2019 â„–19
12 Destination: Kashkadarya
with Ambassador Allan 16 Interview
Discover the Uzbek Polo 34 Kupkari:
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2019 | №19
EDITOR’S NOTE Founded by
Editor-in-chief Dinara Dultaeva Editor Maftuna Usmanova Graphic designer Olga Silenko Sales & Distribution Nigora Jamolova, Shokhrukh Rajabov
Dinara UZ
Contributors Sevara Dultaeva, Brave Humility Valeriya Galikhanova Eldor Ruziev Ahmadjon Choriev Ulugbek Juraev Proofreader Malika Mukimova
wo years ago we started this journey called Visit Uzbekistan. These two years were milestones both for the history of the country and for our team. Although we initially planned a quarterly magazine, during this time we have published 19 editions in 14 different languages. The magazine was distributed in 15 countries, all the way from the USA to Japan. It accompanied high level delegations form Uzbekistan at the world tourism fairs as well as during state visits and business forums. During this period of time we gained a whole community of friends and partners all around the world. And when in May 2019 we introduced a new initiative to launch the International Business Partnership Visit Uzbekistan, the support from them exceeded our expectations. Friends in and outside the country are uniting to this Business Partnership to contribute to the promotion of Uzbekistan, to support each other in investment projects, create new digital platforms, enhance creativity of talents and fasten international exchanges.
We always believed that the path of a thousand miles starts with the first step. We want more and more people around the world to have a desire to visit beautiful Uzbekistan and to see it with our eyes and feel the love we feel. So keep discovering and keep widening your horizons together with us.
Dinara Dultaeva
Photography Canoniy, Farrukh Isamikhamedov, Marleen Tutenel, Mukhiddin Alee, Alokhon Abdullaev, Andrey Arakelyan Visit Uzbekistan magazine N19, 2019 Official partner
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development Dinara Media Relations PC Dinara&Co. Trademark Tel.: (+998 93) 500 55 65 www.dinara.co info@dinara.co The magazine is registered by Press and Information Agency of Uzbekistan on 12.05.2017. Registration number N 0915 ISSN 2181-9254 Printed by “Print.uz” 41/2, Mirabadskaya street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Order №1578 All rights reserved. © Dinara&Co. © Dinara Dultaeva
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2019 | №19
International Business Partnership Visit Uzbekistan. The Photo Moments of the Gala
20 12
MUST-KNOW: Investment Opportunities in Kashkadarya Region COVER Model: Laziza Nazimxanova Photographer: Canoniy Dress: Anor Couture Location: Museum of Applied Art of Uzbekistan
2019 №19
12 Destination: Kashkadarya
Interview with Allan 16 Ambassador
Discover the Uzbek Polo 34 Kupkari:
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2019 | â„–19
28 LANDMARK: A Story Behind the Mysterous White Palace of Amir Temur
JOURNEY TO UZBEKISTAN: Have You Ever Tried the Real Pomegranate? We Know Where to Find It!
THE TASHKENT METRO Galleries Under the Ground
A visa-free entry regime applies to citizens of Andorra, Argentine, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Chile, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, French, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greek, Hungary, Israel, Indonesia, Ireland, Iceland, Italia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Vatican. In addition, citizens of 53 countries can transit Uzbekistan for up to 5 days without a visa and citizens of 76 can apply for E-Visa for a longer stay. British passport holders can enter Uzbekistan as a visitor for stays of up to 30 days without a visa. E-visa: The government of Uzbekistan provides simplified E-visa regime for citizen of 76 countries and a 5-day visa-free transit opportunity for 53 countries. An electronic visa is issued for 30 days, is single or multiple entry and valid for 90 days from the date of its issuance. To obtain E-visa, traveler should apply on “e-visa.gov.uz� at least three working days before the planned date of arrival to Uzbekistan. E-visa will be issued within two working days excluding the day of application. The issued E-visa is sent to the e-mail of the applicant. The amount of the consular fee is $20 for single entry, $35 for double entry and $50 for multiple entry. Payment for E-visa can be made online from any bank card. An electronic visa is not attached to a travel document (passport). When crossing the border, a foreign citizen provides an electronic visa in paper or electronic form. Visa-Free Transit Passport holders of 53 countries who are transiting by airplane, can get a 5-day visa-free stay showing an onward boarding pass. Foreign citizens can benefit of a 5-day visa-free transit procedure upon arrival at the international airports of Uzbekistan. Passengers need to provide an air-ticket (preferably Uzbekistan Airways) to the third country and the carrier should inform the border authorities of Uzbekistan about passengers who are eligible for transit visa-free entry. The list of foreign countries applicable for visa-free transit stay continues to expand. You can check latest data on: http://uzbekistan.travel/
2019 | №19
Useful phrases
for guests of Uzbekistan Hello Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Have a nice trip All right / OK. Goodbye How are you? What is your name? It’s nice to meet you Just a minute please Thank you / Thanks Please Welcome May I take a look at it? Wow! Why it’s so expensive? Make it cheaper! Ok See you later I’ll come back later What time is it? How do I get there? How far is it? How much is it? What is it? Sorry Exit / Entrance Toilet Can you help me? My number is
Assalomu Alaykum Khayrli tong Khayrli kun Khayrli oqshom Oq yo’l Yakhshi Khayr Yakhshimisiz? Ismingiz nima? Tanishganimdan khursandman Bir daqiqa Rakhmat Markhamat / Iltimos Khush kelibsiz. Ko’rsam maylimi? Voy, nega buncha qimmat? Arzonroq qilib bering! Kelishdik Ko’rishguncha Keyinroq kelaman Soat nechi bo’ldi? U yerga qanday boraman? Qancha uzoq? Nech pul? Bu nima? Kechirasiz Chiqish / Kirish Khojatkhona Yordam bera olasizmi? Mening raqamim…
Kashkadarya is one of the largest by area regions of Uzbekistan. The birthplace of Amir Temur has not only a favorable geographical position but also great prospects in the energy, industrial and construction sectors. Meanwhile, the success stories of large-scale international projects in the region raise the confidence of investors in the region. Here are the main advantages of investing in the Kashkadarya region.
The region is famous for its rich raw material sources. Resources, vast areas of fertile land and climate conditions make it possible to grow many varieties of vegetables and heat-loving fruits. Also, Kashkadarya occupies one of the leading positions in cotton production, sericulture and karakul breeding. According to Uzbekneftegaz JSC, oil reserves in the region are tens of billions of tons, and the gas resources are even more. One ten of the energy production and 7% of the country’s light industry products originate in Kashkadarya. The region has great prospects for the chemical and the construction industry, open deposits of salt, marl, limestone, gypsum and oil shale. Furthermore, the area is famous for its hand-woven carpets. Durable Karshi lint-free carpets are made with unique patterns typical only for this region.
Kashkadarya is located in the center of the regional markets. An integrated network of land and air communications of international importance with an efficient transport and logistics system make the region accessible. In the near future, the Karshi International Airport plans to introduce the “Open Sky” regime. In the interim, two international highways linking Europe and the Russian Federation with ports in the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf run through Karshi. The total length of the highway is more than 2,75 thousand km.
2019 | №19
Infrastructure always revitalizes the economy. The availability of transport infrastructure in the region is a key for the sustainable development of the region as a whole. A well-established system of engineering and communication infrastructure, in particular, electricity, gas equipment, and water communications create a favorable environment for any production processes. In addition, Kashkadarya region has a reliable tourism infrastructure with the highquality service at the level of international standards. For potential investors it might be interesting investing into social spheres and education. For example, in private education, health care system, modern sports and recreation facilities.
