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Contents Contents FALL 2016
WINTER 2017-2018
Executive Director’s Report
Connecting on a whole new level
President’s Perspective Scouting the future of law enforcement
10 Chaplin’s Message An introduction to MCPA’s new chaplain
18 Chiefs’ Survey Law enforcement solutions to the mental health crisis
20 ETI heads north A preview of the speakers and venues at our 2018 conference and expo in Duluth
30 Plunging into 2018 What is means to be freezin’ for a reason
34 Ad Index
Law enforcement solutions to the mental health crisis People in a state of mental and emotional crisis are driving big increases in calls for service. Police chiefs and mental health advocates from across the state gathered at MCPA’s Critical Issues Forum to highlight programs and training programs and trainings leading to better outcomes.
NEW FOR 2018 ChiefsCast
Watch MCPA trainings and earn credits anytime at
Law enforcement solutions to the mental health crisis
From political conventions to last summer’s X Games, Minneapolis police commander Scott Gerlicher has led the security operation for some of Minnesota’s biggest event. He says they all pale by comparison to Super Bowl LII.
22 MCPA’S LEGISLATIVE AGENDA Advancing a public safety agenda to serve Minnesota
With a shorter session scheduled and budget battles still unresolved, Minnesota legislators will have a lot of issues and ideas competing for their attention.
It started with a chance meeting and, in just a few months, has become much more. How Thomson Reuters and MCPA built a powerful alliance to help advance public safety.
COVER IMAGE: Law enforcement and social service leaders offer examples of new law enforcement programs to improve interaction with mentally ill individuals. From left: Brian Theine, Ramsey County; Inspector Kathy Waite, Minneapolis Police Department; Chief Jeff Tate, Shakopee Police Department; Chief Mike Tusken, Duluth Police Department.
WINTER 2017-2018
Legislator Recognition What inspired Rep. Nick Zerwas to try public service
Executive Director’s Report
Connecting on a whole new level I woke up extra early a few weeks ago with my head full of thoughts. I didn’t feel much better when I took a look outside and once again saw snow flurries ready to make a mess of another morning commute. This was the day of our Critical Issues Forum, an event long in the works where we hoped to bring police chiefs and community leaders together in Bloomington and discuss law enforcement solutions to the mental health crisis. I quickly grabbed my laptop and hit send on an email reminding everyone that if the weather, or anything else for that matter, disrupted your day you could always participate in the forum through our new live webcast. ANDY SKOOGMAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION
A production team from Qwikcast.TV feeds a live videostream of MCPA’s December Critical Issues Forum to an audience viewing from locations all around Minnesota.
The weather eventually cleared and so did my mind. At the forum inside Schneider Theater we had 50 people in the audience and just about the same number of people online. The viewing audience watched and even asked questions of the panelists through their laptops and tablets. It is, I believe, another way for our Association to connect on a whole new level. If you missed the mental health forum, you’ll read and see more about on page 16. But just as important, you can also watch the entire program and receive POST Board credit by completing a short interactive quiz about the training. It is available right now on the homepage and Training pages of mnchiefs. org. Making MCPA meetings and events more accessible and easier to attend is a key part of our new Strategic Plan that the MCPA Board developed in 2017. We have established a new standard where all of our board and committee members can join and take part in meetings online. And our staff will continue to tweak this new, live webcasting platform with a goal of using it during ETI in Duluth, like we did in St. Cloud with ETI Online last year, and other events in 2018. The technology we are using comes from a Minneapolis company called QwikCast.TV that encodes digital media files into high-quality video. They aim to make the quality every bit as good as what you would watch on T-V.
Feedback from you, our audience and membership, will be critical to making sure this engagement tool really works. Another goal is to build a video archive of MCPA training sessions so you and your departments can attend sessions at a time and place that’s most convenient to you. According to our 2017 Member Survey, a majority of you told us that having access for you and your staff to high quality, professional online training was something you would highly value from the association. We’ll continue to ask for your feedback throughout the year, but don’t hesitate to let us know anytime something isn’t quite right.
Making MCPA meetings and events more accessible and easier to attend is a key part of our new Strategic Plan This technology has the potential to be a great addition for our Association, but I want to be clear we consider it one of just many tools. I may have spent a large portion of my career in front of a camera, but I believe there is still no replacement for meeting face-to-face. We understand that networking and developing personal relationships is still one of the most important values of your MCPA membership. I look forward to seeing you all in person this year. And, if that cannot always happen, I urge you to join us virtually for an MCPA committee meeting or an upcoming live and video-on-demand training session available through
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WINTER 2017-2018
President’s Perspective
Exploring the future of law enforcement In the New Year, MCPA is poised to implement its strategic plan, begin our work at the Legislature and launch a new Wellness Series, which I hope many of you will take advantage of. Also, the planning for the 2018 ETI Conference in Duluth is progressing well and I am extremely pleased with what the ETI Committee has lined up for our membership at this year’s conference.
While our staff continues to do great work to move the Association in a positive direction, it is incumbent upon our Board of Directors to make sure we also address the needs of our membership. Some lingering issues that have been discussed and debated by our members over the years is the recruitment and retention of qualified police officers. This important topic has been the center of several forums where the Association has engaged with MnSCU, the POST Board and our law enforcement coalition partners to develop a common understanding of our staffing needs as chiefs. Through these interactions, strides have been made to both update and upgrade the POST Learning Objectives. Through the coordinated efforts of our coalition, we worked with Minnesota’s legislature to develop an alternative Pathways to Policing program. It was highlighted in the Fall edition of the Minnesota Police Chief magazine. I am eager to see the results of these efforts as I am hopeful proactive measures will yield more candidates who possess the requisite characteristics and attributes we all seek to hire. That being said, I would encourage you to consider yet another option.
