Research report
F u t u r e f a s h i o n communication strategy for a c c e s s i b l e l u x u r y
Future Fashion Communication Straregy Proposal
Content Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Background Chapter 3 Purpose and aims Chapter 4 Primary Literature Review 4.1 Accessible luxury 4.2 Consumer behaviour in Chinese and Hong Kong market 4.3 Fashion branding 4.4 Fashion Marketing Chapter 5 Proposed Research Methodology Chapter 6 Expected outcome Chapter 7 Work plan Chapter 8 Reference
Chapter 1 Introduction
Accessible luxury is as known as affordable luxury brands grow rapidly in these 10 years. The executive vice president of New York Kate Spade & Company, Mary Beech (2015) claim that “Accessible luxury is about making exceptional fashion available to a wider range of shoppers�. It is also luxury goods available at an accessible price. (Alexander Fury, 2015). It gives consumers a taste of class without a high price tag. (Reuters, 2014) However, it is takes an unhealthy business cycle with low sustainability. Branding and retail strategy are short term with short product lifecycle. Overexpansion and distribution become a problem in accessible luxury brand. Accessible luxury brand enjoys a large successful in a limited and short period (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). So, a new future fashion communication strategy need to be generate for supporting brand sustainability and brand healthy.
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This project is focus in Hong Kong market. China is the second largest economy in the world. It contributed 65.4% economic expansion in 2017 (Kati Chitrakorn and Zoe Suen, 2017). As an international city in China, Hong Kong has a high potential for development. Hong Kong still means big business for smaller luxury goods. (Monica Vinader, 2017).
Chapter 2
Background C
Ka t e M i d d l e to n
t ay l o r s w i f t
Cu rrent situation Accessible brand such as Coach, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Tory Burch turnover to billions and growth rapidly in few years. These brands are all designer brands targeting a not high but wide middle price in an affordable price and mass demand for luxury goods. Products are simple design with decent material tagged a luxurious brand logo. (Alexander Fury, 2015)
Accessi ble luxu ry offers an accessi ble an d right price for custom er It is targeting middle class. The world’s middle-class population predicted a rapidly increase of 66 percent by 2030. The majority group are come from Asia. Generation Z have a work hard, live well attitude continued the growth on affordable luxury market (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015).
Kate Middleton
E m m a- R o b e r ts
A n to n i a T h o m as
M edia Power Accessible brand has a high power and influence in media. Digital media is the main communication for accessible brands. They aim at shortening the distance with customer and bring a freshness for customer. Also targeting a younger market.
Overexposed an d over distri buted The sales of Coach’s outlet are 70 percent more than overall retail store. The overexpansion of outlet store cause losing balance in retailing and bring a negative brand image (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). Michael Kors has expanded heavily from 2193 stores to 4133 stores in worldwide in three years. The brand is ubiquitous but the luxurious has been diluted (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). It is difficult to expand and sales boosting while keeping a luxurious image. So the total revenue of Michael Kors decreased by 11.2 percent. The total revenue dropped by 18 percent in America (Mallory Schlossberg, 2017).
Prici ng com petition Since the product cycle is short for accessible brand. Off season product are on sale in short period. Also brands always using discount for sales boosting. Outlets are overexpansion for low price items (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). In result, customer lost their interest in regular price items and lost a luxurious image and unhealthy balance on retail store against outlets.
Chapter 3
Purpose and aims
Change th e u n h ealthy bran d situation Since accessible brands are ubiquitous and losing unique selling point. Brands are following the main trend for mass market. Current situation should be conducted and analyzed. Then finding possible method and strategy tackle current problem so that build a healthy brand image and increase brand sustainability.
I ncreasi ng sales reven u e on retai l store Sales revenue are decreased in accessible luxury market (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). Sales on revenue on regular price items and discounted items are losing balance. Keeping a balance on each category and price position is one of the main purpose.
Bran d loyalty bran d i mage
an d
Accessible luxury located at a middle price market. Products are less unique selling point out of affordable price. Consumer are more preferred to fast fashion for cheaper price or high-end luxury goods for reputation on consideration. Brands has a weak brand loyalty so solution for increasing brand loyalty and recalling brand image is important.
M u ltichan n el marketi ng plan Digital media and key opinion leaders are common use in fashion brands. Risk and disadvantage are appearing even bring negative image for brand. Future branding communication combined with technology is recommended.
Primary Literature Review
4.1 Accessi ble luxu ry Luxury can be separate into three domains: inaccessible luxury, intermediate luxury and accessible luxury, each domain of luxury can target and position different market (De Barnier Virginie and Falcy Sandrine and Valette-florence Pierre, 2012). Luxury brands can be defined to four different value: financial, functional, individual and social (Mark Ng, 2013). These core values can also suitable in accessible luxury brands. Coach positions as an accessible luxury brand. It targets young, high fashion sense and urban market in China, the marked price are 50 percent to 70 percent lower than high-end leading luxury brand. So Coach reach the middle class market in second to third-tier cities (Mark Ng, 2013).
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M i c h a e l Ko r s R e s o r t 2 0 1 8 c a m pa i g n
4.2 Consu m er behaviou r i n Ch i n ese an d Hong Kong market Fashion is a diverse and complicated way. It is encoded and decoded in a non-linear. Hong Kong people are highly influenced by media such as magazines and social media. The major trend are controlled by those media and diffuse down to public. The culture industry produces primarily standardised style and taste. Journalist and designer in Hong Kong takes a little creative control in fashionbility (Ho Lun Tommy Tse, 2014). Sales in China and Hong Kong luxury market remains high under the global economy downturn. China is luxury market rapidly expanded and have the largest e-commerce market over the world. Retail e-commerce sales reached US$209 billion in 2013 and predicted for a double-digit growth over the next three years. Generation Z have their own vales in buying and media preferences. They prefer searching luxury brands from internet and social media. 57% consumer followed luxury brand on social media while it takes 38% globally. Also 40% of them are willing purchase online (Mark Ng, 2013). Luxury brands can the consumer show their social position and prestige. It also symbolizes their wealth (Mark Ng, 2013). Chinese consumers are growing more knowledgeable about fashion brands and more and more them can afford using luxury goods, it can increase the values of luxury shopping (Mark Ng, 2013). Chinese consumers grow more savvy and sophisticated, they are having more formal studies with different brands, more specific groups of consumers and different research strategies will be required to figure out effective social media strategies for luxury brands (Mark Ng, 2013).
4.3 Fash ion bran di ng There are five assets of brand equity: brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, brand loyalty, and other proprietary assets. (Jaehee Jung and Dong Shen, 2011). Brands vary on a continuous of prestige and price. Setting a lower prince can render to a larger consumer segment cause the massification or democratisation of luxury (Francesca Dall’Olmo Riley and José M. Pina and Rafael Bravo, 2015) luxury brands have a ceiling effect which enjoy more room for downward positioning and less room for upscale extensions. On the other hand, premium brands has lower down on the continuum even a floor effect. There is less room for a downscale extension since there are risk for negative brand image (Francesca Dall’Olmo Riley and José M. Pina and Rafael Bravo, 2015). Social media can enhance the reputation of brand. It can increase interactions with customers and stimulate their wants on luxury goods. Apart from traditional craftsmanship and uniqueness, relationship of brand with consumer is valued. It can stronger brand loyalty. Celebrity endorsement is important in luxury marketing. It enhances awareness and helps position brands. It also promotes a brand’s image (Mark Ng, 2013).
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4.4 Fash ion Marketi ng Brand value is defined for money or the tradeoff between expected benefits and cost. (Francesca Dall’Olmo Riley and JosÊ M. Pina and Rafael Bravo, 2015). Luxury brands are stand for as a signal of social status and wealth, it satisfies an emotional desire of consumer when high perceived social value and hedonic value (Mark Ng, 2013). Online shopping platform is not match for premium and luxury brands in long term since clear price and discount comparisons. It offers 24 hours accessibility but lack of physical contact (Mark Ng, 2013). Online store cannot be the main retailer as a long-term marketing. Brands can use the digital environment to reach current and potential customers for building their unique image and value. Social media can enhance the functional values by providing related useful information and responsive services (Mark Ng, 2013).
Brands should enhance their perceived financial value from uniqueness, exclusivity, product quality and customer service. To strengthen relational value, the brand can directly interact with users and allow users to communicate with each other or participate in brand events (Mark Ng, 2013).
Chapter 5
Proposed Research Methodology Primary research Both qualitative methods and quantitative method will be conducted in primary research. For qualitative method. In depth interview will be taken. Interviewee including sales assistant and manager. Since front line sales staff have a deep touch with customer need and behaviour, an accurate consumer need and behaviour can be conducted. Interview with consumer and target group representative can have a deeper understand for brand health. For quantitative method, 50 units’ questionnaire will distribute to target group for testing proposal. Observation is also proposed for understanding retail environment, product quality and customer research.
