AmCham NZ Business Accelerator

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HALF DAY WORKSHOP Influential U Co-Founder & CEO Los Angeles, CA JOHN PATTERSON JOHN BAIGENT Influential U Faculty Auckland, NZ

Biggest Challenge


Think about your essential relationships, colleagues, or customers. Have you ever found yourself worrying about how you, your product, or your idea will be received? Maybe you feel like you ' re not so great at communicating with certain personality types, or you constantly stress about being unable to get others to say " yes " when it really matters. Then there's that worst feeling of all: being thwarted by group dysfunction where everyone seems to be on a different page. Trust me; you ' re not alone in these experiences.

01 Glacial Productivity

Individual, group, or organizational dysfunction hampers our progress and market leadership by impeding project completion and product delivery. The costs are high; missing market leadership is deadly.

02 Untapped Leadership

Untapped leadership leads to missed opportunities for growth and innovation, a lack of succession planning, employee disengagement, talent drain, a lack of diversity and inclusion, and inefficient decision-making.

03 Aimless Performance

It's easy to confuse busyness with productivity. True productivity requires an aimed focus, setting clear goals, streamlining workflows, and cultivating a mindful work environment.

04 Limited Buy-In

Limited buy-in includes reduced commitment, decreased cooperation, communication challenges, increased resistance, and missed opportunities. We need others to quickly say " yes " to our ideas, projects, and products.

Our reliance on human exchanges hides our understanding of their true nature. When we only think of transactions as a simple tit-for-tat exchange, we encounter numerous challenges in our careers, finances, relationships, and overall sense of fulfillment.


Accelerate transactions

Taxi vs. Uber

The same service, yet each aspect of the transaction has been reinvented to remove the friction for all parties at each exchange.

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Transaction Model

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Exercise Which narratives are your superpower? (and which are your kryptonite?) © Influential U 5

Personality & Behaving Transactionally™

Each Personality demonstrates assets, liabilities, and behaviors that can accelerate transactions or grind them to a halt.

Understanding and identifying the Personality Characteristics offers you the opportunity to speed up and produce low-cost, high-value transactions.

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What is Professional Influence?

These days, there is a significant change in how we work and why we workbeing a professional is yours to define You can create the professional career you desire, be as rewarded and influential as you choose, and experience whole-life satisfaction.

Influential U is known globally as the expert in Professional Influence.

Over the past 15 years, thousands of professionals worldwide have applied Influential U’ s framework to increase their value, accelerate their influence, and improve their overall satisfaction. We help you build your desired career, get paid what you ’ re worth, and not work so hard. We show you how to have work, work for you.

Now we ’ re sharing our wisdom and the principles that we use to thrive. Take charge of getting buy-in from customers, teams, and coworkers. Redefine your professional influence with online training that actually works.

There are no limits, no right way; it's yours to define.


Five Stages of

Professional Influence

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Stage 1: Unknown

What This Means

All people go through the five Stages of Professional Influence. You’ re Unknown for your true value, which means you ’ re probably experiencing feelings of frustration, anxiety, and overwhelm. You are thwarted in many areas and goals. It seems unfair why does it seem so easy for others? Sound familiar? Don’t worry. We’ ve got you.

Your Key Problem

Too much of your focus is spent trading time for compensation.

What to Focus On

In this stage, we ’ll help you focus on “amplifying the value of your help” (remember this bit, it’ s important) so you can start getting noticed for your value, not just your time. That means understanding the value of your general and specialized knowledge while amping the value (and lowering the cost) of your Personality and Transactional Behavior

What Winning Looks Like

You are getting more noticed for the value of your specialized help.

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Stage 2: Somewhat Known

What This Means

All people go through the five Stages of Professional Influence. You’ re Somewhat Known, which means, you ’ re probably getting some traction, you ’ ve worked well with others, and you ’ re starting to get noticed for the value of your specialized help. But your results aren ’t predictable, you ’ re still putting out fires everywhere, and you ’ re never quite sure if your actions are leading you where you want to go. Sound familiar? Don’t worry. We’ ve got you. Let’ s take a look at how to change your direction.

Your Key Problem

You haven’t accessed the amplifying power of an ambitious peer group.

What to Focus On

In this stage, we ’ll help you understand the 15 Conditions of Life and their role in expanding your value and influence. You’ll learn how to define your aims in these conditions and, more importantly, how to immerse yourself in the right group to encourage and support your well-defined aims. Without these things in place, it’ s nearly impossible to move forward effectively.