Through my participation in Explorers, I was exposed to an experiential learning environment that helped prepare me for my professional law enforcement career As a high school student, I was introduced to the Law Enforcement Explorers, which is a nationally recognized youth program sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America. Through my participation in Explorers, I was exposed to an experiential learning environment that helped prepare me for my professional law enforcement career. The training this experience offered assisted me in several ways. First, I had a clear understanding of what local law enforcement work was like, which solidified my desire to become a police officer. Secondly, I gained demonstrable skills that greatly assisted me in my college studies and in the Skills Academy I attended. Thirdly, I obtained important leadership and communication skills, which helped me during the hiring process. Finally, I had the opportunity to develop a loyalty to a specific police organization in hopes of sustaining a career in that department.
Your Investigative Reach Using I know and understand the costs and responsibilities required to sponsor a Law Enforcement Explorer Post, but I suggest the value proposition of this investment is worthwhile. In fact, my personal story has been replicated by many officers who started as Explorers. With the decreased enrollment in law enforcement and criminal justice programs at the college level and knowing the transient nature of many officers who start in smaller communities only to migrate to larger organizations, this program is another branding, recruiting and retention tool for chiefs to consider. The notion of recruiting and training youth within your respective communities through the Explorers has a good chance of yielding a future police officer for your department. These individuals are already rooted in your community and would foster a strong sense of loyalty to your organization and to the profession as a whole. Over the years, I have maintained a role within the wider Explorers programming and have been a vocal proponent to advance Exploring within the existing system. As such, I have urged the staff who oversee Exploring to consider alternative options for the expansion of posts within Minnesota. In order to minimize the costs and to share the coordinating responsibilities of the program, it would be optimal to look for regionally-based posts, particularly in greater Minnesota, where departments could collaborate and co-sponsor a post. Also, departments could scale the program to best fit their needs and capabilities knowing that there is no mandate for a one-size-fits-all approach. As a chief, I have tried to pay my experience forward and have hired many officers who were once Explorers. These officers tend to be ahead of the learning curve and generally progress successfully through field training. Further, these officers want to give back to their sponsoring communities because that is also their home. I am a firm believer in this valuable recruiting and retention tool and if you would like any more information on Exploring, please contact me at your convenience. Finally, I want to congratulate Representative Nick Zerwas who received the Association’s Legislative Recognition Award this past November. You will read more about him in this issue. Rep. Zerwas is stalwart supporter of Minnesota’s law enforcement community and we are grateful for his ongoing support and leadership at the Capitol.
WINTER 2017-2018
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Professional Development
Our Journey in Wellness, A Strong Foundation to Build Upon As I write this article, our December Leadership Academy at Camp Ripley is coming to another successful end. MCPA helped train 29 supervisors and officers from all corners of our state. Most attendees had less than two years of supervisory experience. They were an outstanding group and will help lead our next generation of police officers.
As always, we began the training mostly as strangers and finished as friends and colleagues. The experience reminds me of how blessed we are to be given this grand opportunity to meet, train and learn from our fellow law enforcement leaders. Please take the opportunity for you or your staff to attend one of our three Leadership Academies or our CLEO and Command Academy in 2018. The education you receive and the connections you will make are invaluable. It’s a one-week experience that will last a lifetime. With vision and guidance from our Board of Directors, our association has worked to elevate our training offerings this year, including how to improve overall health and wellness. Part of our December Leadership Academy training included a 90-minute session on Peer Support and Outreach and two hours from Dr. Paul Nystrom on wellness. Nystrom is an emergency room physician and sworn police officer, who has developed a three-part training series exclusively for MCPA members this year, entitled Strength and Resiliency, a Tactical Approach to Wellness. Other instructors talked not only about how to better lead their officers and agencies, but also provided wisdom and personal experience on successfully completing a law enforcement career. Major Sean Meagher, from the State Patrol, always does a great job reminding us of the importance of our family. We are helping our law enforcement leaders not only survive but thrive in this great career and beyond.
A career goal is to not only complete yours physically, mentally and spiritually healthy, but to also live a long, healthy retirement life My journey of training in Peer Support continues to be one of healing for myself and hopefully opening the hearts of our Chiefs and supervisors to the concept of standing by one another, including through the guaranteed tragedies you will see in this profession. As I reflected on that journey at our Leadership Academy, I described how my active law enforcement career spanned 32 years, 9 months and 10 days. It occurred to me a career goal is to not only complete it physically, mentally and spiritually healthy, but to also live a long, healthy retirement life. We all know people who have determined a retirement date years in advance. I remember an officer from a suburban department who posted his on his department mailbox. The only problem was the date was still more than 20 years away and he ended up leaving the profession after only a few years. Another officer had a locker calendar marking off his days to retirement. 8
He also had more than a decade to go. I pray he makes it not only through that career but on to a long and happy post retirement life. Perhaps they were not given a foundation on which to build for a successful career and healthy life. I recently considered an opportunity to “get back in the business” of active law enforcement leadership. But a friend, Major Meagher, told me it appeared I was living the dream life in retirement. I have received a second chance in marriage, am blessed with a great and growing family, have my health in order and those pre-retirement plans for the future are now action steps that include travel and family time. My new goal is to achieve at least 32 years, 9 months and 10 days living a post law enforcement life to the very fullest. And I am excited to live it! Please build your foundation to a full, purposeful and active life. Please consider being trained in and serving in our Peer Support and Outreach system. Take advantage of Dr. Nystrom’s knowledge in physical health. Spend your time working on your mental health and building strong relationships inside and out of active law enforcement. Work to create and respect the boundaries of the work/life balance and making family a true priority. Work on your physical health and make it a daily consideration with diet, exercise and sleep as an everyday goal, not a “I will do it tomorrow” excuse. Make your spiritual health a similar priority. Giving yourself to a higher power can inspire and uplift others and bring peace to the soul of those of us who have witnessed and experienced the worst humanity sometimes has to offer.