The hardworking and hospitable people of the country promise good foundations among other advantages in modern developing Uzbekistan. The highly-skilled labor force is a key for investors. More than 3,500 qualified specialists annually graduate from three higher educational institutions on the territory of Kashkadarya, majoring in 30-40 different specialities. The most popular ones are economics, geology, engineering, oil and gas industry and technical subjects.
In terms of tourism development Kashkadarya is a real hidden gem. The rapidly developing region with a big number of unique architectural monuments of the 14th-15th centuries and objects of cultural and historical heritage is open to visitors all year round. Among the non-traditional types of tourism, we shall mention ecotourism, gastronomic, recreational tourism, pilgrimage, ethno-cultural and sports. New tourist routes are being created and scientific tourism is developing in the Kitab Reserve and the Maidanak Observatory. Shakhrisabz intends to become the festival city to attract foreign visitors and host various cultural events. Among them are international and republican festivals “Maqom”, “Anor”, “National Dresses of the People of the world”, Shahrisabz Music Dance, seminars dedicated to the heritage of Amir Temur, theatrical performances, national games “Ulok-kupkari” and competitions on “Kurash” - single combat with 3.5 thousand years history.
Uzbekistan is considered to be a politically stable country for investment with relatively low business costs. Every year the presence of foreign investors in the market is growing. According to the Directorate-General for Investments and Foreign Trade of Kashkadarya region for May 2019, there are 129 joint ventures with foreign capital on the territory, including projects with China, Russia, Singapore, Latvia, South Korea, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, and other countries. The largest number of JSC is concentrated in Karshi and Shakhrisabz. Among them are cotton and textile production company ‘’Indorama’’, leather factory ‘’Qarshi Leather’’ and textile factory “LT Textile International”. Seven strategic projects in the oil and gas and chemical sector worth of $ 7 billion are being carried out in the region, in particular, the Mubarak Gas Processing Plant and the Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex.
The government of Uzbekistan supports the investment activities, and conditions for investors are no less favorable than for local entrepreneurs. Until January 1, 2022, technological equipment, spare parts, components, auxiliary and construction materials that are not produced in the Republic are exempt from customs duties. The enterprises working with the attraction of private foreign investments in innovations, IT, silk production, construction materials, meat-dairy and chemical-pharmaceutical industry, are exempt from payment of big number of taxes. In addition, there is a low fee for the registration of enterprises with foreign investments, also foreign citizens investing in Uzbekistan are eligible for a multiple-entry three-year visa with the possibility of unlimited extension of the validity period without leaving the country.
Making Investing Easier
7 reasons to Invest-inUzbekistan: 1. Uzbekistan is the most populated country in the region, with more than 32 million inhabitants. The country is famous for its unique historical destinations like Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, and others; 2. Uzbekistan is the largest consumer market in the region;
Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party together with «S. Verenin’s Legal Group» law firm initiated a new project to facilitate information access for foreign investors working or planning to work in Uzbekistan. The new digital platform Invest-in-Uzbekistan. org includes mobile application Tayyor.biz for IOS and Android, as well web-site and call center 24/7 with legal and other information necessary for investors. The digital platform assumes that users can get further qualified support offline from «S. Verenin’s Legal Group» law firm and the Executive Committee of the Political Council of the UzLiDep. «Invest in Uzbekistan» project is useful for potential investors as they can get updated information about available investment projects, new incentives, guarantees of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of foreign investors and business entities, the details of contractual and legal relations between government bodies and small businesses and private entrepreneurship of Uzbekistan with foreign capital.
«Invest in Uzbekistan» is a project aimed to: • Encourage production of domestic brands of export-oriented products. • Render assistance to small businesses and private entrepreneurship in participation in foreign capital markets, exhibitions and fairs aiming to sign. • Prevent, identify, minimize or eliminate legal risks in the implementation of foreign economic activity related to the attraction of foreign investment by business entities. • Overcoming administrative barriers, raider seizure of enterprises and illegal redistribution of property.
About «S. Verenin’s Legal Group» Law firm Company’s history goes back to 2004. «S.Verenin’s Legal group» law firm is a leading law firm with a long experience in protection and representing interests of foreign companies in Uzbekistan. It became a reliable partner and advisor in investment and business development. Experienced specialists of the law firm are always eager to provide efficient advice and support to foreign investors in Uzbekistan. For more details: Call Center: (+998) 78 150 38 38
info@investinuzbekistan.uz http://invest-in-uzbekistan.org/en/
3. Uzbekistan has a favorable geographical position due to its proximity to the largest markets and is the key to Central Asia; 4. An Agreement on free trade with the CIS countries provides dutyfree access to made-inUzbekistan products to regional markets with a total population of more than 300 million people; 5. Uzbekistan has the most favored nation treatment with 46 countries; 6. Investment opportunities in various sectors of the economy: - Relatively cheap real estate (commercial and residential); - National traditions of hospitality, as a foundation for the development of tourism. The vast expanse of various locations where you can build hotels and resorts. 7. A developing banking sector with growth potential. For more information: www.invest-in-uzbekistan.org.
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Allans’ Uzbekistan Beyond the Silk Road Heritage Maftuna Usmanova
Her Majesty’s Ambassador Christopher Allan is to end his tenure in Uzbekistan. In his exclusive interview to Visit Uzbekistan team he shares his impressions of four years in the country, ideas on investment opportunities as well as recommendations for travelers.
2019 | №19
How do you assess Uzbekistan-UK relations during last four years? Firstly, I feel very fortunate to have been in Uzbekistan during this historic period for the country, and for Uzbekistan’s relations with the UK. Uzbekistan is a wonderful country with wonderful people, and great potential for the future. I think the potential of the country is now being realised even more than before, as the country is opening up economically and politically. Over the last couple of years a huge amount of work has been done and led to a massive change in the international perception of Uzbekistan. Some of the most important changes have been in the liberalisation of the currency, and the reduced role of the state in the business sector where we have seen a lot of growth of the private sector. There has been a significant growth in British companies and Uzbek companies trading with each other: trade volumes have gone up by at least 50% during my time here. Our Uzbek British Trade and Industry Council this year (28th of February – 1st of March) was the biggest ever, with more than 120 representatives of British businesses in Tashkent. It is amazing to see such excitement about the economic potential of Uzbekistan. Another good example is the Eurobonds issue in London, back in January. The bonds were heavily oversubscribed and raised over 1 billion dollars for Uzbekistan. However, more reforms are needed for investments to reach their full potential. Because the private sector in Uzbekistan is still growing, and capital markets are at their early stages, legal protection of investments will give investors more confidence and are an essential part of further reform. The UK has a great deal of experience in this area, and now we find that government agencies and ministries are keen to learn from the experience and expertise of others around the world, and so both sides have a great deal of enthusiasm for developing our relationship.
The UK government has also increased spending in Uzbekistan and our spending on projects this year has reached 2 million GBP. We are supporting the President’s reforms wherever we can, and big focus for us this year, is media freedom.
