The Conference Issue

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in this



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Letter from your hosts

5 Meet the conference manager

conference schedule


Restaurant Guide


conference speakers


workshop descriptions


City Activities Swag Bag Donors + Featured Books conference schedule


Connect with us


Meet the team


people you should know



what we’re loving



The conference story


Femininity Theme

45 experiencing Influence @home


The Sashes Market


Community profiles

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hotel map


session info

The best part about this community is that the conference is only the beginning for us. We want to invite you over to

The Influence Network

to become a member if you’re not already. Year round, day in and day out, women are partnering together to make their online lives mean something and we want you there too. We’ll see you there!


from your hosts

Ladies! We made it! We’ve made it to the second year of The Influence Conference and so much has changed since we met you all in Indy last October. Last year, we were two nervous, hopeful, slightly scared pregnant gals who so badly wanted to look you all in the eye and tell you that we genuinely believe you have influence, right where you are. Fast forward a year and the conference is now just one part of The Influence Network and we are just two parts of the amazing team the Lord is using to grow this community. In this issue of the magazine you’ll find all the info you could possibly need about the conference, but you’ll also get a wider peak into who we are and what we’re about. You’ll meet Ashley who has organized and managed the entire conference this year and the other gals on our team - whether they’re serving year round in the network or fulfilling special roles this weekend. There are so many people we want you to meet and get to know and so many amazing things coming that we can’t wait to tell you about. Us? We’re still those hopeful gals wanting to grab your faces and tell you how amazing you are, how amazing the Lord is in you - but we’re less scared now and the babies we were pregnant with are crawling around our feet and playing with our big kids. And this baby? This Influence baby community - is growing beautifully and quickly and we are so grateful to be called to shepherd and lead here. We are so grateful for all of you. It’s almost time for the conference to start and we are expectant and excited to say the least. We are praying for you and we are so grateful to be on this ride with each of you. Grace and Peace, Jessi and Hayley

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People you should


When I signed on as the Conference Manager at the beginning of this year, already pregnant with what I knew was my second daughter, I was so excited. I knew God had called me to women’s ministry but I hadn’t yet found my place. The minute I joined the Influence Network team, I knew this was where I belonged. These were my people. As time went on, I was forming strong relationships with these women. I was being encouraged and inspired. I was, truthfully for the first time ever, in the word daily. God used these women to spur me on in my online life. I saw true community as, by God’s grace, 5 of the 6 of us brought new life into this world, with the 6th to give birth after the conference. We shared laughs, and business ideas and cheered each other on. But it wasn’t all lighthearted. These women and I got real with one another. We shared our hopes, our dreams, our fears. We walked together through some personal difficulties that are too tender to share. We lovingly admonished one another (Ok, it was me who was lovingly admonished). We prayed fervently for one another. And THAT, sweet lady of Influence, THAT is what my hope is for this conference, and the community formed within. I want you to be excited. I want you to be spurred on by the gospel. I want you to feel God’s presence in your life. I want you to laugh and get to know one another. I want you to grow your businesses and find success. I want you to have a safe place to be real, to be vulnerable and to walk with others through the times that feel too tender to share. I want you to know that you belong. I want you to know that we are your people. Ashley @OnHerHeart

Meet more of the conference team on page 8!

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with us











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the team

hayley morgan

Editor in Chief @thetinytwig

LINdsey Kubly

Managing Editor @lindseykubly

anna westbury

Page Editor

Jessi connolly

Contributor @naptimesdiaries

Anne Bogel

Contributor @AnneBogel // 7

People you should Core team

Lindsey Kubly The Influence Network: Blog, Magazine, + Publishing


Moriah Sunde The Influence Network: Communications Manager

Rachael Kincaid The Influence Network: Community Manager






Kara Kae




Community Leaders

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Design Team

audio visual




accessible experts








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what we’re loving: THE conferen ce ISSUE


Pick a cozy neck pillow so you can settle in and sleep

When the baby seated behind you can’t seem to fall asleep, these headphones are an essential.

Easy slip ons for rushing through security

An oversized sweater can double as a blanket

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Bring reading material to get inspired before the conference even begins Because nobody wants to pay $5 for bottled water

In case you need to snack on something while catching that connecting flight

A motion sickness band is genius. Nobody needs to get sick on their first day of an awesome conference.

Moriah @moriahsunde

what we’re loving: THE conferen ce ISSUE


Thanks to chemistry classes, I’m partial to composition notebooks for jotting notes during speaker sessions (but only college-ruled!).

You’ll need a cute belt, and you can half-tuck your top in to show off this lovely grey.

The best pens. Bring extra for your roomies.

An artful bracelet to layer with a nerdy watch. This clutch is the perfect size for mints, an IPhone, business cards, and your wallet. Add in a cross-body strap, and I’m sold!

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Don’t wear a boring top, since it will be photographed most. This tee has a built-in necklace.

Boy jeans are the perfect juxtaposition to a feminine top or girly shoes. You won’t look overdone in these.

A daintier take on men’s brogues. Make sure your pants are rolled about three inches above your ankle.

Lindsey @lindseykubly

what we’re loving: THE conferen ce ISSUE


Never mix up your charger again.

Because you don’t want to get lost in a sea of iPhones! Bring a smartphone to Instagram your best moments!

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Definitely not necessary, but perfect if your roommate is a light sleeper! Best way to make friends? A powerstrip!

Let’s get real, sometimes you want to take notes in RAINBOW!

MacBook Pro is my weapon of choice. I prefer the full keyboard (vs. the iPad) for quick typing.

Hayley @thetinytwig

what we’re loving: THE conferen ce ISSUE

NIGHTIME OUTFIT A basic cardigan with a little spunk can add life to different outfits throughout the weekend and protect against the nighttime chill.

One of the most fun memories you’ll make at the Influence Conference is an evening of breaking bread with other conference attendees. Let’s face it, we all love to eat. How much more fun is it to grab dinner with ladies you’ve finally met in real life, after building a friendship on online?

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Is the travel getting to your hair? Throw it up in a messy top knot and cover with one of these darling headbands. Jazz up the ensemble with these earrings. Both are available at the Sashes market.

Dress those boots up at dinner with statement tights like these. A subtle gloss with notso-subtle undertones is the perfect go-to for lip color all weekend long.

Short on suitcase room? Ditch the shoes! Try this on for size... one pair of statement boots, all weekend long.