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Please let us know how we can help with your training and wellness needs. I will be working closely with our new Chaplain, Director of Public Safety Tony Paetznick from the City of New Brighton, to ensure we deliver our very best to all of you.
WINTER 2017-2018
Chaplain’s Message
Fatherly Influence Like many who choose a career path in law enforcement, government service is part of my family heritage going back for generations. My father was a member of the United States Air Force, my grandfather a county coroner, and my great-grandfather was a two-term county sheriff. Being a public servant seemed natural to me. Such examples from my forefathers, and their shared wisdom from serving in these roles, influenced my vocational choice to become both a police officer and firefighter for the City of New Brighton. It ultimately helped lead me to my current role as Director of Public Safety. TONY PAETZNICK CHAPLAIN DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY NEW BRIGHTON
Regardless of faith background, most people have heard of Moses from the Bible. For those of a certain generation, they might best know Charleton Heston's portrayal of Moses in the 1956 cinematic classic The Ten Commandments. But one of the leadership legacies from the Biblical story of Moses is a lesson taught to him by his father-in-law Jethro, who upon seeing the workload of his son-in-law made this observation: “You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself.” (Exodus 18:18 NLT). As Chief Law Enforcement Officers, you know first-hand the challenges of positional leadership and delegation of authority. Irrespective of organizational size, there is a need to delegate certain functions and duties. For those with an emergency management background, you understand this critical need for "three-deep" redundancy to assure continuity of operations, especially in times of crisis or large-scale disaster. The delivering of Chaplain services and spiritual care resources is no different. One person cannot do all the work; it is not healthy for the provider nor receiver. In this manner, as the new MCPA Chaplain, I have been tasked with developing a comprehensive, statewide network of spiritual care resources for the benefit of our members and their respective law enforcement agencies. Building on my experience from the development in New Brighton of our Police-Faith Community Partnership, the effort will expand this model across the State of Minnesota to assure appropriate access and response. In addition, law enforcement agencies can leverage this positive church-state relationship as a valuable community engagement tool in their jurisdiction. With moving in this new direction, I would be remiss in not extending gratitude to Dan Carlson for his many years of service to our association as Chaplain and for being an example of how to serve others within the law enforcement profession. Pastor Dan established the framework for spiritual care of police chiefs in this state. I hope, with the support of the MCPA Board and membership, this important work of promoting a comprehensive system of wellness continues as we regionalize the delivery of MCPA Chaplain services. We will connect police departments with faith leaders in their own communities and remind us all that we are in this together. Thanks Pastor Dan! In the coming months, you will be invited to participate in a survey about MCPA Chaplain resources. I respectfully ask you take a few moments to complete the questionnaire so that we can more fully understand the current status of spiritual care and identify those gaps which we can address. I look forward to this challenge of expanding the scope for the MCPA Chaplaincy and the opportunity to develop relationships with those of you whom I have not yet met.
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Securing the Super Bowl
Securing the Super Bowl It used to be all about a stadium and a football game. But the Super Bowl LII party will stretch for days and far beyond the confines of U.S. Bank Stadium. BY ANDREW WITTENBORG, MCPA DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS
In a suite of conference rooms not far from U.S. Bank Stadium, a transformation is underway. Super Bowl security is switching from planning and preparation to operations mode. That means incident command is in place, officers have assigned seats and rows of monitors display video and data streaming in from across the region. If anyone inside the room wanted to, they could easily walk over to a window and look out at the stadium. But that view is almost irrelevant. While U.S. Bank Stadium may be the symbol of this year’s Super Bowl, it’s hardly the only game in town.
tougher days like the north Minneapolis tornado and 35W bridge collapse. Each event, in its own way, has shaped him and how he has gone about building this security operation.
The only similarity between the 1992 Super Bowl and this one is both have a football game “The only similarity between the 1992 Super Bowl and this one is both have a football game,” says Commander Scott Gerlicher, who was a patrol officer in the 5th precinct the last time Minneapolis played host. “It was a long weekend then, versus 10 full days with two full weekends. It’s huge. Nothing compares to it.” This time around, Gerlicher is in charge of a security operation made up of more than 2000 law enforcement officers, from dozens of police agencies with eyes on venues spread out across the metro area, including downtown St. Paul, Mall of America and Nicollet Mall. Gerlicher has built a resume of managing security for the region’s big events, planned and unplanned. They include the X Games, baseball’s All-Star Game and the Republican National Convention. He also helped see the city through 12
“All of the work we’ve done, with all of our public safety partners, puts us in a good position because we, by necessity, have worked and had to work together,” Gerlicher says. “It wasn’t as though we had to go out and establish relationships.” The meetings began years ago and there were hundreds of them. It started with the process of signing joint powers agreements with local governments and finding all of the officers to pull off an operation this big. “I definitely want to thank all of the agencies that have come forward and volunteered to help us,” he says. “We have 7 different planning branches that we’ve had now for over two years. And within those branches there are 41
We can maintain a high level of security and readiness but also be extremely engaging with residents and visitors different public safety operational groups. Police, fire, EMS, public health, traffic, aviation.” For several weeks, hash marks on a whiteboard were used to check off each time a department sent its officers through training and orientation to prepare for Super Bowl LII. Now the plans are done, the people are assigned and the whiteboard has long been pushed aside in favor of what will be a much more sophisticated operation. “We’ve come up with some really great products that will help us manage situation awareness,” he says. Gerlicher and his officers will encounter venues transformed by enormous tents, archways and scaffolding. But instead of wondering what they might find, teams have been able to see and train for changes with 3D imaging and mapping visualization. “In other words, we’re not necessarily looking at Nicollet Mall in June. We’re looking at Nicollet Mall in January with all of those structures in place,” he says. “So, if we want officers to stage by the arch at 12th and Nicollet, we can actually see what it looks like.” Likewise, when it comes to managing traffic, officers can more easily shift focus on each high priority area. The network will allow them to preload traffic routes, evacuation and rally points, and toggle them off and on, depending upon what might be happening out there. There will be more cameras than usual mounted on poles and officers bodies. The stadium itself will be wrapped for blocks by several layers of cement barricades. Groundbased radar will detect anyone trying to sneak through. But as excited as he is to take advantage of new technologies, Gerlicher says the security force itself will be downright neighborly.
