Conference issue 2014

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influence magazine

conference 2014

walking with jesus daily 路 INFLUENCE CONFERENCE 101

in this


4 Letter from your Conference manager


Connect with us


Letter from your hosts


Meet the team


what we're loving

20 Walking with Jesus daily 23 Influence conference 101

20 28

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People you should know

26 schedule 28 Get to know the speakers 33

workshop descriptions


hotel map


the power of a mocha


message revivals

39 Experiencing Influence At Home 40

session info


sashes market

46 restaurant guide 48

indianapolis activities


swag bag


suite information + Featured Books

The b e s t part about this c o m m u n i t y is that the conference is o n l y t h e b e g i n n i n g for us. We want to invite you over to

The Influence Network

to become a member if you’re not already. Year round, day in and day out, women are p a r t n e r i n g together to make their online lives m e a n s o m e t h i n g and we want you there too. We’ll see you there!


from the conference manager

It's time again for The Influence Conference! I have had the extreme pleasure of attending all three years and I gotta tell you, this year feels different. It's as if the conference, the network, and the women as a whole have grown up. At the first conference I felt unsure- unsure what it would look like to walk into a room full of women I didn't know. I wasn't sure what to expect from the conference either. What I found was confirmation, both from The Lord and from the stage, on two things. First, the internet was real. I had formed what I thought was a really beautiful community online. And that community showed up. These women with whom I'd laughed, shared opinions and articles, and even prayed for were real and genuine and authentic. And from the stage I heard the same phrase time and time again- I had influence. Not for my own platform, but for His Kingdom. That He had given all of us influence right where we were and the freedom, knowledge, and platform to use it for good. Whether that meant online or in our homes and local communities, there was no mistake about why we were where we were and who had placed us there. As the second conference rolled around I felt giddy excitement that was borderline full-fledged panic attack. I was now the conference manager and this meant so many things. I was absolutely thrilled to meet the core team, ladies I loved and with whom I'd worked with over the previous year and texted with almost daily. I was excited to see some old faces and meet some new people. But I also felt the major burden of responsibility to the Network. Could I handle this? Could The Lord use a mess like me to do this big thing, or in my hands would it all fall apart? But He did. Not in a Look at what I accomplished with God's strength way but in a Look at what God does with nothing way. God made me, a woman, in His image. He made all of us, as women, in His image. And there is so much good in that truth that we spent the whole weekend talking about it and still barely scratched the surface. This year? I am pumped because I know what's coming. I no longer feel nervous or unsure, and I don't think the 4 \\

Network women do either. We feel expectant. We know The Lord has given us all influence and we know The Lord has specifically given women influence as image bearers. As a team, we've been praying and planning Colossians 2:6-7 all over this conference. Women have taken ownership of this conference because it's THEIR conference. We have shrugged off the idea that we don't know what we are doing. We stand firmly in the knowledge that we are rooted in Christ. We know that it's time for revival. It doesn't matter how many social media networks we are on, how many followers we have (or don't), or where our passions lie. The message isn't in the medium. It's in us. My prayer for you, woman of influence, is this. That just like the Israelites building the wall in Jerusalem after exile, you would pick up not only the sword of the spirit, but also your tools. That you would put in the work, day by day, and build what God would have you build. Not for yourself, but for His Glory. As we say on the core team, the glory is His and the sweat is ours. And now? Now it's time to build.



with us











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from the Hosts

Welcome! This is the third year of the Influence Conference, and more than anything, we’re sensing the urge to grow up a little bit. You’ll hear this theme woven throughout the weekend, “It’s time to build.” And we feel it in our bones. We established this conference and this community only by the grace of the Lord – and it’s time we step into the freedom and power He has for His daughters. Let’s not be content to just create cute things. Cute is fine, cute is GREAT. But, let’s back that cute up with power and hope and conviction. Let’s not be okay with living weak versions of the women He’s created us to be. Let’s walk in the power that is given to every single believer, ever. His Holy Spirit is in us, let that sink in a little bit. If you are here in the room with us now, we love you. If you are sitting at home watching the Instagram hashtag (#InfluenceConf), we love you. We have great hopes in Him for you. We know he is working in you and building your life. It’s time to believe in that power, cling to Him, and get going. Let’s build His name, together. Yeah? Grateful for each of you! Love,

Hayley & Jessi 6 \\


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the team

LINdsey Kubly

Editor in Chief @lindseykubly

Page Editor

Katie Hilbert

Katie Elliott

Contributor @aplacetodwell

Contributor @KatieLElliott

Rachael Kincaid

Hayley Morgan

Contributor @rachkincaid

Contributor @thetinytwig

Anne Bogel

Jessi Connolly

Contributor @annebogel

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anna westbury

Contributor @jessaconnolly

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what we’re loving:


with Mocha Club

Ashley The Influence Conference

Mocha Club is hosting the party! They're a community giving up the cost of a few mochas a month to support development projects in Africa. A club using small sacrifices to make a big impact is one we should all join!

This Anchinalu scarf is the perfect accessory to any black and white party outfit. fashionABLE empowers women through a sustainable business, and it is changing lives.

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Can I let you in on a secret? I don't really buy dresses and have never purchased designer jewelry. You wear them once and then they hang in your closet for the next 3 years. Now I rent all my dresses and sometimes jewelry through Rent the Runway (like this Kate Spade necklace for just $15!). Try it out, you won’t regret it!

What can I say, I'm a major oh, sweet joy! fan. Her headbands took last year's conference by storm, and this year I am OBSESSED with her tulle skirts and shirt designs. This ensemble she designed is just perfect.

This year we are hosting a lip sync-off at the Black & White Party. I recently was in a lip sync-off at a birthday party, and it was so much fun. I just knew we had to do it at Influence!

what we’re loving:




I can't suggest this new book from Elyse Fitzpatrick enough. It's quick enough to read on a round-rip flight and the perfect gospelcentered pick me up before you spend a weekend with women.

Peanut butter protein Kind bars. A box of these is my fave for traveling. If you're not sure when you'll eat or when you'll be hungry, these are the yummiest and healthiest bars to have on hand!

