Focus on Fairholme edition 2 2009

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The official newsletter containing highlights and happenings from Fairholme College,Toowoomba

Last Days


Middle School Mentoring P10

Summer 2009/10

The Creative Generation


Sporting Spirit


FOGA Favourites



from the chairman of the board 2009 has been a momentous year for Fairholme – a year of significant change. It’s been said “If anything is certain, it is that change is certain” The face of Fairholme will certainly change by the middle of next year. As most of you would know, the Federal Government has provided funding under it’s Building the Education Revolution Program, for primary schools to build, in most cases, primary school libraries. So, one of the really significant changes that will happen next year will be the construction of a $2.1m Junior School Library on the site in front of the Junior School building. I expect work to commence late this year and be completed in mid 2010. We will keep you informed as the project progresses and I would ask for your patience and understanding as the works proceed, especially about the necessary changes to traffic, parking and drop-off zones arrangements to ensure the safety of all concerned. The College Senior leadership Team has certainly changed this year. We’ve been blessed with great people in these positions over the last few years; and as we move into 2010 with a new team in place, I am very confident that the College is in great hands, ready to move forward to meet the challenges and opportunities as 2010 unfolds. I thank our Principal and all our wonderful staff for their commitment, love and support for our children and the whole College community throughout this academic year. Members of the Fairholme Family, I wish you all a safe holiday time, a Holy Christmas and a happy New Year. I look forward to seeing you all again next year. Sincerely,

Ian Andersen Chairman




beginnings & farewells from the principal 2009 – a year to shine and a year of change. It may be of comfort to consider the thoughts of French novelist, Alphonse Karr who once said … “The more things change the more they stay the same. Nothing changes too much.” I would prefer to rework Karr’s words to say, “the more things change the more things stay the same nothing that is important at Fairholme changes too much at all.” There have nonetheless been substantial changes to staff in 2009 beginning with the retirement of Mr Stan Klan after 15 years of fine service to Fairholme College and concluding with some key farewells. From the leadership team Ms Susan Shaw leaves to take up Head of Secondary at St. Margaret’s Anglican Girls’ School in Brisbane, Mrs Sandra Hawken will begin as Head of Toowoomba Preparatory School in 2010 and Mrs Joy Scott returns to ‘the west’ as a Mathematics teacher at St. Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School in Perth. Each of these women has led their area with passion and commitment and we are grateful for all that they have done as leaders of curriculum, middle school and boarding. English teacher extraordinaire and Head of Cameron House Mrs Christine Gilshenan departs after 27 years association with Fairholme, 23 years as a teacher and 4 years as a boarder. Staff have celebrated her meritorious contributions in style and we do honour and value the breadth and depth of her commitment to the college over so many years. We also farewell and thank, long time Speech and Drama Teacher Mrs Lyn Hafey who retires after 22 years of dedicated service within the Arts area. Classroom teachers Mrs Roz McCallum, Mr Rob Jeffries and Mrs Leisa Adams leave to take up new life chapters and we are most appreciative of their work with our girls. Mrs McCallum has been a loyal supporter of the Arts during her 7 years at Fairholme and her work behind the scenes in so many musicals and artistic events has been inspirational. Both Mr Jeffries and Mrs Adams leave Fairholme Junior after 3 years of dedicated teaching and so many hours spent outside of the classroom, supporting our girls.

Our Enrolments Officer, Mrs Marji Craven leaves also to take up a position as registrar at Gippsland Grammar. We are so grateful to Mrs Craven for her commitment to Fairholme and support of new families. Some short term farewells include Mrs Karen Cottle our Enrichment Co-ordinator who will be absent in Semester 1 and Mrs Jody Friend our Head of LOTE and Head of Black House who will be absent in Term 1. Both Mrs Cottle and Mrs Friend will enjoy some well-earned long service leave. We look forward to their refreshed return during 2010! We honour and thank each of these staff members for their contributions– irrespective of their title or role, their work has been for our girls. We welcome next year Head of Middle School Mrs Jaye Ross, Head of Boarding, Ms Marguerite Dunne, English teacher Ms Fiona Winton and we congratulate Mr Stewart Peacock as he takes up the role of Head of Teaching and Learning and Mrs Feraniki Hughes as Head of Cameron House. Ms Katrina Gierke, our Head of Physical Education will step up ably into the role of Head of Black House throughout Term 1. We acknowledge those who depart, and we also anticipate with excitement the enthusiasm and energy of our new appointments. As we conclude 2009 and look forward in anticipation to all that 2010 might hold we thank our departing Year 12 girls and staff especially. May the future shine brightly for all and may there be time always to pause, and remember where we have come from and all who have contributed along the way. The things that matter most are founded on Christ’s love for us and hence our faith in and for the future of our girls. “The more things change the more things stay the same - nothing that is important at Fairholme changes too much at all.” Mrs Linda Evans Principal

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 09/10


leaving well “Never say goodbye, say farewell.” A series of ‘lasts’ marked the closing chapter of our 2009 cohort’s years at Fairholme. These included the Seniors’ own assembly which was shaped on highlights of assemblies held throughout the year, Valedictory Dinner, Final Year 12 Assembly, the pink carnation distribution during the last ever secondary school lesson and Presentation Evening … thus, when our Year 12 girls finally exited Fairholme, they did so in style and they did so ‘well’. Each event marked our seniors’ imminent departure, our final letting go and our opportunity to celebrate the Year that was – 2009: a year to shine. It seemed apt therefore that Fairholme senior of 1997, Dr. Elizabeth French should address this cohort at ‘Presenting Fairholme’. Her message was delivered with clarity, humour and a wonderful layer of reality. Having dreamed of studying medicine, having achieved an elusive OP 1 and having concluded her years at Fairholme as Dux, Dr. French had reason to look optimistically to the future. And she did. No doubt onlookers also watched in anticipation as she headed to Adelaide at the beginning of 1998 to begin her medical studies. When she returned to Toowoomba part way through that first semester, homesick and a little disillusioned I’m sure those same onlookers were surprised. When she discovered that Gray’s Anatomy and ER are fictional texts, albeit based on some realities, it was time to regroup and view life beyond Fairholme, a little differently. The perfect script needed to be adjusted; when the fork in the road appeared it was time to opt for ‘the path less travelled’. As her nomenclature would suggest, Dr French has achieved her initial goal but she has done so in an order one would not have predicted. She has, in her own words, learned more about herself and her world because of it.



Perhaps we should all be a little more ready for those unexpected twists and turns and the rich choices inherent in them? Alas, we cannot predict the future, we cannot write the script for future success and nor should we. Dr French would suggest that the possibilities that lie within the unforeseen create a rich field for discovery. As such, the importance of finishing things well, of never saying goodbye with finality and of wishing others an opportunity to ‘fare well’, are essential messages. Pink carnations, speeches, the Irish Blessing, guards of honour, the cutting of the cake, pipers and awards .. all these are signifiers of ‘the letting go process’. They are moments and important symbols of time, place and achievement. Yet they are ephemeral. What matters most as we leave well, is our ability to face the unknown with confidence and, importantly, to embrace the possibilities of a script in progress. We must be resilient enough to embrace the inevitable editing that forms and moulds the final product that is each of us. As such, we won’t say good bye to our 2009 cohort, rather, we will say - fare thee well. We will watch with interest as each girl faces her own unknowns and embraces the opportunities that are always available on ‘the path less travelled’. Fare thee well. Go well, be strong and may the Lord watch over you as you do so.

Mrs Linda Evans Principal

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 09/10


learning welcome teaching and

2010 will herald a new beginning within the realms of academic learning at Fairholme College and it is with great anticipation that I take on the role of Head of Teaching and Learning. The art of teaching is a perpetual learning curve; it can be one of the most rewarding and exhilarating professions and is without doubt never tedious or dull. Even after 30 years or so in the business of education, I learn something new about my craft and myself every time I step into the classroom. The dynamics in education are continually changing, opening up doors for teachers and their students to evolve and grow. At Fairholme College we have an outstanding group of educators who get to work alongside a responsive and enthusiastic group of young women who for the most part want to succeed to the best of their ability. We have all heard it said that we are preparing our girls for jobs in the future that do not exist at present, such is the nature of the challenges we are facing at this time. In order to do this we need to continually develop and reassess highly effective teaching and learning practices so to guide and prepare our girls for the certainty of change.

