Focus on Fairholme edition 1 2009

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A newsletter of highlights and happenings from Fairholme College,Tooowomba

Changing of the guard


Principals’ Final Assembly and Induction Services Arts in action


A kaleidescope of performing and visual arts Good sports


Fairholme girls shine in the sporting arena Fairholme Old Girls’ Association News All the FOGA favourites and more!

Autumn 2009



from the principal Because it was so hard …. “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” Albert Einstein At my induction as the 14th Principal of Fairholme College I spoke about the meaning of Fairholme and, in particular, about what it means to be a Fairholme Girl. If I am to claim a vision for our school then that vision is encapsulated in each student who passes through its gates. Our legacy lives on in students past, present and future. And thus, if the words ‘she is a Fairholme girl’ is to have meaning and significance in 5, 10, 50 years or more, then it will because each girl’s education has allowed her to be challenged, inspired and, in many ways placed in circumstances that are not easy, or smooth. At our recent Anzac Day addresses we heard from Airforce Squadron Leader Bronwen Fauser. A Year 5 girl asked Bronwen which tour of deployment she has enjoyed the most. Her answer was interesting, it caused her to pause and reflect: “I would have to say Iraq,” she responded, “because it was so hard, because I didn’t think that I could do it and I found out that I could.”

What powerful words – I enjoyed it because it was so hard. I heard Toowoomba girl, Nikki Hudson – Australian Hockey Olympian speak at Centenary Heights State High School a few years ago. She was reflecting on her training regime on cold winters’ mornings in Toowoomba. Each time she climbed out of bed to confront howling winds she repeated the same mantra – I choose to do this because it is hard. Those thoughts have stayed with me in the past week and I have been struck by the prevalence of their illustration. Our Year 10s are preparing for Mee-Bun-Bia as I write this. Having survived the experience myself, I empathise with their trepidation. I am heartened by the comments of the Year 11 girls who say, “It’s the best camp I’ve ever been on. You will be so glad you’ve done it.” I am delighted by one of our young teachers who is a professed – non camper. She said, “I’m doing this because it is tough.” In the past fortnight I’ve watched Year 2 girls grapple with the complexities of words like ‘environment’, ‘adapted’, ‘camouflage’ and seen their enormous sense of satisfaction when they have overcome that difficulty.


I’ve watched the Choir, rehearsing for the upcoming Eisteddfod tackle a complex Hymn - one resplendent with its descant. They’ve rehearsed before school, at morning tea, in lunch hours and after school. Many have been challenged by the demands of the piece and the high expectations of their teacher! Their singing is beautiful despite, and most importantly, because of this challenge. And, in taking up the role of Principal, I remind myself that I too am doing this because some of the greatest rewards are reaped from that which is most difficult. I thank the Fairholme community for their generous welcome and for their faith in the future of our College. May we continue to build a school that allows our Fairholme girls to learn by doing, by giving, by challenging themselves and by daring to become ….. and in doing so, may we always have faith in their future …

Mrs Linda Evans PRINCIPAL

changing of the guard

from the chairman of the board I take this opportunity to pay tribute to two special people. First of all I want to pay a final tribute to Mr Stan Klan, our Principal for the last fifteen years. I want to thank him for his absolute commitment to the life and well being of this College, and for his genuine Christian care of all the students, the staff and the parents during his time as Principal. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the whole college community I wish Mr and Mrs Klan all the best for their retirement and the Lord’s blessing on them as they move into this next stage of their lives. Secondly, I pay tribute to Mrs Linda Evans as she takes up the reigns as our new Principal. Mrs Evans was inducted as our new Principal by the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland, the Right Reverend John Gilmour, at a very special and moving service on Monday night 20 April 2009. Mrs Evans becomes the fourteenth Principal of Fairholme College. I welcome her as our new Principal. We also welcome her husband Ross and children Natalie and Mitchell into the Fairholme family. As I said at the induction, we look forward in anticipation as Mrs Evans leads this College into the next century. To the inevitable changes that new leadership brings, to the challenges that lie ahead – changed economic circumstances, changing government legislation, national curriculum standards, the list goes on - and we look forward to the many triumphs still to come. Members of the Fairholme Family, I again commend Mrs Evans to you all and I ask for your prayers for her and her family as she takes up this demanding role - Principal of Fairholme College.

Ian Andersen CHAIRMAN

Ceremony and celebration abound at Fairholme in the year 2009 The Fairholme Family acknowledged Mr Klan’s fifteen years of distinguished service as Principal of Fairholme College with a very special Final assembly held on April 1, at “Humeridge” Church of Christ,with large crowds in attendance. A heartfelt address from Mr Klan, treasured words and perfomances from our talented girls teamed with beautiful parting gifts , created the perfect “send-off” for Mr Klan, as he retires officially on July 1, after taking accrued leave. An equally auspicious occasion was the induction of the 14th Principal of Fairholme College Mrs Linda Evans. Highlights from the service held in the College Assembly Hall were Mrs Evans’ inspirational words, the Junior School rendition of “The Best Gift of All”, and a moving ceremony to mark the official “Changing of the guard”. Pictured: Top - Mr Stan Klan 2nd from Top - (l-r) Mrs Linda Evans, Mr Ian Andersen, Mr Klan and Mrs Kerrie Klan 3rd from Top Mrs Linda Evans and husband Ross. Bottom - Head Girl Chasley Wilson, Rt Rev John Gilmour (Moderator), Mr Andersen, Mrs Evan s and Mr Evans.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


farewell 1








welcome to new staff


A quick word on some of our new faces!



This year the Science Department welcomed Mrs Naomi Aird as their new Laboratory Technician. She has enthusiastically joined our team to support and develop scientific practical components in order to deliver a more relevant curriculum across the College. Mrs Aird is also a Fairholme College old girl and formerly resided in Augathella.


It has been a whirlwind introduction to life at Fairholme for the newest edition to the Humanities Department, our Senior Geography teacher, Miss Elyse Chora. She has already taken Year 11 Geography students on an excursion to the Gowrie Creek Catchment and is currently in the throes of organising the Year 12 field trip for Term Three. She has made wonderful connections with the students of the Middle School through her Year 9 Humanities and Year 8 CAPS classes. As a recent university graduate, Miss Chora has taken to the role of teaching with considerable aplomb and we have been very impressed by her commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism.



Mr Shane Buckley joined the IT Services Department in February, 2009. Shane is no newcomer to this field of work having held a similar position at the Roma Junior School as a Computer Technician. Mr Buckley says he has enjoyed the past term working at Fairholme, working with wonderful students and a great team of staff. He is also the proud father of Madison Buckley (Year 9)

Mrs Debra Cochran began in Term 1 in the Junior School staff as the Year 3 Teacher. Debra is a recent graduate of the University of Southern Queensland and taught previously at Mater Dei School in Toowoomba. She is already a wellknown member of the Fairholme Family as she is the mother of Alex who attended Fairholme from 2003 - 2007.



Welcomed into the Library & Information Services team this year were Robyn Harris (pictured) & Carolyn Brunner. Both of these new staff members are working in the Greta Statham Learning Centre and the Junior School Library. Robyn has experience in secondary school libraries and Carolyn has experience working with Junior School students.


Psuedo newcomer Mrs Jo Glasheen took up the reigns as Publications and Promotions Manager from January in a part-time capacity. Jo has worked externally with the College for over 11 years as a Graphic Designer via her company “The View Concepts” and is very much looking forward to July when she will enthusiastically embrace the position full -time. Jo is Mum to two sporty boys (unfortunately for Fairholme), is an avid reader, and a passionate “foodie”. Jo ‘s 20 years experience in the print, media and marketing industry is sure to add a creative strength to the Fairholme team.


Ms Cate Park joined the English staff this year to replace Mrs Christine Gilshenan, who has been on long service leave for this semester. Ms Park brought with her a wealth of experiences, having taught English in Japan for some years and taught English here in Queensland. She has brought a youthful and technological savvy outlook to our department and the students have thoroughly enjoyed working with her. We would like to thank Ms Park for her dedication over the time she has been here.


Miss Lauren Hood joins us in 2009 as our teacher of Dance. She is a graduate of QUT having studied Creative Industries / Education. Bundaberg born and bred, Lauren worked for a number of years in the Hairdressing Industry before discovering her love of Dance. It was her desire to inspire others to embrace this art form that led her to pursue teaching. We welcome Lauren to the Performing Arts Department, and look forward to working with her on many a creative project!

Sister Harrison Things aren’t quite the same without Sister Harrison strolling briskly around the College campus with the energy and enthusiasm of a 20 year old. How fortunate Fairholme was to have a skilled Nursing sister, Fairholme Old Girl and walking Fairholme historian on staff for so long. It was wonderful to celebrate her contributions at a special Assembly in October – marked by a standing ovation, guard of honour, flowers, speeches and boarder-inspired skits. We will miss her enthusiasm for all things Fairholme (especially things of Cameron House origin), her love and care of girls past and present, and her wealth of nursing knowledge. Fortunately we will continue to see Sister Harrison on her regular visits to the College as a member of the Fairholme Old Girls Association … ‘once a Fairholme girl, always a Fairholme girl’.

The boarding house welcomes two new staff, Mrs Judith Hawley and Mrs Michelle Jackson, and two new nursing sisters (pictured from left with Mrs Joy Scott, Director of Boarding and Sister Kirsty Smith), Sister Libby Chapman and Sister Janet Dixon. Mrs Hawley is working in Lower Jean Tassie and Townhouse and Mrs Jackson is responsible for Lower Nancy Shaw and also together with Miss Fredline, the younger Year 6 and 7 boarders.

learning @ Fairholme is...

enriching Enrichment Days WORDS & IMAGES On Thursday April 2 Year 9 students participated in a Words and Images Enrichment Day. The major focus of the day was to create a Micrography drawing of an image related to a piece of poetry the student had selected. Micrography is the forming of pictures of persons or objects with the words in tiny letters of verses appropriate to the subject. This art form has been around for centuries and has been primarily been used by artists of Israeli decent; it is the art of creating an image strictly using the words that tell the story of that specific image or representation. The students spent the day totally immersed in the task, creating some outstanding pieces of work. They succeeded in fulfilling Plutarch’s notion that ‘Painting is silent poetry’. PEOPLE SCAPE As an integral part of Fairholme College’s Enrichment Program all students in Year 8 participated in an Enrichment Day on Thursday 7th May, creating Peoplescape figures. Throughout this term in Integrated English and Humanities the girls have been engaged in a unit of work exploring the concept of ‘Construction’. This has involved a study of how both readers and texts are constructed. In addition to this, the girls have examined the question; ‘What does an historical figure have to do, or be, in order to be remembered?’ The Peoplescape figures created were representations of both the girl’s identity and that of their historical figure.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009



learning @ Fairholme Junior is...


