Focus on Fairholme - Spring 2011

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focus on fairholme


> The Music Man P4 > Formal 2011 P13 > Sporting Success P19 > Vale Miss Nancy Shaw P23 > FOGA News P24



points of difference Every year in June, the Principal and I attend the Presbyterian Church of Queensland’s Annual Assembly to report on Fairholme’s activities during the past year. Our written report is included in the documentation presented to the State Assembly and provides a comprehensive report on the spiritual life of the College, the academic, pastoral, cultural and sporting activities of the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools, the Boarding House and the College’s Support Organisations. In recent years our address to Assembly has included a video presentation of College activities, usually with a specific focus – this year it was on Junior School activities. These presentations are always well received, with Assembly showing a keen interest. In the Principal’s absence due to the ‘lock-down’ the previous day, I provided Assembly with a short presentation outlining some of the regular ministry activities that happen each year; for example, the ever-growing relationship with Mizpah Orphanage.

chairman’s message This person also felt that the College imparted scholarship, civility, compassion and confidence in the girls. Another parent felt that the College staff is the ‘Point of Difference’. As a Board we met for a half day workshop to explore this notion. We had presentations from, and a panel discussion with, a USQ professor, a recently retired principal from a prominent Queensland girls’ school, an eminent local businessman and a local lawyer who works with young people. As you would expect, there was in fact no one thing that you would absolutely say is our ‘Point of Difference’. We are of course an educational institution. Having said that, what we did identify was that the College provides strong family values, has a strong Christian basis, high academic standards, quality teaching staff and up to date technology as a well as a caring, safe and comfortable Boarding facility.

The Assembly was very concerned about the events of the last week of second term and took the time to pray for the situation and to formally thank the Principal and Fairholme College staff for the professional and committed manner in which they handled the emergency situation at the College on Tuesday 21 June 2011, and I would add my sincere thanks as well.

One other parent said we should ‘Keep doing what you’re doing. Keep the Board strong and keep listening to the community’.

As you would recall, in my address at Presentation Evening last year I asked the question: ‘What is our ‘Point of Difference?’ I mentioned this to Assembly and provided a summary of the outcomes. The following is an excerpt of what I had to say:

I can also report that Assembly reappointed the current Board members (appointments are for a one-year term) and also appointed two new members to fill the vacancies that existed. The new Board members are Ms Katie Sutton, a lecturer in Law at the University of Southern Queensland and a Fairholme Old Girl, and Rev Andrew Clarke, Minister at North Toowoomba Presbyterian Church and a Fairholme Junior parent. We welcome them to the Board and look forward to their contribution to the life of Fairholme College.

“I did receive some comments from parents – one parent said ‘Fairholme has a wonderful sense of family and community within the school and dedicated teachers who go above and beyond in their dealings with the girls’.

On that note - we are blessed to have a Board that is committed to providing the best education it can for our students within a Christ-centred environment.”


Mr Ian Andersen | Chairman

Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt (Special Olympics Motto). That’s what learning is, after all; not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we’ve changed because of it and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning – (The Bridge Across Forever - Richard Bach). I’m often surprised by the distinctly different fabric and focus each school term takes. As much as one prepares for the weeks that make up a term, so many factors intervene and affect the tone, the focus and the energy of a school. For me, the school year to date has been punctuated through many pleasant cultural events; it has been enriched by Eisteddfod performances, The Music Man, Art awards and the efforts of a dedicated and talented Arts staff. Because of their work, so many of our girls have had the opportunity to take to the stage, to perform for audiences, adjudicators, receive accolades and they have gained much by the associated learning. They have been applauded, lauded and at times disappointed. Such is the nature of competition, in any arena. We learn by success and by disappointment; we learn lessons about poise and humility and an appreciation of the talents of others. Or I hope that we do. I recently shared the story of my husband’s weekly Primary School Sports Parades with the Junior School. For him, each Friday’s competition began with a parade.

A student would read the Sportsmen’s Prayer and at the end of the prayer, teams would march off towards their respective sporting field accompanied by the enthusiastic drum beat of a band member. My husband knows most of that prayer by heart. It is only in recent years that he has reflected on the deeper layers of that prayer, the ones about faith and honour and the ability to cheer the winners without ‘grudge or sneer’. Someone in the Department of Education decades ago had the wisdom to preface a sports competition with a prayer, and one that emphasised the importance of striving and daring to win whilst also humbly appreciating the successes of others. It is a timely reminder for us all, that at any time we place our skills and talents against another; we are celebrating others’ talent and commitment, as well as our own. How refreshing that one Junior School girl commented at the recent Eisteddfod when Fairholme won a section, ‘I didn’t even know that this was a competition.’ As an audience member that saw and heard that winning performance my delight was in their focus, their poise and ultimately the way in which, for those few minutes, the girls were transported by music and nothing else. Clearly the girl who didn’t realise that it was a competition felt exactly the same way! She understands the essence of competition better than many of us, me included. Recently I was privileged to hear Duncan Armstrong speak at the 13th annual Mayoral Prayer Breakfast. He shared many messages, including

one about achieving the impossible. Achieving the impossible is possible, according to Armstrong, when we do so, one small piece at a time. The story of the Central Queensland 14-year-old 200 metre freestyle champion’s rise to Olympic fame was filled with stories of highs, lows, setbacks and successes. It was a story humanised by the efforts of his coach and mentor, Laurie Lawrence, who clearly understands that becoming a champion is a privilege and a result of understanding that the champion resides in each one of us. His is a story of courage that inspires us to push harder, set goals to achieve the unimaginable but to be humble as we do so. Armstrong’s enduring message, however, was that the achievement of goals, without faith, is a vacuous enterprise. There is much to celebrate about the life and fabric that is Fairholme College. I am grateful daily for the students in our school and for their teachers who provide opportunities for them to achieve the impossible. Our web page and publications include the motto: ‘Faith in her Future’ - the work of this term has certainly provided an investment in the future of our girls. ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Mrs Linda Evans | Principal


Faith in her Future

from the principal


Thursday 19, Friday 20 & Saturday 21 May 2011 EMPIRE THEATRE Proudly Presented by Fairholme College and Toowooomba Grammar School

Pictured Clockwise from middle top: 1. Emma Lumsden as Marion 2. Beth Hammond and Zoe Miller 3. The ‘Picker Little Ladies’ 4. Mikaela Hollands 5. Chorus members 6. Hannah Donaldson, Chiara Osborn, Alice O’Connor, Tatum Kersh 7. Alex Schatz (Toowoomba Grammar School) 8. Amber Bitzer as Marion and Alex Shatz - The Music Man.

Collaborative Practice

Recently I came across an article by Geoff Ryan, Principal of Westbourne Grammar School (Melbourne), who wrote that ‘of all the factors within the control of the school, the quality of teaching in the classroom offers the greatest opportunity for improving student outcomes’. The article went on to describe how the ‘Sharing Classrooms’ program at Westbourne is raising teacher quality through an internal program of peer evaluation and support based on reflective teaching practice. I questioned when was the last time one of my colleagues observed my teaching practice? Teachers are by and large discrete professionals and do not like being observed and tend to shut the door when teaching. What might sound like quite a simple proposal, encouraging teachers to share and observe, is not as straightforward as it seems. Yet the seed was sown and after several months of research and discussion with staff, a pilot program of collaborative practice was launched in January 2011. Forty percent of our teachers volunteered for the six-month program, either in peer partnerships or action learning groups. For example, I asked Melanie Hassall, Head of Library Services, to sit in on my Year 12 Mathematics lessons and to focus her observations on my questioning techniques. Even after 30 years in the classroom, the feedback from a trusted colleague and a ‘non-mathematician’, so to speak, was invaluable. Likewise, when I sat in on Melanie’s lessons, I found myself thinking further about my own practice. Similar findings from the other pioneers is certainly clear proof of this project’s success. Mr Stewart Peacock | Head of Teaching and Learning

Peer Partnerships in action: Julian Turner Senior Chemistry teacher hard at work in the Kindy!

Flying High as Manufacturing School Based Trainee of the Year! Further to her 2010 Dux Award from the Queensland Institute of Aviation for her studies toward her school-based Traineeship, the prestigious title of School Based Trainee of the Year (Manufacturing) 2011 was recently been bestowed upon Year 12 Fairholme Student Peggy Keats. The award, based on Peggy’s outstanding achievement during her Traineeship with Toowoomba Aviation Specialists was presented at the Manufacturing Skills Queensland Awards dinner held at the BTP Conference Centre, Brisbane. Congratulations Peggy!

Year 10s participate in University of Southern Queensland Darling Downs Science Engineering Challenge. This Challenge was developed for students who show an aptitude for, or interest in, Science and Mathematics. The activities undertaken were designed to provide participants with a positive experience of Science and Engineering, and three out of seven of these activities were won by the Fairholme students, with one group setting a new record for their event. Marli Roos and Jessie Wilson top scored in Back to the Future II with their alternative energy engine which propelled a vehicle along a race track. Our future astronomers, Hannah Donaldson, Tess Feather and Jessica Stallman also won their challenge with their radio telescope receiver. Katie Richards and Zoe Cornwell (pictured above) set a record in the Hover Frenzy activity! Mrs Karen Cottle | Learning Enhancement Centre Co-ordinator


Professional learning is an integral part in the life of a Fairholme teacher. As with all teachers in Queensland, we are mandated to spend a minimum of 30 hours per annum on professional development. Thus, many precious hours are devoted to attending workshops, conferences and seminars year after year. As you would appreciate, it is essential to keep up to date with the latest trends in education, particularly the implementation of the National Curriculum. Yet to what extent do these conferences and workshops have an impact on effective teaching practice and the consequent spin-off in the classroom?