I think the potential of the country is now being realised even more than before Uzbekistan’s tourism is growing rapidly. As a guest of Uzbekistan, what are your observations on that? Tourism is one of the big success stories in last couple of years. I think tourism officials have done a fantastic job. I have to credit Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Aziz Abdukhakimov, for implementing changes to visa regulations, opening up opportunities for tourism, and promoting the country. And also I have to mention the great job of Visit Uzbekistan Magazine, for advertising the country abroad. We are seeing results as flights and hotels are overbooked. It will now be important to grow the infrastructure needed for tourism, especially in major destinations such as Tashkent, Samarkand, and Bukhara. I think there is a very important point around the “sensitive development of tourism” as well. It is quite tempting just to build new buildings, but we should always make sure that we balance the old with the new: thousands of tourists come to Uzbekistan to see the old cities and bazaars. Restoration is important but it should always be done carefully. A lot of tourists go to Tashkent and then visit Silk Road Cities - Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, and only some go to Nukus. Very few go to Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya, which is a real shame as these places are great. For me, the natural wonders here are some of my favourite places. Many tourists would love to add an element of the outdoors to their
There are so many exceptional dishes to try! I think I will miss somsa the most: with meat, with greens, with pumpkin (my favourite).
Tashkent is the city that has been our home, and my family has very warm memories from here. The Silk Road cities Samarqand, Bukhara, and Khiva are all fantastic. Karakalpakstan is a fascinating region with environmental challenges to address, but also with an impressive Savitski museum in Nukus. Fergana Valley has a lot more tourism potential too. It worth going to see sites like Ahsikent, the ancient capital of the region. Andijan and Kokand are also fantastic. The best excuse to visit Surkhandarya is the Boysun Bakhori folk music festival. Kashkadarya has beautiful scenery and heritage to discover.
3 must-buy souvenirs that you pick up from Uzbekistan You must have a tyubeteyka (a traditional hat, different from area to area). It might be the big Khorezm style hat or the one from Karakalpakstan. Anyway, a hat is a must! Some beautiful fabrics, whether it is atlas, adras, or silk, and there are many places where you can see how it is being made. Some pottery. We have visited Rishtan a couple of times, and also Gijduvan, which are centres of Uzbek ceramics.
Must-read about Uzbekistan:
• The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia by Peter Hopkirk • Mission to Tashkent by F.M. Bailey • Setting the East ablaze by Peter Hopkirk • The Lost Heart of Asia by Colin Thubron • Road to Oxiana by Robert Byron • Days Gone By by Abdulla Qodiriy • 10 Reasons to Visit Uzbekistan and 365 Days of Sun by Dinara&Co
Must-experience: 3 most vivid impressions that you take from Uzbekistan? Firstly, the mountains – because I love the mountains! Whether climbing Chimgan or visiting Pskem valley, the views are really beautiful. Riding into a valley, with local people, and then eating in local houses, beautiful fresh qatiq (a fermented milk drink similar to a thin yogurt) with honey and lovely local bread, nuts, and local fruits completely delicious. Secondly, my trip to Boysun Festival. We stayed with some of the local people – an amazing musician, who plays many traditional instruments, and his wife. There were lots of cultural performances, traditional musical performances, and many people from all over – an amazing atmosphere! Thirdly, in Karakalpakstan, visiting what remains of the Aral Sea. It is a very powerful experience to cross the Aral Sea, and very sad to see the ecological issues and the efforts to improve the environment. Do not forget to visit the Savitsky Museum in Nukus which is an exceptional place. There you will find local arts plus a collection of the avant-garde work from the many parts of the Soviet Union. And there are more fascinating places in Southern Karakalpakstan as well such as the desert fortresses of Beruniy. They are completely historic and have not been overly restored, so are very romantic.
trip - in the mountains or in the local villages staying with local people and experiencing traditional culture and beautiful scenery of the country. Support for local entrepreneurs would be a good way to build on this. Opening up areas like Sarmishsay, Pskem, and Boysun would be a real opportunity for growth.
What would you wish to the readers of the Visit Uzbekistan magazine? If you have not been to Uzbekistan, you must come! It is a wonderful country with wonderfully hospitable people, and so much to see. And secondly, do not limit yourselves to the obvious sites, look beyond: visit the mountains, see the Soviet heritage of Tashkent, and other cities like Navoi city, or ride to Karakalpakstan, Fergana Valley, and Kashkadarya.
10 Reasons
to Visit Uzbekistan A book has always been considered as a perfect gift. As you are looking for some unique memorable souvenirs from Uzbekistan, you definitely need to bring with you the book 10 reasons to Visit Uzbekistan. Why? Here are reasons: On 304 highly visual pages the book presents masterpieces of photography, some specially made for the project, others taken from the 15 years long archives. More than 250 works of the prominent photographer Ernest Kurtveliev reflect an extraordinary atmosphere, picturesque nature and marvelous architecture of Uzbekistan, as well as authentic lifestyle of its openhearted people. Preview and order: www.uzbekistanbook.dinara.co For wholesale orders call +998 (93) 390-00-98 Bookstore Tashkent: +998 (71) 252 74 99 e-mail: info@dinara.co
Photo report
World Crossroads
Presentation of the New International Business Partnership “Visit Uzbekistan” Text by Homo Liber Photo by Canoniy
Uzbekistan is a destination that can offer you a lot from both business and tourism perspectives. When establishing our magazine – Visit Uzbekistan – one of our main goals was to promote the country’s tourism potential both in Uzbekistan and abroad. Thus our team jointly with international partners took the initiative to organize a business partnership, that will contribute to the promotion of the country. Presentation of the new business club - Visit Uzbekistan International Business Partnership – took place in the beginning of May in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
2019 | â„–19
About 100 guests, including government officials, diplomats, business owners and foreign guests attended networking event to learn about private initiatives on promotion of the tourism and investment opportunities of Uzbekistan.
21 The goal of the Visit Uzbekistan International Business Partnership is to create a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences, mutual support in projects on country branding.
Alisher Kurmanov, the chairperson of the Senate Committee on International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, Foreign Investment and Tourism, opened the event. He highlighted the dynamics of changes in the tourism field and the promotion of the country, emphasizing the important role of public and private partnerships, and also noted that the Senate is open to new proposals and cooperation in order to contribute to country’s development.
Bekhruz Khamzayev, Advisor to the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development, noted that Visit Uzbekistan Magazine is a long-standing partner of the State Committee and that the magazine is an interesting resource with very accessible information about must-know locations, facts, and tourism potential of Uzbekistan. Mr. Khamzayev also mentioned that at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan tourism has become one of the drivers of the country’s economy, and all initiatives undertaken in this area are highly encouraged, and thus, projects like Visit Uzbekistan Magazine should develop and be supported.
Photo report
Members of the Consultancy Board welcomed participants via video messages.
Sophie Ibbotson, Tourism Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the UK: I am very excited to be working with Dinara&Co, to initiate the new tourism marketing and development association. This is a huge opportunity for us to draw upon the expertise and resources of both public and the private sector and to ensure that Uzbekistan can realize its tourism potential.
Gleb Borukov, Investment Director at Realia Capital Group, London, shared his observations about the prospects of investment projects in Uzbekistan and the assessment of foreign investors regarding reforms and transformations in the country.
Karen Anand, Food writer and Business lady: I am delighted to be associated with Visit Uzbekistan’s new initiative to promote business and tourism between Uzbekistan and India. I know the magazine well, I have visited the country, I think it is a fantastic country that is opening up. I also bring trip groups to Uzbekistan, and I want to increase that in the years to come. I wish the Partnership a lot of luck!
Representatives of the National Bank of Uzbekistan presented a co-branded visa card “NAK-NBU”, issued in cooperation with the National Airline.
The Autograph Art Gallery presented a video about the gallery and its interest for cooperation with foreign partners.