During the Christmas holidays the new playground was installed in the Junior School and the younger girls are enjoying playing on this. A special thank you to P&F for the financial support they provided to enable us to have such a great new playground. On 20 March the Kindy and Prep children staged a wonderful Farewell Concert for Mr and Mrs Klan. Their singing was extraordinary. Their handmade presents and the special farewell gift from the Kindy and Prep children added a great finale to the Concert. Thank you to all the parents We were again successful in winning the School Average shield and the overall Girls’ Aggregate shield at Range Zone Swimming. Congratulations to the girls who swam superbly and brought the trophies back to Fairholme Junior.

Congratulations to all of the girls from Prep to Year 3 for their high standard of swimming for children of such a young age, and for their enormous House spirit at the Interhouse Dolphin Swimming Carnival. It was amazing to see just how well some of the Prep girls were as they swam the full length of the pool. Powell House was the winning House for the Interhouse Dolphin Carnival. When the points tally was added to the Interhouse Years 4 - 6 Carnival, the winning House for swimming in 2009 was Stephens. On Wednesday 25 February the Year 6 girls were presented with their Leaders Badge and Captains Badge by Mr Klan at a special ceremony in The New Chapel. (see page 14) Mrs Lynn Merry Head of Junior School

There was great House spirit at the Interhouse Swimming Carnival for Years 4-6 and of course plenty of cheering and shouting. Congratulations to Stephens House for a wonderful display of swimming, followed by Powell, Black and Cameron.

New Playground

Dolphin Swimming Carnival


Range Zone swimm




Mothers day Morning Tea The children at Fairholme Kindy invited their Mothers (or Mother ‘stand ins’) to spend the morning with them at Kindy to pamper them and let them know how special they are. There had been a lot of chat amongst the children about all the jobs a Mother does and how important they are. We had also been talking about how Mothers care for them and what we might do to let Mum have a turn at being looked after. During the morning the children cooked scones for the Mothers to enjoy at morning tea time; painted their Mother’s finger nails; gave them back massages and hand rubs; offered them a foot spa; and made them a crown to wear home. The children had also been practising a favourite action song to teach the Mothers so they could enjoy a dance together. The Mothers’ morning offers a practical and positive way to build on one of our social and emotional goals of caring for and thinking of others. It supports the philosophy of the program that recognises the importance of involving families in the Kindy year and acknowledging the importance of the childs family. It was a lot of fun and added to our exciting, stimulating and rich Kindy program.

entertaining The Captain Courageous, School Musical which was performed at the end of Term 1, was a colourful and humorous tribute to our retiring Principal, Mr Klan. Featuring every student from Years 1 – 6, the show took us on an adventure of international espionage as chocolate thieves attempted to steal the world’s chocolate supply. The adventure visited the classroom of Mrs Cherry, played by Nikki Cornwell, with all the Year 1 and 2 students, a Chocolate Factory with all the Year 3 and 4 students, a tea party at Buckingham Palace with the Year 5 classes and the Queen, played by Anne Jarvis and finally to the lair of the chocolate thieves, played by Year 6 and their evil mastermind, Count Badbury, played by Olivia Hassall. Thankfully the world’s chocolate supply was restored to the world, by the mysterious Captain Courageous, who turned out to be our very own Mr Cam Clam played by Chelsea Lehmann. So delighted was her Majesty, that Mr Clam was knighted, Sir Cam Clam, in appreciation of his wonderful work. We had a marvellous time preparing for the musical and we loved being able to honour Mr Klan and include many of the little things he did that meant a lot to us in the Junior School. Mrs Belinda Eldridge Co-ordinator of Junior School Arts

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


Year 7 Canberra Visit

learning @ Fairholme Middle School is...



Year 8 Camp

Year 8 Camp

Year 9 Camp

Year 9 Camp

Year 7 Canberra Vis




exciting... adventurous... challenging... The Year 8 girls had a wow of a time at their orientation camp, held at Mapleton this semester. Year 8 has traditionally been a grade that sees a large intake of new girls into the College and this year has been no different. The orientation camp is designed to help the girls meet new friends, bond with one another and get to know the teachers better. Although many girls prepare for camp with some reservations about what experiences might await them, they all return from Mapleton filled with exciting stories about the adventures and activities they participated in, during their time away. Canoeing, abseiling, rock climbing and possum gliding are just a few of the challenges that face the girls at Mapleton. It is always amazing to watch each girl grow in confidence and self esteem as she faces each new task with the support and encouragement of her peers. Mapleton Year 8 Camp – a fabulous experience for everyone. In March the Year 9 students enjoyed a very different type of camping experience. While the Year 8 girls had the luxury of comfortable beds and warm baths, the Year 9 girls attended a camp out in the bush at Edmund Park and had to carry all their supplies and requirements to the campsite. The girls camped in tents, cooked their own meals outdoors and had to dig primitive bathroom facilities. For some girls, just the thought of no showers was a shock, but once on camp, enjoying the beauty of our bushland, all the girls had a thoroughly amazing time. The satisfaction of hiking several kilometres, carrying all their belongings and camping out, provided the girls with a great sense of achievement. Although the teachers and students were ready for long hot showers on their return from camp,

they all spoke very positively about the way in which everyone worked together, demonstrated team spirit and enjoyed a fabulous time together. The Year 7 trip to Canberra and Sydney has become a very popular, annual event. This year, the girls flew to Canberra on Monday 23 March and spent several days in the nation’s capital learning about Australia’s system of Government, history and culture. The girls had the great privilege of meeting Mr Ian Macfarlane, Federal Member for Groom, and asking him a range of questions about Parliament House. They also met Senator Barnaby Joyce, who explained how the Senate operates. The visit to Parliament House was one of the major highlights of the trip. Other highlights in Canberra included a visit to the National Museum, exploring science at the CSIRO and Questacon, viewing the amazing art at the National Gallery and being entertained at Government House. Fairholme Old Girl Mrs Gwen Rief, who curently lives in Canberra, made a point of visiting the Year 7 girls at their accommodation to talk about life at Fairholme College sixty years ago. Things certainly have changed over the years.

Another Christian Education Enrichment Day has come and gone, with the Year 9s participating in theirs on Thursday 30 April. The girls met at the James Byrne Centre on the most perfect day – God really came through with some beautiful weather and beautiful views for us! The theme of the day was “For Such a Time as This”, based on the account of the Bible story of Esther, the girl who did amazing things for her people. The main message of the day was that yes, we are special and of unfathomable worth to God, but we are made wonderfully for a reason - so we can be a blessing to others. The girls were given a challenge – to seek out what it is that God might be calling them to be, and to do what they can to make a difference in the lives of others. We were encouraged by Esther’s story to be creative, think outside the box and to put others first. It was so wonderful to hear the girls share their ideas and talk about what they learnt from Esther’s story. Thanks girls for participating and responding so well!

Love always, Miss Klapper

The trip home, took the Year 7 girls through Sydney, where they met wild animals at Taronga Zoo, wandered through The Rocks, explored Sydney Opera House and relaxed in the hammocks at Hyde Park Barracks. The trip was very busy and full of interesting and educational experiences. At every venue visited the teachers received comments from people congratulating the College on such beautifully presented and well behaved students. Such a marvellous experience has to be repeated for our future Year 7 girls. Mrs Sandra Hawken Head of Fairholme Middle School

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


learning @ Fairholme Senior School is...


A vibrant opening assembly, led by our senior cohort, set a clear standard for the new year. On this occasion the year 12’s launched this year’s theme: 2009 - a New Century to Shine. Fresh from celebrating 100 years of Fairholme last year, the girls are ready to begin the next hundred years with the energy and positive outlook seen back in 1908. The theme chosen by the senior leaders is a strong motto and a motto for all. During our opening assembly, Head Girl Chasley Wilson challenged all girls to find a unique way to shine as we establish the College’s second century. After welcoming the year 10 girls to the Senior School, it was time to celebrate the annual Induction of Seniors Leaders and Prefects, it was wonderful to share with the year twelve girls as they were called to lead the College into its second century, and witness them accepted that call as one. With leadership in mind, I thank Miss Caitlin Holding, Prefect for Communication in 2006, for her fabulous address at the Induction ceremony. Caitlin’s message was strong and beautiful in its simplicity: as leaders, be the one who goes first, set the expectation and do the hard work. This message was wonderfully timed given our girl’s magnificent work at the Swimming Carnival, where the girls indeed exhibited the qualities she spoke of. Such leadership has been evidenced often since this time – a credit to all year 12 girls in the College. After just one term, it is pleasing to note that our Senior School girls have indeed been inspired by the year’s motto and have shone this year; even more pleasing is the wonderfully diverse manner in



which our girls have excelled and developed. Often encouraged by Head Girl Chasley to find their niche, the girls have clearly explored ways in which they can set goals, follow passions and explore new interests and skills. Girls have experienced diverse learning experiences in and beyond the classroom this year. From an archaeological dig, marine studies, Kaleidoscope of the Arts, to stock market scrutiny, the girls have embraced opportunities presented, with focus. As Fairholme girls do, many have gone above and beyond, seeking even greater prospects; girls have been awarded prestigious dance and drama scholarships, selection into the Queensland Youth Parliament and excelled through selection in top level sporting teams. It will be fascinating to witness the growth in the Senior School girls as they continue their 2009 journey. Ms Catrina Sharp Head of Senior School


