11 minute read

Brenton Tyler Hoffmann is a resilience expert, co-author, consultant, and spiritual wealth coach on resilience and inner strength. He teaches and helps people lives from all different lifestyles how to heal, overcome, and bounce back from life’s inevitable setbacks, adjust to changes to another perspective, and to become the “Walking Miracle Warrior” for maximum productivity inspired based from his own accomplishments. He is not just a problem solver, moreover the ultimate solution finder. He has far exceeded many client expectations vanishing their phobias and fears rapidly to have success in their life including mind, body, spirit, relationships, and finances.
Brenton is a very engaging, dynamic, entertaining, natural-born and inspiring communicator and empath that transcends the “fired up” feeling, where he delivers high impact training and consulting to build emotional intelligence and develop an unstoppable resilience which has been Influential in the lives of countless dreamers. He has coached, trained, advised and inspired clients to get massive results quickly, from movie roles to winning “Toast Masters Top Speaker”
Awards, getting more speaking gigs, getting featured on ABC, CBS USA NBC, FOX & The CW, making more money, overcoming fears, running their first marathon, getting their next belt in Martial Arts, even getting invited to the United Nations with greater success.
Brenton Hoffmann is the founder of “Walking Miracle Warrior”, Harmonik Consulting, and Sleight of Rhymes Music. You can find his music on all the major online music distribution outlets, such as Spotify, I Tunes, I Heart Radio, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Amazon Store, Google Play Store, Deezer, Tidal, YouTube plus many more. Etc. Brenton Tyler Hoffmann has: won, the “2019 Resilience Soldier of The Year” Award, for his relentless resilience to keep going and continue to live his dreams even when death tried to intervene been inducted into the “eZWay Wall of Fame” with Celebrities such as Christopher Loyd from “Back to the Future”, Bill Duke, plus many more including Social media Influencers and business tycoons.
Brenton has built strong relationships and connections with all kinds of famous celebrities has been featured in JT Foxx The World's #1 Wealth Coach's, Amazon best-selling book success Stories "Results Don't Lie" been featured in celebrity media publications such as The Examiner, eZWay, Actors Reporter, LA Talk Radio, Star Pulse, WIRE/Getty Images & AP The Associated Press. And on the cover Influential People Magazine recognized as one of the top influential people in the world amongst many influential alumni such as digital media mogul Eric Zuley as well as Frank Shankwitz of the Make a Wish Foundation.
He has performed at the House of Blues on the main stage with former Hip Hop group “Lost Theory” in Hollywood, California, in a documentary called “The Real Hollywood” Film; sponsored by FYASKO Clothing, Guess, Samsung Electronics for world tour, however, due to the creative direction the group broke up. in the movie “Mansion of Blood” with Gary Busy done numerous radio/podcast interviews, LA Talk Radio and EZ Way Broadcasting
Brenton has been featured on multiple blogs. been an Award-winning skateboarder, Martial Artist, Elite Gymnast, professional Aggressive-Inline-Skater, pro dancer, and perspective Artist. Musician- Guitarist/ pianist, Celebrity Hip-Hop recording artist, Magician/Illusionist, TV co-host, Actor, sales expert, energy healer master, and professional networking expert and B2B Global Award-winning lead generation marketing expert and Growth Hacker/Digital Marketer & Sales Trainer, throughout his life. He has achieved all this success with all of the challenges he has in his life, including having ADHD, Autism spectrum and complex learning disabilities.

