Consortium Workshop

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Personality Discovery SPONSORED

Biggest Challenge


Think about your essential relationships, colleagues, or customers. Have you ever found yourself worrying about how you, your product, or your idea will be received? Maybe you feel like you ' re not so great at communicating with certain personality types, or you constantly stress about being unable to get others to say " yes " when it really matters. Then there's that worst feeling of all: being thwarted by group dysfunction where everyone seems to be on a different page. Trust me; you ' re not alone in these experiences.

01 Glacial Productivity

Individual, group, or organizational dysfunction hampers our progress and market leadership by impeding project completion and product delivery. The costs are high; missing market leadership is deadly.

02 Untapped Leadership

Untapped leadership leads to missed opportunities for growth and innovation, a lack of succession planning, employee disengagement, talent drain, a lack of diversity and inclusion, and inefficient decision-making.

03 Aimless Performance

It's easy to confuse busyness with productivity. True productivity requires an aimed focus, setting clear goals, streamlining workflows, and cultivating a mindful work environment.

04 Limited Buy-In

Limited buy-in includes reduced commitment, decreased cooperation, communication challenges, increased resistance, and missed opportunities. We need others to quickly say " yes " to our ideas, projects, and products.

Our reliance on human exchanges hides our understanding of their true nature. When we only think of transactions as a simple tit-for-tat exchange, we encounter numerous challenges in our careers, finances, relationships, and overall sense of fulfillment.


Accelerate transactions

Taxi vs. Uber

The same service, yet each aspect of the transaction has been reinvented to remove the friction for all parties at each exchange.

© Influential U


Transaction Model

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Exercise Which narratives are your superpower? (and which are your kryptonite?) © Influential U 5

Personality & Behaving Transactionally™

Each Personality demonstrates assets, liabilities, and behaviors that can accelerate transactions or grind them to a halt.

Understanding and identifying the Personality Characteristics offers you the opportunity to speed up and produce low-cost, high-value transactions.

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Infinity Loops



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©InfluenceEcology,LLC © Influential U 8

PSTI Planning, Strategy, Tactics, and Implementation

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Conditions of Life

Each of us transacts only to satisfy these unavoidable Conditions of Life.

The gold Conditions of Life are addressed in the Fundamentals of Transaction Program.

Influential U's entire curriculum is built for whole-life satisfaction; to satisfy the Conditions of Life in their totality.

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The Thirteen Steps to Bulletproof Offers

Step One: Step Two: Step Three: Step Four: Step Five: Step Six: Step Seven: Step Eight: Step Nine: Step Ten: Step Eleven: Step Twelve: Step Thirteen:

Articulate Your Aims for Each Condition of Life

Evidence the State of Mind of an Ambitious Adult and Prove Fitness

Demonstrate Accurate Thinking in General Knowledge

Demonstrate Accurate Thinking in Specialised Knowledge

Identify Personality and Transactional Behavior™

Articulate Solutions to a Substantial Breakdown in a Specific Ecology

Specify Your Customer Invent the Transaction Apply Levers of Influence Apply Concentration and Focus Build and Expand Influence Ecologies and Cooperation Study the Environment and The Current Plan for Inquiry and Reinvention

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Thrive: Self-Guided Training

© Influential U

Feedback Survey

To complete your workshop, please take a moment to offer feedback.


Influential U Co-Founder & CEO Ojai, CA

John Patterson, CEO and co-founder of Influential U is a distinguished speaker and trainer. His company offers a unique approach, Transactional Competence™ , aiding individuals and businesses in boosting their efficiency. Influential U teaches individuals and teams to leverage differences, optimize performance and accelerate results using a personality-focused, transactional framework.

The Influential U curriculum (facilitated by certified faculty and independent consultants), designed around influence, leadership, and performance, is available via webinars, online classes, workshops, and conferences. Transactional Competence, the core of Influential U, fosters ambition, cooperation, and team alignment and is used by top companies globally.

Patterson is also the inaugural host of the Influential U podcast, with listeners in over 100 countries. He has led courses, conferences, and training for over 100K people in different industries, occupations, and cultures.

© Influential U


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