Web Development Company - Managed It Services - Managed It Service Providers

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INDEX Introduction To Web Development Types of Web Development Platform For Front Web Development Web Development Trends In 2020 Importance of Web Development Languages For Web Development About Avgi Solutions

INTrODucTION TO WEB DEVELOPMENT Web development is the work involved in developing a website for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network).web design and development very different from developing an easy single static page. Usually web based application, social networking services use plain text. A lot of comprehensive list of tasks to that internet development usually refers.it work in different form as internet engineering, web design, online page development, consumer liaison, client-side/server-side scripting.

TYPES OF WEB DEVELOPMENT ďƒźFront end web development: Exercise of data convert to graphical interface for user view this process we say Front-end web development. Data comes through digital interaction using JavaScript, HTML and CSS. ďƒźBack end web development: Backend process code run on server. it is totally depend on frontend experience.it means backend developers need to understand programming languages and databases, together this they must have an understanding of server architecture.

PLATFOrM FOr FrONT WEB DEVELOPMENT Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML):-Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) called the backbone of web design and development process. Without this we can’t create any web page. Hyperlink use to connect another page with site. It indicates text can be turned into images, display tables, links. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS):-CSS keep a big role in our web design and development. It allow our site to have unique look.it controls the presentation of site. It does by maintaining style sheets which sit on top style rules. Such as device screen size and resolution. JavaScript:-JavaScript used to transform a static html to dynamic interface. It is an event-based programming language. In this language code can use the Document Object Model (DOM).

15 WEB DEVLOPMENT TrENDS IN 2020 1 Progressive Web Apps (PWA) 2 Artificial Intelligence and Bots 3 Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 4 Single Page Application (SPA) 5 Voice Search Optimization 6 Motion UI 7 Automation Testing 8 JavaScript Frameworks 9 Serverless Applications and Architecture 10 Blockchain Technology 11 Internet of Things (IoT) 12 Mobile-First Development 13 Responsive Websites (RWD) 14 Push Notifications 15 GPDR and Cybersecurity

IMPOrTANcE OF WEB DEVELOPMENT Web Development is important to the business because it helps the companies to communicate with customers effectively. Web development also helps to improve connectivity. It helps to attract and engage your customers in result can have more reach for the company. Web development increases brand awareness and saves money on advertising. A good and professional website proves your credibility to the customers. If the customers want to contact the business, they can check your website for contact information, which increases the probability of sealing the deal.

LANGuAGES FOr WEB DEVELOPMENT • JavaScript • Python • Java • Ruby • PHP

AVGI SOLuTIONS Avgi is the best Web Development Company and Managed IT Service Providers. They provide customized solutions and services. Today Avgi Solutions has a wide range of services focused in the area of Information Technology. Avgi offers end to end engineering services, testing, Infrastructure Management Services (IMS), a spectrum of engineering design, secure applications, etc.

cONTAcT uS Avgi Solutions INC #53 Regal Dr, Manmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852, USA Contact Number : +1 732 823 4193 +1 508 306 1923 Website: https://www.avgisolutions.com/ Drop Your Question at: info@avgisolutions.com


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