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If you've got one of those crazy 6am flights, there's nothing better than cute hat to throw on instead of showering first.

Albeit lip balm: I love this special rose lip balm from Anthropologie. It's colorless, so you feel put together but not overdone while you travel.

For transitional fall weather and potentially chilly plane rides, I love a fun light jacket. I just got this one from H&M and I love it!

what we’re loving:


Lindsey @lindseykubly

Roommate chats run late into the night, and you might even snap a pic or two. Replace your old tee with something cute.

Make friends quickly by bringing a power strip.

One thing I wish I had packed for last year’s conference.

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My favorite book from 2014. Tuck it in your bag in case you arrive before your roommates do!

Bring a watch. You can explore downtown without worrying about missing the next session.

Seriously, the perfect bag for the conference, so you don’t have to keep running up to your hotel room.

Staying in a hotel is definitely a luxury. Bring something along to pamper yourself.

what we’re loving:


Rachael @rachkincaid

You really can't go wrong with a tee... And a statement shirt is always a good idea at an event. Make a difference by purchasing yours through a shop that gives back.

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Ankle booties are here to stay! Pair them with a dress or rolled jeans or even shorts... they make for a super versatile and classic look.

Printed cardigans look great with almost any outfit. Don't be afraid to try something new at the conference... the wilder the print, the more neutral it can be to your entire look!

You won't need your usual handbag throughout the day. A fun fabric tote will do just the trick.

You won't regret a glitzy clutch like this. It's the perfect size for room keys and business cards!

Who says grown-ups can't buy school supplies each fall, too? Stock up on fun notebooks for your conference sessions.

A conference is the perfect excuse to get girly and pay attention to little details. Paint your nails! They'll be in a lot of photos.

what we’re loving:

Moriah @moriahsunde


The perfect opportunity for some roommate bonding.

A treat for the entire room during conference weekend. After hours of networking, this is a lifesaver!

Because, everyone deserves a little pampering away from home. 18 \\

Give a special keepsake to remember the life-giving weekend.

What’s better than a beautiful notebook? 2 beautiful notebooks!

For jotting down ideas, prayers, and session notes.

Share these with your new friends. Or not.

Start the morning off right, there’s a Starbucks right in the hotel lobby!



by Rachael Kincaid

My walk with Jesus

started a long, long time ago. I was three years old, and able to recite every piece of the literature I’d been handed during that Halloween festival at church. I don’t remember much of that night, but apparently I told my mom that I needed to let Jesus into my heart so that I could be friends with Him forever and go to heaven someday. I prayed the prayer with the folks at church, and then again with my parents, and then probably once a year after that until I was eighteen years old. You can never be too sure, right? I spent a lot of time in church youth groups and Christian camps and I even went to Christian school. Instead of a typical 20 \\

senior exit project, I had to write an apologetics paper entitled Rachael’s Statement of Faith. Jesus was a huge part of my life growing up, both inside of my home and out. There was a lot of holding hands and giving thanks and singing songs at awkward moments. When I finally made it out on my own, I decided to ask myself who I thought Jesus was when He walked the earth, and who I thought He was to me now. So I took a semester off from college and embarked on a trip across the world, as part of a missions training school. The Lord showed up in some pretty incredible ways. I got my first taste of the Holy Spirit, and I got my first taste of what the world looks like outside of my tidy bubble. It was also on that trip that I learned the importance of showing up daily to spend time with Jesus. Not just showing up sporadically to confess how screwed up I was. Not just showing up frequently to vomit out my prayer request list. Actually showing up, day after day, to just be with Jesus. I learned to hear from Him and learn from Him in the quiet, still moments. During one portion of the trip, I took a class on contemplative prayer, where we learned how to sit in silence for up to two hours (two hours!) and hear from the Lord. No journaling, no singing, no reading the Word. Just listening. Learning. Knowing. Hearing. It was one of the most difficult and powerful experiences of my entire life, something for which I’m eternally grateful. As a busybody list-checker and go-getter, I can’t overemphasize the importance of spending a few moments in silence on a regular basis. Jesus is there for the screw-up confessing and the prayer request vomiting. I promise. He tells us over and over in His word that He doesn’t mind that stuff. But how much more attractive and life-changing is a Jesus who longs and waits and nearly trips over Himself when we show up just to sit? Sometimes, He brings a verse or a person to mind, in order to share specific things on His heart with us. Other times, it’s just quiet. He just sits and helps us empty our minds, sorting the heavenly from the worldly, melting away the stress and the worry. And when things are finally all clear up top, when our minds finally stop racing, He’ll whisper those sweet words. I have loved you. I do love you. And I will always love you. Be still and know that.

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people you should know core team + Life Panel

Moriah Sunde Member Experience Manager

Rachael Kincaid Member Care Manager + Worship Leader

Worship TEAm

Chris Kincaid

Lindsey Kubly Content Manager

Ashley Noelle Conference Manager

SASHES Market Director

Nathalie Whisnant

Kim Davis

Lindsey Sherbondy

Rebecca Smith

Strategy Panel

Mandy Rose

Shanna Noel 24 \\

Natalie Lesnefsky

Community Leaders

Carrie McQuaid

Shannon Schreiber

Heather Boersma

Jessi Cross

Erin Carroll Event Team

Kara-Kae James Event Team

Hannah Arnold

Julie Cannon

Jessica Wolstenholm


Sara Ackermann

Conference Designer

Caroline Howard // 25

SCHEDULE Thursday, September 25

3:00pm-6:00pm Registration 3:00pm-7:30pm Sashes Market Open 8:00pm-10:00pm Welcome \\ The Black and White Party with Mocha Club

