Infodent Int’l 3/2014 - INFODENT Srl - Str. Cassia Nord Km 86,300 01100 Viterbo - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Sped. in A.P. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. In L. 26/02/2004 n°46) art. 1 comma 1 DCB VITERBO - PP - Economy - DCO/DCVT/n°5fb- del 24/05/02
Our High Quality makes us go further Focus on: United Kingdom
Medesy new factory in an area of 20.000 sq meters
Market Overview The “basic 56” Principles for Startups
Over than 3.000 Italian instruments at your disposal
Market Trends: Outlook on Botswana
DISCOVER OUR PRODUCTION CONTACT US AT: MEDESY srl - Via la mola, 9 - Industrial Area - 33085 Maniago, PN - ITALY -
August / October