Partners of Visit Uzbekistan Magazine in 9 countries supported the initiative, and created its Consultancy Board. Among them are Tourism Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the UK, the head of Maximum Exposure – Sophie Ibbotson; PorschMedia Communications Axel Porsch, Germany; Media Ltd in Turkey and Germany, Tan Bilje; Egor Sharay, editor-in-chief of “Concierge” magazine, UAE; Head of Know How Media Marketing Agency Yulia Schukina, Russia; Karen’s Gourmet Kitchen Pvt Ltd Karen Anand, India; the founder of Studio Lovecchio Mauro Lovecchio, Italy; Gleb Borukov, Investment Director at Realia Capital Group, UK; GLCC Solutions for state reform consulting Georgi Tskhakaya, Azerbaijan, and others. The list continues to expand.
The guests also discovered the story behind the first Uzbek international perfumer brand “Begim” that conquers world. FlyDubai airlines made a lucky draw, so two of the guests won tickets Tashkent-Dubai.
The official presentation of the Visit Uzbekistan Business Partnership will be held in the summer of 2019 in Tashkent and London. At this stage, the project initiators will conduct consultations and accept proposals from partners and business owners on the initiatives proposed at the presentation.
A Partnership for Tourism Growth Supporting Uzbekistan’s economic and touristic growth is key for the Visit Uzbekistan team. With our international partners, we are launching a new partnership for public and private sector stakeholders to develop and promote the tourism sector, enabling Uzbekistan to realise its potential. Benefits of joining the Visit Uzbekistan partnership will include: Collective B2B and B2C marketing; Hospitality and communications training; Representation at international trade shows and consumer travel events; Market reports and analysis; B2B networking opportunities; Access to international consultants and service providers; Designated website and social media channels.
The Visit Uzbekistan website will be launched along with the partnership in autumn 2019. For more information, please contact Dinara Dultaeva (dinara@dinara.co).
Advisory Council of the Business Partnership Visit Uzbekistan: Sophie Ibbotson, Ambassador of Tourism of Uzbekistan in the UK, Founder of the Maximum Exposure Agency, UK. Provides strategic development planning, market research and reports, PR and logistics services, and introductions to business and policy leaders. Axel Porsch, founder of Porsch Communications, Germany. Communication consultancy firm (media planning, media purchasing, media optimization), works with advertisement agencies as well as with direct clients. Tan Bilge, head of media buying agencies in Turkey and Germany. Media Ltd. is an Istanbul based international media groups with expertise of TV, print, digital and outdoor media. Covers media buying in Germany, France, Middle-East, Italy, UK, India and China.
Egor Sharai, chief editor of Concierge Magazine, United Arab Emirates. The magazine is published in Dubai in 4 languages for a quarter of a century and plays a leading role in the UAE tourism market. Company provides support in entering the market and promotion destinations in GCC countries. Yulia Shukina, founder of the KnowHow Media agency for the promotion of countries, Russia. The company is an integrated approach to promotion touristic-products of the National Tourism Offices, hotels, airlines, travel companies in social networks and in the media. Karen Anand, Karen’s Gourmet Kitchen Pvt Ltd, India. Karen is a famous businesswoman, food writer, founder of gourmet manufacturing in India. Since 2018 she started organizing luxury tours to Uzbekistan from India.
Mauro Lovecchio, founder of Studio Lovecchio in Italy, the Czech Republic, China, and Uzbekistan. The company consults on investment in real estate and tourism infrastructure (Italy, Estonia, Uzbekistan). Gleb Borukhov, Investment Director, Realia Capital Group, London. Investment management company works in a multi-family office format and manages the capital of private wealthy clients. As part of its investment activities, Realia specializes in structuring and managing direct private investments. Giorgi Tskhakaia, co-founder of the Azerbaijani company GLCC Solutions for state reform consulting. The consulting company covers the entire range of public sector reforms.
If you want to get more information about the Business Club Visit Uzbekistan, we are ready to provide you with a presentation or answer your questions by phone.
Tel.: +(99893) 390 00 98
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Great Silk Road Spirit with Begim Treasures Collection
2019 | №19
SILK ROAD SPIRIT IN MILAN What does Uzbekistan smell like? The country that has rich historical background, the motherland of great conquerors, the land with a unique cuisine. “Begim” Perfumes are the answer to the question. In the Annual Exhibition of Niche Perfume Esxence 2019 in Milan, Uzbekistan has presented the niche fragrance of the country – the first Uzbek brand “Begim” Perfumes. In the exhibition, that was held at the end of April at the Villa Quarzo (city center of Milan), distributors, retailers, bloggers, journalists, as well as collectors and followers of niche perfumes from around the world, gathered to find new and extraordinary brands. A full Begim Treasure Collection with the latest fragrances Silk Road for Him & for Her were presented in Milan and evoked great interest of visitors. Treasure Collection also includes another four fragrances for man and for woman: Samarkand Spirit, Bukhara Spirit, Ruby of Temur and KohiNur Diamond. The seductive aromas are equally harmonious, although each leads a solo part.
Silk Road Perfume – Symbol of Life with motions of traveling and driving force for progress. Silk Road for Him is a fragrance for a man –a connoisseur of modern perfume with a broad outlook. Silk Road for Him reveals as exquisite combination of cocoa in a duet with the enveloping aroma of hazelnut giving a feeling of comfort. Next spicy cumin enters the game, smoothly turning into the heart of the composition, fitting together with cardamom, precious amber and leather. Silk Road for Her – is created for an ambitious woman with character – extraordinary and gorgeous… Composition of the Silk Road for Her masterfully combines floral and chypre chords. Note of the rose is perfectly shaded by wood notes, giving the perfume a warm soft sound.
The main idea behind the brand is connection of East and West, to show the foreign customers the value of the great culture and history of mankind. When preparing the main stand before the event, the Begim Perfume team wanted to deliver the mission of the company through a unique stand design in the national style. Visitors appreciated the efforts of the team, as a result a huge number of lovers of high-quality perfume returned to the stand and brought their friends with them. The uniqueness of the Begim Perfumes lies in the fact that they sound bright throughout the day, delighting its owner with new colorful shades, emphasizing the high status and excellent taste. The company produces these niche perfumes in France, for women and men. The company was established in 1990, and today, Begim is the leading distributor of products of the world famous perfume and cosmetics brands in the market of Uzbekistan, represented in the network of stores Parfum Gallery. The Begim Perfumes brand in a short period of time became a bestseller in Paris, London, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Uzbekistan. Ahead, participation in new international presentations and exhibitions, so that more people can discover the new, true fragrance of Uzbekistan.
Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan has more than 3.5 million inhabitants, making it the largest city in Central Asia. The city is also seen as the most cosmopolitan city in Central Asia. With extremely wide tree-lined avenues, countless fountains, parks and numerous modern restaurants, this surprisingly clean Tashkent is absolutely different from the idea that you usually have of a Central Asian city.
The Tashkent Metro
Galleries, Under the Ground
Tashkent is the modern capital of Uzbekistan, which, unlike Samarkand, Khiva and Bukhara, has modern style of architecture and continues to be constructed. However, on the other hand it has its own sights. One is the Tashkent Metro, the first underground transportation system in Central Asia. THE TASHKENT METRO
Tashkent metro stations are among the best-kept art secrets in the world. You will find a different artistic design and creative theme at almost every of the 29 stations. With a train ticket that costs 1200 Sum (less than â‚Ź 0.30) you can enjoy yourself for a day in the most beautiful art galleries you have ever seen.