Friday, September 26

6:00am-7:00am Holy Yoga Class 7:30am-9:00am Breakfast (Breakfast serving ends at 8:45) 8:30am-9:00am Sashes Market Open 9:15am-10:15am Keynote (Hayley Morgan) 10:20am-10:40am Morning Worship with Rachael and Chris Kincaid 10:40am-11:00am Break 11:00am-12:15pm Session One (Jamie Ivey & Whitney English) 12:15pm-12:30pm Break + Sashes Market Open 12:30pm-1:45pm Lunch + Life panel 1:45pm-2:15pm Break + Sashes Market Open 2:15pm-3:30pm Session Two (Jessica Honegger + Jen Lula) 3:30pm-3:45pm Break 3:45pm-4:45 Message Revivals 4:45pm Sashes Market Open + Break for dinner 8:00pm-10:00pm Members only Session with Lara Casey + Sashes Market Open

Saturday, September 27

6:00am-7:00am Holy Yoga Class 7:300am-9:00am Breakfast 8:30pm-9:15pm Sashes Market Open 9:15am-10:15am Keynote (Jessi Connolly) 10:20am-10:40am Morning Worship with Rachael and Chris Kincaid 10:40am-11:00am Break 11:00am-12:15pm Session Three (Sammy Rhodes + Lisa Leonard) 12:15pm-12:30pm Break + Sashes Market Open 12:30pm-1:45pm Lunch + strategy panel 1:45pm-2:15pm Break + Sashes Market Open 2:15pm-3:30pm Session Four (Ellen Parker + Nancy Ray) 3:30pm-3:45pm Break 3:45pm-4:45pm Workshops led by Community Leaders 4:45pm Regional and Community Meetups + Sashes Market Open +Break for dinner Business Q & A with Pendleton Street Advisors in downstairs Starbucks **by appointment only 8:00pm-9:00pm Corporate Worship with Nathalie Whisnant + Chris Kincaid 9:00pm-10:00pm Coffee and Goodbyes 9:30pm-10:30pm Sashes Market Open: Last Chance! *all details subject to change Free Wi-fi in rooms + all conference areas provided by the awesome people at DAV/D K/ND! All day coffee provided by the wonderful folks at (in)courage! 26 \\

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getthetospeakers know By Katie Hilbert

I attended The Influence Conference for the first time last year, and as a woman who is passionate about others living inspired stories for the Lord, I was immediately drawn to the conference’s emphasis on the power of our stories. As I excitedly awaited the conference, I printed each speaker's session description and circled those that most appealed to me and my current life season. As the conference approached, I couldn't resist rereading my plans and thinking about all God might have in store. What can I say, I'm a total planner! Once I got to the conference, my roommate and I sat on our beds, pulled out our lists, and chatted about who we wanted to hear and why. It was such a great time to get to know each other a little better and help each other be intentional about what we hoped to learn and do at the conference. Later, as I sat through each of my chosen sessions, I was filled with hope and inspiration, grateful for each speaker’s bravery, vulnerability, and heart for God. I happily held my latte in one hand and a pen in the other, scribbling lots and lots of notes and waiting to see what God might reveal. As we get ready for this year's conference, I’m excited to introduce the speakers to you, so you can take some time to get to know them a little better before making your own conference plans. I hope these introductions help you, as you begin to plan the sessions you might like to attend. I’m praying God blesses each speaker’s session and your experience while listening to them. Don’t forget to say hi if you see me — I’ll be the girl taking lots and lots of notes — and more likely than not, holding a latte. If you aren’t familiar with how the conference sessions break down, they are divided into two categories: Life and Strategy. The Life Sessions will focus on each of our unique stories of grace, forgiveness, trials, loss, and triumph — sharing the Good News God has brought into our lives. By hearing the Life Track speakers bravely share their stories, we will be inspired and motivated to more bravely share our own. The Strategy Sessions will help us take our storytelling to the next level. Strategy speakers will focus on giving practical tips to use our influence in social media for God’s glory and our good. Now that you know the session basics, let’s move on to the introductions, shall we? 28 \\

Meet Jamie Ivey

Jamie started blogging in 2005, when she and her husband were adopting for the first time. Over the years, she says her blog has evolved into a place for her to be more personal and share her life. “I trust that God will use my words to encourage you and show you that you are not alone,” she says. As a Life Track speaker, Jamie will be talking about Overcoming Shame, sharing the hope we have in Jesus to be set free. If you want to learn more about Jamie, take a peek at her blog. I recommend her post “Asking God for Confidence.” “I want to be confident, not in myself, but in who God has called me to be,” she writes, "I want to be confident, not in my ability to communicate, but in the way God speaks through me. I want to be confident, not in my words, but in the words God gives me to bring HIM glory.”

Meet Whitney English

Whitney’s life-long love affair with paper and interior design began at age 15, leading to the later creation of the Whitney English Stationery brand. In 2012, Whitney closed the wholesale stationery business to focus full time on making a difference in the lives of her family and other creative entrepreneurs.

In her Strategy Track Session, Failure as Fuel for Your Dreams, Whitney will be speaking from personal experience about how to turn failure into an advantage, and how to use life’s valleys to build momentum for your journey. Want a sneak peek? Explore Whitney's blog, where she writes and shares honestly about the creative life to encourage others in their journeys and through their struggles. "But here’s the thing: I don’t want to be a company," Whitney writes. "I want to be a human. Companies have to be perfect. Humans are allowed to be flawed."

Meet Ellen Parker

Ellen lives in a “sweltery southeastern town” with her husband and three children. “Building our story and a strong sense of home into our children is fascinating to me,” Ellen says. “Mining my everyday for bright treasures is my heart.” Ellen is interested in how Jesus saves, redeems, rescues, and heals every rough and raw place in us. “It’s the story of how He takes bitter and makes sweet,” she says. Ellen’s Life Track Session entitled Live Loved will examine some common fears we have and how they motivate us. We will then take a look at the way God’s love covers those fears and how we can walk more closely in community, as we shift our motivation and security. Get to know Ellen better before the conference by exploring her blog. Her post “About Beauty” spoke a great deal to my heart, especially her invitation to see the beauty right in the midst of us. “I’ve learned to believe with everything in me that the most imperfect and dazzling beauty grows in the narrow places,” Ellen writes. “I want to be present today, right here in the lines God is drawing and shifting around me.”

