Minnesota Police Chief - Summer 2018

Page 1




In the field with Minnetonka Police

New tools for the task

A road trip to help stop a trend


mindfulness Minneapolis police place a new focus on wellness with yoga and meditation

Home County

Home County

Contents FALL 20162018 SUMMER


President’s Perspective Reaching out on the journey to becoming a chief

Executive Director’s Report

All is well


Chaplin’s Message An introduction to MCPA’s new chaplain

10 Professional Development Enchancing opportunities to learn from each other

15 MCPA’s Newest Board Members Meet the chiefs who have stepped up to serve

22 New Training Opportunity MCPA add new series on conflict management, mediation and crisis intervention

32 Find your True North Raising the bar for law enforcement

OFFICER WELLNESS IS NO STRETCH Officers in the Minneapolis 5th Precinct try yoga and breathing exercises to help transition in and out of


30 Ad Index

police shift work. They are ushering in a new era of police wellness and building community relations. PAGE 16

NEW FOR 2018




Creating Cultural Excellence

The Executive Training Institute and Law Enforcement Expo drew another big crowd to Duluth along with great reviews. Find out how you can continue to connect online with training sessions and speakers.


Watch MCPA trainings and earn credits anytime at MNchiefs.org

26 WHAT IS THE R-MODEL? A local team of researchers try a different approach to crisis training Minnetonka police sign up for a local team’s pilot project and learn more about their response to crisis calls. The new approach is heavy on research before and after police step into a classroom.

30 HITTING THE ROAD TO STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING Behind the wheel with a new tool against the sex trade

Truckers spend more time driving than just about anyone. Now they are being asked to help law enforcement find and rescue trafficking victims and bring those who victimize to justice. SUMMER 2018


President’s Perspective

Our journey together On my journey to becoming a police chief, there were a lot of stops along the way. Like just about any one of us, it literally began with traffic stops as a rookie cop in Hutchinson and later Morris. Then there was the draw of a big department in Bellevue Washington. I worked my way up as a motor officer and patrol lieutenant and eventually ran white collar crime investigations.


By the time I returned home to Hutchinson 18 years later and became chief of police, my law enforcement career on a piece of paper looked pretty good. But I knew I needed something more. It was the guidance and friendships I gained by connecting through the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. I am especially grateful for that support now and look forward to the challenge and privilege of serving as your president. The way I see it, I have some large shoes to fill. But as I have also come to learn through my years as a MCPA committee and board member, I can also count on the dedication of a strong association.

By the time I became chief of police, my law enforcement career on a piece of paper looked pretty good. But I knew I needed something more. I was struck by some research shared recently in MCPA’s C-notes newsletter about how Americans feel about where they live and their neighbors. As you might suspect, the research shows a growing divide between rural and urban areas when it comes to politics and our attitudes toward each other. But one thing we all have in common is our interest in strong, safe communities. For instance, whether we live in a city, suburb or the country, we are all worried about drug addiction and the opioid epidemic. One finding that was surprising is that while most Americans feel somewhat attached to their communities, we do not feel very attached to the place we call home. That’s true whether you are urban, suburban or rural. Those who have lived in their communities for more than a decade and have made connections with neighbors are most likely to feel a sense of attachment. The health of our communities is also reflected in how connected people are to their local institutions like a police department. That is an important reminder during the summer when we are all helping organize neighborhood block parties and community celebrations. I would say the same is also true about MCPA. We represent a diverse collection of communities and people. We may not always face the same challenges, but the health of our organization is reflected in how well we connect and support each other. 4


Some time ago, I was presented a simple key chain with a metal puzzle piece attached. This puzzle piece for me symbolized being a vital piece of the organization. As I prepared for this role, I thought how appropriately this key chain represented how vital each of you are to the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. • Become a member • Encourage another Chief to become a member • Sign up members of your command staff • Go to regional meetings or organize a regional meeting • Attend one of the many extraordinary trainings offer by this association. • Send your staff to these trainings • Connect to the association through C-notes • Take the time to complete the surveys when they come out • Join the Peer support network Getting involved in the smallest of ways with this great association will have tremendously positive impacts on MCPA. Whether you’re a brand new chief looking to connect, as I was several years ago, or a long time member, I would encourage you to find ways to support our profession beyond your daily role. This Association is and will continue to be the voice of professional law enforcement in Minnesota. But we can only truly become the voice of law enforcement in Minnesota if we all lend our voices to the association. When this occurs, this association can with confidence, represent every police department throughout the entire state of Minnesota.

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Executive Director’s Report

Fit for the 21st Century When the people in charge at Starbucks looked at sales figures awhile back they were jolted awake by a new development. Frappuccino sales were struggling, down 3 percent from last year. A cool, slushy, sugary drink sounds good in the middle of a hot summer. Starbucks says health and wellness trends might be responsible for the slump.


Like most things in our world right now, the real reasons are open for debate. But health and wellness concerns are rippling throughout society and have become a part of just about every conversation we have at the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. It was a year ago that we featured law enforcement wellness on the cover of this magazine and introduced a new training series with Dr. Paul Nystrom. Since then, MCPA’s “calls for service” – the requests we receive for training opportunities focused on wellness – have only grown.