Faith in her Future

teaching & learning


2011 | One School | Many Colours

One School many colours... from the SENIOR SCHOOL

We certainly began the year in style and with a fabulous message to drive us, courtesy of the Year 12 girls of 2011. This year’s motto, two-zero-one-one : one School - Many Colours, was depicted vividly within our Opening Assembly for the new school year. Based on the idea of ‘one’, the girls presented scenarios in which one change made a difference, one unified school was depicted, that right is one step away from wrong, one gesture has an enormous impact, and so on, all while celebrating the strengths and potential of all girls, as the ‘colours’ of our College. We were challenged to find the one way we can effect change; a challenge for the individual which will surely be seen as significant positive, and collective, change in the future. We also met our 2011 Captains for Sport and the Arts in a clever presentation that had a most memorable political twist! Our Seniors presented a clear consolidated front in their first appearance as our new leaders. This approach has certainly continued as their year of leadership has progressed. The girls recently revisited the theme, within a College Assembly, and the Head Girls challenged us once again to find our strengths and passions and continue to ‘colour’ the College, giving suitable recognition to the differences that make the College community, particularly its people, far richer. Women Changing the World – The Induction of Senior Leaders 2011 On Monday 21 February, we honoured each of Year 12 girls as they were presented to the College community as the Senior Leaders for 2011.

During the girls’ preparation for their leadership year, including their 2010 Leadership Camp, they discussed ways in which everyday people can be leaders, and that small steps and actions can be life giving at every step. While significant historical names and faces have been studied, so they may learn from their example, the focus has been, and will continue to be, placed on the ways in which they may effect change in this world. Our Senior Leaders have been encouraged to consider what personal change they may prompt for themselves, and what positive change they might share with their community. The Tennyson quote, ‘I am the sum of all who I have met’, was presented as a reminder of how we all influence others, throughout our lifetime. Our Leaders were asked to be mindful of what impressionable gifts they might offer others on their journey.


From the lyricist Stephen Schwartz: I’ve heard it said That people come into our lives for a reason Bringing something we must learn – And we are led To those who help us grow If we let them Of our Senior Leaders, may the chorus of this song be sung often: Because I knew you, I’ve been changed for good. *** Ms Catrina Sharp | Head of Senior School


Faith in her Future


EXO DAY Excitement

Pictured above: Sophie Scott, Ellen Taylor, Brandy Hamilton, Erin Allen, Jess Stallman and Greta Patch enjoy a quiet moment during the Year 10 Camp at Meebunn-bia.

Pictured Left: Kaitlin Campbell (left) and Zoe McMaster, bonding at Biology Camp!

WOMEN in CAREERS EXPO 2011 Students from all year levels enjoyed the opportunity to speak with Australian Defence Force and leading University representatives and local business professionals, during the Fairholme College Women in Careers Expo held on Tuesday 2 August, 2011. Pictured left are Mackenzie Andrews (Year 9) and her family, and far left (l-r) Year 12 students, Kelli Boucaut and Jodie Cairns.

SENIOR PREFECTS 2011 Back Row (from left): Leigh Devenish (Stephens House), Jodie Cairns (Pastoral Care), Georgia Little (Pastoral Care), Cleannah Sweeney (Black House), Thomasin Keogh (Powell House), Maggie Munn (Powell House), Elizabeth Dyer (Service), Brittany Davis (Teaching & Learning), Lucy Manuel (Communication), Sally Carson (Boarding) Middle Row (from left): Peggy Keats (Boarding), Bronte Naylor (Pastoral Care), Kelli Boucaut (Sport), Emma Lumsden (The Arts), Melinda Thornely (Pastoral Care - Ministry), Bronte Lloyd (Stephens House), Hannah Jannusch (Cameron House), Meg Bassingthwaighte (Boarding), Annika O’Sullivan (Boarding), Jessica Webber (Boarding), Samantha Hollands (Pastoral Care) Front Row (from left): Jessie Hillen (Cameron House), Georgia Shine (Head Day Girl), Rowena Upton (Head Boarder), Ms Catrina Sharp (Head of Senior School), Mrs Linda Evans (Principal), Mr Ian Andersen (Chairman), Alexandra Richards (Head Girl), Maddison Gee (Black House), Anna Pegler (Pastoral Care)


Fairholme College had its first Exo Day back in 2003 and it was so successful that this has become part of the Fairholme calendar on a biennial basis, and this year’s effort on Friday 4 March was no exception. Senior Student Melinda (Linny) Thornely (Prefect for Student Ministry - pictured top), had been working on the hour-long Exo program since October last year. She managed to gather around her some 30 students who worked in specific teams to help fine-tune the event. The result: a fantastic afternoon of high-energy fun with a thought-provoking Christian message from Pastor Pete Pelicann (pictured second from top) about God and the purpose he has for each and every one of us.


MORE from Middle School

7 8 9

As always, the Middle School has been full of activity since the start of the year. We welcomed many new girls into the Middle School at our Orientation Day in January and to help them settle in quickly we took each year level on a camp

Of course the Year 7s headed off to Canberra in mid-March and they had an amazing time viewing all the sites and activities that Canberra has to offer. Many of the girls hadn’t been on a plane before so right from the beginning we were giving them a new experience to enjoy. Although Questacon was a favourite with the students, they also enjoyed learning about Australia’s government and history through their visits to Parliament House, the National Museum, The National Gallery, Government House and the Australian War Memorial. The Year 7s enjoyed fabulous accommodation and food this year and the accompanying teachers were impressed with the behaviour and conduct of all of the girls throughout the trip.


during Term 1.

4. Our Year 8s headed to Mapleton in early February for their Orientation Camp. This is a positive way for the new girls to quickly feel part of the Fairholme family. The food and beautiful facilities at Mapleton helped the girls to relax and make the most of the opportunity to get to know each other better. The girls tried abseiling, rock climbing, canoeing and the amazing Giant Swing, and they also had some free time in the pool. Our Year 8s really enjoyed this camp and they came back ready to tackle the academic challenges of Year 8 feeling more comfortable in the new friendships they’d developed.



‘Year 9 camp was an awesome experience not to be missed ‘ Mackenzie Andrews The Year 9’s travelled to Edmund Park near Laidley in early March for a camp that focused on challenge. Getting the girls to camp out away from all amenities overnight and taking a difficult hike up the mountain, certainly creates challenge! This is great preparation for the Year 10 Camp that the girls will tackle next year. We faced the worst weather during this two-day camp; we had overwhelming heat then a thunder and lightning storm, torrential rain and freezing conditions overnight! Amazingly, the girls faced these adverse conditions with smiles on their faces. Many of them loved sliding down the mountain and revelled in being covered in mud. The teachers who accompanied the girls were so proud of the way the Year 9s responded positively to an intense yet rewarding camp. Well done, girls!



7 8 9 7 8


Middle School girls have been involved in a diverse range of other activities throughout this first part of the year. The Year 7 girls have participated in the Readers Cup competition. This activity culminated in the Competition day at the end of Term 1 and the winning team will joined our Year 8 team in the Darling Downs Competition against other schools late in Term 2.

1. Alice O’Connor on the look-out! 2. Year 7s sightseeing in Canberra 3. Year 7 students at Parliament House

4. Year 8s contemplating a big climb at Mapleton 5. Ailish Hamblin takes on abseiling! 6. Chloe Painter and 7. Danica Wippell tackle a challenge!

7. Abbie Hartwig, Liz Wales, Katie Lowe, Millie King, Kate Lafrenz, Amie Mckay and Jamie Hagan bond at Year 8 camp.

8. Sabrina Hughes and Kaite Hough tough out the inclement weather! 10.

9. Grace Pegler ‘buckles up’ 10. Ali Quintana was in TOP form at Year 9 camp.

The Middle School Council has continued to operate this year and many of our Middle School girls have represented their PCG at these regular meetings and have presented their ideas for activities and fundraising to the other Middle School girls. This has been a wonderful way to increase the leadership responsibilities for the Middle School leaders and to encourage the involvement of the younger girls. Through the efforts of this group we have managed to raise over $1000 for Arm , our Middle School Sponsor Child.

Faith in her Future


One idea that was presented to the Middle School Council was the opportunity for girls to visit older people in the nearby Tricare Nursing Home. Ms Kelly Owen, our Middle School Christian Education teacher, has brought this idea to fruition and we now have 8 girls attending Tricare each fortnight to help brighten the day for some of the elderly residents. This has been a wonderful way for for the girls to provide service to others in our community. Other leadership opportunities have have been offered to our Year 9 students with six Middle School girls attending the USQ leadership Day early in Term 2.

There There have been many other fun-filled activities including the Year 8 BBQ and games afternoon with Toowoomba Grammar School. We had 100 boys and girls having a wonderful time in the late afternoon of 22 May and I think lots of friendships were forged between the students on this day. The Year 9 Bush Dance was another event with Toowoomba Grammar and this was also a fun opportunity for the students to interact in a positive and friendly way.

