Fairholme Focus Summer 2010/11

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The official newsletter containing highlights and happenings from Fairholme College, Tooowomba

Junior Library Page 3

All about the Arts Page 12

Service with a Smile Page 15 Sports Scene Page 22 FOGA Favourites Page 6

Summer 2010/11

seasons seasons


from the chairman ‘What makes Fairholme College – Fairholme? – What makes us special? – What is the essence of Fairholme? – What is our ‘Point of Difference’? It’s an interesting question – one I’ve posed to the Senior Leadership Team in recent times. And I’ve received a number of responses: often centred on relationships – for example, the relationship between Staff and Students or opportunities for creating relationships – and other ideas such as the diversity of opportunities available or even our facilities. Why do we need to know what our ‘Point of Difference’ is? Strategically, at least, it helps us market Fairholme College; it makes it easier for us to let people know what’s special about Fairholme. I have some ideas about this and I know what Mrs Evans and the Senior Leadership team think – but sometimes we’re a bit ‘close to the action’, if you know what I mean.

The Foundation was established in 1979 to encourage and foster the interest and financial support of parents (past and present), Old Girls, staff and friends of the College. The aim of the Foundation is to raise funds to enhance the fabric of our College – ultimately it seeks to support our girls and their future. So we are looking for you to support the Foundation in the future. One way you will be able to do that, and find out more about the Foundation, will be by attending the Golf Day in July next year; and we are also planning a series of Breakfast Events with Special Guest speakers. The first of these is planned for March – and I’m hopeful other opportunities will develop as the year unfolds. I hope you had a good year – I certainly did and I believe the College did as well. I wish you all a safe holiday time and a bright and happy New Year.

from the principal The Spring Fair weekend was not just about a fair; it was also about the gathering together of many Fairholme Old Girls, some of whom had not been ‘back to school’ for 50 years or more. It is always a delight to welcome back girls from whatever time they left and to witness them retracing their memories as a collective. Not surprisingly, I am also always bemused by the cacophony of noise that surrounds any Fairholme reunion – where the art of story is alive and buzzing. Some things just don’t change. That the 50-year reunion girls were able to talk into the early hours of Sunday morning at their Boarding House sleep-over attests to this.

Mr Ian Andersen Chairman

What I would really like to know is what YOU (as a parent, a student or a friend of the College) think is our ‘Point of Difference’. So can I encourage you to think about it and then let us know what you’re thoughts are whether by email/ phone/letter, it’s up to you – but I really would like to hear from you. This year I’ve had a dual role – I’m also President of the Fairholme Foundation. Why you ask? – Because the Foundation is all about the College being able to provide the best facilities possible for current and future generations.



Pictured above: Mr Ian Andersen presents the Very Rev Dr K J Gardner with a gift for 30 years of meritorious service to the Fairholme College Board at the Annual Presentation Evening.

School days are significant and they are a part of who we are and who we become. Remember when .... is never far from the lips of all, at reunions. The reassimilation of those memories into current lives is an important part of the process.


Reunions bring perspective and catharsis; we realise that others did not see a situation that we have held onto in our memory, in the same way that we did. For many old girls, so much of Fairholme is unrecognisable. The new Junior Library has emerged, seemingly from nowhere; it is a library so different from those of Fairholme’s past. The precious Tennis Courts have been relocated and in their place stands a Middle School of 14 classrooms. The original classroom building is now the Performing Arts Centre. Where is ‘the’ bell, I was asked this year. I wish I knew. Its replacement just isn’t the same! The list of changes could ramble onward, depending upon the year of leaving. In many ways those changes matter not. They are changes related to the improvement of teaching and learning practices; they are not changes to the essence of Fairholme. Despite some angst about the College’s physical differences, I listen as the conversations always meander back to people, relationships and the effects of moments shared. Laughter is never far away.



Teachers and boarding supervisors always feature, as does the perception of fairness and unfairness. I am conscious yet again of the weight of words and the ripple effect of our actions as those who work with girls at a crucial point in their ‘becoming’. Undoubtedly, Fairholme still exists for its girls and for their possibilities beyond the gates. It is still based upon relationships and its bedrock is that of God. Each girl leaves her footprint, invariably retracing part of the steps of another as she does so. We are a sum of all that we have met, of all who have passed before us and those who have yet to do so. I hope that our current school leavers will also return to Fairholme at some point in the future, when they are ready to retrace their own footsteps, to reacquaint with those who shared the journey and to appreciate the essence of Fairholme. May this continue to be a school that the Lord has blessed.

Mrs Linda Evans Principal

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


‘To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven’ Ecclesiastes 3:1 (King James version)

Fairholme College’s Senior Leaders of 2010 have celebrated their Fairholme journey and achievements through a series of special events during the past fortnight, including the Valedictory Dinner, Final Assembly and, most recently, at the annual Presentation Evening. On this occasion, those girls in the Year 12 cohort who, during 2010, exhibited exceptional work in their academic and vocational studies, sport, the arts, in serving others, and as a result of excellence in leadership, were honoured as award recipients. A large percentage of the Seniors were recognised during the evening and the final announcements related to closely contested academic awards; the recipients of these were Megan Geytenbeek who was named College Dux, Amitee Ryan, Proxime Accessit (second in cohort) and Kaiya Ferguson and Alexandra Gifford, who shared the award for Ordine Tertia (equal third in cohort). The evening’s guest speaker, acclaimed Christian author, Mrs Naomi Reed, spoke of seasons and used this as an analogy to illustrate the highs and lows typical of a ‘Year 12 season’. A hand-over ceremony between the 2010 and 2011 Prefects was the evening’s culminating event. The College Principal, Mrs Linda Evans thanked the whole Year 12 cohort for their significant contributions to their school community and urged them to always remember that Fairholme’s staff have enormous faith in them and in their future.



teaching & learning

As I write this article, we are nearing the end of another academic year and the teachers are about to embark on what is referred to by some as the ‘Theatre of Reports’. The writing of reports (for every single girl at Fairholme) is, without doubt, the most arduous task any teacher has to undertake. It always falls in the last weeks of term, jostling for space with Mock Rock, PCG and House celebrations, Valedictory services and dinners, the Carol Service and the Junior School Musical. So it’s unlikely that they start writing reports much before 10 pm, when it’s even harder to make sense of each student. Recently I came across an article in the Daily Telegraph by Anthony Seldon, Master of Wellington College. He wrote: ‘It makes me wonder how much we have lost as schools the world over become increasingly like factories. Instead of the handwritten, ink-splodged reports of old, which moved from impeccable copperplate to near-illegible scrawl, parents now receive dull, characterless uniformity. Reports today are wordprocessed, with information reproduced for all, undifferentiated, copied and pasted, bland. The quirky, the oddball, the daring have given way to a document that resembles a bank statement’. I don’t agree. It is true that in the old days, Principals were forever sending back reports from subject teachers, pointing out mistakes in spelling and grammar (and the advent of spellcheck hasn’t entirely eliminated the problem). The modern report parents receive in their mailbox in early December is the culmination of many hours of deliberation, consultation among teachers and Heads of Departments, repeated checking and careful consideration.