Health and wellness concerns are rippling throughout society and have become a part of just about every conversation we have at the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. I am excited to let you know where our association is headed when it comes to this topic. By any measure, our new series with Dr. Paul Nystrom called Strength and Resiliency: A Tactical Approach to Wellness, has been a success. More than 40 officers took part in the sessions which wrapped up in June. Along the way, other members asked us if Nystrom could also offer a shorter one-day session. They have been held in places like Crystal, Hermantown and Woodbury. This fall, you will be able to see Dr. Nystrom at MCPA’s Leadership Academies and another training scheduled in Lino Lakes. We also created an online forum called The Road to Wellness where more than 130 chiefs and officers share their own journeys and recommendations. The conversations range from diet and weight loss to sleep schedules. It’s a member community you can join. Just visit the Resource section of mnchiefs.org or look for the signup information in the box to the right. Dr. Nystrom has become a great friend and resource to peace officers across our region. Like many people we have encountered, he’s created time in his schedule to share his expertise because his real goal to make law enforcement a healthier profession. We are grateful for his willingness to do that. As you page through this issue of Minnesota Police Chief, you will read about other areas where police health and wellness solutions are taking center stage. We recently joined officers in the Minneapolis Police Department’s 5th Precinct as they took time out for yoga and meditation



before the start of the Dog Watch shift. Whether it’s repetitive use injuries and an accumulation of trauma, officers are learning and using techniques that can help them on the street and also transition from police work to family life. Some days, police roll from one stressful call to another. As we prepared this issue, one of our chiefs told us his officers are de-escalating situations all day long. While that may not be new, recognizing its impact on our profession has gotten our attention. You will read about how wellness became key to the development of a new, local crisis intervention training program. As we work toward the end of the year, you will see other MCPA initiatives aimed to connecting all areas of our state to mental health and chaplaincy support. One thing that does not seem likely to drop are calls for service. I hear this from chiefs around our state all the time. It will become a bigger conversation as budget season begins and chiefs work with their communities to identify staffing needs and other resources. Just as with the coffee conversation, there’s plenty of room for debate about what is driving this trend. Are more people living in crisis? Has the national conversation about suicide and mental health made people more willing to call for help? Whatever the case, MCPA recognizes this as a factor in your communities and is prepared to support you and the health and welfare of your officers.


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Chaplain’s Message

Running On Empty With summertime upon us, hopefully many of you are taking advantage of this season to use those accumulated vacation hours and getting away from the work of being a Chief Law Enforcement Officer for at least a bit. Especially in our modern world of smartphones with email, text messaging, and web access always at our fingertips, disconnecting from the daily demands of law enforcement leadership has become even more challenging. But at the same time, professional challenges make such periods of relaxation and restoration even more important for today’s police chiefs. TONY PAETZNICK CHAPLAIN MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION

As police chiefs and leaders in our community, we cannot afford to drain our batteries to dangerously low levels. Leadership is draining, and law enforcement professionals especially are prone to the exhaustive effects of serving others in a high-stakes environment. Given the technologies that patrol officers are equipped with nowadays, there is an expectation that all of their electronic gadgetry will be adequately powered to perform its function for the duration of their shift: the portable radio will transmit and receive important messages from dispatch, the flashlight will illuminate dark interiors of buildings or the passenger compartments of vehicles during traffic stops, the body worn camera will record the audio and video evidence of citizen encounters, and so forth. But what energy level requirements do we have of our staff? While millennial cops have transitioned from traditional cups of coffee to aluminum cans of highly caffeinated energy drinks to give them endurance during their patrol shifts, what behaviors are they learning from veteran officers about the importance of exercise, sleep, and nutrition to appropriately fuel their bodies for performance of sworn law enforcement duties? Adequate energy reserves are vital for police officers. Like many of you, each night I plug my various devices into their charging cords. Rarely have I depleted the entire battery on the smartphone or tablet. Yet regardless of the remaining battery life, I still choose nightly to tether these devices to a power source to boost their energy storage for the following day in the event that I need all the capacity of that electronic device. Starting from less than a full-charge in the morning means that we are that much closer to running on empty later in the day. Similarly, we must daily effort to recharge our bodies. As police chiefs and leaders in our community, we cannot afford to drain our batteries to dangerously low levels. Further, we must



find opportunities to disconnect from our work through regularly scheduled days off in the work cycle and also for an extended period during annual vacations or other periods of rest. Leadership is draining, and law enforcement professionals especially are prone to the exhaustive effects of serving others in a high-stakes environment. Likely some of you have been employed with workplaces martyrs, those who give everything for the job and profession. But in depleting all their energies on the job, they have no energy to attend to other matters of life. Often their personal health and relationships suffer. They might be the first one to the office in the morning and the last to leave at night, but at what cost? One might question whether they or the department any better off or actually suffering from a result of such overinvestment of individual energies. While organizational commitment and loyalty is valued, a leader cannot positively influence others if they do not take properly take care of themselves. Do yourself and those under your command a favor: lead by example in this area by promoting individual health, wellness, and fitness of body, mind, and spirit. Establish a workout routine, read a new book, engage with scripture; the possibilities are endless. Memorial Day weekend traditionally signifies the beginning of the summertime. Those with school-aged children are celebrating the end of the academic calendar. Our family usually ventures "up north" for the requisite duties of opening up the cabin for the season. This year was no exception, and we got an early start to the weekend with a Friday morning departure to avoid the freeway congestion. From the time that we arrived, we had a lengthy list of chores to accomplish, most of which were undoing all the closing rituals accomplished during Labor Day weekend last September when we closed the cabin for the fall and winter seasons ahead. But on Saturday, I relegated myself to eating, reading, and napping, a succession of activities that I repeated three times during that day of leisure. It was like the conditioning cycle on a technologically advanced battery charger that rapidly fills then automatically depletes with the ultimate goal of restoring the energy reserves to full capacity, erasing any accumulated memory of past charging cycles that were incomplete or insufficient to adequately power the device for extended periods. My body, mind, and spirit were obviously all in need of some restoration, with this frequently repeated pattern of physical and mental nourishment and rest. Looking back now, that day was a helpful position to begin the summer season: rested, charged, and ready for the busyness of the weeks ahead, especially as I scanned the monthly calendar already filled with activities. Our municipal budget process is well underway, summertime community engagement events are in full swing, and National Night Out will soon be here. In closing, be sure to fill up first so as to avoid running on empty in the season ahead. With the uncertainty of the policing environment, police chiefs need to be in good physical, mental, and spiritual health before the inevitable storms of life appear quickly on the horizon. Please take the time now to restore your personal energy stores and enjoy the rest of summer.