For example with the roll out of laptops for students in 2010, we shall move closer to bridging the gap between the technological world of today and the classroom. Concurrently we shall begin to trial aspects of the National Curriculum due to be implemented in 2011. Our current academic programs across the College will need to be re-aligned with the demands of this new era in Australian education and it will be vital that we do not lose the dynamic, well –balanced and creative programs we already have in place for the mere sake of bureaucracy. My on-going mission will be to provide and maintain a stimulating and comfortable learning environment at Fairholme College. I am of firm belief that the triangular educational partnership between student, parent and school is very important and can never be ignored or undervalued. Thus complemented with a strong support network from both within the school and from home, our girls and the College have every opportunity to thrive in this new era of learning. It is important that we value all levels of academic achievement; after all the improvement in learning is the one test by which everything else is measured. Stewart Peacock Head of Teaching and Learning



learning on laptops From 2010, Fairholme College will be introducing laptops, beginning with Years 9 and 12 in Term 2, 2010. The College strongly recommends that students have access to an appropriate laptop computer in these years as Information and Communication Technologies are an integral part of the Fairholme College curriculum for students in Year 9 and will help prepare Year 12 students for their lives outside of school. The remainder of the Middle and Senior School years will see the introduction of the program in Years 10 and 11 in 2011 and then Years 7 and 8 in 2012. Students in these years are invited to participate in the Laptop program at any time should they wish to do so. A detailed description of the school approved model and options for 2010 are available on our website or please feel free to contact our business manager, Mrs Pip JonesChrist if you have any queries regarding the details of this program.

leading and


Term Four saw intensification in the leadership journey for both 2009 Senior Leaders and the current Year 11 students who look ahead to leading Fairholme College in 2010. Seniors balanced the excitement of new beginnings inherent in graduation, with the rigour of fourth term academic work and seeing through their pledge to be distinguished leaders until ‘the end’.

from the senior school

Year Eleven girls, in contrast, enjoyed the annual leadership camp at Alexandra Headland at the beginning of fourth term. In a full and diverse program led by our School Counselor, Ms. Shirley Thönell, the girls were challenged to develop their understanding of individual leadership whilst also gaining a sense of unification as a group. It was certainly wonderful to see over 100 girls fuse with a shared focus and remarkable energy. For our emerging leaders, the many faces of leadership were considered, as well as what that might mean for each of them, and for the members of the Fairholme community who they will lead. They were challenged to find their individual strength, whatever that may be for each of them, and to recognise that each Senior Leader will offer something unique to the rich fabric of 2010. They also

discussed the practical ways in which various strengths can contribute effectively to strong, valid leadership. To be an empowering and dynamic leader is my challenge to both our 2010 Senior Leaders and our incumbent leaders as their leadership journey moves from our College to the wider world. May this year’s adage ‘to shine’ be far more than and last far beyond, 2009. Perhaps the greatest means by which our departing seniors can pay homage to their significant development in 2009 is to adopt this as a mantra for success, for happiness and for life. To our leaving girls, we say so-long, albeit tinged with sadness. We also share the excitement of incredible possibility that this special time brings. Your leadership has been strong and genuine, and your growth as leaders in our community, clear and appreciated. May you hold dear the snapshots in time that have made Fairholme special for you, and may the memories and tartan ties of friendship remain strong and dear. As we look to the possibilities for next year’s leaders, we pause and wish for each of you, great richness in life.

“Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you” Madeline Briggs

Catrina Sharp Head of Senior School Pictured from left to right: HEAD BOARDER Matilda Elliott , HEAD GIRL Sara Al-Bostanji and HEAD DAY GIRL Alexandra Gifford

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 09/10




In 2009 - the Year of Creativity, our focus has been to celebrate creativity by extending further the rich and exciting experiences that foster and recognize the imaginative and inventive skills of our students. In Book Week the students focused on enjoying and sharing books with others through the Storytime Picnic, Junior Judges project, the Book Character Parade and the Book Week Musical, Bungle Jungle. An innovation this year was the students’ creation of canvases depicting some of the shortlisted books for 2009. At their unveiling it was not only a delight to view the awe-inspiring art works but also enlightening to hear how each art work had been shaped. On House Day, the girls constructed unique creations from ‘beautiful junk’ which not only nurtured camaraderie across the year levels, but also developed interaction and negotiation skills during the process of creating a project from conception to presentation. The Art Show at the Spring Fair showcased further, the imaginative and original works of the students. The High Tea to farewell the Year 12 girls who attended Junior School was a time for them to enjoy delicious fare whilst catching up with current staff at Fairholme. Importantly, it was also an opportunity for the girls to reminisce about their days at Fairholme with past staff members who returned just for the occasion. Shanen Layden gained second place in the 11 year age group in discus at the State track and field championships in Brisbane and has been selected as a member of the Queensland team to participate in the national competition in Sydney in early December. Three teams from Years 4, 5 and 6 participated in the Epilepsy Queensland Trivia Challenge in Brisbane and the Year 5 and 6 teams were runners up in their category. The students in Junior School are provided with diverse opportunities that allow them to be creative, innovative and enterprising. Lyn Merry Head of Fairholme Junior



from the junior school

creativity abounds


Moving on.... The Year 6 Chapel Service and Graduation Dinner was a delightful evening which began with the parents, girls and staff socialising in L Assembly. They we were entertained by Kirrily Ackerman, Katie Devine, Chelsea Lehmann, Madeleine Lindemann, Kate Martin, Paige McDonald, Abigail Munro, Chloe Painter, Greta Patch and Sienna Rieck. The Chapel Service which followed was a moving occasion. From the girls’ beautiful singing, Jordan McDougall presenting her Reflections on seven years in the Junior School, Olivia Hassall’s speech which focused on Looking to the Future through to Pastor Jessup’s message of You are Unique, it was evident that there was much to celebrate. The service was followed by a delicious meal in the beautifully decorated Dining Room. Thank you girls for a wonderful evening and, importantly, for being such inspiring role models for the younger girls throughout 2009.

Festive success! Little girls - big voices The Fairholme Junior Chorale ended the year on high note, performing at Presenting Fairholme 2009, the College’s Annual Presentation Evening. Conducted by Mrs Belinda Eldridge, Co-ordinator of Junior School Arts and accompanied by the talented Mrs Anne Thomas, the girls’ renditiion of Sail Away by Roger Emerson was certainly a crowd pleaser! The old addage rings true - Practice makes Perfect girls!

Christmas came early for Fairholme Junior’s artistic Elisabeth Snow, when Ian Macfarlane, Shadow Minister for Energy & Resources and Federal Member for Groom recently announced the winners of his 2009 Christmas card competition. Lizzy’s festive masterpiece (pictured left) was selected as one of the paintings to be made into cards to be sent with Mr Macfarlane Season’s Greetings. As well as seeing her painting transformed into a Christmas card, budding Year Five artist Lizzy also received a prize and a personalised certificate. Congratulations Lizzie - no doubt this creatively colourful card will travel far and wide!

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


middle school mentors Throughout 2009 the girls in Middle School have enjoyed a range of exciting learning opportunities. The rigorous academic programme is enhanced by a wide variety of extra-curricular activities from creative endeavours such as Nokie and Vignettes to learning about modern communication technologies through our new group called Teenangels. Vignettes and Nokie, were this year’s after school clubs for creative Middle School students. The girls involved in these groups thrived on the opportunities to perform, design, create and present their work, under the banner of The Arts. The Teenangels group was established to assist our girls in becoming fully equipped for the cyber world of the future. The group is made up of interested students who learn about cyber issues through completing on-line modules and then pass their knowledge onto their peers and other students. The Teenangels regularly show short film clips which discuss issues related to cyber technologies and digital communications. This is a vitally important service given the enormous impact that computer technologies now have on our lives today. What a pleasure it has been to watch the Middle School students immerse themselves in the fabulous opportunities at Fairholme. It has been wonderful to watch the Middle School grow and blossom into a premier middle schooling centre. Fairholme Middle School truly emanates a strong sense of community and belonging, something every young person desires. This ‘spirit of family’ is a unique quality that makes Fairholme such a special place. I know that as changes are made in the future, with the introduction of a National Curriculum, for example, the strength of the Middle School’s sense of community will endure. Sandra Hawken Head of Middle School 2009



I’m very excited about the new opportunity that has been presented to me as Head of Middle School at Fairholme College. I have been involved with Fairholme as a parent for the last 6 years with both my daughters, Amelia and Olivia, attending there since they were in Kindy. I have been very impressed with the high standards that Fairholme sets in every area but mostly I have enjoyed the family atmosphere and caring environment that Fairholme provides to young people in Toowoomba. Furthermore, I have always enjoyed the challenge that working with adolescents provides. The middle years of schooling (yr 7-9) can be a particularly challenging time for most young people. Many parents and schools find these years difficult as young adolescents often disengage from education at this time and they also become more heavily influenced by their peers and less willing to be influenced by their parents and families. At school, the academic achievement of this age group often declines as they struggle to find the person they are going to be. Although schools often find this age group more challenging there are many things that schools and teachers can do. Establishing a purpose built Middle School, as Fairholme College has done, is an excellent start. This demonstrates to the students a commitment to their age group and places a great deal of obvious importance to their position in the school. It also allows for smaller groupings of students and means that the students are well known and cared for by their teachers and gives teachers the opportunity to design a curriculum that caters for the particular interests and abilities of the students in the group.

Parents also find the adolescent years difficult and I have always enjoyed being in a position to be able to help parents and their children find their way through these years. There is nothing better than seeing a young person finish Year 12 successfully surrounded by their proud family. I am looking forward to working with students and their families in the Middle School at Fairholme College and I think the caring environment that Fairholme offers is incredibly special. I know that it will be rewarding to be part of a dynamic team that helps students reach their potential and live their dreams. Jaye Ross Head of Middle School 2010

OUTSTANDING OPTIMINDS A Fairholme team of seven year 8 students enjoyed the excitement of success at the recent State Final of the Opti-MINDS Challenge by being awarded Honours in their category, Language Literature Division II. Congratulations to the team: Holly Bartholomew, Zoe Cornwell, Devmi Epaarachchi, Kristana Forbes, Laura Heydon, Ellie Hughes and Kate Taylor, who had a huge amount of fun and were “Unashamedly Excellent” during the two day Residential Program at the University of Queensland, accompanied by Mrs Hawken and their team facilitator, Ms Wighton. As one of the 103 participating teams, from 13 regions across Queensland, these students displayed their excellent group skills in a number of designated ‘Challenges’ which required them to work closely together to demonstrate creativity and innovation.