The Tashkent Metro has the range and accessibility of the London metro, the efficiency of the New York Subway, the simplicity of the Rome Metropolitana and the space of the trainsets of the Paris metro. But in the field of art, the Tashkent Metro is unique.
The oldest Metro in Central Asia is a masterpiece with decorated platforms, glazed pillars and glittering tunnels. Soviet elements mixed with Islamic geometric shapes, angular shapes and sharp corners, which underline the grandeur and power of the once so powerful Russian empire, but at the same time seem to clash with the graceful lines and seductive cobalt and emerald hues of the Arab world. PHOTOGRAPHY
From the construction, which began in 1977, the three metro lines were also intended to serve as a military site. That is why strict safety measures were taken from the outset and taking photographs of metro stations, bridges, railways and
army bases was strictly prohibited. This ban on photography was lifted in July 2018 after the Tashkent metro lost its classification as a military installation. From that moment on, breathtakingly beautiful photos of these metro stations appear. By the way, taking a photo on a tripod still requires a permit. THE EARTHQUAKE OF APRIL 26, 1966
The metro network was built as part of a reconstruction plan for Tashkent after the earthquake that struck the city on April 26, 1966. The earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 on the Richter scale destroyed 80% of the buildings and left 300,000 people homeless. Workers and craftsmen, architects and artists from all over the former Soviet
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Text by John Reinhard Photo by Marleen Tutenel
Union helped create a new city. Tens of thousands of new houses and buildings were built within a few years. An important part of this transformation was the Metro, the jewel in the crown of the new Tashkent ART AS A STARTING POINT
Of all the projects, the metro was perhaps one of the most ambitious, because after the previously built subways of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Soviet leaders wanted the Tashkent metro to also become an artistic highlight, a means to introduce art and culture in the daily lives of citizens. The Soviet planning agency Metrogiprotrans and its local Tashkent Metroprojekt department designed a
metro network with the structure of three lines that are widely used in the Soviet Union that intersect in the center in the form of a triangle. Despite modest concrete entrances and simple handrails, the view inside is enchanting. The interiors consist of sturdy and stable materials: metal (in the form of engravings), glass, plastic, granite, marble, ceramics and alabaster. The stations were decorated with pink and light gray marble from Gazghan and Nurata, and granite from the Kuramin and Chatkal mountains. The lighting is also interesting; in some stations it creates the atmosphere of the banquet hall, in others that of mysterious catacombs.
The Tashkent metro (Uzbek: Toshkent Metropoliteni) currently has three lines with a total length of 36 kilometers: Chilanzar (1977), Uzbekistan (1984) and Yunus-Abad (2001). The underground network, stations and train sets of the Tashkent Metro are impeccably clean, safe and the whole thing runs like clockwork. Since 1977, around 180,000 to 200,000 travelers have been using the metro network on a daily basis from 5 a.m. to midnight. To take a ride in Metro, you must buy a blue coin at the start of the station, at a counter marked with the word ‘KASSA’ (costs 1200 Sum, less than 30 cents). After you have gone through the glass doors, just before the old Soviet tourniquets, there is a police checkpoint where security guards make a thorough search with the metal detector in the bags travelers brought.
If you are planning to discover Uzbekistan beyond the bitten track, we suggest to visit one of the incredible landmarks of the country: Aksaray – the White Palace that is known for the legends of its creation.
In the South-Eastern part of Uzbekistan, where the Kashkadarya river flows over its banks, one of the famous cities of Uzbekistan is situated. It is called “Shahrisabz” that means “the green city”. Shahrisabz is popular due to few reasons: it has a green
environment, rivers and mountains, and also it has been known as Amir Temur’s birthplace who was the Ruler of the Mawarannahr (meaning from Arabic: Land beyond the river).
Temur had built a great legacy: mosques, gardens, and palaces which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage list nowadays. Among all of the unique heritage, the “Aksaray” draws particular attention because of its mystical stories.
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dreams by bringing to existence this architectural masterpiece. Aksaray must remain the last and the best of all my works. Thus, Your Majesty, I am afraid I can build something as good as this Palace or even better if I will be taken by Your enemies who envy you about the Aksaray. I would rather die by falling from the best masterpiece I have ever done in my life. This will be the best reward for me!” Even though Temur rejected the wish, the Master has jumped from the top of the Palace. Some say the Headmaster turned into a bird and flew away into the distance. While visiting Kashkadarya Aksaray should be the must-see destination in your journey.
AKSARAY HISTORY The word Aksaray means the White Palace. Most of the historical sources describe the Palace as white exterior designs with Arabic calligraphy and turquoise mosaik. According to sources, the process of building the Palace Temur had summoned one of the best masters of architecture and craftsmen from Khorezm. Estimatedly construction continued 24 years (during 1380—1404). However, it was difficult to identify the Headmaster’s name, this might have been – Muhammad Yusuf Tabriziy. The Aksaray Palace was considered as an architectural miracle at that time, because of the design and the way the architect brought the drawings into reality without any modern or advanced tools.
WHEN VISITING AKSARAY YOU WILL BE TOLD ONE OF THE FAMOUS LEGENDS… Amir Temur ordered to find the best architect in the world to build Aksaray. Soon the desired master was found from Khorezm, he agreed to build one of the world masterpieces with his fellow craftsmen. It took them 24 years to finish the construction works. Temur was glad about the work of the master and craftsmen. The great conqueror asked if they wish anything for themselves. All craftsmen were rewarded for their work, however, the headmaster refused to get any reward. Instead, he asked the Ruler’s permission to fall from the top of the Palace. Temur was astonished by the wish of the Master and asked to explain his will. The Headmaster replied: “I have lived and fulfilled my
7 WONDERS of Kashkadarya Text by Valeriya Sagitova Photo by Canoniy
Kashkadarya region, located in the South of Uzbekistan, is known for its rich material resources and became home for country’s biggest oil and gas plants. However, this beautiful land remains unexplored in terms of its tourism destinations. It hides real treasures among the places of outstanding natural beauty, which we decided to uncover for our readers.
Amankutan is located forty kilometers south to Samarkand on the way to Shakhrisabs. Its southern slopes with steep cliffs offer a wonderful view of the Kitab district of the Kashkadarya region. For many years the high mountain valley has attracted travelers from all over the world. Through the track lies the centuriesold trail that connects Samarkand and Shahrisabz, as historical Bactria and Sogda in the past. It is preserving fragments of the section of the Great Silk Road and the “road of the kings”, considered as the shortest way of all times and crossed by caravans of Persians, Arabs, Mongols, and the army of Alexander. Today, many tourists trails lead to the preserved stone tools of hunters 60 thousand years old and the remains of an ancient man in the Amankutan caves.
The huge white Ak-Saray Palace in the XIV - early XV century was the residence of Amir Temur. Unfortunately, during the siege of Shakhrisabz at the end of the 17th century, this magnificent building was partially destroyed but the remaining part of the entrance portal and two high pylons indicate the scale and grandeur of the structure. Mosaic patterns of brick tiles and a phrase in large Arabic script are preserved on the wall of the entrance arch: “If you doubt our strength - look at our buildings.� The height of the remains of the palace in its current state reaches the height of the 18-story building. Ak-Saray is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Kitab Geological natural reserve discovered in 1979 is considered to be a unique natural monument and is located in the south-west of the Zaravshan Range, in the basin of the Kashkadarya River. The numerous gorges of Obi-Safit, Khodzhakurgan, Zinzilban, Navobek, Kushnova, Kyzilalma, Kule and Dzharshafi opening to the gaze are unique in their beauty. There is also a picturesque tract Shirdag, with a panoramic view of the snow-capped peaks of the Gissar Range and the mountain Hazrat-Sultan. Local trails allow you to see ancient corals and marine sedimentary rocks that are 370-470 million years old. The impassable natural gap Tushlik, which cannot be reached without special equipment, is ideal for lovers of extreme tourism. There are paleontological and biological museums and a cosy hotel around the reserve.
