Focus on Fairholme 2012

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focus on fairholme

VOLUME 1 2012

> Academic Successes P5 > 2012 Senior Formal P13 > Artistic Achievements P14 > Good Sports P20 > FOGA News P24



2 FOCUS on Fairholme | Volume 1 2012

a message from the chairman

points of Welcome to another edition of FOCUS on Fairholme. Ironically, that’s just what I’d like to do now – take this opportunity to FOCUS on one of the strengths of our College and how we are keeping pace with change. At the e-G8 Forum held in Paris in May last year, Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO of News Corporation, gave a presentation entitled ‘Digital’s Next Frontier: Education’. In his presentation he said schools represent a ‘colossal failure of imagination’ and one of the major reasons was their inability to keep pace with change. He went on to say that ‘the greatest change of all is the digital revolution, which frees people from the “tyranny of time and distance,” and it’s occurring in every field except one — education.’


Having said that, Murdoch also believes schools can improve through the wise use of digital technology and he cites, for example, the Harlem Success Academy, which provides laptops for all students in the upper grades. At Fairholme, all students from years 9 to 12 have had laptops since the start of 2011 – and we’ve already seen the impact this has had. When the 2011 school year commenced we were still looking for ways to increase the number of computer labs in the Learning Centre to keep up with teacher and student demand. By mid-year the labs were underutilised; and we have now refurbished some of those areas for other uses. In 2012 all students from Year 7 to Year 12 will have laptops – we see this as a positive move and absolutely necessary in continuing to meet the challenge of changing technology.

Because this is so important, we’ve appointed one of our Directors, Rev Graeme Morris, as our Information Technology Director, charged with keeping the Board informed about changing technology. That’s why we’ve provided Board Members with iPads to use at Board meetings and other related activities; to help understand the latest technology and the impact it has on everyday activities. I believe we have ‘brought Fairholme to the table’. The challenge is to remain there in the face of even newer technology like iPads/Tablets and Smart Phones – I believe we can, and will. I look forwarded to catching up with you during the year.

Mr Ian Andersen | Chairman

Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 3 Fairholme – a nurturing Christian school, is committed to the development of a vibrant learning community; one that challenges students to become confident and respectful contributors within our global society. (Vision Statement 2012) This year has seen the end of a 5-year Forward Plan and the beginning of a 3-year Strategic Plan. The document itself is still in a process of structural editing to make it publishable in a variety of contexts for a diversity of purposes and audiences. It is, in every sense, a living document that will be monitored and adjusted throughout its threeyear life. After all, the quality of this document depends upon the way in which it is lived and enacted within its tenure, which depends upon the people who will lead and also measure its outcomes. The full document is one that has tangible, quantifiable targets and thus will be reflected upon with regularity and purpose; yet it is also fluid enough to adapt to changes that will inevitably occur during the next three years. Strategic planning works best when seen as a continuous process of experimentation that allows multiple decisions to emerge on many different fronts simultaneously (Leslie and Fretwell 1996 in Chance, 2010). >

Whilst much of the planning occurred through work undertaken by the Chairman of the Board, the leadership team and an educational/ business consultant, its refinement and its underpinning vision and values have been tailored by the broader community. This has occurred through discussion at staff meetings, pastoral care groups, P&F meetings, Board meetings and more recently at a parent engagement workshop. We cannot create a document that is absolute in its reflection of the values and beliefs of our entire community. We are governed first and foremost by the values and beliefs of the Presbyterian Church and our plan reflects that; as well as a consistently strong representation of many members of our community. The five values that are the foundation of the document include; Christ-Centred Faith Collaboration, Enjoyment, Respect, Seeking Excellence.

Beneath each of those values are further words and ideas that matter too. In the publishing of documents related to the strategic plan, these subset values and principles will be explored further. It is interesting to consider the first and last listed values – Christ-centred faith and seeking excellence. There may seem to be some dissonance between the two. It has been asked – why not ‘excellence’, why ‘the seeking of excellence?’ At Fairholme we pursue excellence in all that we do, we strive for that destination and should we reach it, we revise our destination and pursue beyond what we imagined possible. We also do this mindfully, thinking of the words of Michael J. Fox who said, ‘I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God’s business.’ These words marry together the first and last values quite effectively.

From the Principal

planning strategically The notion of collaboration is not new. It is a feature of current educational research and writing around effective learning and it is also a fundamental principle of effective workplaces, teams and groups. ‘The sustained focus on learning, combined with an increased emphasis on collaboration, also helped nurture the development of innovative approaches to teaching and learning’ (Owens, Mandizy, Burton &Hall 2012,19) The ability to work alongside others is a skill for life. The ability to learn from one another and to research together have been explored through our professional learning during the last 18 months. This collaboration is evident in the Junior School teachers’ Wednesday morning Tech Heads or the recently instituted Professional Learning Hour operating in the Middle/Senior school. A key value identified by students from across the College was – fun or enjoyment.

It was also identified by many staff and Board members who understand that enjoyment heightens learning; it also makes for a much more productive and pleasant workplace. Universally, staff, parents, students and Board members nominated respect as an essential component of the foundational value system. It was also identified in words such as care, compassion, empathy, integrity and humility. It is difficult to imagine a school that seeks to learn, if there is no respect.

Yes I can. Will I continue to seek the development of creativity, ingenuity, optimism, perseverance, resilience, integrity and myriad other beliefs of import? Yes I will, because I am aware of their close alignment with the values expressed within our strategic plan: Fairholme – a nurturing Christian school, is committed to the development of a vibrant learning community; one that challenges students to become confident and respectful contributors within our global society.

No doubt there are values and principles not stated that are near and dear to our hearts; invariably these are words that appeared in the extensive brainstorming that occurred in the identification of five values. Did all of my top five appear? No they did not. Are my own values represented effectively? Yes they are. Can I work and lead and serve a community that is Christ-centered, that seeks excellence, is respectful, collaborative and enjoyable?

Mrs Linda Evans | Principal

References Chance, S. (2010). Strategic by design: Iterative approaches to educational planning. Planning for Higher Education, 38(2), 40-54. Owens, R., Mandizy, A., Burton, D. &Hall, M. ( 2012). Developing a sustainable culture of inquiry and innovation. Journal of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders. 34 (1) 21-25.

service arts community alumni

‘For the Fallen’ was a very special musical initiative produced by Fairholme College. Held on the evening of ANZAC day, this concert enabled the audience (and performers) to reflect upon and acknowledge all that has been done for us by members of the armed forces through the universal language of music. ‘For the Fallen’ honoured our best and bravest by presenting a program of both spiritual content and musical excellence; including a stunning performance of Gabriel Faure’s Requiem for massed choir and orchestra under the direction of Fairholme’s Head of Performance Music, Mr Alex Dixon, and Mr Rod Egerton, Co-ordinator of Instrumental Music.

The evening also excitingly featured three very highly regarded guest performers with international reputations; soprano Melinda Van der Meulen, tenor Nicholas Kirkup and organist Philip Gearing. A mix of traditional and more modern songs of solemnity and loss were also performed by the College and Chamber Choirs, and a moving Call to Remembrance was delivered by Fairholme’s very own Lt Cl Julian Turner (retired) . The emotional highlight of the evening was without question the performance of Faure’s Requiem. To stage and perform this famous masterpiece was truly a community effort featuring each of the invited soloists, current students, parents, old girls, staff and friends who continue to be connected with Fairholme.

Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 5

teaching &


learning successes Mr Stewart Peacock | Head of Teaching and Learning

Fairholme College rated 19th Queensland School on average over all disciplines of NAPLAN testing in Queensland 2008 – 2011 (Years 3,5 & 7)

Celebrating the successes of our graduating seniors of 2011 100% Queensland Certificates of Education 98% QTAC Tertiary offers 24% OP 1- 5 89% OP 1- 15

Learning Enhancement in 2012 - and increased focus on differentiation in the Middle Years, Enrichment programs and Help sessions in areas of Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities and Languages at all year levels.

5th top performing school outside Brisbane (Courier Mail 05/05/2012) In country schools across the nation, Fairholme was well-placed at 18th in terms of Year 7 and 9 data and was the highest performing Queensland regional school.

Outstanding results in the USQ Science and Engineering Challenge

‘Teachers Teaching teachers’ – collaborative practice for 2012. A focus on ‘best practice in the classroom’ Professional learning (whole school) Literacy across the Curriculum – a focus on teaching literacy from P – 12 facilitated by Dr Lindsay Williams and Matthew Rigby of Wordsmart Consulting.

In 2012 72% of our Seniors (Year 11 and 12) are enrolled in a VET/Traineeship

Teachers preparing our girls for the Queensland Core Skills Test and NAPLAN – professional learning workshops for teachers and students facilitated by Helen Masselos, Helen Spencer, Lindsay Williams and Matthew Rigby.

