March 9 - April 13, 2024
Charles Lyon, William Murray & Michael PaulMarch 9 - April 13, 2024
Charles Lyon, William Murray & Michael PaulBefore settling in Minnesota in 1994, Charles Lyon spent over a decade living in the high Arizona desert where he taught photography, rock climbing and kayaking. As he developed an interest in color, he set aside black and white photography and began to work in textiles and later, pastels. After his move to Minneapolis, Lyon returned to school to study painting and received his MFA degree from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 1999. In 2005, Lyon was chosen to be an Artist in Residence in Badlands National Park. In 2007, Lyon painted an ornament representing the park for the White House Christmas tree. Lyon was also awarded a 2009 Artist Initiative Grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board for continued work on his paintings of snow in the city.
Traveling by canoe is one of my favorite ways to experience wilderness. Silently gliding over iron-tinged water in the BWCA is deeply satisfying physically and esthetically. The sky and water merge as one gets lost in the rhythm of paddling. But, being wilderness, there are days full of adversity. Wind, rain, and bugs can be as much a part of one’s experience as reflections on the lakes and smells of the moist boreal forest. And it is a humbling experience trying to navigate. Surprisingly, weather has entered my work as I revisit my experiences “up North” as paintings.
- Charles LyonWilliam Murray was born in St. Paul, Minnesota. He graduated from Minneapolis College of Art & Design followed with an MFA from the University of Minnesota.
Murray began teaching art at the Minnesota Correctional Facility in Stillwater in the 1970s. He created such a successful program, other institutions around the US began modeling his methods. Murray retired from teaching in 2003, and continues to paint and follow his passion for art.
I have always felt that the artist is a worker like anyone else. It is the entire process of making my art that pushes me forward. I am still very passionate about my artwork and although I may not create at the same pace as years ago, I still have the same desire and drive to do so.
- William MurrayMichael Paul was born in 1956 in Helena, Montana. He received his BFA from Minnesota State University Moorhead and holds a BA in Art History and Mathematics from Concordia College. He studied painting conservation at the National Gallery in Washington, DC. After serving in the Air Force as a Geodetic Surveyor, Paul began painting professionally and established Flathead Studio in 1996. Paul is best known for his paintings of the Northern Great Plains as well as his use of traditional encaustic materials. He is a recipient of a grant from the North Dakota Humanities Council, and his paintings are included in numerous public collections including the North Dakota Museum of Art, the Plains Art Museum, the University of Minnesota, and the Center for Western Studies. He resides and maintains a studio in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
My favorite canoe was a two seater, blue and white, Old Town covered canoe. There were others; a classic Gruman aluminum, a cedar strip beauty, a lightweight kevlar solo. But the Old Town was the perfect boat to introduce our children to the adventures of canoeing. They loved riding in the front cockpit, sometimes squeezed in side by side, their tiny life jackets wrapped close, their eyes wide with excitement. From there they could watch the water and forest glide by. They could feel the fog on their face and wonder in its muffled sound.
In Northern Minnesota, a landscape littered with lakes and rivers, water is the main attraction. It is the supporting actors though, that give it texture and meaning; trees of course, and islands, rocks, cliffs, the forest floor along a portage, or even the soulful call of a loon.
Lately, my choice of medium has been drawing on paper. While graphite continues to be my tool of choice, I have been exploring metal points like gold and silver. These materials lend a soft, warm texture that is especially suitable when depicting the lakes area landscape.
- Michael PaulMichael Paul
Loons Singing a Quiet Song
2021 | silver on paper | $1,800.
image: 10.5 x 19" | frame: 20.25 x 27.5"
Charles Lyon
Lake Vermillion
2023 | oil on canvas | $6,000.
image: 30 x 40" | frame: 31.75 x 41.75"
Charles Lyon
Listening Point
2024 |
charcoal and watercolor on paper | $2,400.
image: 22 x 30" |
frame: 29 x 36"
William Murray
2021 | watercolor | $700.
image: 6 x 9" |
frame: 12 x 15"
Michael Paul
North Point Lake Agnes
2024 | acrylic on paper | $900.
image: 10 x 13" | frame: 17.75 x 20.5"
William Murray
Four Timberwolves
2023 | watercolor | $450.