We hear a lot about resilience these days. When a person is said to be resilient when it overcomes injuries or defeats. Resilience is sometimes attributed to a person who survives negative onslaughts from the opposition. The word resiliencehas many definitions. Miriam Webster’s online dictionary defines it as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” When most people think of the word resilience, they think of the ability to bounce back from challenge and adversity, or how well someone can adapt to adversity or crisis. Some researchers feel that the heart of resilience is the belief in one’s power, whether or not one has the power
According to the American Psychological Association, resilience is the “process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or even significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors.” Resilient people still experience a full range of emotions, including sadness and stress. But they can walk through the process of facing life’s challenges and their own emotions that sets them apart.
Resilience is critical to our overall well-being. It affects everything from our mental and financial health to our intimate relationships to our ability to handle trauma and loss. Taking the time to bolster resilience is probably one of the single best things you can do to improve your health, relationships, and happiness levels.
Resilience affects psychological health, which is critical to our physical health. Resilience can therefore play an important role in determining how well we physically recover from adversity.
Resilience is the ability to bounce back and grow and thrive during myriad of stress, challenge and change. Resilience is actually a set of basic skills that can be learned, practiced and improved.
The higher levels of resilience they had; leads them to a better outcomes of managing chronic disease and chronic pain; improved emotional and physical health; better relationships; and a better ability to handle the myriad challenges, big and small, that life puts in our way. Indeed, life is a test. It’s a test of our convictions and priorities. It’s a test of our patience and steadfastness. It’s a test of, well, of our resilience.
Resilience is when you decide to give up on giving in.
IPM: What makes you a resilience expert?
Brenton: I have endured and bounced back countless times through horrific tragic events in my life and have turned my Tragedy into triumphs and helped many do the same. I have been privileged to share my story and my “heart” expertise in resiliency with thousands of people who struggled on bouncing back. This is an honor and a privilege for me to share here with all who are seeing this today. If what I have learned from the challenges, I have faced in my own life can help others improve the quality of theirs, then it has all been worth it.
My “heart” learning about resiliency came after I was diagnosed with a rare blood infection at 4 months old, severe Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Specific Learning Disability, and Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum later on in my adult life. Growing up I survived over 13 years of childhood abuse, being bullied & beaten up by gangs, had guns pointed at my face, chased by knives, had the worst case of gangrenous appendicitis and peritonitis at the age of 26, late-stage chronic Lyme Disease, loss of close friends, heavy depression, anxiety, TBI stroke at the age of 32, "Hypokalemia" low potassium, lost the love of life, loss of relationships, homeless in the cold weather, job loss and family betrayal. Also at age 18, I shattered my C6 vertebrae paralyzing me from my neck and down from a major car accident on Thanksgiving day 1998, miraculously 12 hours later I walked away after the Doctors told me I would never walk again, and I did it without surgery or any physical therapy.
Throughout my life, I’ve read about resiliency, attended workshops and trainings on it, went to many conferences, and was trained by top leaders Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Tim Zimmerman of SM3 Success & JT Foxx The Worlds #1 Wealth Coach, my 10 coach, and to name a few. I also learned from JT Foxx; the power of branding and started to properly brand and build my consulting and coaching company while helping others have success in all areas of their lives. I even trained people on how to build resiliency in their Intellectual mind, I’m considered an expert on the topic. From my head, I can rattle off statistics about risk and protective factors, internal and external assets, personal strengths, and the different theories underpinning resiliency research.
Shortly after working with my coach, I reconnected with my mother and brother after years of not seeing them after an unfortunate event. Through my relentless perseverance, persistence, and patience, I kept going not even death could stop me.
IPM: What was your Turning Point?
Brenton: Being Homeless was one of the biggest turning points in my life. It was right there in that moment —homeless and all alone with no support and no friends or family by my side or even calling me or checking in on me to see if I was still alive, I decided enough was enough and there had to be more to life, than a life of suffering. All of the professional learning converged when I realized that I had only two choices: Give up and give in to the challenges I was facing, or get up and get on with building the life I wanted to live despite them. I chose the latter; mine would not be a sad life, I chose to become the "Walking Miracle Warrior".
IPM: Why resilience matters?
Brenton: Resilience Matters because it’s what allows you to keep loving and fighting for your life and what you believe in, without it you give up and die and when you end your life you never know what could have been because you gave up before the results showed. Resilience is the ultimate FAITH, it is knowing that everything will work out for you for the greater good even when the bad evidence around you tells you it won’t and you keep moving ahead and persevering anyways no matter how many times you get knocked down or knocked out in life.
IPM: What is your greatest failure? How did you move on from it?
Brenton: My greatest failure was when I was never paid my $36,000 commission check on a 3.6 Million Dollar Deal because the company decided to lay me off and keep the check for themselves. That was the day I said goodbye to corporate America and said I will never let a company decide my worth ever again. Also being cheated on by my Fiancé at 19 was the ultimate heartbreak, I believe there will be someone better, as life is a learning lesson.
IPM: How did you overcome this?
Brenton: Yes, many times but two of the main times were when I was 17 after my grandfather passed away from a brain aneurism, I was devastated also at 36 when I lost my home of 14 years, I ended up homeless living in my car for a year, living out of my suitcase for nearly 500 days while battling Lyme disease, hypokalemia (Low Potassium) and respiratory infections. It was a nightmare, I hung on for my dear life. I hyper-focused on the little bit of good that I could see like a dim star out in the distance where all the bad was a dark sky covering up most of the good with a cloudy mind, instead I chose to see the light and turned the negative situation into a positive one. At the time I was homeless I asked God to use me for the greater good, so he told me to go help the homeless, to feed them.
Eventually, I turned my life around, Got a new home went from terrible credit to tier one, met my amazing success coaches JT Foxx the World’s #1 Wealth and Business Coach, and Tim Zimmerman from SM3 Success Tim showed me how to eliminate disempowering beliefs from my subconscious mind in a way I never knew before. Now, nothing can stop me from living my dream. I have dedicated time to work on my heart and mind while paying it forward feeding the homeless, sharing my meals with them while listening to their stories. But what I’ve learned over the years is that there is a tremendous difference in understanding something intellectually and experiencing it in your heart.
IPM: Do you have any message to give our readers?
Brenton: No matter what your current circumstance or situation may be, just know there is always a way to overcome. You can overcome anything, and I don't care how big it is even if it's death itself. Don't Give up or give in to the voice inside your head telling you to quit before your big win. Follow the 5 Steps to Overcome Anything:
5 Steps to Overcome Anything:
Pray from your present
Program your Perception
Produce a Passion Plan
Progress not Perfection
Persistently Persevere until you get it. ~Benton Tyler Hoffman
Brenton Tyler Hoffmann is a “Walking Miracle Warrior” resilience expert in professional and personal reinvention. A co-author and speaker, walking miracle warrior, rapid breakthrough coach and consultant; a spiritual teacher/healer, and a visionary, he guides individuals and businesses to recover from their adversity, setbacks and to leverage it by changing it to reduce their impact. His unique expertise is in combining practical tactics with rapid learning strategies to embrace change and encourage innovation. Brenton Tyler Hoffman inspires, empowers and guides people to achieve massive and lasting personal and professional growth, whether it be as a speaker or mentoring individuals. Www.brentontylerhoffmann.com
Photo contributed by: Brenton Tyler Hoffmann

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