends sensitively within the natural charm and beauty of the surrounding tropical beachfront environment.The spacious apartments incorporate many inspiring features throughout and include fully equipped kitchenettes and private spas on the balcony where you can simply relax and unwind at the end of a days’ adventure. Among the contemporary elegance of the village, Novotel Palm Cove offers the perfect environment for families and couples to enjoy a holiday destination cantered on relaxation, dining, beach water-sports and the natural beauty of the region. Why not take a trip to the Daintree Rainforest, snorkel the Great Barrier Reef, ride the Kuranda Train and enjoy the spectacular views from the Sky Rail! Angsana is a hotel brand that caters to the modern traveller seeking style and authenticity. Comprising contemporary

and chic retreats, Angsana properties are designed to create and deliver vibrant enlivening experience for guests at work and at play. Each Angsana hotel, resort, spa and retail gallery exudes the spirit and conscience of its environment, while offering a strong sense of individuality infused with Asian heritage. Facilities and services at

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Issue 4


one of Australia’s most picturesque 18 hole championship golf courses, an impressive Queenslander-style clubhouse with conference centre restaurant and bar, Paradise Palms Resort is a great place to stay, especially if you love a hit of golf. As far as food goes, the tropics in Australia includes some of the most exciting and influential cuisines on the planet. This cocktail of climate, food history and local produce gives tropical Australians amazing opportunities for exciting home cooking and kitchen gardening. PNG is actually a big influencer! If you are interested in finding out more, take a trip to


• Spacious rooms -Suite, Standard and Studio available • Large, private balconies • In-house laundry/dry cleaning • Free-view television • Hair dryer • Air conditioning • Swimming pool • Restaurant /Bar – Fully Licensed • Tour desk • Guest off-street parking Looking for a short break or weekend away with some friends? Look no further… The ‘Summer Escape’ package in Australia’s idyllic tropical north is infinitely affordable with the Cairns Plaza’s Summer Escape special. For a limited time only, we are offering: Standard Room (room only, for two people) 3-night Stay – from $315.00*

Cairns Plaza Hotel - 145 The Esplanade, Cairns Ph: +617 4051 4688 Fax: +617 4051 8129 Email:


Issue 4

ZENITH POWER Zenith Pacific are leaders in Designing & Constructing, Owning, Operating & Maintaining Power Stations and related infrastructure projects. Through close co-operation with our clients, we provide the most efficient power production possible, an achievement of Energy-Synergy that delivers sustainable long term benefits. Whether fuelled by Natural Gas, LNG,

Perth - 23 Brennan Way, Belmont, WA, 6104 P +61 (0) 8 9477 1822 F +61 (0) 8 9477 1833

CNG and/or diesel, Zenith Pacific design power generation solutions that deliver these benefits, safely and environmentally responsibly. Please give us a call to discuss your power generation requirements, whether you have an existing power station or a new development, we can help, that’s Zenith Power.

Cairns - 80 Fearnley Street, Cairns, Qld, 4870 P + 61 (0) 7 4051 9533 F +61 (0) 7 4051 9599 E -

Clare’s Kitchen during your stay. If you fall in love with Cairns and feel it might be the place for you to settle, established in 1992, Mortgage Choice is the local home loan expert and can help you plant some roots in Cairns after your contract is up, or set up an investment property for that extra income. Their national network of mortgage brokers has access to a panel of over 20 leading lenders offering hundreds of home loans.

If your visit is business based and setting up new networks or suppliers is on the cards, MM Electrical Merchandising (MMEM) is a major operator in the electrical wholesaling industry with over 200 service centres throughout Australia. More than 1,100 experienced, helpful and knowledgeable staff supplying in excess of 200,000 products. One such centre is Haymans Electrical in Cairns, an electronic parts manufacturer.

• Fully self-contained Apartments • Holiday and Short Term letting • Only a 5 minute stroll to Cairns Esplanade and restaurants • Free Wireless Internet

Ph: 07 4047 6300 175 Lake St Cairns, Queensland 4870


Issue 4

Need a Well Control Certificate?

The Cairns Centre for Drilling & Well Control The Cairns Centre for Drilling & Well Control specialises in BOP Ticketing & Well Control qualifications for the oil, gas & drilling industries. The Cairns Centre can cater for all your BOP & Well Training requirements in a professional and understanding learning environment covering the needs of all experienced industry professionals & providing courses in:

premium Blow Out Prevention & Well Control Training Centres. All training is delivered by the head of school John van-Vegchel better known as “Vege” who teaches the participants using his world class expertise & experience with over 40 years active involvement in the industry.