This clutch is perfect for walking to and from the hotel, without having to lug your usual handbag along. Pick one up at the Sashes market!

Rachael @rachkincaid

what we’re loving: THE conferen ce ISSUE

ROOMMATE GIFTS Even though ipads and laptops abound at blogging conference, there will be time for some good old fashion note taking and journaling!

I’m pretty sure blog conferences are the best place in America to use whitening gum! Endless coffee + endless pictures!

If all else fails and you forgot to bring a gift for your roommate, no fear! Head down to the Sashes Market and pick her up something that will make her feel special and spunky like this metallic headband by Oh Sweet Joy!

Nothing says “lets be life long friends” like espresso + chocolate combined!

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Bringing your roommate a sweet smelling candle is not only a fun treat for her to take home, but you can bet lighting it in your room builds that comfy-we’ve-been-friendsforever type feel!

Get your roomie(s) a small gift card they can use at the full service Starbucks located inside the hotel!

Because even if you’re popping the punchy lip all day, you gotta take care of your kisser so you don’t get crusty-lipstick disorder!

Jessi @naptimediaries


conference story by Jessi Connolly

March 2012

“Maybe we should start our own conference....” Neither of us really remember who said it first or how we necessarily got to that point in the conversation, but it was a phone call that the Lord used to change our lives drastically. Hayley Morgan and I had been talking pretty casually for the past few weeks about online business and different aspects of blogging. We didn’t know each other super well, but we instinctively trusted one another and seemed to say, “yes! yes!” in agreement when the other would share their heart. That day we were talking specifically about the fact that we’d been to amazing women’s conferences where the needs of a woman’s heart were met and we’d been to great blogging conferences where women were given tools to grow their online endeavors, but that the two rarely mixed. In our own lives, we didn’t want to dissect the grace and glory of God from our businesses any more and we could see a community of women around us who (we hoped) might just feel the same. We resolved that day to pray and dream separately, talk to our husbands, and come back together and see if we were still on the same page. Later we confessed that we totally expected the men in our lives to shut it down for various reasons, but miraculously - they didn’t. Apart from one another, we sketched on notebooks and wrote long lists of dream speakers. We doodled potential conference names and we paid even closer attention to what was happening online. Who were the leaders that were naturally emerging? What were the needs of the women that we interacted with? All the while we wondered, is the internet REALLY real? If we build it, will they come? Hayley and I met in person about a week after our crazydreamy-phone call. It was only the second time we’d seen each other face to face, but our relationship felt comfortable and exciting and like a gift straight from the Lord. As we walked the mall to buy perfume and ate salad at my kitchen table with the kids a few feet away watching a movie, we compared our notes from the last week. It seemed there really was a need and we sensed a new generation of women online seeking influence for God’s glory. We decided that day we wanted to build a home for them. By God’s grace, we were going to host a conference. 20 \\

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May 2012
 One of the craziest parts of hosting a brand new baby conference is the absolutely insane faith it takes to step out and just do it. To announce the conference, you have to have a date. To have a date, you have to have a hotel. To have a hotel, you have to essentially just TRUST that you will have a certain amount of women show up and that they will actually buy tickets. So before you ever get to start sharing about what’s up your sleeve and hearing feedback, you have to sign a contract saying you’ll actually come through and have a conference. Those first few days of selling tickets were all about trust and we saw the Lord’s hand in it so clearly. We were trusting and believe He’d called us to this and our women were trusting that we were not crazy people. The first few tickets sold before we ever announced tickets were on sale and halfway through the morning we officially launched we knew, this community was very incredibly real.

September 2012
 Over the summer, the Influence ball rolled forward and we ran as fast as we could after it. We’d secured almost all of those women on our “dream speakers” list, chosen community leaders and workshops topics. I would find myself going to sleep smiling thinking about what the first hours of the conference would be like or drifting off praying for the women. And the facebook page! Someone had the amazing idea to start a community facebook page for the women to interact on and it was going NUTS. I couldn’t hop on facebook without seeing 12 22 \\

or 23 notifications up top because the women were so eager and excited to connect with one another. They were finding roommates and coordinating airport rides, but they were also sharing one another’s burdens, praying for each other, and meeting women they could collaborate on projects with. We were so encouraged and more than a little intrigued. A few weeks before the conference, my husband and all of our kids drove to Indianapolis to talk conference with the Morgans. The dads stayed and played with all six kids while Hayley and I drove to the hotel to finalize the menu and do one last walk through. We talked about the beauty of that facebook page and how sweet it was of the Lord to continually affirm, this is needed. These women were longing for something, somewhere, to connect them. But what about after the conference? As we were almost home, Hayley pitched an idea to me that was much bigger than anything I’d ever thought of before. What if the conference was just our once yearly big party? What if this community grew together all year long, spiritually and strategically? She talked about online classes and forums and magazines and I just nodded in agreement. That silly facebook page would never be enough anymore, we needed to build a network.

October 11th, 2012 We sat on the stage moments before the opening session started and let our eyes scan slowly around the room. I saw Hayley’s husband mouth the words, “I’m so proud of you” to her and I looked out as my mom and sister smiled up at me. I matched

faces to twitter avatars and marveled at how many I recognized and how many I still didn’t know, but surely wanted to. We welcomed those women to the conference and over the next few days we saw The Lord work in beautiful ways. There was growth in our hearts and growth in businesses and around every corner, we saw women connecting and lives being changed. A wild and wonderful thing happened as two hundred women collectively picked up the knowledge that they have influence, right where they are, and God has given it to them to make much of Him. Lives were changed, businesses were started, hearts were mended, and of course - hundreds of relationships were formed. That first year of The Influence Conference, we ran around the hotel with sweaty brows and full hearts. Things didn’t go perfectly and there were so many “learning opportunities”, but all in all we knew amazing work had been done in and through that weekend.

A wild & wonderful thing happened as two hundred women collectively picked up the knowledge that they have influence, right where they are, and God has given it to them to make much of Him.

Stitch Fix // Umba Box Handmade // Mocha Club // Sole Hope // Center for Global Impact Pure Charity // She Reads Truth // Adproval // Happy Mommy Box Chick-fil-A // Moo // thrive // the tethered crate



Why are we focusing on


this conference you ask?

