Influential People Magazine Aug 2020

Page 56


Copyright Torben Lorentsen What do you think has the biggest influence on your results/ success? Your knowledge or your personality? Knowledge, education, experience – our CV (core value) is one thing. Personality, attitude, and passion are another thing. 88% of our results and success come from our personality, attitude, and passion!

The more the three circles overlap, the more balance we have in our lives, and the more self-contained we are. This is one of the basic things to be successful in your life.

When you meet a new person, you subconsciously evaluate whether

Balance in the 3 circles

you trust and respect this person within 7 seconds. This is one of the

has nothing to do with time.

reasons why it’s important that our attitude is nice AND authentic.

Balance means that you

Our personality and passion combined with our life’s purpose is our

spend thoughts, emotions,

driving force. This is the reason why we wake up in the morning and do

and energy in all 3 circles. Many people are very good at fulfilling the

what we do. The things that energize us and make us happy. The things

“Family” and “Work” circle and often forget themselves. If you don’t do

we can’t stop doing.

enough in the personal circle you can’t be “the best” of yourself in the other 2. In an airplane, when the oxygen masks drop down, who do you

All of us need to balance these 3 levels in our life (fig. 1): Personal Family and friends (the close network)



put it on first? Yes, ourselves. If we don’t help ourselves, we can’t help others put the mask on. When you have balance in the 3 circles, you can use your personality,

inner passion and energy in the right way for you.

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