Head of Fairholme Junior, Mrs Lyn Merry was nominated for the ALEA Special Services Award by the Darling Downs Branch of the Australian Literacy Teachers’ Association (ALEA) for her many years of dedicated service to the literacy needs of children. Mrs Merry will be presented with this award at the 2012 ALEA National Conference which will be held from 6 – 9 July in Sydney.

on the subject of

Ms Catrina Sharp | Head of Senior School

Bornhoffen Outdoor Education Centre offered the Year 10 Fairholme girls an encounter that they will never forget. The girls were involved in many demanding activities during the camp, including abseiling, creeking, the ‘leap of faith’ and canoeing. They faced new challenges and many walked away with great satisfaction after breaking through fears and doubts, with the encouragement of friends! Many thanks to all the staff and girls for demonstrating a ‘can do’ attitude. It was great to see the camaraderie in the House groups and it was obvious the girls had a great time.

Mr Anthony Beauchamp | Teacher of Science

Prefects Back Row: Amalia Hughes [Powell House], Anna Bourne [Pastoral Care], Jasmine Bartelen [Service], Megan Armstrong [Boarding], Gheorja Haidley [Pastoral Care], Chiara Osborn [The Arts], Jaime Painter [Teaching and Learning], Jade Cross [Pastoral Care], Anna Wilson [Powell House] Middle Row: Linda Ogg [Cameron House], Emily Forrest [Boarding], Zoe McMaster [Pastoral Care], Lucy Walton [Boarding], Isabella Duggan [Boarding], Emma-Lee Reddacliff [Black House], Kate Darlington [Cameron House], Kirsty Campbell [Stephens House], Lieschen Noack [Boarding], Hannah McDowall [Stephens House], Lily Burt [Black House], Kate Sivertsen [Communications] Front Row: Amber Bitzer [Head Day Girl], Sarah Amos [Head Boarder], Ms Catrina Sharp [Head of Senior School], Mrs Linda Evans [College Principal], Mr Ian Andersen [Chairman, College Board], Meghan Hamilton [Head Girl], Rachael Curtis [Sport] Absent: Georgina Price [Student Ministry]

Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 7

20 -1 If on -2 ly yo knew u ! Encouragement to be the best ‘you’ possible is the challenge set by the 2012 Senior Leaders. This message was presented at the Opening College Assembly in January. The motto for the year, 20-1-2: if only you knew, stands as an incentive to explore strengths in the individual and their place as a member of both the Fairholme and broader communities. Students at the College have been prompted to do something new, or perhaps dust off the trumpet beneath their bed, ask more questions in Modern History, be genuinely mindful of those around them, develop a servant’s heart, dream big and take steps to make such imaginings a reality. The difference such steps may bring about can never really be foreseen. If only you knew the only risk is to do nothing and never really know.

On Friday 27 January, the Seniors hosted ‘Fairholme Day’ for the Year 7 and 8 girls. The aim of the time spent together was to introduce, and reinforce, all that is important at Fairholme. The Senior Leaders shared stories of their years at the College, highlighted their memorable moments and spent some valuable time in House groups connecting with the younger girls. The Middle School girls entered the Seniors’ guard of honour very timidly yet left more at ease, far more confident, and capable of a thunderous Jump ‘n’ Jive, arm-in-arm with Year 12s, all with broad smiles!

International Women’s day By the time the bell tolled for the International Women’s Day Market, throughout the grounds there were great lengths of cards with the names of women making a difference in the lives of our girls. While a few names were certainly famous, the names of aunts, grandmothers, classmates, sisters, coaches, Old Girls of the College, teachers and friends outnumbered any name that might grace the pages of history books. Clearly, the ‘great’ women in the girls’ lives are living alongside them. The most frequently penned name, wherever you looked on any length of the green and purple ribbon, was ‘Mum’. What a wonderful moment for our Mums! How lovely that they were indeed, and deservedly so, the most distinguished women we celebrated on that day. The girls spent time reading the names of women from the Fairholme Family on the hundreds of cards pegged out for the world to see. These lengths of ribbon, with the names pegged proudly, now line one of the busiest corridors in the College; the celebration of these women continues.


Year 7s visit the nation’s Capital A five-day trip to the Australian Capital Territory in June this year provided interesting and enjoyable learning experiences for Year 7 girls. Visits to popular destinations such as The Australian Institute of Government Royal Australian Mint, Head Boarder],Sport, Ms Catrina SharpHouse, [Head the of Senior Parliament House, Australian WarPrincipal], Memorial,Mr Questacon, and the School], Mrs Lindathe Evans [College Ian National Zoo and Aquarium certainly created a diverse itinerary for the Andersen [Chairman, College Board], girls’ enjoyment.

YEAR 8 CAMP Year 8s enjoyed abseiling, rock climbing and canoeing whilst at Mapleton on their ‘Getting to Know You’ camp, from Wednesday 8 February to Friday 10 February 2012

Middle School Leaders SEMESTER 1 2012 Back row: Georgia Austin (Arts), Alice Mason (Sport), Abbey Munro (Ministry), Grace Jarvis (Communication), Georgina Duncan (Teaching & Learning), Caitlin Sorour (Arts), Jamie Hagan ( Ministry) Front row: Celeste Ogg (Pastoral Care), Nikki Cornwell (Sport), Mrs Jaye Ross (Head of Middle School), Amie McKay (Sport), Katie Devine (Pastoral Care)

Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 9

e school matters

Mrs Jaye Ross | Head of Middle School

Enriching Experiences

Throughout Term 1, Year 7 English and Humanities students were engaged in units of work exploring identity and diversity. To demonstrate their understandings and showcase their work, the students produced their own Peoplescape, which


reflected themselves and the life of people from another country. Parents had the opportunity to view these wonderful creative works during a special event called The Gabfest on Wednesday 28 March 2012.

Let the Games Begin!

Year 9 girls ‘set up camp’ at Bornhoffen in the Gold Coast Hinterland from 20 February to 22 February this year.

The Biggest Morning Tea!

On Thursday 24 May, Middle School Leaders organised a morning tea and raised over $500 for the Cancer Council. Congratulations to all of the girls who cooked or purchased food; it was a lovely morning of fabulous food and friendship in the Middle School.

Year 8s took some ‘time out’ on Sunday 18 March and joined the Toowoomba Grammar School for a BBQ & Games afternoon. Many friendships were forged during what was a great opportunity for students to interact in an active and positive way.


10 FOCUS on Fairholme | Volume 1 2012

Mum’s the word!

Mothers and Grandmothers received a well-deserved pampering by Fairholme Junior students this year. Fairholme Kindy students made their mother’s (and some grandmothers’ too) day in May by treating them to pedicures, manicures and a sumptuous morning tea to celebrate Mother’s day.

Prep students enjoyed quality time with their Mothers and Grandmothers during a special afternoon tea and presented each of them with a beautiful rose to show their gratitude.

Yet again, Mrs Belinda Eldridge created another outstanding crowd pleaser with the production of the 2012 Fairholme Junior Musical, ‘Cafe de Paris’. Stunning performances by girls in Years 1 to 6 were witnessed on Monday 26 March and Tuesday 27 March in the Fairholme College Assembly Hall.

The Year 6 Mothers’ Day stall was a great success. Lots of Mums received lovely gifts for Mothers’ day, thanks to the Year 6 girls’ excellent selling skills.

Under 8s Activities Week Creative and imaginative activities were organised for the entire Junior School to celebrate Under Eights Week. These activities reflected the 2012 theme of Language – actively connecting children to their world, as well as the National Year of Reading. It was a perfect opportunity for social interaction as the Kindy 3 Day groups visited The Toowoomba Preparatory School, and the Year 3 girls joined with The Glennie School Junior Years at Toowoomba Grammar Junior. On Wednesday the Year 1 girls joined with these two schools at Grammar Junior, the Year 2 girls travelled to The Glennie School Junior Years and Fairholme Junior played host to the Prep children.

A special High Tea for our very special Mothers

Teachers A delightfully dazzlingTEACHING and decadent Teachers High Tea was co-

ordinated by members of the Friends of Junior School (FOJS), in the stunningly decorated Cameron Homestead. The entertainment from the Junior School flute trio, and the Senior girls’ flute ensemble, the stunning fashion parade from The Wardrobe, an inspiring presentation from guest speaker, Mrs Clare Greenhill, and the delicious afternoon tea fare made for a very relaxing enjoyable and social afternoon.

Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 11 Interhouse Sporting SPIRIT at its best!

Mrs Lyn Merry | Head of Fairholme Junior

House spirit of gigantic proportions has been on display this year during Annual events such as the Interhouse Swimming Carnival, Cross Country and Athletics. Cameron House was successful in winning the Year 4 to 6 Interhouse Swimming Carnival followed by Powell, Black and Stephens. Trophy winners were: 9 years – Madelyn Gordon, who broke a record in both backstroke and butterfly, Imogen Saunders 2nd, Bella McLoughlin 3rd 10 years – Jemima Love 1st , Alanna Rummell 2nd, Lucinda Carey 3rd 11 years – Emma Dann 1st, Grace Elliott 2nd, Ellen Noble 3rd 12 year – Jillian Smolenski 1st, Vera Turner 2nd, Claire Flindle 3rd, Individual Medley trophy – Emma Dann The competition was tough during the Year 4 to 6 Interhouse Cross Country with Powell House crossing the line first, followed by Stephens and a tie between Black and Cameron House. The Years 4 to 6 Interhouse Athletics Carnival took place in rather cool and windy conditions with Cameron successful in winning the carnival followed by Powell, Stephens and Black House.