• Well Control Certification – Introductory, Drillers, Supervisory. • Stuck Pipe • Well Intervention

Providing up to date simulation equipment & data technology all courses are certified & sanctioned by the International Well Control Forum (IWCF), the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) & the International Alliance of Well Control (IAWC).

Located in the heart of Cairns which is the home of the Great Barrier Reef, in Tropical North Queensland, is one of Australia’s

For all course and Centre information please visit or call us on +61 (07) 40 411 508

Issue 4


Zenith Pacific is a young dynamic company which has designed and constructed over 60 Power Stations throughout Australia and overseas since its inception. Their current project mix comprises of about 50% gas and or diesel fuelled generation, and now, there’s a growing augmentation of renewable green energy resources applied from Wind Turbine and Solar Thermal Photo Voltaic generation. Their knowledgeable team of professionals provide customers with a comprehensive suite of resources to achieve optimum project viability. If you need to brush up on your skills, The Cairns Centre for Drilling & Well Control provides certified training in a range of petroleum based areas specialising in blow out prevention (BOP), stuck pipe operations and oil rig safety and

Stay & Play


Paradise Reso rt 18-hole championship golf course

07 4059 9999

Angsana Resort & Spa Great Barrier Reef - absolute beachfront in Palm Cove

sana ResortAngsana & Spa Great ReefBarrier - absolute in PalminCove ResortBarrier & Spa Great Reef -beachfront absolute beachfront Palm Cove

SPECIAL STAY PAY OFFERS* AVAILABLE Contact our reservations team for more details

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skill development. The specialised training and skill development allows those working in the petroleum industry to be fully certified and continue to work safely in an ever growing and changing world renowned industry. Whatever your reason for crossing the seas, Cairns has a bit to offer everyone. n

Novotel Palm Cove

Love a deal? During your time in Cairns, whether you go for a holiday or a haircut, business or pleasure, check out I Love Cairns Deals for bargains! They have gathered the best available deals in the Cairns region! So, if you love a good deal, simply click, follow the link and don't forget to share with friends and family.

Whether staying just a couple of nights or a week, Novotel Palm Cove is ideally positioned on the doorstep of a truly unique beachside community which exudes an addictive combination of sleepy coastal town and chic modern village embraced by the balmy warmth of the tropical north. Resort facilities include two swimming pools 1 including a crocodile water-slide for the kids, resort shop, 24 hour reception and tour desk and complimentary parking. Also nearby resort guests have access to Palm Cove Sports Centre with gymnasium, 9 hole golf course, tennis & squash courts (charges apply).


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Issue 4


The Fit of it


Get a Grip In today’s modern society where we rely on machinery and computers, it’s easy to become weak. Australia was forged on hard work and labour which built strong and resilient Aussies during the Depression and War years. These days I’d be forgiven if I said that we are ‘weaker’ than our forefathers. If we admit that, then with the tools we have and advice out there, there is simply no excuse in having a strong grip when it comes to putting in your pound of flesh around the house, in the gym or for work. Here are some great exercises that will give you forearms like Hugh Jackman and shoulders like Naomi Watts.

Routine: Complete one set of exercise A and then compound set this with exercise B with no rest. Complete 3 sets of 30 seconds each exercise (60 sec/set) with a rest of 60 seconds in between each set.


– Burning Questions Eating lots of junk food has now been labelled as “an addiction”. So if at 3pm you have a biscuit and piece of chocolate does this make you an addict? Yes, because you are not controlling what you put in your yap… just like smokers have a choice not to light up. When you get the 3pm grumps it can be because you are not getting enough of the ‘pick-me-up foods. Researchers are discovering that certain foods have the power to alter our moods, stave off depression and generally make us a lot happier. Many people are depressed, anxious and wonder why. It’s because they shove S#@t into their mouths. But when people get the right foods, they start to feel good. Here are some great happy foods to consider at the 3pm mark. It’s just before Beer O’clock. FRUIT Eat between 4 and 11 bananas per week to maintain healthy serotonin levels. SEAFOOD The oily super foods build the brain and secrete minerals such as magnesium and zinc.