Minneapolis police commander Scott Gerlicher overlooking downtown Minneaopolis during the 2017 X-Games.
WINTER 2017-2018
“There will be a very significant and highly visible law enforcement presence. Not just in Minneapolis but in Bloomington and St. Paul on days when they have events,” 13
Securing the Super Bowl Gerlicher says. “But it will be a very friendly and interactive law enforcement presence. We can maintain a high level of security and readiness but also be extremely engaging with residents and visitors.” That means most police officers will be on foot and not fielding 911 calls. If need be, they will be available to walk visitors down the street if they’re having a hard time finding the place where they want to go. “Our goal is two fold for people who come to the Super Bowl,” he says. “Number one: that was the best series of events I’ve ever been to. And number two: that was the most friendly, professional and engaging law enforcement presence I’ve ever witnessed.”
There may not ever be another Minnesota hosted Super Bowl, at least in a generation. But Commander Gerlicher agrees with others who believe Minnesota has demonstrated it can host major events. The X Games is coming back again this summer and the NCAA has already been to town to begin preparations for the 2019 Final Four men’s basketball championship at U.S. Bank Stadium. “We can use the same organizational structure,” he says. “Put the band back together and just adapt it to a different event.” In between the Super Bowl and those events, Gerlicher figures this band will need a break. So he knows he won’t be the only one who takes time for a quick vacation.
SUPER TECHNOLOGY EXTRA SETS OF EYES ON THE BIG GAME When you invite more than 1 million people over to watch the Super Bowl along with every other event taking place over 10 days, it helps to have more than a couple sets of extra of eyes to make sure everyone stays safe and things go smoothly. In this case, Minneapolis Police and Super Bowl security have turned to two Minnesota technology companies to support their work. FieldWatch was developed by Minneapolis-based Securonet and used in a field trial during the 2017 Summer X-games. It is an intelligence-based platform that provides tactical awareness by tracking and mapping officers in the field and streaming video back to a command post.
they can pull out their phone, see a map of where they are and also see the location of other officers in their area. The goal is to give both officers in the field and at command better situational awareness.
“I called it basically Uber for people,” says Minneapolis police commander Scott Gerlicher. “Rather than seeing a car drive around, you can see a cop walk around in real time. A camera application just runs in the background of their phone.”
“So, let’s say they see a suspicious package and they want to show us what it looks like,” Gerlicher explains. “They can livestream video which will then automatically populate on our situational awareness board.”
Gerlicher and his team can see which officer that is, their call sign and location. During the X-Games, 204 videos were streamed from the field helping officers respond to everything from disorderly conduct to a drone incursion. It’s quite a leap from the technology used during the 2014 All Star Game.
That’s where another Minnesota company comes into the picture. St. Cloud-based Geo-Comm has developed a system called Venue Map. It provides 3D views of area buildings and streets by pulling data from sources and displaying them on a map.
“We used a whiteboard with a map and just a bunch of magnets,” he says. “And the magnets had numbers of them. Every time squad 662, for instance, had a new location we would pick up the magnet and stick it there.”
“It takes simple datasets. Whatever datasets we want to display and displays that,” he says. Law enforcement officers will continue to train with the new technology.
FIeldWatch even helps officers out in the crowds because
WINTER 2017-2018
Critical Issues Forum
Law Enforcement Solutions to the Mental Health Crisis BY ANDREW WITTENBORG, MCPA DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS
Minnesota law enforcement officers are more likely to respond to calls where people are in a behavioral crisis than just about any other call. That is the consensus from participants in both a recent Chiefs’ Survey and a Critical Issues Forum on mental health. “Like everyone else, we saw an increase in the calls for service for mental health,” said Shakopee police chief Jeff Tate. “Our Part I crimes are down, our Part II crimes are down but our calls for service are up and a lot of that is mental health calls.”
The forum, Law Enforcement Solutions to the Mental Health Crisis, was held in December at Bloomington’s Schneider Theater. The program highlighted different law enforcement models in use around Minnesota to improve interactions with the mentally ill. It also included an overview of the state’s mental health system with ideas from experts on how to improve it. Chief Tate is one of several law enforcement leaders who spoke at the forum. He told the audience his department did not realize how impactful the rise in calls was until it began capturing and analyzing data. Then, he said, it became clear it was time to adjust his department’s training. “We just drew a line that we were going to, at our October in-service training, train every officer at a minimum 8 hours in crisis intervention training (CIT),” Tate said.
Sue Abderholden charted the history of Minnesota’s mental health system and said her organization, the National Alliance of Mental Illness, will continue to push for community-based resources as well as increased state funding.
MISS THE FORUM? Watch it now at MCPA’s Critical Issues Forum was livestreamed to an audience across Minnesota. The program can viewed as an on-demand video at 3 credits are available for completing the session and credit validation quiz.
Crisis Intervention Training offers an in-depth look at mental illness and how it impacts public safety. Officers receive a broad overview of mental health disorders, meet with both providers and patients and engage in role playing exercises with actors. But given the time and costs, it can be a difficult commitment for many departments trying to work it into busy schedules Many communities are exploring partnerships that help build bridges between police officers and service providers. For the past few years, Duluth police have partnered with St. Louis County to embed a social worker in the department. They can work to arrange help for people affected by
Ken Barlow, chief morning meteorologist at KSTP 5 Eyewitness News, offers a personal perspective on living with a mental illness.