Prep children from the three schools joined in National Simultaneous Storytime along with more than 170,000 children at over 1100 locations across Australia in reading the very popular story, The Very Cranky Bear by Nick Bland.

Fairholme Junior’s foray into the Andrews Cup competition has been most successful with excellent results in Touch, Tennis, Cross Country and Swimming. Our swimmers not only came second in the ten-year age group, but also won the Association Percentage trophy (pictured left).


Teachers TEACHING Teachers Fairholme Junior teachers, Mrs Annie Heydon and Mrs Kate Sweeney were selected to attend the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Professional Learning Convention in Melbourne recently. 500 teachers from across Australia came together to engage with national and international speakers to promote the importance of effective teaching and its impact on student learning.

Pictured below are the Year 5 Touch team who took out third place in their division. Congratulations also to the 9-year-old girls, who won their age group at the Andrews Cup Cross Country championships in Ipswich. During the course of the Andrews Cup competition Fairholme Junior has competed against Somerville House, Clayfield College, St Hilda’s, St Margaret’s, St Aidan’s, Moreton Bay College, The Toowoomba Preparatory School, The Glennie School and Ipswich Junior Girls’ Grammar.

12 FOCUS on Fairholme | Volume 1 2012

at its best

Fairholme remembers... Year 12 boarders, members of the Chamber Choir, Mrs Evans, Ms Dunne and Miss Burns displayed their Anzac spirit by attending the dawn service at the Mothers’ Memorial in Toowoomba on Wednesday 25 April. All other boarders attended the 10am Anzac Day service as a mark of respect.

Boarder Chapel Pictured above are students enjoying a special Boarder Chapel service which occurs regularly during term time. Boarders also attend church services on Sundays and parents can choose from six different churches in close proximity to the College.

Year 12 Dinner In a bid to relax the Year 12 Boarders before their assessment block, a delicious dinner was prepared and served in the Cameron Room. The girls enjoyed great food, lively conversation and excellent company.

Boarders’ bash Invitations to the Fairholme Boarders’ Bash Social, held on 28 April, were sent to local boarding schools as well as Ipswich, Warwick and Brisbane schools. The turn-out on the night was incredible with nearly 900 boarders ‘busting a move’ in the Assembly Hall.

There’s only ONE DIRECTION! Early in the Term the Boarding House put on an exciting ‘One Direction’ themed Dinner on the night of the said band’s Brisbane concert. Girls enjoyed the chance to win a fantastic prize that included about 10 large posters, One Direction badges, magazines and even CDs!

What’s your colour? The girls from the boarding house let their true colours fly on the night of the first State of Origin match. The Blues VS the Maroons, State VS State. The girls enjoyed an amazing packed dinner and a spectacular dessert made up of cupcakes surrounding a big green football field. A great night was had by all.

Ms Marguerite Dunne | Head of Boarding



Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 13

l a m r Fo Wednesday 28 March 2012

Red Carpet Entrance, Palm Avenue, Fairholme College Fairholme Senior Formal Soiree, Fairholme College Assembly Hall


Fairholme Formal, Picnic Point Restaurant, Toowoomba

1 Back Row (L-R): Rachael Correy, Chantal Templeton, Chiara Osborn, Jasmine Bartelen, Hannah Veal, Hannah Emmerton, Perihan Surensoy, Lily Stone, Brigitte Janse Van Rensburg, Nicola Murphy, Catherine Speed, Sarah Reye




Front Row: Georgia Krause, Anna Bourne, Meg Hamilton, Madison Buckley, Ariela Rother 2 Formal Committee: Alana McLindin, Francesca Munchow, Cara Pinches, Allysha Hannant, Hannah Emmerton, Katie Hancock, Madeleine Schwartz. 3 Lavinia Tea, Selena Dobson, Ms Lauren Hood, Emma-Lee Reddacliff, Georgia Krause, Imogen Hoffenberg, Megan Armstrong 4 Georgia Tanner, Karlea Hindmarsh, Lieschen Noack, Emily Forrest, Kate Guymer

5 7


5 Kaytlin Campbell, Selena Dobson, Emma-lee Reddacliff, Lily Commins


6 Tayla Strumer, Georgia Sandow 7 Cathy Speed, Jasmine Bartelen, Chiharu Ota, Ellen Counter, Georgia Steele 8 Lucy Walton, Lavinia Tea, Lily Commins, Isobella Agar 9 Hannah Emmerton, Kelsey Seaniger, Zoe McMaster, Timandra Jago, Kirsty Campbell, Sarah Amos, Georgie Griffiths 10 Sarah Amos, Hannah McDowall, Anna Wilson, Georgie Griffiths.



e p o c s o d i e l a K

all the

of the ARTS

‘Kaleidoscope’ is an evening of creativity, artistic endeavour and musical magic, allowing Fairholme’s talented student musicians, actors, artists and dancers to perform in front of an appreciative audience to help raise funds for the Arts Department. Performances on Tuesday 6 March included items by the College and Chamber Choir, the Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Strings and Drama and Dance Students. There was also an attention-grabbing PowerPoint display of visual art completed recently by our talented art students. The evening was certainly big on variety and entertainment value.


On Monday 30 April, five of Toowoomba’s leading flute students, including Fairholme’s Instrumental Music Captain, Chantel Templeton, had the privilege to play for world-renowned flautist Jane Rutter. Following on from her public concert at the Empire Theatre on the weekend, Ms Rutter devoted two hours to present a master-class hosted by Fairholme, including a workshop and short performance with our Chamber Strings. This was a rare opportunity to work alongside a highly regarded professional musician in a meaningful educational environment. Congratulations to all flute and string players who participated. Mr Rod Egerton | Co-ordinator of Instrumental Music

EXCELLENCE at the Toowoomba EISTEDDFOD! Fairholme Arts students performed beautifully at the recent City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod, gaining places in what was a very high standard of competition. Under the guidance of specialist Fairholme Arts Department staff, students from the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools sang their hearts out during the Eisteddfod competition. Fairholme choirs reinforced the fact that Performing Arts is a vibrant and active part of the College community by producing the following results: Chorale Primary School Choir A Grade 2nd place; Primary School Junior Choir A Grade 3rd place; Spiritual Song or Gospel Chorus for Primary Choir 3rd place; Modern Chorus or Folk Song for Primary Choir Highly Commended; Year 7 Vocal Ensemble Primary School Vocal Ensemble Highly Commended; College Choir Secondary School Choir 3rd place; Modern Chorus for Secondary Schools Highly Commended; Spiritual or Gospel for Secondary Schools Highly Commended; Chamber Choir Hymn Singing for Secondary Schools 2nd place; Special thanks to Mr and Mrs Evans, staff members and parents for their attendance and support during this very busy yet rewarding time.

The Fairholme family also congratulates the extensive list of Fairholme students who achieved individual successes in all sections of the competition -- there are just too many talented Fairholme artists to mention! Mr Alexander Dixon | Head of Music Performance

Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 15

way Painting a pretty


19 Fairholme Artists were selected as finalists in the USQ 2012 ‘Escape from the Zoo’ Awards . The USQ ‘Escape from the Zoo’ Art awards and subsequent exhibition showcased emerging artists from regional high schools. From the initial pool of entries, 43 works were shortlisted to appear in the exhibition, and incredibly, 19 of these were submitted by Fairholme artists. The works ranged from painting, print making and sculpture to mixed media and photography. It seems the success didn’t stop there as Fairholme Senior Kate Darlington’s work, ‘What makes me, me?’ was announced as the winner of the 3 -Dimensional category.

And for the icing on the cake the Overall Winner of the Nelly Ryan Award was none other than Amelia O’Connell (Year 12) for her work entitled ‘Wishing for a Better Future’.

Fairholme students on Show It is with pleasure that we announce that Fairholme Students had a number of exciting results across the Art, Handicraft, Cooking and Photography sections at the recent Toowoomba Royal Show. Congratulations to the girls listed below: Nikki Cornwell – 8 Prizes for her entries in the culinary and craft sections. Georgia Hayward – 3 Firsts and a Highly Commended for poetry, culinary and photography. Georgia Devenish – First Prize (Photography) Edwina Amos – Second Prize (Photography) Emma Elsden – First Prize (Coloured Painting or Drawing) Chelsea Lehmann – First, Second and Third Prize (Painting) Kyra Radke – First Prize (Freehand Drawing)

Georgia Sim – First Prize (Colour Picture) Isabella Duggan – Third Prize (Black &White Picture) Sarah Aljassim – Third Prize (Colour Picture) Laura Guest – First Prize (Colour Picture) as well as the Reserve Champion across the Secondary Art section

Pictured left are talented Fairholme Artists after receiving certificates of commendation for their works being selected in the Toowoomba Art Society Chronicle Junior Art Expo. The competition is an annual survey of local children’s paintings and works on paper aged from preschool to 18 years organised by the Toowoomba Art Society incorporated in conjunction with The Chronicle. Just over 100 pieces were selected from some 700 entries and were on display at the Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery until Sunday 24 June. Congratulations to the following girls on their outstanding achievements: Section B: Ava Marjoribanks Section E: Georgina Beauchamp Section F: Lydia Davis, Grace Pegler, Casey Bassingthwaite, Bronte Holding, Sarah Aljassim. Section G: Brianna Benn, Marli Roos. Section H: Hannah Whitten, Alison Thomas. Section I: Alison Thomas, Anna Southwell. Brianna Benn was also awarded the Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society Open Drawing Runnerup Prize – what a champion effort!

highlights SUCCESSES

Flower Power! Pictured below is Year 11 student Claire de Wit with Three Way Tribute Dedication, a 5.4m steel sculpture which now stands in the Lions Park at Picnic Point; the culmination of many months of hard work and determination by a group of school students who formed the Junior Advisory Panel of Group Dynamics. Claire sketched the original concept for the sculpture that was made ‘by the community for the community’.