image: 5 x 6" | frame: 11 x 12.25"
William Murray
Dark Bay
2023 | watercolor | $1,050.
image: 11.75 x 15.5" |
frame: 20 x 24"
Michael Paul
Long Before the Earth was Round
2023 | silver and graphite on paper | $2,400.
image: 10 x 15.5" | frame: 21 x 26"
William Murray
Through the Cut
2023 | watercolor | $550.
image: 5.75 x 7" | frame: 12 x 13.25"
Charles Lyon
Pictographs, Crooked Lake
2024 | watercolor | $2,100.
image: 15 x 19.5" |
frame: 22 x 26.5"
Charles Lyon
Table Rock
2024 | watercolor | $2,100. image: 15 x 19.5" | frame: 22 x 26.5"
Michael Paul
Crane Lake Boulder
2023 | graphite on paper | $600.
image: 5 x 6.5" | frame: 16 x 17"
Michael Paul
Wooden Frog Island Lake Kabetogama
2023 | graphite on paper | $600.
image: 4 x 11" | frame: 14.5 x 21" INQUIRE
Michael Paul
Morning Fog Lake Agnes
2023 | acrylic on paper | $800.
image: 6 x 9" | frame: 16.25 x 19"
Charles Lyon
Burnt Lake #3
2023 | oil on linen | $3,400.
image: 20 x 30" | frame: 21.75 x 31.75"
Michael Paul
Bent Not Broken
2023 | gold & graphite on paper | $500.
image: 5 x 3" | frame: 15.25 x 13"
Charles Lyon
Burnt Lake #4
2024 | oil on linen | $1,600.
image: 14 x 18" |
frame: 15.5 x 19.5"
William Murray
Fishing the Point 2023 | watercolor | $500.
William Murray
Snow Squall, Knife Lake
2023 | watercolor | $750.
image: 6.5 x 10" |
frame: 13 x 16.25"
William Murray
Into the Big Lake
2023 | watercolor | $600.
image: 6 x 8" | frame: 12 x 14"
Charles Lyon
Lake Vermillion #2
2024 | oil on linen | $3,400.
image: 20 x 30" | frame: 21.75 x 31.75"
William Murray
Devil's Track Lake
2023 | watercolor | $500.
image: 5 x 7" |
frame: 11.25 x 13.25"
William Murray
Weather on the Gunflint
2023 | watercolor | $400.
image: 4.5 x 6" | frame: 10.75 x 12.25"
Charles Lyon
Cabin 1, Burntside Lodge
2024 | oil on linen | $3,400.
image: 22 x 28" |
frame: 23.75 x 29.75"
William Murray
Trout Stream
2023 | watercolor | $500.
image: 4.75 x 7" | frame: 10.75 x 13.25"
William Murray
Small Stream
2023 | watercolor | $600.
image: 6 x 8" | frame: 12 x 14"
Charles Lyon
Sandpit Lake Portage
2023 | oil on paper | $3,800.
image: 22 x 30" | frame: 29 x 36"
William Murray
Last Day of Fishing
2023 | watercolor | $400.
image: 4.25 x 7" |
frame: 10.25 x 13"
William Murray
Wild Horses, Dakota
2023 | watercolor | $400.
image: 4 x 7" | frame: 10.25 x 13"
William Murray
Snow Island
2023 | watercolor | $500.
image: 6.25 x 4.25" |
frame: 12.5 x 10.75"
Michael Paul
Bilbo Baggins Passed by Here
2023 | silver on paper | $1,200.
image: 7 x 12" | frame: 17.5 x 22.25"
Michael Paul
Boulders Gather
2020 | silver on paper | $1,800.
image: 9 x 19.5" | frame: 19 x 27.75"
Michael Paul
Doodle No. 83 (Cliff Face)
2023 | silver on paper | $600.
image: 5 x 8" |
frame: 14.75 x 18"
Michael Paul
Doodle No. 82 (Cliff Detail)
2023 | gold and graphite on paper | $800.
image: 5 x 14" | frame: 16 x 24"
Michael Paul
Morrison Bay, Lake Superior
2023 | oil on panel | $900.
image: 11.75 x 15" | frame: 14 x 17.5"
Michael Paul
Lake Agnes
2023 | acrylic on paper | $900.
image: 13 x 10" |
frame: 20.5 x 17.25"