The Year 7 & 8 Sleepover held in late May was another chance for the Middle School girls to have some fun together and enjoy the company of each other. The Boarding girls invited their daygirl friends to ‘sleepover’ at their ‘house’. This resulted in 120 girls sleeping (or not!) in the assembly hall (pictured left) and enjoying the fun and games that the Senior Boarding Prefects organised. A great time was had by all and it was wonderful to see the girls from Year 7 and Year 8 working closely together. I continue to feel very privileged to work with such wonderful girls. Their friendliness and commitment and dedication to their schooling are very impressive. I couldn’t help but feel very proud when I watched The Music Man and saw so many Middle School girls involved. These girls are a credit to both Fairholme and their families. Mrs Jaye Ross | Head of Middle School




a feast of

Fairholme Junior feats

Twilight Book Nights Fairholme Junior students were very excited to visit the Fairholme Junior Library in the evening for ‘Twilight Book Nights’. They joined with their family to read books, watch and listen to eBooks on the Interactive Whiteboard, hear stories and play games on the computers in the e-zone, dress up as a movie star in the Lights, Camera, Action Studio in the Library and purchase books from Scholastic Book Fair. On one of the evenings we were entertained by local poet, Marco Gliori. Pictured top: (l-r) Clifford visits the Library, Adelaide Imray, Milly Back, Evangeline Imray Bottom: (L-R) ‘Lights, Camera, Action’

Junior School Musical, The King’s Garden This year’s Musical, The King’s Garden, which was sensational, was Mrs Belinda Eldridge’s tenth musical production at Fairholme. On the final night of the performance she was congratulated on this very significant milestone. The Music and Drama leaders calculated approximately 1800 girls have been involved in her ten Musical productions. The girls presented Mrs Eldridge with a magnificent, framed collage containing images of the program covers of all of her productions and special photos to acknowledge her outstanding contribution to The Arts at Fairholme Junior.

Chorale The Chorale gained first place in the Primary Schools A Grade Choir Section of the recent Toowoomba Eisteddfod, as well as being awarded first place for their performance in the Spiritual Song section. They sang at the local Mayoral Prayer Breakfast, and joined with the Senior Symphony Orchestra to perform in the 15 Schools Sharing the Spotlight Concert.

Pictured above from left (clockwise) 1. Lindy Roos, Elizabeth Milton (as the Queen and King) 2. The Princes (Year 6) 3. The Elves (Year 4)


Umbrella and Casual Clothes Day Fundraising Event The Year 6 Service and Fundraising Leaders organised a special Umbrella Day and Casual Clothes Day to raise money to assist the flood devastated Theodore State School.

FOJS High Tea At the Friends of Junior School High Tea, ladies socialised in the ambience of Cameron Homestead, enjoyed delicious afternoon tea fare, were entertained by the Year 6 Petit Four group, viewed a fashion parade, and won amazing prizes.

Teachers of Technology Fairholme Junior staff members were delighted to be selected as one of 12 schools to be part of the Australian Government Quality Teacher Project on Information Communication Technology by Independent Schools Queensland. The focus for the project this year is on creating 21st century classrooms by integrating ICT into the curriculum for authentic learning and teaching using Interactive Whiteboards. Mrs Lyn Merry | Head of Fairholme Junior

Faith in her Future

Powell House was successful in winning the Interhouse Swimming Carnival while Stephens were the winning House in Cross Country. The Interhouse Athletics Carnival for Years 4 to 6 was won by Powell House. Age Champions pictured: 1. Swimming: (L-R): Grace Gallagher, Annabelle Johnmann, Jemima Love, Emma Dann 2. Athletics: (L-R) Charlotte Lindeman, Briana Suey, Stephanie Holmes, Grace Scanlon 3. Isabelle Miller, Grace Scanlon, Phoebe Duncan


Chess Champion Isabelle Miller in Year 6 was awarded the trophy for the best female competitor at the Primary Schools Individual Chess Championships. Over 250 children from all around the Toowoomba area took part in this competition with each competitor playing 8 games.

Sporting Success Emma Dann in Year 5 and Annabelle Johnmann in Year 6 represented the Darling Downs at the State Primary School Swimming Championships in Brisbane. Emma will also compete at the State Cross Country Championships and Phoebe Duncan in Year 6 will participate in the State Orienteering competition. Olivia Hendy leapt 1.29m at the recent Queensland State Primary Schools Track & Field Championships to secure a Silver Medal in High Jump and a place in Queensland’s Track & Field Team to contest the Australian Championships in September.


Boarding busi-ness <

The refurbished Boarding House office, Upper South Bathroom and new flooring and beds in Lower Black.

< ‘Renos’ in the Boarding House

The Boarding House office is always a hub of activity where girls sign in and out, parents visit to collect their daughters or phone to catch up on happenings. With the removal of a wall, this area has been completely opened up to allow for a larger work space and waiting area. The whole area has been beautifully modernised and a kitchenette has been installed for parents’ use so that they can enjoy a cuppa before the long trip home.

The Upper Black ceilings were replaced and insulation was installed which instantly cooled the dorms in summer and keeps the girls warm in winter. The Lower Black dorms have also enjoyed a makeover, with new flooring and comfortable Sealy ensembles making for comfortable living quarters. The girls who reside in Black are also enjoying the newly polished wood flooring at the back of the Homestead, completed with funky new couches. The whole Boarding House is excited about the current renovations occurring in the Black Courtyard, where brick walls have been rendered and new wooden floor decking is being installed. The whole area is being transformed and will be finished with heating, comfortable modern wicker outdoor furniture and a large wall-mounted screen.

Last Christmas holidays both South Building bathrooms were gutted and refurbished. The girls are now enjoying the modern facilities and the soft green and taupe colour schemes are invitingly warm and homely.


Ms Marguerite Dunne | Head of Boarding

Boarder Highlights

< Boarders enjoying the first State of Origin match.


The Fairholme College Boarding House aims to provide a safe, inviting ‘home away from home’ environment for the girls whilst they live on campus. With this purpose in mind, we are constantly aiming to update the areas within the Boarding House to allow the girls to enjoy their space where they work, relax and enjoy life together. Over the past 12 months, there have been some major renovations occurring to improve and update many areas.

Allie Emmerton and Fiona Elder at Valentine’s Day dinner.

(l-r) Stacey Wiliamson, Paige Karaz, Lucy Manuel, Rebecca Skene, Cathrine Smith, and Elizabeth Dyer at the Fairholme Boarders Bash social.

formal 2011



Faith in her Future






10. 9.




15. 14.

11. Samantha Robinson, Kimberly Thomson, Meg Bassingthwaighte, Nicarla Hindle 12. Leticia Young, Kelli Boucaut 13. Claire Collins, Meg Bassingthwaighte, Annika O’Sullivan 14. Annabel Hart, Elizabeth Dyer, Jorja Wicks 15. Rowena Upton, Bronte Beetson, Dana Ortez

Pictured (l-r) 1. Jacqui Gamack, Madison Noon, Keely Greenland, Emily Elder, Renee Mead , Lucy Caskey, Morgan Farquharson 2. Tiffany Kronk, Jessica Reinhardt, Madison Brazier, Laura Eddy, Rita Poad 3. Cleannah Sweeney, Alexandra Richards, Hannah Jannusch, Annie Wiesner 4. Nicarla Saville, Meg Bassingthwaighte

5. Belinda Freeman, Sally Carson, Alison Maclean 6. Darby Currie, Pheobe Raff, Stacy Williamson, Skye Clemesha, Arlie Hartwig 7. Claire Collins, Skye MacFarlane, Janelle Ogg 8. Keely Greenland, Renee Mead, Lucy Caskey 9. Melinda Thornley, Brittany Davis 10. Erica Croft, Noor Aljassim, Kate Manteufel, Shika Sukhnundan




arts THE

EISTEDDFOD EXCELLENCE! Congratulations to the girls and staff on their many achievements at the 2011City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod. Fairholme has made a particularly strong showing in the choral, instrumental and music Sections this year – with our numerous ensembles, bands and orchestras performing exceptionally well. In addition to this, we have had many individuals, trios and duos receiving placings and commendations. Unfortunately space does not permit us to share them all here – but how wonderful to have such a volume that we cannot publish them all!

at its best! ACCOMPLISHED ARTISTS Congratulations to Darby Currie, who was awarded the Packers Prize ($100), Jennifer Singleton who was awarded Best 3D Work for her sculpture, and also to the following Fairholme students who were selected as finalists in this very strong field of competition: Bronte Naylor, Melinda Thornely, Georgia Callachor, Hannah McDowall, Victoria Whittaker, Jaime Painter, Isabel Noon, Aleysha Martin, Taela Edwards, Georgia Shine. 1. ‘And off I go..’ Darby Currie 2. ‘Fourth of July’ Jennifer Singleton 3. ‘Wall Flower’ Bronte Naylor

Of particular note are the following results: College Choir FIRST PLACE: Hymn Singing for Secondary Schools THIRD PLACE: Spiritual or Gospel Chorus for Secondary Schools Chamber Choir FIRST PLACE: Folk Singing for Secondary Schools HIGHLY COMMENDED: Secondary Vocal Ensemble Junior Chorale FIRST PLACE: Primary School Choir A Grade FIRST PLACE: Spiritual Song or Gospel Chorus for Primary Schools Symphony Orchestra SECOND PLACE :Seconday School Orchestra Chamber Strings FIRST PLACE: Secondary School Strings Fairholme Senior Piano Quartet FIRST PLACE: Open Chamber Music Toowoomba Camerata (half of whom were Fairholme Girls) FIRST PLACE: Open Community Orchestra and Band Concert Band FIRST PLACE: Secondary School Concert Band A Grade Intermediate Band THIRD PLACE : Primary School Concert Band B Grade Stage Band THIRD PLACE : Secondary Schools Stage Band Chamber Strings FIRST PLACE : String Ensemble for Secondary Schools Fairholme College Orchestra SECOND PLACE : Secondary Schools Orchestra


CHRONICLE JUNIOR ART EXPO Congratulations to Alison Thomas, pictured left, who received the award for runnerup in the Open Drawing Section, for herPastel Portrait work at the Chronicle Junior Art Expo Awards earlier this year.


Piano Perfection! Prefect for Arts, Emma Lumsden was recently awarded her LMusA (Piano) with distinction! The Licentiate of Music, Australia (LMusA) is a diploma offered by the Australian Music Examinations Board. The Licentiate diploma is seen as the highest examination award given by the AMEB, outranking the Associate diploma and the graded certificate exams. What an achievement!


with a smile Faith in her Future

crowns effort!