Whilst the advent of electronic reporting has made the task less arduous, teachers still strive to write personalised and individual comments for each student. I do wonder whether families act on school reports. It’s a long time in a child’s life between reading the report on the first day of the holidays and returning to school on the first day of the new term. How many teenagers, as they transfer their halfdigested holiday reading from school bag to school locker, say to themselves: ‘Now, I must remember to punctuate my English essays more carefully and write briefer concluding paragraphs in Modern History’? (Nothing changes.) It might be preferable for pupils to write their own self-assessments. This would involve genuine self-examination and many would provide a more realistic and meaningful basis for improvement. But what, in the end, do we really expect of children? In my role at Fairholme, I’m naturally drawn to students who are unconventional and offbeat, as the most challenging among them are also quite likely to be the most original. It is often these characters who go on to become high achievers in life. I wonder if, in 1974, the teacher who wrote of the future Head of Teaching and Learning at Fairholme College that ‘he showed little interest in school work’ ever learned what happened to his former pupil? Stewart Peacock Head of Teaching and Learning

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


Leading The Way... in the Senior Leaders of 2010 | Farwell and Thanks Those ‘last weeks’ were just that for our 2010 Senior Leaders – weeks when the ‘lasts’ were enjoyed together. So many of these events and experiences have, in a sense, been twelve years in the making. We’ve seen the final Pastoral Care Group Dinners, the last “B Friday” English class, the last exam timetable issued and the last exam completed, the final time the locker combination was needed, and the ultimate toasted sandwich made in the Senior Common Room – just some of the ‘lasts’ ticked off the list by the Seniors. While many such final moments were fun and coloured with laughter, some were more difficult to tick off the list: the last time in PCG, that final school bell, the last ‘Shine, Jesus Shine’ and, of course the final classes and the goodbyes. As tearful as some occasions were for our seniors, in time, they will no doubt give thanks for the wonderful experiences that were so hard to see end. The intense mix of excitement and sadness is never easy to negotiate. It has been a time of great pride for our community as our Leaders celebrated their Fairholme experience with incredible grace. The girls understand that intertwined with the sadness is anticipation, and as TS Eliot said, ‘In my end is my beginning’. However, it is always heart wrenching to say farewell to those whom you’ve loved and journeyed alongside, some for

thirteen years.



As some sensational young musicians wrote for, and sang at, the 2010 Valedictory Dinner:

Do you remember all the times we’ve spent together and smiled? Just because it’s ending doesn’t mean it is over, but I am walking way for the last time, Yes, I am walking way for the last time

And whether you walk here, drive here, fly here, it’s here that’s home and no matter where you go you’re not alone. And whether you’ve loved here, laughed here, cried here, it’s here that’s home, but it’s time to go out on our own.

Do you remember the swelling pride while screaming aloud the Jumpin’ Jive? Jumpin’ Jive, stayin’ alive, the Fairholme team has just arrived, oh oh Don’t mess with the best, cause the best don’t mess, don’t fool with the cool, cause the cool don’t fool, oh oh -

Do you remember all the times we’ve spent together and smiled, just cause it’s ending doesn’t mean it is over, yes, I’m walking away for the last time.

Remember by Emma Brown, Alex Gifford, Johannah Holding, Louise Jones, Anabel Knight, Hannah Martyn, Rebecca Norrie, Jess Webb And that is the Fairholme experience, one steeped in strong connections that are genuine and lifelong. Seniors 2010, we wish for you a life of excitement, love and growth; may life be rich, dynamic and forever cradled in God’s love. Ms Catrina Sharp Head of Senior School

School Leadership the Process Unfolds One of the culminating events of the annual Leadership Programme is the Camp held each October. It is a time for challenge, for connecting and planning for the year of leadership ahead. This year’s leadersto-be have demonstrated, with great strength, that their mark will surely be made through the incredible bond and unity prompted by their collective growth at that time. With fabulous role models in our 2010 Senior Leaders, the next group at the helm will carry on the strong tradition of excellent, servant leadership. The Year Eleven girls’ work both during the preparation program and on camp, was at all times considered and forward thinking. Congratulations to you all, for your attitude and action thus far. Here’s to 2011; may you capture today’s energy and focus and live it each day in your leadership year.

Change | For Girls | By Girls THE GIRL EFFECT @ FAIRHOLME When a member of the Fairholme community first heard about the Girl Effect in the USA, from members of the UN and Nike Foundation, it became clear that Fairholme girls were in a position to trigger enormous change. With a screening of the original clip from the Girl Effect, the story was shared and the ‘Fairholme’ effect mobilised. Young girls in developing countries are faced with poor education and health care, HIV, and they are frequently child brides and mothers to sick young, all without choice. Transfer that situation here and we speak of such a life for our Year Seven girls! The UN and the Nike Foundation invested significantly in seeking out the group in society who could affect the greatest global economic and social change. Their result was ‘The Girl’. Why the Girl? She is the economic backbone of her family, the mother of the next generation, the caregiver, housekeeper and provider. Girls spend 90% of income on improving life for those around them. Her brother? He invests 30-40%. Who might make that change a reality? Girls in developed countries: our girls, our students! Fairholme has hosted a number of activities to raise funds and awareness for the amelioration of girls around the globe. Inaugurating the official ‘Girl Effect Week’ at Fairholme, progressive donation days saw over $1000 given to improving the future of girls we will never meet. The week, planned as an annual event at the College, also encompassed a Free Dress Day where Middle and Senior School girls accessorised their uniforms (the symbol of education and opportunity) with the Girl Effect theme-colour of orange. Each of us has come to realise the potential we have to nurture the global community. Each year, the Fairholme Seniors give a gift to the College. The Leaders of 2010 agreed that this year would be a little different. To encourage encourage ongoing awareness in our peers, the girls supplied personalised wallet-size Girl Effect cards for all Middle and Senior School girls. To the many young girls in developing countries, we give a future of improved health, education and choice. We intend to donate a further $2000 to the Girl Effect, confident that our community will appreciate the opportunity to impact positively on the lives of our ‘sisters’ elsewhere. In 2010, we contributed to the life of a girl. In the future, we will be informed and empowered young women, living in developed countries where our human rights are protected. We can advocate and actively seek to improve the lives of our sisters anywhere in the world where their rights are challenged. That is the Girl Effect. www.girleffect.org

Sara Al-Bostanji and Alexandra Gifford Seniors 2010

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


Middle School Offerings

Mrs Jaye Ross Head of Middle School MIDDLE SCHOOL LEADERS (Semester 2 2010) (Back Row L-R) Meg McBain, Beth Hammond, Zoe Cornwell, Georgina Rackemann, Madeline Greehill, Hannah Donaldson. Front Row (L-R) Georgia Devenish, Hannah Webster, Mrs Linda Evans, Mrs Jaye Ross, Katie Richards, Kate Brassington.

During 2010 our Middle School girls have immersed themselves in the wide range of exciting learning opportunities available at Fairholme, and it has been a pleasure to watch the girls become involved in them.

Middle School Council The Year 9 girls have embraced the opportunity to lead and run a Middle School Council which has representatives from each Pastoral Care Group. The council meets regularly to discuss issues that impact on the Middle School. The Middle School leaders have used this forum to discuss a range of activities, competitions, and fundraising ideas, and it has given the Year 9 leaders another opportunity to develop their leadership skills. It also gives a chance for the young Middle School girls to have their ideas heard and addressed.