Teenangels in Toowoomba As the use of computer technology and digital communications increasingly become a regular part of classroom pedagogy, and as issues such as cyber bullying continue to escalate, schools will be expected to provide effective programs that teach students and teachers how to use these technologies in safe and appropriate ways. At Fairholme College Middle School, a unique approach has been adopted, allowing the students to become technology teachers and share their knowledge with their peers and other members of the school community. This strategy was selected as adolescent students often listen to their peers more readily than to adults, and adolescents are clearly more at ease using modern technologies than the average adult.

To access these training modules students must be registered with Teenangels and they need to have an adult supervisor working with them. After the completion of the required training, the students are recognised as ‘Teenangels’ and run unique programs within the school to spread the word about responsible and safe net-surfing to other teens and younger students, parents, and teachers. The Teenangels program has become an important part of school life at Fairholme. The College seeks to be a caring and safe environment for everyone and this program assists the school in reducing cyber issues and inappropriate on-line activities. It ensures a continued discussion of cyber related issues and a better understanding amongst parents and teachers of how to address these issues with their children and students.

The students who volunteer to undergo cyber training participate in completing a series of on-line modules to learn about a range of issues including cyber-bullying, privacy, social networking and Internet safety. These modules are provided on line, through the Americanbased Teenangels’ organisation.



On selection from her impressive application, talented writer Hannah Nugent had the pleasure of attending the 29th Annual Meanjin Writer’s camp at Brookfield in Brisbane. Hannah and 75 other successful applicants participated in entertaining and informative workshops with poets such as Ross Clark (also an accomplished musician) and fantasy writer Sue Gough, who conducted fascinating writing activities.

Hardworking Middle School Magazine committee members excitedly displayed the fruits of their labour - a high quality, full colour publication packed full of teen tales and tips.

The camp, designed for Year 6-8 students to develop their writing ability, was also a great place to establish friendships, Hannah said. “Overall it was a fantastic opportunity, and I would encourage any student interested in this field to apply for the workshops being held in 2010”.

The girls produced the magazine during lunch breaks and out of school hours, ably assisted by Enrichment Co-ordinator Mrs Karen Cottle and Publications and Promotions Manager Mrs Jo Glasheen.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


amazing achievements from the arts

Presenting...THE ARTS

Arts Presentation Evening is an annual celebration of all that has been achieved by the staff and students of the Arts Department at Fairholme College. This year, over 100 students were recognised for their contribution and commitment to the co-curricular program offered in the disciplines of Dance, Drama, Instrumental Music, Choral Music, and Visual Arts. In between presentations there were a number of special dance, instrumental and dramatic performances; selected to illustrate the breadth and depth of the student talent and creativity here at the College. We enjoyed listening to the truly hip Jazz Band, the lyrical sound of the Chamber Choir, revisited a favourite scene from Caught in Chalk ( Year 12 Drama ) and were thrilled by an athletic dance solo by Kelli Reinhardt. An imaginative powerpoint presentation also showcased the expansive range of art work produced by the talented students in both Middle and Senior Visual Arts this year. The highlight of the evening for many, however, was a stunning performance of Piano Concerto in F Major, K 459 by the Symphony Orchestra – featuring Emma Lumsden on piano. The awards presented are designed to recognise students for their significant contribution to an Arts Discipline ( and sometimes across disciplines ), the promotion of the Arts at Fairholme to the wider community, and for commitment to continued excellence within our vast co-curricular arts program. Our Prefect for the Arts, Emily Krelle, also shared the Annual Arts Report reminding us of the incredible achievements of our girls in all manner of creative pursuits in 2009. As tradition dictates, the recipient of the prestigious Lindsay Statham Memorial Music Scholarship was also formally announced to the College community. Talented pianist, flute player and singer Emma Lumsden was selected from a highly competitive field of musicians for this honour.

Fairholme’s got talent!! The nine Fairholme musicians pictured above certainly proved they’ve ‘got what it takes’ by gaining successful selection in the State Honours Ensemble Program, conducted by the Qld Conservatorium of Music (Griffith University) held during September 2009. The following talented students: Kaiya Ferguson (clarinet) , Alex Gifford (flute), Eloise Gluer (bassoon) , Rashmi Gururajan (violin), Louise Jones (trumpet), Emma Lumsden (flute) ,Hannah Martyn (violin), Georgia Shine (cello) and Matilda Watkins (violin) were all members of the Fairholme Symphony Orchestra and were offered places in the program based on their individual level of achievement on their chosen instrument. Selection into this prestigious program is a fine reflection on the girls, their Instrumental teachers, and the extensive Arts program offered at Fairholme College.



Not only were dancers, actors, singers and visual artists honoured for their artistic endeavours – but also members of the all important Sound and Lighting Team. This is a special group of girls, at the hub of virtually every event here at Fairholme. These girls provide all technical requirements for every College Assembly throughout the year, and dotted in between these gatherings are literally hundred of concerts, special assemblies, drama productions, celebrations, fashion parades …the list goes on….. and on! The impact these girls have on the success of any Arts event is not to be underestimated nor overlooked. We simply could not ask for a more reliable, motivated and mature group of girls to fulfil this incredibly important role not just in the area of the Arts – but also for the wider College. In short, it was a magical evening for all who attended. Students, staff and parents alike delighted in celebrating the success of the girls in all things creative. Ms Nancy Macks Head of the Arts l


Chalking up Rave Reviews

What do you get when you combine an enthusiastic and talented group of Year 12 students with their equally talented Director/Drama teacher Mrs Genevieve Duncan? An outstanding showcase entitled: CAUGHT IN CHALK enjoyed by over 250 theatre lovers on Friday September 11, 2009!

Mrs Duncan’s adaptation of Bertolt Brecht’s Caucasian Chalk Circle was a light hearted story that encompassed many dramatic mediums; from Physical Theatre to Melodrama, from the Gatton Ghetto Rap to “The Stick Dance”, from an amusing and quite controversial court case to some crazy Sister Act re-enactments. “Caught in Chalk” was an inspiring, contemporary drama that asked hard hitting questions about issues involving justice, clas equality, sacrifice and power.

Guest appearances by the Middle School Chamber Strings and MUSE Junior Drama group enhanced the evening’s entertainment, held in the USQ Arts Theatre generously donated by USQ Faculty of Arts. Congratulations to the entire Year 12 cast and crew for their hard work and dedication, and to Mrs Duncan for her creative writing and expert direction – theatre goers will be queuing for tickets for next year’s performance well in advance!!!

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


victory for

visual arts

Fairholme’s CREATIVE GENERATION The very talented Visual Arts department certainly took the themed “Year of Creativity” to the ultimate level in 2009. Under the guidance of Mrs Karen Hayward (Head of Visual Arts), students entered many and varied competitions and exhibitions and achieved some wonderful results. In June 2009 the following Fairholme Students had work selected to be exhibited in the inaugural “Escape from the Zoo” USQ Year 11 and12 Art Awards; Sophie Burgis, Georgia Gifford and Kaiya Ferguson, Felice Chandler, Chasely Wilson, Ella Cottle, Jessica Henman, Alissa Laingchild, Ellie Farrington. Jess Henman was the winner of the two dimensional work category and Kaiya Frefuson was announced as the overall Winner and was presented with $200 in prize money and a Bursary to attend the Youth Arts Visual Art Course at the USQ McGregor Summer School .



Fairholme artists also scooped the pool at the Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art and Design – an initiative of the State Government and formerly known as the Education Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Art. Mrs Hayward, (a driving force behind a very successful Creative Generations Awards and Regional Gallery Display) had the onerous task of having to select only 4 entry pieces from our talented generation of seniors!! Congratulations to the following artists on having their pieces selected for consideration by the Teacher Selection Panel and State Selection Panel for the 2009 Creative Generation Awards: Chasley Wilson - “What are you made of?”, Nicola Esplin - “Juggling Balls of Society”, Erin McCallum - “ Threads of Life”, and Ella Cottle - “ Kaleidoscope”. Amongst those short-listed at this very competitive exhibition were Fairholme students: Nicola Esplin and Erin Mcallum, and a very fitting reward for hard working Ella Cottle whose work will become part of part of a central statewide exhibition in Brisbane early next year that will hang at GOMA (Gallery of Modern Art) and will be part of a touring exhibition in 2010. A visit to the GOMA to see Ella’s work on display is a must!

building community in the

boarding house

The ‘sense of community’ remains strong within the boarding house as the last weeks of the 2009 school year were filled with celebrations and farewells (pictured right) The Year 11 and 12 boarders enjoyed a final dinner together in the Dining Hall Boarders farewelled Head of Boarding Mrs Joy Scott at a special dinner in her honour. Girls enjoyed all the fun and festivities of the Boarder Christmas Party, run by the Seniors for 2010 and ably led by head Boarder, Matilda Elliott.

new beginnings The Fairholme family welcome Ms Marguerite Dunne (BHMS Ed) as the new Head of Boarding, who will join the team from Term 1 2010. Ms Dunne held the position of Head of Year 8 at St. Margaret’s Anglican School for Girls in Brisbane, for the past ten years. Mother of two sons, Ms Dunne has worked previously in London, Warwick and a number of Brisbane schools in the subject areas of Science and Health and Physical Education. Ms Dunne has been involved in significant transitioning for new boarders entering high school and she is passionate about effective pastoral care for the girls in her care.