A few weeks after the 2012 Influence Conference, I (Jessi) got this stirring in my heart to study. This is kind of rare for me since I’m a write-before-I-think kinda gal, but for the first time ever a subject sat in front of me that deserved a lot of attention. Let me back up a little. I need to tell you – I’ve never put a lot of thought into what it means to be a woman or to be truly feminine. As I grew up, I always saw a goal in front of me to aim for next – marriage, motherhood, leading other women – but I never stopped to consider the purpose the Lord had for me as I raced towards those positions. I didn’t see being a woman as a blessing or a curse, but it did seem that the course towards true femininity was always changing in front of me, like a position I would never reach. And in these last few months, it began to dawn on me that I have no idea what God’s Word says about being truly feminine. I’ve hung on to singular verses, I’ve watched on the sidelines of debates regarding biblical femininity – but I haven’t just looked full on at the Lord and asked Him to give me wisdom about what it means to be a woman, on purpose for Him.

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I got this strong desire to study what it meant to be woman of influence and I started really thinking I’d love to hear Hayley’s thoughts. Moreover, I really wanted to ask her if we could study it together and that’s when I got excited enough to text her my thoughts.

What Hayley has to say...

As I read through the recaps from the conference and listened to the feedback and the conclusions drawn, I started to hear a common theme. Women were hesitant to have too much influence, or to have the wrong balance of influence, or to have influence at all. I grew up in a home where it was assumed we’d have had a woman president by now. Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, was my hero. There was nothing I thought was too big or too important to be off-limits to me. Being a woman was never something I saw or experienced as a liability or a hindrance in any way. As a rule, I’m the furthest thing from controversial. I don’t like to ruffle feathers. So, I’ve stayed far away from the online debates about gender roles and femininity. But, while being a woman doesn’t feel like a liability to me…being small and safe and unsure does.

I am confident that there can be grace and charity in figuring out what it means to be a whole, alive, free gospel-centered woman. Before Jessi even texted her inkling to study femininity, it had already been on my mind. At the beginning of this year, I had purposed to study what it means to be a woman in general and also a woman who has a strategic and intentional way of living. I want to know the fullness of what God promises us as women, the way He made us, and the voice He’s given us. We live in an age unlike any other, and conversely we have a God that is not bound by time and certainly not changed by it. I want to learn from ancient texts about ancient women who God purposed and created. I want to live in the fullness of womanhood as God sees fit. This is absolutely a conversation we want to start and continue within the network. If last year, our theme was “you have influence”, this year we want to begin unpacking what God’s Word tells us about being women of influence. What does our femininity have to do with our influence and our business and our life with the Lord? Let's find out together. // 25



Spending about $30?

a print from BW prints | $14

You are going to LOVE the amazing vendors we have in our Sashes Market. The best part? You can buy from these lovely women year round! We've curated some collections of what you could get according to budget! mini canvas magnet by Hello Hue


gold triangle studs from The Poppy Chain


Spending about $60?

chamomile earrings from Light Breaks Forth geometric ring by NS Pottery

She Does Justice t-shirt

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Spending about $100? hymn on canvas by Lettered Life


hand stamped coffee spoon by Jessica N Designs


Etanesh scarf from fashionABLE


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community Profile

Q: Tell us a little about your online endeavor. A: Thrive is a place for imperfect moms who struggle. A community of moms who want to step out of survival mode. It’s a place to be encouraged by God’s word, refreshed by His presence, and inspired in our calling. Thrive is about taking care of each other and making sure that not one single mama feels like she’s in this alone. We (Nathalie and Kara-Kae) focus on four main areas within our ministry that we feel are the key to thriving in motherhood: Intentional Motherhood, Genuine Community, Refreshing Rest & Embracing Chaos. Having just launched in June 2013, our main focus is a weekly email publication called “MOMentum”. It is filled with encouragement, truth, inspiration & creativity. The heartbeat of Thrive is our prayer & support ministry. We strive to be an open door and a constant source of encouragement, prayer and support. Q: How did you come up with the idea and passion for Thrive Moms? A. We both struggled with some deep issues of depression, anxiety, multiple young ones and special needs. We felt isolated and were called to be open and real in our online life with the hope to encourage other moms. We met at the Influence Conference in 2012, and our hearts connected. As we became closer

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friends and began to share our daily struggles and joys, we started to dream big for what it would be like if moms came together like this all the time. What if there were moms out there suffering in silence that we could reach somehow? Thrive came from our hearts’ desire to see moms covered by God’s perfect grace. To stop comparing and trying to measure up to the Pinterest-perfectmom, but be open, real and strive to be like Jesus. We were tired of watching moms struggle and feel isolated. As we both walked through our very difficult seasons of motherhood, we realized how important it is to have a community of moms to lean on. Our passion was to let moms know they don’t have to do motherhood alone, and that they are prayed for, supported and loved. Q: How did the Influence Conference 2012 and the Influence Network play a role in your new venture together? A: Influence has been such an integral part of the development of our friendship and of Thrive. The Conference set our hearts on fire and renewed our passion for the most precious and important influence we have--our sweet families. The Conference awakened our hearts to the power of the gospel in our everyday lives. It’s so easy to miss the gospel that’s right there in the midst of the

finger painting and diaper changes. The Conference empowered us to pursue the dreams that God had placed in our hearts through the stories and wisdom of women who had gone before us, and women who were right there in the thick of it with us. The Network really gave us the wings to fly. We really connected with each other and began to do life together. Then the ideas started to align and exciting collaborations began. The Network gave us the tools to really do the thing God was calling us to do. Q: If you could offer a piece of advice to this year’s conference attendees who have big dreams of their own, what would you tell them? A: Come with an open heart. A heart open to new people and new ideas. A heart open to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. Come with a willing heart. Willing to let God do a gospel work in you before he does a work through you. Come believing. Believing that you are precious in His sight and He has an exciting adventure in store. Come excited! Because when God places big dreams in your heart, He intends to see them through.

by Lindsey Kubly

The Conference set our hearts on fire and renewed our passion for the most precious and important influence we have--our sweet families. // 29

community Profile handmade mastermind

by Lindsey Kubly

Q: Tell us a little about your online group. A: There are 5 of us: Rebecca (Better Life Bags), Natalie (NSPottery), Jessica (Jessica N Designs), Megan (She Does Justice), and myself (Melody Joy Designs). After last year’s Influence Conference, we started meeting monthly via Google+ to talk about our recent failures & successes, as well as our goals, frustrations, and to bounce ideas off each other. It’s so beautiful to have a tight knit and non-competitive community of friends online. Although we are all at different levels of our businesses, we can safely talk about numbers, sales, inventory, without feeling the least bit judged. We get to figure out this handmade business life out together, and it sure makes it a lot more fun! Q: Why did you begin meeting online? A: Rebecca reached out and said, “Hey, I like how you do your handmade business and I like you. What do you say we start a handmade mastermind group?” When we first started meeting, we talked about general things, like how to do marketing, where to buy business cards, what our numbers & goals were. It is still that to an extent, but has grown into something deeper. I feel safe texting or emailing these girls when I have a difficult customer or complicated order or even need prayer.