PowerStation & Homework Help Learning in the classroom continues to be assisted by the PowerStation and Homework help. Many students are taking the opportunity to get extra assistance with their learning through attending the PowerStation each morning or lunchtime, or Homework Help after school. Ms Mann and her two teacher aides, Mrs Torrance and Mrs Cooley, run the PowerStation and are available to help girls with any subject, assessment item or homework task. Our students are very lucky to have this level of support, and it is wonderful to see the relief on girls’ faces when they realise that help is available when they are confronted with a challenging task.



Talented Bush Poet takes out Literary Award Year 8 student, Hannah Nugent, recently received a ’ Young Achiever’ title after entering the 2010 Australian Unity Bryan Kelleher Literary Awards Competition with her poem ‘The Fallen ANZAC.’ Bryan Kelleher, a long-standing member of the Australian Natives’ Association, was passionate about acknowledging and honouring Australian achievements. The Literary Award is a way of celebrating and preserving the substantial contribution Bryan made during his long association with the ANA and the Henry Lawson Society. The Fairholme family congratulates Hannah on her winning entry (below).

The Fallen ANZAC

As I lie here amidst the leaves and rot, I slowly glance at what’s surrounding me. A forest that is lush and green and hot, Though enemies may lurk ‘neath any tree. I can’t remember clearly why I’m here, My mind is just a plain of swirling mist. I think of her, my love, and shed a tear, The one to whom a sad goodbye I kissed. But now they’re fl ooding back, the memories, Of bloody bodies lying everywhere. Of shouts and cries; men falling to their knees, Of guns and fire and burning flesh and hair. I close my eyes, forever now to sleep, The ANZACs carry on, but I am beat.

Kent Exchange We farewelled Grace Elliott and Tatum Kersh to Kent College in England in October. They are enjoying a six-week stay with a family in Kent and are attending Kent College. The girls reported that they were having a fabulous time and enjoying the cooler weather. The families of these girls will then return the favour and will host a student from Kent College at the beginning of 2011. We look forward to welcoming Grace and Tatum back and welcoming our new friends from Kent.


READERS’ CUP Our Year 8 Readers’ Cup team was chosen to represent the Darling Downs Region at the State Final in Brisbane. The team (Pictured L-R) consisted of: Alison Thomas, Hannah Haidley, Brianna Watts, Jasmine Miller and Hannah Nugent.

Our successful Year 9 team enjoyed their weekend in September at the State Final of the Opti-Minds Challenge, competing in the Language Literature Division II. Congratulations to the team: Holly Bartholomew, Laura Heydon, Ellie Hughes, Michaelei Ellem and Kirsty Hamilton. They had a huge amount of fun and really enjoyed the Residential Programme at the University of Queensland, accompanied by Mrs Heydon from Fairholme Junior School.

The girls did a fabulous job of reading four novels numerous times until they were experts on the finer details of each novel. This is a very demanding competition, and Mrs Hassall and Middle School staff were very proud of their performance.

Cyber Ninjas


Middle Cameron One, led by Mrs Feraniki Hughes, developed the concept of Teenangels a little further and created ‘Cyber Ninjas’. This group of girls meets weekly to discuss and learn about the range of issues related to the cyber world, including cyber-bullying, privacy, social networking and Internet OPTI-MINDS safety.

The girls then present their learnings at Middle School Assemblies. It is vital for us to address these issues and to guide the students to use technologies in a safe and responsible way. The creation of the Cyber Ninjas group has meant that information and advice on these important topics can be presented to the students by their peers. To add to the work of this group, the College invited cyber expert, Susan McLean to present a session on Cyber Safety and electronic bullying. Susan believes that educating young people in the area of Cyber Safety is vital, and she gave an interesting and informative presentation to the girls to increase their knowledge of this area.

The girls represented the Darling Downs region in their section and competed against teams from all over Queensland. They had to develop their group skills through working closely together to solve challenges in a creative and innovative way.

Middle School Has TALENT! Each Term this year Middle School girls have presented a song/poem/ play/performance to their Middle School peers in the amphitheatre at lunch time. This has been a very lighthearted competition, but it has proved to be a great opportunity for us to hear the talents of our girls.

YEAR 7 PUBLIC SPEAKING Throughout last term a group of very committed Year 7 girls joined our debating club and worked with Ms Timmer, throughout their lunch hours and before school, to improve their debating skills. This culminated in a Fairholme debating competition between our four teams; three of these teams competed in the Inter School competition that was also held at Fairholme. All the girls enjoyed learning to debate and improving their confidence in public speaking. Two of our teams were successful against other Toowoomba schools and we were very proud of all girls who participated. The Middle School debating club included Brianna Clark, Lucy Clark, Dani Wippell, Letitia Wagner, Georgie Duncan, Katie Devine, Annabelle Wippell, Tenille Bale, Ainslie Fraser, Millie King, Ashleigh Pulford,

Nikki Cornwell and Abbey Munro. Congratulations to all these girls. Following their debating success, Year 7 girls participated in the Fairholme Informative Speech Competition. Each girl prepared a 3 minute speech on her chosen topic and presented it to the class. Nine girls were chosen for the Fairholme Competition; Katie Devine, Kate Lafrenz, Olivia Hassall, Maddy Lindemann, Grace Jarvis, Georgie Duncan, Chelsea Lehmann, Caitlin Sorour & Chloe Painter. Mr Derek Curnow and Ms Alison Scott were guest judges and they chose Olivia Hassall to represent Fairholme in the Toowoomba competition. The judges commented on the very high standard of the presentations by all of the girls.

Learning on LAPTOPS! Year 9s have been using laptops in their classrooms since the beginning of Semester Two this year. This has been a fabulous support to the Year 9 curriculum and allows students and teachers easier and quicker access to technology and aids in learning. We look forward to students from Years through to Year 12 having laptops next year.

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


teaching Fairholme

andJunior learning


On Friday 10 September the students from Kindy to Year 6, invited guests and current families gathered in the Fairholme College Assembly Hall for the official ceremony for the Opening of the new Fairholme Junior Library. The Petit Four ensemble entertained the audience before the proceedings began. The ceremony began with the Year 5 and 6 choir, followed by a prayer by our College Chaplain, Pastor Jessup. Mrs Merry welcomed our invited guests, and Mr Andersen thanked the government for providing the funding under the BER project, and thanked all who were involved in the design and construction of this splendid building. Senator Claire Moore officially opened the building, and she was assisted by the Honourable Ian Macfarlane MP, Mr Andersen, Mrs Evans and Mrs Hassall in unveiling the plaque. Anne Jarvis and Curie Madan, Year 6 Library Leaders, presented Senator Moore with flowers and a small gift. Mrs Evans spoke about the how special reading is and how very lucky we are to have such a magnificent library. The Year 6 girls presented their performance poem, The Ode to the New Library, which was a fitting tribute in recognition of the funding received from the government. The official ceremony concluded with a wonderful performance by the Year 1-4 choir. Guests and parents then toured the Library, whilst students participated in a Literary Festival with local authors, storytellers and artists for the remainder of the day.