& final farewells Very best wishes to Mrs Joy Scott for her return to teaching and the ‘West’. Joy’s significant contribution to the Boarding House and well being of the girls has been greatly appreciated.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009




In 2007 Ally was a member of Amnesty International; Representative and Power! remained an active member of the Fairholme Interact Fairholme continues Club. to provide Secondary Darling Downs with Inspired by her mother’s illness,teams Ally also participated team members. They are: Triathlon – Taleigha Rowe; Water Polo – Kaiya Fairholme’s Citizen of the Year Shines! in many community projects and activities such as the Brooke Mason and Hayley Wolff; Tennis – Bri Ladbrook; Honoured by the Order of Australia Association StudentFerguson, Citizenship Leukaemia Foundation’s renowned Shave for a Cure Project, Touch – Emilee Cherry; Volleyball Alexis Hindmarsh; Netballand – committed to Awards for her contribution to school and community, Fairholme Relay for Life–(Cancer Council initiative) Sweeney, Kelli Boucaut, Monica Lysanowicz, Bronte Lloyd, College student Ally Dyer was presented with her awardCleannah at a ceremony being an annual collector for Queensland Cancer Fund Door Rachael Curtis, Paton and Genevieve Aisthorpe; Swimming held recently in Brisbane by The Hon Justice Margaret McMurdo AC, Madeline Knock, Endeavor Foundation Door Knock and Salvation – Natalie Dendle, Lucy Greig, Samantha Hollands, AilsaAlly Houston, Jessica President, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Queensland. Army Red Shield Appeal. In 2008 became a member of Reinhardt, Katrina Smith, Brooke Mason and Hayley Wolff; Basketball the College’s Boarder Service committee in which–she was Madison Football –inMatilda This is a totalchild. of twenty Ally has been an inspirational leader in the field of serving others,Brazier; both and involved raising Watkins. money for a sponsor four to date, with Cross Country and Athletics to be selected. There have within the school community, and in the broader community. During many more whoAlly alsosays made teams that went Darling her years at Fairholme Ally has volunteered her servicesbeen at the College herToowoomba service work has shown her to that ‘the gift of time by being a willing and creative assistant for the Junior School’s craft club and community encouragement is paramount to providing and volunteering to assist in the school’s Parent’s and Friend’s retail change for and with others.’ shop. Further to this she received a Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Sweet music for deserving scholarship recipient To commemorate the sterling contribution to the Fairholme Family of the late Mr Lindsay Statham KSJ OAM (Chairman of the Fairholme Board 1980 - 2001), The Board of Directors established the Lindsay Statham Memorial Music Scholarship and invites applications annually from talented musicians, instrumentalists or vocalists, who are entering Year 11. This year’s most worthy recipient, Year 10 student Emma Lumsden loves performing and has been playing piano since she was four years old. She has now completed her AMUS with distinction in Piano and is currently working on her LMUS. In addition, Emma has completed her Grade 7 exams in Flute – no mean feat considering her musical involvement at Fairholme College and in the wider community, and her commitment to schoolwork and athletics.

Bond Scholarships Jessica Foot and Mary Grant where all smiles upon receipt of their Bond Scholarships. The scholarships recognise the girls’ outstanding academic success as well as their broad contributions to the College and wider community across a diversity of areas. Both Jessica and Mary are looking forward to the more accelerated method of degree completion offered by Bond University. Whilst they will be busy completing three semesters in each year, they will graduate well ahead of their peers, time-wise.



Emma is a member of the Fairholme College Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Choir and the College Choir. She has been a guest performer with the USQ Orchestra and has performed on tour with the Birralee Voices and the Gondwana Voices at venues from Sydney to North Queensland; it’s hard to imagine where Emma squeezed in the time this year to make the school team for Triple Jump and the 400m sprint!

successes Fairholme’s ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’ recognised by ADF The Australian Defence Force Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Awards aim to recognise students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the school and the broader local community. At the same time, they recognise those who display strong values, such as doing one’s best, respect for others and “mateship”, that are integral to Australian society. Winning students are selected by their school principal based on the criteria set out on the selection criteria sheet available as a download from this site. Each school may select one student from each of Years 10, 11 and 12. Fairholme College celebrated the announcement of their award winners by asking ADF representative Squadron Leader Derek Andrewartha to

present the girls with their certificates and financial rewards at a recent school assembly. The deserving recipients are pictured from L-R with Squadron Leader Andrewartha: Annabel Hart [Yr 10], Alexis Hindmarsh [Yr 12], Alexandra Gifford {yr 11} and Squadron Leader Derek Andrewartha Congratulations girls on displaying such determination, mateship, teamwork, tenacity, compassion and leadership the very same attributes demonstrated by Long Tan veterans.

It’s all about participation.... Courtney Lloyd (Senior 2009) was the this year’s deserving recipient of the Pierre de Coubertin Award bestowed by the Queensland Olympic Council in recognition of sporting achievements and demonstration of those endeavours which are consistent with the aims of the Olympic Movement. Courtney’s participation in the sporting arena truly reflects the famous quote from Baron de Coubertin: “ The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle”

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


Creatively Enriching

Service with a smile

Year 8 students, as part of their semester focus on the concept of Construction, and the subsequent “Critical Literacy through Picture Books’ unit, recently welcomed award-winning author and illustrator Narelle Oliver to Fairholme College. In her fascinating presentation, Narelle explained in detail the decisions she made both as an author and as an illustrator to create her picture books. The students were captivated with the depth of Narelle’s picture books and how she made the visuals and written language worked together to tell the story. ‘Dancing the Boom Chacha Boogie’ fitted in perfectly with our student’s study of Harsh Environments, as Narelle explained how both the physical environment and characters portrayed various aspects to create meaning. Participation in these workshops was an invaluable learning experience for our Year 8 students who have thoroughly enjoyed and been completely engaged in the critical exploration of Picture Books. This term, the Year 9 students also participated in a Science based Sustainable Housing Enrichment Day. This culminating assessment activity saw the students constructing a scaled model of a house they had previously designed that involved numerous components supportive of the concept of sustainability. It was a fabulous day in which staff members and the students’ alike saw many crunchy eyebrows, signifying deep thought and a great deal of problem solving. The creations were outstanding, despite the pressure of time limits and the guideline of being able to use only a designated type and amount of materials on offer. And yes, for some, a whole day was just not long enough! Karen Cottle Enrichment Co-ordinator



40 Hours of Famine After the Year 10 ‘Food’ girls saw a photo of a small boy suffering from malnutrition during one of their introductory nutrition lessons at the beginning of this year, they wanted to do something to help children and families in these circumstances. Thus was born the idea of the entire Year 10 Food class doing the World Vision 40 Hour Famine and raising money by making and selling food at lunch. This awesome group of girls, worked after school and in their lunchtime to raise funds to help others. They made and sold Lamingtons, Caramel Slice, Meringues and Rocky Road (and got to eat a little bit too) for the cause and happily gave up their free time to do it. Then, on the weekend of the 40 Hour Famine, 19 of the girls took part in the famine and survived on juice and lollies for 40 hours.The girls raised approximately $700 for the World Vision 40 Hour Famine.

Operation Christmas Child Once again we were able to take a team of Year 11 girls to Brisbane to help on the processing line for Operation Christmas Child. Fairholme has supported this “shoe box” ministry for five years now and have been able to help with donations of gifts from our Pastoral Care Groups and the packaging and despatch process.

Sony Camp Each year the competition is fierce to be selected as a companion to care for guests at the annual Sony Camp. Students from Fairholme College, Toowoomba Grammar School and The Glennie School spend the entire three days helping navigate activities which include arts and craft, dancing, singing, go-cart rides, meal times, showers and bed time. As companions, they are faced with learning how to communicate non-verbally, how to be patient and most of all they learn to put their own wants and needs on hold. Their sole purpose and responsibility is to ensure that their guest is safe, cared for and has the best possible time in that brief period of their lives. The down side of this experience is not the lack of sleep, struggling to understand non-verbal communication or giving up three days of school holidays… it is that Fairholme is limited to supplying only 12 students as companions each year!

fairholme favourites

popular events that mark the Fairholme Calendar

All the Fun of the Fair! (images 1-2) Blessed with perfect weather and a large attendance, the 2009 Fairholme Spring Fair was a colourful burst of unprecedented levels of parental and community support. All in all a very successful fund and ‘friend’ raiser. Inter House Dance Competition (images 3-4) Always a crowd pleaser, the cultural delights and house spirit displayed on stage during the 2009 Interhouse Dance competition was overwhelming. Congratulations to Powell house on being announced as winners of the hotly contested event. Singing Sensations (images 5-6) Congratulations to Mrs Gwenyth Chappell on presenting another outstanding Fairholme Singing Studio Recital on Saturday 7 November. On Angels’ Voices (image 7) The Annual Fairholme Carols Service was held Sunday 22 November as a celebration of Christmas and Christ’s birth. A very appreciative audience applauded the girls sweet voices filling the Assembly Hall.