(clockwise from top) Fun at Yr 10 Camp, overcoming challenges at Yr 10 Camp, testing - Yr 11 Geography field trip, learning with a view - Biology Camp

learning @ Fairholme is about ... On Monday 9th February we celebrated our traditional Scholars’ Assembly whereby we welcome back our senior students from the previous year to congratulate them on their achievements, and to hear of their future journeys as they begin the next, exciting phase of their lives. This year about one quarter of the 2008 seniors returned and we heard from Ashlee Miller about her plans to begin Law at Bond University in May and from Holly Hawkes who heads to the Northern Territory to begin a gap year of “jillarooing” prior to undertaking Events Management at the University of Queensland. Thank you to all the girls who we able to join us at the assembly and in particular to Ashlee and Holly. The results and destinations of the 2008 seniors were very interesting in demonstrating that the trend for a gap year continues to grow as does the move of females into the more male dominated professions such as engineering. An overview follows-: • 23% of the 2008 Seniors gained OP 1-5 • 57% of the 2008 Seniors gained 1 – 10 • 62% gained an “A” or a “B” on the QCS (State average 47%) • 72% gained the first preference at University • Over 50% of 2008 Seniors will take 2009 as a gap year The most popular courses of the 2008 Fairholme Seniors-: • Nursing – 7 students • Engineering – 6 students • International Hotel Management 5 students • Law – 4 students

achieving goals

Sarah Benson and Simone Stephens (Senior 2008) are to be congratulated for gaining full Remote and Rural Scholarships valued at $30,000 each, through the Australian College of Nursing to be put towards their nursing studies at any Australian tertiary institution offering Nursing Studies. To date, Sarah (pictured top) and Simone (below) have accepted and commenced Bachelor of Nursing at the University of Southern Queensland in Toowoomba. Prior to winning their scholarships both Sarah and Simone completed a Certificate III in Aged Care organized through the Vocational Education and Training faculty at Fairholme College. We wish them both all the very best in their future endeavours. Ms Susan Shaw Dean of Studies One of the many worthwhile projects sponsored by Rotary is the annual National Youth Science Forum, held in Canberra in January of each year for students entering Year 12. The 2 week event is a diverse program of Science-based learning, social activities as well as thinking outside of the square. The program’s main objective is to ensure that every NYSF student is exposed to the widest possible range of study and career opportunities in the fields of Science, Technology and Engineering. Typically about 2,000 students Australia-wide compete for 432 places. What a fantastic achievement that 2 of our current senior students – Madeleine Costello and Kellie Stirling were chosen to attend the 2009 program, after a rigorous selection process. Both girls recommend that budding Year 11 Science students seek selection for the 2010 program.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


learning at Fairholme is...

arts in action

“The Seasons of the Kaleidoscope” Our annual Kaleidoscope of the Arts was an evening of creativity, artistic endeavour and musical magic for both performers and audience members alike. Attended by well over three hundred people, this showcase of all that has been explored, achieved and learnt by girls studying Dance, Dance, Drama and Visual Art during Term 1 was unquestionably a huge success. Each year Kaleidoscope is designed to be big on variety and entertainment value – and in 2009 this was no exception. Performances included items by our College and Chamber Choir, the Symphony Orchestra, the Senior String Quartet, and our versatile Drama and Dance Students. There was also a wonderful powerpoint display of Visual Art completed in Term 1 by our talented art students. In terms of style and subject matter the performances ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous and revolved around the theme of “Seasons”. This theme was interpreted in many creative different ways. For instance, the audience was treated to some confronting student-devised dramatic work, as well as scenes from classic plays such as Medea and Hedda Gabler. Our dancers also performed choreographic styles ranging from Hip Hop to Broadway. Musically we were treated to classical string works, in addition to crowd pleasing R&B. Each performance reflected a high degree of commitment and dedication by each performer to their craft. Our various Arts Captains were also integral to running the event, and their assistance was invaluable. Our hardworking Sound and Lighting girls also worked tirelessly to make sure everything looked and sounded fantastic. Finally, thanks and admiration are certainly due to the Arts Department staff for their wonderful work with the girls on this major performance event. Ms Nancy Macks Acting Head of the Arts



Music Camp

Creative Jewels

Artists on Display

On Friday 27th February, 36 girls and 6 staff departed for the annual Music camp, held this year at Mapleton in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. The girls enjoyed a weekend of intense workshops and rehearsals- with much achieved musically, socially and personally. The weekend culminated in a terrific concert just prior to our departure on Sunday. The girls also prepared a highly entertaining “red faces” style performance for the Saturday evening, and were thrilled with the efforts of the staff quartet who played a very special piece just for them. In between musical interludes the girls enjoyed swimming, shopping at Montville ( where ice-cream, homemade fudge and candy were especially popular ) and the delights of table tennis and some Christian fellowship. Thanks are due to Mrs Kathy Siebuhr and Mr Rod Egerton for their wonderful organisation of this event, and also to members of our Music staff; Mrs Belinda Eldridge, Mrs Diana Skelton, Mrs Celia Egerton and Mr James Laundon for their time and expertise. A wonderful weekend was had by all.

Bring on the “Bling” - our Middle School Creative Group (Vignettes) have been making the most of Monday afternoons by whipping up some truly amazing jewellery. Mrs Wighton’s crew have been absorbed with their beads and tools, meeting every Monday from 4.45pm. Earrings are flavour of the month presently, and I’m sure it won’t be long before we have some famous jewellery designers in our midst! a highly entertaining “red faces” style performance

The Art work produced by our Fairholme girls is simply too good not to be framed and displayed. In fact, several Year 10 girls have their Mixed Media Abstract paintings hanging on the walls of Mrs. Evans’ office. Jessie Hillen, Taela Edwards, Kristina Holt, Matilda Watkins, Alexandra Richards and Georgia Shine’s work has been framed and hung expertly by Art teacher Mrs Hayward who promises an on-going supply for the Principal’s office walls throughout the year. l

Award Accolades We all know how tirelessly Mrs Anne Thomas has worked with our award winning choirs for many years here at Fairholme College. What you may not know is that Mrs Thomas has been a very important fixture in the wider music scene in Toowoomba since moving here in 1974. Not only has she worked with a number of other independent schools but Mrs Thomas has been deeply involved in St Patrick’s Junior Choir for 20 years, as well as the Toowoomba Choral Society, the Toowoomba Eisteddfod Committee and the Choral Society’s Youth activities. In recognition of her true immersion and vital contribution to our city’s Music Community, Mrs Thomas was awarded the Toowoomba Regional Council’s 2009 Australia Day Cultural Award at the Official Australia Day Ceremony on Monday 26th January. This is a wonderful achievement and certainly well deserved. We are all very pleased for Anne – and very proud of her too! Congratulations!

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


is all about sharing... & caring Boarding @ Fairholme ... Big Sister Senior Mum Evening (1) All Year 7 and 8 girls are matched with a buddy, or Big Sister, in Year 9 and a Senior Mum, a Year 12 student. Year 12 girls contribute a great deal to the process of settling in for the younger girls, offering ongoing support and help to Year 7s and 8s. An evening activity organised by the Big Sister Committee is held to celebrate the connection between the younger and older girls. This year, a dinner and activity evening was held, with lots of get-to-know-you games and some delicious finger food. Broncos vs Cowboys (2) Boarders are always passionate about sport and rugby league is no exception. On a Friday night in March, we sent about forty girls to Suncorp Stadium to watch the Broncos beat the Cowboys. A most enjoyable evening was had by both students and staff. The behaviour of the Fairholme girls is excellent which means that excursions like this are a great experience for all who attend. New Year 6 and 7 Area (3) This year we have created a new area for Years 6 and 7 in the Nancy Shaw Dorm. While the area is still intimate, it is much more spacious and welcoming. The girls love the fact that they have access to other parts of the Boarding House as well as the opportunity to have other girls visit. It is a friendly and cheerful part of the Boarding House and the girls have made it a lovely zone.



Valentine Dinner (4) To celebrate Valentine’s Day, the Activities Committee organised a theme dinner, with many red and pink decorations in the shape of hearts. Boarders dressed in keeping with the theme, the Dining Room looked fabulous and the games, activities and food made the evening a memorable occasion. Year 7 and 8 Boarder Daygirl Sleepover (5) To get our City Family connections started and to encourage good communication between boarders and day-girls, a sleepover was held in the gym. One Saturday afternoon in February, Mrs Scott, Mrs Hawken and Miss Thonell together with the Boarder Prefects and the Pastoral Care Prefects welcomed more than a hundred girls from Years 7 and 8 to the Middle School amphitheatre. After a delicious afternoon tea, the girls were divided into groups and so began an afternoon and evening of energetic and fun activities organised by the prefects. There was opportunity for the daygirls to experience meals in the dining room and an evening away from home in company with girls of their own age. The boarders showed their daygirl buddies their rooms and a little of the Boarding House. Sleeping in a large room with so many others was a challenge for some but most had several hours of peace. It was a successful weekend and a really good time was had by all. Mrs Joy Scott Head of Boarding


learning @ Fairholme...

Gaining Valuable Skills for the future

Boarder Church Service Throughout Term Two Boarders will be having more “at school” Sunday Chapel services together with regular visits to their church of choice for Sunday morning worship. At this stage, every second Sunday morning the Boarders will attend church down town, and on the alternate Sunday they will have a Chapel service at school in New Chapel on Sunday evening after the evening meal. Pastor Jessup has prepared a series of evening messages for the girls called, “Messages from the Movies” which draw on selected scenes and/or dialogue from a number of current movies. The commentary from these movies is lined up against the teaching from Scripture, and in particular, from the teaching of Jesus. It is important the girls understand that the Bible has advice to offer each one of us that intersects with each and every life situation, and movies are simply a vehicle to assist in biblical teaching and group discussion.

Now in its fourth year of active operation, the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Department at Fairholme College continues to expand steadily. Already this year, there has been great interest from the current Year 10 students and their parents contributing to our biggest cohort of VET students at such an early stage in a year. Over Years 10, 11 and 12 there are approximately 60 students studying vocational qualifications through either School-based Traineeships or other short courses. Exciting and new areas of enrolments include Aviation Engineering (Peggy Keats, Year 10), Legal Administration (Stephanie McNaughton, Year 10) and Nursing - Maternity (Lara Sweedman Year 10). There are also a great number of girls enrolled into Agriculture this year. Children’s Services also continues as a favourite area of study with all our year levels. Other areas of training currently studied are Aged Care, Sports, Mechanics, Retail, Business, Information Technology, Tourism, Design, Art and Contemporary Crafts and Computer Aided Drafting (Architectural program). There are over 400 areas of training: Vocational Education Co-ordinator, Ms Arlie Hollindale welcomes enquiries about the program.