Book Week Bedtime Lots of excited pyjama-clad children and their families braved a cold windy August evening to visit the new Fairholme Junior Library and to share some stories together. The children were delighted to see that all their teachers were also dressed in pyjamas. The new library was abuzz with storytelling, and all enjoyed the opportunity to explore the stunning new facility, resplendent with pink and green furniture, a full computer laboratory and, of course, books galore. Occasions such as this certainly highlight the importance and delight of sharing stories together.

High Tea for Year 12 FJ Originals The 2010 Year 12 girls who attended Fairholme Junior were invited to a High Tea hosted by the Junior School staff in the Fairholme Junior Library. The girls enjoyed reminiscing about their earlier school days with current staff members and past staff members. Year 6 GraduationCelebrations The Year 6 girls were very excited and thoroughly enjoyed their Chapel Service and Graduation Dinner. This was a very special occasion for the girls, as they celebrated their time in the Junior School with present and past staff members. We acknowledged Mrs Jo Darbyshire and Mrs Sue Harris, the girls’ first teachers when Fairholme Kindy opened in 2003, by presenting them with a small gift to mark the occasion. The beautifully framed artwork, created by the girls as their gift to the Junior School, will take pride of place in the Fairholme Library.

Honours for Opti-minds Two teams consisting of 13 Year 6 girls participated in the Optiminds Challenge Day. Both the Social Science team and the Language and Literature group (pictured right) received Honour certificates for their solutions to their respective problems.

Dinosaur Day The Prep girls and their parents had a wonderful morning creating dinosaurs. The girls enjoyed decorating their dinosaur biscuits and making Dino bread. Artistic Rewards What a reward for Tabitha Buttsworth, whose artistic work was selected as the winning entry in the Year 4 and 5 section of the local Christmas card competition organised by Ian Macfarlane MP. Tabitha was also successful in winning, for the third year in a row, the annual Toowoomba Christmas Wonderland 2010 Christmas Art competition. Montana Anderson, Isabella Meiklejohn, Ila Torrance, Kathleen Wagner, Freya Watson and Hannah Witenden were presentedwith Highly Commended Awards for their work. Maths Olympiad Congratulati0ns to Adelaide Veal (Year 6) who ranked in the top 25 percent in the Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads, and to Caitlin Gallo for receiving an Encouragement award for her outstanding effort improvement in the Maths Olympiad.

JUNIOR SPORTS SNIPPETS Junior Swimming Tournament Thirty-two girls from Years 4, 5 and 6 participated in a lunchtime swimming tournament. Elyssa Rummell, who swam a final against Alice O’Connor, won the Trophy for the Junior Swimming Tournament; Grace Gallagher swam against Tatijana Crowder in the final of the Plate Division to win the silver medal. Vicky Wilson Primary Schools State Netball Congratulations to Year 6 netballers Holly Bastian, Elyssa Rummell, Adelaide Veal, Holly Ellem and Ashlee Reddacliff who, with the Year 7 girls played magnificently in the Vicky Wilson Primary Schools State Netball carnival in Brisbane. State Athletics Well done to Ashlee Reddacliff for competing in shot put and discus at the State Athletics Championships held in Cairns late in 2010. All Schools Touch Tournament Another highlight for 2010: Jasmyn Bryant-Kennedy, Alice O’Connor, Hayley Smyth and Phoebe Duncan competing in the All Schools Touch Tournament in Brisbane.

Christmas Musical 2010 The Fairholme Junior year culminated with the musical, A Mousy Tale, featuring every student from Kindy to Year 3. The students sang, danced and acted magnificently in their show on Friday 19 November, to a full house of appreciative parents in the College Assembly Hall.

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


All about the Arts! DON’T MISS THE

A Toowoomba Grammar School & Fairholme College Co-Production

19 - 21 May 2011 EMPIRE THEATRES Toowoomba Fairholme College and the Toowoomba Grammar School are thrilled to announced that our joint Empire Production in 2011 will be Meredith Willson’s much-loved family musical The Music Man. You may not have heard the title, but you will definitely recognise the music from the show - which has been covered by bands like The Beatles, and even been parodied on television shows like The Simpsons. The storyline involves a con-man (Harold Hill ) who arrives in River City in the American mid-west with the intention of setting up a boy’s band. After convincing the locals this would be a worthwhile and exciting endeavour for the young people of the city, he plans to collect their money for the instruments and band uniforms - and skip town with the cash. Things don’t exactly work out to plan when he finds himself falling for the town’s librarian, and he becoming involved with the lives of many of the River City citizens.



Arts Presention Evening 2010 Over 100 students were recognised for their contribution and commitment to the co-curricular program offered in thedisciplines of Dance, Drama, Instrumental Music, Choral Music, and Visual Arts at the Annual Arts Presentation Evening, which took place in Term 4, 2010. In between presentations there were a number of special dance, instrumental and dramatic performances; selected to illustrate the breadth and depth of the student talent and creativity here at the College. An imaginative powerpoint presentation also showcased the expansive range of art work produced by the talented students in both Middle and Senior Visual Arts this year. Dancers, actors, singers and visual artists were honoured for their artistic endeavours – as were members of the all important Sound and Lighting Team. The impact these girls have on the success of any Arts event is not to be underestimated nor overlooked. We simply could not ask for a more reliable, motivated and mature group of girls to fulfil this incredibly important role not just in the area of the Arts – but also for the wider College. Ms Nancy Macks Head of the Arts

Empire Theatre Bursaries awarded to talented drama enthusiasts This year two Fairholme students have been awarded Empire Theatre Foundation Youth Program Bursaries. Our congratulations go to Chiara Osborne in Year 10 and Dana Ortez in Year 11. This is a wonderful achievement for both girls as they were selected from a highly competitive field, and were vying for these prizes against many accomplished performers. Chiara’s bursary will enable her to participate in a course with the Australian Theatre for Young People in Sydney next year, entitled ‘Acting for the Camera’. Dana intends to use her bursary to attend the NIDA Summer School.

Master Host Visiting master teacher from Finland, world leader in string pedagogy, Geza Szilvay, is pictured left working with Fairholme students. Dr Szilvay hosted workshops for young musicians and strings teachers on 8 and 9 September 2010, culminating in a public performance in the Fairholme College Hall. The concert featured the Toowoomba Colourstrings Festival Orchestra presenting music from Finland, including Sibelius and Rautavaara.

arts in action <

Mrs Gwyneth Chappel with students at the Fairholme Singing Studio Recital.

Outstanding performances at Fairholme’s Dance and Drama Evening.



Gold for our Girls: The Fairholme Chamber Choir and Chamber Strings hit New Zealand for the 10th annual Rhapsody Rotorua music festival.