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Professional Development

Finding time to learn from each other The Minnesota Chief’s ETI committee got back to work recently. The members have already begun looking at schedules, speakers and themes for our 2019 conference which will return to St. Cloud.


If you’re like me, it feels like it was not that along ago when we were all in Duluth for the 2018 Executive Training Institute and Law Enforcement Expo. We have experienced tremendous growth each of the last few years. But as people who run conferences for a living will tell you, that also means we’re raising expectations. It’s time to get to work. One of the biggest benefits to the committee, our MCPA board and staff is the tremendous feedback you offer each year by completing our ETI survey. The top reason people attend ETI is networking. You want to visit with and learn from colleagues who understand your world.

community leaders. Those who responded to the ETI survey were unanimous in rating the conference as Highly Valuable. We also added livestreaming of four conference sessions this year with a goal of making the training available to officers who could not make it to ETI in person. More than 122 of you took part in the conference while it was underway. One participant was even able to watch a session while flying in a plane. Since the conference has ended, another 115 people have viewed sessions and taken a short quiz to receive POST credit. All four sessions are still available to view on the Training page of mnchiefs.org. Here is a key piece of feedback our board and committee will continue to examine: How can we create time to network? Is it free time or a blend of structured networking where

We have experienced tremendous growth each of the last few years. But as people who run conferences for a living will tell you, that also means we’re raising expectations. These are also people you may not see often during the course of a year. The conference received excellent overall ratings in all major areas. The overall educational programming was rated good or excellent by 81% of attendees, with the general session speakers rated good or excellent by 85% and the quality and choice of breakout sessions rated good or excellent by 69% of participants. Similarly, the registration process and event pre-promotions were rated good or excellent by 87% of attendees. None of these categories was rated below average by more than 5% of participants. This year we also invited city managers and other municipal leaders to join our conference on a day with sessions that highlighted topics of mutual interest to law enforcement and 10

attendees can seek out specific colleagues and expertise. Those are questions we will ask in person and by survey in the months to come. We believe one of the best ways to build a great audience and network is to attract attendees with the right mix of topics and speakers. Attendees gave our sessions high marks again this year. But we also recognize we truly hit the mark when we created an environment when our members experience great sessions together and also learn from each other. So, it’s on to ETI 2019! Please save the dates April 14 – 17. We value your comments that we received via our surveys and feel free to continue to share your thoughts with the ETI Committee. Thanks for all of your support and as always feel free to contact me with comments and/or suggestions at bob@ mnchiefs.org MINNESOTA POLICE CHIEF

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Meritorious Service Award recipient Detective Sgt. Mike Schiltz with fellow members of the Savage Police Department

Chief Mike Harcey, St. Louis Park and Jeff Potts, Bloomington, receive MCPA’s Excellence in Innovation Award for piloting the Pathways to Policing Program.

School Resource Officer Adam Gau receives the Distinguished Service Award.

ETI keynote speaker David Brown with Chief Dan Hatten (incoming MCPA President) and Chief Mike Goldstein (outgoing MPCA President).

Meritorious Service Award recipient Officer Erin Holznagel with fellow members of the Burnsville Police Department




Wyatt Mathews with the MCPA Board of Directors. The Mathews family received the Police Cross in recognition of his father William, a Wayzata police officer killed in the line of duty.

Ramsey County Deputy Sheriff Sonya Eastham receives the MCPA President’s Awards from Chief Mike Goldstein

Willmar Police Chief Jim Felt accepts the Guardian of the Flame Award from Special Olympics Minnesota.

Lifesaving Award recipients officers Brian Bataglia, Souphanny Dean and Macabe Stariha all with the Richfield Police Department.

The 2018 Richard W. Schaller Award recipients: Chief Mike Risvold, Wayzata Police Department; Director Cari Gerlicher, Minnesota Department of Corrections; Chief Rodney Suerer, Savage Police Department



Meet MCPA’s newest members of the board

Meet MCPA’s newest members of the board



Corcoran Director of Public Safety

Fridley Director of Public Safety

Matt Gottschalk was elected Sergeant-at-Arms during ETI 2018 in Duluth. He told members he is passionate about the service MCPA offers its members and the law enforcement profession from training to legislative activism.