Meet Jen Lula

Jen introduces herself as an adventure-seeking, art-loving, fashion-obsessed, stay-at-home mom. “Most days, I am just trying to navigate this crazy thing called life,” she says. Jen started her blog, Jen Loves Kev, in 2006 when she and her husband Kev decided to get married and move to Hawaii within a two-week span. Originally a fashion blog, Jen Loves Kev has evolved, capturing adventures in Jen's married life and births of their two daughters. “Being a mom is more than I ever imagined,” Jen says. “It’s who I am, and I can’t help but share our journey.” Jen will be teaching a Strategy Track called Let’s Work Together, where she will talk about working with brands. She will share advice on how to create meaningfuL, lasting connections with brands, while still maintaining your personal voice, integrity, and following God's will for your blog. Get to know Jen a little better before the conference by reading her post on living a simple, intentional life. “I want to live with intention, and I don’t want to waste moments,” Jen writes. “I don’t want to be jealous of what others have or achieved. I don’t want to multitask my way to the top, while pushing everything else that matters to the side..." // 29

get to know the speakers

Meet Nancy Ray

Nancy describes herself as a Southern girl who looks most forward to waking up each morning to drink her coffee, read her Bible, and soak in the beauty that surrounds her. She’s passionate about beautiful photography and creating an experience her photography clients will never forget. “Nothing makes me happier than meeting a new, unique couple with a love story all their own,” she says. Nancy’s Strategy session, Let’s Get Down to Business, will focus on 10 practical ways you can start and grow your business. Before the conference, take a little time to get lost in the magic of Nancy’s photography blog. The way she and her team capture others’ life and love stories is mega-inspiring. You might also enjoy reading about her Morning Routine.

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Meet Sammy Rhodes

Sammy is the RUF campus minister at the University of South Carolina. You may be familiar with his laughout-loud Twitter page, the bio of which says “I would unfollow myself if I could.” As a pastor turned Internet comedian, Sammy experienced a rollercoaster of social media fame, which eventually led him to quit the Internet before coming back with a renewed perspective. Sammy’s Life Track session, Approval of the Internet, is a story of people pleasing, pain, and redemption. Learn more about Sammy before the conference by visiting his website, You’ll find posts about life and faith, as well as podcasts from Sammy. His recent post Don’t Compare Your Deep Cuts to Another Person’s Greatest Hits is especially powerful. “Insecurity is something that comes easy to a lot of us,” Sammy writes. “The question I often have to pose to my own heart is this: Is Christ enough for me? In those rare moments that He is, that is when my heart is free to swim in the waters of contentment, instead of drown in the waters of comparison.”

Meet Jessica Honegger

Jessica, founder and Chief Dreamer of Noonday Collection, learned early on that she wanted to spend her life as an advocate for the poor. In 2010, after a trip to Uganda, she and her husband decided to grow their family through adoption. Jessica launched Noonday to raise money to bring their son and third child home from Rwanda. In her Life Track session, Hearing the Cry, Jessica will speak about how Christ not only came to reconcile us to God, but also with each other and with his creation. Jessica’s talk will explore the ways God uses us to renew His kingdom when we commit to a volunteer cause, or use our voice to advocate for the vulnerable. Get to know Jessica and Noonday story better, here.

Meet Lisa Leonard

Meet Hayley Morgan

As a jewelry designer, Lisa desires to create “simple, lovely pieces that can be worn with jeans or your little black dress.” Each of her creations is a meaningful, handmade work of art. Over the years, Lisa has grown her business, Lisa Leonard Designs, through building community online. In her Strategy Session, Branding Across Your Platforms, she’ll share her favorite strategies for storytelling and building community across social media platforms.

As one of the founders of The Influence Network and Conference, you may already know a little bit about Hayley. Blogger at The Tiny Twig and author of The No Brainer Wardrobe, Hayley’s heart is to inspire women to create lives of more passion and less fuss. She and her husband, Mike, recently launched an ethical kids’ lifestyle brand, Wildly Co. and completed a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund their fall line.

Learn more about Lisa, and what inspires her to create, on her blog. Her Hello Monday posts, where she greets each new week with an open heart and a fresh perspective, are a great place to start.

Hayley’s general conference session, The Medium Doesn’t Matter, will focus on the collective Good News of the gospel and the personal messages and stories we all have as a means to share it. Hayley is gifted at helping to cast vision for the Influence team and community, as you can see in her recent post, Deep AND Wide. Hayley writes, “I wonder if our generation is being tempted to spend a disproportionate amount of energy on the growth you can see versus the growth that you can’t. The growth that you can’t see is sustaining rather than producing…and our culture is obsessed with production.”

Meet Jessi Connolly

As the other founder of the Influence Network and Conference, Jessi might be another familiar name. Blogger at and founder of the Naptime Diaries print shop, Jessi is passionate about seeing women inspired to walk in the life God has for them. “I'm just a gal who knows what it's like to be in the thick of it. And I know what it's like to walk with Jesus in the thick of it too,” she says. In a recent post, Flipping the Script, she writes about church planting in a way that can apply to each of us, no matter how we are serving in the kingdom. “So this is me. Publicly flipping the script. And praying that as I type these words, they'll ring true in my heart and serve as a reminder on the ‘hard’ days.” Jessi’s general session, It’s Time to Build, will explore the ability we have to build WITH the Lord, using our God-given influence for His Kingdom, rather than our own.

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get to know




ara Casey’s premier event Making Things Happen has been a springboard for many women (and men!) to make their lives more focused and to make the things that matter most actually happen. Our co-founders Jess and Hayley were able to attend Making Things Happen last October, and they knew it was something the members of The Influence Network would benefit from. So, we’ve teamed up with our good friend Lara to bring you a mini bit of Making Things Happen to Influence, exclusively for our members. We’ll talk about how to discern what matters most, how to eliminate what doesn’t, and how make the most of this precious life we’ve been gifted with. Lara is a no-nonsense, full-of-grace voice to the women of our generation and we can’t wait to gather Influence Members for a Making Things Happen miniexperience as Lara and our gift to you. Don’t worry if you aren’t already a member—you can take care of that easily! For just $10, you’ll gain access to Lara’s members only event and you’ll also receive a complimentary class for October! We can’t wait to have you as part of the Network, we know you’ll love it!