Secondary research For secondary research, academic paper for literature review will be continued. Related books and magazines are research and analysis. Website such as business of fashion and world global style network are followed for latest news and report.
fa s h i o n
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s h o p p i n g
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Chapter 6
Expected Outcome
At the end of project, an innovative fashion communication strategy for accessible luxury is generated. Finding out new branding and promotion direction. Also build more point of sales and unique selling point. Sales revenue and brand image can keep increased stably. Accessible fashion luxury market can be sustained and even reaching a larger market.
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Chapter 7
Work plan
Chapter 7
Reference 1. Alexander, F., 2015, Independent: Accessible luxury: brands may be devaluing ‘luxury’ - but they’re making a mint. [online]. Available at: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/features/accessible-luxury-brands-may-be-devaluing-luxury-but-they-re-making-amint-10458063.html [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 2. Mallory, S., 2017, Racked: The Perennially Difficult Paradox of Accessible Luxury [online]. Available at: https://www.racked. com/2017/7/5/15862204/accessible-luxury-michael-kors-coach [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 3. Kati, C., 2015, Business of fashion: Do ‘Accessible Luxury’ Brands Have an Inherently Limited Lifespan? [online]. Available at: https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/intelligence/do-accessible-luxury-brands-have-an-inherently-limited-lifespan [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 4. Reuters, 2014, Business of fashion: Accessible Luxury Snaps at Heels of Mega Brands [online] Available at: https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/news-analysis/accessible-luxury-snaps-heels-mega-brands. [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 5. Kati, C., and Zoe, S., 2017, Business of fashion: Keeping Pace With the Changing Chinese Consumer [online]. Available at: https:// www.businessoffashion.com/articles/china-edit/keeping-pace-with-the-changing-chinese-consumer [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 6. Monica, V., 2017, Business of fashion: Op Ed | Exceeding Expectations in Hong Kong [online]. Available at: https://www.businessoffashion.com/community/voices/discussions/how-can-chinas-luxury-market-grow-in-a-slowdown/op-ed-exceeding-expectations-in-hongkong [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 7. Ho Lun Tommy, T., 2014, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education. Fashion media communication in Hong Kong [online]. Available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17543266.2014.921244 [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 8. Francesca, D. R. and J. M., P, and Rafael,B., 2015, Journal of Marketing Management. The role of perceived value in vertical brand extensions of luxury and premium brands [online]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/0267257X.2014.995692 [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 9. Mark, N., 2013, Journal Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. Social media and luxury fashion brands in China: the case of Coach [online]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/20932685.2014.907607 [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 10. Jaehee, J. and Dong, S., 2011, Journal of East-West Business. Brand Equity of Luxury Fashion Brands Among Chinese and U.S. Young Female Consumers [online]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/10669868.2011.598756 [Accessed 25 Jan 2017] 11. De B.,V., and Falcy, S., V. P. ,2012, Journal of Brand Management. Do consumers perceive three levels of luxury? A comparison of accessible, intermediate and inaccessible luxury brands [online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan 2017]
List of illustration Fig 1, Kate Spade, spring-summer 2009 ad campaign, fashion gone rogue (2017) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig 2, Anjerika Wilmer, 25 Years of Kate Spade New York: Our Favorite Celebrity Style Moments (2018) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig 3, taylor swift snapshot, Pinterest (2017) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig 4, Anjerika Wilmer, 25 Years of Kate Spade New York: Our Favorite Celebrity Style Moments (2018) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig 5, Anjerika Wilmer, 25 Years of Kate Spade New York: Our Favorite Celebrity Style Moments (2018) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig 6, Kate spade New York Outlet, yelp (2018) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig 7, Resort 2018 collection, Michael kor (2018) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig 8, Gucci 2017 fall campign, WGSN (2017) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig 9, Gucci 2017 fall campign, WGSN (2017) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig10, Fashion Walk street view, Fashion Walk (2017) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018 Fig 11, Chanel boy spring summer 2013, WGSN (2013) [online image] Accessed 20/01/2018
Future Fashion Communication Straregy Research Report
Content Chapter 1 Abstract
Chapter 5 Findings and discussions 5.1 Current situation
Chapter 2 Introduction
5.2 Case study – Kate Spade New York 5.3 Pros and Cons
Chapter 3 Research objectives Chapter 6 Conclusion and implication Chapter 4 Research methodology
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Further study
4.1 Definition 4.2 Literature review 4.3 Primary research methods
Chapter 7 Reference Chapter 8 Appendices
Chapter 1: Abstract Accessible brand such as Coach, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Tory Burch turnover to billions and growth rapidly in few years. These brands are all designer brands targeting a not high but wide middle price in an affordable price and mass demand for luxury goods. This project is analysis the current Hong Kong market. Finding a new communication marketing strategy in accessible and enhance the brand sustainability.
Chapter 2 Introduction
Accessible luxury is as known as affordable luxury brands grow rapidly in these 10 years. The executive vice president of New York Kate Spade & Company, Mary Beech (2015) claim that “Accessible luxury is about making exceptional fashion available to a wider range of shoppers�. It is also luxury goods available at an accessible price. (Alexander Fury, 2015). It gives consumers a taste of class without a high price tag. (Reuters, 2014) However, it is takes an unhealthy business cycle with low sustainability. Branding and retail strategy are short term with short product lifecycle. Sales revenue are decrease in accessible luxury market (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). Overexpansion and distribution become a problem in accessible luxury brand. Accessible luxury brand enjoys a large successful in a limited and short period (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). So, a new future fashion communication strategy need to be generate for supporting brand sustainability and brand healthy. This project is focus in Hong Kong market. China is the second largest economy in the world. It contributed 65.4% economic expansion in 2017 (Kati Chitrakorn and Zoe Suen, 2017). As an international city in China, Hong Kong has a high potential for development. Hong Kong still means big business for smaller luxury goods. (Monica Vinader, 2017). The purpose of study is tackle and change the unhealthy accessible luxury brand situation. Creating a multi-channel marketing plan combined with communication tools and technology. Also enhance the brand loyalty and recall brand image. In a result to maintain a stable gain or even increase the sales revenue in retail store.
Chapter 3. Research objectives ◙ To identify accessible luxury ◙ To define fashion communication strategy ◙ To enhance the brand sustainability ◙ To investigate Hong Kong current market and consumer behaviour ◙ To formulate a new future marketing direction
By using SMART goals, it clarifies the project reach goals.
S In specific, accessible luxury and fashion communication strategy is the keyword in this project. Brand front line staff and accessible luxury brand consumer is invited to find out the current market situation.
M In measurable, building up brand sustainability, brand story and brand image in long term is the main purpose. It can be measured by public response and awareness, public relation value and gained media.
A In achievable, advantage of accessible luxury brand is offering an affordable price and mass demand luxury goods targeting middle class market (Alexander Fury, 2015). However, the imbalance of retail store and outlets store lead to a negative image. Also, a rapidly expand diluted the luxurious. The total revenue of Coach and Michael Kors are decreased in 2017 (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). It shows the unhealthy brand cycle and low sustainability. The problem should be tackle for the brand sustainability and brand health.
R In relevant, since most of accessible brand has a short brand history. Those brands focus on price competition and media power and get a great success in short term. Brand elements, brand loyalty, brand integrity is dismissed for a longterm business. A new communication strategy is need for a long-term business.
T In timely, a serious of marketing communication and business strategy for long term is planned.
Chapter 4. Research methodology Chapter 4.1 Definition Accessible luxury is about making exceptional fashion available to a wider range of shoppers� said by Mary Beech (2015), the executive vice president of New York Kate Spade & Company. Communication strategy referred to the choice of the most useful objectives of communication and recognition of a particular brand and its strategy in terms of attitude. It can be classified as three types, visual, verbal and non-verbal. It also content three factors which are elements needed, goals and important selfcheck (Zkjadoon, 2015).
chapter 4.2 Literature review
Accessible luxury luxury can be separate into three domains: inaccessible luxury, intermediate luxury and accessible luxury, each domain of luxury can target and position different market (De Barnier Virginie and Falcy Sandrine and Valette-florence Pierre, 2012). Luxury brands can be defined to four different value: financial, functional, individual and social (Mark Ng, 2013). These core values can also suitable in accessible luxury brands. Coach positions as an accessible luxury brand. It targets young, high fashion sense and urban market in China, the marked price are 50 percent to 70 percent lower than high-end leading luxury brand. So Coach reach the middle class market in second to third-tier cities (Mark Ng, 2013).