World’s Greatest Shave 2011 Eleven Senior Girls shaved their heads ‘for a cure’ to raise an amazing $19,000 ($8000 ahead of their target) towards leukaemia research and support for sufferers.

‘Fighting Back’ during Lions Youth of the Year Quest Inspired by the response of ordinary people to the recent floods, Lucy Manuel, speaking at the Lions Youth of the Year Quest on Saturday February 12, moved her audience with her speech entitled ‘Fighting Back’ and was declared the winner of the public speaking component of the Quest for 2011.

‘Peak to Park’ Fun Run ADFA Award for Achievement In recognition of outstanding achievement exhibited during the recruiting process for entry to the Australian Defence Force Academy, Fairholme Senior Alysha Lockrey is the proud recipient of the 2011 ADFA Education Award. Brigadier Neil Turon(pictured left) and Warrant Officer Scott Towner (pictured right) presented Alysha with a laptop computer and certificate along with a plaque during a special Assembly held recently. The award is presented on behalf of the Navy, Army or Air Force to the 100 most suitable applicants who have applied for entry to ADFA.

Red Shield Appeal Door Knock


40 Hour Famine participants










FAIRHOMLE HIGHLIGHTS! 1. Germany, Switzerland and Austria Tour - June/July 2011 7

2. Voices on the Range - Wednesday 17 August 2011 3. Bastille Day - celebrated on Friday 17 July 2011 4. Fairholme Choir members perform at Sydney’s Darling Harbour - July 2011 5. Japanese students visit - August 2011


6. Academic Awards Assembly - August 2011 7. Fairholme Foundation Golf Day - Friday 29 July 2011

Spor t The 2011 Fairholme Swimming Team continued the winning form of past years, returning from the TSSS Championship with a host of trophies and a tenth successive win at this event. Under the guidance of Head Coach Tim Taylor, our girls swam strongly throughout the day with Jess Reinhardt securing the Owen Janetski Trophy for outstanding swimmer at this event. Once again, the whole College gathered to cheer our swimmers off and show their support. This Trophy has been presented 48 times since the competition commenced in 1964. Fairholme has won this trophy an amazing 31 times with 2011 being its tenth in a row. The next school to accumulate wins in these Championships is TSHS with 8 wins since 1964. An incredible success rate in such a competitive sport! Read more about the Fairholme Aquatics Swim Team on page 18.

Fairholme named Darling Downs Cross Country Champions for the 24th time! The Annual Darling Downs Regional Cross Country Championships held at Kearneys Spring saw the 2011 Fairholme team display true competitive spirit (relying on a number of reserve runners, due to injury) with every individual runner performing strongly and giving their best on the day. Wins in the 15 Years & 17 Years divisions and close second places in the 13 Years, 14 Years and 16 Years divisions, assisted Fairholme in maintaining its excellent record at these Championships. Once again, the dedicated coaching and support of Cross Country Coaches Miss McGuire and Mr Turner proved instrumental to the overall success of the team. Cross Country Captain Ali McLean overcame illness to compete and secure her first ever selection in the Darling Downs Cross Country Team. Fairholme athletes Sam Hollands, Clancy Heidrich, Mackenzie Andrews, Nikki Cornwell, Hannah Jannusch and Rita Poad also gained a place in the Darling Downs Team to contest the State Championships, while Alice Rathie and Anna Pegler were named as Darling Downs reserves.


in a row!

Nineteenth Win in a Row for Champion Athletics Team The cheers were loud and strong as Fairholme College continued its winning streak at the Toowoomba Secondary Schools Athletics Competition for a record 19th consecutive year. Continuing one of the longest unbroken winning runs in Queensland school sport, the 86 strong Fairholme Track & Field team took out the Championship (by more than 200 points) and won the 13yrs, 14yrs, 15yrs,16yrs and Open divisions as well as the Relay Cup. Since the Chronicle Cup for Champion School in Athletics on the Darling Downs was first presented in 1966, only four schools have recorded wins. (Dalby State High School has won once, Harristown State High School has three wins, Toowoomba State High School has won on 17 occasions and Fairholme has now won the Athletics competition 23 times.)


Fairholme Swimmers Retain Francis Hopkins Diamond House Trophy - Champion Girls School TSSS Swimming for the Tenth Year in a Row.

Faith in her Future



Fairholme Aquatics Swim Team wins TSSS MEET FOR 10 YEARS STRAIGHT (continued) After inspirational words from Fairholme College Principal Mrs Linda Evans and Head Swimming Coach Mr Tim Taylor at the TSSSA Dinner the night before the meet, the team left for the Milne Bay on Tuesday morning ready to find IT. And find IT they did, bringing home the TSSS A School Swimming Championship for the 10th straight year on 1 March 2011. The swimmers did an outstanding job on the day, representing the College with passion, determination and speed. Congratulations to the following members of the team: Samantha Hollands Jessica Reinhardt Natalie Dendle Georgia Shine Elzette Genis Aleysha Martin Katilin Campbell Anna Wilson Rachel Curtis

Taleigha Rowe Gheorja Haidley Rhiannon Stone Georgina Rackemann Ally Walker Ellie Batzloff Ailsa Houston Georgia Gierke Annabelle Thelander

AGE DIVISION RESULTS: 13yrs - 3rd 14 yrs - 1st Under 20 yrs -1st OPEN - 1st

15 yrs - 1st Relays - 1st

Meg Jakins Alex Day Kaiti McGregor Ashleigh Pulford Chloe Painter Shannon Tucker Shanen Layden

The program included the following highlights: 16yrs - 2nd Aggregate - 1st

FAIRHOLME SECOND 20 TEAM The following swimmers were selected to represent Fairholme College in a swim meet against Moreton Bay College, St Margaret’s, St Hilda’s, Ipswich Girls’ Grammar, Brisbane State High School and Somerville House at St Hilda’s on 25 February. This is an opportunity for more swimmers to represent the College in swimming. Swimmers who have been selected to represent the College at the TSSSA Schools meet are not considered for this meet. Georgina Iddon Hannah Haidley Katie Lowe Melanie Smith Indeana Payne Loretta Morris Caitlin Sorour Maddison Payne Jessica Kutner Portia Jackson

Jessie Wilson Taahlea Mogg Phoebe Cottle Lucy Grieg Ellie Hughes

Maggie Mun Emma-Lee Reddacliff Kaylah Ann Pratt Maddison Brazier Jaime Painter

The combined TSSS A and second Twenty Team travelled to Clayfield College on the 4th of March for a special Swim Meet. The meet gave our swimmers a chance to compete against a Brisbane GPS College. The final point score was Clayfield College 93 to Fairholme College 79.


From the 10 January to 6 March the Fairholme Aquatic Centre celebrated the Summer of Swimming. It seems ironic that the starting day for this new initiative was the same day that we were so clearly reminded of the power of water and the respect that we all must have for it. The Summer of Swimming was designed to put in place additional activities, not only for the present swimmers who utilise the centre all year round but also for those who like to spend their summer holidays at the pool. At the recent Swim Australia/ASCTA conference held in May, the Summer of Swimming program was acknowledged as the 2011 Swim Australia best Swim School Swimmer Pathway Promotion in recognition of this. Head Coach Mr Tim Taylor accepted the award on behalf of the Fairholme Aquatics Swim School.

10 January - Get the Edge Intensive programs run by Junior Squad Coach Dave Negus. 25 January - Special morning clinics for swimmers in Year 4 to 8, and Fitness Squad Coach Mrs Wendy Collins providedspecial afternoon sessions for those in Year 9 and above. 7 February - Charity Week where swimmers were encouraged to swim for themselves and swim for others. 8 February - Queensland Academy of Sport Swimming Squad, Queensland’s premier training program, visited the Fairholme Aquatic Centre and the Darling Downs to raise spirits after the terrible and tragic flood events of January 2011. The two-day visit raised $725 for the Grantham Flood Relief Appeal. 6 March - Grand finale event at the conclusion of the Darling Downs Regional Championships.

Congratulations to Jessie Harper, Shanen Layden, Emma Elsden, Sam Lenton, Nikki Cornwell, Georgia Godwin, Kaiti McGregor, Mackenzie Andrews and Dom du Toit on setting new records in 2011. Congratulations also to Cameron House who were overall champions this year.

76 Medals Won at Sunshine Coast Athletics Championships A squad of 80 girls and 6 coaches travelled to the Sunshine Coast to contest the annual Athletics Championship at the University complex. For the first time since 1996, a number of primary athletes joined the senior squad and produced some excellent results. The squad returned home with 76 individual medals and numerous personal best performances.

The Trophy winners for 2011 were: 12yrs Champion - Samantha Lenton (B); 13yrs Champion - Nikki Cornwell (P); 14yrs Champion - Dominique Du Toit (C); 15yrs Champion - Jessie Harper (C); 16yrs Champion - Belinda Schiller (B); 20yrs Champion Hannah Jannusch (C); March Past - Black; Distance Running - Mackenzie Andrews; Relays - Black; Inter PCG - Cameron 5; Boarders vs. Daygirls – Boarders; Champion Boarder – Maddie Noon; Champion Daygirl –Dominique Du Toit; Throws Trophy – Shanen Leyden; Most Improved – Kaitlin Reddacliff ; Seniors/Staff/Parents/Old Girls – Staff.


Eleven records were broken during the four days of competition at this year’s Interhouse Athletics Championships. Establishing a new benchmark for an athlete at Fairholme is incredibly difficult, given the high standards of past athletes such as Cathy Freeman and Pip Kehoe.

Faith in her Future

Records Tumble at Interhouse Athletics Carnival!


