Introduction To AI What Is AI Types Of AI Benefits Of Using AI Top AI Tools/Frameworks Advantages Of AI Future Of AI Conclusion About Avgi Solutions
INTRODUCTION TO AI Artificial Intelligence is an ability to design smart machines or to develop self-learning software applications that imitate the traits of the human mind like reasoning, problemsolving, planning, optimal decision making, sensory perceptions etc. The capacity of artificial intelligent approaches to outperform human actions in terms of knowledge discovery gained the attention of business and research community all over the world and this field of study witnessed rapid progress in the past two decades.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches, but advancements in Machine Learning Services and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry.
Reactive Machines Limited Memory Theory of Mind Self-aware Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)
Data Mining & Business Insights Outcome Prediction Real-time Assistance Operational Automation Improving Shopping Experience Minimizing Errors Increased Business Efficiency Make Data Interpretation Easy Automating Customer Experience Improved Recruitment Process
Caffe in Artificial Intelligence Tools Tensor Flow Theano in Artificial Intelligence Tools Keras in Artificial Intelligence Tools Scikit-Learn in Artificial Intelligence Tools Pytorch in Artificial Intelligence Tools
24/7 Availability Day to Day Application Digital Assistance Handling Repetitive Jobs Medical Applications Hazardous Exploration Reduction of Error Minimal Human Intervention Faster and Accurate
FUTURE OF AI AI is an emerging field, today it is known as weak AI (Due to limitations). But the future of artificial intelligence is about building strong AI. Right now, AI can beat humans in some specific tasks only but in the future, it is expected of AI to beat a human in all cognitive tasks. Surely it has its consequences which would be positive as well as negative.
CONCLUSION As a part of this post, we have learned about AI and its applications. Further, we saw a number of frameworks and tools that are used as a part of modeling any AI application. Please visit the referenced links that are provided in each of the descriptions of the tool and also Google it to know more about it.
ABOUT AVGI SOLUTIONS Avgi Solution offers a gamut of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning development services aimed at boosting business productivity & efficiency while keeping operational costs to bare minimum for clients in diverse industry verticals. Our service offerings are segregated into two distinct tracks: Business Consulting and Technology Consulting. We help with forming a Big Data strategy after identifying the scope and benefits and also help clients in creating Software Defined Infrastructure.
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