A fund raising venture to support the Fairholme Foundations’ “Raising the Roof” Assembly Hall Appeal Supply your favourite family recipe Purchase a ‘business’ advertisement Sponsor a page Please contact Sharyn Donaldson Email: or Lisa Matthews Email:

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


sporting spirit interhouse athletics carnival Another spectacularly spirited athletics carnival exploded into action with some amazing sporting prowess on display for 2009! All those who participated should be applauded; congratulations to athletes who were able to break records, and ‘well done’ to the following trophy winners: 12yrs Champion – Georgia Gierke (Black); 13yrs Champion – Aisha Wighton (Powell); 14yrs Champion – Monica Lysanowicz (Cameron); 15yrs Champion – Bronte Lloyd (Stephens); 16yrs Champion – Danielle Ashe (Black); 20yrs Champion – Emily Cherry; Distance Running – Grace Wheeler; Relays – Cameron; Inter PCG – Powell 3; Boarders vs. Daygirls – Daygirls; Champion Boarder – Bronte Lloyd; Champion Daygirl – Danielle Ashe; Throws – Johanna Holding; Seniors/Staff/Parents/Old Girls – Staff; Dedication and Effort – Emmalene Bambling. The applause was loud and strong when Black House were announced as the overall winners of the 2009 Interhouse Athletics Champions, as was the response to Cameron House taking out the March Past Trophy!




FUN IN THE SUN! A squad of 60 girls and five coaches travelled to the Sunshine Coast on August 21st for the Annual Athletics Winter Carnival (August 15& 16 2009). What a carnival it was; the girls acquitted themselves beautifully, bringing home a swag of medals!

SHOUT IT to the TOP!

Pictured above: Johanna Holding puts her body behind yet another great throwing effort. Johanna’s impressive results during 2009 include winning bronze in the Women’s (U16) Javelin, and gaining 4th place in both discus and shotput at the Queensland secondary State Championships.

Bringing home athletic trophies in every age group except the 14yrs category (narrowly missing out by four Fairholme College continued its winning points), all the discipline and training streak at the 2009 Toowoomba Secondary has paid off for these hard working girls. Schools Athletics Competition for a record 18th Congratulations to Danielle Ashe who consecutive year. was declared runner up in the Owen Janetzki Trophy for champion female A clear winner by 160 points, this amazing athlete of the meet. Congratulations and athletics accomplishment means that for the heartfelt thanks must also be extended third successive year Fairholme has won the Triple Crown – Swimming, Cross Country and to our dedicated team of coaches, and to each and every girl who participated. Athletics in TSS competitions.

Fairholme’s Senior Knockout Athletics Team were named Queensland Champions after beating St. Margarets and Moreton Bay College in a closely contended final at the University of Queenland Athletics Centre recently. The lead changed numerous times throughout the Championship with only a handful of points separating the top 3 teams after the completion of the relays. St Margaret’s finished the competition in 3rd place with 131 points, Moreton Bay placed second on 134 points and Fairholme finishing on top with 136 points. The Junior team finished a creditable 6th place in a large field consisting of 17 schools while 10 schools contested the Senior Division. The National Schools Knockout gives school aged athletes the opportunity to participate in a unique track and field competition that promotes team spirit and traditional athletics. The Senior Team now travels to the National final to be held in Melbourne on December 10 and will compete against the best Track & Field Schools from each Australian State in the prestigious Cup competition. Fairholme have won 13 of these National finals since the competition commenced 19 years ago!

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


shooting stars 2009 was a momentous year for Fairholme netballers. The season was filled with impressive outcomes in weekend fixtures and excellent results in the Vicki Wilson Cup competition. Both Primary and Senior Vicki Wilson Cup teams qualified for the State finals, and the Junior Vicki Wilson Cup ‘A’ team won the 2009 carnival in Toowoomba. To top off these successes, Fairholme students Genevieve Aisthorpe and Madeline Paton ( Captain) were selected in the Queensland School Girls’ Netball team. Congratulations to all netballers, their captains and coaches. What a fabulous return for all the hard work and commitment undertaken during a very busy year.

Congratulations to Meg McBain (Year 8) who has been chosen in the AustralasianVikings Dal Ponte Girls team to take part in an International Futsal Tour to the United Kingdom in April 2010.

2009 saw the Fairholme Volleyball teams test their skills through a number of tournaments. This year saw all three of the fairholme teams placed in the top four in their divisions. A number of Fairholme Volleyballers were selected to train with representative teams and at the Qld Volleyball Training camp!

Pictured left: Izzy Scott competing at the Queensland All Schools Volleyball Cup.



& more

sporting spirit EQUESTRIAN EXPERTISE Yet another Fairholme Queensland Sporting Captain, 2009 Senior Kyla Reid came 11th in Showjumping at the recent Inter School Equestrian Association National Championships, and now holds the title of National Reserve Champion Showman and National Champion Medium Dressage. Kyla was also awarded seven various equestrian trophies at the seniors’ final assembly for 2009 - The Fairholme ethos of hard work and dedication has certainly paid off for this exceptionally talented rider .

SUPER FISH In the swim at the Nationals in Perth (September 13-18 ), Hayley Wolff and Samantha Hollands achieved fantastic results; with Samantha taking out the bronze in 50m Butterfly, 100m Butterfly and 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay. Following Fairholme’s State Captains’ streak, Hayley led the field as the Queensland Senior girl’s team captain, and blitzed the field with the following results: Gold for 50m, 100 & 200m freestyle, 50m backstroke, 8 x 50m all age relay, 10 x 50m freestyle (National record) and 4 x 100m freestyle. Hayley also gained silver medals for 100m backstroke, 200m butterfly and bronze for 50m & 100m butterfly events – what a haul! Congratulations to both Hayley and Sam, and thanks to Head Coach Mr Tim Taylor, who also travelled to Perth with the girls to provide wisdom and support.

TOUCHING SUCCESS Pictured top: All smiles for the Fairholme All School Touch Competition Team Pictured above : Kristen Currie (Year 7) and Alice Rathie (Year 7). Both Alice and Kristen were part of the Darling Downs Team that competed at the Queensland Primary Schools’ Touch Titles. This is a photo of them in Darling Downs Uniform. Kristen (also pictured right) has certainly had a fruitful year: She not only captained the Darling Downs Touch team, but also captained the Darling Downs Cricket Team and has been named in the Primary Schools U12 Girls Qld Cricket Team to contest the National Titles in Toowoomba from 2nd to 15 January 2010.

2009 has also been a very productive year for Emilee Cherry (Year 11), pictured top right, after winning the Roxy Winder Trophy at the International Youth World Challenge Tournament, Emilee has also been selected in the Australian Womens’ Open Touch Football team to play in the 2010 Trans Tasman Test Series (against New Zealand). The series will be held on Friday 22 January 2010 to Sunday, 24 January 2010, at the Trusts Stadium Waitakere, Auckland in preparation for the 2011 World Cup in Scotland. Emilee will be the youngest member of the squad!

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


Fairholme A note from the President Wow – what a busy time we have been having at FOGA lately. A fabulous reunion weekend has been and gone during which time I heard great stories from the 10,20,25,30 and 50 year level reunions – it sounds as though they all talked and laughed themselves hoarse and had a fantastic time. I really do strongly encourage you to be involved in your reunions – I find there are times when it gives you goose-bumps to be with your old friends again. The Old Girls’ Association extends its sincere thanks to the girls who organised their year level reunions. The reunion luncheon at the school was a very happy day – I just love seeing old girls of all year levels enjoying being back at Fairholme for the day. Tours of the school, including the boarding house – always cause for lots of “do you remember” stories. We would love you to organise a table of your friends to come and join us next year – you know the old adage: the more the merrier! It was so wonderful to have some of our very early students return to Fairholme for Founders Day in September. Along with the Founders Day ceremony and lunch the ladies also assisted us to open Stage One of our Archives project.

Old Girls’ Association The most exciting FOGA project of course continues to be the Archives. You are welcome to come and visit our fabulous FOGA foyer anytime – Please contact us and we will be happy to ‘show’ you around. Jenny Noble (Our Archival Co-ordinator) has been making great progress cataloguing the memorabilia we already have. I encourage you all to think about the Fairholme photos and memorabilia you may have at home. When you no longer want them, or think your family may not want them, please consider passing these artifacts on to the school to be preserved for future generations. Whatever it is – we would happily give it a safe home! We have been given some wonderful things since we commenced this project, including a Spreydon Badge, a satchel handbag from the 1950s, a photo album from 1928, and wonderful albums including several from the Jochin era. We have also had a generous offer to make a church dress replica from the 1950s. We need your memorabilia – please don’t throw anything out, what might be trash for you, could very well be treasure for us! It is envisaged that to continue with our Archival project we will need considerable dollars over the next few years and while memberships to FOGA do provide us with some income we will be seeking donations and undertaking some fundraising projects.

