4 minute read
Copyright Torben Lorentsen
What do you think has the biggest influence on your results/ success? Your knowledge or your personality?
Knowledge, education, experience –our CV (core value) is one thing. Personality, attitude, and passion are another thing. 88% of our results and success come from our personality, attitude, and passion!
When you meet a new person, you subconsciously evaluate whether you trust and respect this person within 7 seconds. This is one of the reasons why it’s important that our attitude is nice AND authentic.
Our personality and passion combined with our life’s purpose is our driving force. This is the reason why we wake up in the morning and do what we do. The things that energize us and make us happy. The things we can’t stop doing. All of us need to balance these 3 levels in our life (fig. 1):
Family and friends (the close network) Work/education 56

The more the three circles overlap, the more balance we have in our lives, and the more self-contained we are. This is one of the basic things to be successful in your life.
Balance in the 3 circles has nothing to do with time. Balance means that you spend thoughts, emotions, and energy in all 3 circles. Many people are very good at fulfilling the “Family” and “Work” circle and often forget themselves. If you don’t do enough in the personal circle you can’t be “the best” of yourself in the other 2. In an airplane, when the oxygen masks drop down, who do you put it on first? Yes, ourselves. If we don’t help ourselves, we can’t help others put the mask on.
When you have balance in the 3 circles, you can use your personality, inner passion and energy in the right way for you.
Most companies have a vision of where the company should be in 3- 10 years. Do you have a vision for your life?
When I ask this question at my lectures or workshops –the room gets very quiet.
Our life’s purpose has to be made from our inner passion. We can also call it our vision for our life.

You can see your life’s purpose like a car, it can bring you to the right place of all 3 circles (fig 2). The 3 circles are your life’s activities –the way you live out your life’s purpose and the way you take action. When you know your life’s purpose, it is much easier to say yes or no to a job, choose the best way for you to work, or to obtain the correct education. It’s important that when you choose your life partner and your close friends that you stay true to your life’s purpose. You will then receive a lot of energy from these relationships. You choose your life partner and together you choose how to influence your children.
The personal circle is often the most difficult. It’s very important that you spend energy to fulfill your life’s purpose in that circle or you will not be your best self in the other circles.
My life purpose is: “I am passionate about helping people spend THEIR energy on what makes sense in THEIR lives.”
I live it out so much at “Work”, writing this article for you, speaking in front of people, making workshops and mentoring people. This energizes me and makes me happy.

I live it out at “Family”, when we are playing something, making food together, having a kiss and a hug, or walking on the beach. This energizes me and makes me happy. I live it out at “Personal”, when I swim in the ocean, run, roller-skate, or do my meditation. This energizes me and makes me happy. 5 years ago, I started my personal development to find my personality, self-esteem, and my life’s purpose. My inner passion.
Since then I have had a much more meaningful life and a lot more energy. It’s easier for me to make decisions about how I am spending my life and which people I want to be with.
My personality and passion are my driving force and I am sure it can be yours too. Enjoy a great life! ~Torben Lorentsen https://www.torbenlorentsen.dk/ https://passion360.dk/ torben.lorentsen.50
Torben Lorentsen
Torben Lorentsen
Torben Lorentsen is a speaker/lecturer expert in people, personality, passion, and what it means for our results in our private life and at work. He loves to lecture at schools so he can help young people make their own decisions about their education and follow their inner passion. He speaks to the business community to show them that personality and passion are the biggest assets for a successful company. Workshops and mentoring in the business community is also a part of Torben’s daily life.