In the Spotlight Year 11 students Zoe Miller and Tatum Kersh (pictured above) joined students from eight schools to perform in the IMPACT Ensemble’s presentation of Nick Enright’s Blackrock at the Empire Theatre, Toowoomba. An initiative of the Empire Youth Arts, the ensemble offers young performers in the region the opportunity to develop their skills on stage. Blackrock has won numerous awards and has been taught in many Australian classrooms. Dealing with the issue of domestic violence and a number of youth related issues, Enright’s powerful play was first published in 1996.

Military Milestone Upon entering her 5th year in the Toowoomba Grammar School Cadet unit, 2012 Senior Nicola Murphy (pictured with Captain (AAC) Geoff Quinn, Officer Commanding of TGS Cadets Unit) was deservedly promoted to Cadet Under Officer (CUO) and is now the Commander of 2 Platoon. As a CUO Nicola has achieved the highest possible rank as a cadet and to celebrate her success at being promoted to this position, she was presented with the Fortescue Sword (part of ceremonial dress as an officer) at a College Assembly.

Congratulations also to the Fairholme students pictured below, on their outstanding performances in the Empire Theatre production of The Wizard of Oz. Pictured from left to right are Arya Forbes (Year 5), Lindy Roos (Year 7), Anna Roche-Kelly (Year 7), Freya Watson (Year 7) and Jasmine Price (Year 6).

A Picture tells a Thousand Words Year 9 Happy Snapper, Ali Bragg recently entered the National Youth Week Photography Competition and her amazing reproduction of a stunning rural sunset has placed it in the top ten photographs in this competition. As a fitting reward, Ali’s work is now on display at the Toowoomba City Art Gallery. Angela Morgan (Toowoomba City Library) said the judges were thrilled with the large number of entries in this year’s competition, and were extremely impressed by the fantastic technical and creative skills of the photographers. Congratulations Ali – and watch this space!

Trainee of the Year Fairholme Senior Cara Pinches was awarded the School Based Apprentice / Trainee of the Year at the 2012 Downs Group Training awards night held at Rumours International. Cara is in her final stages of completing a certificate III in hospitality and is hosted by Café Valetta. The awards night, which brings together host employers, apprentices and trainees from throughout the region, was attended by over 300 people including Cara’s family. A large number of students at Fairhome are choosing to participate in Vocational Education and Training with 72% of Fairholme’s 2012 Year 11 and 12 students involved in a VET course or traineeship.

Sarah’s Science Success Senior Leader Sarah Reye recently presented a report to professors, family and friends at USQ, during the Reporting Session following her PICSE experience during the summer vacation. PICSE, the Primary Industry Centre for Science Education, provides an excellent two-week camp and industry placement experiences for Senior School students. Sarah also shared her report with Middle and Senior School students at a College Assembly in Term 1.

Learning Humility through Service

Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 17

INDIA DISCOVERY TOUR - Mizpah Orphanage This activity has been running since 2008 and is now into its 5th year. Our visit to Mizpah Home this year will mean that 100 girls from Fairholme, together with 14 members of staff will have been to India to service this community together.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD The Christmas shoebox collection has been a service project on the Fairholme College calendar for over 10 years. For the last five years we have also taken girls from Year 11 to the OCC warehouse at Yeronga, in Brisbane, to sort and pack Christmas boxes prior to their shipment overseas.

ECO SERVICE This is an initiative which provides an opportunity for Year 11 students to travel to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef where they can be involved with scientists who are collecting data about this ‘Natural Wonder’. They also work as a ‘clean-up crew’ on some of the islands in the area.

THE BASE RIDING FOR THE DISABLED Senior Boarders regularly assist the Toowoomba Riding for the Disabled Association on Saturdays during term time.

CHARITY COLLECTIONS Girls volunteer to assist with doorknocks and charity collections throughout the school year for organisations such as Red Cross and the Salvation Army.

SHAVING FOR A CURE Girls have been ‘shaving their heads’ in support of the Leukaemia Foundation for the last five years. Each year the number of ‘bald heads’ has grown, as has the money raised for suffers of this insidious disease. Each year the girls who volunteer to shave do so because cancer has somehow touched their own lives and this is their way to show support for those they love and care about. This year just over $14,000 has been raised due to the efforts of our brave Seniors!

Pastor Richard Jessup | College Chaplain

The Base is a ministry arm of Toowoomba City Church and groups of girls from the Boarding House have been involved on Friday nights providing food and fun for some of the more disadvantaged young people (8-12 year olds) in Toowoomba.

STARS in the


Powell House Powers to Victory! On Friday 17 February, 2012, excitement abounded when, amidst a continuous and deafening roar, Powell House took out the Cohoe Trophy for Interhouse Swimming after somewhat of a ‘dry spell’.

QUEENSLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL STATES Fairholme College and FAST (Fairholme Aquatic Swim Team) swimmers Joel Collins, Emma Dann, Zoe Webster, Matilda Craig, Alanna Rummell, Quinn Burling, Lizzie Chicalas, Felicity House and Jemima Love were selected to represent Darling Downs at the Queensland State Primary Championships held in Brisbane from 25 — 27 March. Every swimmer achieved a personal best time or matched their personal bests through the meet.

Highlights of the day included an all-star March Past with Stephens House being awarded first place; Boarders dominated the Daygirls in the traditional ‘rivalry’ relay for the second year running; and Fairholme Old Girls took out the parent/staff/students/Old Girls relay competition. Congratulations to the many swimmers who achieved their personal bests in events and to the Age Champions listed below: 12yrs JC Meynink Trophy: Abby Love (C); Madeline Callow (P); Grace Gallagher (C). 13yrs Bernays Trophy: Bronte Collins (S); Zara Dowsett (B); Isabelle Carey (C).


14yrs Bob Kretchmann Trophy: Shannon Tucker (S); Ashleigh Pulford (P); Shanen Layden (S).

FAST was represented by 20 swimmers in the Darling Downs Secondary School Swimming Team which competed in the 2012 Queensland State Secondary Schools Swimming Championships held in Brisbane from 22 — 24 March. FAST swimmers did a great job with many finishing the season with personal best times. They represented their schools, their Region and FAST with distinction. In total there were 15 top ten finishes. Fairholme College student Julia Algie and Fairholme Aquatics Swimming Club member Anthony Lingard received individual medals. Julia Algie also picked up 5 State and 3 National Deaf records in the 100 Free, 100 Back and 50 Butterfly! Julia has been selected into the Queensland Secondary Schools Team to compete in Sydney later in the year at the Pan Pacific School Games.

15yrs Cohoe Trophy: Kaiti McGregor (P); Alex Day (S); Julia Algie (P). 16yrs Ray Powell Trophy: Kate Brassington (B); Ally Walker (C); Ailsa Houston (C). 20Yrs Harm Trophy: Elzette Genis (B); Rachael Curtis (B); Taleigha Rowe (S). Open Kelly Cup: Kaiti McGregor (P); Bronte Collins (S); Tie: Julia Algie (P) & Ailsa Houston (C). Superfish Secure ‘A’ Schools Trophy The Fairholme Flames ‘came home’ with the TSSS ‘A’ Schools Swimming Cup for the 12th consecutive year after the 2012 Toowoomba Secondary Schools Swimming Carnival. Not only did they perform well, both individually and as a team, they demonstrated commitment, determination and our trademark spirit throughout the day. Results in each age group were as follows:

13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years

1st 2nd 1st 1st

U 20 years Open Relay Aggregate

1st 1st 1st 1st

Led by Swimming Captains, Georgia Steele and Rachael Curtis, the girls gave it their all throughout the afternoon, but it was their display of team unity and genuine support of one another that was most impressive.

Kaiti McGregor was placed second and Bronte Collins was placed third in the Owen Janetski Trophy.

Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 19

ALL SCHOOLS Touch Champions

2012 QUEENSLAND SECONDARY SCHOOL STATE CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS Fairholme College Julia Algie 1st — 50 Free, 50 Back, 50 Fly, 100 Free, 100 Back, 3rd 50 Breaststroke Isabelle Carey 4th — 50 Breaststroke, 9th — 200 Breaststroke Annabelle Johnman 7th — 200 Butterfly Kaiti McGregor 3rd — Freestyle Relay

Fairholme girls played ‘hard and fair’ to become Grand Final winners at the biggest schools Touch Football event in the world, with over 3000 players competing. After a hard-fought battle against Carmel College, the 2011 Fairholme College Junior Touch Team emerged as winners of the 2011 Queensland All School Touch Champions (final score of 5 – 4), held in late 2011 at the Whites Hill Complex in Brisbane. What an outstanding achievement for Fairholme girls – the glory being even greater as this is the first time in the 23 years of the Queensland All Schools Touch tournament that a girls’ school from the Darling Downs region has taken out this prestigious title.