Hierarchy of Luxury Products by their Accessibility
Customer behaviour in Chinese and Hong Kong market Fashion is a diverse and complicated way. It is encoded and decoded in a non-linear. Hong Kong people are highly influenced by media such as magazines and social media. The major trend are controlled by those media and diffuse down to public. The culture industry produces primarily standardised style and taste. Journalist and designer in Hong Kong takes a little creative control in fashionbility (Ho Lun Tommy Tse, 2014). Purchasing power in Chinese luxury goods market remains high under the global economy downturn. China is luxury market rapidly expanded and have the largest e-commerce market over the world. Retail e-commerce sales reached US$209 billion in 2013 and predicted for a double-digit growth over the next three years. Generation Z have their own vales in buying and media preferences. They prefer searching luxury brands from internet and social media. 57% consumer followed luxury brand on social media while it takes 38% globally. Also 40% of them are willing purchase online (Mark Ng, 2013). Luxury brands can the consumer show their social position and prestige. It also symbolizes their wealth (Mark Ng, 2013). Chinese consumers are growing more knowledgeable about fashion brands and more and more them can afford using luxury goods, It can increase the values of luxury shopping (Mark Ng, 2013). Chinese consumers grow more savvy and sophisticated, they are having more formal studies with different brands, more specific groups of consumers and different research strategies will be required to figure out effective social media strategies for luxury brands (Mark Ng, 2013).
Fashion Marketing Brand value is defined for money or the tradeoff between expected benefits and cost. (Francesca Dall’Olmo Riley and JosÊ M. Pina and Rafael Bravo, 2015). Luxury brands are stand for as a signal of social status and wealth, It satisfies an emotional desire of consumer when high perceived social value and hedonic value (Mark Ng, 2013). Online shopping platform is match for premium and luxury brands in long term since clear price and discount comparisons. It offers 24 hours accessibility but lack of physical contact (Mark Ng, 2013). Online store cannot be the main retailer as a long-term marketing. Brands can use the digital environment to reach current and potential customers for building their unique image and value. Social media can enhance the functional values by providing related useful information and responsive services (Mark Ng, 2013). Brands should enhance their perceived financial value from uniqueness, exclusivity, product quality and customer service. To strengthen relational value, the brand can directly interact with users and allow users to communicate with each other or participate in brand events (Mark Ng, 2013).
Fashion branding There are five assets of brand equity: brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, brand loyalty, and other proprietary assets. (Jaehee Jung and Dong Shen, 2011). Brands vary on a continuous of prestige and price. Setting a lower prince can render to a larger consumer segment cause the massification or democratisation of luxury (Francesca Dall’Olmo Riley and José M. Pina and Rafael Bravo, 2015) luxury brands have a ceiling effect which enjoy more room for downward positioning and less room for upscale extensions. On the other hand, premium brands have lower down on the continuum even a floor effect. There is less room for a downscale extension since there are risk for negative brand image (Francesca Dall’Olmo Riley and José M. Pina and Rafael Bravo, 2015). Social media can enhance the reputation of brand. It can increase interactions with customers and stimulate their wants on luxury goods. Apart from traditional craftsmanship and uniqueness, relationship of brand with consumer is valued. It can stronger brand loyalty. Celebrity endorsement is important in luxury marketing. It enhances awareness and helps position brands. It also promotes a brand’s image (Mark Ng, 2013).
Chapter 4.3 Primary research
Festival walk observation(left) Fashion Walk observation(right)
Chapter 4.3.1 Shop observation Fashion Walk and Festival walk is selected as observation location. Both of two shopping have Kate Spade and Michael Kors retail store while these two brands are the case study brand in this project. The observation will focus on consumer behaviour, shop atmosphere, shopping experience and customer service.
Chapter 4.3.1 4.3.2 Quantitative research Fifty units of questionnaire is collected. Selected participants are purchased in accessible fashion brands. It can quantify the attitude, motivation and shopping behaviour. Questionnaire are collected in face to face. Participants are invited to fill in their answer and response through electronic carrier. one of third are collect in fashion walk randomly. The left is allocating to selected group. However, it is hard for feeling the emotional responses from participants and a part of questions are difficult for analysis. So shop observation and interview is supporting the questionnaire (Appendices A).
Chapter 4.5.3 Qualitative research Two front line staff of accessible luxury brand is invited to have a face to face interview for customer behaviour and customer response for brand promotion. Since front line staff are those having interaction between company and consumer. They would know the current situation and the realistic consumer psychology. Also, a qualitative can collect a higher quality result and deeper information and opinions. Since it is a student project, interviewee would not discuss in deep or disclose too much inner information (Appendices B).
Chapter 5. Findings and discussions
Chapter 5.1 Current situation Accessible brand such as Coach, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Tory Burch turnover to billions and growth rapidly in few years. These brands are all designer brands targeting a not high but wide middle price in an affordable price and mass demand for luxury goods. Products are simple design with decent material tagged a luxurious brand logo. (Alexander Fury, 2015)
Customer behavior Customer concern on brand name and design. They want a functional product with good design. like to dress different with others and having their own uniqueness. They always looking for products for everyday use (Appendix B). The preference of reason attracts questionnaire participants are design, trendy, quality and function (Appendices A). The preference of factors which encourage purchased are fashion trend, friend referral, media power and price. It shows that price is not the most important factor and even design is more important. The media power and promotion also stimulate consumer’s shopping decision (Appendices A). Then price is a factor to shorten them consider period. Sale and discount item can attract the interest and boost sales in short period. However, the purchasing power after sale period is drop rapidly. Over half of consumer asking discounted item or waiting for discount period. However, many consumers are not understanding our brand or brand story like our classic line or even origin. So, the promotion on brand is the next goals (Appendices B).
Shopping experience Although online platform grows rapidly. There are 60% of consumer purchased in Hong Kong retail store (Appendices A). People can purchase on official online store or through online retailer which provide a lower price from Hong Kong retail store. It against the sales in retail store. Moreover, retail store providing a better shopping experience, consumer can fit on clothing and accessories, try mix and match. However, retail store is still having their advantage that consumer can have a touch and see the physical product before they purchase. Also, salesperson can give opinions and product knowledge. We can communicate and find out consumer’s need. Also build up a creditable relationship. It is most better than just order and receive product (Appendices B). In shop observation, the visual merchandising creates a comfortable shopping atmosphere. Sales assistant has a warm welcome and introducing products for consumer. Some of excelled sales assistant will ask for you purpose and need to recommend related product. It gave a good impression for brand image.
Hong Kong market characteristic Local consumer is rationality. They like something out of value which has excellent quality and reasonable price. However, they like to compare with other similar brands nearby and consider for period of time. They will also take photos asking comments from friends. Most of them are clearly understand what they want and they like. Mainland China consumer mostly attract by advertising and celebrities. They are looking for trendy and new items. They influenced by media. Also, they like mainland consumer aims at trendy items with brand name, they would like to get respect from social cycle. For western consumer, since they come to Hong Kong for sign seeing, they enjoy customer service and communication with staff. The purchasing power is relatively lower than Hong Kong and Chinese customer (Appendices B).
Importance of brand value Referring to the customer behavior questionnaire in Appendices A, 64% of them are interested in luxury brand and over 70% of them think brand label is important. Brand logo is representing the brand. Luxury goods has acquisition of power which refer the hedonistic recompense and symbolic of successful. The logo on product gives addition soul and meanings for consumer drag themselves on current condition (Jean-NoĂŤl Kapferer and Vincent Bastien, 2009). On the other hands, they two of third participants think accessible brands are out of value and 80% of them will consider brand background before purchase. It prove the brand story and packaging can attract consumer. Also, it enhances the brand value. Brand integrity become an issue in all industry. Half of questionnaire participants will consider the brand integrity (Appendices A). A multi-promotion is a trend, brands are finding more channel and expanding their business such as fashion brands expand cafĂŠ, book store expand to furniture category. They are exploring a larger market attracting a different lifestyle consumer for keeping brand value. Of course, promotion is important for brand image but choosing a correct and effective communication channel and media is more important (Appendices B)
Chapter 5 Case Study – Kate Spade New York
Kate Spade New York is an American fashion design brand. It founded in January 1993 by Kate Spade and Andy Spade. It sold handbags initially and extended to a lifestyle brand. The brand elements are crisp color, graphic prints and playful sophistication (Kate Spade, 2018).
The main product of Kate Spade is Handbags including shoulder bags, cross body bags, clutches and novelty bags. The price of Handbags of Kate Spade is from 1400 to 4500 Hong Kong dollar. Womenswear including top, bottom, outer wear is from 700 to 6400 Hong Kong dollar. The price of shoes is starting from 900 to 3600 Hong Kong dollar. Accessories such as small leather goods, sunglass, sunglasses and jewelry are from 500 to 3000 Hong Kong dollar (Kate Spade, 2018). Kate Spade New York has over 140 retail shops and outlet stores in united states. It over 175 shops internationally. Kate Spade has 7 retail stores and 2 outlet stores in Hong Kong (Kate Spade, 2018). Every store of Kate Spade carried a sharp and signature spade logo at front door. The overall atmosphere is bright and young. Kate Spade provide a fresh and young image.