There was no traction to get the individual the services that the individual really needed mental illness, homelessness, and drug addiction. Duluth police chief Mike Tusken said impetus for the program was an officer involved shooting. “It was a house that we had been to many times, where we had had multiple interventions, and emergency rooms where we had physicians releasing the patient, either immediately or close to,” he told the audience. “There was no traction to get the individual the services that the individual really needed.” The Duluth program has been recognized by MCPA with the Excellence in Innovation Award. Tusken said a new grant should help his department add another officer and social worker, ultimately creating a unit that can respond to the increase in such calls for service. MINNESOTA POLICE CHIEF
PROGRESS • Many regions have the framework but need to build capacity • More people seeking treatment than ever before • More people have insurance covering mental health and substance use disorder treatment
MOVING FORWARD Community leaders discuss Minnesota mental health concerns and policy priorities. From left to right: Rep. Nick Zerwas, (R) Elk River; Nathan Gove, Minnesota POST Board; Mary Vukelich, Century College; Sue Abderholden, NAMI Minnesota; Dr. Michelle K Murray, Nexus.
The Minneapolis police department has also implemented a Co-Responder pilot project operating out of two of its precincts. Officers are paired with mental health professionals and can respond to calls where a team-based intervention may be most effective. Like many law enforcement leaders, Minneapolis police inspector Kathy Waite would like to see the programs in place for longer periods of time before drawing hard conclusions. But she is pleased with some of the early results. “There are certain addresses in Minneapolis that generate a higher volume of calls,” Inspector Waite said. “Some of them are actually facilities. So working with these facility managers and the social workers there has been really helpful getting a better understanding of what they can do to help us and how we can better serve them.” Ramsey County and St. Paul have worked to intervene farther upstream by offering different types of assistance when a mental-health related call for help comes into 911. When the case does not involve an immediate risk or crime, dispatchers will refer the caller to the county’s mental health crisis line where professionals can provide both an assessment and schedule a visit when necessary. WINTER 2017-2018
“We’re set up to respond to an urgent need,” said Ramsey County crisis team supervisor Brian Theine. “The crisis team, paramedics and police are set up for imminence. So dispatch’s job is to decipher, really, where does the call fall. Is it an urgent call for crisis or is it an imminent call for police?” The program continues to show promising results, Theine said, by offering referrals and assistance when it’s needed as well as helping field workers build relationships and better understand those who call police most often. While the forum focused on law enforcement programs, panelists encouraged more community partnerships and funding to better train the various people who regularly assist mentally ill people in crisis. “We do need a lot more training for all of our different stakeholders,” said Dr. Michelle Murray, chief clinical officer with Nexus, which sponsored the Critical Issues Forum. “I still think what’s happening in the mental-health system is we’re so siloed. We’re siloed in the funding and we’re siloed in the regulations still.” Sue Abderholden, the executive director of Minnesota affiliate of the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI), told the audience substantial
• Increase funding for community mental health & housing • Earlier intervention • Build on what works & on health care system • Treat people where they are Source: National Alliance of Mental Health of Minnesota
MODELS HIGHLIGHTED • Embedded social workers & Co-Responders • Dispatch Triage • Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) research on community mental health resources already points the way to more solutions. "I don't want to see another task force on mental health because all we would have to do is pull together the recommendations from all of these years and do them," she said. "We should do what President Eisenhower suggested, that we have a community mental health center for every 50,000 people and that every hospital have an inpatient psychiatric unit." “How we can all help each other is to keep coming together and having the conversations about how do we improve the systems to become more creative,” Dr. Murray said. “It’s not just a law enforcement issue or a mental health issue.”
Chiefs’ Survey
Chiefs’ Survey 134 Minnesota chiefs of police took part in a Chiefs’ Survey on law enforcement interactions with the mentally Ill. Nearly 40% of the respondents represent departments with 15 or fewer officers. A resource page on mental health support services is available at HAS YOUR AGENCY SEEN AN INCREASE IN MENTAL HEALTH RELATED CALLS OVER THE LAST THREE YEARS?
Communities need specialists that can
93% 0
respond to people in a mental health crisis. Police officers can only be asked
to solve so many social problems. 40
22% 78% 0
If the state can get a few more facilities up and running to help address the bed shortage, it would eliminate the problem of placing mentally ill person's back into the community during their crisis.
28% 67% 0
Developing partnerships with hospitals, social services, jail and the implementation of mental health professionals within the jails would assist in the recidivism.
Embedding mental health professionals
with line officers would be helpful. Having an on-call system for health professionals who can respond to noncrisis situations to help prevent them
from evolving into crisis problems could 0
WINTER 2017-2018
also be useful.
” 19
ETI 2018
Join chiefs of police and law enforcement leaders from across the region at the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center for ETI 2018. The full agenda and speaker lineup is available on the ETI page at www. The headquarters hotel will be the Duluth Holiday Inn and Suites. Information on booking hotels can also be found on the ETI page at Once again, new group rates will allow departments to have one registration cover multiple officers. MCPA is also introducing a special city administrator’s track. ETI registration is fast and easy at
Full ETI Registration MEMBER
Full ETI Registration NON MEMBER
GROUP RATES 3 or more large agency 2 or more smaller agency
Group 1 Day
City Administrator
Individual 1 Day
Awards Banquet
Hospitality Fee
Expo only
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WINTER 2017-2018
2018 Chiefs’ Legislative Agenda
LEGISLATIVEUPDATE Each fall, MCPA’s Legislative Committee gathers ideas and concerns from members, other law enforcement leaders and public safety stakeholders. The recommendations are researched, debated and eventually prioritized into the annual Legislative Agenda. This year’s plan was approved by MCPA’s board of directors on November 16, 2017.