THREE MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS NOW ON OFFER at Fairholme To create further opportunities for those students gifted with extraordinary musical talent, the Board of Directors has recently established two new music scholarships in addition to the existing Lindsay Statham Memorial Music Award. The Bob Balsillie Music Scholarship has been initiated in memory of a much-loved staff member and accomplished and dedicated Music teacher. Applications from talented musicians, instrumentalists or vocalists, entering Year 10 in 2012 are invited. The award recognises Bob Balsillie’s significant leadership of the Music program at Fairholme College from 1991 to 2001. The Board, in conjunction with the Fairholme Old Girls’ Association has also established the Marjorie Milliken Music Scholarship, and invites applications from students entering Year 7 in 2012 whose talents lie in the instrumental or vocal field. This scholarship was created to recognise Marjorie Milliken’s (Fairholme Old Girl 1942 - 1948 and Head Girl 1948) support of Fairholme College and its Music program over many years. Furthermore, it celebrates her work in Queensland schools which has nurtured and developed Musical talent and enjoyment. Applications from students entering Year 11 in 2012 can now also be made for the The Lindsay Statham Memorial Music Scholarship . Established in 2002 to commemorate the sterling contribution to the Fairholme Family made by the late Mr Lindsay Statham KSJ OAM (Chairman of the Fairholme Board 1980 2001).

making and For more information and to download application forms, please visit


Presenters gather at VOICES on the RANGE held at Fairholme College, Wednesday 20 October 2010

www.fairholme.qld.edu.au. Please note applications close for all Music Scholarships on Friday 18 February 2011.

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


ARTistic achievements On two separate occasions during September 2010, Fairholme Visual Arts students showcased their creativity. Firstly, at a special function held at the Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery in September, the results of the Chronicle Junior Art Expo were announced. There were over 730 entries, from which 125 were selected for special commendation and ultimately hung to form the stunning exhibition at the gallery. The following Fairholme students gained selection: Year 2 Lucy Long (Toowoomba Art Society) Year 6 Georgia Hayward Year 8 Kate Gallagher Laura Guest Sarah Aljassim, Year 9 Claire de Wit Year 10 Aleysha Martin (2 works) Jaime Painter (2 works) Georgia Callachor Taleigha Rowe Open Section Year 11 Taela Edwards (2 works) Georgia Shine (3 works) Darby Currie Major Award Winners Aleysha Martin Runner-up in the Open Painting & Multimedia section, (Mack Campbell’s Bookstore Award $50) Georgia Shine Runner-up in Open Printmaking. (Sue Englart Award $50) Georgia Shine Senior Encouragement award with 3 acceptances (Shared). (Dornbusch Patrners Award $50) Secondly, and also on location at the Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, the Darling Downs / South West Creative Generation Regional Exhibition was officially opened. The following Fairholme senior students had their works selected to represent the College: Kaiya Ferguson, Georgia Gifford, Sophie Burgis and Caitlin Hogan. Sophie Burgis’ work – a self-portrait entitled ‘Snared’ was short-listed, receiving a certificate of commendation! Congratulations to all our talented artists on a very successful and productive year!



Busy boarders

As the end of 2010 approached, the Fairholme Boarding House was buzzing with activity, with final farewells for the Boarder Seniors and plenty of funfilled celebrations marking the finish of another great year in boarding.

Au Revoir Fairholme Seniors 2010 It was an exciting but sad time as we said goodbye to our 2010 Year 12 Boarders. Many ‘lasts’ occurred in the Boarding House and there were many celebrations of their wonderful memories and friendships. The Year 12s and Year 11s shared a special dinner together to ‘pass on the leadership baton’, our Year 12 ‘Big Sisters’ held a special breakfast to say goodbye to their younger boarder buddies and Pastor Jessop planned with the girls a joyous Year 12 Boarders Chapel Service that was followed by a special Year 12 dinner in the Cameron Room. The end of their time at Fairholme College was celebrated at the Valedictory Dinner with parents and staff on November 18 and boarders from all year levels presented hundreds of flowers to their special Senior friends as they entered the Assembly Hall. Before their Final Assembly on November 19, the 2010 Year 12 Boarders attended their Boarding Graduation Breakfast, entering the dining room for the very last time through a Guard of Honour tunnel created by their younger boarding friends. It is hard to say farewell to this wonderful group of young women and it will not be the same when we return next year without them. All of the Fairholme College Boarding community wish these girls every success and happiness in the future. ‘You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind.’ Ms Margeurite Dunne Head of Boarding

Santa’s Workshop at the Christmas Dinner On the last Saturday of the year the Fairholme Boarding House enjoyed its traditional Christmas Dinner. The dining room was transformed into a Christmas wonderland and each year level suitably dressed up in their ‘Santa’s workshop’ theme. Our wonderful Heritage Catering staff cooked up a storm and a superb meal was had by all. After dinner we were all entertained by a ‘Christmas’ skit, dance and song from each year group. Many thanks must be given to our Head Boarder for 2011, Rowena Upton, and her merry band of Year 11 helpers who organised, decorated and ran a fantastic evening and a great celebration to finish 2010. One boarder summed up everyone’s enjoyment of the night when she was overheard saying, ‘It was the best Xmas dinner I have ever been to!’

A-Coasting We Will Go As part of the Boarders’ Recreation and Activities Program, on Saturday November 13 two buses filled with excited boarders headed down the Range towards the golden beaches of the Gold Coast, making their way to the Pacific Surf Lifesaving Club at Palm Beach. The weather and surf were magnificent and the girls enjoyed the time on the sand and in the water learning about surf safety. A delicious barbecue lunch cooked by the club was enjoyed and satisfied the hungry. The girls also visited the Pacific Fair Shopping Centre at Broadbeach to make some coast purchases and to complete a very enjoyable excursion.

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


Magic moments Sony Camp Caring Companions Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week of constant care and tending to the needs of another human being – some of you have a firm understanding of this, but for most of us it is something we might read about in articles or watch during documentaries about specialneeds children. Twelve of our Year 11 girls have just had a small taste of what this might be like. The Sony Foundation sponsors camps for Special Needs Children every year, and four years ago Tim Kelly of Toowoomba Grammar School, brought this amazing adventure to Toowoomba. Fairholme College and the Glennie School have been fortunate to be included in this adventure each year. Twelve Fairholme girls are solely responsible for their respective guests, and to ensure that they have the best camp they could possibly have, trained medical professionals and a strong support staff are on hand at all hours of the day. There is always a sense of accomplishment and achievement knowing that the girls have each given the gift of time to a family who often do not get time to themselves.

Conquering Queensland Youth Parliament Inspired in 2009 by the experiences of a Fairholme Senior, budding politician Kiranpreet SingKhair (Year 11) decided to nominate to become a member of the 2010 YMCA Youth Parliament. After a successful application, Kiran attended a Forum in Brisbane at Queensland Parliament House, where Youth Members meet for the first time to form committees and discuss ideas. Kiran’s enthusiasm and hard work at the forum more than paid off when her team mates voted her in as Toowoomba North’s Youth Member for Regional Development, Infrastructure and Planning. Kiran then attended the QYP Residential week (September 27 – October 3) during which all Youth Members stayed at YMCA Camp facilities at Petrie, Brisbane and visited Queensland Parliament House to debate Bills in the House of Representatives. Congratulations to Kiranpreet, who has passed on on her valuable political experiences to Fairholme students and the wider community.

National Youth Science Forum Bursary Winner A big ‘Serving’ of Christmas Spirit Fairholme College again supported the very worthy cause ‘Operation Christmas Child’ but also providing a team of Year 11 girls who sorted boxes of donated gifts from our Pastoral Care Groups and in Brisbane during the packaging and despatch process.