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workshop descriptions Grace For Moms Sponsored by B&H Publishing Group

Chasing Big Dreams

So you have a dream of being published. . .Maybe you aren’t sure where to start or you’ve come up against some obstacles that make you think you’ll never see your dream become a reality. In this workshop, published author and former agent/ brand manager, Jessica Wolstenholm will guide you through the publishing process from idea conception to physical book or ebook. Jess won’t hold anything back, sharing honest insight and experience from her journey as agent and author.Come ready to take your idea to the next level as we walk through a publishing/brand proposal and actually complete one together! At the end of the workshop you’ll be empowered with real world, practical guidance to take the next steps in seeing your dream come true.

Heather Boersma

We live in a time where are more connected than ever. However, too often we let comparison and pride rob us from both joy and true community and fellowship. This workshop will be talking about using our platforms for good to spread love, grace, and kindness to make much of His Kingdom. We will discuss what it looks like to celebrate the successes of others, carry one anothers' burdens, and serve one another effectively. God is using each of us to write a love letter to the world, so we will flesh out what that looks like in different seasons of life whether single, married, life with kids, or empty nest. Lastly, we will talk about why small acts of love matter and how they can have a major rippling effect on a watching world.

The Scribble Pad

This workshop will focus on the basics of how to speak effectively in a public setting (church service, retreat, conference, etc.). We'll talk about everything from how to prepare your talk and tips for great story telling, to booking events and building your platform.If you feel called to speak in some capacity, this workshop will encourage and equip you to communicate in a way that inspires your listener to make a positive change in their lives. Jesus was the ultimate communicator and we'll spend some time talking about how and why His teaching was so powerful and effective. Come with your ideas, questions and passion to share God's truth with the world.

Maybe you finally want to start that blog, or maybe you want to explore more of the things you've heard at the Influence Conference to grow your blog. In this workshop, we'll discuss building a blog, monetization, time management, boundaries, finding your voice, building and cultivating community, and other pieces to complete the blogging puzzle. We'll share very specific resources for monetizing via ad networks, affiliate programs, and partnerships with brands as well as tips to share content and cultivate a loyal community. Bring your laptop because we're going to dive right in! In this personal presentation, Cammie Sorensen, a business-lady by day, reveals the essential secrets to business-savvy for creative entrepreneurs who seek to amplify their influence through their business . Deeply involved in small business for 9 years, and now Senior Vice President at a wealth management firm, Cammie will share the practical 'peek behind the curtain' tactics that will make your business hum.

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Hi! We’re Chris + Cassandra Kuykendall. Thanks for taking an interest in our little start-up. Please know that every purchase you make directly helps our family to continue planting churches in Amsterdam + rescue women from the red light district.

hotel map

SECOND FLOOR of the WESTIN 1G Welcome Area 1D + 1E General Sessions + Meals 1b Life Sessions 1C Strategy Sessions 3 Thrive Moms Suite 4 Prayer Suite 5 Green RooM

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Power of a


how small sacrifces are making a big impact throughout Africa


n a daily basis, one might think the “power” of a mocha has something to do with that kickstart from the caffeine and the chocolate. Yes. We agree.

But we see something bigger. .. Perhaps you heard about Mocha Club at last year’s Influence Conference. Maybe you’ve seen pictures and stories online of the BIG things Mocha Club members are doing, together, in at-risk communities across Africa. Or, maybe this is your first time hearing about this organization with a quirky name and deep desire to take on extreme poverty in a real, sustainable way. Regardless, we are thrilled to, once again, be partnered with Influence Conference and introduce you to the amazing power of a mocha. Mocha Club began nearly 10 years ago with one goal: empowering individuals who don’t have a lot of “extra” cash to make a big impact in Africa. You see, we continue to find that while we might not always have “extra,” we do tend to swing by our local coffee shop *at least* a few times a month. So, we had this idea. What if we gave up the cost of a few “mochas” (read: skinny vanilla latte, iced loose leaf tea, or heck...chocolate chip scone with a grande macchiato) and sent it to a place in need. Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re not anti-coffee. We just think it tastes extra good when you know that you are empowering someone in need on the other side of the world. Now, take this concept and multiply it by thousands of passionate individuals and you start seeing amazing change happen. Things like: providing care for 500 child mothers in Uganda who were once abducted and abused by the rebel army, bringing a solar water well to a remote village in Malawi, and most recently, reconditioning a shipping container into a top-notch school in one of Africa’s largest slums. All of this happened by friends telling friends about the power of a mocha. Over the last year, along with the help of our good friend and author/blogger, Annie Downs, who championed the needs of New Dawn School in Kenya, Mocha Club was able to build new classrooms, grow flourishing kale gardens, expand the library, and even install solar panels. This allowed the school to harness local assets, promote sustainability and most importantly, bring leading secondary education to a community in need. The other day, Irene, the principal of this school shared this note with us: “Last night, I was moved deeply as I read ‘thank you’ notes written by all 31 freshman students who expressed joy, gratitude and praise to God for gifting them with a clean learning environment - a new floor and new desks. The 31 of them promised to keep the classroom clean and the desks all utilized to enhance academic performance. The 31 of them blessed all who facilitated the renovation, to the Glory of God… “Together with them I say ‘thank you’ very much indeed for giving!” It’s more than caffeine. That is the power of a mocha. We are thrilled and honored to spend the weekend with such talented writers, bloggers, thinkers, designers, mothers, friends, difference-makers. You each have a unique voice and opportunity to empower your community to make a difference in this world. Join us in a conversation about how you can fuel the power of a mocha.