Major items that will need to be purchased in the next year for the archives project include 2 or 3 mobile glass display cabinets at $2,600 each, a larger digital display screen at $600, a small table and 6-8 chairs to furnish the FOYER at $2,300, compactus filing cabinets for storage at approx $10,000 plus the many archival quality materials required for restoration, storage and display. We sincerely thank those who have already contributed to this project. We also thank those who send in news for the FOCUS, it brings us great joy to be able to pass on information to other Fairholme Old Girls whilst keeping us ‘in the loop’ – please keep your announcements coming in. It’s always nice to meet new people, and we would love to see some new faces at our monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of each month. Why not get involved in our archives project – we will need volunteers to do some of the cleaning and preparing for archival storage in the next year; this can be a very rewarding and social time spent with like-minded Old Girls. Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.

Claire Wuth (Perkins) (1974) President

Alumni...At a glance

Working in the Alumni office this year has given me a much broader understanding of the passion and loyalty of Fairholme Old Girls that has always impressed me – it has been my absolute pleasure to meet so many of you through various functions and reunions during 2009. It has been an incredibly busy but rewarding year and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have so freely offered their friendship and support.



There have been so many highlights during 2009, from ‘playing detective’ and making discoveries about the school from a story I have read, or from touring with a visiting Old Girl, receiving a valuable piece of memorabilia, or just laughing till my sides hurt from stories that I have heard from some of our ‘older’ Old Girls. Many thanks to President Claire and our trusty executive and regular meeting goers for your enthusiasm, camaraderie and co-operation. I have enjoyed every moment of my ‘Alumni” learning experiences and look forward with relish to the exciting projects that lay ahead of us.

Jo Glasheen Publications, Promotions and Alumni

Toowoomba FOGA are conducting another fundraising ‘Engraved Paver’ drive to contribute to the Fairholme Foundation Building Fund. An engraved paver is such a fantastic way to have a lasting and visible record of your presence at Fairholme. Please consider purchasing a paver for yourself, your ancestors and descendants who may have attended Fairholme. Family groups can be placed together. PLEASE SEE FLIER ENCLOSED for more information and to place an order.

More on Fairholme’s Oldest Old Girls... FOGA Dates to remember SYDNEY Thursday 11th March, 2010 Sydney Annual Reunion Luncheon BRISBANE Monday February 22nd, 2010 General meeting at 10 am in the Clayfield College Dining Hall on the eastern side of Sandgate Rd, Clayfield. Please bring a small plate to share for morning tea. Saturday March 27th, 2010 11.30am for 12 noon at the Mt Ommaney Apartment Hotel for the Annual Brisbane FOGA luncheon Monday May 24th, 2010 General meeting 10.00 am in the Clayfield College Dining Hall, Sandgate Rd, Clayfield. Please bring a small plate of finger food for a light luncheon. Sunday August 29th, 2010 9.30 am Annual Brisbane FOGA Church Parade at St Paul’s Presbyterian Church, St Paul’s Terrace, Spring Hill. Please bring a small plate of food for morning tea in the Church Hall at the conclusion of the Service TOOWOOMBA Wednesday February 17 , 2010 FOGA Annual General Meeting, 4.00pm in meeting room below the FOGA Foyer Sunday March 28th, 2010 Annual Church Service at St Stephen’s, Toowoomba 8.45am Third Wednesday of each month (during school term) General meetings are held in FOGA Foyer meeting room at 4.oopm RE -UNION Weekend Saturday 16th October, 2010 Individual Year level re-unions Sunday 17th October, 2010 FOGA Annual Luncheon fo all year levels

Whilst Jean Fuller (1928-1930) may not be Fairholme’s oldest old girl, she certainly is one of our treasured stateswomen! On a mid-year trip to Sydney, Principal, Mrs Linda Evans was fortunate to spend time with Jean and her daughter. Whilst Jean’s memories of Fairholme have muted over time, she could recall the brisk winter temperatures vividly, the importance of uniform and the financial sacrifices made by her father to ensure she had access to an excellent education. Jean delighted in the chance to reminisce and was quite taken with her Fairholme bear and her Maclaren tartan scarf which she donned with pride! Dorothea Isobel Hart (nee Borland) or Doss as she is known, attended Fairholme for twelve months in 1926. She was born on 20th September 1911 and at 98 she is still active and loves to get up for a dance at the concerts they have at her retirement home in Southport. She remembers Miss Daisy Culpin as a wonderful Headmistress but her favourite teacher was Mr Harry Borodale. He taught her elocution, a subject she loved. Another memory she has is of playing the “Russell of Spring” on the piano at a break-up concert at the end of the year. She thinks her music teacher’s name was Miss Mathieson. Doss’ daughter, Diana Royds (Hart) also attended Fairholme (1959) as did her daughter-in-law Margaret (Slaughter 1963) and granddaughters Maree Hart (1989), Lavinia Tyrrell (Hart 1990) and Helena Hart (1997). Nell Farquharson (1932) (Anderson) is also another of our treasured ‘Older ‘ Old Girls. Nell had some delightful tales to tell current Middle School students on Founders’ Day. The following quote from Nell was printed in their Middle School Magazine: “Church was non-negotiable. You went.” My how times have changed!

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009



ent U t Stud


ection pluar s n o p a h suc nd i This is S – please se ief and U br C r e O v of F owe tory, h lme girls are s r u o y ho o. Fair a phot ng!! i t fascina

Fairholme Old Girl Jane (Janelle) Harders (1948-1960) was spotted acting in the movie “Mao’s Last Dancer” directed by internationally acclaimed Australian Bruce Beresford, it is the inspirational true story of a small boy’s extraordinary journey from poverty to international stardom. Jane plays the part of the senator’s wife towards the end of the movie and her name appears in the credits. It seems that acting has been in Jane’s blood since her Fairholme school days – how exciting to see one of our own on the big screen! Since graduating from Fairholme in 2002, Sally Long (Boarder 1998 – 2002 )has worked in many different fields. Working predominately as a jockey in the racing industry in Sydney, Newcastle and the Hunter Valley and Toowoomba, Sally enjoyed an adrenaline filled occupation with lots of exciting adventures. After hanging up her riding boots, Sally decided to return to university to study primary / middle school teaching. Sally undertook a Bachelor of Teaching and Learning through the Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Northern Territory, studying externally for three years and will graduate in mid October this year. Margaret Lindemann (Amos) (1995) completed a Bachelor of Natural Resources at UNE Armidale. She then worked in Warwick as a Landcare Coordinator and afterwards for Condamine Alliance working on the Natural Resources Management Plan for the Condamine Catchment. She married Luke (Downlands 1993) in 2002 and they have 3 boys; James, Xavier and Bryce. They live at Ramsay and own A1 Fire and Safety in Toowoomba.



Pascale Fabery De Jonge (1989) has led an incredibly interesting and well travelled path since her departure from Fairholme some 20 years ago. To kick off her post school years Pascale tried her hand at Graphic design in Brisbane and then headed off to France (in the hope of perfecting the French language that she was taught by Fairhome teacher Miss Willis). Her next move was to Amsterdam where she studied Psychology, but her artistic nature led her to signing up for the College for Jewellery and Design (London), where she finished the 4 yrs with an internship in London, and stayed on for another 2 yrs. Pascale returned to Amsterdam where she became an agent for illustrators – and then created her own business Addfab and has had the pleasure of working with the best photographers / illustrators from all over the world, and flying to productions in destinations such as Cape Town, Paris, London, Rome etc. Pascale now combines motherhood (pictured above with her gorgeous son Fabel and step daughter Lua) with working 3 days as an agent. She remains in Amsterdam but visits Australia intermittently. Busy mother of four Susan Barbara (Orchard) (1985 -1986), lives on a sheep farm 18kms south of Narromine in Central NSW. Susan studied nursing upon finishing her senior years (after some travelling and nannying stints) and worked for 3 years at the Dubbo Base Hospital and surrounding areas. Susan is married and has four children (Charlie 10yrs; Rosie 8yrs; Millie 6yrs; and Eddie 2yrs) and works tirelessly in her position as P & F President of the Narromine Public School. Faye Conley (Buncle) (1961) recently spent an extended period in Figeac in the mid Pyrenees where people commented on the accuracy of her pronunciation. Faye says that thanks must go to Miss Parnell (‘a tiny little dot of a lady’) who was her senior French teacher (another Fairholme French favourite!)