AVIATION Peggy Keats (Yr 10)

In Term Three, Pastor Jessup will have a special Chapel for the Senior girls every Sunday evening in New Chapel. These Chapel Services will be based around the very popular Nooma series, put together by Pastor Rob Bell. Seniors’ Chapel will be held just prior to the evening meal on Sunday and then, every second Sunday, the rest of the Boarding House will have their Chapel service after the evening meal. Throughout this year the Boarding House has organised a small group of girls to assist with Chapel services and provide feedback to Pastor Jessup. By doing this it enables Chapel services to address some of the needs and issues that interest and/or concern the girls. Libbie Struss and Sarah Gorton have been the co-ordinators of this “Chapel Committee” and their input has been very helpful and appreciated.

NURSING/AGED CARE Alyce Dangerfield (Yr 11) AGRICULTURE Sally Carson (Y10)

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009



learning to be a

good sport...

CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONS The 2009 Interhouse Cross Country, held this year at Kearney Springs, saw over 500 students complete standard and championship events throughout the afternoon. Each of the 6 championship divisions saw over 40 runners contest distances over 3km and 4km while 300 students participated in the shorter standard course. Strong House spirit was evident throughout the event with Stephens House named Championship House at the end of the day.

@ Fairholme is

Age Champions: 12yrs – Mackenzie Andrews (S); 13yrs – Aisha Wighton (P); 14yrs – Aleysha Martin (S); 15yrs – Emily Perkins (C); 16yrs – Grace Wheeler (C); U/20yrs – Chasley Wilson Following these championships, a large squad of runners competed against the top Brisbane schools at the annual John Paul College meet. Fairholme competed against students from eleven other GPS schools and impressively, finished in EQUESTRIAN EXCELLENCE The end of the Term 1 school holidays marked a big weekend for the Equestrian Team. On 17th, 18th and 19th April the annual Darling Downs Interschool Equestrian Regional Championships were held at the Toowoomba Showgrounds. Disciplines covered were Dressage, Showjumping, Combined Training, Showman and Showhorse. Riders representing Fairholme, and their overall individual placings (to 10th place) were Maitie Webb (6th Showman, 5th Dressage), Phoebe Raff (6th Combined Training, 7th Showjumping), Olivia McIntyre (7th Dressage) Kelsie Cranston

GO QUEENSLANDERS! Senior Netballers Madeline Paton and Genevieve Aisthorpe contested the Australian U/17 National Championships in Canberra during April. The talented pair have consistently gained selection in representative junior squads throughout 2008 and were members of last year’s Fairholme Senior Vicki Wilson team who were narrowly defeated in the State Final. In Canberra, the Queensland team finished 4th with South Australia claiming the title in a tight match with Victoria. Queensland has a number of wins throughout the tournament including success in the round matches against Tasmania and the Northern Territory. The two girls will both compete in the Queensland Secondary Schools Championships to be held later in the term.



third place. Year 7 runner Mackenzie Andrews won gold in the 12 years division and Grace Wheeler finished with a silver medal in the 16 years event. The depth of the Fairholme squad was evident throughout the event with a large number of runners finishing in the top 20.

(8th Dressage, 5th Combined Training), Emily Reardon (9th Combined Training, 9th Showjumping), Grace Buchholz (9th Combined Training, 7th Showjumping), Anna Bourne(6th Dressage, 2nd Combined Training), Georgia Munro(3rd Showjumping), Abbey Matson 8th CombinedTraining), Alex Munro, Erin Hannant, Chrissy Hilton (8th Showman, 2nd Dressage, 5th Combined Training) and of course the Captain of the team, Kyla Reid (3rd Showman, Supreme Secondary Champion Dressage, Supreme Secondary Champion Combined Training, Supreme Secondary Champion Showjumping).

ACEING IT! Two of Fairholme’s most promising junior tennis players feature in the latest program designed to nurture developing junior players in regional Queensland. Katrina Hollibone (Year 12) will assist Stephen Murphy in coaching members of the Athlete Development Program (ADP) while Andjela Djokovic (Year 9) has been accepted into the Elite Athlete Program (EAP). Both programs were launched recently with the aim of providing one of the best training environments for elite juniors in Queensland.

BREAKING RECORDS Hayley Wolff (Year 12) has been selected onto the Queensland Swimming Team, which will compete during September at the National Schools Championships in Perth. Hayley set a State new record time for 50 Freestyle and also a new Best by Fairholme record time for the 50 Butterfly. A multiple medallist and Australian Record breaker at the 2008 Pacific School Games, the talented swimmer was named winner of the Owen Janetski Trophy for Champion Female Swimmer on the Downs for a third consecutive year. At these Championships, Fairholme won 5 of the 6 Age Trophies (coming 2nd in the 14 years) as well as securing the Aggregate and Relay trophies.

fulfilling! EMILEE SCORES! Year 11 student Emilee Cherry is one of Australia’s rising stars in the sport of Touch. The 16 year old was awarded the Roxy Winder trophy at the recent International Youth World Challenge Tournament in New Zealand. The award, recognizing the best female performance out of all the competing Australian Teams, is one of the most prestigious awards offered at international level. A member of the winning Australian U/19 team, Emilee scored 8 times during the three encounters with New Zealand while the team recorded a 21 – 0 win against the South African side. The World Youth Challenge, played at Trust’s Stadium in Auckland, involved teams from Singapore, New Zealand and South Africa.

Apart from the overall individual placings, there were many all important team placings. Fairholme were placed third in the Overall Team Dressage (Kyla, Olivia, Kelsie & Maitie) and third also in Overall Team placings (Kyla, Olivia, Kelsie & Emily). Fairholme gained second place in Team Showjumping (Kyla, Georgia, Kelsie and Grace). Kyla Reid was also awarded the prestigious Summers Trophy for the rider accumulating the most points across all four disciplines. There was much more to the weekend than just the competition - a wonderful atmosphere of team and school spirit was displayed.

Representative Power! Fairholme continues to provide Secondary Darling Downs teams with team members. They are: Triathlon – Taleigha Rowe; Water Polo – Kaiya Ferguson, Brooke Mason and Hayley Wolff; Tennis – Bri Ladbrook; Touch – Emilee Cherry; Volleyball – Alexis Hindmarsh; Netball – Cleannah Sweeney, Kelli Boucaut, Monica Lysanowicz, Bronte Lloyd, Rachael Curtis, Madeline Paton and Genevieve Aisthorpe; Swimming – Natalie Dendle, Lucy Greig, Samantha Hollands, Ailsa Houston, Jessica Reinhardt, Katrina Smith, Brooke Mason and Hayley Wolff; Basketball – Madison Brazier; and Football – Matilda Watkins. This is a total of twenty four to date, with Cross Country and Athletics to be selected. There have been many more who also made Toowoomba teams that went to Darling Downs trials. Congratulations girls!

GOLDEN GLOVES Fairholme’s softball team produced their best ever performance at the recent Golden Gloves Championship held at Kearney Springs. The tournament hosts teams from across the Darling Downs with schools from Laidley and Dalby joining seven Toowoomba teams for the day long competition. Fairholme progressed through their round matches against Faith Lutheran College and St. Saviour’s with a strong batting display in both matches. The win against Dalby in the semi final saw Fairholme enter its first grand final since the introduction of the Golden Glove competition. Harristown, undefeated throughout the day, produced a strong performance to win the final. With many of Fairholme’s players still in the junior grades, the team gained valuable experience from the tournament and is looking to build on this year’s result. Fairholme’s Ms Gierke once again convened the tournament while coaches Vicki Burgess, Lyn Grieves and scorer Darleen Davis were instrumental in the team’s success.

Star State Swimmers Alexandra Day, Gabriella Meyers and Shannon Tucker represented Fairholme at the Primary School State Championships in Cairns from March 26th to 28th. All swimmers did a great job and experienced very different racing conditions to normal. The Cairns’ facility had a 50 metre outdoor pool, the temperature was over 31 degrees. Each of the swimmers recorded a personal best time or equalled their best time. Loughlin Reilly and Samuel Bardsley who swim with the FAST Swimming Club also represented their schools. The Secondary School State Championships were held in Brisbane at the Chandler Aquatic Centre from April 2nd to April 4th. All swimmers performed extremely well throughout the three days of competition. Congratulations to Hayley Wolff, Natalie Dendle, Samantha Hollands,

Jessica Reinhardt, Ailsa Houston, Brooke Mason, Lucy Greig and Katrina Smith. Christian Roberts, Luke Mason, Dominic Churchett, Sam Collins and Jordan Weribone FAST Swimming Club Members also competed. Each swimmer represented the College and Fairholme Swimming Club with distinction. Twenty-six top ten finishes demonstrated the quality of the Fairholme Aquatic Swimming Team. Of these finishes we had 8 Gold, 3 Silver and 5 Bronze medals. Hayley Wolff was selected onto the Queensland Secondary Schools Team to compete at the National Schools Championships, which will be held in Perth during September. Natalie Dendle, Samantha Hollands, Jessica Reinhardt, Katrina Smith and Christian Roberts were also considered for the State Team. Hayley Wolff set a new State record and two Best by Fairholme records (50 Freestyle and 50 Butterfly). Samantha Hollands set a new Best by Fairholme record (100 Butterfly).

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


learning @ Fairholme...