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Message Revivals · Conference 2014 Do women think that they have to be bloggers or super well-known bloggers to have an impact in this life? Have we helped promote that massive misunderstanding? Since the inception of Influence we have whole-heartedly believed that YOU have influence right where you are – and we want to equip you right there. But sometimes that is an easier message to nod your head to and a harder one to swallow whole when comparing your personal ministry to someone else’s. But we needed to find a way to shout a little louder to everyone – You don’t have to have a blog, You don’t have to be famous online, You don’t have to be an author or a speaker on the Christian circuit – you have to walk in the life God has given you, sharing the message of the Good News RIGHT THERE.

We need a revival. We need to be able to refresh women in the message. We’ve added a completely new portion to The Influence Conference schedule based on this prompting from the Lord. Friday afternoon we’ll now be having a handful of Message Revivals, and you can pick the one you’d most like to go to. These quick gatherings will reignite your heart for the place the message of the Good News goes forth the most in your life. We’ll spend time praying together in groups and doing some equipping and empowering as we gather together. We want to meet you right where you are.

This year’s revivals are: Your message in your community hosted by Ashley and Erin

Your message on instagram hosted by Moriah and Jessi

Your message in your words hosted by Hayley and Jenni

Your message in social justice hosted by Amber and Caroline

Your message in your workplace hosted by Rachael and Carrie

Your message in your ministry hosted by Mackenzie and Kristi

Your message in your home hosted by Lindsey and Kara-Kae

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get it FREE at

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experiencing influence@home By Anne Bogel @AnneBogel What if you’re not attending the Influence Conference this year? We’ll miss you, but you can get a whole lot out of a blog conference even if you don’t attend. Here’s how: 1. For non-attendees, the conference twitter stream is gold. Follow the hashtags #InfluenceConf and #InfluenceNet to know what’s going on at the conference--before and after, but especially during. The majority of conference tweets will carry the hashtag.

their notes on their blogs after the conference. I’ve always been happy to share my session notes over email. (Even if you’re at the conference, you can’t attend every session. Swapping notes is common practice: just make a polite request to get in on the action.)

Following specific users--like attendees, speakers, and @InfluenceNet--to stay tuned to what’s happening in Indy. (Not sure who to follow? Just see who keeps popping up in the #InfluenceConf stream.) Some users will live-tweet the sessions--find them! And speakers will often be tagged in tweets from their sessions.

3. Read the blog posts. The occasional blogger will live-blog the conference, but most write recap posts once it’s over. The best place to find these posts is--once again-twitter.

I favorite tweets like crazy during conferences. My favorites remind me of tips I want to implement, session notes I want to track down, and bloggers I want to know more about. 2. Get the session notes. Some speakers make their notes available on their website. If you don’t see a link on twitter, ask if they’re available. If the speaker doesn’t publish their session notes, you can be confident that a whole roomful of bloggers took a bunch of notes. Some recap their favorite sessions or publish

4. Know that communities spring up around conferences. Some are loose, some have more structure (like the Influence Network, for example). Does the conference’s community sound like one you want to be a part of? You don’t have to attend in order to join in. Hop online and make some new friends. 5. Think about going next year. I never thought I’d want to attend a blogging conference--until I followed a conference’s twitter stream. All of a sudden, I understood just what happened there and what I might get out of it. If you have the same (remote) experience this year, think hard about making plans for next year.

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session info



GENERAL SESSION [for all]: Hayley Morgan // The Medium Doesn't Matter Fri 9:15am-10:15am

You have a message, a story to tell. We all do. We have a collective Good News to shout from the rooftops. As an individual, you also have a more nuanced personal story to testify to. Here’s the thing: the medium doesn’t matter. God’s hope and goodness is universal and timeless, it will last forever. Thank God!

Session one: Life Track Jamie Ivey // Overcoming Shame Fri 11:00am-12:15pm

What is shame and how do we as women feel it? How does God’s word define shame and how should that effect us? Shame can be something that we as women feel in very different ways, but can effect us for our lifetime. Shame can be from your circumstances, or your choices, but either way it hurts the same. There is hope though! We don’t have to be defined by our shame or imprisoned by it. Jesus is the only way that we can truly be free from our shame. Jesus is our hope!

Session one: Strategy Track Whitney English // Failure as Fuel for Your Dreams Fri 11:00am-12:15pm

Whitney English, wife and mother to three littles, will speak from her experiences, talking about how to turn failure into a favorable advantage, and how to use life’s valleys to build momentum for your journey. In an inspiring and motivating talk, she’ll break part three myths about failure, and help you put an action-oriented strategy in place for making a difference in your world on online.

Session two: Life Track Jessica Honegger // Hearing the Cry Fri 2:15pm-3:30pm

Ever since Jessica’s first face-to-face encounter with poverty at age 13 in inner city DC, she has been on a journey to discover how we are called to use God’s gift of work to transform the lives of the poor. Inspired by Colossians 1:19-20 (“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in [Jesus], and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross), Jessica will speak about how Christ came not only to reconcile us to God, but to reconcile us with each other and with his creation as well. We know this idea as justice. Because we serve a creator God, we reflect his love for work and are called to work for the reconciliation of his kingdom on earth. Committing to a volunteer cause in a truly engaged way, or using your voice to advocate for the vulnerable, will unveil the ways that God wants to use you where you are to renew his kingdom.

Session two: Strategy Track Jen Lula // Let's Work Together Fri 2:15pm-3:30pm

Blogging can be a tough road to navigate. There are no handbooks to read and no rules to follow. Where do we even start when it comes to working with brands? It can be hard keeping our priorities straight when it comes to moving ahead with our blogs while balancing life, family, and work. In this session Jen will talk about following after God’s will for your blog while keeping your priorities straight. She’ll also be sharing practical advice on how to create meaningful and lasting connections with brands, while still maintaining your own personal voice and integrity.

MEMBER ONLY SESSION: Lara Casey // Purpose Over Perfect Fri 8:00pm-10:00pm

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Many of us spend far too many years of our lives chained by the chase for elusive perfection. The chase so easily disguises itself as a “should” because everyone around us is doing it. You should be working hard at the expense of time with your family if you want to be successful. You should be staying up late to get ahead if you want to make it. You should climb the success ladder now so you can live a joyful life when you retire. You should, or you won’t be enough. Here’s a wild question: what would happen if you threw out the “shoulds”? Who says you have to live by those rules? What if ending the chase and living on purpose means intentionally leaning in to what might feel imperfect? What if it means letting yourself make a mess? Dig into these questions, learn from each other, and watch God break down our barriers!