Fairholme Touch Players Donn the Maroon


All Hallows Success

Of the three Fairholme teams competing in the All Hallows Secondary Girls Touch Carnival held on 20 May at Whites Hill Reserve, all teams made their way through to the finals. All the girls played well, with one of our 15years teams taking out the Grand Final.

DARLING DOWNS STATE TEAM — SECONDARY Zara Barton, Kate Brassington, Zazi Brennan, Isabelle Carey, Bronte Collins, Rosie Crimmins, Zara Dowsett, Elzette Genis, Hannah Love, Kaiti McGregor, Gabriella Meyers, Elyssa Rummell, Connor Gleeson, Sam Collins, Amber Ozegovic, Anthony Lingard, Julia Algie.

Not so Blue... The ‘Friday night fixtures’ Touch season drew to a close with excellent results for Fairholme — Blue Fusion won the 16years competition for the second successive year.


From the eight Fairholme College students selected in the 2012 Darling Downs School Sport Touch teams, four have been selected to play for Queensland after their outstanding success at this year’s State Touch Championships.

Pictured below : Team member, Julie Algie

Dominique Du Toit, Meg Jakins and Kristen Currie (Queensland U15 Schoolgirls) will join Georgina Rackemann (Queensland Open Schoolgirls) after they were named in the team following the U15 State Touch Championships in Bald Hills, Brisbane. Along with Fairholme students Alice Mason and Alice Rathie, the girls were members of the U15 Darling Downs Team who contested a tough pool consisting of Met West, Peninsula, Sunshine Coast, Capricornia and North West. Darling Downs managed to win all of their round games and defeated South Coast in the semi-final, winning 2-0 and setting up a final against the strong Metropolitan East region. Although leading at half time, the Darling Downs girls were narrowly defeated in the final minutes of the match, losing 4-3 and finishing runners-up for 2012.

20 FOCUS on Fairholme | Volume 1 2012

Twelve teams from across the Darling Downs gathered at St Mary’s Stadium to contest the 2012 Laura Geitz Shield for Junior Netball. Fairholme College, defending Champions from 2010 and 2011, had wins in their first two round games before meeting a strong Goondiwindi team who managed to defeat Fairholme in the final pool game. With Goondiwindi SHS, Lockyer, Chincilla, Harristown and St Ursula’s joining Fairholme in the top 6, the results were reversed in the playoffs with Fairholme winning all their remaining matches including their return match against Goondiwindi. Fairholme finished the tournament in first place with Goondiwindi second and Lockyer third. Fairholme’s team consisted of Ash-Lee Reddacliff, Katie Lowe, Julia Algie, Bella Freeman, Isabelle Carey, Adelaide Veal, Elyse Rich, Shannon Tucker, Georgette Robinson and Georgia Austin. Coached by Fairholme’s Netball Coordinator Sasha Perina, it is the third year in a row that Fairholme has won this tournament.

netball hat-trick Fairholme Junior Netballers secured the Laura Geitz Shield for the third Year in a row.

The following Fairholme netballers were selected in the 2012 Darling Downs Team: Lavinia Tea, Belinda Schiller, Rachel Curtis, Lucy Grigg and Ally Gee. Well done, girls!



Equestriennes lead the way!

Congratulations to all of our talented equestriennes who took part in events held at the Toowoomba Show in March this year. Excellent results from Anna Elder and Maitland Webb were contributing factors in the girls qualifying for the Grand National in Sydney at Easter 2012. This show horse spectacular features champions from the Royal shows of each of the states in Australia. Fiona Elder and Tory Roberston also gained excellent places in the Toowoomba competition and should be commended on their efforts.

It was also a busy time for the Equestrian team whilst participating in the Darling Downs Regional Championships held at the Toowoomba Showgrounds in May 2012. Disciplines covered were Dressage, Showman, Combined Training and Showjumping. Team riders included Tory Robertson, Claudia Dight, Georgie Tonkin, Maitie Webb, Meg Gillan, Loretta Morris, Anna Bourne (Captain), Kate Reid, Jade Cross, Annabell Tonkin, Alex Munro, Anna Elder and Chrissy Hilton. Results from the team events at the Darling Downs trials were: Dressage – 4th (Anna Bourne, Anna Elder, Maitie Webb and Claudia Dight) Showman - 3rd (Anna Bourne, Anna Elder, Maitie Webb and Tory Robertson) Combined Training – 6th (Anna Bourne, Anna Elder, Jade Cross and Tory Robertson). Fairholme riders also competed in several competitions over the June long weekend. The Wide Bay Competition was a Regional Championship, therefore our girls could compete for ribbons but not championships across all the disciplines. Tory Robertson won in every discipline except Showhorse, which was won by Fairholme’s Maitie Webb. Jade Cross held her own in Combined Training (2nd) and Showjumping with a clear round. Claudia Dight competed at Stuartholme in a Showjumping qualifier and came 3rd in the A2 and has now qualified for both the 100cm and 90cm at State Finals.

Volume 1 2012 | FOCUS on Fairholme 21

Golden Glove Performance Fairholme softball stars slammed their way into the Darling Downs finals to secure a place at State Finals, following an outstanding performance at the recent Darling Downs regional carnival. The Fairholme team defeated Faith Lutheran College 19 – 1; The Glennie School 8 – 5 and Toowoomba SHS (Mt Lofty Campus) 7 – 0 to gain a place in the final against Harristown SHS. After a hard fought battle, Harristown took out the title of Carnival Champion – however, the top 2 teams were invited to Redlands for the State finals. Congratulations to team members and coaches: Belinda Schiller, Clancy Heidrich, Amalia Hughes, Bonnie Conachan, Georgia Steele, Katie Hancock, Honor Moore, Kate Brassington, Meg Pegler, Marie Ogg, Zara Dowsett, Hannah Love, Claudia Steel, Georgette Robinson, Mrs Lyn Grieve (Coach), Ms Katrina Gierke (Coach).

‘Doubling Up’

at the Sports Darling Downs Presentation Awards Night After an incredibly successful sporting year, both the Fairholme Junior Touch Team and Fairholme Old Girl Emilee Cherry (Senior 2010) were rewarded for their efforts at the Darling Downs Sports Awards Night on Saturday 4 February 2012 at Rumours International.

Water Polo

Fairholme Hosts 2012 State Titles

What a great start to the year for Fairholme Water Polo players Hannah Allen, Kaiti McGregor, Hannah Bailey, Ellie Batzloff, Rachael Curtis, Jessie Cogill and Rhiannon Stone who represented the Darling Downs Region at the State Titles in March. Darling Downs was the host region and matches were held in the Fairholme Aquatic Centre for the five day Carnival.

The Junior Touch team shared the honours with The Glennie School as they were jointly presented with the FK Gardner and Sons John Fox Memorial Trophy for Team of the Year. The judges couldn’t go past Emilee as Senior Sportsperson of the Year after her outstanding year which featured a World Cup win with her Australian Open Women’s Touch team and an unexpected foray into the world of international Rugby sevens.


22 FOCUS on Fairholme | Volume 1 2012

The 2012 Interhouse Cross Country at Kearneys Spring on Monday 23 April was blessed with fine weather and there were some equally fine performances. Age champions were: 12 Yrs – Jillian Smolenski (P); 13 Yrs (Margo Manning Cup) – Natalie Webster (S); 14Yrs (Louise Keys Trophy) – Nikki Cornwell (P); 15 Yrs (Smith Cup) – Mackenzie Andrews (S); 16 Yrs (Hall and Hewitt Cup) – Georgina Rackemann (B); U20 Yrs (Anne B Provan Trophy) – Clancy Heidrich (S). Champion House (Bevan Bishop Trophy) was Stephens.

Displaying true Fairholme grit and determination, the Cross Country team competed at Darling Downs Cross Country Championships and finished runners-up by a mere 17 points. Fairholme won the 16years and 13years divisions and had five girls selected in the Darling Downs team – Julia Algie, Nikki Cornwell, Mackenzie Andrew, Cara Pinches and Natalie Webster. Julia (Gold), Nikki (Silver) and Mackenzie (Bronze) all medalled in their event.

Athletes Star at Australian Titles


Four junior Fairholme athletes contested the recent Australian Junior Track & Field Championships returning home with a number of personal best performances and four Australian Championship medals.