Queensland Selections for Fairholme Junior Touch Players Four of Fairholme’s Junior Touch players joined team members from across the Darling Downs to contest the Queensland Under 15 Touch Championships at Southport on the Gold Coast. The Darling Downs side progressed through their round games undefeated and were placed at the top of their pool. In a hard fought semi-final, the girls finished with a 2 - 1 win over traditional rivals Sunshine Coast to meet the host region Gold Coast in the final. Unfortunately, the Coast proved too strong in a close battle between the top sides, running out eventual winners 5 - 3. Eliza Perkins, Dom Du Toit, Kristen Currie and Georgina Rackemann all had an outstanding tournament, with Kristen being selected as a shadow player for the Queensland Team and Georgina and Dom being named as members of the Queensland Team to contest the Australian Championships at Coffs Harbour in October. Fairholme fields 5 teams in the Toowoomba Women’s Competition, including possibly the youngest A Grade side in the history of the competition, and the program at the College is rapidly developing. Following on from the success of winning the Junior division of the 2011 All Hallows Invitational Carnival and a win for both the Seniors and Juniors in the South West All Schools in 2010 and the Juniors in 2011, the squads are now preparing for their eight- match tour of New Zealand and the State All Schools Championships in October. Toowoomba Touch Association Awards Top Honours To Fairholme Players At just 15 years of age, Georgina Rackemann is certainly making an impact in the sporting arena. In one of the strongest A Grade competitions in the State, the Junior Touch player has been named as the 2011 A Grade Best & Fairest. The award caps off a remarkable season for Georgina following her dual Queensland selections. Not to be outdone, Fairholme’s Junior Development Coach and mother of Georgina, Brenda Rackemann was also honoured this year, named as the Coaching Director of the South West Region. To round off the Association’s awards, Emilee Cherry was named the outstanding player of the 2011 season. Emilee Cherry now a World Champion! 2010 Fairholme Sports Captain Emilee Cherry has achieved what very few athletes can claim – a place in a Open World Championship winning team. At just 18 years of age, Emille had already cemented her position in Australia’s Open Women’s Touch team following her performance in the Trans-Tasman Series while still a Year 12 student at the College. Selected as the youngest player to represent Australia at the World Cup in Scotland, the talented sportswoman played in all of Australia’s Test Matches and was awarded the player of the tournament. A regular player in Fairholme’s A Grade team during 2011, Emilee will join the Senior and Junior teams on an-11 day tour of New Zealand in September as part of the ongoing development of Touch at the College.


Belinda Schiller Shines at Australian Softball Championships Belinda was recently a part of the Queensland Schoolgirls Softball team that finished third in the Australian titles - held at Kearneys Spring in Toowoomba. Her speed around the bases made her a real asset to the team and she was regularly played as the designated runner. Belinda was not the only person from Fairholme who represented Queensland; she was joined by Fairholme’s Head of Physical Education, Ms Katrina Gierke who was the Assistant Coach of Queensland. Cross Country Success in Canberra Fairholme College Athletics Captain Hannah Jannusch was selected in the Queensland Team to compete in Canberra at the National Cross Country Championships. Hannah was accompanied by Queensland Coach Ms McGuire (Health & Physical Education Staff) during the three-day event. Hannah performed exceptionally well at this event, recording a personal best time over the challenging course. New National Record for our top Swimmer! Talented swimmer Jess Reinhardt returned from the 2011 National All Schools Championships in Melbourne with five medals from five swims; two gold, two silver and one bronze. In addition, she established a new National Championship Record in the 50m Butterfly. These Championships rounded off an amazing season for Jess, with gold medal performances at the 2010 School Nationals, the Queensland Age Championships, the Queensland Sprint Championships and the Queensland Secondary Schools Swimming Championships. This is a fitting conclusion to Jess’s schoolgirl swimming, as it was in Melbourne at the 2006 Pacific Schools Games that Jess began her amazing representative career. Go Queenslander! Year 7 student and talented thrower Samantha Lenton gained selection into the State Team after winning a Bronze Medal in the 12 years Discus with a throw of 31.97m at the recent Queensland State Primary Schools Track & Field Championships.


sporting successes!

Fairholme Named Toowoomba A Grade Cricket Premiers for 2011 Congratulations to the Fairholme/ Wests cricket team as they were named A Grade Women’s Premiers for the 2011 Season. With heavy rain washing out the grand final against St.Ursula’s College, the girls were awarded the Premiership based on points for the season.

Fourteen students from the College joined forces with one St. Ursula’s student to form this year’s team and take out the Premiership under the coaching and guidance of a number of keen and supportive Fairholme dads. Their medals were presented by Australian Captain Jodie Fields.

Queensland Orienteering Championships Skye MacFarlane, Katie Devine, Zazi Brennan, Georgina Duncan and Phoebe Duncan (Open) represented the Darling Downs at the State Orienteering Championships. Zazi Brennan finished second in her event and Katie Devine third. Georgina Duncan also competed strongly and was rewarded by being named as a shadow in the Queensland team.

Faith in her Future


Laura Geitz Shield for undefeated champions Congratulations to: Ali Gee, Georgia Gierke, Sarah Aljassim, Lucy Grigg, Belle Freeman, Meg Jakins, Amie Southern, Annabelle Thelander, Katie Lowe and Kirsten Currie on their recent success in bringing home the Laura Geitz Netball shield again in 2011. The team was expertly coached by Cindy Hughes and went through the tournament undefeated. Special thanks to Emma-Lee Reddacliff who was performed the task of referee for the day.

Futsal Champions After strong performances at the Vikings SWQ Schools Championships last week, five Fairholme students were selected in the SWQ team: Alice Mason, Eliza Flynn, Tobi Hamilton, Sam Johnson, and Elizabeth Loveday. The three teams involved in the Toowoomba competition performed extremely well, with The Fury winning the grand final 4-3 in extra time. In an exciting game, Alice Mason scored the winning goal and was named Player of the Final. Fairholme Cricketers Dominate Darling Downs Selections. A record nine Fairholme students were selected in the 15 years Darling Downs Cricket team to contest the upcoming Queensland Schoolgirls Championships. Comprising three-quarters of the twelve-strong Darling Downs Team, the junior cricketers from Fairholme boast a wealth of representative experience with most having already represented both the region and Queensland at major championships. Congratulations to the following girls on their selection; Alice Smith, Lucy grigg, Kristen Currie, Kate Lowe, Kate gallagher, Georgia Hendy, Emily Lowe, Eliza Flynn, and Anna Paton. Fairholme Equestrian Riders Perform at State Championships Fairholme riders, Kelsie Cranston (Captain), Annabell Tonkin, Anna Bourne, Claudia Dight, Loretta Morris, Alex Munro, Georgia Hendy, Tory Robertson, Maitie Webb and Christine Hilton, displayed camaraderie, good humour and outstanding team spirit at the recent Darling Downs Regional Equestrian Championships.

Pictured: Tory Robertson ( Selected in the Queensland 90cm Showjumping team for the 2011 National Interschool Championships.)

RESULTS: Friday 13 May Maitie Webb - first place in the Preliminary class Anna Bourne - third in the Elementary class Saturday 14 May - Showman day Anna Bourne - first place (in class) Tory Robertson - 3rd (in class) Maitie Webb - 5th (in class) Sunday 15 May - Showjumping Reserve Champions - Kelsie Cranston in the 110cm event Claudia Dight - 70cm event Claudia Dight, Kelsie Cranston, Tory Robertson and Alex Munro - fourth place (show-jumping team event) Maitie Webb - Reserve Champion (Preliminary Dressage) Anna Bourne - Reserve Champion (Elementary Dressage)


Toowoomba Water Polo Women’s A Grade Champions! Fairholme’s Water Polo team starred in the local A Grade competition, winning the 2011 grand final against The Glennie School, 18 goals to 12. Coached by Joely Dowsett, the team celebrated their success with Water Polo captain Maggie Munn, Kelli Boucaut, Rhiannon Stone, Jessie Coghill and Bronte Lloyd gaining selection into the Regional team that contested the Queensland Championships. Rachel Curtis was named as a shadow for this team.


Miss Nancy Dora Under Miss Shaw’s guidance, Fairholme experienced 14½ years of expansion and development, when a number of building projects changed the shape of Fairholme. These included the new South Dorm (built in 1956 and extended in 1964), the Assembly Hall (1958), the Ray Powell Pool (1961), new Yr 8 classrooms (1962), the Principal’s Residence on the Talara site (1965) and the new Science block (1966).

Miss Nancy Shaw, former Principal of Fairholme College (1954-1968), passed away on 25 June 2011 after a series of heart attacks. She was 98. Born in Adelaide in 1913 and educated in Brisbane at Runcorn State School and Somerville House, Nancy Shaw studied at the University of Queensland, gaining a BA with Honours in English Language and Literature in 1934. She won the university’s PJ McDermott Memorial Prize for English Literature. Miss Shaw later gained a Diploma in French language and civilisation from the University of Grenoble in France.

While Miss Shaw was an excellent administrator and a gifted leader, she ‘placed more importance on the moulding of character than she did on bricks and mortar, and her gracious personality, high ideals and kindly understanding... and her wise judgement, have been an inspiration to both pupils and staff’. (Fairholme Magazine 1968) Known fondly by her students as ‘Boss’, Miss Shaw believed that as a Principal her prime focus was to prepare Fairholme girls for their future occupations and life experiences: ‘to give our girls a strong, living Christian faith that will enable them to meet the crises of life with fortitude, to make wise and right decisions, to distinguish between the shoddy and the genuine.’ (Principal’s Report 1968)

Miss Shaw taught at Clayfield College (1934-1935), Somerville House (19361948 and 1951-1954) and at a school in London (1948-1949). She was Acting Principal at Clayfield College in 1950, and taught English, French and some Modern History at Somerville House before taking up her appointment as Principal of Fairholme College on 19 May 1954.