GENERAL SESSION Jessi Connolly // It's Time to Build Sat 9:15am-10:15am

It’s been two wonderful years of talking about Influence with this beautiful community. We’ve circled the truths that we all have influence right where we are and we’ve stood firm on the belief that as women, God has equipped us for the influential works He’s called us to. So, what’s next? In front of us lies a choice to grab hold of the God given influence in front of us and use it for our kingdoms or His eternal one. The good news is our role and ability to build WITH the Lord is more important, valuable, and eternal than we could ever imagine.

Session three: Life Track Sammy Rhodes // Approval and the Internet Sat 11:00am-12:15pm

As a pastor turned Internet comedian, Sammy Rhodes rode the rollercoaster of social media fame. As his profile grew to massive numbers, he came under fire from the comedy community, which led to a crisis of the heart, quitting the internet, and coming back again with renewed perspective.. His story is a story of people pleasing, pain, and redemption–all played out online for over one hundred thousand people to see.

Session three: Strategy Track Lisa Leonard // Branding Across Your Platforms Sat 11:00am-12:15pm

Lisa has grown her jewelry business massively with online promotion. She has seen all of our current social media platforms come on to the scene and has learned how to and how not to use each one. She can’t wait to tell you about her favorite strategies for storytelling and building community across the various social media platforms!

Session four: Life Track Ellen Parker // Live Loved Sat 2:15pm-3:30pm

We’ve never been more accessible, more informed or more directed that we can live bolder and better with the right formula. Yet, deep down, we battle fear: fear that we aren’t good enough, fear that we’re small, fear that we’ll fail, fear that we’ll come up needing. We throw up walls of performance, perfection and pretending because we’re afraid we’ll be found out. God has a remedy for fear, and it’s not walls. It’s His love. We are never apart from it, even in our imperfection, limitedness, mistakes and difficulties. His love is always with us and the more we walk in the truth of that, the more fear is pushed out of our lives. It is THE safe place. In this session, we’ll examine some common fears and how they motivate us, the truth about God’s love over them and how we can walk more closely in community as we shift our motivation and security.

Session Four: Strategy Track Nancy Ray // Let's Get Down to Business Sat 2:15pm-3:30pm

How can I turn my dreams into reality? How do I take this talent and transform it into a business? How do I take my idea and turn it into a product? Is it possible to build a business on my passion? Where do I even begin? Nancy believes with all of her heart that doing business is good. God created us in His image to be creators of new ideas and to serve one another well. That’s what doing business is all about! Many of us have dreams of starting and growing a business, but we have no idea how to do it. Often times the thought of it can be too overwhelming for us to know where to start, so we get stuck. That’s why Nancy is excited to share 10 practical ways to start and grow your business. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work!

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sashes MARKET 1.










1. Whitney Rae Paper

5. jessicaNdesigns

2. Noonday Collection

6. White Peach Pottery

3. Naptime Diaries

7. Beautiful & Beloved

4. fashionABLE 42 \\

8. Better Life Bags

Want to order your own custom BLB? We’ll have a booth set up so you can create one with the BLB team!

9. Thrive Moms






15. 16. 17.


10. the Lara Casey Shop 11. NS Pottery


14. Mocha Club

The story of I Need Africa is printed on the inside!

12. No.41

15. Melody Joy Designs

13. Ora Dale :: Handmade Lovelies

16. Ivey Expressions

17. Binti Designs 18. The Green Ampersand 19. Knot A Dream

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sashes MARKET 20.






Sashes Market Director Kim

26. 27.

20. BE Print Shop

24. Well-Press Paper + Design

21. Persimmon Prints

25. Busyspinningthread

22. oh, sweet joy!

26. Mom Diggity Designs

Meet our Sashes Market Director, Kim

23. Two Little Fish

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27. Oh Tiny Gifts

P RI NTS & DESK CARDS to motivate you to what matters 10 % OF F W ITH TH E CODE “ IN F LU E NC E ” W W W . L A R A C A S E Y S H O P. C O M

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restaurant guide

DOWNTOWN 1. St. Elmo Steak House, 1933 Lounge Sink into a leather chair and order an infamously hot (read: clear-the-sinuses) shrimp cocktail and filet sliders from the menu of small plates. Steaks are always perfectly handled. 127 S. Illinois St. 2. BARcelona Tapas Pick small plates, like baked goat cheese in marinara and fried artichoke hearts to pass around the table with a group of friends, new or old. 201 N. Delaware St. 3. Napolese: An Artisanal Pizzeria Neapolitan-style pizzas, crisp salads, and housemade gelato create a lovely threecourse meal that you could split. 30 S. Meridian St.

4. Libertine Liquor Bar A constantly changing dinner menu that specializes in prohibition-era cocktails. Perfect for small parties. Do Not Miss :: the bacon flight. 38 E. Washington St. 5. Chick-fil-A “Happily handcrafted” food right in the Circle Centre Mall food court. A great spot to land if you’re doing some shopping, or just love Chick-fil-A as much as we do. 49 W. Maryland St.

9. Soupremacy

“A local soup shop-not some big chain.” Healthy, fresh, delicious. Closed Saturday and Sunday. 7 E. Market St. 10. Pot Belly

Delicious sandwiches with an antique feel. Do Not Miss :: giardiniera on your sandwiches for extra spice. 55 Monument Circle LUNCH ONLY 11. Patachou on the Park Grab a self-serve mug of coffee and choose from omelets, sandwiches, salads and soups. Patachou restaurants are a favorite around the city. 225 W. Washington St. 12. City Market My top picks in this historic building, packed with food stalls? Spice Box for the best Indian food downtown; 3 Days in Paris for sweet and savory crepes; and Circle City Sweets for French macarons. 222 E. Market St. If you’ll be here on Wednesday, explore the Farmer’s Market right outside on Market Street from 9:30am – 1:30pm.