As we are propelled into another active year in the College, I am reminded that my time left at Fairholme is becoming very limited. With that, I often reflect on some of my fondest memories so far, most of which to no surprise, have been within the school. I have always thought of Fairholme as a place of comforts; a place of familiarity with a flourishing school spirit. Coming to school everyday, you become warmly attached to PCG in the mornings, our always-entertaining assemblies and the small things, like sitting under the palms in central lawn on a typical winter afternoon, wrapped in a blazer. This year has seen the launch of the motto ‘2009, a new century to shine’ which expressed our focus to kick off a new era in the Fairholme history with a fun and inspiring goal in mind. Already in facets of sport, the arts and anything you can throw at a Fairholme girl, we have seen girls striving. I have been amazed by what Fairholme girls have achieved, with their success encouraged and recognised regularly in our community. Although our Principal of fifteen years may have parted ways with us recently, our Fairholme values and traditions remain firmly attached. We enter a new Fairholme century with a new principal, Mrs Linda Evans, who through a pre – established love for Fairholme, has ensured that the most valuable aspects of a Fairholme upbringing are still the same as they were when I first came in Grade 8. The changes witnessed so far, whether large or small, are steps forward in the school’s development. There is much to be proud of in a school such as ours. With such a rich history already, all we can do now is add to it. Chasley Wilson Head Girl 2009



promotes leadership

SENIOR PREFECTS 2009 Front Row (L-R): Ellie Farrington (Prefect for Pastoral), Rose Brownlie (Prefect for Boarding), Chasley Wilson (Head Girl), Mrs Linda Evans (Deputy Principal), Mr Stan Klan (Principal), Lucy Hempenstall (Head Day Girl), Reanna Weedon (Prefect for Cameron House), Mary Grant (Prefect for Stephens House) Middle Row (L-R): Genevieve Aisthorpe (Prefect for Powell House), Alice Milson (Prefect for Communications), Madeline Paton (Prefect for Powel House) Simone Visagie (Prefect for Pastoral), Felice Chandler (Prefect for Pastoral), Samantha Shakspeare (Prefect for Interact), Ellie Chapman (Prefect for Pastoral), Rebecca Hoath (Prefect for Black House) Natalie O’Kane (Prefect for Boarding), Isabella Greenhill (Prefect for Teaching and Learning), Kyla Reid (Prefect for Stephens House) Back Row (L-R): Bridie Bush (Prefect for Boarding), Sarah Gorton (Prefect for Boarding), Georgina Gilder (Head Boarder), Emily Krelle (Prefect for The Arts), Ally Dyer (Prefect for Cameron House), Courtney Lloyd (Prefect for Sport), Amelia Chapman (Prefect for Black House), Eliza Von Drehnen (Prefect for Boarding), Libbie Struss (Prefect for Student Ministry). MIDDLE SCHOOL LEADERS Semester I Front Row (L-R): Karlea Hindmarsh (Stephens House), Kate Darlington (Cameron House), Mrs Hawken (Head of Middle School), Meg Hamilton (Cameron House), Meg Armstrong (Black House). Back Row (L-R): Aleysha Martin (Stephens House), Gheorja Haidley (Powell House), Jasmine Bartelen (Powell House), Sarah Amos (Pastoral Care), Amalia Hughes (Pastoral Care) Sarah Reye (Black House). JUNIOR SCHOOL LEADERS Semester I Front Row (L-R) : Laura Wheeler (Pastoral), Ashleigh Pulford (Boarding), Suneek Sukhnundan (Pastoral), Olivia Hassall (Learning Centre), Nikki Cornwell (Class - Year 6.2), Katie Devine (Black House). Back Row (L-R): Abigail Munro (Cultural), Ainslie Fraser (Cultural), Kate Martin (Class - Year 6.1), Grace Jarvis (Learning Centre), Nicola Layton (Powell House), Jordan Mogg (Cameron House), Madeleine Lindemann (Stephens House).

BOARDER PREFECTS Front Row (L-R) : Eliza Von Drehnen, Bridie Bush, Rose Brownlie, Mrs Joy Scott (Head of Boarding),Natalie O’Kane, Georgina Gilder (Head Boarder), Sarah Gorton

learning to...

remember Lest we forget! What a privilege it was to have Squadron Leaders Bronwen and Damion Fauser address our Junior and Middle/ Senior School Assemblies on Friday, April 24. Along with the haunting music of The Last Post and Reveille played by Year 12 Prefect, Genevieve Aisthorpe, staff and students were reminded of the importance and significance of ANZAC Day, of those who have worked to secure our country’s safety; both now and in the past. Alice Milson, College Prefect for Communications, delivered the public address at the mid-morning Anzac Day service, at the Mother’s Memorial in Toowoomba, for 2009. Following is an excerpt from her moving presentation; we congratulate Alice on her outstanding public speaking efforts!

“Today is all about the personal stories. This is what we commemorate: the losses, the sacrifices, but most of all the gains. The gaining of a national reputation for mateship, for triumph over adversity, for integrity, the gaining of friendships forged in the fiery battle, the gaining of unity. Anzac is perhaps the most important national occasion, and no other day can boast of the ability to gather every type of Australian in one place, with one thought in mind. Whether you are young or old, whether you have served in battle or not, we have come together to commemorate the loss of life that resulted in the most significant gain of all - the gaining of a nation that has paid for the right to hold its head high and walk in freedom”.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


Learning outside the school gates...

show stoppers!

Talented riders Emily Elder (Yr 10) and Fiona Elder (Yr 8) joined their younger sister Anna at the 2009 Grand Nationals at Horsley Park in Sydney recently. The event, one of the highlights of the Equestrian calendar, attracts the best riders from across the country. The three girls achieved excellent results during the 4 day event with Fiona and Anna finishing in the top 10 in their respective divisions and Emily performing well in the Show Hunter class for 15 year olds. Goondiwindi riders, the girls rode in their local show a few weeks later, placing in every section and finishing with two Supreme Champion awards and 13 Champion or Reserve Champion placings between them.

On Sunday the 29th of April, Dance Captain Sheridan Francis,ventured to Forrest Lake State High School, Gold coast to participate in a dance workshop held by SOURCEDANCE with world-renowned guest choreographer, Tony Czar.



Year 12 student Alexis Hindmarsh was named Beef Australia’s Champion Young Judge for 2009 at this year’s “Beef Week” held at Rockhampton. Alexis, who has been parading cattle for over 7 years, competed against 500 other competitors ranging in age from 7 years up to 25 years. She also achieved wins in the U/16 and U/18 categories at the 5 day event. Fellow Fairholme boarder Rebecca Skene was also successful in her categories, placing 2nd in the Open category of the Young Paraders and winning the U/14 and U/16 division.

After some specialised training with the team, Mr Czar announced that Sheridan was the winner of a $500 scholarship to participate in the Hollywood Dance Tour held in Los Angeles, America once a year with world renowned choreographers who work with artists such as Beyoncé, Chris Brown, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, etc. Other guest choreographers include Brian Friedman, Tucker Buckley and Mia Michaels from America’s hit reality TV show “So You Think You Can Dance”.

learning to ....


vocational Outstanding success for our Artists! Art students from the Middle and Senior School entered 23 works in this year’s School Art and Open Photography Sections at the Toowoomba Show. The results below speak for themselves: Art - Year 10 - 3D Craft / Hobby Section First & Reserve Champion - Noor Aljassim Second - Eloise Gluer Third - Georgia Shine Highly Commended - Bronte Naylor

Knocking on doors

Art - Year 11 - Coloured Picture Section First - Kaiya Ferguson Third - Emily Reardon Highly Commended - Paula Collins Highly Commended - Kate Scudamore Highly Commended - Joelle Barnes

Thirty six girls participated in the Endeavour Foundation Doorknock on Sunday, 15 February. They collected approximately $1300 in a few short hours – not bad for a morning’s work. All money collected in the local area is used to support the Endeavour Foundation’s vital assistance within the Toowoomba community.

Art - Year 12 - Coloured Picture Section First - Chasely Wilson Second - Erin McCallum Third - Felice Chandler

Beautiful Spring weather greeted this fantastic event was held on Sunday 1 March from Picnic Point to Lake Annand. We had approximately one hundred participants and volunteer helpers from the extended Fairholme Family alone – an amazing effort! Thank you to everybody who took part and also to the girls who gave up their morning to assist with the event. Money raised was donated to a few charities with the major recipient being the Queensland Cancer Council.

Art - Year 12 - Freehand Drawing Section First - Chasely Wilson Third - Erin McCallum

Peak 2 Park Fun Run

Orange Day Bushfire Appeal Open Photography Section - Series of Images First Prize - Ella Cottle Open Photography Section - Pictorial Colour Print Highly Commended - Ella Cottle

Congratulations to these talented girls and to their equally talented Art teacher Mrs Karen Hayward

The Fairholme College Interact Club initiated a fundraising campaign in response to the tragic bushfires which devastated so much of Victoria. A gold coin collection netted $3000 which was donated to the Myer Bushfire Appeal and Myer matched donations dollar for dollar. The Free Dress Day, where girls came dressed in orange, netted a further $2400 for the Australian Red Cross. We extend our sincere thanks to all families who gave so generously to support this cause.

The Hollywood Tour runs for 21 days, with over 32 classes in the course. During the Tour, choreographer Andre Fuentes, will be teaching and preparing all participants for a concert “Carnival” with a percentage of the audience consisting of members looking for prospective professional dancers.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


learning from...


Learning from...

Mission: India On three separate occasions over the last 12 years, Fairholme has tried, unsuccessfully, to organise a mission trip into India. Finally, in November/ December, 2008, the dream became a reality, when 12 students from Year 11 together with 5 members of staff, travelled to Ootacamund in Tamil Nadu, South India, to work for 2 weeks at Mizpah Home, an orphanage caring for 23 Indian children. Planning for this trip began in late 2007. Pastor Richard Jessup and Mr Julian Turner developed the idea of a “Discovery” Tour where students could not only discover another part of the world, but through their experience they would necessarily discover something about themselves. Since returning in December, we have had a number of opportunities to share our experiences with various sections of the Fairholme community. Perhaps these words of one of our group members, shared at a school assembly, will give you some idea of the effect this trip had on the girls.