Kate Spade use both tradition media and digital media. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are the main promotion channel of Kate Spade. Kate Spade always use a storyline in first person like ‘you’re the Kate Spade girl’, you can feel like you are part of brand’s culture. Kate spade collaborated with brands like Minnie mouse and miss piggy of Disney. Also have license product such as watch with Fossil group and yoga wear with Beyond Yoga for expanding the yoga line (Kate Spade, 2018). For marketing, Kate Spade taken project for social responsible and brand integrity. Kate spade operated an ‘On purpose’ project. This purpose aim at women right. The brand believe women are financially and personally empowered who can positioned uniquely. Kate Spade hiring Women in Abahizi Rwanda for a handcraft line from 2014 (Kate Spade, 2018). Kate Spade released an artist collaborated octopus card in 20172014 (Kate Spade, 2017). It is a gift with purchased product in Hong Kong Store. It enhances the localization for entering Hong Kong market. Off season sales and online surprise sale are frequently used by Kate Spade. It affects the brand image leads to consumer prefer purchasing in sale period but not regular price period. The brand elements and design product are dismissed.
5.3 Pros and Cons Pros Accessible luxury offers an accessible and right price for customer It is targeting middle class. The world’s middle-class population predicted a rapidly increase of 66 percent by 2030. The majority group are come from Asia. Generation Z have a work hard, live well attitude continued the growth on affordable luxury market (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). 68% of participants think it is out of value. Media Power Accessible brand has a high power and influence in media. Digital media is the main communication for accessible brands. Fashion related industry are now moving through the digital platform. Fashion marketing director Favio Barón mentioned that digital media grows because of its comfort and immediacy (Graciela Martin, 2018). Argentina’s biggest media company Grupo Clarín reduces 20 percent of output printing version in past ten year due to the growth of online media. Brands are starting to be more creative and noticing the new potential (Graciela Martin, 2018). Online media aims at shortening the distance with customer and
Cons Overexposed and over distributed The sales of Coach’s outlet are 70 percent more than overall retail store. The overexpansion of outlet store cause losing balance in retailing and bring a negative brand image (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). Michael Kors has expanded heavily from 2193 stores to 4133 stores in worldwide in three years. The brand is ubiquitous but the luxurious has been diluted (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). It is difficult to expand and sales boosting while keeping a luxurious image. So the total revenue of Michael Kors decreased by 11.2 percent. The total revenue dropped by 18 percent in America (Mallory Schlossberg, 2017). Pricing competition Since the product cycle is short for accessible brand. Off season product are on sale in short period. Also brands always using discount for sales boosting. Outlets are overexpansion for low price items (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). Accessible brands are compare in price. In result, customer lost their interest in regular price items and lost a luxurious image and unhealthy balance on retail store against outlets. However, if a brand would like to keep itself in luxury level, it should keep the superlative but not comparative. The brand heritage, faithfulness for value and respect for tradition should be focused (Jean-NoÍl Kapferer and Vincent Bastien, 2009).
Chapter 6 Conclusion and implication Conclusion In conclusion, through the comparative research, it finds that there are different feedback in fashion accessible luxury market. Brands provide an affordable price for mass demand luxury goods attracting middle market consumer for brand logo product. The sales growth rapidly in beginning stage. However, the unhealthy business cycle and price competition bring negative effect on accessible market. The brand losing their own brand value and image. It can only bring a short-term gain. A new marketing and branding strategy is needed to keep the brand loyalty and brand sustainability for a long-term business. Through the primary research with shop observation, quantitative research and qualitative research, an initial findings and discussion are generated. Current situation is analysis for understanding the realistic market. Customer behavior is conducted in psychology and action. Shopping experience is observed and uniqueness of retail is found. Also, the characteristic of Hong Kong consumer is analysis for understand the current market. Pro and cons of current accessible luxury market is analysis. Future direction and opportunities are found. Potential direction will be conducted in next stage.
Further study
Luxury marketing strategy Luxury marketing is a specify area for study. The concept of brand is more important than other market. The brand label is one of criteria to be further study. The psychology and desire on luxury marketing is complex. Also, the exclusivity marketing is still an uncertain factor, demand and supply may not locate in an effectivity point. Superlative If a brand put its position as a luxury level, it should be superlative and never comparative. Luxury brands should not compare itself with other. It should own a unique selling point. Also, a brand story is important for increase the brand value and brand label. The brand can promote the brand story and heritage for maintain the superlative (Jean-NoĂŤl Kapferer and Vincent Bastien, 2009). Brand integrity Out of product value and brand value, sustainability is a new concern for fashion industry. Environment sustainability and business sustainability can enhance the brand image. Social responsibility become one of index for brand image. New communication tools Tradition advertising is fade out and digital media become the main trend. Social media is a fast and low-cost way for promoting. However, there are more and more junk message and too much information in internet, the credit become low in media. So, a new communication tools need to be discover and a multi-communication channel should be operated.
Chapter 7 References
1. Alexander, F., 2015, Independent: Accessible luxury: brands may be devaluing ‘luxury’ - but they’re making a mint. [online]. Available at: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/features/accessible-luxury-brands-may-be-devaluing-luxury-but-they-re-making-a-mint-10458063.html [Accessed 25 Jan 2018] 2. Mallory, S., 2017, Racked: The Perennially Difficult Paradox of Accessible Luxury [online]. Available at: https://www.racked.com/2017/7/5/15862204/accessible-luxury-michael-kors-coach [Accessed 25 Jan 2018] 3. Kati, C., 2015, Business of fashion: Do ‘Accessible Luxury’ Brands Have an Inherently Limited Lifespan? [online]. Available at: https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/intelligence/do-accessible-luxury-brands-have-an-inherently-limited-lifespan [Accessed 25 Jan 2018] 4. Reuters, 2014, Business of fashion: Accessible Luxury Snaps at Heels of Mega Brands [online] Available at: https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/news-analysis/accessible-luxury-snaps-heels-mega-brands. [Accessed 25 Jan 2018] 5. Kati, C., and Zoe, S., 2017, Business of fashion: Keeping Pace With the Changing Chinese Consumer [online]. Available at: https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/china-edit/keeping-pace-with-thechanging-chinese-consumer [Accessed 25 Jan 2018] 6. Monica, V., 2017, Business of fashion: Op Ed | Exceeding Expectations in Hong Kong [online]. Available at: https://www.businessoffashion.com/community/voices/discussions/how-can-chinas-luxury-marketgrow-in-a-slowdown/op-ed-exceeding-expectations-in-hong-kong [Accessed 25 Jan 2018] 7. Ho Lun Tommy, T., 2014, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education. Fashion media communication in Hong Kong [online]. Available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/ 17543266.2014.921244 [Accessed 17 Feb 2018]
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list of illustration Fig 1. Accessible brand logo, Pinterest (2018) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 2. Spring 2017 advertisement, Kate Spade (2017) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 3. Mark Ng, Hierarchy of Luxury Products by their Accessibility (2018) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 4. Fall 2017 advertisement, Kate Spade (2017) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 5. Chanel logo analysis, Pinterest (2018) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 6. author’s own, Kate Spade and Michael Kors shop observation (2018). Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 7. author’s own, Kate Spade shop visual merchandising (2017). Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 8. Cartoon road, Pinterest (2018) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 9. Coco café, Pinterest (2018) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 10. Kate Spade product, Kate Spade (2018) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 11. Novelty bags, Kate Spade (2018) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 12. Kate Spade x Minnie crossover, Pinterest (2018) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 13. Spring 2018 advertisement, Michael Kors (2018) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018. Fig 14. Hoilday 2017 advertisement, Kate Spade (2017) [online image]. Accessed 02/03/2018.
8. Appendices Appendices A Questionnaire Sample Questionnaire Period of collecting questionnaire: 21 Feb 2018 to 28 Feb 2018 Number of participants: 50
Integrated Marketing Campagn F o r K a t e S p a d e N e w Yo r k
Executive summary Accessible brand such as Coach, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Tory Burch turnover to billions and growth rapidly in few years. These brands are all designer brands targeting a not high but wide middle price in an affordable price and mass demand for luxury goods. This project is analysis the current Hong Kong market. Finding a new communication marketing strategy in accessible and enhance the brand sustainability. The purpose of study is tackle and change the unhealthy accessible luxury brand situation. Creating a multi-channel marketing plan combined with communication tools and technology. Also enhance the brand loyalty and recall brand image. In a result to maintain a stable profit or even increase the sales revenue in retail store. This project is focus in Hong Kong market. China is the second largest economy in the world. As an international city in China, Hong Kong has a high potential for development. Hong Kong still means big business for smaller luxury goods (Monica Vinader, 2017). This stage of project builds upon the investigative and analytical research activities by focusing on the implementation of recommendations. It is focus on marketing campaign and promotion plan for Kate Spade New York company.
