China has been something of a design wasteland over the last century but a new generation of furniture designers could well be putting China back on the design map. Tom Pattinson asks if China will soon be regarded as the world’s drawing board rather than just the world’s factory. As we settle into the 21st century it becomes
that if bamboo was planted globally en-masse
clear that the global priority for this new mil-
then the effects of global warming would be
lennium is to try to undo the damage done
reversed in just six years. As well as being the
by centuries of excess burning of fossil fuels,
fastest growing, highest oxygen producing
over farming and forest depletion. With an
natural material in the world, the 1,500 types
ever growing population that demand an ever
of bamboo are unparalleled in their versati-
increasing quality of life the pressure put on
lity.Pandas aren’t the only ones whose diet
the depleting natural resources only grows, so
is made up of bamboo shoots. In China, and
as the world looks towards renewable energy,
many other areas of Asia, almost every part
sustainable produce and environmentally
of the grass is used either in the cooking pro-
sounds materials they look to China – as there
cess or for actually eating. The crunchy white
is one product that ticks all of these boxes and
roots are thrown into many stir fried dishes,
a lot more, and China has been using it for
the large leaves are used when making the
thousands of years. Bamboo.
traditional festival treats the zongzi and the
Bamboo is actually a grass that grows
at up to 1.5 meters per day and unlike trees, they can be repeatedly harvested. Bamboo
large hollow tubes are filled with rice and steamed in many areas of south west China. As well as on the plate, bamboo has for
produces 30 percent more oxygen than most
centuries been used for clothing. The silky
trees yet take only five years to grow to matu-
fibers are antibacterial, hypoallergenic, mois-
rity rather than the 50 it takes for hardwoods
ture wicking and highly absorbent as well
to grow. Also because they don’t die when
as being powerfully insulating and naturally
harvested, there are none of the soil erosion
UV protecting – the perfect material for use
problems associated with tree farming – and
in warm subtropical environments. But what
bamboo actively removes toxins from the soil.
was once the preserve of rural farm workers
Some scientists have gone so far as to argue
or Western Earth Mothers has, in recent years