“I had 23 little faces smiling at me, each with their own devastating story of pain and loss. Some of these little children had been rescued from the streets or saved from leprosy colonies. Others had lost both parents and had been left to fend for themselves. Some had been found surviving on rubbish heaps or living off banana skins discarded on the street. But smiles were all I could see … Mizpah Home is where we met those 23 smiling faces. Forgetting the past, the different parts of the world we came from and the ages we were, for over a week we took adventures, laughed, played and bonded like we were eight years old again. We went over to touch the lives of people less fortunate than ourselves, but in doing so, my life was touched more deeply than I ever thought imaginable.” I would like to thank all those dear folk who assisted in any way to help us get to India and the very valuable leadership team that assisted our girls on tour: Miss Mary Timmer, Mrs Nerida Turner and Mr Julian Turner, and Mrs Kerrie Jessup. It is our intention to make this trip to Mizpah Home in south India, an annual mission trip for Fairholme College. The 2009 trip is being planned at this very moment. If you are interested in hearing more about our mission trip or partnering with us in our future mission trips, please contact me at Fairholme College (07) 4688 4688. Pastor Richard Jessup Chaplain

Vive La France! Twenty-two excited Year 10, 11 and 12 French and History students, staff and parents set out on a trip of a lifetime to France at the beginning of the Easter break. The whirlwind itinerary began with sightseeing in Paris, where we successfully negotiated the metro, went to the top of the Eiffel Tower for a panoramic view , then visited it again at night to see it lit up and looking absolutely beautiful. We appreciated the beauty of Notre Dame Cathedral and the Sacré Coeur Basilica, were overwhelmed by the proportions of Napoleon’s tomb in Hôtel des Invalides, watched the crazy traffic from on top of the Arc de Triomphe, and soaked up the atmosphere as we mingled with the artists of Montmartre and strolled along the Champs Elysées. We also relaxed on board a ‘Bateau Parisien’ for a cruise on the Seine River. After Paris, we visited the incredible Versailles Palace, followed by the castles of the Loire Valley (Chenonceaux, Amboise and Clos Lucé), then it was off to Mont St Michel on the Normandy coast, the D Day Landing beaches, the Bayeux tapestry, the Caen Peace Memorial, Villers Bretonneux’s Australian World War 1 Cemetery/Memorial where several people found names of their relatives killed during the war, Amiens and its magnificent cathedral, the Somme battlefields and trenches and the WW1 museum in Péronne. The trip was a most worthwhile and culturally enlightening experience and one that we hope future French and History students will be able to enjoy. Leanne Grams Teacher of French



formally fabulous!

The wet and windy weather didn’t even go close to dampening the spirits of the Fairholme Senior girls and their partners who took part in their 2009 formal evening on Thursday April 2 at Picnic Point . Parents enjoyed pre-dinner savouries and the Father and daughter dance, while past Fairholme Head of Arts, Russell Bauer entertained with his band. Congratulations to the Formal committee on an outstanding evening (Pictured below with Mrs Jody Friend) Ellen Wheeler, Stephanie Little, Ella Cottle, Claire Sanders and Bianca Cronin.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009



Old Girls’ Association Our oldest old girl??

A note from the President

Exciting news for 2009 : work is about to start in earnest on our collection of memorabilia and archives. The Board of Directors has given us the use of the large foyer in the old administration building, previously the main reception area. The Toowoomba branch of FOGA has offered to assist with renovations of this space which will be used for changing displays of our memorabilia, as well as a gallery space, a meeting and or reception area. Since the foyer leads into the Principal’s office, there will be a constant flow of people who will be able to enjoy the exhibits. We are also anticipating that an archivist will be employed by FOGA in conjunction with the ‘Archival Project’. Memorabilia will thus be restored where necessary, catalogued and stored in appropriate climate-controlled conditions. How fabulous is that – we have somewhere to restore, store and somewhere to display our collection – the beginnings of the ‘Fairholme Museum’. Lets all get behind this project. We would dearly love anything relating to your years at Fairholme that you would like to pass on for the future. Photos can be copied and returned if you wish to keep them- even candid shots are precious – so please lend us your albums or donate any memorabilia you have ‘in the top of the cupboard’.



The other good news is that Mrs Jo Glasheen will be taking over most of the Alumni work from 2nd semester this year. Jo has been working for Fairholme in the publications area externally for more than 10 years and in 2009 accepted a part time position as Manager of Promotions and Publications. From July 2009, Jo will be full time at Fairholme, also assisting with Alumni work. Jo and I have already worked together on a couple of projects and as President, I will still be involved and will be available to any of you for queries or for a chat. The booklet ‘Fairholme Memories’ is fabulous and well worth ordering (see details P 25). Thanks to Betty Stoyles and Jo Glasheen for the work they put into this. I love my involvement at Fairholme. Particularly, I enjoy my contact with past students and I am just so thrilled with the exciting things that are happening this year. As always I urge you to do one or more of the following; come to reunions, contact an old school friend today, go to the Fairholme Website, get involved with the archives, donate your memorabilia, come to a FOGA meeting, visit the Spring Fair, supply news and a photograph for FOCUS; email me, or ring for a chat. SO MUCH TO DO !! Claire Wuth (Perkins) (1974) Ph 46884688 on Fridays or leave a message with reception and I’ll get back to you!

Jean Le Brocq (Dehnert)(1932) Jean has sent in this photo (pictured left) of her 91st birthday celebrations last year at the Kawana Bowls Club where she still plays bowls twice a week and throws out the challenge to ask if she is the oldest Fairholme old girl. Jean has fond memories of Fairholme and has a wonderful memory for names and events shown in her precious photo album of her days at school. Jean says that she adored Miss Culpin and played in the Basketball and Tennis teams. A horse named ‘Bluey’ lived at Fairholme and the girls took great delight in galloping him up the hill with two or three aboard. While living in Brisbane Jean (then Jean Ford) was an active member of Brisbane FOGA holding positions of Secretary and President. Mrs Christine Gilshenan (past student and current staff member) is Jean’s niece. We would love to hear news of some more of our very early old girls . Please send in a short paragraph and a photo for inclusion in the FOCUS.

FOGA Dates to remember BRISBANE Sunday, 30th August Annual Brisbane FOGA Church Parade, St Paul’s Presbyterian Church, St Paul’s Terrace, Brisbane Service at 9.30am, please assemble outside by 9.15am. A small plate for morning tea would be appreciated. RSVP - Hon Secretary, Anne Mitchell, 3269 9302 TOOWOOMBA Third Wednesday in June, July, August, September and October 4pm Fairholme Homestead Toowoomba FOGA Meetings Thursday 17th September 2pm Founders’ Day Fairholme Saturday 17th October 1-6pm Fairholme Spring Fair Annual Year Level Reunions Sunday 18th October FOGA Church Service 9am at Fairholme FOGA Annual Luncheon for all year levels – Fairholme College Dining Room November (Date TBA) Toowoomba FOGA Christmas function. “MEMORIES” Centenary Magazine

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Please contact the College for an order form today!! 07 4688 4688

Bursaries and Awards

A Note from the Boarder Support Group

Two Bursaries were presented on Founders’ Day. The Phyllis Lovell Memorial Bursary for the Year 12 (daughter of an Old Girl) who has made the best all round contribution to College life was presented to Demi Ladbrook, daughter of Kerry Ladbrook (nee Hansen 1981). The Bursary for the direct descendant of an Old Girl who received the highest Year 10 pass the previous year was presented to Chasley Wilson, current head girl and great granddaughter of Hilda Golder (nee Duthie). Hilda was a boarder at Fairholme in the 1920’s.

The boarder parent group remains strong and well patronised at the beginning of each term. Through the boarder support group we are lucky to have an environment to be able to work out the boarding priorities to make it a healthier and happier place for everyone. The AGM was held recently with a change over of executive:

Presentation Evening 2008: the Daisy Culpin Prize for Leadership & Work (Gift of Brisbane FOGA) was awarded to Melinda Simmons (Head Girl 2008). The Jean Tassie Memorial Prize for Dux of Year 11 (Gift of Toowoomba FOGA) was awarded to Lucy Hempenstal (Head Day Girl)

Through the current boarding community we were able to raise over $1000 towards an acknowledgement of Heather and her kindness, efficiency and knowledge of all things Fairholme. We had a beautiful white rose quilt made which a large number of people signed. It was given to Sister Harrison at Presentation Evening last year by past student, parent and teacher – Gayle Hall and old girl Jenny Cameron.

Past President New President Past Secretary New Secretary Past Vice President New Vice President

Susie Milson Debbie Weber Ray Webster Anne Noon Di McIntyre Annie Beare

As most of you would know at the end of last year, Sister Heather Harrison, retired from an illustrious 25 years service at the Fairholme Health Centre. We are one of the very lucky schools to have 24 hour assistance from the nursing staff, and this year we have local Doctor and past Fairholme Mum, Dr Ros Dunlop, coming to the school for appointments 3 times a week in the Homestead.

With the left-over money we would like to have a permanent tribute to Heather, in the Health Centre, which we hope to dedicate at the end of this year. If any Old Girls or past families would like to further contribute towards this please do not hesitate to contact me on smilson@ or 46950075. Organisation for the Boarders’ Cent Sale at this year’s fete is well under way. We have set up a small committee to oversee the running of the cent sale which is the largest earner at the Spring Fair each year. If anyone has any contacts within Toowoomba, or a national company (ie Telstra) could you please contact me at above email so we could approach them for a contribution towards our efforts. Hoping everyone has had at least some rain and hoping we can see you at this year’s Spring Fair on October 17th. Susie Milson

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


dates p U t n e d tu

Past S

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Betty Wratt (Campbell) (1941) and her son, Quentin, hosted an overnight visit from Ann Mitchell (Clarke) (Brisbane FOGA) in Blenheim NZ. Betty (pictured left with Ann) made a beautiful lunch of NZ lamb, vegies and sauces. “It was so good to renew our friendship and bring her upto-date with her friends here,” Ann said. Susie Rigby(Hodgson) (1985) Living in Brisbane and teaching Year 3 girls at St Aidan’s Anglican Girl’s School. Alicia Ewart (Sewell )(1995 ) Living in Victoria. Registered Nurse for 10 years, married to Airforce personnel, Gary, and they have a son Jack and a daughter Annabelle Jillian Francis (2002) currently practising as an Associate at Baker & McKenzie, having been recently admitted to the NSW Supreme Court as a lawyer. Prior to this, completed a judge’s associateship and in 2006, and completed double degrees in International Relations and Law at Bond University. Many very fond memories of being a Fairholme girl where she was encouraged to ‘strive for excellence and rise above medocrity’. Mellessa Forbes (2001) Studied a degree in Education and Behavioural studies, then relocated to the Sunshine Coast with partner Christopher Smith. In June 2007 they welcomed their first child, a precious boy, ‘Isaac Daniel’. When Isaac was 6 weeks old Chris proposed – see wedding notes.