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At a recent Google+ chat, I had whined about how badly I needed a break from shop stuff. A few days later, I dumbly posted on Instagram about a big shop sale. Within minutes, Rebecca texted me and wisely asked “Melody. You’re feeling burnt out and already thinking about doing a shop sale?” I love that we can have each other’s backs that way. Initially, I was looking forward to having a handmade accountability group, but I honestly had no idea our group would become a close-knit friendship that goes beyond our businesses. Q: How did the Influence Conference 2012 play a role in your new friendship? A: Rebecca, Natalie and I met at the Influence Conference last year. Rebecca had bought several items from my shop, and I had been drooling over her purses since I saw them on Naptime Diaries. While browsing at the Sashes Market I was having a hard time narrowing down which NS Pottery pieces I wanted, when Natalie approached me and proposed a swap ... and it was instant friendship. Q: If you could offer a piece of advice to this year’s conference attendees who are wishing for women to come alongside them, what would you tell them? A: First of all, you WILL feel overwhelmed at some point in the conference, and that’s ok. But it’s the good “there-are-too-many-

good-things-happening-right-now” kind of moment. And at those points, give yourself a 10-minute “time-out” to step away and breathe. When you come back to everyone, make it a point to introduce yourself to people you are drawn to. Be an initiator and ask if you can sit at their lunch table, while mentally thanking the Lord you never have to be in middle school again. Take note of people who are in the same workshops as you - the girls you naturally click with. Get creative with Instagram & Twitter (and tack on that #InfluenceConf). Post a picture of yourself that morning and say “hi! This is me! I want to talk about (insert various topic here, i.e. adoption funding! getting my handmade business started!) over coffee today! Keep plenty of business cards ready to hand out. Ask for other people’s business cards. Yes, it’s really putting yourself out there, but I guarantee it is worth it. Ask at least one person if they would be interested in forming some sort of monthly accountability group. This is the perfect time and place for it! Be intentional. Be YOURSELF. Get ready to have your life changed in the best way possible. You will LOVE it.

Be intentional. Be Yourself

Get ready to have your


life changed in the best way possible. // 31

restaurant guide

DOWNTOWN 1. St. Elmo Steak House, 1933 Lounge Sink into a leather chair and order an infamously hot (read: clear-the-sinuses) shrimp cocktail and filet sliders from the menu of small plates. Steaks are always perfectly handled. 127 S. Illinois St. 2. BARcelona Tapas Pick small plates, like baked goat cheese in marinara and fried artichoke hearts to pass around the table with a group of friends, new or old. 201 N. Delaware St. 3. Napolese: An Artisanal Pizzeria Neapolitan-style pizzas, crisp salads, and housemade gelato create a lovely threecourse meal that you could split. 30 S. Meridian St. 4. Punch Burger Locally sourced and owned, this quick burger joint offers creative toppings and sweet potato tots. 137 E. Ohio St. 5. Dick’s Bodacious BBQ Filling and affordable, this Texas BBQ spot is casual and quick. 50 N. Pennsylvania St. 6. Chick-fil-A “Happily handcrafted” food right in the Circle Centre Mall food court. A great spot to land if you’re doing some shopping, or just love Chick-fil-A as much as we do. 49 W. Maryland St.

by Lindsey Kubly

la Parada. *(Go in a group, the neighborhood is a little sketchy.) 1642 E. New York St. 9. Shapiro’s Delicatessen As you walk the cafeteria line, order hot pastrami and corned beef sandwiches. They’ve drawn customers for over a century. 808 S. Meridian St. 10. Scotty’s Brewhouse If you are going to pick a brewery downtown, make it Scotty’s and try the fried dill pickle chips. 1 Virginia Ave. LUNCH ONLY 11. Patachou on the Park Grab a self-serve mug of coffee and choose from omelets, sandwiches, salads and soups. Patachou restaurants are a favorite around the city. 225 W. Washington St. 12. City Market My top picks in this historic building, packed with food stalls? Spice Box for the best Indian food downtown; 3 Days in Paris for sweet and savory crepes; and Circle City Sweets for French macarons. 222 E. Market St.

If you’ll be here on Wednesday, explore the Farmer’s Market right outside on Market Street from 9:30am – 1:30pm.

7. @IndyFoodTruck Try following this twitter feed to easily track the locations of all the food trucks in the city. Lots of them will be downtown, sometimes in clusters.

FOUNTAIN SQUARE This up-and-coming, transitional neighborhood is filled with hipsters and restaurateurs, who are stretching their creative muscles. You’ll find antique shops, a restored duckpin bowling alley, and a knitting shop. Be sure to plan for a five to ten minute drive down Virginia Avenue, southeast of downtown.

8. La Parada Tamales, irresistible tacos and horchata are all big hits at this vibrant restaurant. If you are curious about the page of seafood options, try the Camarones

13. Bluebeard Voted Best Restaurant in Indy this year, foodies will adore the irresistibly unique menu that changes daily. 653 Virginia Ave.

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14. Santorini Greek Kitchen You’ll be in for a show as you feast on hearty Greek cuisine. Between the belly dancers and the flaming cheese appetizer, there will be lots of conversation starters. (There are burn marks on the ceiling!) 1417 E. Prospect St. 15. Siam Square Thai Cuisine Want ethnic and spicy? Try anything from this Thai restaurant, but the seafood is excellent. 936 Virginia Ave. 16. Bosphorus Istanbul Café The appetizer sampler is the best in town, and the Turkish owner will charm your socks off. 935 S. East St. MASS AVE While you wait for a table, stroll down this trendy diagonal street coming out of the northeast corner of downtown. You’ll stumble on local boutiques, restaurants, coffee shops, and theatres. It is a 20-minute walk or very short cab ride away from the Westin Hotel. 17. Bakersfield Mass Ave A hip spot does a nice job with fresh, double-wrapped tacos, guacamole and margaritas in mason jars. 334 Massachusetts Ave. 18. Bazbeaux Pizza An Indy favorite has turned out unique, gourmet pizzas since 1986. 333 Massachusetts Ave. 19. Bru Burger The best burger I’ve had in town, and a veggie burger can be substituted for any of the unique combinations. Expect a wait, but it is worth it. 410 Massachusetts Ave. THE WESTIN your Influence home


19. 17.