1. 1964 Annual Speech Day (L-R): Merryl Arnott, Miss Nancy Shaw and Sylvia Cardale 2. Miss Shaw furtherest right at the 1964 Swimming Carnival 3. Patroness of FOGA Brisbane, Miss Shaw enjoys a Brisbane Reunion luncheon with Cathy Heilbronn (Offner )(1961-65), left, and Sue Henzell (Moore) (1962-65) pictured right.


4. Miss Shaw with 2008 Head Girl, Melinda Simmons 5. Cutting her 95th birthday cake during a Centenary Assembly 6. With Fairholme students during Centenary celebrations in 2008 3.


Carlin Shaw BA (Hons) Resigning as principal in December 1968, Miss Shaw spent the next years caring for the family members who so needed her support. She also became Principal of Brisbane Girls’ Grammar School (1970-1976). Miss Shaw maintained her interest in Fairholme, visiting the college on a number of occasions, the most recent being in 2008. She attended the FOGA Brisbane luncheon in March 2011, and retained her elegance, keen intellect and articulate manner to the end. Miss Shaw leaves a lasting legacy at Fairholme, as the College Hymn, ‘Praise to the Lord, the Almighty’, was chosen by her and introduced in 1954.

n o i n Reu


has been planned for all those associated with Fairholme College from 1980-1993 (inclusive) during THE ALLAN FARAGHER YEARS


Staff, Students, Parents, Members of FOGA and other Friends of Fairholme are invited to gather together on: SUNDAY 2 OCTOBER from 12 noon - 4pm at ST LUKE’S PARISH HALL (Corner Ruthven and Herries Streets, Toowoomba) Cost: $20 per person (includes luncheon and beverages)


TO RSVP BEFORE 18 SEPTEMBER 2011 Please contact the following to forward your name/s and postal or email addresses:

FAY MEADOWCROFT 29 Wirra Wirra Street, Toowoomba Q 4350

CATHY HEILBRONN 17 Plant Street, Rangeville, Toowoomba 4350 MARGARET and TREVOR JENNINGS


Prepayment would be appreciated by money order or cheque (payable to Faragher Reunion) or by EFT: Heritage Building Society BSB: 638-060 Account: 124 89360 (using your name as reference)

“When Old Friends meet, hearts warm.”

Come if you can, and tell others who you think would like to know .


HEATHER HARRISON 65 Rowbotham Street, Rangeville, Toowoomba Q 4350



Old Girls Association

A note from the President

IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Thursday 15 September 2011 Friends of Fairholme Founders’ Day FOGA catch up 11.30am/Luncheon 12.30am Fairholme Founders’ Day Assembly Official naming of the Heather Harrison Health Centre ‘ College Assembly Hall 2pm Fairholme Saturday 15 & SUNDAY 16 October 2011

A note from the President I had the privilege of travelling to Melbourne this year in May to attend the FOGA reunion luncheon. I am so full of admiration for the ladies that have organised that gathering for so many years, and for those who have attended year after year. It is fantastic to hear of groups of Fairholme girls who make such an effort over the years to keep in touch; theirs is the reward of lasting friendships. Thanks Judith and Ros – I did have a lovely day/stay! I also attended the Brisbane luncheon in March – many thanks to Daphne, Anne, and Nerida for their hospitality and all the work they put in year after year. It was here I had my last fond encounter with the amazing Miss Nancy Shaw (Principal 1954-68). As written in the Vale on page 23, sadly Miss Shaw passed away on Saturday 25 June at the age of 98. I take this opportunity to thank all FOGs who attended the service on July 1 to celebrate the life of this incredible woman. It’s certainly full steam ahead for the reunions in October this year, with the Fairholme College Fair on 15 October and reunion luncheon for all on Sunday 16 October. Please gather a group of your friends together to come to lunch in the dining room - it’s so much fun to catch up with the entire FOGA family. Congratulations to Mrs Shirley Murray (Armstrong) 1951-52, who organised the 16th class reunion and Diamond Jubilee of the 1951 group of Fairholme past students (see page 29 for photographs). The gathering was held at the school on 9 April, and a marvellous time was had in the FOGA Archives Display Foyer area and then in the archives work and storage area in the new Junior School Library. Shirley has put a lot of work into keeping this group together over the years – there are several girls who have never missed a gathering. Congratulations. The much anticipated Compactus storage and filing system has been purchased and installed in the archives area of the new Junior School Library. Our resident archives co-ordinator, Mrs Jenny Noble, has moved her office to this space and is now storing some of the items in the purpose-built archival storage area. The Fairholme Old Girls Foyer will continue to be the primary display area – but all archival work and storage is now housed in the Junior School Library.


Claire Wuth (Perkins) (1974) | President

FOGA Reunion Weekend (Please see invitation enclosed for further details and to RSVP) Saturday 15 October 2011 Fairholme Spring Fair 11am - 4pm Individual Class reunions as follows: 10 YEARS (CLASS of 2001) Saturday 8 October 2011 C0-ordinator: Shannon Crocker (Moore) E 20 YEARS (CLASS of 1991) Saturday 15 October Co-ordinators : Cherylann Pentecost (Laughton) E Meg Ahern (Cunningham) E 25 YEARS (CLASS of 1986) Friday 14 & Saturday 15 October Co-ordinators : Jo-Ann Capp (Geddes) E Wendy Stack (Daniels) E 30 YEARS (CLASS of 1981) Saturday 15 October Co-ordinator : Di McIntyre (Rodger) E 40 YEARS (CLASS of 1971) Saturday 15 October Co-ordinators : Julia Leong (Boyd) E Lynda Stallman (Tarn) E Robyn Kehoe (Trousdell) E 45 YEARS (CLASS of 1966) Saturday 15 October Co-ordinator: Elizabeth French (Cayzer) E 50 YEARS (CLASS of 1961) Saturday 15 October Co-ordinators: Marie Cameron E and Nerida Thayer (Banks) E ALL YEAR LEVELS REUNION LUNCHEON Sunday 16 October Annual Reunion Church Service 9am New Chapel Annual Reunion Luncheon 11.30am Fairholme College Dining Hall WEDNESDAY 29 October 2011 Melbourne Luncheon Intercontinental Hotel, Melbourne Please contact Judith Saunders on 0398892725 Monday 28th November 2011 Final Get Together for Brisbane FOGA for 2011 Venue: Café 21, Casino, Queen Street City 10.30 am for Morning Tea and/or stay on for Lunch 12 Noon RSVP Nerida Thayer T 3263 6146 E Anne Mitchell T 3269 9302 E

I continue to be inspired by the irrespressible loyalty and enthusiasm of Fairholme‘s past students. Nothing delights me more than to wander through the campus with excited Old Girls as they reminisce about their school days. I have laughed (and cried) after hearing some unbelievable tales, but what constantly amazes me is the clarity of the Fairholme Old Girls’ Memory! I quite often have trouble remembering what I did yesterday, but I have encountered former students walking to particular hidey holes and explaining in detail who, where and why they played ‘hookey’ some 40 or more years ago!

Archives ARCHIVAL MYSTERIES! Can you help name the cast members pictured from ‘Quality Street’, Fairholme’s school play in 1924? We’re focusing on the Arts at Fairholme for this edition’s mystery photo, having recently enjoyed The Music Man, a joint Fairholme/ Toowoomba Grammar School production. Things were very different in 1924, when Fairholme girls staged a production of JM Barrie’s play, Quality Street. Marie Speed (Deceased) had printed her name on the back of this fascinating photograph.



1. Do you know who is in the photo? 2. Were you in any musicals or plays when you were at Fairholme? We’d love to hear about your involvement in the Arts at Fairholme.

I was treated to a plethera of stories during the Sydney Reunion Luncheon this year, (See more photos on page 31) from chosen career paths of recent Old Girls (Seniors of 2008/09/10) to amazing tales of friendship and hardship from ladies who attended during the 40s,50s and 60s. I look forward to meeeting many more FOGs during the festivities of the Spring Fair Reunion Weekend in October. We have had the most amazing response from reunion co-ordinators this year. This is the first time we haven’t had to call for volunteers during my time at Fairholme, and I thank you all for the very valuable gift of your time and energy! Jo Glasheen | Publications, Promotions and Alumni

Over the past three months, all items in the archives collection have been sorted, boxed and moved – either to a temporary storage space under the Junior School Library or into the archives workspace in the Junior Library preparation room. A special ‘thank you’ must go to the many Old Girls who helped shift the 70-80 boxes of archival treasures. Now that the long-awaited storage compactus has arrived, items are being cleaned, accessioned and rehoused in the purpose-built archives storage room in Fairholme’s Junior School Library. Jenny Noble | Archives and Alumni

Members of FOGA Toowoomba hard at work in the new ‘compactus’ storage system area, from left to right: Mrs Leona Morton (Horn) 1951-55, Mrs Jocelyn Mercer (Cossart) 1947-49, President Claire Wuth (Perkins) 1968-74, Mrs Heather Harrison (Neill)1952-58, and Secretary Mrs Lyn Brandon (Taylor) 1962-65.


From the

Fairholme Old Girls Association

From the Alumni desk...