Kashkadarya has a unique diversity of nature. Ethnotourism and agro-tourism to the scenic mountain villages of the region are especially popular. Those who want to discover rural life and, in particular, to know how the world-famous pomegranates are grown, should visit the village of Varganza in the Kitab district. Due to the fact that the pomegranate trees grow in every yard most of the locals are engaged in the cultivation of these fruits. Locals are trying to preserve the tradition of growing and harvesting in a modern-way: small sprouts are first grown in a greenhouse and then transferred to the open ground. Thanks to the hot and dry climate the Varganzas sweet pomegranate is always in high demand. The fruits are taken to the markets of Tashkent and exported to neighboring countries of Central Asia and Russia, and from 2018 to Korea. Guests of Varganza village can carry away the bright and tasty impressions from here!
The reservoir was built in 1988 and is located on the territory of the State Gissar Nature Reserve. Small and large rivers form the Hisorak reservoir. The reservoir was created in order to accumulate water for irrigation of fields and livestock in nearby areas. People call it a man-made miracle. In 2011, a hydroelectric power station was built on the reservoir with a height of a stone dump dam of 140 meters. This unique water feature is open to visitors.
Another mysterious and majestic attraction of Shahrisabz is the memorial complex Dorus-Saodat. The complex was constructed in 1380. This place is a symbol of Amir Temur’s unlimited love for his sons. After the unexpected death of the first son Jahangir, the ruler ordered to build a memorial for the entire Timurid family. For some time, the poet and scholar Mirzo Ulugbek lived at the memorial’s madrasah. The mausoleum of Jahangir was decorated with azure and gold, and there was a room for commemoration and religious activities nearby. When the second son of Temur, the twenty-nine-year-old Umar Sheikh, was killed during the siege of the fortress in Iran, his body was taken to Shahrisabz and also buried in Dorus-Saodat. There is also a marble sarcophagus of Amir Temur, however, he was never buried there.
Founded in 1970, the high-altitude Observatory on the Western part of the Maydanak plateau, 45 kilometers South of Shahrisabz. It is one of the best astronomical sites in the Northern hemisphere thanks to the fact that here sky observations can be made with such clarity. The geographical location is unique, at an average distance between the main astronomical objects of the world in the Canary Islands and Hawaii, and also due to high-quality atmospheric conditions. The route to the Observatory is quite difficult, but in recent years, the venue is gaining popularity among tourists seeking beautiful landscapes. Per Aspera ad Astra! You should visit this place at least once. The sky covered with billions of stars will remain as an unforgettable experience.
The Noble Rider Brave Humility
Once defeated, djigit’s mission is to revive his noble status, but that requires a great discipline.
G R A N D FAT H E R It couldn’t have been the better day. Makhmud was awake at 3 a.m., but it wasn’t until the first sunlight shined over his window when he decided to double check his equipment: cotton pants, jacket, knee-high boots and a helmet gifted by his grandfather – Yunus bobo.
Makhmud’s life was far from extraordinary. The middle child, he spent most of his childhood cropping wheat field. His wide shoulders and baseball like big hands spoke of countless hours spent under the burning sun of Samarkand region. Every other day, however, he would dedicate few hours to mastering the art of horse riding with his grandpa.
As years passed, Yunus bobo would teach him the best techniques of kupraki (traditional game of the people of Central Asia which involves a horse and riding). More than anything else in this life, Yunus bobo wanted his grandson become a noble djigit of his village. Makhmud stayed true to his grandfather’s will, ultimately, finding a purpose in kupraki. Yet, wining became an addiction.
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As any sport or a game, kupraki has a set of rules. Furthermost, depending on the game mode, there might be 50, 100, 300 or even 1,000 riders competing either against each other or in teams. The game lasts for 60 minutes in 3 halves. The ultimate goal is to score the goat carcass to kazan (basically the gate built as a wall out of tires).
Sometime a year ago, when the snow melted and Nowruz was approaching, Makhmud’s village decided to host the annual game. Anticipation has never been higher.
While it might seem an easy job to carry on the goat from one side of the field to another, it is actually far from being easy. Rider has to possess an enormous strength to lift up to 40 kilograms headless goat’s carcass while riding a horse.
On that day 500 riders stood across the line waiting for the elder’s traditional sign to kick-off the game and gallop to the middle of 200 meters long field to be the first to pick the goat. Makhmud has always taken the pride of being the first to race and score the debut goal. The field was fully covered with dust; one could barely discriminate the teams. Despite that, nothing could stop Makhmud from securing the goat - he sprinted to the middle of the field, bent to the ground, picked up the trophy and speeded towards kazan.
DÉJÀ VU No day would pass without replaying that oblivious moment in his memory for the search of answers over and over again. No cars, no carpets, no fancy prizes would cure the failure of dropping off the pride of being treated as djigit. The time to rebuild his legacy was approaching very fast.
50 meters separated him from securing the first goal when the goat started slipping out of his right hand. The shoulder wouldn’t obey the neuroscience – it wouldn’t hold the goat tight, because neuroscience doesn’t speak the language of pride. Eventually, the fear of losing took over the whole body and the mind.
It couldn’t have been the better day. Makhmud is standing still and determined along with 400 other riders waiting for the elder’s signal. This time, he is not in rush to be the first. He has a bigger plan: to seize the trophy by galloping straight to the opponent and fearlessly knocking him out. Mud and dust mixed up in the air adds an excitement of an upcoming revenge.
He was only 5 meters away. Makhmud decided to grip the rope with his teeth and streamline all the muscle power of both hands to throwing the goat to kazan, but it was late. The wall was too high; scoring seemed impossible. He did fail, for the first time.
The moment has arrived. He appears out of nowhere, captures what belongs to him by legacy and rushes towards opponent’s gate. Makhmud is only 10 meters away from kazan and déjà vu is taking over his consciousness. He holds the goat tight, yet the wall is rather high.
Came, Saw, Eaten!
What to try in Tamerlane’s Birthplace? Sevara Dultaeva
When you meet someone who just came back from Uzbekistan, ask him what was the first thing that he liked, and you will definitely be said the food. Are you doubting? Let’s try!
Of course, Uzbek plov is one of the icons of national cuisine, but every single region has something very special to enjoy. Now we are going to travel to Kashkadarya, the homeland of the great conqueror – Amir Temur. Here people normally eat meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Oh dear! But don’t worry if you are vegetarian, as the vegetables are extremely tasty here. Well, let’s go! When you come to Uzbek house, don’t be surprised of endless hospitality. Especially Kaskadarya’s people love to feed their guests and will be very disappointed if you refuse their meal. So as a starter you might get a Samsa. It is kind of a small pastry stuffed with different fillings. It could be potatoes, pumpkin, greens and of course meat. There are hundreds of types of samsa. This food travelled to India through the Silk Road and became a ‘samosa’, you must have tried it in a restaurant near the Covent Garden, didn’t you?