12. 5. 11.


6. 3.




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jeff goins of Jeff Goins Writer Are You Interruptible? (You Should Be) The mark of kindness — of a mature, compassionate person — is this: interruptibility. As it turns out, this is all it takes to begin making a difference right now, wherever you are. Are you interruptible? Do you let the noise of the world collide with the busyness of your life… in a good way? If you want to be a true friend, a mentor, a difference-maker, then this characteristic — or rather, this discipline — is a must.

Ways to gauge interruptibility (or the lack thereof) Here’s how you can tell if you’re living an interruptible life: 1. You don’t constantly look at your watch or get distracted when meeting someone. 2. You can easily sustain eye contact with another human being. 3. You make the conversation about them, not you (even if they’re seeking your advice or counsel). >READ MORE

HAYLEY Morgan of the tiny twig the freedom of the greatest news We are always in process. We aren’t where we started, but we aren’t at our grand finale yet, either. We are slowly working and being worked on. Yielding and giving way to more or less of what we were before. We grow slowly, imperceptibly sometimes…and then, sometimes we grow in a flaming and wild burst. Either way, the growth we see comes at a cost. We have to give up what we were before. We have to move away from what we knew to be true

previously, letting go of the grip of the familiar one tightly grasped finger at a time. Sometimes my fists ball up at the very thought of leaving the familiar. Comfort, familiarity, and health. Those are high on the list of my priorities in life. I wouldn’t say as much, and it’s mortifying to admit. I say that I want adventure and to live wild and free. But, my actions and my deep-down thoughts betray me.


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lara casey of Lara casey media INTENTIONAL AUGUST + SAVOR SEPTEMBER This month, I decided I needed a fresh start. I put on the train brakes and I declared August, “Intentional August.” Read all about Intentional August here (and be sure to sign up for my next newsletter that comes out on September 2). August has been good. Re-focusing has been needed. But, when you start to peel back layers to get to your heart, more layers appear. When you start clearing the clutter of life, the water starts to turn crystal blue and start to

see there is so much to explore at the bottom. I am still not where I’d like to be. My plate is still full. A huge travel schedule looms ahead of me and I wonder, “How did I get here?” Emily, Gina, Natalie and I have a group text string every day to encourage each other and ask for prayer throughout the day. Yesterday, we were all in the same place – overwhelmed with “good” things. And it hit me - too much good is still too much.


jenna beaugh of What Ethiopia Taught Me This is the fourth time I have started writing this blog post. I didn’t realize getting down on paper {err computer screen} my feelings after the trip would be this difficult. Turns out, it’s taken me a little bit longer to process everything than I thought. But today I am determined. As I write this, I’m curled up on my couch with a cup of the strong dark coffee that I carried for 30 hours home. I’m thinking the caffeine might sharpen me a bit, as it is 7:30am on a Sunday morning. Unfortunately, I don’t think it will help the fact that my stomach has been in knots since I’ve returned home three days ago.

Ethiopia was crazy. It was loud, dirty and wet. At times, it was uncomfortable {picture eight girls traveling in a van into the Ethiopian countryside, stuck in traffic for 5 hours, two sick and one puking into ziploc bags}. Ethiopia was the complete antithesis of my California home — full of comfort, luxury and endless clean running water. How many times have I taken that water for granted? Every. It was outside of my spoiled American comfort zone in every way possible.

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Kate BRYan of The Small Things Blog Fall 2013 Hair Trends If you are a fan on Facebook, you may have seen that my internet is not yet installed at the new house. That makes blogging slightly more difficult, but I will try my hardest to try to keep this week as normal as possible here on the blog! I thought it would be fun to talk about some fall hair trends today. I know I know, It’s Monday--typically a hair tutorial day. . . I simply have not had time. I wish I would have pre-filmed a few but. . . well. . . I didn’t.

So, it’s been interesting being a stylist for nearly 10 years (what!) to watch the trends slowly take over my clientele. I can tell when new patterns are starting, and can sometimes predict which client will come in asking for a new, trendy ‘do. In general, hair color typically goes a little darker in the fall/winter. And it usually goes a little warmer too. I think part of the reason is that women miss the “warmth” that the summer sun gave their skin, so they make up.... >READ MORE

JEssi Connolly of Naptime Diaries drowning safe in His arms. The mama stands a few feet away from her son in the pool. She has on sunglasses and her hair piled high on her head and so badly wants him to be able to swim. He is decked out in floaties and sunscreen and though his confidence was high on land, fear grips him now. She backs up a few paces and holds her arms out lovingly, encouraging him to paddle over to her. When he gets close, she backs up and he paddles a little further. She’s helping him by changing the destination, so that he never quite arrives, but he does

learn to swim on his own. Does it sound familiar? In the quiet spaces of the last year, I’ve found myself drawn to this image time and again. I’m the scared, swimming child and my identity - the goal I’m swimming towards. I’ll never forget the few weeks just before I had Elias almost seven years ago. I was uncomfortable physically with my heaving belly and sore back but there was an aching in my soul that was louder and more defined than any bodily hurt... >READ MORE

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Annie downs of Annie F. Downs How do we help Miley? Sometimes I worry that the more teen books I write, like Speak Love, the more people are going to expect me to know things. How do we help a girl like Miley? How do I keep from my daughter being like that? What is this world coming to? All valid questions, but I’m not sure I know how to answer them. [If you aren’t sure what I am talking about, google Miley’s VMA

performance last night. Don’t watch it with kids around. I won’t post it here.] Last night, before I went to bed in the lovely town of Houston, Texas – yes, I’m in Houston- I watched the performance. To be fair, I actually only googled the VMA performances because I care about the fact that NSYNC reunited. See, before we were an internet family, way back in 2000, I was an NSYNC super fan and I feel no shame about it. >READ MORE

jessica thomspon of give them grace Your View of God vs. How You Parent For those who view God as an angry tyrant and judge visiting wrathful vengeance on all who cross him, you will mirror that image. Your parenting will be demanding and unmerciful. You will be self-​​righteous because you believe yourself to measure up to God’s laws, for how else could one be a Christian? Your impatience for their sin will smother them. On the days that you are a “good parent” (ie you make a delicious breakfast with fruit, organic cage free eggs, whole grain sprouted wheat toast,

send them joyfully to school, do their laundry with a song in your heart, help them with homework without once raising your voice, and send them to bed after a full 30 minutes of family worship) you will find confidence and wonder why your kids are not doing what they should. Your impatience for their sin will smother them. You think about how you do what you are supposed to do why can’t they? You will expect God to save your kids. You operate under a covenant of works, “If I tell them about God’s law, they will obey and become Christians.” >READ MORE // 37