The Rotary International District 9630 National Youth Science Forum interviews for scholarships to visit scientific establishments in Canberra and Perth during the 2011 January holidays were held at Fairholme College in 2010. Twenty-three Year 11 students from around the Rotary district attended a science interview, a personality interview, took part in a group activity session and gave a 3 minute impromptu speech; all in all the interview process lasted 3 hours. We were delighted and proud to hear that Lucy Manuel, a Year 11 boarder at Fairholme College, was



the recipient of a prestigious scholarships worth $2240 for 2 weeks in Canberra or Perth; a sponsoring Rotary Club (The Rotary Club of Toowoomba City) will contribute to the cost. Congratulations to Lucy, who has selected Canberra as her preferred city of study; she will enjoy a hectic schedule in January 2011. A highlight will be meeting the Governor-General of Australia.

@ Fairholme Bastille Day Celebrations One hundred excited Fairholme College students from the Years 9 to 12 French classes, eleven staff members and nine French exchange students celebrated Bastille Day (le quatorze juillet), the French national holiday, with French cuisine, le Tricolore and la Marseillaise – and the usual Fairholme Style. It was another memorable Bastille Day. A la prochaine!

Vanuatu Visit December 2010

Staff FAREWELLS As a new school year begins, we bid adieu the following staff who are leaving the College – a blend of retirement, new directions or the completion of contracts: Mr Greg James, Ms Shirley Thönell, Mr Scott Kerr, Ms Maxine Hetherington, Ms Amanda Meadows and Mrs Gaye Seccull. We wish each staff member well and thank them for their significant and special contributions.

FAIRHOLME SALUTES MR JAMES Fairholme’s Careers Guidance Officer & Human Resources Coordinator retires after 40 dedicated years in Education. Long-serving staff member, Mr Greg James, retires after four decades as an educator whose work has spanned across Queensland. Born in Victoria, and with a proud AFL heritage, Mr James began his teaching career at Churchie in Brisbane. He has been a passionate Geography teacher, subject master, Deputy Principal and more recently, Careers Counsellor and Promotions Manager at Fairholme. We wish him well as he enters the ‘busyness’ of retirement and thank him for his service to education.

VET SUCCESS! What an incredibly successful year for the Vocational Education and Training Department (VET). One hundred percent of the Fairholme Year 12 cohort completed their traineeships and VET Courses – a fantastic effort. Congratulations to Peggy Keats (Cert III in Aviation Engineering) who was named Dux of the Queensland Institute of Aviation. What an outstanding achievement for Peggy and all our VET girls!

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


Another outstanding success as a large crowd enjoyed ‘all the fun of the fair’. The Fairholme community enjoyed a fabulous Spring Fair recently, despite the wintry weather. Musical entertainment, an outstanding Year 11 Fashion Parade, the Aquathon , the Fairholme Gift and the launch of the much awaited Flavours of Fairholme Cookbook were just some of the many highlights.

Fairholme Aquatics Swim School sees itself as a key member of our local community. As part of the Fairholme College Community we work hard within the school to promote aquatic education, both within the school curriculum and in outside hours. We offer swimming opportunities for all Fairholme students from Kindy through to Year 12.



FAST firsts 2010 National and Queensland Swim School of the Year The Fairholme Aquatics Swim School was named the 2010 National and Queensland Swim School of the Year, recognising the curriculum and philosophies of the swim school and also highlighting the community events that the swim school offers. The Swim School philosophy of Swimming is your Playground for Life resonates throughout the aquatic centre programs, with swimming classes catering for those aged from 6 months to over 80 being offered each week, to not only Fairholme Families but to the wider community.

FAST Fairholme ‘Old Girl’ Naomi Lawrence, 2008 Fairholme Swimming Captain, is currently in her undertaking a Bachelor of Business (third year) at USQ. Naomi has continued training and swimming with the Fairholme Aquatics Swimming Club and competed at Age Nationals in 2010 in Sydney. Last semester Naomi’s studies took her to Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada where she was selected on the University Swim Team. In November Naomi was selected as the University’s Female Athlete of the Week recognising her athletic and mental contribution to her team’s performance at a recent Atlantic

University Sport Swimming Event. Naomi competed in a meet and achieved personal best times for the year, finishing first place in the 50m Butterfly, second in 50m Freestyle and 100m Butterfly, third in the 200m Freestyle and also competed in relay events. Naomi will return to Australia in midJanuary where she will continue her parttime administration job at the Fairholme Aquatics Swim School where she first learnt to swim.

Macca’s Mini Meet A fun and exciting activity held each year at the Fairholme Aquatics Swim School is the annual Macca’s Mini Meet held each November. It is open to all swimmers from Level 1 to Level 8 to come and enjoy swimming as a sport, putting the skills learnt in weekly classes in practice in a fun racing environment. The Mini-Meet is an initiative of Swimming Queensland and their sponsor McDonalds, and each swimmer receives a bag full of goodies to take home to recognise their achievements. This year we had over 160 swimmers participate in an afternoon of fun, with many finishing the day with a jump on the jumping castle, adding to the relaxed family fun day. Mums, Dads, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents all came along to watch and cheer each and every swimmer. Our staff, who volunteer their time to make this event possible, look forward to the event and gain much pleasure watching and encouraging their swimmers outside of regular classes.

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11



Queenslanders Cross Country Runners Compete on National Stage

Fairholme Cricketers Capture National Title Fairholme students, Kristen Currie and Alice Smith, starred at the recent Cricket Australia’s Under 15 National Championships in Sydney. Selected in the Konica Minolta State Team following strong performances in the State Championships, both girls featured heavily in the deciding match against arch rivals New South Wales. Alice opened the batting with Queensland Fire player Jemma Barsby, and Kristen also contributed to help the score to 41 before the second wicket fell. A direct hit by Alice to run out NSW player Ashleigh Gardiner saw the match swing Queensland’s way. New South Wales collapsed with a total of 65 runs, giving Queensland victory with a total of 103 runs and 5 wins and a draw for the Championships. Photograph courtesy of Queensland Cricket www.qldcricket.com.au

Cross Country Captain Grace Wheeler joined Therese Von Drehnan (Yr 12) and Hannah Jannusch (Yr 11) on the national stage at the 2010 Australian Cross Country Championships. The event brought together runners from throughout Australia in both Primary and Secondary age divisions, with all three girls competing strongly at the Championships. Nine runners from the College were selected in the Darling Downs Team following Fairholme’s success in winning the 2010 Darling Downs Regional Championships held at Kearney Springs. In the last 32 years, Fairholme has been the Champion School on the Downs an amazing 22 times. Coach Brigitte McGuire was once again named as a Queensland Coach at the National event in Brisbane.

Rachel Shines at Australian Netball

Queensland Honours for Junior Touch Player Georgina Rackemann (Year 9) has capped off an outstanding sporting season by gaining selection into the Queensland U/14 Touch Team that recently completed an extensive tour of New Zealand. The girls competed in Carnivals at Weymouth and Pakuranga in the North Island, scoring 42 tries and only conceding 4 in both tournaments. They also secured a close win against a strong North Harbour team in their only trial game of the tour. Year 8 student Dominique Du Toit was selected as a shadow player and was unlucky to miss final selection into the touring team.