Issue 4


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LEGUMES Packed full of proteins and warding off hunger pains legumes such as chickpeas, cannelloni, kidney and bertolli beans help maintain stable blood-sugar levels, which are essential for maintaining an even temper. BASMATI RICE Like legumes, this rice is lowglycaemic index (GI), so does not cause the blood-sugar fluctuations. BRAZIL NUTS Thyroid problems can contribute to fatigue, moodiness, anxiety and depression. To combat this you need enough selenium found in foods such as Brazil nuts. A minimum of two per day is recommended. CHOCOLATE This can improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression. One piece of dark chocolate and NOT gorging a whole bar is recommended.

A) Farmers Walk: Main Muscle Worked: Forearms Other Muscles: Abdominals, Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Quadriceps, Traps Farmer's Walk Guide: There are various implements that can be used for the farmers walk. These can also be performed with heavy dumbbells or short bars if these implements aren't available. Even use a couple of paint tins. 1. Begin by standing between the implements. 2. After gripping the handles, lift them up by driving through your heels, keeping your back straight and your head up. 3. Walk taking short, quick steps, and don't forget to breathe. Move for a given distance, typically 50-100 feet, as fast as possible. B) Rope Climb Main Muscle Worked: Lats Other Muscles: Biceps, Forearms, Middle Back, Shoulders Guide: 1. Grab the rope with both hands above your head. Pull down on the rope as you take a small jump. Don’t use your feet for this drill. 2. Reach up as high as possible with your arms, and pull up. 3. Continue until you reach the top of the rope. Be careful. 4. To lower yourself, slide down using a hand over hand motion. n

info on the run A

s a society that is always on the move, it’s no surprise technology is helping us work faster, access easier and share broader. Or perhaps it’s the technology that is shaping the way we live, work and play. Either way the pace is increasing and these little devices that were the size of a small brick not so long ago, are now slimmer, lighter and much better equipped. And just when we thought technology had covered all bases, Samsung introduces the Galaxy Tab 3 range. These new editions feature a selection of sizes that range from seven to ten inches and with a bunch of other exciting trimmings. This is the next phase in Samsungs evolution as an innovator in mobile technology. People are getting a great product choice to better suit their lifestyle, diverse features and greater access to local and international content. The range will offer users enhanced and intuitive design features created to support the growing demand for tablets. Tablets are being used in aeroplanes, at retail stores and at restaurants. Times are changing and Samsung is helping us keep up! Gone are the days of sitting on the couch to show off your recent holiday photos or waiting until a big family event to make a special announcement. If someone falls pregnant, chances are you’ll find out about it on Facebook and if you recently went on a month long holiday to Europe, chances are everyone will have already seen your travel photos before you return. Why? Because our tablets and Smartphones are right there, in our pocket, waiting to capture every moment and deliver news to our friends all over the world in an instant.

of our highly successful Galaxy Tab 2 range, offering consumers more of what they have come to expect from the Galaxy brand with an array of options in terms of size, local content and features.” Clearly, Samsung has catered to everyone. The Galaxy Tab 3 seven inch is ideal for everyday use. It’s an affordable tablet and is the perfect tool for browsing the internet and using for entertainment on the go. This device weighs only 300 grams and boasts a slimmer and sleek design with a one-hand grip form factor. The camera and storage space makes this the perfect companion to keep up with you, everyday. Next up is the Galaxy Tab 3 eight inch. This device is being praised for its portable entertainment features. Although it will still fit in the palm of your hand, it is an exceptional way to view photos, play games and read e-books. It’s adaptive screen display and luxurious sound features make for a convenient and exciting Smartphone experience. The Galaxy Tab 3 ten inch is the ultimate device for sharing. This is the tablet the whole

Vice President of Telecommunications at Samsung Australia said Samsung recognised tablets are becoming an essential device for a wide range of people. “But perhaps most significant is the uptake and use among families,” he said. “To cater to peoples diverse needs, the Galaxy Tab 3 represents the next evolution

family can enjoy. The screen is expansive, the design is sleek and the multimedia abilities are outstanding. This tablet boasts access to a world of content including the Samsung Learning Hub, Game Hub, Reader’s Hub and Music Hub, along with TV shows and movies. This device is versatility at its finest.