Sponsored by The Tethered Crate As believers, everything we do should be for the glory of God. Right? Even our small businesses? Whether you own a freelance company, photography business, or make handmade goods during naptime to sell on ETSY - this workshop is for you. Learn how to bring God into the equation of planning, production, and profits. We will take the approach of looking at our businesses with three sets of glasses: profits, social good, and Kingdom impact.

This workshop will empower new and seasoned bloggers alike to focus on the importance of blogging with intention. Together we will tackle hard questions like, “Is it okay to be worried about numbers?” “How do I set attainable and meaningful goals?” and “Why is it so hard not to compare my blog growth to the growth of others?” We’ll brainstorm together to come up with inspiring and actionable steps to take to get you started (or restarted!) with solid content, community-building practices, and God-honoring goals.

This workshop on photography will be more like a coffeedate- very laid back! The photographs that are used on a blog (or website) make a huge impact on the atheistic of a blog. Photos can make readers want to pull up a chair and stay a while, or make them click away if they are uninterested. Photos don’t have to be perfect, and you can still share your real life in a real way through beautiful photos. We will be sharing different ideas on how to use photography to improve your blog, simple and easy editing techniques, as well as Q&A time. The workshop will be aimed towards both amateurs and non-amateurs. We will be going over different tips such as how to get the best lighting for your photos, etc.

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8Pm to 9PM

A heart to heart talk on the struggles, joys and opportunities of singleness. This workshop will be encouraging, empowering and honest- sharing the journey of walking with God as a single woman and making the most of the season! This workshop is for women in the season of waiting and singleness: drawing upon experiences and discussing heartaches involved in singleness, as well as talking about topics like: loneliness, trusting God, dating & frustrations in finding “Mr. Right”, practical opportunities we have as singles to serve God and do exciting things we could not do as married women, and really finding an encouraging community of women to embrace this season. This is a time for heart to heart conversation – where women can share what their specific struggles are, how they’ve conquered fears, healed from heartaches, and walk through this season with a joyful perspective – looking for the good in singleness. Ultimately, you will leave really encouraged and inspired to draw close to God, who is the ultimate lover of our souls, knowing that He is our ultimate fulfillment – whether the blessings of marriage and children come into our lives in the future or not.

Sponsored by Pure Charity During the adoption journey, many find support and community to be the biggest blessing- here you can find that community. This workshop is for anyone who has a heart for adoption, regardless of where they are on the journey! If you have adopted already, are in the process, or are just in the early steps of considering things, this is the workshop for you. Megan is an open book and would love to share what she’s learned or experienced on fundraising, travel, international adoption with her daughter, and her story of being domestically adopted. This will be a time to ask questions, receive support, and connect with women who share a heart for adoption.

9PM to 10pm

Sponsored by Happy Mommy Box Being a mom is one of the most difficult and wonderful jobs a woman will ever have. In the world of blogging there can be true community and true encouragement through the incredible and tough seasons of motherhood. You are not just a “mommy blogger”. You have a voice and a chance to share Jesus and make a major impact for His kingdom. In this workshop we will help you find and strengthen your voice as a mom+blogger. We will discuss practical things such as how to balance life with family and maintaining a blog. How to protect your kids and husband while sharing (and sometimes oversharing) about your life. And most importantly, how your voice as a mom can make a major difference in the lives of so many.

Sponsored by Adproval With the amount of time we spend working on and interacting in our online spaces, it is always a bonus when we can manage to monetize our blogs. Wanting to make money from your blog isn’t ((always)) selfish. If the Lord opens this door and chooses to bless you financially through your blog, let’s be ready to do that well, time efficiently, and non-selfishly. In this workshop, we will strategize ways to make money that makes the most sense for your online space, all the while, gaining insight from each other on what works, doesn’t work, and how we can do things from more of a gospel-focused lens. How can I create a community for my sponsors & promote them genuinely to make it a worthwhile investment? Is my blog too small for sidebar ads? I am not crafty - can I still work with handmade shops? Will making money from ads put me in a box & make me less likely to share the Gospel? As a newbie with questions, an expert with insight, or an old-timer wanting a fresh way of monetizing - come to this workshop with a humble heart willing to ask yourself hard questions and strategize with like-minded women!

Sponsored by Umba “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 Can we add whatever you wear to this verse? We really think we can. It’s easy to put God in a box but the more we learn about Christ, the more we know that He is in everything -- even fashion. Many women love fashion, love putting outfits together and love being creative with their closet but as follower of Christ, how do you share both Him and style? This workshop will talk about what it means to love fashion and love God -- to encourage women to feel good about what they wear, to be creative with their clothing and to have fun with style. We’ll discuss developing a style, being creative in what we wear, encouraging other women to feel good about what they wear, as well as being good stewards of our closets and our wallets. Having good style or loving fashion does not mean we need to go out and “get the latest thing.” Let’s talk about encouraging style, NOT consumerism. And of course, having fun with those awkward “what I wore” photos!

Maybe you write to blog. Maybe you blog to write. Maybe you use a worn pencil to scribble words in your favorite pink notebook with the yellow flowers on the cover. However you got here, you write. In this workshop, we’ll discuss all the ins and outs of writing. How do you uncover your voice? What do you do when the words won’t come? When is the best time to write? How do you develop more discipline? We’ll pull up a chair and open our hearts as we explore how to use our words well and with intention. All are welcome here. Business bloggers. Writer blogger types. Notebook writer types. Scared to call yourself a writer types. Bring yourself, your laptop or notebook and some vulnerability. We’ll chat. We’ll write. We’ll share.