Chief Tim Fournier of the New Hope Police Department testifies at a legislative hearing on law enforcement issues during the 2017 session.
CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS – The MCPA supports preventing individuals who are not legally able to purchase a gun from doing so without background checks at gun shows, online or in private transactions.
or similar unethical or illegal conduct that is deemed sufficient to imperil their credibility in court testimony. The MCPA does not support limiting an officer’s due process right to arbitration.
protecting the safety and well-being of police officers, firefighters and medical personnel during demonstrations and rallies by increasing the penalties for attempted assaults on these individuals to a gross misdemeanor.
MCPA supports allowing law enforcement, qualified health care practitioners, family members and intimate partners who believe an individual’s dangerous behavior has a substantial likelihood to lead to violence to request an order from a civil court authorizing law enforcement to temporarily remove any guns in the individual's possession and to prohibit new gun purchases for the duration of the order.
CRIMINAL GANG INVESTIGATIVE DATA SYSTEM – The MCPA supports amending MN Statute 299C.091 to clarify when a legally identified gang member, who is incarcerated, is removed from the Gang Investigative Data system. Currently, all legally identified gang members are purged from the data system three years after the last record of a conviction or adjudication or stayed adjudication of the individual. Proposed language would be: Unless the individual whom the data pertains to is sentenced to or adjudicated to an adult prison or juvenile placement and the prison or juvenile placement continues to document ongoing gang criteria behavior during the placement the three year conviction period should begin once released.
LAW ENFORCEMENT INTEGRITY ACT - The MCPA supports allowing for a Minnesota Licensed Peace Officer to be terminated from public employment without opportunity to challenge the remedy of termination should the basis for termination be willful or intentional dishonesty, deception,
REVISIONS TO PERMIT TO PURCHASE FIREARMS STATUTES - The MCPA supports aligning the Permits to Purchase Firearms statutes (MN Stat. 624.7131; 624.7132) with the Permit to Carry (MN Stat. 624.714) statute in terms of the time required for conducting background checks (from 7 to 30 days).
ARBITRATION REVISION ACT – The MCPA supports revisions to the arbitration process that lead to a more effective and objective manner of dealing with disciplinary matters of sworn peace officers
ENHANCED PENALTIES FOR REPEAT SHOPLIFTING OFFENDERS – The MCPA supports increasing the charge or severity for repeat shoplifters.
WINTER 2017-2018
MCPA’s Legislator Recognition Awardee
Inspired to serve Rep. Nick Zerwas was raised in a law enforcement family, but has charted a different course in public service. Minnesota State Representative Nick Zerwas is the 2017 recipient of the Legislative Recognition Award given by the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. He was first elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2012 and represents the communities of Elk River, Big Lake and surrounding areas. Rep. Zerwas serves on the public safety and health and human services committees, two areas he has known well since childhood. For starters, Zerwas comes from a law enforcement family. His father Tom was the
longtime chief of the Elk River Police Department. His brothers and other family members also serve with departments around the state. During a MPCA awards luncheon in November, he told the audience he grew up watching and learning about police work from his father. “I would attend city council meetings with my dad and that’s when I realized these were the people who could tell him what to do,” Zerwas said. Zerwas knew he had found his calling in public service and later ran
for Elk River City Council. He served 6 years before launching a successful legislative campaign. Now in his third term at the State Capitol, Rep. Zerwas has authored legislation to enhance the penalties for impersonating a police officer. He also was instrumental in helping secure additional funding for law enforcement training and helping define requests to transcribe bodyworn camera footage. He might have become a law enforcement officer himself had he not been born with a congenital
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MCPA Legislative Recognition Award recipient Rep. Nick Zerwas of Elk River
heart defect. As a child, Zerwas survived 10 open heart surgeries and through his experience became very acquainted with Minnesota’s health care system. Mental health and public safety has been another key area of focus for Rep. Zerwas. Last session he worked on legislation to change Minnesota’s use of solitary confinement. He says he will continue to push this session on that issue and for better use of state dollars to end the revolving door of people with behavorial health issues ending up emergency rooms or jail. “We’ve decided as a society we’re not going to institutionalize large groups of people. Awesome,” he told the audience recently at MCPA’s recent Critical Issues Forum. “But then in Minnesota, and other states, we’ve taken community-based mental health services and kind of systematically rolled those placements back.” Minnesota state legislators will return to St. Paul February 20th for a shorter session that is usually focused on policy instead of fiscal matters. A recent budget forecast revealed a $188 million deficit, which is a relatively small percentage of the state’s biennial $46 billion budget. You can track public safety issues in MCPA’s weekly C-notes newsletter throughout the session.
I would attend city council meetings with my dad and that’s when I realized these were the people who could tell him what to do.
WINTER 2017-2018
The MCPA’s Board of Directors presents the annual award to one legislator who must meet the following criteria. • Authors bills that address the legislative priorities identified by the MCPA Legislative Committee • Supports bills that are consistent with MCPA’s positions as identified by the MCPA Legislative Committee • Displays a desire to better understand and take action to solve the public policy challenges of law enforcement • Develops a thoughtful and persuasive argument that shapes the public narrative around an important issue facing local and/or national law enforcement
Sponsor Spotlight
The Power of Public-Private Partnerships
Photo credit: MCPA.
A Case Study in Developing Mutually Beneficial Relationships In just over a year, efforts from Thomson Reuters and the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association have built a powerful alliance. Their endeavor underscores the value of public-private partnerships and demonstrates how goodwill relationships can also advance the bottom line. Read about the establishment of the relationship, how they continually nurture the partnership, and why their approach to relationship-building could be considered a best practice.