Talented thrower, Shanen Layden, had an outstanding 5 days of competition with 3 medals and a 4th placing. Shanen was a clear winner in the U15 Hammer leading her closest rival by more than 6 metres at the close of competition and falling just short of an Australian Record with a throw of 46.36m. She then contested the older age group to finish with a Bronze Medal in the U17 Hammer. Her throw in the U15 Discus of 35.77m was far enough to secure a Bronze Medal and Shanen finished only centimetres behind the top three in Shot Put to place 4th. Joint Athletics Captain Emma Elsden threw the shot 14.11m to gain Silver in the U18 event and finished 4th in the U18 Discus with a throw of 38.80m. Meg Pegler, in her first appearance at the Australian Championships, finished 4th in the U17 Shot Put with a personal best throw of 12.27m. Distance runner Mackenzie Andrews, also contesting her first Nationals, ran strongly to place 8th in the U15 1500m with a time of 4.59.52 and just missed the 800m finals finishing 5th in her heat in a time of 2.17.01.


Triathletes tackle turbulent waters at State Trials

Triathlon Captain, Taleigha Rowe (Year 12) and Gabby Meyers (Year 8) travelled with their families to Sutton’s Beach, Redcliffe for the annual State Qld Schools Triathlon Trials which were held on Thursday 23 – Saturday 25 February 2012.

‘Carrying the Bat’ for



Talented Fairholme cricketer Georgia Hendy (Year 9) has been selected to represent Queensland in the 2012 Australian Junior Indoor Cricket Championships. The National event runs from the 1-7 July at Strathpine in Brisbane where Georgia will compete as a member of Queensland’s U18 Women’s side. A regular player in the Brisbane Ladies’ outdoor competition, the 14 year old competes for Souths as the youngest player in the team. With a weekly average of 20 runs, Georgia opens the batting for her club side each Sunday and also competes on Saturdays with Junior boys in the local Toowoomba competition. The Hendys are a very sporting family; Georgia’s younger sister Olivia (Year 6) represented Queensland in 2011 at the Australian Track & Field Championships and is also enjoying success on the cricket field.

Admirably, the girls battled dire conditions during their respective legs of the competition. Taleigha, who has participated in this competition for the last five years, undertook a 750 metre swim, a 20 km bike ride, and finished with a 5 km run in the wind and rain. The very rough water and wet slippery roads were also a challenge for newcomer Gabby as she participated in a 400km swim, a 12 km bike ride and 3 km run. After their individual efforts during Friday’s events, the girls went on to participate as Darling Downs Representative team members in separate legs during the ‘Teams’ event on Sunday. Congratulations to both girls on their outstanding efforts in this sporting field.

Peak 2 PARK

Fairholme Girls featured prominently in the Queensland 15years Cricket team that contested the Nationals in Sydney in December 2011. Kristen Currie (Captain), Eliza Flynn and Alice Smith all played magnificenty during the competition (pictured above with their Fairholme Darling Downs team mates). Alice was selected in the tournament Merit Team after she opened the batting and made 94 not out, and her excellent wicket keeping gave her the most dismissals for the carnival. In recognition of these outstanding achievements, Alice Smith was named Sports Darling Downs, Sports Star for January. Alice attended a Presentation Breakfast on Friday 27 April, 2012. As part of her prize Alice was invited to attend a three session workshop, Speak up for Sport.

The Chronicle Peak2Park is an annual fun run/walk event held to raise funds for local charities. The event (A 10km run and a 4km run/walk) takes place on a course from Picnic Point to Lake Annand. This year over 3000 people completed the event, raising almost $30 000 for the nominated charities. In a great show of community spirit, the Fairholme Family (students, parents, staff and friends) had approximately 100 participants on the course.

24 FOCUS on Fairholme | FOGA



Old Girls’ Association

SUNDAY 26 AUGUST 2012 FOGA Brisbane Church Parade St Paul’s Presbyterian Church, St Paul’s Terrace, Spring Hill 9.30am Thursday 20 September 2012 Friends of Fairholme Founders’ Day FOGA catch-up 11.30am/Luncheon 12.30pm Fairholme Founders’ Day Assembly Saturday 20 & SUNDAY 21 October 2012 FOGA Reunion Weekend Saturday 20 October 2012 Fairholme Spring Fair 11am - 4pm Individual Class reunions as follows: 10 YEARS (CLASS of 2002) Saturday 20 October C0-ordinator: Gill Elphinston E 15 YEARS (CLASS of 1992) Saturday 27 October Co-ordinators : Carolyn Moore (Schafferius) E Amanda Bowen (Williams) E 20 YEARS (CLASS of 1992) Friday 19 - Sunday 21 October Co-ordinator : Mardi Lehman E stua 25 YEARS (CLASS of 1987) Saturday 20 October (evening) Co-ordinator: Leisa Chapman (French) E 30 YEARS (CLASS of 1982) Friday 19 October 5pm Co-ordinators: Michelle Aniftos E Kate Wilshire (Bracey) E 40 YEARS (CLASS of 1972) Saturday 20 October 6.30pm Co-ordinators : Linda Carpenter (Bennett) E Ann Whiteman (McWilliam) E 50 YEARS (CLASS of 1962) Saturday 20 October (evening) Co-ordinators: Rhonda King (McDowall) E ALL YEAR LEVELS REUNION LUNCHEON Sunday 21 October Annual Reunion Church Service 9am New Chapel Annual Reunion Luncheon 11.30am Fairholme College Dining Hall *Please go to for further details including times and venues for all 2012 class reunions

A note from The President The love that Old Girls have for Fairholme and the bonds of friendship and of loyalty to the College continue to grow stronger within our association. Events from last year were testament to this; Founders’ Day goes from strength to strength – the Old Girls were so proud to be at the opening of the Heather Harrison Health Centre. Heather enthralled all those at Founders’ Day Assembly with her address. It is so heartening to see the large number of Old Girls supporting Founders Day; we look forward to seeing more of you this year. Also, the Annual Reunion Luncheon on the Sunday after the Fairholme Spring Fair was such a happy day, and numbers attending each year are steadily growing. The Fairholme Old Girls’ Association is very keen to continue with its own Paver Drive this year – so for any of you who have missed out on previous years – this is your chance. An order form is contained within this newsletter; for further information please contact foga@ We have had an amazing response to reunions this year all our regular year level reunions have co-ordinators (and then some) thanks to Old Girls generously volunteering their time to carry out these roles. Why not get a group of friends together and have a table full of fun and laughter at the Sunday luncheon on 21st October 2012 during the Spring Fair/Reunion Weekend? Fairholme Old Girls Association is going from strength to strength! Claire Wuth (Perkins) (1974) | President

Pictured: Members of the Bella Voce Ensemble (Lead by Mrs Gwenyth Chappell) who featured in the FOGA Brisbane Church Parade at St Pauls, Spring Hill on Sunday 28 August 2011.


From Alumni Services I repeatedly have the good fortune to have Fairholme Old Girls regale me with tales of amusing escapades (and about more serious milestones) at events such as our annual Brisbane and Sydney gatherings (See photos on page 31). Thanks to the introduction of some extra special events this year, I have also had the pleasure of witnessing lifelong Fairholme friendships in action!


FOGs Joceyln Mercer and Leona Morton and past parent Mrs Sue Palmer, recently enjoyed speaking with the Fairholme Junior Year 2 class about Fairholme days gone by!

Seeing our Old Girls take in part in the extraordinary performance of Faure’s Requeim during the Anzac Day presentation ‘For the Fallen’, gave me a great deal of satisfaction. As did the stories that were passed on from the Church Service that both Old Girls and current Fairholme students attended at the Caloundra Presbyterian Church on 25 March 2012. Current Fairholme girls spoke of their service project in India and enjoyed the company of Sunshine Coast Old Girls over lunch, and a thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to two very helpful Old Girls who demonstrated true Fairholme Spirit and came to my rescue earlier this year when I was asked to host a visit to the Homestead by the Toowoomba Historical Society. Thank you to Mrs Sue Collins (Swan) (1967-71) and Mrs Margaret Jennings (Krimmer) (195566) who so generously offered their time and information regarding the refurbishment of the Homestead. I look forward to Spring Fair Reunion Weekend in October with anticipation. Thanks to our very keen co-ordinators, there are sure to be many more Fairholme memories created and recorded during this time of recollection and re-connection. See you at school! Jo Glasheen | Publications, Promotions and Alumni

2 Members of the almost 100 strong choir involved in the performance of Faure’s ‘Requiem’ at the 2012 Anzac Day concert included current students, parents, staff and Fairholme Old Girls. 3

Sunshine Coast FOGs, current students and staff members at the Caloundra Presbyterian Church service held on 25 March 2012



Toowoomba FOGs enjoy the annual FOGA Service at St Stephen’s on Sunday 19 April 2012

5 Kay Gregory (Roberts) (1953-62) and Dr Frank Haddan (Past Fairholme College Medical Practitioner, who also helped to deliver Kay’s children) catch up at the St Stephen’s Church Service.

26 FOCUS on Fairholme | FOGA

We have now passed the 1000 mark! Over 1000 separate items from Fairholme’s past have now been cleaned, accessioned and stored in the Fairholme FOGA archives room. Thanks to the generosity of Fairholme Old Girls, we have some amazing treasures from the 1920s. These include a 1923 school magazine, some original Fairholme crockery and two silver trophy cups. Another unique item is an original Order of Service from August 1945, when the Combined Churches of Toowoomba held a Thanksgiving Service at the end of World War II – and it is autographed by some Grammar boys! Our most recent project has been the restoration and framing of the ‘F’ for Fairholme sports banner. Metal curtain rings sewn on the reverse of the banner enabled it to be threaded on to a pole and carried proudly at interschool sports events (we are led to believe). The rusty rings have been removed and the banner has been cleaned and framed. This ‘one-of- kind’ banner is now on display in the FOGA archives foyer.