Olivia Walton (BadenClay) (1986-1990) has been joyfully married for 11 years and her husband, Ian is a lecturer at Malyon College, Qld Baptist College of Ministries in Brisbane. The Waltons are heavily involved in their local church in Ashgrove, and enjoy a strong involvement with the Queensland Youth Choir and Girl Guides. Prior to beginning home schooling for their three young children: Isabelle (7 years) Nicholas (5) and Caroline (4), Olivia was busy with free-lance writing for Education supplements in the Courier Mail and co-authoring a History text book for Jacaranda-Wiley. Olivia is passionate about the benefits of home educating their children and loves the challenge that it provides. Chelsea De Luca (1986-1993) SHINES! Brisbane costume designer and Fairholme Old Girl is taking the fashion world by storm! Fresh from a promotional trip to the US, Chelsea’s creations have appeared on celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Elle McPherson, and Beyonce. Visiting fashionista’s at the recent Mercedes-Benz fashion festival also gave Chelsea’s designs the stamp of approval by purchasing and wearing pieces from her runway collection. Twelve months ago Chelsea signed up to sell her jewellery collection in Lisa Ho boutiques throughout Australia and hasn’t looked back since! Chelsea was also recently listed in the Courier Mail’s ‘50 most Stylish women in Queenland’ for 2009! Anita Keller (Buncle) (19841988) is currently a full time mother doing part time tertiary studies and is about to complete a BA majoring in Communications through UNE, Armidale. Prior to this, Anita worked at QUT for five years as an assistant to a leading Professor in Nonprofit studies. During this time Anita and her family lived on Queen Street in Brisbane, experiencing city life. Their back yard was St Johns Anglican Cathedral, so they had a bird’s eye view of all the construction and renovation that occurred over six years. They now live in residential Hawthorne and still enjoy the river life that Brisbane offers.

Marion Dare (1985) is currently living in Melbourne with partner Mark. After graduation with a Bachelor of Business degree, she went on to complete further studies through post graduate qualifications in IT & Human Resources followed by a Master of Business Administration and Harvard Business School short courses. Marion works as a Business & Systems Consultant with a speciality in the energy and utility sectors. Art collecting, travel, running, motor cycle touring & hosting dinner parties are all passions of Marion’s. A fond ‘Fairholme’ memory for Marion is jogging around the streets near the College in winter as training for cross country & eating golden syrup on toast in the Seniors common room. The photograph below shows Helen Monie (Malone) holding her daughter Lucy Monie, Mandy Barwick (Frame) holding Frank Reardon and Max Barwick, Mikala Reardon (Devine) holding Maggie Reardon and sitting next to Harry Barwick. The girls were at school together at Fairholme, graduating in 1993 and now all live within an hour of each other in northern New South Wales. Helen is married to Bruce and works for Westpac as the Agribusiness Banking Manager, Mandy is married to Sam and is currently on maternity leave from her role as Media Manager for the NSW Farmers Association. Mikala is married to Geoffrey (TGS old boy 1993) and is also on maternity leave from her job as manager of the Warialda Community Technology Centre. Mikala looks back on her days at Fairholme with a smile and treasures the friends she made during her time there. She says that she is also thankful for the career opportunities that going away to school opened up for her. Mikala’s cousin-in-law is at Fairholme now in Year Ten and she loves hearing her stories of goings-on and relaying memories of school to her. She looks forward to her baby daughter, Maggie attending in years to come.

Here’s an exciting update from ‘missing’ old girl Rosemary Shipton (Lawson) (1957-1959) who hadn’t made contact with anyone from Fairholme for 50 years, and simply ‘googled’ to find a contact for the 50 year re-union co-ordinator!!! The wonders of the world wide web... “After Fairholme I went to University of Queensland and graduated in 1963 with a BA (Hons) then I went to ANU for an MA – and, in 1965 won a Commonwealth Scholarship to the University of Toronto in Canada. I still live in Toronto, as I married a Canadian, Patrick Shipton, in 1968. That same year I became a book editor at University of Toronto Press – and, in due course, we had two children, Susan and Andrew. When I was pregnant, I went through the same quandary so many of our generation did – whether to become a full-time mom or whether to keep up with the profession. In the end, I opted to keep working – though for several years when the children were young I stayed at home and built up a flourishing freelance business. In 1990, I founded the Publishing Program at Ryerson University in Toronto and coordinated it for 17 years - I loved all the teaching it involved. I also became a senior editor at Knopf Random House Canada and worked with many great authors. To my great surprise, Trinity College at UofT awarded me an honorary doctorate in 2007. I’m still editing, working with authors to shape and focus their books, though I would like to slow down quite a bit in mid2010 so we can travel more and enjoy some leisure time” NEWS FLASH: Judy Morris (L’Armand) (1955-1964) renowned Australian actor, film director and screenwriter, has recently been presented with a prestigious film award.

Remember these old girls? (not so old, 2007) They were part of the ‘Womens College’ choir that competed in the 10 strong Choralfest at UQ in May. They came out strong winners with four fabulous songs. Mrs Ros McCallum - Fairholme Teacher and mother Kaitlyn (2007) and Erin (Senior 2009) watched with awe and reported: “ It was great to see that the experience of participating in our march pasts has not gone to waste. You should see our awesome girls getting on in the world. I was speechless”.

BIKE FOR LIFE - Kathryn Parkinson (1992 – 2000) recently pledged to ride a bike all the way from Sydney to Brisbane to help raise funds in support of the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Association of Australia (SMAA). SMA is the number one genetic killer of children less than two years of age, yet very few people have heard of the disease; 1 in 30 people carry the recessive gene. SMA Type II children generally don’t reach adulthood. There is currently no cure or treatment. Kathryn achieved her goal and completed the grueling ride raising a grand total of $ 4740.00 for this very worthy cause. News from across the miles: Nerida Burnie (1980-1987) is currently living at Teddington, which is a lovely green area of south west London, on the Thames. It is between Kew gardens and Hampton Court Palace and Bushy Park, all close enough to regularly visit. Nerida works as a GP in a large group practice in Kingston upon Thames, just a 10 minute drive across the river. Sally Brandon(1994-1997) became engaged in April 2009 to Paul Brenchley from England. She has been been living and working in London for the past 6 years, working as a freelance advertising manager.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009


engagements Congratulations and warmest wishes to the following Fairholme Old Girls on their engagement: Alice Balsillie (1994-2005) to Ben Neldner

Amanda Reichstein (1994-1999) to Will Siddins (St George)

Helena Hart (1993-1997) to Wade Rowbotham

Alex Creed (1998-2002) to Grant Vlieststra (Oakey)

Lucy Westcott (2001-2005) to Hunter Mayne – wedding to be held February 2010

Jenna Robotham ( 1997 – 2001) to Brendan Goleby

Alexandra Wyatt (Head Day Girl 1996) to Richard Fewster (TSS Gold Coast Old Boy)

Rachel-Jane Black ( 1997) to Hugh Reardon (North Star)

Andrew Harland proposed to Sarah North (1993 -1997) on their holiday in the Margaret River Area. They will be married in Goondiwindi on the 15th May 2010.

Sarah North ( 1993-1997) to Andrew Harland (Roma)

Pip Baker (1995-1998) to Hugh Gardiner to be married at ‘Doonkami ‘ on the 20th March at the same place as her mother and grandmother

weddings weddings weddings weddings weddings

Olivia Hart ( 1997-1998) to Adam Gunthorpe (Banana) Candida Smith ( 1996-2000) to Grant Bellert (Placid Hills) After 10 years together Holly Atthow (1992-1996) and Dick Dawson have announced their engagement! Sally Brandon ( 1994-1999) to Paul Brenchley (England) Tara Redman (2000) has announced her engagement to Nicholas Shepherd, Dalby. Wedding to be held in January 9th 2010.

3. Toni Burgess (1992-1996) married Gary Schneekloth in Townsville on the 10th May 2008. The ceremony and reception was held at the Picnic Bay Surf Life Saving Club, on The Strand, Townsville. Other Fairholme girls who attended were Peta McIntyre (nee Burgess, 1998), Georgia Noakes (1994) and Amanda Johnson (nee Baker, 1996). Toni and Gary now live in the Hunter Valley.

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1. Jane Flood (2001) and Nicholas House were married on 6th March 2009 at Preston Village Chapel, Toowoomba followed by a reception at Gips Restaurant. Fairholme old girls in the wedding party included Emma Beasley nee Flood (1996) and Sarah Webster nee Flood (1998)

4. Judy Watson Bennett and Larry Watson were married 21 July 2007 and honeymooned in Phuket. They happy couple now work together in their business: The Springvale Garden Centre. 5. Fairholme old girl Georgina Murphy (19911995) married Tim Poole at Noosa in March 2009. She was attended by two former Fairholme girls, her cousin Anna Tennent and friend since Year 7, Anna Jones. Georgina and Tim have made their home in Moree, NSW.

2. Edwina Lamble (1991-1998) married Nathan Sander on Friday 20th March 2009 at a ceremony at Saint Luke’s Church followed by reception at Gips Restaurant. Honeymoon: Spent a week at Broadbeach straight after wedding but heading off to Europe and, Hong Kong, in June.

sad passings .