Kashkadarya style samsa is made in tandoor oven in a high temperature and it’s an ordinary stiff dough, mixed of flour, water and salt. The dough plaits are so thin, as it melts in a mouth. Samsa in Kashkadarya is eaten very hot and together with chilli tomato and garlic souse. Yummy! Then soup goes to the stage. A very Kashkadarya’s ‘Ugra’ is special Uzbek noodles, pasta is cut by hand into very thin lines. The soup is boiled
with vegetables (onion, carrot, potatoes, tomatoes) and meat balls. Sometimes bouillon is based on water, sometimes milk or sour milk. Finally, we came to the main course and it is certainly consisting of meat. If you haven’t tried Tandir Go’sht, you have never been to Kashkadarya. Tandir Go’sht - meat cooked in a special kiln. Normally tandir oven is used for bread-baking but piece of lamb marinated with spices and baked in
tandir is something you can die for. And in Kashadarya, my dear vegetarians, pumpkin is also baked in tandir. Often it comes together with tandir gosht, but special for you, it can be easily done separately. And local bread with a light, slightly sweet side dish of baked pumpkins is just taste of paradise! Another meaty meal, that you will enjoy is Jiz! So cut the meat into large portions on the bone and boil it in two hours. In a kazan pot, the special cooking dish, melt the fat pieces, including internal part of fat and put boiled meat to fry until golden crisp. Add spices and salt to the ready dish just before serving. This helps to retain the juciness and richness of the meat. Ideally, serve with onion rings. Jiz will turn out tender and melt in the mouth when it cooked out of lamb. Still doubting? Come, see and eat in Kashkadarya.
365 pages / 230 photos Language: Russian and English Circulation: 2000 units VIP edition: 100 units Printing: Turkey
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Movement of time-sensitive, high value or fragile items like fine art objects from one country to another is a very challenging operation. However, with the help of Meritex International, this routine work of the exhibition shipping is no longer a problem. Since more than a year company has its office in Uzbekistan and develops successful relations in the regional market.
Meritex International is a logistics company that takes a very complex and complicated movement process which involves packing, customs documentation, import/export certification, payment of correct duties and taxes and transportation by air or road (sea or rail) into a smooth and trouble-free process to the clients. Back in 2003 Meritex was appointed as the official freight forwarder for the EBRD Annual Meeting in Uzbekistan. Later in January 2018, the company has opened a branch in Uzbekistan. At Meritex it is believed that giving each of the branches a local identity, employ and upskill local people is very important. Therefore, the company in Uzbekistan is called, Silk Road Logistics Ltd, it is run by local employees.
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“In the last one and a half years since the company started its journey in Uzbekistan, Meritex and Silk Road Logistics worked at over 25 events and exhibitions delivering shipments from Russia / CIS regions, Europe, US and Asia mainly by air and road,” says Eve Novikova, Director at Meritex International Freight Services Ltd. Meritex International Freight Services LTD started in the UK in 1998. The founders decided to start a company that specializes in events and exhibitions logistics and works predominantly in Russia and CIS countries. However, the outreach of the company expanded geographically and added operation in Dubai and later Houston. A big part of the work and expertise of the company are movements of fine art objects. The company cooperated with well-known museum worldwide such as the Louvre Museum in Paris, Victoria and Albert Museum, Barbican Center and many others, and with over 100 museums in Uzbekistan, it is planned that this list will grow in the near future. Also, Meritex has an experience working with diplomatic shipments and helped with relocations of foreign diplomats to Uzbekistan, the cooperation on the Uzbek diplomats relocating overseas is also planned. As Uzbekistan is developing into a sizable market for Meritex International, new opportunities and growth are waiting ahead. Contact number: +998 90 982 0660 http://www.meritex.co.uk/
Caroline Eden’s
Confession to Uzbekistan Brave Humility
Caroline Eden is a writer, journalist and an avid explorer who contributed articles to The Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Financial Times and more. In 2016 she joined forces with Eleanor Ford to publish “Samarkand: Recipes & Stories from Central Asia & The Caucasus” book which won the Guild of Food Writers ‘Food and Travel’ award in 2017.
ut of numerous articles on Uzbekistan: “Plov: Uzbekistan’s national obsession” and “A Backpacker’s Guide to Uzbekistan”, as believed by people in our country, stood out because they touched their hearts. I, and as I might guess many of us, didn’t get to meet Caroline in real life. But, that doesn’t stop me from having a genuine love for her ability to embrace the Uzbek culture. In this conversation, I’ve got to ask a couple of questions on her experience travelling in Uzbekistan and the way she sees our culture.
Caroline, let’s go back in time for a moment. In 2009 you paid a first ever visit to Central Asia. How did you come to discover this region and Uzbekistan? My travels through India initially led me to Central Asia because I adored Mughal architecture so much. The founder of the Mughal Empire was, of course, Babur, who was born in modern-day Uzbekistan and is buried in Kabul. From about 2006-2010 I was also working for Steppe magazine, a cultural magazine to the region, and a guidebook company
called Odyssey Books who produce very in-depth guides to Central Asian countries. I’d worked on promoting their books to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and so on, and I wanted to see the countries for myself. How many times you have been to our country? Not sure, somewhere between five and eight. If feels like you have made a mission to break down “stan” stereotypes. Why is it important to reintroduce “stan” countries to the world? Despite our interconnected lives, Central Asia is marginalised in the West. Even venerable institutions get it wrong. In 2013, the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry referred to the non-existent ‘stan of ‘Kyrzhakhstan’ then, two-years later, the New York Times accidentally invented the country of ‘Kyrzbekistan.’ ‘Central Asia’, to me, is the five countries of former Russian Turkestan and Soviet Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan (Afghanistan and Xinjiang in NW
China can, and are sometimes, classed as Central Asia, too).When the five countries of get lumped together as ‘the ‘stans’ it disempowers the particularities of each country’s landscape, history and society, all of which have distinct soul, personality and characters. This is a shame.
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flavoured rice, puy lentils and topped with wafer-thin sheets of lavash bread. We also include a recipe for Bukharan Jewish plov, based on the festival of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), with quince and pomegranate, and we have a recipe for a classic Samarkand plov. Shifting from meals to arts and culture, among artists and crafters you got to know in Uzbekistan, can you name one that impressed you the most? There are so many wonderful craftspeople in Uzbekistan, but I was in awe of Mr. Dadajonov, a weaver in the city of Marghilan in the Fergana region. He is a true master of silk ikat and has been instrumental in reviving the art since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Can you describe your ordinary travel plan before landing in [any] country? I like to travel relatively slowly, so I don’t go with too much of a detailed plan. Before I go I read good travel literature, local newspapers, and plan a budget. I obviously have a rough idea of where to go and how to get from A to B. I also try to watch some locally made films and listen to some music produced in that country, too. How do you prefer travelling in Uzbekistan? By train where possible, your train network is excellent. You seem to visit a lot of family houses in Uzbekistan, how do you encounter them? Through my travels in Uzbekistan over the years I made some friends and contacts who I enjoy staying in touch with. I am always eager to stay with local people where I can, Uzbekistan is, generally speaking, an incredibly hospitable country and home-cooked food is excellent, the best way to experience both of these aspects is to stay with a family. Let’s talk about cuisine, what is your favorite Uzbek dish and a fruit? And why? It has to be plov, but I also think freshly baked samsa straight out of the tandoor is an amazing thing. Fruit, well, the melons, of course.
