2 minute read

Junior School Arts



The Mystery of Foxglove Manor, this year’s Junior School Musical, featured every girl from Years 1 to 6. Set in an English village, our musical told the story of a manor house in a restaurant competition. We were entertained by Rabbits and Gardeners in the vegetable garden, Chefs and Hotel Staff in the Manor, French Artists and other Guests from all over the world, jealous Villagers and Police. A very delicious croquembouche mysteriously disappeared and thankfully reappeared just in time for the judging of the competition. The girls danced, sang and showed their dramatic flair as they performed their show for their parents and friends.


The Years 4 – 6 Junior School Chorale has had a lovely year of singing, with highlights including the eisteddfod in May and a twilight concert in September. Additionally, a choir for girls in Years 1 - 3, The Tartan Trebles, formed for the first part of the year and also entered the eisteddfod.

Instrumentally, we have continued to enjoy the amazing growth of our young musicians through the Year 2 String Program, Year 3 StEP String Ensemble Program, Year 4 Band Program, Year 5 and 6 F@B Band Program, the Junior String Orchestra, 12

Junior Band and Fusion Band, which is an extension group for members of Junior Band.

A particular highlight for our young musicians was the String Out Festival held in June at the Empire Theatre, attended by the members of the Junior String Orchestra. It was the 20th anniversary of the festival organised by Mr Rod Egerton. The guest conductor this year was Ms Andrea Messenger.

Many wonderful results were achieved at the Toowoomba Eisteddfod.

Once again, we have run a series of Lunchtime Concerts each term, where students who learn musical instruments have been given the opportunity to perform.


Our girls have enjoyed classroom music, class choirs, dance and drama throughout the year, with Mrs Belinda Eldridge teaching Music, Mrs Brigid Baker teaching Dance and Mrs Katrina Bailey teaching Drama in Terms 2, 3 and 4. We were delighted to have the assistance of Dr Linda Evans and Ms Cath Butler in Term 1, as we prepared for our Junior School Musical.


Each year we enjoy watching professional performances. This year we were entertained by Sean Choolburra, Indigenous performer, and the Kindy to Year 3 students attended Possum Magic at the Empire Theatre.

Term 4 gave our Kindy to Year 3 students the opportunity to prepare and perform their Christmas Musical, Superstar, on our Assembly Hall Stage, to a receptive and encouraging audience. Thank you, parents.

Queensland Eisteddfod Results

2rd Place

Fusion Band Primary Instrumental Ensemble 3 rd Place

Junior String Orchestra Primary String A Grade Ensemble 3 rd Place

String Ensemble Small String Ensemble – Primary School 3 rd Place

The Tartan Trebles Prep to Year 4 B Grade Junior Choir HC Junior School Chorale Primary School Spiritual Song

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