Content Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Background Situational analysis 3.1
5C analysis
Brand responsibility
Lifestyle trend
Marketing targeting 4.1
Marketing segmentation
Target market
Market position
Recommendation 5.1
Aim and objectives
Marketing and branding strategy
Integrated marketing campaign
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 1: Introduction Accessible luxury is as known as affordable luxury brand grows rapidly in these 10 years. The executive vice president of New York Kate Spade & Company, Mary Beech (2015) claims that “Accessible luxury is about making exceptional fashion available to a wider range of shoppers�. It is also luxury goods available at an accessible price (Alexander Fury, 2015). It gives consumers a taste of class without a high price tag (Reuters, 2014). However, it takes an unhealthy business cycle with low sustainability in current situation. Branding and retail strategy are in short term with short product lifecycle. Sales revenue are decreasing in accessible luxury market (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). Overexpansion and distribution become a problem in accessible luxury brand. Accessible luxury brand enjoys a large successful in a limited and short period (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). So, a new future fashion communication strategy need to be generated for supporting brand sustainability and brand health. Communication strategy referred to the choice of the most useful objectives of communication and recognition of a particular brand and its strategy in terms of attitude. It can be classified as three types, visual, verbal and non-verbal. It also content three factors which are elements needed, goals and important self-check (Zkjadoon, 2015). The purpose of study is tackle and change the unhealthy accessible luxury brand situation. Creating a multi-channel marketing plan combined with communication tools and technology. Also enhance the brand loyalty and recall brand image. In a result to maintain a stable profit or even increase the sales revenue in retail store. This project is focus in Hong Kong market. China is the second largest economy in the world. As an international city in China, Hong Kong has a high potential for development. Hong Kong still means big business for smaller luxury goods (Monica Vinader, 2017). This stage of project builds upon the investigative and analytical research activities by focusing on the implementation of recommendations. It is focus on marketing campaign and promotion plan for Kate Spade New York company.
Chapter 2:
Background Kate Spade New York is an American fashion design brand. It founded in January 1993 by Kate Spade and Andy Spade. It sold handbags initially and shifted to a lifestyle brand. The brand elements are crisp color, graphic prints and playful sophistication (Kate Spade, 2018). The joyful, glamorous and unapologetically feminine design style is the characteristics of Kate Spade. Colorful, playful design and strong story telling sense with accessible price is the unique selling point of Kate Spade. Kate spade approach everyday personal style with a dash of incandescent charm. Kate Spade called it living colorfully (Kate
Chapter 3: Situational analysis
5C analysis Company Chapter 3.1 5C analysis Product and price Kate Spade New York brand offers fashion products for women and children, as well as home products, under the Kate spade new York trademark. Known for crisp color, graphic prints and playful sophistication, Kate Spade New York aims to inspire a more interesting life. The Kate Spade New York collection includes the Madison Avenue, Broome Street and on purpose labels. The Kate Spade New York brand product line includes handbags, small leather goods, jewelry and apparel along with licensed products including footwear, fragrances, swimwear, watches, children’s wear, tech accessories, optics, tabletop products, legwear, fashion accessories, furniture, bedding, housewares, table linens, loungewear, pillows, lighting, activewear and stationery The main product of Kate Spade is Handbags including shoulder bags, cross body bags, clutches and novelty bags. The price of Handbags of Kate Spade is from 1400 to 4500 Hong Kong dollar. Womenswear including top, bottom, outer wear is from 700 to 6400 Hong Kong dollar. The price of shoes is starting from 900 to 3600 Hong Kong dollar. Accessories such as small leather goods, sunglass, sunglasses and jewelry are from 500 to 3000 Hong Kong dollar (Kate Spade, 2018).
PLAce Kate Spade New York has over 140 retail shops and outlet stores in united states. It over 175 shops internationally. Kate Spade has 5 retail stores, 2 department stores in Sogo and 2 outlet stores in Hong Kong (Kate Spade, 2018). Every store of Kate Spade carried a sharp and signature spade logo at front door. The overall atmosphere is bright and young. Kate Spade provide a fresh and young image.
“This time around, it is all about entertainment over an advertisement—we really want to create engaging content that people just want to watch like a TV series,” Mary Beech, evp and CMO of Kate Spade & Co., told Adweek. “The best adventures and experiences in the world are often triggered by something unexpected,” said Kristen Naiman, Kate Spade & Co.’s svp of brand creative.
Promotion Kate Spade use both tradition media and digital media. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are the main promotion channel of Kate Spade. Kate Spade always use a storyline in first person like ‘you’re the Kate Spade girl’, you can feel like you are part of brand’s culture. Kate spade collaborated with brands like Minnie mouse and miss piggy of Disney. Kate Spade collaborated with celebrities for example Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, model Fernanda Ly, American singer Taylor Swift (fashionbase,2018). Also, the brand launched license product such as watch with Fossil group and yoga wear with Beyond Yoga for expanding the yoga line (Kate Spade, 2018). Kate Spade released an artist collaborated octopus card in 2017. It is a gift with purchased product in Hong Kong Store. It enhances the localization for entering Hong Kong market.
On purpose Kate Spade taken project for social responsible and brand integrity. Kate spade operated an ‘On purpose’ project. This purpose aim at women right. The brand believe women are financially and personally empowered who can positioned uniquely. Kate Spade hiring Women in Abahizi Rwanda for a handcraft line from 2014 (Kate Spade, 2018).
Kate Spade Joy Kate Spade create a subpage in official website named #katespadejoy. The brand welcome everyone shows and tell out their Kate Spade pieces in their way. Kate Spade Joy is a tag in social media site. Everyone can share their own photography with their Kate Spade products. There are different lifestyle of photography currently including selfie, styling and foodie from all around of Kate Spade consumer.
Miss adventure and Miss behavior Kate Spade released 2 series of online video Miss Adventure and Miss Behavior since 2014 through YouTube platform. It aims interesting women leading interesting lives. It posited an entertainment than advertisement. Miss Adventure video are collaborated with celebrities such as Zosia Mamet, Kat Dennings and Lola Kirke (Lauren Johnson, 2016). The campaign videos are shot like a drama and television programme with interesting plot. Actors are wearing on season Kate Spade clothing and accessories. The story setting created a unique brand atmosphere of Kate Spade lifestyle.
5C analysis Customers
Based on stage 2 research report, consumer characteristics is concluded. Although online platform grows rapidly. There are 60% of consumer purchased in Hong Kong retail store. People can purchase on official online store or through online retailer which provide a lower price from Hong Kong retail store. It against the sales in retail store. Moreover, retail store providing a better shopping experience, consumer can fit on clothing and accessories, try to mix and match with other product. However, retail store is still having their advantage that consumer can have a touch and see the physical product before the purchase. Also, salesperson can give opinions and product knowledge to consumer. Salesperson can communicate and find out the consumer’s need. Also, it build up a creditable relationship. It is most better than just order and receive product. In shop observation, the visual merchandising creates a comfortable shopping atmosphere. Sales assistant has a warm welcome and introducing products for consumer. Some of excelled sales assistant will ask for you purpose and need to recommend related product. It gave a good impression for brand image.
5C analysis Collaborators
Tapestry group Tapestry group (as known as Coach inc.) bought Kate Spade&co in May 2017. There are three brands Coach, Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman in Tapestry group.
Walton brown group
Walton Brown is a company under The Lane Crawford Joyce Group. Kate Spade & company and Walton brown group are in joint venture in China including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (Kate Spade & Company, 2015). It benefits Kate Spade explore a larger market in China and Hong Kong.
Product licensing
The brand extended product wage with license company such as shoes brand Keds, watch company Fossil, athletic brand Beyond Yoga.
5C analysis Competitors
Coach Coach is founded at New York of Unites States in 1941. Product range including handbags, womenswear, Menswear, sunglasses, shoes, watch, fragrance, jewelry and accessories. The price of dress is from 550 to 1900 US dollar. The price of handbags is from 230 to 1200 US dollar. The price of wallets is from 75 to 550 US dollar. The price of accessories: 35-440 USD. The price of shoes is from 300 to 750 US dollar. There are 15 stores in Hong Kong. The official online store is not available to Hong Kong. The brand promotion involved advisement, public relation events, print media, social Media and sponsorship. The brand characters are modern vision, long standing reputation with quality craftsmanship and synonymous effortless New York style. In strengths, Coach is an iconic leather brand and diverse distribution model. In weakness, Coach relied on handbags category and store exposure weaken the brand luxury image.