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by Lindsey Kubly

A1. Indianapolis Museum of Art

Set on the property of the Lilly family, the IMA is the number one place I would send you in the city. The museum is astoundingly free of charge, plus you can wander the extensive surrounding gardens and home of the Lilly family. You’ll see lots of photographers because the setting is so perfect and varied – English and Japanese gardens, 100 Acres Nature Park, and the iconic Love sculpture. (Note: there are two free parking lots, but the main parking lot has a fee) 4000 Michigan Road

a2. White River State Park

Right across the street from the Westin Hotel, you can walk down a few steps and find yourself on the 1.5-mile canal downtown. Rent a bike or pedal boat, or simply stroll along the canal. Walk across the bridge over the White River to find my favorite spot – the White River Promenade, a walkway lined with limestone and covered with flowering trees and evergreens. It feels like you stumbled on a secret.

801 W. Washington St. A3. Midland Antiques Mall

Just east of downtown, two stories of an industrial factory now house finds from over 200 independent antique and art dealers. Mentioned in Lonny Magazine and represented in a showroom in New York City, this place is a treasure trove. It has been voted “Best Antique Store” for many years running. It is the perfect place to explore. 907 E. Michigan St.

A4. For the guys who will be hanging out during the conference, there are several places within walking distance to explore. Try the NCAA Hall of Champions, with interactive exhibits and a 1930’s retro basketball gymnasium,. Indianapolis is home to the second most memorials and monuments honoring veterans in America. Only Washington, D.C. has more. You will find them all over downtown within walking distance of the hotel. 700 W. Washington St.

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gift Bag Donors

featured books

The Printed Palette RUDabegga’s Mocha CLub i am mermaid LLC Reeve Coobs Kirtley Michelle DaySpring Adie’s Lovelies Sassy Lemonade Two Little Fish Sybil Brand Affairs Center for Global Impact Amy Cornwell Lemon Bee Studio Flying Photo School French Press Mornings Eva Marie Typography Nicol Unice Sarah Martin David C. Cook Jessica Wolstenhom Moody Publishers Influence Resources

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She’s Got Issues by Nicole Unice

Becoming Myself by Stasi Eldredge

We’ve all got our issues! Maybe you feel like life just isn’t going your way, or you’re afraid that you don’t measure up to other people’s expectations. Perhaps you have a hard time managing your temper or have someone in your life you just can’t forgive. We deal with our “issues” every day in one form or another; the problem is, after a while, they start to feel . . . normal. Unchanging. Just part of who we are. And we forget that we have access to the power of Christ—a power that can transform our everyday weaknesses into our greatest strengths and gifts. In She’s Got Issues, Christian counselor, ministry leader, and regular mom Nicole Unice explores the ordinary issues that are keeping you from the full and free life you were meant to have. Applying years of counseling with practical scriptural teaching and a fresh and authentic voice, Nicole shows you how to let God freely shape your character—and transform your life from ordinary to abundant.

If you’ve ever wondered if your life will ever change, Stasi Eldredge’s book, becoming myself assures you that “God will complete the good work he’s begun in you.” In this book, Stasi shares her personal struggles with weight, self-worth, and her past, teaching readers that God wants them to participate in their transformation as he completes his good work in them. She invites women to look at their pasts, especially their mothers, with honesty and mercy and to look toward their future with hope. Embrace God’s dream of you! The Church Planting Wife by Christine Hoover In The Church Planting Wife, Christine Hoover explores and encourages the hearts of her readers while teaching what it means to have heart prepared for this unique ministry. As the wife of a church planter, she knows well the highs and lows; glories and despairs. Christine speaks with clarity and poignancy to

the reader about what it looks like to be part of the church planting ministry and to grow a heart that wholly reflects Jesus. Spread throughout these pages are stories and interviews from church planting wives. Christine Hoover empathetically and pointedly builds off these testimonies to uplift the reader and offer lessons of hope in the midst of a challenging ministry. The Jesus-Hearted Woman by Jodi Detrick When it comes to leadership, Jodi Detrick believes this: if you have the heart, you can learn the skills. The Jesus-Hearted Woman is her guide to helping women—from beginning newbies, to veterans who’ve led for many years—develop ten essential qualities for dynamic and delightful leadership. With a blend of warm humor and “I’ve been there” compassion, Jodi weaves together memorable stories, biblical insights, and lots of real-life wisdom from her own long leadership journey.

The Pregnancy Companion: A Faith-Filled Guide to Your Journey to Motherhood by Jessica Wolstenholm and Dr. Heather Rupe A girlfriend’s thoughts and a doctor’s wisdom come together in this information-packed, inspirationfilled Christian resource for the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of pregnancy. The Baby Companion: A Faith-Filled Guide to Baby’s First Year

Stress Point: Thriving Through Your Twenties in a Decade of Drama by Sarah Martin
 Stress Point is a real, raw and relevant look at 10 major life issues that most 20-somethings deal with. By putting Jesus in the center of each stress point the reader will find godly success, purpose and well-being. With the heart of the “slightly older” girlfriend or sister, Sarah Martin encourages the reader to live out the Kingship of Christ in every area of life.

by Jessica Wolstenholm, Dr. Andrea Johnston and Dr. Heather Rupe
 A grace-based, comprehensive guide that includes both information and encouragement for the journey through baby’s first year. Equipping moms with practical advice and resources including scheduling, child development, budgeting, and practical parenting, this book guides the reader on a faith-filled journey paved with truth, reflection, and Scripture.

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conference SCHEDULE Thursday, September 26 3:00pm-6:00pm Registration 3:00pm-7:30pm Sashes Market Open 8:00pm-10:00pm Welcome + SoleHope shoe cutting Party with musical guest Reeve Cobbs

Friday, September 27 8:00am-9:00am Breakfast 8:30pm-9:15pm Sashes Market Open 9:15am-10:30am Session One [For all]: Hayley Morgan 10:30am-10:45am Break 10:45am-12:00pm Session Two: Lara Casey or Jessica Thompson 12:00pm-12:30pm Break + Sashes Market Open 12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch 1:30pm-2:30pm Accessible Experts Panel 2:30pm-3:15pm Break + Sashes Market Open 3:15pm-4:30pm Session Three: Special session with Shauna Niequist for Influence Network members! 4:30pm-7:00pm Break for dinner + Sashes Market Open 8:00pm-10:00pm Workshops led by Community Leaders

Saturday, September 28 8:00am-9:00am Breakfast // Special Interview with Diana Stone 8:30pm-9:15pm Sashes Market Open 9:15am-10:30am Session Four [For all]: Jessi Connolly 10:30am-10:45am Break 10:45am-12:00pm Session Five: Jeff Goins or Annie Downs 12:00pm-12:30pm Break + Sashes Market Open 12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch 1:30pm-2:30pm Influence Panel 2:30pm-3:15pm Break + Sashes Market Open 3:15pm-4:30pm Session Six: Jenna Beaugh or Kate Bryan 4:30pm-7:00pm Break for dinner + Sashes Market Open 8:00pm-9:00pm Corporate Worship with Reeve Cobbs and Christopher Kincaid 9:00pm-10:00pm Coffee and Goodbyes 9:30pm-10:30pm Sashes Market Open: Last Chance!