Pieta Moller (Hollingsworth) (1988) Married in 1991 and have 3 daughters Hannah 15 Georgina 13 and Grace 9. Living in Mount Isa, Queensland. Petrina Schiavi (Czislowski) (1989) Working in Canberra at the Australian National University as a post-doctoral research fellow in the area of regulation and climate change. Married with a 3 year old son. Julie Lunn (1991)Initially worked as a Nanny and in retail. Moved back to Western Australia to be closer to family. Studied Bachelor of Arts in History at Murdoch University and in 2007 graduated with Honours in History. Employed as a research assistant at Curtin University researching Western Australian war memorials. Loves living in Perth and could not imagine living anywhere else. Meredith Hornick (nee Barry) (1991) has started a facebook group for the seniors of 1991 it would be good to find some more old school friends. It is open to anyone who would have graduated in 1991. Belinda Griffiths (Gillingham) (1994) Studied Animal Production at Gatton College. Worked in the cotton industry for an Agronomist before heading to Canada for a rural exchange on a mixed farming property in Manitoba. Belinda also worked for the Taroom Shire Landcare Group for 3 years. Married long time boyfriend John Griffiths in 2003 and moved to Dalby where they operate a grain farm. Belinda and John have 2 girls Clare and Emily with baby number three due in June. Jenifer Flehr (2000) Currently living at the Sunshine Coast with partner Andrew. Gradually renovating a house and taken up competing at outrigging. Worked in Real Estate and now with a building company.

Simone Stinson (Mayze) (1988) Left school and travelled extensively supported by working as a nurse and midwife. Met and married a northern Irishman and lived in Scotland for 6 years. Has now returned to Australia and is living in Toowoomba with three lovely children and a fourth due in February. Sarah Cox (nee Jeffrey) (1990) Spent a number of years as a journalist with the Queensland Country Life and is continuing to work as a freelance journalist for Rural Press publications. Sarah and her husband Richard own and operate Cracow Station, Theodore. They have two children, Edward and Johanna. Elke Perdacher (1991)Upon leaving Fairholme College studied Science, then Psychology and worked as a Psychologist for the past 10 years. Currently in the process of completing a Doctorate of Forensic Psychology and balancing that with her greatest achievement - a son Oliver (See Births). Elizabeth Murrie (Briggs) (2001) married Dale Murrie in 2006 and they have one daughter Olivia Jane who is 2. Elizabeth and Dale operate the Wendy’s franchises in Grand Central & Clifford Gardens. Lynette Bunker (Thompson) (1985) Living on the Sunshine Coast with husband Warren and two girls Samantha and Nicola. Employed as a town planner guiding the vision for the next 20 years and beyond to create sustainable towns, cities and rural areas on the Sunshine Coast. Would love to hear from any colleagues close by.


Kris Laurie (Kristien Neale) (1969)enjoyed an action-packed end to 2008 with the marriage of her daughter Tiffany (a journalist living in Perth) and the birth of her first grandchild (Ava Kate) to her son Ben and his wife Kate, who live in Geneva, Switzerland. After many years of moving camp following the career of her geologist husband, Kris and Jim have lived in WA since 1990. Briony Barr (1995) spent 5 years living in NYC pursuing a career in art. She was able to find work with reknowned New York artists, as well as working on movie sets - most notably “Unfaithful” starring Richard Gere and Diane Lane. She has since moved back to Melbourne and has recently completed her Masters degree in Visual Arts. Melissa Munns (2000) Recently promoted to the rank of Captain in the Australian Army and posted just outside Canberra. Melissa has hopes of a deployment in the next two years to the Middle East. In 2006 Melissa was deployed to Timor Leste, finding this exposure to third world living conditions highlighted just how lucky we are to live in Australia. Melissa is living with her partner Brian, also an Army Captain, and their two cats. Melissa and Brian spend a lot of time camping, rogaining, orienteering. Pamela Blaikie (1979) Lives in New York and utilizes her Veterinary Science degree working part time at New York University in Technology Transfer, involved in the management and commercialization of the intellectual property developed by the University. After 7 years of maternity leave, Pamela is hoping to go full time when her youngest boys (5yo twins) start kindergarten in the fall.

Mellessa Forbes (2001) and partner Christopher Smith welcomed their first child, a precious little boy into the world, ‘Isaac Daniel’ in June 2007. Christopher proposed soon after – see wedding news. Elke Perdacher (1991) and her husband welcomed their first child, Oliver this year in July. Becoming a mum has certainly been the most exciting and joyous experience of Elke’s life. Peta McIntyre (Burgess) (1998) welcomed a boy, Jack Alan McIntyre 8lb 9oz on 7/12/08, brother to Emily. Peta and her husband live in Cloncurry and the rain has been fantastic! Dianne O’Brien (Northcott) (1985) Brad & Dianne of Emerald, have welcomed James Raymond Douglas O’Brien into the world on 22 Oct 2008. He is a little trooper, sleeps, eats, smiles, laughs and sleeps again... Extremely loved little Brother for Big Sister Laura... Mallory Anderson (Kibby)(2002)and husband Tim would like to announce the arrival of a baby boy on the 23rd February, 2009. Ashton Lewis Anderson weighed 8lb 4oz and was 53.5cm long. Rebecca Deacon (1998) announces the birth of a baby girl called Ruby Bernice Connolly born 2nd Jan 2009 and weighed 8 pounds 11 ounce. Rebecca lives in NZ Tracey Peters (Wood) (2001) A daughter for Tracey and Nick , born on 21st January 2009. Chloe Matilda Peters. Weighing 6 pound 14 ounces born at St Vincents in Toowoomba.

Rebecca Hawkins (Ranclaud) ( 2001)and husband Bill - first child, a baby girl - Olivia Jane, on the 20th November 2008 weighing 8lb 13.5oz at St. Vincents Hospital, Toowoomba. Lynda Stallard (Kretchmann) (1995) Joe and Lynda had a baby boy on 2 September, 2008. Thomas Edward Stallard was born at North West Private Hospital in Brisbane. Fleur (Walton) (1999) and husband Kirk Anderson of “Wilcannia” Theodore welcome their first child – a baby girl named Tilly Cate Anderson. Tilly was born on February 5th 2009 at St Vincents weighing 7lb 13 oz. Tilly’s Grandmother –Penny Anderson (Hay) (1975)is a Fairholme old girl, and grandfather Ian Walton is a Fairholme Board member. Leesa Woolcock (Muller) (1997) Kevin and Leesa added a little baby girl, Anna Adine Woolcock, to their family- born on the 23/06/08 weighing 8 pound 3 oz. Lavinia Tyrrell (Hart) (1990) and husband Tim are thrilled to announce the arrival of Toby William on 27th Nov 2008. Future playmate for 4yr old brother Ben. Grandson for Margaret Hart (Slaughter) (1963). Belinda May (Gilmore) (1995) and husband Scott welcomed a beautiful baby girl on 27th Jan 2009, 7 weeks early and weighing 1.94kg. Adelaide Sarah Elizabeth May is out of hospital and doing well now. Belinda and Scott also have a 2yo. Helen Dimond (McDowall) (1996) and husband welcomed their second child, Hamish Bruce, on 11th July 2008. His older sister Lucy adores him. Louise Cameron(Willis)(1995) and husband Matt, of “Glenferrie”, Ilfracombe- a son, William Lynne ,10lbs at Mater Mothers Hospital,Brisbane on 8th Jan 2009. Louise is a great great granddaughter of Mrs Cameron, the original owner of Fairholme Homestead. Susie Pini (nee Marsden) (1995) Welcomed her second son -Baby Rocco born August last year.Brother to Jez born July 2006. Still living in PNG with husband Shaun. Megan Woodhouse (Murdoch) (1994) gave birth to twins on Monday 30th March 2009. A girl (Ellie Woodhouse 4lbs 6oz) and a boy (Hugh Woodhouse 5lbs 2oz).

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009



weddings weddings weddings weddings weddings

Anna Jones (1998) and James Chandler (Barcaldine) have announced their engagement.

1. 2.

Maree Hart (1989) to Evan Williams of Melbourne Jacinta Lobwein (2004) has recently became engaged to Mr Matthew Bury, Townsville. Wedding to be held on August 22nd 2009. 4. 5.


7. 6. 8.


1. Tina Stirling (1996) and Clinton Kenyon were married on 24th January 2009, with their wedding ceremony and reception held at ‘The Gums’, Kingaroy. Bridal party members included Anna Timms (Weis) Angela Wallis and Clare Amos (all Fairholme 1996). Tina and Clinton are living on their cattle property at Kingaroy. 2. Courtney Carr Lord (2000) married Gerard Doherty on the 25th April, 2008. Both ceremony and reception held at Noosa Springs Resort, Noosa. 3. Linda Bennett (1972) and Robert Carpenter were married in Toowoomba on the 17 December, 2008. 4. Sally Felton-Taylor (1994) was married to Wally Cooper on 4th Oct 2008 at Buderim, Sunshine Coast. 5. Deirdre Britten (1994) was married to Peter Barden on the 12th Sept 2008 at Point Cartwright, Sunshine Coast. 6. Natalie Wolfenden Fisher (1994) and Bryce Woods (TGS 1993) were married overlooking the Gwydir wetlands on their property “Gallibaraay” Moree NSW on the 16th of August 2008.



They were attended by Michelle Prendergast (Krieg) (1994), Amelia Kibble, Jewel Muller, Poppy Thomas, Dustin Wolfenden Fisher (TGS 1998), Clayton Wolfenden Fisher (TGS 1995) and Ben Traynor. Nat and Bryce toured Europe for their honeymoon before starting their organic wheat harvest back at home. 7. Mallory Anderson (Kibby) (2002) married Tim Anderson on the 29th September, 2007 at Sacred Heart Church Toowoomba followed by a reception at All Seasons Function Centre. Mallory and Tim have settled in Nanango where Mallory is a teacher. More news in Births 8. Mellessa Forbes (2001) married Christopher Smith in a beautiful ceremony in the same church their son was baptised in a few months earlier, followed by a magical reception undercover in gardens at Palmwoods on the sunshine coast. Kelly Forbes (2009) was bridesmaid for her sister. (See also births) .