6. @IndyFTA Try following this twitter feed to easily track the locations of all the food trucks in the city. Lots of them will be downtown, sometimes in clusters.

This up-and-coming, transitional neighborhood is filled with hipsters and restaurateurs, who are stretching their creative muscles. You’ll find antique shops, a restored duckpin bowling alley, and a knitting shop. Be sure to plan for a five to ten minute drive down Virginia Avenue, southeast of downtown.

7. Shapiro’s Delicatessen As you walk the cafeteria line, order hot pastrami and corned beef sandwiches. They’ve drawn customers for over a century. 808 S. Meridian St.

13. Bluebeard Voted Best Restaurant in Indy this year, foodies will adore the irresistibly unique menu that changes daily. 653 Virginia Ave.

8. Scotty’s Brewhouse If you are going to pick a brewery downtown, make it Scotty’s and try the fried dill pickle chips. 1 Virginia Ave.

14. Santorini Greek Kitchen You’ll be in for a show as you feast on hearty Greek cuisine. Between the belly dancers and the flaming cheese appetizer, there will be lots of conversation starters. (There are burn marks on the ceiling!) 1417 E. Prospect St.

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THE WESTIN your Influence home

by Lindsey Kubly and Katie Elliott

15. Siam Square Thai Cuisine Want ethnic and spicy? Try anything from this Thai restaurant, but the seafood is excellent. 936 Virginia Ave. 16. Bosphorus Istanbul Café The appetizer sampler is the best in town, and the Turkish owner will charm your socks off. 935 S. East St. 17.Rook Casual, relaxed, hungry; it’s as if you’ve been transported to an Asian street market. An unsuspecting gastronomic experience. Do Not Miss :: Steamed buns or dumplings. 719 Virginia Ave. MASS AVE

While you wait for a table, stroll down this trendy diagonal street coming out of the northeast corner of downtown. You’ll stumble on local boutiques, restaurants, coffee shops, and theatres. It is a 20-minute walk or very short cab ride away from the Westin Hotel.

18. Bakersfield Mass Ave A hip spot does a nice job with fresh, double-wrapped tacos, guacamole and margaritas in mason jars. 334 Massachusetts Ave. 19. Bazbeaux Pizza An Indy favorite has turned out unique, gourmet pizzas since 1986. 333 Massachusetts Ave. 20. Bru Burger The best burger I’ve had in town, and a veggie burger can be substituted for any of the unique combinations. Expect a wait, but it is worth it. 410 Massachusetts Ave. 21. The Rathskeller Indianapolis' oldest restaurant. It has traditional Bavarian fare. Friday of the conference the famous Polka Boy (a tongue-and-cheek Polka/rock band) will be playing in the Biergarten--this is a dynamic combination! $5 cover charge and they play from 7-11 pm. 401 E. Michigan St.


12. 21. 20. 18. 19. 2. 6.





5. 3. 8.



13. 17. 7. 13.



14. // 47



by Lindsey Kubly

A1. Indianapolis Museum of Art

Set on the property of the Lilly family, the IMA is the number one place I would send you in the city. The museum is astoundingly free of charge, plus you can wander the extensive surrounding gardens and home of the Lilly family. You’ll see lots of photographers because the setting is so perfect and varied – English and Japanese gardens, 100 Acres Nature Park, and the iconic Love sculpture. (Note: there are two free parking lots, but the main parking lot has a fee) 4000 Michigan Road

a2. White River State Park

Right across the street from the Westin Hotel, you can walk down a few steps and find yourself on the 1.5-mile canal downtown. Rent a bike or pedal boat, or simply stroll along the canal. Walk across the bridge over the White River to find my favorite spot – the White River Promenade, a walkway lined with limestone and covered with flowering trees and evergreens. It feels like you stumbled on a secret.

801 W. Washington St. A3. Midland Antiques Mall

Just east of downtown, two stories of an industrial factory now house finds from over 200 independent antique and art dealers. Mentioned in Lonny Magazine and represented in a showroom in New York City, this place is a treasure trove. It has been voted “Best Antique Store” for many years running. It is the perfect place to explore. 907 E. Michigan St.

A4. For the guys who will be hanging out during the conference, there are several places within walking distance to explore. Try the NCAA Hall of Champions, with interactive exhibits and a 1930’s retro basketball gymnasium,. Indianapolis is home to the second most memorials and monuments honoring veterans in America. Only Washington, D.C. has more. You will find them all over downtown within walking distance of the hotel. 700 W. Washington St.

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B&H Bloggers Program Sign up to receive books from your favorite authors to review and giveaway!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

yearning to be heard? !

offering local & web-based sessions /bloggers M+H on twitter + ig: @milkandhoneyLKN // 49

swag bag

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Prayer Suite

presented by Naptime Diaries

A prayer suite has been set aside as a place to meet with Jesus, connect with women who want to pray over you and with you and as a place be still to let it all sink in. The prayer suite is a place for you to come and feel known while swimming in a sea of new faces. It’s a place where all of the voices you are hearing lead you to the stillness of His voice. It’s a place where you feel safe to come undone as He moves and messes you up in the best and sweetest way.

Moms Suite

Presented by Thrive Moms

Thrive Moms is honored to be hosting a suite for moms. If you brought your baby along, we know this isn't an easy weekend away for you, and we want it to be as comfortable for you as possible. The moms suite is a relaxing place for you to escape to nurse, pump or just a place to give you a break. The room is filled with all of the baby items you may need, from a changing station to bouncy seats, playmats and lots of extra baby supplies. Maybe you left your kids at home. We welcome you too! The moms suite is an open door for moms to connect! We invite you to join us Saturday from 4:30-5:30 for a time of connecting and some yummy treats! The Thrive team is thrilled to be with you this weekend and pray that your hearts are renewed and refreshed to head home to one of the greatest jobs you will ever have, being mom. 52 \\

featured books

Found in the sashes market

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Tickets for The Influence Conference 2015 are on sale NOW! We are so grateful for all of you, you amazingly influential women. The Influence Team

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