Michael Kors Michael Kors is founded at New York of United States in 1981. Product range including womenswear, menswear, handbags, sunglasses, shoes, watch, fragrance, jewelry and accessories. The Price of Dress is from 98 to 495 US dollar. The price of handbags is from 108 to 698 US dollar. The price of wallets is from 48 to 178 US dollar. The price of jewelry is from 45-500 US dollar. The price of shoes is from 49-626 US dollar. There are Place stores in Hong Kong. The official online store is not available to Hong Kong. The promotion of Michael Kors including celebrities brand ambassador, social media, editorial, advisement, public relation events and sponsorship. Michael Kors is a singular designer label with sense of glamour and timeless chic. The brand had a longer clothing history between 3 brands. It is a high recall brand with celebrity endorsements. However, the brand has a simple brand logo and gets diluted in discounted stores.
SWOT analysis
Kate Spade has a wide product range. The brand expanded the original fashion brand to a lifestyle brand. Products category including clothing’s, handbags, fashion accessories, fragrance, eyewear, shoes, swimwear, furniture, stationery, books and gifts (Kate Spade, 2018). Kate spade enjoy large benefits on home and athleisure. There is lack of competitor in accessible luxury market.
Kate Spade is lack of classic item currently. Luxury brands always have a signature classic product for recognized the brand image and history.
The brand release new collection monthly. The brand creates freshness to consumer. A collection has an interesting story telling theme such as a superstar on stage in fall 2016, an unexpected self-drive vacation in spring summer 2017 and picnic party in spring 2018. Besides ready to wear and handbags, Kate Spade launch a special novelty handbags in each month. It is a limited edition becoming one of signature item.
Kate Spade is under Tapestry group. Coach Inc. purchased Kate Spade & co in May 2017 (Reuters, 2017). Coach group then renamed as Tapestry group in 2017. It provided more support and investment to Kate Spade. Also, the market share can be increased. Kate Spade have a high popularity in millennials. There are about 60% millennial consumer and it expired an international market. Although the American market is saturated, Kate Spade get 15 percent of sales out of North American such as Asia and Europe (Reuters, 2017).
There is no brand ambassador. Although Kate Spade put inforce on media promotion and advertising, spokesperson and collaborated artist are lack in Kate Spade. Coach collaborated with Selena Gomez in 2018 spring and Michael Kors hired Chinese actress Yang Mi as spokesperson.
The brand offered over price promotion. The brand is over expended outlet store. The overexpansion of outlet store cause losing balance in retailing and bring a negative brand image (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). It is difficult to expand and sales boosting while keeping a luxurious image. Also, the American market is being over-saturation. There is similar design product among accessible luxury market. Fortune did an experiment for identify products from 3 brands Michael Kors, Coach and Kate Spade. An experienced staff from Coach was invited for a binding test. The test is to find out Coach products with logo from three brands product. However, the staff is failed to find out the matched product It provide brands are losing their uniqueness (Charles Lee, 2017).
Pestle analysis
Political Hong Kong is known as international finance center with multi-culture. Foreign brands and product is welcomed in market. Also, Hong Kong is a shopping tax free city which attracting local and tourism purchased. Kate Spade maintains leading industry standards for auditing, transparency and monitoring to ensure a safe and fair work conditions. The company follow the Fair Labor Association for protecting the rights of workers around the work. Kate Spade & company is a member of ILO’s Better Program. It is aims at improving the working conditions in garment industry (Kate Spade, 2017).
The sales revenue is decreasing because branding and retail strategy are short term with short product lifecycle (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). The frequently discount offer and outlet stores diluted the luxury image of accessible luxury brand. There are 60 percent customer of Kate Spade are millennials (Reuters, 2017). Millennials consumer increased 38 percent in luxury market in 2017. Millennials seek to define and stand out themselves as individuals. They want to share their common values. Casual new luxury lifestyle is better than idealized formal lifestyle like old luxury represents (Pamela Danziger, 2017).
Social Kate Spade is one of strongest brand in online marketing space. The brand is active in social media platform such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, Pinterest (Lauren Indvik ,2011). Kate Spade hold a series of public relation activities in Hong Kong such as Bloom Bloom event for 25th anniversary, 2018 spring collection pre-show party, SHE event for 2017 holiday collection. Media and celebrates are invited such as Kelly Chen, Elle Chen, Chrissie Chau.
5C analysis Climate
Technology Kate Spade keep on following the latest technology trend. Kate Spade launched wearable tech category. A touchscreen smartwatch is introduced in 2018 (Kate Spade, 2018). The smartwatch can connect and pair up with phone wirelessly. It can play music, get call and set app alerts.
Legal Tapestry group. Coach Inc. picked up Kate Spade for $2.4 billion in May 2017 (Reuters, 2017). There are three brands Coach, Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman in Tapestry group. It provides support and more opportunities to Kate Spade.
Kate Spade are committed to a long term and sustainable approach company. It aims at caring and safeguarding the environment. The brand is evolved corporate environmental strategy such as waste reduction and recycling and recourse conservation.
Chapter 3.2 Brand responsibility
Philanthropic programs Kate Spade believes in the power of women who can transform their communities. This program reflects the brand core value and belief every woman can inspire and uplift others around them. The program supported three featured foundation films: women in arts, women in technology and women in entrepreneurship (Kate Spade, 2017).
Ethical sourcing policy Kate Spade is committed to value ethical, responsible sourcing and sustainable manufacturing practices. The brand has committed their values and principles with all suppliers and business partners in whole supply chain. The commitments including policy against using animal fur and exotics skins, hides sources from India, China and Bangladesh (Kate Spade, 2017).
Chapter 3.3 Lifestyle trend
Crossover pop up store The café and concept store is on trend in 2017 and 2018. Chanel beauty launched a pop up concept store - Coco Café in 2017. Participants can try on the latest beauty product and enjoy a free coffee. Also, a free press kit is delivered. Laneige launched a pop up café - Sparkling Café in 2018. The café sell dessert for charity fund. Both of two pop up cafés provide a strong visual design with brand elements. It attracted young consumer and media come for shooting and sharing on social media.
Exhibition Luxury brand start a world exhibition tour for having interaction with public. There are Mademoiselle PrivĂŠ by Chanel, Time Capsule by Louis Vuitton, A Magazine curated by Alessandro Michele featuring Petra Collins with Gucci. Both of exhibition chosen Hong Kong as one of tour location. It proves the market potential in Hong Kong. All exhibition by brand are free and public. Exhibition shows the brand inspiration and art pieces. It aims at promoting the brand heritage and unique image to public.
Mobile app Mobile phone is a necessary item on hand in urban life. Fashion brands operated mobile app for reach a larger market. There are three types of mobile app. Firstly, online shopping platform such as GU, H&M and Zara. It is an online shop in app for convenience. Consumer can buy and look for details in mobile app without time and place limitation. Secondly, lifestyle app such as Muji passport and nike+ run club. It is a functional and lifestyle app. User can enjoy the brand atmosphere and culture out of hard selling. Thirdly, game app such as Hermes H-pitchhh. The game using the story line of Hermes brand elements. It educated user while playing games.
Chapter 4: Marketing targeting
Chapter 4.1 Marketing segmentation Based on staff interview, shop observation and questionnaire. The market segmentation is conducted from stage two. In geographic, Hong Kong market is targeted. China is the second largest economy in the world. It contributed 65.4% economic expansion in 2017 (Kati Chitrakorn and Zoe Suen, 2017). As an international city in China, Hong Kong has a high potential for development. Hong Kong still means big business for smaller luxury goods. (Monica Vinader, 2017). In demographics, Kate Spade is targeting middle to middle high class market aged 16 to 28. They are not yet married which in relationship or single. The occupation are students, fresh graduator, designer, freelancer, media producer, senior officer, housewife which waged 15000 to 40000 per month. The education level is collage or above. This market has a high potential who having a high purchasing power and long spend time. In psychographic, they are playful and always young in mind. They enjoy shopping and social gathering. They like fashion especially unique and colorful pieces. They like to share their happiness and giving surprise. They would like to try new things and challenge anytime. In behavioral, they like freshness and new item so having a weaker brand loyalty. They enjoy shopping in a wide wage of brands. They like to walk and travel around the world exploring more interesting item.
Chapter 4.2 Target market The new target market is Hong Kong middle high to high class millennials female aged 18 to 32. Sub market is middle class girls aged 14 to 24. Millennials are a large group of potential consumer. They aim at a higher living quality. They are willing to spend on luxury products. Italy luxury market have a 2 to 4 percent growth because of Chinese young consumer. Also, China luxury goods market has a 32 percent growth in 2017. Besides, a higher brand value and attitude can deliver to millennials for long time marketing promotion.
Chapter 4.3 Market position
Chapter 5: Recommendation
Chapter 5.1 Aim and objectives To create brand popularity and awareness around Kate Spade in Hong Kong millennials. Kate Spade have already a stable market share in North America. A new market should be reach for the brand sustainability. ◙ To create innovative concept ◙ To encourage interaction between brand and consumer ◙ To boost brand recognition ◙ To enhance luxury value ◙ To formulate a brand sustainability strategy
Chapter 5.2 Marketing and branding strategy
Superlative Luxury is the expression of creative identity and taste. Luxury is superlative but not comparative (Jean-Noël Kapferer and Vincent Bastien, 2009). Kate Spade should create unique design and good product quality but not inspired by competitors. It should be faithful to the brand identity. Brand identity is not negotiable and division. Marketing direction can focus on brand identity and brand heritage for a superlative image for a sustainability brand image and brand loyalty.