Championships Being the only member of your team selected to play for Queensland who is living outside the Brisbane Metropolitan Region can often prove difficult in most sporting situations. However, with the Australian Championships being held in your home town, it proved a bonus for talented Netballer Rachael Curtis, as she had the support of numerous family and friends throughout the event. A member of the Queensland U/15 State Netball Team, the defender was selected following a number of strong performances at the State Netball Championships in Caloundra. Her team was victorious at the School Sport Australia National Exchange, beating Victoria 44 – 30 in the final.

TEAM sports Fairholme Wins Inaugural Toowoomba Fillies Football Shield

Cherry to Lead Australia at Trans Tasman Touch Championships 2010 Fairholme Sports Captain Emilee Cherry has been named as Captain of Australia’s U/20 Women’s Touch Team as they prepare for the upcoming Youth Trans Tasman Series. Having already represented the Australian Open Women’s Team in New Zealand, it is hardly surprising that Emilee has been awarded this honour. Described on Queensland’s School Sport Website as ‘arguably the best schoolgirl Touch player in the world’, she will lead the Australian Team in a three test series against New Zealand. The three-day tournament will be held in Canberra during January. Upon her return to Toowoomba, Emilee will spend some time developing the skills of Fairholme’s junior players and will join the College Touch tour to New Zealand in September as an assistant coach. A busy 2011 is in store for Emilee as she is also in the squad vying for selection into the Senior Australian World Cup Team that will compete in Scotland during June.

Throwers Perform in Melbourne and Bendigo Discus thrower Emma Elsden joined Alysha Lockrey (Hammer) at the 2010 Australian All Schools Track & Field Championships in Melbourne during December. Both throwers performed exceptionally well, with Alysha producing a new personal best throw in her event. Emma finished the event with a bronze medal in Discus. Both girls will be looking to improve on these performances when they line up to contest the National Age Championships to be held in Sydney in March, 2011. Shanen Layden (Yr 7) is another thrower who is setting new benchmarks in the throwing circle. The talented young athlete joined Ashleigh Reddacliff and Maddie Lindemann at the recent Queensland Primary Track & Field Championships in Cairns as members of the Darling Downs Team. Shanen produced some excellent results to place seventh in Shot and finish with a silver medal in the 12yrs Discus event. Following these championships, Shanen travelled to Bendigo as a member of the Queensland Team to compete in the National exchange.

Following on from their win in the Toowoomba Presidents Cup and being named Minor Premiers for 2010, the Fairholme Football Team secured the 2010 Toowoomba Fillies Championship, defeating Downlands College in a close-fought grand final played in atrocious conditions. The 2 – 0 win saw Fairholme finish the Toowoomba season undefeated. Fittingly, 2010 Captain Briony Wiltshire was named Player of the Year, Player of the Final and won the Golden Boot Award for top goal scorer for the season.

Senior Vicki Wilson Netballers Represent the Region for the Third Year in a Row After finishing as the Queensland runnersup in the 2008 Statewide Vicki Wilson Cup and making the finals in 2009, it was always going to be difficult to maintain momentum heading into the third straight year of state finals. With Australian Netball players Maddie Paton and Genevieve Aisthorpe finishing Year 12 at Fairholme in 2009, a number of younger players were experiencing this level of senior competition for the first time. In the Darling Downs final series of the statewide competition, the team had strong wins against St Ursula’s, Downlands and Lockyer District.

Sweeney Awarded State Netball Medal Following strong performances in the final series of the Vicki Wilson Cup held in Brisbane, Year 11 netballer Cleannah Sweeney was awarded the Queensland Netball Merit Award. This medal is presented to a player from each team who has been identified as having outstanding skills on the court and the potential to reach representative levels in the sport of Netball.

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


good sports

Record Numbers Represent Darling Downs and Queensland across 13 Sports in 2010 2010 was another strong year for Fairholme students as they pursued top honours in their chosen sports. Seventy – one (71) students from the Middle and Senior Schools were selected to represent the Darling Downs Region. These girls gained selection in Athletics, Basketball, Cricket, Cross Country, Equestrian, Netball, Orienteering, Softball, Swimming, Touch, Triathlon and Water Polo. Seventeen (17) girls went on to represent Queensland at National exchanges, while Emilee Cherry achieved the ultimate honour of representing her country at an Open level in the sport of Touch.

Fairholme named in the Top 20 Athletics Schools in Australia.

Fairholme Touch Wins South West Double The 2010 South West Touch Championships saw the best school teams from the region as well as Brisbane come together for a one-day tournament across Senior and Junior divisions. The under 15 side, coached by Brenda Rackemann, went through the tournament undefeated, beating All Hallows (Brisbane) in the final. In a strong defensive effort, they reached the final with no team being able to score against them. This result reversed the outcome of the All Hallows Invitational Tournament in Brisbane earlier in 2010, where Fairholme finished runners up. The Open Fairholme team met the Glennie School in the final, winning 3 – 2 in a close-fought game. While the College has won divisions in the past, this is the first time that Fairholme has managed to win both the Senior and Junior titles.

Super 8 Cricket A team of budding young cricketers took to the field against school teams from across the region in the finals of the Super 8 Cricket. With members of the Queensland Fire on hand to watch and give advice, the girls competed strongly throughout the tournament. Strong batting displays from Queensland players Alice Smith and Kristen Currie allowed the team to reach the finals where they were unlucky to be narrowly beaten.


Athletics Australia recently invited the Top 20 schools in two divisions (Senior & Junior) in Australia to contest the revamped version of the National Schools Knockout Championships in Melbourne. The new system, introduced in 2010, ranks the schools in each State and Territory according to their results from the State finals of the competition. One of only a handful of Australian Schools that were involved since the competition began in 1991, Fairholme has been the most successful girls school, winning an amazing 14 Australian Championships. Both the Senior and the Junior Girls achieved National Top 20 rankings for 2010. In a close battle throughout the day, the Senior Girls finished 5th in Australia while the Junior Girls placed 15th.


Cameron House Claims the Riverview Cup Cameron House finished the 2010 Interhouse Championships 100 points clear of its closest rival, Black House, to claim the Riverview Cup for Champion House. In a close contest, the four Houses exchanged the lead a number of times throughout the four days of competition. With Age Championship wins in three divisions (Dom Du Toit 13yrs, Hannah Jannusch 16yrs and Em Cherry U/20yrs) and a large number of keen B division participants, the Cameron girls finished the day on 1234 points. Once again, the Daygirls proved too strong for the Boarders in the relay events, while Black House secured the Klan March Past Trophy. The Champion Boarder for 2010 was awarded to sprinter Madison Noon and the Champion Daygirl went to 13 year-old Dom Du Toit. Queensland representative throwers Emma Elsden and Jo Holding shared the Atthow Trophy for Champion Thrower. Other Age Group Championship wins went to Madeleine Lindemann (12yrs), Aisha Wighton (14yrs) and Lily Burt (15 yrs). Following the 2010 Interhouse Athletics Championships, 54 athletes attended the Darling Downs Track and Field Championships. There were a number of outstanding performances during the two days of competition, with 25 girls selected to attend the Queensland State Championships.

Scaling educational heights in 2012 & beyond!