Can you help us with these questions regarding the ‘F’ banner, pictured right, and above being carried during a 1945 sports carnival.

1. When and for what purpose was the banner used? 2. During which years was it used? 3. Who would have carried it? (Eg Head Girl, Sports Prefect?) 4. Can you identify the person carrying the flag, or the sports carnival in the photograph that this march took place at? Are you in the photo?


Thanks so much to those who helped out with our questions regarding the photograph below of characters from the play ‘Quality Street’ by JM Barrie.

As this is an Olympic Games year, an upcoming Fairholme archives display will include items from Fairholme’s Olympians - Watch this space! Thank you to everyone who has contributed information about Fairholme’s Head Girls, Head Boarders and Head Daygirls. Gradually, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, although it remains ‘a work in progress’ – and very much part of the Fairholme story being preserved through the Archives Collection.

Jenny Noble | Archives and Alumni

Pictured from left to right are: Stephanie Schofield (Munro 1918-1924); Jean Townsend (Smart 1921-24); Kathleen Smithwick (192425); Jean Bryant (Cunningham 1923-24); Sylvia Couper (Bernays 1922-25)

Remember: If you have any Fairholme Memorabilia that might be taking up valuable storage space at home, and if you can bear to part with it, then we would be happy to come and collect items. Alternatively, we love having visitors, so please feel free to contact Alumni Services to make a time to see our Archives Co-ordinator, Mrs Jenny Noble.

T 07 4688 4688 E

FOCUS on Fairholme | FOGA 27

WHERE are they NOW? Past student updates

Loving University life, Kiranpreet Singh-Khaira (2005-2011) is studying Pharmaceutical Sciences at Griffith Gold Coast. Kiran looks forward to being a fully qualified Pharmacist in 5 years time.

Gabrielle Stanton (2009-2011) was offered a place at QDSE (the Queensland Dance School of Excellence @ Kelvin Grove – feeder school for the Qld Ballet) in 2011. Apart from some injury issues with her feet ( which she says she needs to learn to live with if she wants to dance ) she has had, in her own words, ‘the busiest time of her life’. She is dancing between 3 – 5 hours every day in addition to completing her studies. Gabby says she has never felt so excited about dancing and can’t believe how lucky she is to be ‘following her dream’.

Kathryn Parkinson (1992 - 2000) recently took out first place in her age-group in the gruelling Ironman Cairns (3.8km swim, 180km bike leg, and a 42.2km run). Kathryn was the 8th female across the line, which qualifies her to compete at the famous Kona Ironman in Hawaii later in the year.

Alinna Butler (1996-2000) is currently enjoying assisting in demystifying Government vegetation management laws in her role as Agforce Projects Principal Project Officer.

Sarah Coulton (1995) has been enjoying her challenging yet rewarding role as a photographer for Queensland Country Life. Based in Toowoomba, Sarah recently returned to Fairholme College to cover a special Junior School Orientation day.

Self-taught designer, Kelli Morse (Jacobi) (1991), although living in a fairly remote location, is now enjoying webdesigning. Visit www. to view her work.

Congratulations to Samantha Gluer (2001-08) Miss Darling Downs Showgirl 2011(representing Crows Nest) who went on to carry the prestigious title of Queensland Country Life ‘Miss Queensland Showgirl 2011’. Samantha is currently studying for a Bachelor of Biomedical Science at QUT.

Alexandra Dyer (2003-09) is flying the Fairholme flag at the UQ’s Women’s Residential College in St Lucia. Alexandra was elected as President of The Women’s College Student Council. The College provides for the academic, cultural, sporting and social needs of a vibrant community of 202 resident scholars.

After graduating from the University of St Lucia with a BA DipEd, Meryl Arnott (1960-62) (Head Daygirl 1962) left Australia to teach in British Columbia, (replacing Lainie Tribbeck who had been her geography teacher at Fairholme). A couple of 2-year contracts in Alberta and London UK led her back to Calgary, Alberta where she was hired by the Calgary Board of Education in 1970 to teach English and history. Meryl had a sabbatical in 1980 to retrain as an ESL teacher and continued in that field until retiring in 2008. ‘Sitting round the pot bellied stove in the Senior classroom at Fairholme, I could not have imagined the rewards and challenges I would have in my teaching career. I didn’t even know I was going to be a teacher but the seeds of a desire to enable young people to achieve their dreams were certainly planted during my years as a student at Fairholme’ Meryl said.

After completing Senior last year, Paige Karez (2007-2011) took a ‘Gap Year’ and has been working at Charley’s Place in Chinchilla as an apprentice Child Care Educator. She began as an Assistant in the Kindy Room but has since gained a position as Group Leader in the Nursery, which she is very excited about. The experience she has gained will be invaluable for Paige next year when she attends USQ to study a Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood. How rewarding for Paige; this has been her dream since Primary School.

Fairholme was very well represented by current students at the recent Toowoomba Chronicle Junior Art Expo Competition, and the the audience applauded loudly when recent Fairholme Old Girl Georgia Shine’s (2002-2011) exhibit was awared ‘Best Picture’.

Alexis Hindmarsh (2005- 09), was announced as the winner of the 2012 Kleyberg scholarship last week at the National Santa Gertrudis junior show, held at Warwick. Alexis works for her parents at Hazeldean Grazing, Eidsvold, and in her spare time shows for Shaun and Jo McGuigan, Cree Pastoral Co, Thangool.

Carly Mercer (1999-2000) has enjoyed a career in the Navy since leaving school and she still says the best thing that happened to her was to go to Fairholme College. Carly, pictured below (far left) is currently in Somalia on HMAS Melbourne (pirate patrol) and she is air crew in a helicopter and has her own machine gun! This year, Carly will row together with HMAS Melbourne team members to reach a million meters over a few weeks. Carly will be rowing 24 hours a day to raise money for people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and a charity close to her heart, Legacy.


Fairholme 2011 Seniors, Emma Lumsden (L.Mus.A) and Matilda Watkins (A.Mus.A) recently attended the The Australian Music Examinations Board Annual Concert and Diploma Awards Presentation Ceremony in Brisbane. Emma was selected as the only pianist from the state to perform as part of the concert presentation. The girls received their diploma certificates from Professor Margaret Barrett, Head of School of Music, University of Queensland, where they are both now enrolled.

Jade Moffat (2005-06) continues to make amazing headway in the very difficult field of opera. Recently Jade won first prize at the TS Burstow Opera Gala – receiving a cash prize which will enable her to travel to the UK to pursue her Master’s Degree. Jade has won a number of prestigious prizes, awards and scholarships in the last few years. In awarding the Gala prize the judges commented that Jade is “clearly ready for a professional career which should see her performing internationally.” Jade’s biggest fan, of course, is her singing teaching from her time her at Fairholme – Gwenyth Chappell. It was hard to tell who was the most excited when Jade was announced as the winner!

28 FOCUS on Fairholme | FOGA

Laura Whitton (1995-1999) to David Beattie (June 2011) Shelley Colvin (1992–1995) to Gordon Logan (August 2011) Namali Harch (1997-2001) to Andre Holwerda (May 2012)

Spark (1997< Rebecca 2004) married Liam


Brown on 28 January 2012, at the Toowoomba Grammar School Old Hall. Rebecca and Liam partnered each other to their respective Senior Formals – and have been together ever since.

Jess Ryan (1995-2001) married Craig Anderson (from Hampton) on 3 December 2011. They were married at our Lady of Lourdes Church in Toowoomba and are now living in Toowoomba. Their stunning wedding photos were taken at Craig’s parents’ dairy property at Hampton.


< <

Peter and Amanda Mahy (nee Schafferius, 1997-2002) were married on 4 November 2011 at Peppers Creek in the Hunter Valley, by none other than Fairholme College Chaplain, Pastor Richard Jessup. Amanda’s bridesmaids were all Fairholme friends and included Elizabeth Burnett (Devenish) (1991-2002), Eliza McLauchlan (Taylor) (1997-2002), Alex Vlietstra (Creed) (1998-2002), Lisa Hewitt (1998-2002) and Tara Price (Follington) (1999-2002).

Jessica Firth (2005-2007) married last year with her cousin Stephanie Firth (2005-2009) In attendance as Bridesmaid.

< The Schafferius family L to R: Andrew, Lyn, Peter Mahy, Amanda, Peter, Carolyn (19921997), Bronwyn (1995-2000)



Michaela Antonio (1995 – 2002) married Jonivan Olsen at Broadway Chapel, Woolloongabba on 20 August 2011, with the reception at Hillstone, St Lucia Golf Links. The bridesmaids were Michaela’s sisters, Matilda (1995-2005) and Bronte (1996-2008). Michaela and Jono enjoyed their honeymoon in New York (arriving a day before Hurricane Irene) and Mexico.

Katie Munn (2001-2003) married Andrew John Marsden on 20 August 2011 at Anzac Park in Townsville.