MORE from the Archives


ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS in Focus on Fairholme Summer 2011

ARCHIVAL MYSTERIES SOLVED! What an overwhelming response we received from 1950s Old Girls, who emphatically declared that Maureen Schubert (Kistle 1944-53) was NOT one of the Marx brothers in the photo! This information, taken from a caption written on the back of the original photo, obviously was incorrect. Thank you to the many ladies who responded, especially to Shirley Murray (Armstrong) 1951-52 who provided the names of almost all the girls in the photo – and who they represented. Shirley was in the back row, second from left, with a bat over her shoulder and dressed as Gene Kelly in ‘Take me out to the Ball Game’. Her full list appears below:

Kneeling at front: Beryl Nauschutz, Nerida Pennington, Helene Trapp (Marx Bros), Beth Nugent & Peggy Cossart (Heckle & Jeckle), Rosemary Cooper, Christine Back, Lee Cochrane. Next Line: Norma Zerner (from Annie Get Your Gun), Beverley Fittell (Sonja Henie - skater), Iris Bryce (Mammie), Margaret Bishop, Margaret McCorquadale, Janice Jenkins (Butch Jenkins), Desley Curtis & Joyce Saunders (The Goodie & the Baddie from Westerns), Janice Caldwell & Shirley Benn (? & Bing Crosby from The Bells of St Mary’s), Billie Lancaster (Greta Garbo), Val Stevens (Hopalong Cassidy’s sidekick California). Obscured line etc: Valerie Evans, Jean Williamson (Shirley Temple), Anne Clarke, Elisabeth Smallhorn, Leith Curtis, Helen Harvey (Harvey the Invisible Rabbit) Coral Mann, Janet Anderson (Carmen Miranda), ? ,Verna Williams - in the upturned hat, Diana Rixon - the tall one, ?, Beverley Volker - also wearing hat & partner to Verna, Janet Cardale -glasses, Suzanne Cameron & Margaret Ward (Pa & Ma Kettle), behind them Dell Coggan. Back: Elwyn MacNellie (Girl in the Lux Soap Advert.), Shirley Armstrong, Irene Vellnagel, Thelma Guyatt, Fay Thorne, Val Rennick, Marie Macdonald (these five as Cowboys - may have been The Posse), Gwen Kath, Maureen Neilsen, Marjorie Richardson, Margaret Smith, Jean Seng, Jean Filbee.

HUNTING HEAD GIRLS We’re in the process of compiling a list of all Head Boarders and Head Daygirls, for the purpose of putting their names on an Honour Board in the future. Obviously, this information needs to be correct. The names listed here are ones we have been able to confirm from information in the school magazines and speech day programs in the archives collection. Can you help ‘fill in the gaps’? Please contact our archivist, Jenny Noble at jenny.noble@ fairholme.qld, or on 46884688 if you can confirm, correct or add to the names on the Head Boarder or Head Daygirl lists.


Head Boarders – as listed in magazines/ speech night programs 1959 Barbara Moffatt 1960 Jennifer Chilcott 1962 Rhonda McDowall 1966 Elspeth Cameron 1968 Meredith Meynink 1974 Claire Perkins 1975 Jane Elder 1991 Sonia Landsberg 1993 Lucinda Hall 1994-2011 all confirmed Head Daygirls – as listed in magazines/ speech night programs 1963 Kaye Siebuhr 1964 Sandra Pottinger 1965 Suzanne Kidman 1967 Ann Temple-Smith 1972 Jill Simon 1974 Ann Parkinson 1977 Jane Sondergeld 1978 Helen Krimmer 1981 Jane Weston 1996 Alexandra Wyatt 1997-2011 all confirmed

Fairholme Old Girl’s bequest aids Cancer Patients and their families in the Toowoomba Area Thanks to a generous bequest from the late Olive McMahon (1940) and the support of the Queensland Government, refurbishment costs for Cancer Council ‘Toowoomba Accommodation Lodge’ are almost fully funded, As illustrated above, construction is well and truly underway on what was previously known as the Tudor Lodge Motel, Cohoe Street, Toowoomba. The Lodge will provide a home-away-fromhome for regional cancer patients, at no cost, to ensure patients are not financially disadvantaged by having to pay for accommodation during treatment, which often takes them away from their family and work for months at a time. Olive was featured in the last edition of the FOCUS on Fairholme in the special FOGs at WAR editorial. Olive’s commitment to service continues with this Legacy!

Where are they now?

Eirlys has been a volunteer since 2002 with Volunteer Marine Rescue Hervey Bay, serving on Rescue Vessel crew, Radio Officer, Editor of the Squadron magazine and until 2009 MarketingPromotions Officer. Pictured above is Eirlys receiving the RSL Anzac Award for Community Service, November 2010, and on patrol in Hervey Bay on a Rescue Vessel. Margaret Carseldine (1961) undertook a BA Hons in French and a Masters degree in Tours, France. She has served for many years in a number of Diplomatic posts. Helen Ruddell (Jeffreys )(1972-75) is a Cardiology Practice Manager, living in Townsville, North Queensland. When Michelle Sare (1972) landed in Leogane, Haiti, on January12, 2010 she planned to teach a public health class at the local nursing school. Less than an hour after her arrival, her plans – and the Haitians’ whole world – changed. Michelle, a registered nurse and founder of Nurses for Nurses International, spent the next seven days leading a small group of nurses in caring for residents after the earthquake that devastated Haiti. The caregivers saw hundreds of patients over the next few days. Read more: article_6f953fa6-0a43-11df-b018-001cc4c002e0. html#ixzz1TloAgOYr. Libby Munro (1988) is a 3rd generation Fairholme Old Girl and has now completed 3 tertiary degrees including a Bachelor of Business from QUT and a Bachelor of Dramatic Art (Acting) from NIDA in 2008. Libby is currently a professional actress in Sydney and divides her time between Sydney and LA most of the year. Libby is currently in pre-production of a feature film that she has written, and is starring in, presently being shot in Queensland.

Iris Bryce (1949-52) - Received an Australia Day Citizen of the Year at a presentation in Greenmount on 26 January 2011 Jessie Davidson-Toner (1996) is now living on Gold Coast working as a Disability and Aged Care support worker. Proud mum of three children: 9 year old Jonny and 16 month old twins, Sidney Clay and Taylor Lynnette.

SarahJane McDonald (1998-2009) was also presented with an Australia Day Award by none other than Prime Minister Julia Gillard on 26 January 2011 at Picnic Point, Toowoomba.

Sebastian Butler White (Fairholme Junior 1991-94) is the owner of a new cafe on the Brisbane Block: Pourboy Espresso

Sarah’s involvment with the Apex Club of South Toowoomba from the age of sixteen (accepted as an associate member at 16, a full member at 18 and Club President the very same year) has been at the heart of her service involvement.

Stephanie Hancock (199899) featured in an article in the Courier Mail - Tuesday May 24 during State of Origin fever. The Qld WOMENS Origin team, of which Stephanie is a member, had beaten NSW for 12 consecutive years! Mischa Parton (1995-96) - is currently living in Charleville with partner Scott Mawn. They are pictured here with their son Finn, born 27 March 2009. Di McIntyre (1980-81) can look back on a journey which has taken her from shearing shed art studio to selling her vibrant works in New York’s Soho this year. Furthermore, the talented artist showcased about 50 works during her solo exhibition ‘Just East of Too Far West’ at Brisbane’s Graydon Gallery from June 1 -11. Kirsten Burke (2001-07) has used a paramedic science degree from the University of the Sunshine Coast to launch an exciting career full of travel. Kirsten completed her USC degree last year from Townsville where she worked as a student paramedic for most of 2010. Madeline Williams (2008-09) spent 2010 in Japan and is now studying at USQ. She recently visited the College with her two Japanese host sisters, who were in Toowoomba for a week. Kate McMaster (Chalmers) (1984-88) is a teacher, married with 3 sons, living in Alice Springs.

Sarah-Jane was also a 2010 Carnival of Flowers Young Ambassador Entrant, and was presented with a Queensland Disaster Heroes Medal by the Premier on 10 June 2011. Along with her university studies, Sarah -Jane has also commenced full-time employment with a local law firm. Congratulations to Marjorie Neil (1946-49) who recently completed her PhD and is now a Doctor of Philosophy. Dr Neil is an Honorary Fellow of Emmanuel College and involved in Church and Government Ethics Committees. Marjorie is also the mother of Old Girls Lizzy Neil 1979-1981, Christine Neil 1980-1983, and Helen Neil 1980-1982. Lizzy is now teaching at the Garden School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with her English husband Symond and they have two children; Helen lives in West End, is married to Richard Bright, teaching at the Buranda School and has three children. Chris is in Food Services at the Mater Hospital. Marjorie was a Uniting Church minister in in the Presbytery of the Downs (Toowoomba) for a number of years. Jenny Gerigk (Davidson) (198792) is now living in Germany with her husband, Erasmus, and two children, Mathilde and Sebastian.


Eirlys Kennett (Horne) (1958-62) Currently retired after 30 years working in advertising and media, and breeding and exhibiting show horses.

Fairholme Old Girls Association



Engagement s

Jennifer Hoath (2002-06) to Andrew Jennings 02/07/11

Candida Smith (1996-2000) to Grant Bellert 07/05/11

Greer Weaver (1997) to James Ball 05/05/11

Jessica Ryan (1995 -2001) to Craig Anderson 08/11

Fort hcoming Weddings Weddings

Amanda Schafferius (1997-2002) will marry Peter Mahy on 4/11/2011 in the Hunter Valley.

Weddings Weddings Weddings 2.

Natalie Utschink (1994-98) married Jade Twidale at Spicer’s Hidden Vale, Grandchester, on Saturday, 16 April 2011. Jade Twidale is the brother of Tiffany Twidale (1997-98). Tiffany introduced them and the rest is history, as they say.

Fiona Williams (1997- 2001) married Daniel Lucas at Preston Village Chapel on 1 October 2010, with the reception held in a marquee at Fiona’s parents’ home in Toowoomba. The wedding party included Phil Dunn, Emily Buckland (Williams) (1995 - 99), Bill Hoolihan, Fiona Lucas, Daniel Lucas, Heidi Zerk, Shaun Fagan and Amanda Bowen (Williams) (1994 -97). Fiona is the youngest daughter of Ellis and Judy Williams of Toowoomba, formerly Dirranbandi, and Daniel is the eldest son of Peter and Jan Lucas, “Cliffdale”, Wyandra. The happy couple are living in Roma where Fiona is a nurse and midwife at the hospital and Daniel is manager of CRT. Clare Spark (1997- 2000) married Scott Warby at Mungindi on Friday 1 April 2011. What started out as a spur-of-the-moment idea turned into a lifetime commitment for Fairholme Old Girl, Clare Spark. It may have been a bit of fun to begin with, but Friday April 1 was anything but an April Fool’s joke when the wedding bells chimed as television series The Farmer Wants a Wife matched another couple. Emma Talbot (2003-07) and Alex Roff were married on 9 July 2011 at St luke’s Anglican Church. Family and friends enjoyed the reception at the beautiful Preston Manor. The new Mr and Mrs Roff chose Fiji as their honeymoon destination.