The CLEAR booth at MCPA’s 2017 Executive Training Institute conference. Photo credit: MCPA.
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP CASE STUDY Snowball effect It started with a chance conversation between Thomson Reuters’ Investigations & Public Records Marketing Director Paul Godlewski and Savage, Minnesota Police Chief Rodney Seurer as they waited in line at a Twin City Security Partnership event at TCF Bank Stadium in May of 2016. “I didn’t know who Chief Seurer was; I just struck up a conversation with the guy standing next to me,” Godlewski said. They exchanged pleasantries and discovered they lived and worked in 26
Technology has been a challenge for the law enforcement profession particularly in the last five years, and Thomson Reuters’ expertise has been a great asset for our members. MCPA Executive Director Andy Skoogman neighboring suburbs. Eventually, talk turned to how they may be able to collaborate professionally. Unbeknownst to Godlewski, Seurer was also president of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association (MCPA). He connected Godlewski with MCPA
Executive Director Andy Skoogman, who recognized how a partnership with Thomson Reuters could be beneficial. “Many municipal government agencies across our state are small, and they don’t have a great deal of MINNESOTA POLICE CHIEF
Thomson Reuters signed on to sponsor the MCPA Foundation Luncheon in the summer of 2016. A few months later, Godlewski and Thomson Reuters Government Segment Vice President Tim Radaich had a luncheon with Seurer, where they secured an on-site training opportunity with more than 40 users in the Savage and Prior Lake police departments. Their meeting also lead to a CLEAR vendor profile in Minnesota Police Chief magazine.
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP CASE STUDY Rick King delivering the keynote speech during the awards dinner at MCPA’s 2017 Executive Training Institute conference. Photo credit: MCPA.
By working together, we increase our strength and improve our ability to serve our communities with more efficiency. Savage, Minnesota Police Chief Rodney Seurer knowledge on what’s out there with technology or the infrastructure to manage it on their own,” Skoogman explained. “Technology has been a challenge for the law enforcement profession particularly in the last five years, and Thomson Reuters’ expertise has been a great asset for our members – being able to get in front of our chiefs and explain to them what CLEAR® is and how it works. (CLEAR is Thomson Reuters’ premier online investigation solution that gleans insights from billions of public and proprietary records and delivers them in an intuitive manner that focuses on accuracy, currentness, and transparency.) To get educated on that
WINTER 2017-2018
helps not only themselves as police chiefs, but their communities as well.” Seurer agreed. “We in the law enforcement community often focus and rely on the importance of partnership and cooperation among our law enforcement agencies,” he added. “We do this because we realize that by working together, we increase our strength and improve our ability to serve our communities with more efficiency. Our department’s partnership with Thomson Reuters has been one of mutual respect and a continued dialogue.” After ongoing conversations exploring how Thomson Reuters and the MCPA could assist one another,
Firsthand accounts of the value of CLEAR As the relationship continued to grow, Thomson Reuters also signed on as a chief presenting sponsor of MCPA’s 2017 Executive Training Institute conference. Event highlights included EVP and CIO Rick King serving as the keynote speaker at the awards dinner, where he spoke about technology and leading through change, as well as a breakfast address from Radaich. The sponsorship also secured a 90-minute “Technology in Policing” panel session, facilitated by Godlewski, which featured Chief Jeffrey Beahen from the Rogers, Minnesota Police Department, Vice President of Product Management Kevin Appold, and Senior Consultant of Client Education Daani Svonkin. The panel included a showing of a video of 2016 Thomson Reuters Everyday Heroes award winner Detroit Police Department. In it, Detroit Police Chief James Craig, a nationally recognized law enforcement figure who has appeared on CNN, Fox News, and other global media giants,
Sponsor Spotlight explained how CLEAR helped his department rescue an 11-month-old baby within hours of her abduction. He stated, “Without CLEAR, who knows what we’d be talking about right now.” Svonkin had conducted CLEAR training for the police department just months earlier.
commented to the audience of over 100 Minnesota chiefs how the Detroit chief’s testimonial should carry weight across the entire law enforcement community. Soon after the conference, he acquired CLEAR for the Rogers Police Department.
The Detroit Police Department’s work with CLEAR echoed how the
Seurer noted how CLEAR and the MCPA partnership are assisting his
Thomson Reuters’ partnership with the MCPA has provided other law enforcement agencies throughout the state of Minnesota the opportunity to view CLEAR. This would not have happened on a state level if the association did not forge this partnership. Savage, Minnesota Police Chief Rodney Seurer San Bernardino Police Department used CLEAR to help locate the critical address that ultimately led to the neutralization of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack at Inland Regional Center in 2015. Police departments nationwide are eager to share their best practices in effective training with their peers and to showcase how their work establishes stronger relationships with the community. Sharing their firsthand experiences has been a powerful way to demonstrate the value of CLEAR. Case in point is Chief Beahen – a panelist recommended by Seurer – who saw the Detroit police department’s video for the first time during that panel session. After the viewing, Beahen immediately
Savage Police Department – and agencies statewide – in meeting new demands and enhancing their traditional anti-crime efforts. “We have subscribed to CLEAR for a number of years now, and the program is used by every officer on a daily basis,” Seurer said. “They have also been very engaged in providing excellent training and are a wonderful resource. Thomson Reuters’ partnership with the MCPA has provided other law enforcement agencies throughout the state of Minnesota the opportunity to view CLEAR. This would not have happened on a state level if the association did not forge this partnership. Our association has been very progressive in providing
Video highlighting the story of Thomson Reuters’ 2016 Everyday Heroes winner, Detroit Police Department, includes Chief Craig’s insights on how CLEAR assisted their officers in the timely rescue of an abducted child.
updated crime-fighting resources to our constituents across the state as well as developing new public-private partnerships.”