Unique Selling Proposition Unique Selling Proposition should be enlarged and promoted. The playful and colorful lifestyle of Kate Spade should be promoted for increasing brand value. Positioning is important in luxury market. A luxury brand should cultivate its uniqueness (Jean-Noël Kapferer and Vincent Bastien, 2009). Kate Spade has built a unique image but lack of strong perception image. The brand can be promoting in an inspired and aspirational way.
Pricing strategy Off season product are on sale in short period. Also brands always using discount for sales boosting. Outlets are overexpansion for low price items (Kati Chitrakorn, 2015). Accessible brands are compare in price. In result, customer lost their interest in regular price items and lost a luxurious image and unhealthy balance on retail store against outlets. Kate Spade is relay on discount for sales boosting and brings an unhealthy brand sustainability. The frequency of flash discount and online sales boosting should be slow down. It diluted the luxury image of the brand. Apart from entry price product, exclusive line The Madison Ave can introduced to consumer. It is a high price but high-quality clothing and handbags line of Kate Spade. This line has a lower awareness in Kate spade. Kate Spade can promote The Madison Ave collection for enhancing the brand value and average price per unit. The whole integrated marketing campaign will not promote with price of discount for enhancing image. Brand value will be focus. Gift with purchasing will replace discount for sales boosting.
Brand communication The luxury brand communication is aim at upstream purchase. Dream creating and brand value recharging is more import than selling in luxury communication (Jean-NoĂŤl Kapferer and Vincent Bastien, 2009). Kate Spade should create a dream value on Unique and convincing competitive advantage. A luxury brand should not be expensive only but expansive. The value of brand depends on quality of brand image. Kate Spade is seldom promoted or communicated with the brand history and handcraft. It helps to create the social idealization of brand. Word of mouth is an efficiency way in spread awareness and recognition so an interaction activities is recommended. Packaging of a brand story can create a presumes price for potential customer. It is an imagines price which higher than the actual price creating a bargain.
Brand integrity Out of product value and brand value, sustainability is a new concern for accessible fashion industry. Environment sustainability and business sustainability can enhance the brand image. Corporate social responsibility become one of index for brand image. It is able to connect a win-win heart of consumer. It refers an attitude of what the brand wants to provide consumers. Therefore, investment on brand integrity is an essential of Kate Spade. Kate Spade is taking responsibility project of philanthropic programs and ethical sourcing policy but lack of awareness. The information is only providing in company page but lack in official brand page who is different to find. Public activities cooperated with featured foundation grants is recommended for making noise and raising the awareness.
Chapter 5.3 Integrated marketing campaign Campaign theme
The theme Is named “You deserve a colorful life”. Everyone is deserving a colorful and fruitful life. Everyone has the right to chase their colorfully life. ‘Live colorfully’ is main message of Kate Spade. The aim of campaign is delivering the positive message and energy to audience. To capture the beautiful moments in life. Also, the purpose is building up a healthy and positive image for Kate spade integrity and superlative. It purposes to build up the luxury brand value for Kate Spade.
“You deserve a colorful life”
Edition overview
“Cameron street� Cameron street is a heritage collection in Kate Spade. It is made by Saffiano calf Leather which is typical with water resistance and scratch resistance. A wide color range is provide. It is streamlined sophistication design for everyday ease. This collection is suitable to all range and colorful design can attractive younger Hong Kong millennials. Cameron street collection product including satchels, shoulder bags, totes bags, shoulder bags, cross body bags, clutches, wallets, small leather goods and tech.
Pre-lau nch strategi es
‘Live colorfully’ Lifestyle mobile app Purpose: The ‘Live colorfully’ app is posited as a lifestyle app. User can enjoy the app and know more about Kate Spade brand value. User can feel like entering into the playful world of Kate spade. The app is also functional. Calendar is set as the home page of app. User can set their schedule and everyday target on app for remark. Fortune cookie message will send as notifications encourage user achieved their goals. Also, a 365 every act of joy will be updated every day. It gives a daily inspiration and education for user. In short term, it is expected Kate Spade can touch a mass market through a new communication tool. The lifestyle app attracting some user out of our target or potential consumer. The mobile app can introduce the brand by words of month. In long term, it is expected to simulate the want of user. They visit our physical store and willing to purchasing Kate Spade product while understanding the brand heritage with positive image.
Expectation: This app aims at creating an unique lifestyle cultuer for audience entering the world of Kate Spade. It can enhance the interaction between brand and audience. Luxury brands are operating mobile app in recent years for example, online shopping app such as GU, H&M and Zara. Functional lifestyle app such as Muji and Nike, game app such as Hermes H-pitchhh and Uniqlo. A charity activities of brand donation for building brand integrity and responsibility. It creates a new lifestyle trend and innovative idea in fashion brand. Color, design and voice tone is using the brand elements of Kate Spade to enhance the brand recognition.
Main idea: The app design and voice of tone will be updated as each month new collection is launched such as an ocean adventure in April. User can feel like entering the world of Kate Spade through the lifestyle app. On the other side, latest news of Kate Spade will show in app for gaining awareness. A QR code of app store downing link will updated on sales invoice and post on social media for promotion.
1 Fortune cookies message
2 Personalize goal
A morning warm message will be showed in notification every day for example ‘Morning! Have a nice day’. Also, a 365 every act of joy is provided when opening the app. It gives inspiration to user for raise the living standard. The joy routine is different everyday bring new and fresh idea to user like Kate Spade giving playful surprise to consumer in every collection. The daily routine suggestion like ‘Let’s take a walk nearby!’, ‘Let’s meet a friend tonight!’ gives idea and inspiration for user.
User can set a target for herself. The target or mission can be daily, weekly, monthly or even year. The app gives a platform for user clarify their goals and planning for future. When users finish a target with sharing a photo reference post. She can enjoy a Kate Spade stamp when mission is done. This activities match with the brand core value which women are financially and personally empowered who can positioned uniquely.
3 life live! Selected influence women are invited as guests sharing their life or experience in live video. They will set up a public account in app and upload their post regularly. A live video will broadest in everyday weekend. The live topic will surround the life experience sharing or women right. Users can comment and response to our guest enhance interaction. Celebrity will be invite for make noise and gaining awareness. The theme of sharing will focus on women right for matching the brand vision. Interaction in live video can shorten the distance from brand and consumer.
4. Fulfill our spade with love. User can click the spade logo once a day. The spade logo will be filled in seven times. User should log in and click the spade in seven continued day. Kate Spade will donor one dollar per a filled spade to featured foundation grants. User can join a charity project with just a click every day. It can raise the awareness and attracting public to keep using our app every day. This an innovative idea for brand responsibility. It is a win-win strategy that stronger brand integrity while keeping a stable user in app.
Advertising board Purpose: The advertising aims to promote the integrated marketing campaign, create awareness and product preview to paid media. It aims at sales online to offline. Mass Transit Railway advertising board is chosen for reaching a mass market and gain awareness in public. Both of product promotion and ‘Live colorfully’ mobile app will be promoted. Expectation:: It is expected to reach a wider audience and targeting a larger potential market. Since the advertising board is stand in a high exposure area, it can get a high popularity and more potential customer noticed the event.
Main idea Hong Kong has one of the world busiest public transport system. The high traffic in Mass Transit Railway can gain a high influence in public. Causeway bay station and Mong Kok station are chosen as the location of advertising board. The “You deserve a colorful life” exhibition and café is located in Causeway bay. It can attract people joining our event. Also, Kate Spade flagship store in located nearby Causeway bay station exit. It is stimulating the want of potential consumer. Mong Kok station having a high population in millennials since Mong Kok is a trendy date place in Hong Kong. The advertising can invite millennials to visit the exhibition with friends. They like taking photo and upload on social media so that we can gain more influence. Also, millennials are the further potential consumer with high purchasing power. It can act as an education on Kate Spade brand heritage and value.
Social media
Purpose: Promoting and inviting current followers to follow our latest news. Stimulating followers purchase and visit our event venue. Also promote the brand value online to offline.
Expectation:: It encourages interaction between brand and consumer. It boosts brand recognition. Main idea Since Kate Spade is an active brand in social media gained a stable number of followers. So, it is a good channel which take a low cost but high influence. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram and snapchat is one of part in millennials life. It can keep the relationship between brand and consumer. Social Media promotion will last for the whole stage of launching.
lau nch strategi es
“You deserve a colorful life” exhibition and cafe
Purpose: Introduce Cameron street handbags as Kate Spade classic line to public. It aims at stronger the brand value and luxury image. Kate Spade used to focus on digital media promotion. A physical event can shorten the distance from brand and consumer. Also, the event aims at leaving a strong recognition and impact of Kate Spade.