Brian Weierke was appointed to MCPA’s Board of Directors in June to fill a board seat vacated through election. Weierke has been in law enforcement for over 22 years, and spent 3 years in corrections prior to his law enforcement career. He became Fridley’s public safety director in 2015.

Gottschalk received his law enforcement degree from Minnesota State Mankato and a Master’s in Public Administration from Hamline University. He has attended and instructed at MCPA academies and received his BCA Supervision and Management certificate. Director Gottschalk has served as President of the Hennepin County Chiefs of Police. His priorities include ensuring all members are fairly represented regardless of agency size or location. He also wants to see MCPA maintain its strong leadership and a respected voice among legislators and engage members through regular communication across multiple platforms.


Weierke told members his main priority is to support and enhance MCPA’s peer networking. He says chiefs can be a great resource to each other, knowing we have someone who will support us in difficult times. He received his law enforcement degree from Metropolitan State University and obtained his MBA from Bemidji State University. In addition to MCPA leadership academies, Weierke is also a graduate of the FBI National Academy and certified as an Emergency Manager.


Cover Story

Police and the growing practice of




It’s another beautiful summer evening along Lake Street in Minneapolis. The intersections are busy with cars and pedestrians walking home from dinner. Metro Transit buses carry passengers back and forth across the avenue which cuts through the heart of south Minneapolis. In just a few minutes, officers from the Minneapolis Police Department’s

focused on a piece of carpeting in front of me. Buses and cars with thumping stereos play on outside, but I don’t hear them. “This time, as you exhale, push out more air than you breathe in,” Ridgeway continues.

Inspector Waite says she pushes herself to look for ways to support her team. Showing up to rollcall with candy and telling officers they’re doing a nice job wasn’t enough. So, for nearly two years, Tuesday night yoga has been a thing at the Fifth precinct.

This is only the second time I’ve tried yoga. I am old enough to recognize the pain from repetitive use injuries,

“I believe in it. I wanted to bring something to people who work at night,” she says. “I had been asking

I believe in it. I wanted to bring something to people who work at night. I had been asking myself how can I support them more.

5th Precinct will be out in the middle of all of it. The Dogwatch, which runs from sunset to sunrise, is about to begin. But for the moment, a few of them sit cross legged, eyes closed, on mats inside the precinct’s community room. “As you breathe in and fill up your lungs, take a pause before you exhale,” says Marie Ridgeway, a yoga instructor, who is taking this group through a half hour of guided exercise. I am on a mat on the floor too, eyes


Inspector Kathy Waite, Minneapolis Police Department

but have also blown off years of advice that yoga and meditation techniques could help take the edge off that pain, not to mention the stress I have accumulated over the years. The Fifth’s Inspector, Kathy Waite, is on a mat in front of me. She is the reason I am here. I asked her about the class. She figured the best way to understand it was to actually try it. “25 years on the job takes its toll, whether it’s an injury, a critical incident or something else,” she says.

myself how can I support them more.” Waite plans to begin offering yoga to officers who cover the day shift. Before too long, it will likely be offered at precincts across the department. It began because of a connection Waite had with Ridgeway and with the help of grant funding. “We just want to be helpful,” says Ridgeway who has worked as a social worker for more than 10 years. "I have worked with a lot with cops, been on stressful calls with them and I could


Cover Story

see how they would benefit from this.” Ridgeway teaches for a Minneapolis organization called Access Your Yoga. She shares her teaching load with Tom Brascia, a lawyer and Minneapolis reserve officer and David Frenk, who started the non-profit with his wife Meghan Doll. Access Your Yoga works across the metro area to connect motivated teachers with partner organizations to create sustainable yoga programs for those who could not offer them. In the case of Minneapolis police, Ridgeway believed it was important to bring the program to their house. “Yoga in a studio would feel different,” she says. “This is a shared experience among police officers. They understand the unique stresses and strains that come with their work.” Wear and tear on hips, backs and shoulders are common, especially as officers enter their 40s and 50s. They are getting in and out of squad cars all day long lugging around 20-pound duty belts. Then there are the shifts that can take an even more physical and emotional toll.

We just want to be helpful. I have worked with a lot with cops, been on stressful calls with them and I could see how they would benefit from this.


Marie Ridgeway, social worker & yoga instructor

“I think police work can sometimes be dehumanizing,” Ridgeway says of the current environment. “Access Your Yoga wanted to be more aware of what it is like to be a cop.” That is a question being asked around the world as communities deal with strained relations and protests. Yoga for police is new enough that instructors are still exploring the best ways to bring it to new recruits and veteran officers. But it has been around long enough for researchers to examine its benefits. A significant number of police cadets who took part in a 2013 study, published in MINNESOTA POLICE CHIEF

the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, showed lower rates of perceived stress along with reduced tension, anxiety and fatigue. The study included six, 75-minute yoga classes that included centering and meditation along with a variety of poses and restorative practices. One of the study coauthors, a retired Detective Lieutenant who teaches yoga, says her intention was to give police trainees lifelong skills to deal with the stress of the job. Along the way, she discovered her students saw different benefits. Some focused on the physical postures while others appreciated the breathing exercises. When she gathers with Minneapolis officers on Tuesday nights, Ridgeway says she tries to give them things they can use on their own. Poses and breathing exercises might help them ease into a shift, but Ridgeway is just as interested in helping them leave police work behind as they transition each day back into home life. “It really depends upon the person,” she says. “I have worked to modify the class for police officers, including those who are in uniform. It has been fun to read the class and understand how I can best challenge them.” Inspector Waite says she has seen the impact across her precinct and in her own work. Recently, she found herself taking time for breathing exercises before heading into a difficult meeting. Her officers, even those who have not attended the sessions, have begun asking her how to handle various aches and pains.