Jean Rodden 1931

Dorothy Reichle (Ezzy) 1944

June Brunckhorst (Harders) 1939

Edna McGarry (Crosby) 1939

Ethel Jean Lang (Hornsby) 1940

Evelyn Keable (Farquharson) 1940

Francis Graham 1962

Avilda Shannon (Holmes) 1951

Elizabeth Rosenberger (Armstrong) 1938

Margaret Menzies 1950

Ruth Leavy 1988


births sad passings Leah Basham (Charteris) (1990-1995 ) and her husband Dean welcome Owen Lawrence , born 11 April 11 2009 – St Vincents Hospital Janelle Searles (Park) (1991-1995) and husband Robert are thrilled to announce the arrival of their son Mac Harrison born 24 June 2009 – Longreach Hospital George and Kate Weldon (Cosh)(1995) welcome with love, a son Hunter Alan born 10 May 2009 – First grandchild for Brian and Jane Cosh. Heath and Hannah McNulty (Blakeney) (1991 -2002)are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their beautiful baby girl, Marie Grace, born 23 October 2009. Caroline Bailey (Macrae) (1998) and husband James welcomed their first child, a baby boy, Edward Maclean Bailey. Edward was born on the 13th of July 2009 at the Mackay Mater Hospital weighing 8lb 9oz. Toby William Buckland born 24 August 2009 – a beautiful baby boy for Emily Buckland (Williams) (19951999) and her husband. Thomas Peter Moore, son of Julian & Carolyn Moore (Schafferius) (1997) was born on 20th April 2009 in Mackay weighing 7lb 4oz. Young Tom had quite a rough start spending a fortnight in Townsville’s intensive care unit however received a good report and returned home to Mackay shortly after. Thank you everybody for your wellwishes during this time. Sarah Balogh(Playsted) (1991-1992) and Ards welcomed Mishka Stewart Balogh on 30th September 2009 – brother to Lucinda. Margaret Lindemann (Amos) (1995) and her husband Luke welcomed their third baby boy, Bryce Alexander on 2 December 2008. A baby brother for James (4 ½) and Xavier (3). No future Fairholme girls here!

Douglas Vickery and Jodie (Webber) (19901995) are proud parents of a beautiful baby boy, Harry,born the 8th of July 2009. Weight 3.18kgs, 7lbs - Mater Hospital Brisbane Sarah Kay (Watson) (1994) and husband Adrian welcomed darling Audrey Rose on 8th March 2009. Audrey is bub #2, sister for Hudson James (now 20 months). Hudson dances and Audrey laughs, Audrey tastes a banana and Hudson laughs – Sarah says it’s fun to watch these two becoming great friends. Brendan and Lisa Deurloo (Ford)(1983-1987) proudly announce the arrival of their precious son Chase Cadman – born 12 June 2009. (Little brother for Sienna) Geoffrey and Mikala Reardon(Devine)(19911993) welcome Maggie Louise born 19 June 2009 (a beautiful little sister for Frank) James and Tina Rawlings (Campbell) (1994-1998) happily announced the safe arrival of their first child Jack Campbell Rawlings on 28th June 2009. Third Grandchild for James and Julie Campbell (1970-1971) CHRISTENING Fairholme Old Girl Brae Campbell (198-1991 )was delighted to have none other than Reverend Peter Playsted (Fairholme 1991 -1994) christen her children Charles Scott-Douglas Maxwell and Heather Brae at the Warwick Street Chapel, Toowoomba on the 19th July 2009 with over 100 people present.


from the archives The FOGA archive collection is becoming a treasure trove of unique Fairholme items . We have photos, vigoro bats, uniforms, fencing foils, croquet mallets, crockery and prize books – and we need more!

Can you help? Do you have anything Fairholme you would like to add to our collection? Any Speech Day programmes or Principal’s Reports would be most welcome, as we don’t have a full set of these. Do you have any old school magazines lying around? We especially need the magazines for 1961 1951 1942 1935 1933 and any from the 1920s. Would you like to donate your copy to the FOGA archives? ARCHIVAL MYSTERIES - Can you help solve these? What was the name of Miss Tassie’s little black dog? He/she appeared in many College photos. When did the College hymn become ‘Praise to the Lord the Almighty’? Was it ever ‘Fight the Good Fight’? In the 1920s and 1930s, Fairholme girls wore very smart sports headscarves. There’s a photo in the FOGA Foyer of girls ready to race in their sports uniform of bloomers, blouses, black stockings and white sandshoes. They are wearing headscarves – each with a different letter on the front: J or P or C. Does anyone know what these letters stand for? Are you in this photo? Do you know who is – or when it was taken? On the back is written : Charm Diane Ailsa.

The FOGA archival team are highly excited about a recent acquisition; until now the College has not been in possession of a Spreydon Badge, and we are very proud and privileged that the Holmes family have entrusted us with this precious icon. The badge was worn at Spreydon by Annie Hogg (nee Brodie)(1914) and then kept as a precious memento , to be handed down to daughter Mrs Marie Holmes (nee Hogg)(1946-48) herself a Fairholme old girl. Annie’s granddaughter Kathy Stanley (Holmes)(1971-76) was the third generation to attend Fairholme. Annie loved Music and was awarded the Junior Sports Champion in 1914. Marie was in the school athletics team and the ‘A’ school Tennis team. Kathy (Holmes) was also a champion athlete. Marie – this badge is such a magnificent addition to our archives and we would like to sincerely thank you again. The badge has now returned ‘home’ and will be viewed and marvelled at by generations of Fairholme girls to come.

FOCUS on Fairholme Autumn 2009



FOGA Foundations To re-inforce the true spirit of Fairholme’s annual ‘Founders’ Day’, the Fairholme Old Girls Association created history by officially opening the newly refurbished Fairholme Old Girls’ Association Foyer on Thursday September 17, 2009. With over thirty ‘Old Girls’’ in attendance, a delightful ceremony was held at 11.30am with heartfelt words from current Fairholme Head Girl Chasley Wilson, FOGA President Claire Wuth and prayers from Chaplain Pastor Richard Jessup. With Head Day Girl Lucy Hempenstall, Head Border Georgina Gilder, and Chasley at the helm, two of our ‘Oldest” Old girls Mrs Jean Le Brocq (Dehnert) (1932) and Mrs Nell Farquharson (Anderson) (1932) ‘cut’ the ribbon to officially “OPEN” the archival display area.

Year Level re-unnions were held throughout the weekend of Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 October to co-incide with Fairholme Spring Fair celebrations. Additional photographs depicting other class reunions will follow in further editions of FOCUS on Fairholme.

Pictured below are members of the class of 1959, who immensley enjoyed their 50 year Re-union luncheon held Saturday 17 October, 2009 at Weis Restaurant Toowoomba. Many thanks to co-ordinator by Margie Rudd (1953-1959)

After witnessing more of the Fairholme Spirit at the Inter-house choir performance, Old Girls enjoyed luncheon held in Cameron Homestead accompanied by Middle School students who recorded fond memories and funny stories recounted by the ladies. As a finale, guests attended the Fairholme Founders’ Day Assembly where they enjoyed musical presentations, addresses from Principal Mrs Linda Evans and Old Girls’, a DVD presenting a pictorial history of Cameron Homestead and the announcement of FOGA Busaries: This year’s worthy recipients being Sarah Flamsteed (Year 12 - Phyllis Lovell Bursary), and Emma Sealy (Year 11 - FOGA Bursary). A fabulous Founders’ Day all round!

What a pleasure it was to have ‘Old Girl’ Barbara Murphy (Walters) (1941-1944) visit us recently. Her brother Peter Walters kindly accompanied Barbara on a tour around the College grounds and the recently refurbished FOGA Foyer. We thoroughly enjoyed listening to Barbara’s recollections of her wonderful years at her chosen Alma Mater, and warmly invite any other Old Girls’ to ‘take a trip down memory lane’

Marie Thompson(1956-1959) proudly shows off her PREFECTS POCKET at the 50 year reunion luncheon

old girls’ update

Annual Fairholme Combined Year Levels Reunion Luncheon Sunday October 18, 2009

Old Girls’ from all year levels had great time reminiscing over a lovely lunch held at the College in the Fairholme Dining Room. They also toured the school with Principal Mrs Linda Evans and spent time reliving memories in the newly refurbished archival display area; The FOGA Foyer. Thanks so much to all those who attended and donated or loaned items of memoriablia on the day. See you all next year!



........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Maiden Name


........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Years at Fairholme


Year Level at leaving ......................................................... Address


........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Lois Bovey (1950-1952) with Jill Matthews (1946-1950)


Barbara Gwynne (1956-1959), Beverly Bucknell (1956-1959) andMargie Rudd (1953-1959)

email address ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Telephone No. (s) ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

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Diana Douglas (Morton) (1947-1957), Toowoomba FOGA President Claire Wuth (Perkins) (1968-1974) and Marj Milliken (1944-1949)

Kay Gregory (1953-1963) and Brisbane FOGA President Mrs Daphne Stewart (1949-1952)

We are most anxious to keep our records up to date as this is most important for our reunions and other functions. Please complete this form if any alterations are necessary and return to the College at your convenience. For more information please contact Alumni Officer Mrs Jo Glasheen 07 4688 4688, or email


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June6.Leblang (Corner) (1941-1951) and Jocelyn Mercer (Cossart) (1947-1950) Fairholme Old Girls from the Classes of 1959 and 1969 compare notes about their schooldays...

Leona Morton (Horn) (1951-1956) and Shirley Penboss (1951-1954)



Residential Address Wirra Wirra Street Toowoomba Q 4350 Postal Address PO Box 688 Toowoomba Q 4350 T 07 4688 4688 F 07 4688 4694 E Registered Provider (QLD): Fairholme College (Toowoomba) Pty Ltd CRICOS Provicer Code: 00651J

Proudly a College of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland


ABN 78 096 814 130

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