Steph Wuth (200004) and Leith Couper, pictured right, were married at Highfields on 11 June 2011. The wedding had been postponed from its original date, 11 January 2011, in the middle of the Toowoomba floods, to the middle of winter. The reception was also held at Highfields and Steph and Leith honeymooned in Vanuatu in January. Pictured right: Wuth Fairholme Old Girls Grace Wuth (2006), Stephanie Couper (Wuth) (2004), Claire Wuth (Perkins) (1974), Maddie Wuth (2007). Pictured bottom right: Fairholme Old Girls enjoy the Wuth/Couper wedding; Olivia Playford (2000-04), Rossi Crothers (2000-04), Gemma Etheridge (1997-2004) , and Nikki Etheridge (1997-2004).

Visit s

Birt hs Birt hs Birt hs Summer-Jane Kehl daughter of Barchlie Kehl and Delacey Kehl (James) (19982002)

We love having visitors so please call in if you are in the area...

Born: 20/11/2010

It was a delight to show ‘Old Girls’ (pictured below) around the College recently, to hear their stories, and show off our memoriabilia collection in our archives display in the FOGA Foyer!

Weighing: 9lb 2oz At: Rockhampton Mater Hospital

Montana Skye Peters born on 20/05/2011, 7lb 5 oz. Second daughter for Nick and Tracey Peters (19972001) and little sister for Chloe.

Ava Louise Hawkins was born 29 May 2011 at St Vincent’s Hospital, Toowoomba. Second daughter for Bill and Rebecca (Ranclaud) (2001) and sister to Olivia.

Fairholme Old Girls Association

Fairholme Old Girl

The ‘lively’ Harris Sisters visited on Saturday 16 April 2011. Pictured in front of the Homestead are (from left) Robyn Land (Harris) (1969-1975), Laurel Garland (Harris) (1975-1979), and Elizabeth Cover (Harris) (1968-1974)

Mischa Parton (19951996) and Scott Mawn, proud parents of Finn de Sales Mawn Born: 27th March 2009 Weight: 5lb 10 ozs

Olympic Champion Catherine Freeman (1988-1989) and husband James Murch, welcomed Ruby Anne Susie Murch on 11 July 2011.

Very proud parents Max and Dallys Sloman (Hope) (1992 - 1995) celebrated the arrival of their beautiful daughter, Ava Hope Sloman on 21 July 2010. Ava weighed in at 8lb and was 50cm. A very happy little girl.

Picture in the FOGA Foyer from left are Angela Hughes (Johnson) (1957-65), Archives Co-ordinator Mrs Jenny Noble and Angela and Jenny’s friend, Priscilla MacLellan. Angela very kindly travelled to Fairholme from the Gold Coast to deliver a disc of photgraphs from her school days. One of the images from the collection is featured below.

Sad passings Miss Nancy Shaw - Principal of Fairholme College (1954-1968) - See VALE page 23 Jean Hocking (Meisenhelter) (1936-37) Ruth Callow (Former French teacher at Fairholme (1950-57 and 1960 -1968 ) Winifred Orme (1931-32) Megan Crook-King (1996-2000) Mary Rouaen (Clarke) (1952-53) Eileen Beanland (Coggan) (1937-41)


Length: 47cms





16th Annual Class Reunion & Diamond Anniversary 1951 - 2011


SYDNEY 17 March 2011 A small yet entertaining and enthusiastic group of FOGs reunited on Thursday, 17 March, 2011 at Sydney’s Hotel Intercontinental.

Eleven very loyal Fairholme classmates gathered together on April 9 & 10, to celebrate their Diamond Anniversary as the class that began in 1951!

Over a delicious luncheon, Old Girls ranging in age from 17 to over 70, shared their stories of life, Fairholme and beyond. Amazing tales from Dulcie Allom (Prior) (1947) kept us all entertaineddescribing how she financed her own education for two and a half years of secondary school through money earned by mending silk stockings for Baileys!

Mrs Shirley Murray (Armstrong) (1951-52) organised a delightful reunion weekend which included a visit to view Fairholme Archives, afternoon tea in the Homestead, and a tour of the Fairholme College campus. The group then caught up again for dinner at the Allan Cunningham Motel Restaurant, and to finish the weekend off, they enjoyed a trip to Toowoomba’s Cobb & Co Museum, preceded by morning tea.

Pictured from top right are: 1. (L-R) Amitee Ryan (2006-2010), Amelia Chapman (2005-2009), Ella Cottle (2001-2009)

A huge thank you must be passed on to Shirley for taking the time to create this opportunity for a lovely group of very special Fairholme Old Girls Pictured in Cameron Homestead above right are (from l-r): Bobbie Ott (Elliott) (1943-54), Lis Stanton (Smallhorn) (1950-54), Jan Stevenson (Caldwell) (1951-52), Diana Whimp (Rixon) (1951-52), Ruth Routley (Beutel) (1951-52), Helene Dietz (Trapp) (1942-53), Shirley Schutt (Goodwin) (1951), Elwyn Brook (MacNellie)(1951-52), Margery Mann (Lyons) (1950-52), Allison King (Bishop) (1951-54), Shirley Murray (Armstrong) (1951-52), and Mrs Linda Evans (Principal, Fairholme College).

Morning tea to celebrate 51 years post Fairholme

Reunion dynamo Desley Malone ‘caught the bug’ last year after co-ordinating her 50 year class reunion. Inspired by the fun she and her classmates had during the Spring Fair Reunion Weekend in 2010, Desley went on to organise a morning tea ‘get-together’ at Windsor, Brisbane, on Saturday 5 February this year. Pictured right are Fairholme Old Girls: Back - Nerida Thayer (Banks) (1958-59), Isabelle Laffy (Wilson) (1957-60), Jo (Joan) Lupton (Hudson) (1957-60), Valerie Atlee-Hunt (Apple) (1957-60), Colleen (Jocko) Atherton (1957-59) Front - Stella Simpson (Kirby) (1957-60), Desley Malone (Neilen) (1959-60), Barb Bickle (Mitchell) (1957-58), Judith Thomsen (Hamlyn) (1955-60), Gwen Salisbury (Mulcahy) (1956-58) and Estelle Oates (Perkins) (1953-60). In Desley’s own words: ‘We had such a great response, it truly exceeded all expectations. We shared photos, years of memories and lots of laughs. The day was never long enough!’ Some ladies had not seen each other for over 50 years - what a buzz it must have been to get together and find classmates just as they had left them all those years ago. With the help of her schoolfriends, Desley edited and showed a TV presentation of almost 200 slides. Desley’s triplet brothers (who are dedicated art collectors) hosted the occasion. The class of 1960 have planned to meet again in May 2012. A hearty congratulations to Desley; judging by the photographs of this event, all involved certainly had a terrific time!


old girls’ update 1. Name


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2. Maiden Name 4. 3.


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Years at Fairholme


Year Level at leaving Address



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2. (L-R) Elizabeth French (Cayzer) (1963-66) and Mrs Helen Guy (McCullagh) (1954-66)

3. Mrs Dulcie Allom (Prior) (1946-47)

4. (L-R) Mrs Linda Evans, Principal, Fairholme College, with Mrs Gwen Reif (Graham) (1948-49)

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email address

BRISBANE 26 March 2011

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Members and Friends of the FOGA Brisbane Branch enjoyed another delightful annual luncheon held at the Mt Ommaney Apartment Hotel on Saturday 25 March 2011.

Telephone No. (s) ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Pictured top: Mrs Linda Evans (Principal, Fairholme College) and the late Miss Nancy Shaw. Pictured left: Shirley Penboss (1951-52) and Elwyn Brook (MacNellie)(1951-52)

We are most anxious to keep our records up to date as this is vital for the successful preparations of reunions and other functions. Please complete this form if any alterations are necessary and return it to the College at your convenience. Contact the FOGA office on 07 4688 4688 or email

MELBOURNE 4 May 2011 FOGA Toowoomba President, Mrs Claire Wuth had the pleasure of travelling to the first Melbourne FOGA get-together for 2011. The luncheon, held at the Alluvial Restaurant, Hotel Intercontinental, provided the perfect atmosphere for these loyal FOGs to catch up! Pictured left : Back row (L to R) Judy Cutter (Martin) (1951-56), Ros Rodger (Butler) (1970-74), Daphne Murton(Hills) (1942-45), Elizabeth McKay (Dunn)(1958-61) , Bev Cox (Freeman) (1950-55) Front – Claire Wuth (Perkins)(1968-74), Barbara Abell (Bond) (1942-43), Judith Saunders (Nicholl) (1947-50)

*Disclaimer All the information presented in this newsletter is published in good faith and for general information purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied herein, Fairholme College cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

Residential Address Wirra Wirra Street Toowoomba Q 4350

Compiled by: Fairholme Colllege Publications and Promotions Office Fairholme College, Toowoomba Q 4350

T 07 4688 4688 F 07 4688 4694 E

Images: Mr John Sessarago, Fairholme Archives and Fairholme Old Girls


Postal Address PO Box 688 Toowoomba Q 4350

Registered Provider (QLD): Fairholme College (Toowoomba) Pty Ltd CRICOS Provicer Code: 00651J ABN 78 096 814 130


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