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Minnesota Begins Use-of-Force Data Collection


The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) has begun collecting statewide use-of-force data for inclusion in the FBI’s National Use-of-Force Data Collection. The FBI created this collection because of the lack of statistical data in the recent national conversation about law enforcement use-of-force. This data collection also allows practitioners to analyze information related to use-of-force incidents and to be more transparent about these incidents. The BCA first told agencies about the upcoming changes early last year.

WHAT DATA IS BEING COLLECTED? Agencies should report any law enforcement use-of-force that results in the death or serious bodily injury of a subject as well as when a law enforcement officer discharges a firearm at or in the direction of a subject. The FBI’s goal of collecting use-of-force data is not to offer insight into individual incidents but to provide an aggregate view of incidents reported and their circumstances, subjects and officers involved for better statistical analysis.

HOW WILL THE DATA BE COLLECTED? Minnesota law enforcement agencies should provide the data to the BCA for compilation and distribution to the FBI. • Agencies should use the new “Firearms Discharge and/or Use of Force” form in the Supplemental 20

Reporting System (SRS) on the Agency Submissions Page. SRS is in MyBCA.

that is currently unavailable. Agencies will be expected to amend the reports once the data becomes available.

• Agencies should also now use this form to report firearms discharge incidents. Minnesota Statutes §626.553 and §299C.22 require agencies to report data in the Minnesota Firearms Discharge Report. This does not change with the new form.


• Agencies with no use-of-force and/ or firearms discharge incidents in a given month must click the “No Incidents to Report” box to the right side of the form. For this month, agencies should report incidents dating back to July 1, 2018. • The form is designed to be selfexplanatory – but some fields also include an icon users can click for additional instructions.

WHAT IF THERE IS AN OPEN INVESTIGATION RELATED TO THE INCIDENT? Use-of-force incidents oftentimes result in an internal, criminal or conflict investigation. This can sometimes limit an agency’s access to information about their incident. In addition, Minnesota statute prevents the release of certain data when an investigation is ongoing. To address these limitations, the FBI requirements allow agencies to choose Pending or Unknown values for the federal data elements when data is not known or cannot be released. This enables agencies to meet reporting requirements without providing data

The BCA will compile Minnesota data and distribute it to the FBI. The FBI continues to work through the final details on how and how often the data will be updated and released to the public. The FBI is anticipating: • Publishing a state status report in March 2019 highlighting each state that is participating or has committed to participate in the collection. • Publishing January-June 2019 use-of-force data report in August 2019. • Publishing January-Dec 2019 annual report in March 2020. Eventually, local agencies will be able to download reports that will allow them to compare their data to that of agencies across Minnesota or the nation. We will complete a few refinements and additional functionality on the form in the coming months. Agencies should begin reporting now to ensure Minnesota isn’t lagging behind the national effort. If you have questions contact the BCA at bca.servicedesk@ state.mn.us or 651-793-2500. By providing this additional information about incidents involving our agencies, we can improve transparency related to these high-profile events and improve the accuracy of public discourse about our work and the challenges we face every day.



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New Training Opportunity

MCPA adds new series on

conflict management mediation

As Minnesota adds new training mandates covering conflict management and crisis intervention, MCPA is pleased to offer a new series this fall designed to help law enforcement leaders and their officers better understand and respond to such calls for help. The series will be spread across three Tuesdays in November and led by experienced law enforcement trainer Marie Ridgway. Marie Ridgeway Ridgeway is a Master’s level social worker who specializes in trauma treatment. She is also a Senior Psychiatric Social Worker at Hennepin County Community Outreach where she is Mobile Crisis Responder/Health Officer. Ridgeway is also a supervisor for the Minnesota Board of Social Work and previously worked as a child protection social worker. Her experience teaching yoga and mindfulness to Minneapolis police officers is also profiled in this issue of Minnesota Chief of Police. As with all of MCPA’s training opportunities, this series is eligible for POST credit and will meet new training mandates and learning objectives. Ridgeway outlined her plans for the class in a short interview with MCPA.


crisis intervention

Conflict Management, Meditation and Crisis Intervention November 6, 13 and 27 1 – 3 p.m. MCPA Training Center New Brighton Registration available at mnchiefs.org/training or 651-457-0677



Why are you passionate about helping law enforcement officers learn these skills?

My passion for this work comes from seeing officers, colleagues, and clients struggle in crisis situations. As someone who has spent my career studying and treating mental health, I know my own limitations when working with those who are in crisis and when I reach those limits, I call for help from police. At the same time, law enforcement often ends up being the default response for individuals at the height of a mental health crisis when they could really benefit from a clinician’s expertise. As social workers, we often have the advantage of scheduling meetings with clients, the assistance of additional information from collaterals, and often even their histories related to treatment and criminal convictions. For police, the deck is stacked against them having to respond in the moment with only a snippet of information from dispatch and many (potentially dangerous) unknowns. Until now, very little crisis intervention training has been provided to officers, and, from the outside, the public doesn’t hesitate to criticize quickly, question integrity, and make harsh judgments in hindsight. Personally, my passion stems from having a family member who was able to accept help and turn their life around in part due to compassionate and knowledgeable intervention from a couple of police officers at a pivotal moment of crisis. I also have loved ones who are police officers, and better understanding of what it’s like for them has given me even more respect and consideration of the challenges we hand to our police. I’ve never met a police officer who wasn’t motivated by just wanting to help people, and even beyond that, they are willing to risk their own safety to do so.