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP CASE STUDY Building for the future Godlewski currently serves on the board of directors for MCPA Foundation, helping the organization with fundraising, among other activities. The foundation’s fundraising breakfast in July of 2017 raised $50,000 for the association, and Government Vice President of Sales Lisa Schwie and Vice President of Government Affairs Sharon Sayles Belton were among those representing Thomson Reuters at the event. Godlewski and Radaich are building on and nurturing all the relationships that trace back to that first casual conversation with Chief Seurer. “For an organization like Thomson Reuters to support those who are out protecting our community at large, we’re doing ourselves a favor,”
Godlewski explained. “Without a safe and stable community, we don’t have a business. It’s about identifying the opportunity to align your organization with other partners or collaborators where you find mutual benefit.”
Photo credit: Brandography
“I am thankful that I was able to meet Paul during a Twin Cities Security Partnership meeting,” Seurer added. “We have developed a wonderful relationship not only personally, but professionally.”
Attendees at the 2017 MCPA Foundation fundraising breakfast included (left to right): Chief Seurer, Lisa Schwie, Current MCPA President Chief Mike Goldstein, and Sharon Sayles Belton. Both Chief Seurer’s and Chief Goldstein’s departments are CLEAR subscribers.
Ever since Rodney and Paul’s chance meeting, Thomson Reuters has been one of our strongest private sector partners ... Their expertise in technology has been a great benefit to our members. MCPA Executive Director Andy Skoogman
WINTER 2017-2018
“Ever since Rodney and Paul’s chance meeting, Thomson Reuters has been one of our strongest private sector partners,” Skoogman said. “We’re very grateful for Thomson Reuters’ partnership with our association. Their expertise in technology has been a great benefit to our members, and we look forward to continuing our relationship for years to come.” “We continue to prove that the strategy of coupling a good business solution with dedication to the rule of law within our communities is a winwin for everyone involved,” Godlewski said.
Take the plunge in 2018
Take the
in 2018
Since that first jump into the icy waters of Como Lake, Polar Plunge events have become the largest grassroots fundraiser and public awareness vehicle for Special Olympics in the world. Plunges are organized by Minnesota law enforcement as part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR). This year, there will be more than 20 events between January 27 and March 17 benefiting more than 8,200 Special Olympics Minnesota athletes as they train, compete and transform themselves, their communities and the world. Join these “do-gooders” as they take the Plunge into Minnesota’s frigid waters by following four simple steps. First, register online at Participants may Plunge as individuals or in teams. They are also encouraged to wear unique and outrageous costumes on Plunge day. Second, ask everyone from family to friends to your community to pledge to your Plunge. Each participant must raise a minimum of $75. Third, check-in on Plunge day and bring your pledges with you. Shoes, towel and fun are also required! Finally, take a deep breath and get ready to be freezin’ for a reason.
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TIM CARRUTH 218-262-3881
BOB O’HARA 218-349-8955
ADVERTISER INDEX EXECUTIVE BOARD PRESIDENT Michael Goldstein Chief of Police, Plymouth 952-882-2600 VICE-PRESIDENT Dan Hatten Chief of Police, Hutchinson 320-587-2242 SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT Jeff Potts Chief of Police, Bloomington 952-563-4901 THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT Dave Bentrud Chief of Police, Waite Park 320-229-2661 SECRETARY
Stephanie Revering Chief of Police, Crystal 763-531-1010
TREASURER Tim Fournier New Hope Police Department 651-531-5141 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS
Joel Scharf Chief of Police, Big Lake 763-263-2500
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Rodney Seurer Chief of Police, Savage 952-882-2600
DIRECTORS David Ebinger Chief of Police, Moorhead
Eric Klang Chief of Police, Pequot Lakes
Mike Mastin Chief of Police, Bemidji
Roger Pohlman Red Wing Police Department
Michael Risvold Chief of Police, Wayzata
Jeff Tate Chief of Police, Shakopee
Eric Werner Chief of Police, Maple Grove
Ancom Communications & Technical Center......5
MN Highway Safety and Research Center......... 9
BKV Group......................................................... 21
Nelsons Auto Center.........................................32
Campion Barrow and Associates...................... 31
Crime Stoppers.................................................... 7
Ranger Chevrolet ................................................ 7
Emergency Automotive Tech. Inc.....................24
Ray O'Herron Co...............................................35
Ford of Hibbing.................................................33
Gary L. Fischler & Associates, P.A.....................34
Granite Electronics............................................33
The Blue Pages..................................................... 2
Henricksen PSG................................................. 21
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CHAPLAIN Tony Paetznick Director of Public Safety, New Brighton 651-288-4101 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Andy Skoogman MCPA 651-457-0677
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The Minnesota Police Chief, the official magazine of The Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, is published quarterly to serve the police leadership in Minnesota. Association members receive Minnesota Police Chief as a benefit of membership. The Minnesota Police Chief is published by the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, 803 Old Highway 8 NW, Suite 1, New Brighton, MN 55112. It is the policy of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association that all articles reflect only the views of the author and that publication of articles or advertisements within Minnesota Police Chief does not constitute endorsement by the Association or its agents of products, services, or views expressed herein. No representation is made as to the accuracy here of and the publication is printed subject to errors and omissions. Editorial contributions to the Minnesota Police Chief are always welcome. Contributions should be sent to the Managing Editor and are subject to review and acceptance by the Magazine Committee. Editorial contributions will be handled with reasonable care; however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for the safety of artwork, photographs, or manuscripts. SENIOR EDITOR Andrew Wittenborg 651/457-0677
PRINTING AND CO-PRODUCTION Impressive Print 651/644-5979
ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Charles Kasbohm, Synergetic Endeavors 651/340-4848
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Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association 803 Old Highway 8 NW New Brighton, MN 55112
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