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experiencing influence@home By Anne Bogel @AnneBogel What if you’re not attending the Influence Conference this year? We’ll miss you, but you can get a whole lot out of a blog conference even if you don’t attend. Here’s how: 1. For non-attendees, the conference twitter stream is gold. Follow the hashtags #InfluenceConf and #InfluenceNet to know what’s going on at the conference--before and after, but especially during. The majority of conference tweets will carry the hashtag.

their notes on their blogs after the conference. I’ve always been happy to share my session notes over email. (Even if you’re at the conference, you can’t attend every session. Swapping notes is common practice: just make a polite request to get in on the action.)

Following specific users--like attendees, speakers, and @InfluenceNet--to stay tuned to what’s happening in Indy. (Not sure who to follow? Just see who keeps popping up in the #InfluenceConf stream.) Some users will live-tweet the sessions--find them! And speakers will often be tagged in tweets from their sessions.

3. Read the blog posts. The occasional blogger will live-blog the conference, but most write recap posts once it’s over. The best place to find these posts is--once again-twitter.

I favorite tweets like crazy during conferences. My favorites remind me of tips I want to implement, session notes I want to track down, and bloggers I want to know more about. 2. Get the session notes. Some speakers make their notes available on their website. If you don’t see a link on twitter, ask if they’re available. If the speaker doesn’t publish their session notes, you can be confident that a whole roomful of bloggers took a bunch of notes. Some recap their favorite sessions or publish

4. Know that communities spring up around conferences. Some are loose, some have more structure (like the Influence Network, for example). Does the conference’s community sound like one you want to be a part of? You don’t have to attend in order to join in. Hop online and make some new friends. 5. Think about going next year. I never thought I’d want to attend a blogging conference--until I followed a conference’s twitter stream. All of a sudden, I understood just what happened there and what I might get out of it. If you have the same (remote) experience this year, think hard about making plans for next year.

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hotel map

SECOND FLOOR of the WESTIN 1G welcome area + REGISTRATION FOYER 1E Main stage, general session, & meals 1A all life sessions 1B All Strategy Sessions 2 market 3 Green room [SPEAKERS + CORE TEAM ONLY] 4 ROOM for NURSING MOMS 5 ROOM for DADS, BABIES, & HUSBANDS

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session info

Session one [for all]: Hayley Morgan // Lie Strategic Women Believe Fri 9:15am-10:30am What does work mean? What does success mean? How do we enjoy both? Join Hayley as she shares simple ways to understand both work and success from a godly persective, leaning on the truth from God's Word. She'll also be getting vulnerable about the lies women believe and how those lies keep us from living in the freedom God has granted us. This will be a life-giving, hard-hitting, up-lifting time, which will end with time for soul-searching prayer. Session Two: Jessica Thompson // Who Am I? Fri 10:45am-12:00pm The demands of the world and the demands of our own hearts threaten to crush us; run a successful business, blog poetic lines of encouragement, be involved in your online community as well as your local church, be a good wife, mother, sister, daughter. Our hearts our desperate for good news, it is the only thing that will give us joy and perseverance we need to make it through each day. In this session, we will drink in the beautiful truths of what the Bible says about us, regardless of our performance. Session Two: Lara Casey // Goal Setting and Making Things Happen Fri 10:45am-12:00pm I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:14) Learn how to press on toward the ultimate goal and align your creative talents, brand and heart with God’s purpose. Set goals that matter and take action on them. Special Interview with Diana Stone Sat 8:00am-9:00am Session four [for all]: Jessi Connolly // Feminine Influence Sat 9:15am-10:30am If we serve a God who loves and delights in us and who laid out good works and plans for us, why did He make us women? Surely it wasn’t just a scientific and rational decision, it had to have been with intention and grace and His own glory in mind. What would it look like if we threw off the negatives and the presuppositions about women and just asked the Lord what He wants us to do with this feminine influence? Why did He make us women, how did he make us women, and what does He want from us women?



Session FIVE: Jeff Goins // Waiting for Your Big Break Sat 10:45am-12:00pm We are all waiting for something: a book contract, the perfect job, that moment when our spouse finally “gets it.” But what if as we were waiting for something to happen, we were wasting our most valuable moments? In this presentation, author Jeff Goins will share how built his platform and business in margins of life — and how you can do the same with your own in-between times. Session FIVE: Annie Downs // Your Words Matter Sat 10:45am-12:00pm Everything you write – and type – makes a difference. Blessings or curses. And while we wish the “mean girls” were left behind in high school, the truth is that they are all around us, using their words to wound. Let’s talk about it, how we heal, and how we use our words to create life and change culture, online and in real life. Session SIX: Kate Bryan // Blogging About You Care About: Using Your Passion to Fuel a Successful Blog Sat 3:15am-4:30pm No matter who you are, it’s more likely than not that you have experienced some type of grief in your life. Sometimes, in times of darkness, it’s hard to remember God’s promises to us. In this talk, I’ll be shedding some light on that darkness, drawing from scripture and my own personal experience with grief and change. Session Six: Jenna Beaugh // Hope in the Darkness: Clinging to God in Times of Grief and Change Sat 10:45am-12:00pm No matter who you are, it’s more likely than not that you have experienced some type of grief in your life. Sometimes, in times of darkness, it’s hard to remember God’s promises to us. In this talk, I’ll be shedding some light on that darkness, drawing from scripture and my own personal experience with grief and change.

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There's not much better than getting together with you gals. Thank you so much for coming and sharing your weekend and your lives with us. We have some seriously exciting community gatherings coming up in 2014 that we know you won't want to miss. Ticket sales for The Influence Conference 2014 will go on sale January 1st! We are so grateful for all of you, you amazingly influential women. The Influence Team

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