What Winning Looks Like

You’ re part of an ambitious peer group that reinforces your well-defined aims

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Stage 3: Known

What This Means

All people go through the five Stages of Professional Influence. You’ re Known, which means you ’ ve probably started to get some significant traction, and you ’ re feeling pretty great. Many have heard of your value, help, and authority. But you realize things need to change if you want to make it to the next level. You’ re getting some big wins, but you can ’t get beyond a familiar level of accomplishment. You know there’ s more, but you ’ re unsure how to get there. Don’t worry this is one of the most exciting times in your profession, and this stage can be the one that takes you to heights you never even imagined. But first, let’ s address the problem.

Your Key Problem

You don’t have a long-term strategy beyond the familiar tactics that got you known.

What to Focus On

In this stage, we ’ll help you mature your professional influence You’ re shifting your tactical work to strategic work, which means long-term planning will become crucial to your growth, rewards, and gains. You’ll learn how to get recurrent transactions in place and develop teammates who can manage key roles and outcomes.

What Winning Looks Like

You’ ve planned a long-term strategy and an effective team to enact it.

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Stage 4: Well-Known

What This Means

All people go through the five Stages of Professional Influence. You’ re WellKnown and in the zone! You’ ve never been more U. This is a unique stage because so much is established and working. Your influence is expanding, and you are reaping the rewards. Whether you ’ re on vacation or not, you have teammates on the same page, and your influence and authority have built a culture where others naturally align. Sometimes it feels like you could just sit back and let it run. But you still want more, and you have a little fear that things could go sideways from unknown obstacles. Now what? Hang in there. We’ ve got some answers.

Your Key Problem

Your environment may dilute your influence, authority, and accomplishments.

What to Focus On

In this stage, it’ s time to reconnect with your mission and reignite your teammates. We’ re going to get you excited about your long-term aspirations again and help you build an environment to do the heavy lifting. What got you here won ’t get you beyond it An ambitious professional in this stage needs both incremental change and total proactive reinvention and we ’ re going to help you get on that path.

What Winning Looks Like

You and your team have built the environment to do the heavy lifting.

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Stage 5: Celebrated

What This Means

All people go through the five Stages of Professional Influence. The fifth and final stage is Celebrated when your influence, authority, and identity are embodied and represented in the culture others seek to immortalize your legacy. If you ’ re in this stage, you ’ ve likely decided you want to move on (or out), whether that’ s a year from now or ten years down the road. You might already have someone or a group you ’ re considering will take over when you ’ re done. But make no mistake while this is the final stage of the five, there’ s still a ton of work to do. And don’t worry if you haven’t started this process yet. We’ re going to guide you through all the steps. Does this sound like you? Let’ s get to it.

Your Key Problem

You haven’t preserved your influence and authority.

What to Focus On

You may fumble with “having” success (old patterns are too familiar to set aside), but we want to make sure you ’ re legacy is immortalized in your absence. We want to set you up to maintain and preserve everything you ’ ve built That means you ’ll focus on long-term maintenance and the transfer of all aspects of your legacy including any business, legal, leadership and cultural transfer. The work isn’t done yet, but when it is, you ’ll know. How?

What Winning Looks Like

Your legacy is maintained and immortalized in your absence.

© Influential U


Conditions of Life

Each of us transacts only to satisfy these unavoidable Conditions of Life.

The gold Conditions of Life are addressed in the Fundamentals of Transaction Program.

Influential U's entire curriculum is built for whole-life satisfaction; to satisfy the Conditions of Life in their totality.

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Teams and Personality

Infinity Loop: Performer

PSTI: Planning, Strategy, Tactics, and Implementation

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The Thirteen Steps to whole-life satisfaction

Step One: Step Two: Step Three: Step Four: Step Five: Step Six: Step Seven: Step Eight: Step Nine: Step Ten: Step Eleven: Step Twelve: Step Thirteen:

Articulate Your Aims for Each Condition of Life

Evidence the State of Mind of an Ambitious Adult and Prove Fitness

Demonstrate Accurate Thinking in General Knowledge

Demonstrate Accurate Thinking in Specialised Knowledge

Identify Personality and Transactional Behavior™

Articulate Solutions to a Substantial Breakdown in a Specific Ecology

Specify Your Customer Invent the Transaction Apply Levers of Influence Apply Concentration and Focus Build and Expand Influence Ecologies and Cooperation Study the Environment and The Current Plan for Inquiry and Reinvention

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Thrive: Self-Guided Training

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Feedback Survey

To complete your workshop, please take a moment to offer feedback and address the questions in our survey.

Influential U
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