Expectation:: Increasing the interaction between brand and audience. Gaining editorial and exposure in gained media. Also, participants share the photo in events can gain a higher influence in social media. Participants can have a deeper knowledge on Kate Spade’s heritage and story. It expected to enhance the luxury image of the brand.
Main idea Hong Kong has one of the world busiest public transport system. The high traffic in Mass Transit Railway can gain a high influence in public. Causeway bay station and Mong Kok station are chosen as the location of advertising board. The “You deserve a colorful life” exhibition and café is located in Causeway bay. It can attract people joining our event. Also, Kate Spade flagship store in located nearby Causeway bay station exit. It is stimulating the want of potential consumer. Mong Kok station having a high population in millennials since Mong Kok is a trendy date place in Hong Kong. The advertising can invite millennials to visit the exhibition with friends. They like taking photo and upload on social media so that we can gain more influence. Also, millennials are the further potential consumer with high purchasing power. It can act as an education on Kate Spade brand heritage and value.
Exhibition Cameron street is a heritage collection in Kate Spade. The past and current Carmon street collection will be displayed as art piece. The colorful Cameron Street collection wall will be a shooting check in point. Luxury and art maintain a constant and intimate relationship. So, artist will be invited for creating art piece with Carmon street handbags. A slogan tote bag and spademoji sticker will be given as souvenir to every participant.
Cafe The café is link with on purpose project. The project aims at women right. The brand believe women are financially and personally empowered who can positioned uniquely. Kate Spade funded women in Abkhazia Rwanda for changing their life. Coffee, tea and cupcakes is provided in café menu. Books published by Kate Spade will be provide for consumer want ro have a deep understanding for Kate Spade heritage. Kate Spade will donor all profit for every purchased. Homeware, tea set and furniture in café are from Kate Spade. All can be purchased or pre-order deliver. Nearby is Kate Spade flagship store, participates can shop and purchased the collection immediately when interest.
Visual Merchandising
Purpose: Match with the exhibition theme. Create a unique shopping atmosphere. Invite consumer to participate the event. Expectation:: Consumer are attracted by the visual merchandising window. They want to have a deeper understanding on Kate Spade. After participation of “You deserve a colorful life” exhibition and café, they agreed the brand vision and brand value of Kate spade and willing to purchasing again. Main idea
The colorful Cameron Street collection wall will be displayed on store window and POS with advertising will show in store. It echoes with the theme “You deserve a colorful life” with the campaign and exhibition. Free postcard will be displayed on cashier so consumer can take and write some message when gift purchased. The postcard is deliver Kate Spade brand message and recognizing “You deserve a colorful life” campaign.
Post-lau nch strategi es
Personalization gift with purchased Purpose: It aims at encouraging interaction between brand and consumer. Personalized gift provides a creative and fresh idea to consumer. Consumer can share their happiness with friends. Expectation:: It is expected a sales growth by stimulating the wants of consumer by gift with purchased. Also, it can rewind the brand image and value on gift design. Main idea
Consumer can enjoy a free personalized spade logo key chain when buying two or above Cameron street collection product including handbags and wallets with friends. Message and name can be mark on surface of key chain. The logo key chain can boost the brand recognition for consumer. It is easy for mix and match as holding key or accessories on handbags.
In App promotion Purpose: The promotion news and message in app can keep the influence of brand. It aims at keeping sustainability of brand value ‘live colorfully’ to consumer. We hope that the campaign can leave a strong recognition and impact of Kate Spade.
Expectation:: Users can keep on using the app in daily after the launched period. The app and new collection can create a tropical issue. User being a Kate Spade girl and keep using the app and create interest in Kate Spade product especially Cameron street collection.
Main idea
Fortune cookies message will be continued to give inspiration to user and raising the living quality. The joy routine which different everyday bring new and fresh idea will be continued. User can set a long term personalize goal. Brand news will send to user by notifications for gaining awareness. The app will remind you when deadline is coming with supporting message. Life live video will be changed into short video and advertising video. Styling and lifestyle video will also be added for a wider video type diversity. Fulfill our spade with love is a longterm project linked with Kate Spade on purpose project. It will transfer in game or mission when time goes on. So ‘Live colorfully’ Lifestyle mobile app can sustain with different news for consumer. Kate Spade lifestyle can assimilate daily life.
Chapter 5.4
Implementation Stage 1 Pre-launch strategies 1. ‘Live colorfully’ Lifestyle mobile app 2. Advertising board 3. Social media Stage 1 Objectives ◙ To create innovative concept ◙ To encourage interaction between brand and consumer ◙ To boost brand recognition
Stage 2 launch strategies 1. “You deserve a colorful life” e exhibition and cafe 2. Visual Merchandising Stage 1 Objectives
Stage 13 Post-launch strategies 1. Personalization gift with purchased 2. In App promotion Stage 1 Objectives ◙ To encourage interaction between brand and consumer ◙ To boost brand recognition ◙ To enhance luxury value ◙ To formulate a brand sustainability strategy
◙ To create innovative concept ◙ To encourage interaction between brand and consumer ◙ To boost brand recognition ◙ To enhance luxury value ◙ To formulate a brand sustainability strategy
Chapter 6
Conclusion Accessible luxury market still has a high potential. Current situation of over discounting and over extending should be slow sow. Consumer are not only focusing on price but also quality and brand heritage. The key area of superlative, unique Selling proposition, pricing strategy, brand communication and brand integrity can focus and improve the brand sustainability and luxury image. A new integrated marketing campaign is recommended. By research on accessible luxury and fashion, improving the brand sustainability and value need a long-term strategy and uncountable cost. The budget will be high with a slow return profit. All in all, we believe that Kate spade New York can enhance brand recognition and recall the luxury image through the new integrated marketing campaign.
Chapter 6
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list of illustration Fig 1. Kate Spade New York, Kate spade new York’s spring 2018 campaign , Pinterest (2017) [online image] Accessed 03/12/2017 Fig 2. daisy lane Sima, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 3. Cameron street Lottie, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 4. Picnic perfect woven leather basket, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 5. Fleur genevie dress, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 6. Scallop sports bra, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 7. Shore thing crab hilli, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 8. Shore thing pave crab ring, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 9. Behind the curtain, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 10. Kate Spade joy, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 11. Kate Spade New York, Miss Adventure, Youtube (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 12. Behind the curtain, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 13. Brand logo, Tapestry (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 14. Brand logo, Walton Brown Group (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 15. Brand logo, Fossil (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 16. Brand logo, Keds (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 17. Brand logo, Beyond Yoga (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 18. Spring 2018 advertisement, Coach (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 19. Spring 2018 advertisement, Michael Kors (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 20. Brand logo, Coach (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 21. Brand logo, Michael Kors (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 22. scallop touchscreen smartwatch, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 23. On purpose, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 24. Justine Wong, COCO CAFÉ: When Beauty Meets Desserts, hashtaglegend (2017) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 25. Volez, Voguez, Voyagez—Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton (2015) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 26 Hermès, Hermès H-pitchhh, App store (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 27. Spring blooms to go, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 28. Millennials sefie, pinterest (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 29. Positioning map, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 30. Cherry on top, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018.
Fig 31. Rachel Tomas, que the confetti, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 32. Behind-the-Scenes with Bryce Dallas Howard, Kate Spade (2011) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 33. Classic BMW 2002 in a Kate Spade ad, Kate Spade (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 34. Cameron street collection, Kate Spade (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 35. Filling spade, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 36. App preshow, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 37. Fortune cookies message, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 38. Personalize opal, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 39. Life live, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 40. Fulfill our spade with love, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 41. Mtr advertising board, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 42. Facebook screen, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 43. Instagram screen, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 45. Event postcard, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 46. Kate Spade Gallery Wall, Kate Spade New York (2014) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 47. Kate Spade Gallery Wall, Kate Spade New York (2014) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 48. Kate spade holiday, Kate Spade New York (2014) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 49. Kate Spade Gallery Wall, Kate Spade New York (2014) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 50. The rainbow room installation by Pierre Le Riche, Pinterest (2013) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 51. 10 Kate Spade New York-Inspired Kitchens You’ll Want to Do More Than Cook In via Brit Co, Kate Spade New York (2014) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 52. Tote bag, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 53. Kate Spade New York opens largest UK store, retail design world (2016) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 54. keychain, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 55. Cameron street large lane, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 56. Cameron street mini Candace, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 57. In app promotion message, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 58. In app promotion sharing, author’s own (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 59. Kate spade 2018 holiday, Kate Spade New York (2018) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018. Fig 60. Kate Spade New York opens largest UK store, retail design world (2016) [online image]. Accessed 12/04/2018.