9. Clare Amos (1996) married Scott McConnel on 20th March 2009, with the ceremony held at St Augustine’s Anglican Church, Hamilton, and reception at The Pavilion, Allan Border Field, Albion. The bride was attended by Tina Kenyon (Stirling) (1996) and Margaret Lindemann (Amos) (1995). Clare and Scott live in Brisbane and are planning an extended honeymoon to Italy in 2010. Tylie Stanford (2001) and Clint Harm were married in the Rockhampton Uniting Church on 12th April 2008, followed by a reception at The Centre Point. Fairholme old girls in the wedding party included Kylie Warrian (2001) and Elouise Stanford (2004) Toni Schneekloth (Burgess) (1996) Married in May 2008. Wedding was held in Townsville at The Strand. The happy couple now live in Musswellbrook, NSW.

re-union weekend

sad passings tributes

Lyle Cotton (Meares)(1942) Alex Manning (2006) Veda Chauvel (Low) 1927 Mary Vlsak (Ivers) 1956 Gail Purcell (Henderson) (1962)

Saturday 17th October Fairholme College Fair 1pm-6pm; All the usual fun of the Fair: Memorabilia display in the Homestead; Tours of the School;Year level reunions on Saturday night (see details below).

Jennifer Kahler (Harris) (1971) Sunday 18th October 9.00am FOGA Annual Church Service at Fairholme. 11.30am FOGA Annual Luncheon for all year levels in the College Dining Room. Tours of the school between Church and Luncheon.

Rachel Perrett (1993) Beryl Johnson (Bidstrup) (1936) Christobel Fletcher (Noble) (1957) Peggy Lowe (Cossart) (1953) Betty McKillop (Annand) (1921) Clarice Jean Dight


Nerida Teakle (Parker)


Joyce Robinson (Winning) (1951) Iris Ellis (nee Commen) ( 1931) Nerida Brennan (Greenwood) (1939) Mary Tod (Griffiths) (1934) Lilian Tschumy (Gwynne) 1937 Heather Chamblerlain (Hart) (1931) Marjorie Lee (Hurworth) (1936) June Allen (Sanders) (1942) Jenny Wilson (Banks) ( 1972) Jillian Cupples (1997) Nancy Hammond (Grant) 1953 Nanette Rowland (Munro) (1944) Jennifer Jones (1963) Madge Chamberlain (1938) Past student and much adored past Music teacher

Jenny Wilson (nee Banks) (1972) Jenny had a very successful, adventurous & fulfilling life but unfortunately was diagnosed with a brain tumour in June last year and she passed away at the beginning of March. Jenny was a very senior and well respected member of staff at The Southbank Institute of Technology. Highlights of her life included her love of the Arts & the English language, her sense of adventure, humour and spirit and undoubtedly the thing she was most passionate about in her life were her two beloved daughters Megan and Erin. Three of Jenny’s old Fairholme colleagues attended her funeral to say goodbye. Jenny’s two sisters Suzanne and Nerida were also Fairholme Old Girls.

Nerida Brennan (nee Greenwood) (1939) Nerida was a life member of FOGA. When she and her husband, John, moved to Brisbane, Nerida became a very staunch member of the Brisbane Branch. Since the early 1980’s, Nerida was the Hon Treasurer on two occasions, with her total service being 25 years. She was “always there”, unassuming, smiling, diligent in her position as Hon. Treasurer. Nerida was also Hon. Treasurer of the Royal Queensland Art Society. Just before the retirement as Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC, as Patron, held an afternoon tea for the Royal Queensland Art Society Executive at Government House. During a lull in the conversation, Nerida commented that she understood Her Excellency had enjoyed the opening of the Fairholme Middle School Building. Very quickly her aide de camp was despatched to find the photos the school had sent and Her Excellency expressed that she was delighted with the students, staff and the new building. In her role as Hon Treasurer of the Royal Queensland Art Society, at the age of 82 and at her own expense, Nerida did a MYOB course to computerise all the accounts. This was done with the encouragement of the very young auditor! Nerida achieved the challenge and her legacy to the incoming Hon Treasurer will be a boon to the Society. Nerida will be sadly missed, but we know she is at peace and reunited with her beloved John. .

10 Year Reunion CLASS OF 1999 Location: Toowoomba Date: Saturday 17th October 2009 Co-ordinators: Amy Tweedie Ph: 0427 763 155 or Amy Edwards (Crowther) Ph: 0407 570 936 Facebook Group: Fairholme College Class of 1999 20 Year Reunion CLASS OF 1989 Location: GPO Bar & Café, 140 Margaret St, Toowoomba Date: Saturday 17th October 2009 Co-ordinators: Lisa Webster (Abberton) 0428 369 874 or 07 5497 3132 Steph Clarke 0447 791 069 or 07 4632 3353 Facebook Group: Fairholme College Year of 1989 (20 Year reunion) 25 Year Reunion CLASS OF 1984 Location: Toowomba Date: Saturday 17th October 2009 Co-ordinator: Jill Brown (Whiteman) Ph: 0428 391 890 Facebook group: Fairholme Reunion Class of 1984 30 Year Reunion CLASS OF 1979 Don’t let your classmates down – offer to co-ordinate the reunion. The alumni officer is at Fairholme a couple of days a week to assist you if necessary. If you could coordinate this reunion please contact The earlier you start the more success you will have in contacting girls in your year level. 40 Year Reunion CLASS OF 1969 Come on class on ’69 – there must be someone out there who would co-ordinate your reunion. The alumni officer is at Fairholme a couple of days a week to assist you if necessary. If you could coordinate this reunion please contact foga@ The earlier you start the more success you will have in contacting girls in your year level. 50 Year Reunion CLASS OF 1959 Location: Toowoomba Date: Saturday 17th October 2009 Co-ordinator: Margaret Rudd (McDougall) 07 41534520 or 6/21 Walters St, BUNDABERG Q 4670 60/70 Year Reunion All Culpin/Tassie/Joughin/Kerr/Crawford Location: Fairholme College Dining Room Date: Saturday 17th October 2009 Time: 11.30am for 12 noon Please email us at or call the College on 4688 4688.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


Lots of fun and laughter were evident over the Reunion Weekend on 18th & 19th October 2008. A very big thank you to the girls who were coordinators for their year levels – you do a wonderful job always. Functions were held at various venues on Saturday night for the 10yr, 20yr, 30yr, 40yr and 50yr level reunions.

A reunion luncheon was held in the Fairholme College Dining Room on Sunday of the Reunion Weekend. This combined the Culpin/Tassie/Joughin/Kerr/ Crawford reunion with girls of any year level and we all enjoyed being at Fairholme once again. Tours of the school were kindly conducted by Mr Klan and the wonderful memorabilia display (per kind favour of Mr John Sessarago) was such a highlight for many.120 girls attended and what a happy day it was. Thank you all for making the effort.

reunions Brisbane Reunion Luncheon March 2009 Pictured top right: Marj Milliken (MacDonald), Laurima Rabe (Young), Daisy Smith (Huston), Margot Curtis Pictured bottom right: President FOGA Brisbane Mrs Daphne Stewart (Wright) and Mr Stan Klan




2008 Reunions


1988 1958


1998 1998 1998 1968

1958 Top - Beth Gustafson (Gessling), Marlene Crank (Bowden), Marjorie Steere (Coe) 1958 Middle - Barbara Bailey (Skerman), Heather Harrison (Neill) 1958 Bottom - Denise Stansbie (Stinson), Bev Bucknell (Brunton) 1968 Standing L to R- Lyn Koch (Buckley); Jenny Macauley(Logan);Margaret Webber(Cayzer); Sue Dunne(Green); and Hughena Scriven(Mackay) Seated L to R- Belinda Maher(Board); Pam Chandler(Robinson);Rosemary Wynn (Bridgeman) and Lois D’Arcy(Hewett). 1978 Top - Christine Lemon (Jerdan), Di Selby (McClymont), Anne Brunner (Coombs) and Leisha Trevillien (Williams) 1978 Middle - Jenny Berrell (Bligh), Helen Jones, Gayle Lemon, and Carolyn Fisher (Weidon) 1988 L-R, Keren Hurley, Susie McMahon (Felton Taylor), Louisa Hoffensetz(Schmidt), Claire Davidson 1998 Top - Lucinda O’Neil, Libby McLean, Tina Rawlings, Amy Bridle, Sam Hayes St Clair 1998 Bottom - Joetta Perret, Lucy Bliss, Bub Walker

Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne reunion luncheons have all been conducted for 2009. I am always thrilled when I attend a Fairholme get together to see the comradeship that is evident, the interest in each other, the inclusion, the stories of Fairholme that emerge . Please come to one of the Fairholme functions – ring a few friends and bring them along too.

Sydney Reunion Luncheon March 2009

old girls’ update Name


........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Maiden Name


........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Years at Fairholme ......................................................... Year Level at leaving ......................................................... Address Pictured left: (from left to right) - Margaret Fegent (Wilmoth), Barbara Wakefield (Stevens). Right: (From left to right) - Jenny Muir (McClymoont), Claire Wuth (Perkins), June Leblang (Corner), Trish Dunmill, Susanna Singleton (Scott), Judith Slaughter


........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Centenary FOGA Reunion at Fairholme College Pictured: (from left) 1. Elizabeth McKay (Dunn), Mary-Al Goodall (McPhie), Shirley Frickman (Mengel), Marion Brown, Beverley Ezzy (Cairns) 2. Marie Holmes (Hogg), Nell Farquharson(Anderson) 3. Heather Mullinder (Oehlman), Nancy Terry (Gilmour) 4. Susie Casie (Lemon), Claire Wuth (Perkins), Margot Uebergang (McWilliam) 5. Jayne Davidson(Molony), Toula Elliot (Levonis) 6. Joyce Craig (Northcott), June Leblang (Corner), Betty Willis, Gwen Reif (Graham)


email address ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Telephone No. (s) ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................


Claire Wuth, President FOGA, is available on Fridays at Fairholme College on 46884614 or at anytime on We are keen to keep our records up to date as this is most important for our reunions and other functions. Please complete this form if any alterations are necessary and return to the College at your convenience.





4. 3.

Work is commencing on the archives at Fairholme College... 6.

We need your contributions – Photos; Candid Shots; Uniform; Stories; Memorbilia. They will be restored and stored in archival conditions. Photos can be copied and returned Thanks for your assistance (in anticipation!)



Residential Address Wirra Wirra Street Toowoomba Q 4350 Postal Address PO Box 688 Toowoomba Q 4350 T 07 4688 4688 F 07 4688 4694 E Registered Provider (QLD): Fairholme College (Toowoomba) Pty Ltd CRICOS Provicer Code: 00651J

Proudly a College of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland


ABN 78 096 814 130

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