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Senior School

Number of students awarded a Senior Education Profile Number of students awarded a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement Number of students who received an ATAR Number of students who are completing or completed a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SAT) Number of students awarded one or more Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications Number of students awarded a Queensland Certificate of Education at the end of Year 12 Number of students awarded an International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) Percentage of Year 12 students who received an ATAR above 90 % Percentage of Year 12 students who are completing or completed a SAT or were awarded one or

*The statistics above are based on data available through QTAC, and is limited to each student’s consent for the College to view their information.

Teaching and Learning


2021 was an exceptional year, yielding exceptional achievements once again! We celebrate both participation and excellence, individual achievement of the highest calibre and standard, and all that can be achieved through the joy and collaboration of team work.

The academic reputation of the College goes from strength to strength, with our students continuing to achieve excellent results each year. The Class of 2021 have distinguished themselves by achieving outstanding ATAR results. Their individual commitment to high academic standards, demonstrated through diligence and perseverance, is noteworthy and sets a fine benchmark for their peers.

Teachers, parents and students have demonstrated their enthusiasm and support for the changes that have been brought about by the implementation of the ATAR system which, with the completion of our second full cycle, is now fully integrated within our pedagogy. We are committed to developing our academic programs in line with the new changes, yet in our preparations we have not sacrificed the dynamic, well–balanced and creative programs that underpin the outstanding academic work that is associated with Fairholme College. As one of the top academic schools in Queensland, teaching and learning is at the core of what we do. Yet learning at Fairholme is not just about passing exams or gaining that A on an assignment. It’s about a love of intellectual challenge, inspiration and imagination. Our classrooms are full of life and our girls are driven by a desire to learn, a love of complexity and a warm-hearted sense of fun and friendship. The evidence is highlighted in examples throughout 2021 - including our successes in the University of New South Wales Academic competitions, impressive NAPLAN performances across all year levels, the ever-increasing number of Academic Achievement Certificates awarded, high overall ATARs and the numerous university scholarships secured.

In 2022, discussions and consultations concerning the review of the National Curriculum for Years 7-10 for implementation in 2023 continue. This is at the forefront of our academic strategies as the proposed disciplines once again align very closely with our current curriculum here at Fairholme. In further developing our teaching and learning to achieve this end, we continue to engage in a variety of approaches for our students and staff, including: aiming for full participation in learning within the classroom; peer observation and feedback sessions; team planning; extension and development of programs of individual support; development of assessment rubrics to better match teaching; ongoing curriculum evaluation; striving for good results, awards and opportunities for professional discussion and professional development in a wide variety of areas. Teacher practice is recognised as a key to student success and we are developing further our approaches to professional learning, exploring how ‘best practice’ can be recognised and shared for the benefit of all.

As Head of Teaching and Learning at Fairholme College for the past 12 years, it has been a real joy to be part of a school full of students who are both interested and interesting, and to watch them grow into confident, passionate young women prepared to make a difference in the world around them.

As the academic year draws to a close, I would like to thank the students of Fairholme College, particularly our Year 12 students, for being a delight to work with this year. I would also like to thank the parents for being so supportive, particularly of our curriculum directions and choices. In conclusion I would like to thank our magnificent staff who are always flexible, creative, committed and who maintain a wonderful sense of humour throughout the busiest of times.

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