How will officer and the citizens they serve benefit from this training?

It is meant to give them additional knowledge and skills that make their jobs a little easier. Information that helps officers assess the situation and intervene can help with safety and efficiency. If it’s easier to tell what kind of crisis the person is having, it’s easier to know what to do to help. And if people are directed to the best options with the right information, they are less likely to be a repeat call. If they do continue to need help, a helpful experience with police will likely bring a greater sense of ease during the next police interaction. Citizens can benefit from more informed assessment and direction from officers, and the likelihood goes up that a person is going to get the kind of help they need. As it is, the strains of having to act as the default mental health crisis care takes a toll on officers because they are being asked to do something that is outside their realm of expertise. It can be very time consuming to sort out all the issues when calls are stacking up. But as I teach in my classes, the first 3 minutes of the interaction with the person in crisis can save time and headaches in the long run if you can slow things down and use some of the skills we learn.


Why is it critical for officers to have a better understanding of mental health?

We have really good people in law enforcement doing an incredibly difficult job well, but the pressure is high and training and resources are limited. The job can cause a significant physical and mental strain on any person over time, especially in the current climate, and one of the worst outcomes is that officers will leave if we don’t give them the right tools to do their jobs. The reality is that a high percentage of calls that officers respond to involve people who are having a mental health crisis, the jails are full of people with mental illness, and individuals in crisis will continue to call the police for help no matter how many gaps we try to fill in our system. When we know more we can do more and I’m happy to be helping out in any way that I can.



MCPA CRITICAL ISSUES FORUM Wednesday, December 12 | 1 – 4 pm Schneider Theater | Bloomington Civic Plaza 1800 West Old Shakopee Road | Bloomington, MN 55431

AGENDA The Future of Minnesota’s Workforce Susan Brower, Minnesota State Demographer

Pathways to Policing Update Recruiting the Next Generation of Police Officers What works: Effective Retention Strategies Registration is FREE for MCPA members. Visit MNchiefs.org/training for more information

TRAIN ONLINE FOR FREE ANYTIME WITH MCPA’S CHIEFSCAST MCPA makes select portions of our educational offerings available by video with POST credits available upon completion. Visit MNchiefs.org/chiefs-cast to take advantage of this free resource.

THE POLITICS OF A CRITICAL INCIDENT: THE TRAYVON MARTIN STORY 5 years after the high-profile shooting of teenager Trayvon Martin, the city leaders of Sanford Florida discusses ongoing struggles and its work to increase community outreach and change perceptions.

TECHNOLOGY & AUDIT REQUIREMENTS As more departments implement new technologies from body-worn cameras to license plate readers, audits are due to be scheduled. Find out what needs to be audited, the costs and who is qualified to perform one.

WHAT CHIEFS NEEDS TO KNOW FROM THE POST BOARD Both seasoned and newly appointed police chiefs and their command staff will want to know how new laws and policies impact their police agencies and what their responsibilities are as CLEOs.

OFFICER INTEGRITY IN THE 21ST CENTURY Explore the challenges around officer discipline and termination from the perspective of management and labor.




TIM CARRUTH 218-262-3881 timcarr@yahoo.com

BOB O’HARA 218-349-8955 rwohara01@aol.com



Examining the R-Model

Examining the


Minnetonka police pilot a new model for crisis training with an emphasis on research and referrals

Scott Boerboom

On the first call of her first ridealong with the Minnetonka Police Department, Jillian Peterson found herself at the scene of a suicide. Never mind that Peterson is a veteran psychologist and criminologist who began her career years ago answering calls on a suicide prevention hotline. It was horrible, clearly for the family, for her and, she realized, for the officers. “To think you’re just rolling in and out of those calls day after day,” she said. “Dealing with increases in crisis calls is not just bad for people in crisis. The officers are feeling it.” For Peterson, and her partner James Densley at The Violence 26

Project, their experience with the Minnetonka police department has been intense, rewarding and now, they hope, impactful. The pair has set out to update and consolidate crisis intervention (CIT) and mental health training. They have taken a different approach as they develop their R-Model program, working to understand the specific needs of a community and its police department. “They told me their plan. But they also wanted to know what I wanted too,” says Minnetonka police chief Scott Boerboom. The chief was interested in reducing the number of crisis calls in his community. And he wanted to find