Sally Baker (1998-2003) daughter of Jenni Baker (Mcintyre) (1974) recently married James Brazier at her family home “Doonkami”, Boggabilla and now lives at “Pipers Flat” Molong. Sister Pip Gardiner (Baker) (1995 – 1998) was matron of honour and Sally Watson (1998 – 2003) was a bridesmaid.


‘FOGs re-unite’ L to R: Michelle Devenish (1993-2003), Sarah Michelmore (2002-2003), Sally Watson (1998-2003), Alicia Henman (2002-2003), Sally Brazier (1998-2003), Elke Murray (1998-2003), Alex Hacon (1999-2003), Edwina Robertson (1998-2003), Katie Moor (1999-2003), Sarah Acton (1999-2003), Jess Cassidy (nee Derrick) (1999-2003).

Congratulations to Evelyn (nee Sandercock) (1943-1946) and Kevin Flemming who celebrated their 60th Wedding anniversary on 19 January 2012

FOCUS on Fairholme | FOGA 29

Beau Anderson Gardiner was born 26 July 2011 to proud parents Hugh and Phillipa Gardiner (Baker) (1995 - 1998) Beau entered the world 3 months early but all is well. Archer James Woods, son of Emma (Blakeney 1989-2001) and Lachlan Woods. Archer was born 4 August 2011 weighing 7lb 4oz. Photo taken by Aunty Hannah (Blakeney 1991-2002) and supplied by proud grandmother Maureen Blakeney.

Julian and Carolyn Moore (nee Schafferius) (1997) welcomed their beautiful daughter Amelia Joan Moore on 24th September 2011. Amelia is a baby sister to Thomas Peter (2 years) and Katelyn Joy (1 year). Emma Coleman (Hohn) (1993-1997) and husband Jeff welcomed with much love their third child, Angus Edward Earl, on 9 September 2011. Angus is a gorgeous little brother to Lucy 5 1/2 and Sam 3 1/2.

Sisters, Alicia Martin (1995) and Peta Martin (1997), are pleased to annouce the birth of their babies. Alicia’s little girl, Sophie Ellen Murray, (pictured right) was born on 20 November 2011 and Peta’s little boy, Liam Charles Crosby, (left), was born

Jade and Natalie Twidale (Utschink) (1994-1998) welcomed their daughter, Heidi Summer Twidale, on 6 February 2012. She weighed in at 6lb 2.5oz and measured 50cm. Tim and Amanda Bowen (Williams) (1994-1997) welcome the safe arrival of Luke Robert Bowen, born 15 July 2011. A little brother for Jack and Charlie. Bill and Rebecca Hawkins (Ranclaud) (1997-2001) had their third baby girl, Savannah Kate Hawkins, on 27 January 2012 at Mater Mothers in Brisbane. Sister for Olivia (3 years) and Ava (1 year). Andrea Hands (Nicholls) (1992) and her husband are the proud parents of Benjamin Jeffrey Hands who was born 6th July 2011 weighing 7lbs 2oz. He is pictured here with his ‘very proud’ brother, Samuel (4 years old). days later on 22 November 2011. Alicia is currently living in London and Peta is in Brisbane.

Jean Fuller (Jessop) (1928-1930), one of our ‘oldest’ old girls passed away 22 August 2011 at 96 years of age. Olive Beth Smith (Axam) (1949) passed away 26 April 2011. Valma Jean Macaulay (Weir) (1934-1936) passed away 1 March 2012 aged 91 years. Joyce Jeffery (Saunders) (1951-52) passed away 30 May 2012.

There is nothing like school friends to warm the heart. Fairholme classmates of 78 try to meet a few times each year. The photograph above was taken in August 2011 at the Angel Café for a quick lunch gathering. Pictured from L-R: Wendy Brodie (Buckley) Ann Brunner (Coombs) Suzie Copeland (Muller) Gayle Begg (Barkla) Pammy Charlton (Hickson) Christine Lemon (Jerdan) Karen Huskison and Di Selby (McClymont).

Hitting Family and friends recently gathered at the Southport Yacht Club to celebrate Old Girl Dorothea (Doss) Hart’s 100th birthday (Borland) (1926). Doss felt honoured to receive several congratulatory messages including one from the Queen and the GovernorGeneral. Doss resides at a retirement home at the Gold Coast and is still in good health and enjoys a glass of champagne with her lunch each day. Doss’s daughter Diana Royds is also an old girl (1959) as is her daughter-in-law Margaret (Slaughter 1963). Doss is pictured left with Granddaughters (L-R) Maree Hart (1989), Lavinia Tyrrell (Hart) (1990), Helena Rowbotham (Hart) (1997).

30 FOCUS on Fairholme | FOGA

Breakfast in Sydney! Whilst the time and venue may have altered for the 2012 Annual Sydney Reunion, the spirit and enthusiasm of Fairholme girls remains unchanged!

Reunion dynamo Desley Malone (Nielsen) (1959-60) just ‘keeps on keeping on’. Desley recently organised a FOGs Big Morning Tea for her Fairholme class of 1960 at Newmarket, Queensland. While numbers were down on last year’s get-together, the laughter and merriment was in good supply! ‘We shared many old memories and laughed as never before. The memories of yesterday seem to turn into bigger comedies with each passing year,’ Desley happily reported. Pictured above from L-R: Nerida (Banks) Thayer, Isabelle (Wilson) Laffy, Valerie (Apple) (Atlee-Hunt) Birbeck, Desley, Stella (Kirby) Simpson & Colleen (Jocko) Atherton

Pictured above from L-R: Isabelle Laffy, Desley Malone and Jo Lupton (Hudson) enjoy dinner at Tranquil Park, Brisbane, prior to the FOG’s Big Morning Tea.


A delightful morning of catching up and tale telling was had while enjoying a delicious breakfast at the Museum of Sydney Cafe on Friday 16 March. 2

1. Lucy Loane (197176) photographer extraordinaire, chats with June Leblang (Corner) (1941-50)


2. Elizabeth French (Cayzer) (1963-66) and Margaret Fegent (Wilmoth) (196366) enjoy good coffee and conversation. 3. Diane Cox (Sharp) (1951-53) and Helen Guy (McCullagh) (1955-1966) reminisce about Fairholme days gone by.

Lunch in Brisbane... Thanks to our very hospitable hosts, the Annual FOGA Brisbane Luncheon held on Saturday 26 March 2012 at Mt Omaney Hotel Apartments was yet another most enjoyable interlude. Not only were the famous Fairholme tales flowing, a significant amount of archival treasures were very warmly received. A huge thank you to those who contributed and for your wonderful company on a day for rekindling friendships and reminiscing. Pictured left is Archives co-ordinator Mrs Jenny Noble with treasures donated by Mrs Libby Grigg (Lavers) (1948-51) at the Brisbane Luncheon.

The Fairholme family ‘lends a hand’ at the official opening of the Olive McMahon Cancer Council Toowoomba Accommodation Lodge. Fairholme College Old Girl, Olive McMahon (1940), was honoured in November 2011 at the opening of the Queensland Cancer Council Accommodation Lodge in Toowoomba. Olive was one of many generous benefactors enabled this outstanding facility to be established. The College was delighted that the Year 6 String Quartet was invited to play at the opening and that our Year 10 Hospitality class was able to serve morning tea, kindly provided by College caterers, The Compass Group.

FOGA updates

October & Spring Fair Reunions


Year level reunions were enjoyed throughout October and ‘Reunion weekend’ (15 & 16 October, 2011), that coincided with Spring Fair celebrations.


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What a pleasure it was to have such a large number of FOGs visit the College and take advantage of the facilities during this special time of re-acqaintance and re-connection.

Maiden Name



Please remember that the Alumni office is available to help with reunions in many ways and means. From helping to search for missing FOGs to sending invitations and providing tours of the College; we are here to help.


Years at Fairholme


Year Level at leaving

10 year Reunion Class of 2001




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email address

20 year Reunion Class of 1991

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BRISBANE 26 March 2011 Members and Friends of the FOGA Brisbane Branch enjoyed another delightful annual luncheon held at the Mt Ommaney Apartment year Hotel on Saturday 25 25 March 2011.Reunion

Telephone No. (s) ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Class of 1986

40 year Reunion Class of 1971

We are most anxious to keep our records up to date as this is vital for the successful preparations of reunions and other functions. Please complete this form if any alterations are necessary and return it to the College at your convenience. Contact the FOGA office on 07 4688 4688 or email

All year levels Reunion Luncheon 21 October 2011

*Disclaimer All the information presented in this newsletter is published in good faith and for general information purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied herein, Fairholme College cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Compiled by: Fairholme Colllege Publications and Promotions Office Fairholme College, Toowoomba Q 4350 Images: Mr John Sessarago, Fairholme Archives and Fairholme Old Girls


Residential Address Wirra Wirra Street Toowoomba Q 4350 Postal Address PO Box 688 Toowoomba Q 4350 T 07 4688 4688 F 07 4688 4694 E Proudly a College of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland Registered Provider (QLD): Fairholme College (Toowoomba) Pty Ltd CRICOS Provicer Code: 00651J ABN 78 096 814 130


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