Issue 4





SOUL RUN FREE – Usain Bolt Signature Series An ultimate multi-function design sets these inear headphones apart from the pack. They can be customized to accommodate those who prefer the ear- hook clips for extra durability when exercising, or can be worn without them for a more lightweight feel. • Multi-function design allows users to customise the headphones to their specific needs • Superb Bass, Clear Mids and Highs, Creates High-Precision Audio Balance • Includes tangle-free audio cable with Apple in-line controller • Includes Small, Medium and Large Ear Tips • In-ear design seals music in and noise out • Comfortable and convenient ear hooks • Gold-Plated connector for seamless signal transfer • Protective road case RRP $109

WIN! WIN! Inflight Publishing and Soul are giving you the chance to win a

SOUL SL150BW! Email with SOUL in the headline and include your address. Tell me in 25 words or less why music moves your soul.

SOUL SL150BW Ready to take you from the DJ booth to the skyways with high performance sound, the SL150 is a sleek and comfortable option for any professional or avid music lover looking for a powerful and precise audio mix experience on the go. • Advanced driver and circuitry design for superb bass • Cable designed with cord manager and Apple in-line controller • Full ear cup articulation and headband pad ensures the best and most comfortable fit • Mids and highs creates high-precision audio balance • Gold-plated connector for seamless signal transfer • Protective road case • Sleek folding design for easy storage in protective road case RRP $299


Issue 4

SOUL SL300WB Prepare for a high definition, fully isolated listening experience any time, any place with the SL300. A stylish option for the tasteful traveller looking for superior • Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) technology. • Superb Bass, Clear Mids and Highs, Creates High-Precision Audio Balance • Standard straight audio cable with Apple® in-line controller • Full ear cup articulation and headband pad ensures the best and most comfortable fit • Gold-plated connector for seamless signal transfer (Airline adaptor included) • Protective road case • Sleek folding design for easy storage in protective road case for convenience and storage • Illuminated ear cup badge RRP $399 Where to buy: Harvey Norman, Myer, Dick Smith. For more information visit

DIY bathroom renovation Should you do-it-yourself?




Renovation legals

IY renovations can be a satisfying and cost saving process, but should you do it all yourself? Most DIY renovators do the project management, demolition, colour scheme selection, source the fixtures and fittings, remove and install most fittings such as hooks and towel rails and paint. However, unless they are really skilled, they contract the specialist trades of bricklaying, electrics, plumbing and tiling.

Whether you DIY or not, you don't need council approval to renovate a bathroom unless you significantly alter the plumbing or alter the windows.

The fabrication sequence

Does your bathroom need a full re-design or just a makeover? What to do and how much to spend on your DIY bathroom project really depends on how much it is used. A family using one bathroom warrants more upgrade and facilities (like double showers and basins) than a one person bathroom. Careful re-design can make a bathroom more spacious and provide more storage however changing the configuration costs money because it usually means new plumbing, and possibly alterations to wall construction, windows and doors. To see whether your bathroom should be reconfigured to make it more practical, you can buy one of the many simple computer programs for creating house plans and play with different layouts. Alternatively, make paper shapes of bathroom components (to scale) and move them around a scale drawing of the room space. Once done, draw up elevations with wall dimensions and positions of existing doors and

windows etc. If your bathroom needs to be reconfigured, you may have to strip it back to the floors and walls and rebuild it from new. But if the layout is fine and the waterproofing is sound, you can renovate your bathroom relatively cheaply. A dramatic difference can be made by simply changing the colour scheme, re-tiling over the old floor tiles, replacing cabinets and replacing the toilet. There are even bathroom resurfacing products that can put a new surface over old coloured tiles or chipped and dated bathtubs.

How long do bathroom renovations take? If you use a specialist bathroom renovation professional the bathroom is likely to be out of commission for 4 weeks.

The usual sequence when renovating a bathroom is • Strip-out (with pipes sealed) • Rough-in of plumbing and electrics • Rendering walls • Waterproofing • Fit out for shower, vanity, toilet • Tiling • Shower screen installation • Final electrical wiring • Final plumbing • Vanity and bench tops installation • Tap installation • Painting It's best to consult trade's people about how and where to waterproof. In older homes not all areas were waterproofed and problems can arise. You can remove tiles and waterproof and re-tile, or waterproof with old tiles in situ. The building code requires only the shower area to be waterproofed, but plenty of builders recommend spending more money and waterproofing a large portion (or all) of a bathroom. n


Contact us:

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Issue 4


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