Jillian Peterson

James Densley

out whether more crisis calls meant his officers were also using more force. That has been debated across the country as Minnesota implements new police training requirements this summer. Peace officers must now receive 16 credits every three years in crisis intervention, conflict management and cultural diversity, including implicit bias. As the new requirements were being drafted by the POST board last fall, Peterson and Densley began their work in Minnetonka with the first R in R-Model, which stands for Research. “For those two to be able to sit and say we want to learn as much as we can MINNESOTA POLICE CHIEF

about what you do on calls and then we’re going to put together a program that makes sense, I think that’s great,” says Boerboom. So, in addition to the ride-alongs, Peterson and Densley interviewed the officers and brought in undergraduate students to help sift through the department’s crisis calls in search of meaningful trends. Before they ever stepped foot in the classroom, some things about Minnetonka were clear. “Use of force and arrests were so low that that ended up not really becoming an objective of the data,” says Densley, a sociologist and criminal justice professor at Metropolitan State University. “The repeat calls became a real focus. It was more a case of these people were in crisis after crisis after crisis. And law enforcement are not the best people to be dealing with that.” “They quickly learned our officers deescalate every day, all of the time,” says Boerboom. “So, they said how about we find ways to teach your cops about what would be a trigger for someone in crisis.” The second R in R-Model is Respond. In this case, the focus was not on training cops how to manage a scene but on how their response might impact it. “We saw a ton of good de-escalation that officers were literally doing all day long. That’s not actually what they needed training in,” says Peterson. “What they needed help with is after the person is de-escalated, then what?” Crisis calls can end with an arrest, a visit to a hospital or nothing at all. That is where the third R – Refer – comes into play. Peterson, who teaches criminology at Hamline University, SUMMER 2018

Teaching officers crisis intervention and de-escalation, that’s something that I am passionate that every single human should know and should know how to do for each other. Jillian Peterson, The Violence Project

says they saw their job as coming up with more options which meant tapping local resources that could benefit people in crisis and lead to more meaningful outcomes. The department printed the information on business cards for officers to hand out. “A lot of it was making these connections that no one really had time or energy to do,” says Densley. “We know that a business card is not going to solve the problem but the idea is that it could be a conversation starter.” In addition to highlighting local service providers, they also worked to educate officers on treatment options, how medications work and protocols that could be used in crisis situations. Then they added a session on officer wellness and mental health. “We both came out of our experiences in the ride-along and said, okay we’ve got to tweak this thing,” Densley said. “It’s real and they do want to talk about it, but not necessarily in front of everybody.” “In other fields, vicarious trauma is absolutely something you talk about. It is needed more in law enforcement,” Peterson says.

Now a year into their work with Minnetonka, Peterson and Densley have met again with the officers to assess the R-Model’s impact and look for more resources. As they consider how their program will work elsewhere, they are mindful of the work they must do to prepare for a department’s unique needs. “It’s not that every law enforcement agency needs a custom plan. You could probably cluster agencies and think about county level resources,” Densley says. “But you must understand those to ensure that training is meaningful to the officers on the ground.” Boerboom says that frontend work was a key factor in his department’s acceptance of the R-Model. “They had already established credibility with our cops. If I had two professors come in for an 8-hour class and they hadn’t done what Jillian and James did, our officers would have sat there for most of the day reluctant because of ‘who are these two’?” The R-Model is set as an 8-hour protocol. What changes with each agency is the Refer section where Peterson and Densley identify and visit potential community resources. For her part, Peterson believes more 27


people throughout society could benefit from this type of training. “Teaching officers crisis intervention and de-escalation, that’s something that I am passionate that every single human should know and should know how to

better at handling the calls. I think the calls will continue to increase, but I think when we get there, we may have better options.” Boerboom and his department will not give up trying to prevent repeated 911

They had already established credibility with our cops. If I had two professors come in for an 8-hour class and they hadn’t done what Jillian and James did, our officers would have sat there for most of the day reluctant because of ‘who are these two’?

Get high-quality training that’s low-impact on the budget. PATROL offers law enforcement agencies like yours extensive webbased courses that meet continuing education requirements, POST mandates, and OSHA standards. Each peace officer can earn up to 39 POST-accredited courses per year for just $90. Online training includes: n

Chief Scott Boerboom, Minnetonka Police Department n

do for each other. We should teach it in schools and teachers should be doing it. It shouldn’t get to the point where we’re calling 911.” For now, the chief is not optimistic he will see a reduction in Minnetonka’s crisis calls. “It would be a dream if calls were reduced, he says. “I think we’re

calls. His community engagement officer, who is finishing a degree in social work, is meeting with the Plymouth and Maple Grove police departments to establish a response team that would focus on follow-up visits and referrals. They hope they can de-escalate before another call for help becomes a crisis.




A new monthly course on current issues impacting MN law enforcement 3 courses that help meet POST mandates on use of force/ deadly force 8 courses that meet OSHA standards 11 refresher courses for new or seasoned peace officers 5 Supervisory-Management Leadership courses

The R-Model

RESEARCH | RESPOND | REFER A one-day, evidence-based, crisis intervention and mental illness crisis training for law enforcement professionals launched in Spring 2018. The program works to help officers quickly recognize the signs of a crisis, respond and refer people to appropriate treatment and services. Prior to the training, researchers conduct stakeholder interviews, analyze crime data, and assess community needs and resources to develop custom agency initiatives.


For more information, contact Kristen LeRoy at kleroy@lmc.org or (651) 281-1268.


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Law Enforcement and Truckers Fighting Human Trafficking

Law Enforcement and Truckers Fighting Human Trafficking Human trafficking often needs roads to happen. The word “traffic” is right there in the name of this heinous crime. So who better to help us stop it than the people who are on our roads the most?