Can you give a definition of Uzbekistan in one only word (or phrase)? Big hearted and beautiful. Although you have been to Uzbekistan, [X number] of times, can you name some of your future destinations in our country? I’ve never been to the Nuratau Mountains, so I’m going there soon. Do you think you have mastered palov cooking? I don’t think I will ever be able to make plov as well as the oshpaz in Uzbekistan but I do like to try. When quince is in season here in the UK, I add that, when not, I use sultanas, raisins and maybe quail eggs. I have been known to bring rice back from Chorsu Bazaar for making plov at home. I enjoy cooking it for friends here in my kitchen. In your book “Samarkand: Recipes & Stories from Central Asia & The Caucasus” you include both pilaf and plov dishes? What is the difference in between those? A wonderful variety of different plovs and pilafs exist throughout Central Asia and in the book, Samarkand, we include recipes for both. With my co-author Eleanor Ford, we talk about Novruz plov found in Baku, Azerbaijan where two versions of plov are brought to the table. One, Ashgara plov, is made with chestnuts, onions, lamb, caramelised quince and sultanas while the other, Areshta plov, is made with saffron-
A New Home for
Radisson Hospitality AB, part of Radisson Hotel Group, is adding a new location for the Park Inn by Radisson portfolio by signing of agreement with Tashkent City, Uzbekistan. The new hotel and apartment project is due to open in 2021 in the capital of Uzbekistan. Park Inn®by Radisson is an upper midscale hotel of 300 rooms – including 50 serviced apartments, a conference hall, 5 meeting rooms, a gym, an allday dining restaurant, a lobby lounge/ bar, and a Sky Bar. The brand delivers stress-free experiences, good food, and upbeat environments. Park Inn by Radisson positively lifts the guests’ mood for a happy stay – with clever use of color; inspired, contemporary design; and friendly personalized service with surprising, feel-good extras. Park Inn by Radisson hotels are in capital cities,
around economic and transit hubs, and conveniently situated near airports and railway stations. Guests and professional business partners can enhance their experience with Park Inn by Radisson by participating in Radisson Rewards™, a global loyalty program offering exceptional benefits and rewards. The hotel will be located in Tashkent City – the largest and the most ambitious real estate project in Uzbekistan. It will have a city center location and is part of the large-scale development called “Tashkent City”, consisting of business centers, congress halls, shopping, and leisure complexes and residential districts due to be completed by the last quarter of 2021. Elie Younes, Executive Vice President & Chief Development Officer, Radisson Hotel Group, said: “We’re excited to bring the Park Inn by Radisson brand to Uzbekistan, a country where tourism
is growing rapidly. In 2018, Uzbekistan welcomed five million tourists – with Tashkent being a popular choice among travelers as the country’s most cosmopolitan city. We’re delighted to be bringing a new brand to such a vibrant region and offering this market something fresh and exciting.” The partner of this project is LLC “Lotus Gas Invest”, the owner of the Real House brand, one of the leading construction companies in Tashkent. For reservations and more information visit, www.parkinn.com https://www.linkedin.com/ company/parkinnbyradisson/ https://www.instagram.com/ parkinnbyradisson/ https://www.twitter.com/parkinn https://facebook.com/parkinn/
Central Asia’s First Low-coster Central Asia as an heir of the history of the Great Silk Road has always been a desired destination for the travelers. Thanks to expanding connectivity of the regional airlines, it becomes easy to travel across the historical countries like Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and others. In the case of Kazakhstan, the national airlines Air Astana has presented a new low-cost route to make the travel across the country easier, cheaper, comfortable.
Text by Nigora Jamolova Photography by Farrukh Isamukhamedov
he first Kazakhstan low-cost carrier FlyArystan began to commute between Almaty, Nur-Sultan, Uralsk, Karaganda, Taraz, Shymkent and Pavlodar. At the Almaty airport, the first passengers of the flight took part in a launch ceremony dedicated to the new route. The staff of the Visit Uzbekistan magazine were among the first to try it. Here are some features we spotted about the new low-coster and discussed with the President of Air Astana Peter Foster. The first low-coster flights is carried
out daily to both destinations – Pavlodar and Shymkent – on modern 180 seat Airbus A320 aircraft, with the duration of the fight being 1 hour and 50 minutes and 1 hour and 20 minutes respectively. The air fare, booking, rules, and the associated terms and other important information is provided on the official website of the FlyArystan airline - flyarystan.com. Low-cost airline FlyArystan is a division of Air Astana, based in Almaty. According to the Skytrax World Airline Awards, the parent
company is considered as a 4-star airline for service quality, as well as the Best Airline of Central Asia and India. “Shymkent is one of the largest cities of the country, which recently acquired the status of a city of republican significance. I’m sure that with the arrival of FlyArystan, local residents will save precious time by choosing affordable and comfortable flights on a low-cost airline,” said President of Air Astana Peter Foster at a meeting with journalists on arrival on the first flight of KС7105 in Shymkent.
2019 | â„–19
The new routes to Uzbekistan’s touristic destinations also are to be presented in the near future.
Mr. Foster noted: There is clearly a massive potential in Uzbekistan for low-cost flights like FlyArystan, and it is clear that Uzbek citizens would benefit from having FlyArystan type airlines. With our experience we would like to participate in the liberalization of the Uzbek travel market and therefore to set up a similar operation in Uzbekistan for domestic flights, because the potential in this area is huge. We would set it up as an Uzbek national company with Uzbek shareholders, and we would be happy to negotiate and realize that in the near future. For more information: https://flyarystan.com/ https://airastana.com/global/en-us
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BEGIM PARFUM GALLERY 1. 7, Shahrisabz st., Yunusabad district, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 233 84 84 2. “Samarqand Darvoza” mall 5A, Karatash st., Shaykhontohur district, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 205 03 64 3. “Kontinent” mall 2, Mirabad st., Yakkasaray district, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 256 61 66 4. “Mega Planet” mall 2B, Ahmad Donish st., Yunusabad distict, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 150 87 58
CHOPAR PIZZA 1. “Samarqand Darvoza” mall 5A, Karatash st., Shaykhontohur district, Tashkent 2. 49, Ozbekiston Ovozi st., MirzoUlugbek district, Tashkent
“ANTIK.UZ” BOUTIQUE 26/14, C-1, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 236 33 36 web: antik.uz
1 house, Ataturk st., Mirabad district, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 203 00 33 web: galleryart.uz
3. “Compass” mall 17, Tashkent Ring Automobile Road, Mirabad District, Tashkent 4. “Parus” mall 60, Katartal st., Chilanzar district, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 205 11 11 web: choparpizza.uz
5. “Next” mall 6, Bobur st., Yakkasaray district, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 230 75 34 6. “Compass” mall 17, Tashkent Ring Automobile Road, Mirabad District, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 205 15 85 web: parfumgallery.uz
1. “Samarqand Darvoza” mall 4 floor, 5A, Karatash st., Shaykhontohur district, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 205 03 01
2. “Mega Planet” mall 3 floor, 2B, Ahmad Donish st., Yunusabad distict, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 205 03 04
19, Amir Temur st., Mirabad district, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 233 99 05, (+998) 97 773 99 05 web: basilic.uz
3. “Compass” mall 2 floor, 17, Tashkent Ring Automobile Road, Mirabad District, Tashkent tel: (+998) 71 205 03 06 web: thebowler.uz
MUSEUM OF APPLIED ART OF UZBEKISTAN 15, Rakatboshi st., Yakkasaray district, Tashkent web: basilic.uz Tel: (+998 71) 256-40-42, 256-39-43 Web: www.artmuseum.uz
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