Truck drivers are in every community in Minnesota and on every roadway that connects them. This puts them in a unique position to work with law enforcement, truck stop personnel, and the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) to stop human trafficking. After all, truckers are often the target market. They get approached by trafficking victims at truck stops or other locations, offering them “love.” But it’s a crime. Most of the time, the victim was driven there by their pimp and being sold for sex. They’re being treated like a possession and forced to go from cab to cab to complete a sale. No human should be treated like this. No criminal should be allowed to get away with buying and selling people like cattle. So how best to fight this crime? Alongside the very people it’s being offered to. The battle against human trafficking goes beyond law enforcement. Truckers have eyes, ears and presence on Minnesota’s roads that can help us get to the root of the problem. So the BCA’s Human Trafficking Investigators Task Force (a 13-person team made up of investigators from five law enforcement agencies, plus a prosecutor) is partnering with Truckers Against Trafficking.

The word traffic is right there in the name of this heinous crime. So who better to help us stop it than the people who are on our roads the most? Truckers Against Trafficking works as a liaison between law enforcement and truckers, training them to recognize and report human trafficking. The BCA recently hosted a meeting of trucking industry representatives, law enforcement and human trafficking experts. Truckers Against Trafficking presented the training, which involved actual sex trafficking case scenarios from law enforcement, prosecutors and survivors. The 90-plus people attended the meeting and training will help spread the word to educate their own staff and colleagues. This will maximize the efforts to find and rescue victims and bring those who victimize them to justice. And with 173 instances of human trafficking reported by law enforcement last year in Minnesota and 235 in 2016, these efforts are desperately needed. As law enforcement, much of your life is spent on Minnesota’s roads, too. You interact with truck drivers on a regular basis. It will take a concerted effort to end human trafficking in Minnesota and bring to justice the criminals who perpetrate it.




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New online training course raises the bar

New online training course raises the bar Training for police officers is like medical school is for doctors. Continued, high quality training is absolutely essential to ensure that officers are at the top of their game.


I’m excited about a new online training course that is now available to Minnesota’s law enforcement officers. It’s called True North Constitutional Policing. Fourteen Minnesota law enforcement agencies – mine included – contributed to the creation of this training. I’ve been fortunate enough to review this course and can assure you that it raises the bar for law enforcement training in Minnesota. The five-module, online training course is free, POST-accredited, and available to all law enforcement officers in Minnesota. It is modern and interactive, featuring strong production value and professional narration. But perhaps most impressive is that the people featured in the video are real Minnesota officers sharing real experiences. They’re not actors, it’s not scripted, and their stories will resonate with you. Understanding the history of American law enforcement allows us to make better decisions in the present. True North’s content expertly interweaves modern-day policing with American history. It offers perspective on what is happening across the country with police-community relations and ties it back to the Constitution. The overall message of the training is, “When faced with a challenging situation, use the Constitution as your compass.” The True North training course includes reminders that policing is noble work done by noble people. It also acknowledges that policing is a difficult job. Each day, we must use our best judgment to balance order and liberty. We are also human and therefore capable of making mistakes. There isn’t a playbook for every unique situation an officer might face, especially highstress situations involving people in crisis. Keeping constitutional principles top-of-mind during these times can help officers serve their communities with distinction. I require all of the officers at the Plymouth Police Department to take this course, and hope other law enforcement agencies across Minnesota will do the same. Together, let’s raise the bar in Minnesota. The True North training course can be found at TrueNorthPolicing.com.



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ADVERTISER INDEX EXECUTIVE BOARD PRESIDENT Dan Hatten Chief of Police, Hutchinson 320-587-2242 VICE-PRESIDENT Jeff Potts Chief of Police, Bloomington 952-563-4901 SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT Dave Bentrud Chief of Police, Waite Park 320-229-2661 THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT Eric Werner Chief of Police, Maple Grove 763-494-6101 SECRETARY

Stephanie Revering Chief of Police, Crystal 763-531-1010

TREASURER Tim Fournier Chief of Police, New Hope 651-531-5141 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS

Matt Gottschalk Chief of Police, Corcoran 763-420-8966

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Michael Goldstein Chief of Police, Plymouth 952-882-2600

DIRECTORS David Ebinger Chief of Police, Moorhead


Eric Klang Chief of Police, Pequot Lakes


Mike Mastin Chief of Police, Bemidji


Roger Pohlman Chief of Police, Red Wing


Michael Risvold Chief of Police, Wayzata


Jeff Tate Chief of Police, Shakopee


Brian Weierke Chief of Police, Fridley


CHAPLAIN Tony Paetznick Chief of Police, New Brighton


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The Minnesota Police Chief, the official magazine of The Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, is published quarterly to serve the police leadership in Minnesota. Association members receive Minnesota Police Chief as a benefit of membership. The Minnesota Police Chief is published by the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, 803 Old Highway 8 NW, Suite 1, New Brighton, MN 55112. It is the policy of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association that all articles reflect only the views of the author and that publication of articles or advertisements within Minnesota Police Chief does not constitute endorsement by the Association or its agents of products, services, or views expressed herein. No representation is made as to the accuracy here of and the publication is printed subject to errors and omissions. Editorial contributions to the Minnesota Police Chief are always welcome. Contributions should be sent to the Managing Editor and are subject to review and acceptance by the Magazine Committee. Editorial contributions will be handled with reasonable care; however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for the safety of artwork, photographs, or manuscripts. SENIOR EDITOR Andrew Wittenborg andrew@mnchiefs.org 651/457-0677


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