Girls entering Year 6,7,8 or 10 in 2012 are now invited to apply for an academic, general or music scholarship at Fairholme College. Scholarship exams will be conducted in early March 2011, in Toowoomba and other rural and regional areas. Be sure to apply on-line as soon as possible (applications close 25 February 2011) so that we can visit a town near you on the Fairholme 2011 Scholarship Tour. Simply visit www.fairholme.qld.edu.au or contact our enrolments officer Mrs Emily Veal for further information. T 07 4688 4688 E enrol@fairholme.qld.edu.au

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11



Old Girls‘ Association From the Alumni desk...

A note from the President The reunion weekends just seem to get better every year, with this year being no exception. Decade reunions were held at various venues over the weekend and the general reunion luncheon in the college dining room was a lovely day, and numbers were up on last year. Girls – the reunion weekend is always advertised in the FOCUS (See DATES TO REMEMBER below). Please mark the date and contact a few of your friends to get a table together for the luncheon on Sunday. It’s up to you, and it is always such a happy day for those who come. I just get so much pleasure from catching up with my year level and other girls from various year levels who join us. My big project for the next year is to record email addresses for more of you. We are unable to post invitations to all of you as the postage cost would be excessive. As we receive more email addresses we will be able to cast the net a little wider and send invites to the reunion weekend to more Old Girls.

FOGA Dates to Remember



If it’s your 10,20,25,30,40,50 reunion this year, it would be wonderful if a member of your year level started contacting all girls in your year as soon as possible. The earlier you start, the more girls you will be able to contact. I know the girls who are having their 50th in 2011 have already started organising theirs – well done!! Please email foga@fairholme.qld.edu.au if you would like any information about how we can help with your reunion. Jenny, Jo and I love helping you ‘find’ your friends. We have such a great team sharing the alumni role now. Work on the archives is really gathering momentum – and it is so rewarding to us to see your very obvious pleasure in looking through what has been achieved so far. Thanks to my wonderful committee and regular supporters. My thanks also to Jenny and Jo - let’s do it all again in 2011.

What a pleasure it has been to put together the FOGA Pages for this edition of the College Newsletter - now that I am finally starting to put many more faces to names, it really is very exciting for me to fill pages with photos and stories from ‘Old’ ( a most affectionate term) and ‘Young’ Girls alike whom I have made contact with in some way, shape or form. It really has been a ‘record’ year for attendances at FOGA functions and reunions, and I must take this opportunity to thank my ‘partner in crime’ Mrs Jenny Noble. Jenny’s assistance in the Alumni Office has been invaluable this year, and I’m sure those of you who have communicated with Jenny will agree that she is an absolute delight to work with! The following pages are also a credit to Jenny’s continuing enthusiasm as Archives Coordinator and we are absolutely thrilled with the responses that we have been receiving from our ‘Archival Mystery Questions’. Keep up the good work ladies; we have uncovered some real finds and it is very satisfying to add such detailed information to our records.

And PLEASE send through an email to foga@fairholme.qld.edu.au just to let us know your email address!

Thanks again for an outstanding year, and Jenny and I look forward to hearing from you soon with any news or information that you might have for us.

Claire Wuth (Perkins) (1974) President

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2011! Jo Glasheen

SYDNEY Thursday 17 March Sydney Annual Reunion Luncheon BRISBANE Monday 21 February General meeting, Clayfield College 10am Saturday 26 March 11.30am for 12 noon at the Mt Ommaney Apartment Hotel for the Annual Brisbane FOGA luncheon Monday 24 May General meeting, Clayfield College 10am Sunday 28 August 9.30 am Annual Brisbane FOGA Church Parade at St Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Spring Hill.

Publications, Promotions and Alumni

TOOWOOMBA Wednesday 16 February FOGA Annual General Meeting 4.00pm in meeting room below the FOGA Foyer Sunday 27 March Annual Church Service at St Stephen’s, Toowoomba 8.45am Third Wednesday of each month (during school term) General meetings are held in FOGA Foyer meeting room at 4.oopm

REUNION Weekend Saturday 15 October Individual year level reunions Sunday 16 October FOGA Annual Reunion Luncheon - all year levels


From the


MYSTERY PHOTO As various end of year celebrations took place at the close of 2010, it’s worth seeing how Fairholme girls marked this occasion in 1952! This photo was sent to the Archives a long time ago by Neredah Wraight (Pennington 1952-53) from Cunnamulla. (Sadly, Neredah passed away in January 2010.) In her notes, Neredah said that she and two friends won the Fancy Dress Competition – dressing up as the Marx Brothers! Neredah (second from left in front row) was Groucho Marx, and her partners in crime were: Helen Dietz (Trapp) (1942-53) pictured on Neredah’s right and Maureen Schubert (Kistle) (194453) pictured left of Groucho.



End of Year Fancy Dress Night: 1952. Theme: Come dressed as your favourite movie star.

QUESTIONS 1. Are you in this photo? What movie star did you come dressed as? 2. How many other movie stars of the 1950s can you identify in this photo? 3. If you weren’t at Fairholme in 1952, how did you celebrate the end of the school year?

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS in Focus on Fairholme Winter 2010


ARCHIVAL MYSTERIES THE FUNNY PHOTO... the teams for the Staff vs Seniors Netball game, 5 August 1969: Thank you to everyone who sent in their view of who was in the photo. The response was overwhelming! Everyone who contacted us had definite ideas of who the people were – but they didn’t always agree, so identifying them involved a lengthy process of elimination! Any further help would be appreciated. Here’s what we have so far... Left to Right: (Students) 1. Either Yuet He Lowe or Yuet Won Lowe; 2 ? (obscured)3. Robyn Henry, 4. Jane Tresillian, 5. Virginia Lawrence, 6. Ann Henderson (with ball), 6A. seated in front ?



(Staff) 7.’Captain’ Miss Hazel Culverhouse (GS) 8. Miss Jean Schafferius (with back to camera) (C), 9. Miss H. Jackson (WA) 10. Sister Orena Horn (WD) 11.Mrs Daphne Horsburgh (GD) 12. Miss Lyn Wildman(GA) 13. Mrs Smith (wearing helmet) (GK)! Note that the staff members were wearing non-regulation footwear – all except Sister Horn! The Seniors won, 9-8.

QUESTIONS UNIFORMS - Missing links and Mysteries ... Can you help us fill in the gaps? Panama hats:

Checked shirtmaker dress: This was introduced in 1963 as a summer uniform item. As yet, we do not have any in the Archives Collection. Does anyone have one stored away, that they no longer require? Would you like to donate it to the Archives?

Once upon a time, Fairholme girls wore a cream panama hat with brown under the brim, but before that...possibly during the 1940s, the cream panama had three colours under the brim – blue, gold and black. Is this true? Does anyone have a hat like this? Was it worn by a particular section of Fairholme? Can you help to solve this mystery?

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


Fairholme Old GIRLS at War

We were overwhelmed by the great response to our request for information on Fairholme Old Girls who served their country in military forces in wartime and in peacekeeping operations. Thanks to your contributions, we have been able to expand our list, and aim to have a display of photos and stories about ‘Fairhome Women at War’ in the FOGA Foyer in 2011. You may be interested to know that Fairholme Old Girls served in all three Women’s Services during WWII: Army, Navy and Air Force.

WARTIME MEMORIES OF FAIRHOLME Thank you to all the Old Girls who sent stories, snippets and photos from their schooldays at Fairholme during World War II (193945). It was amazing what you recalled so vividly – knitting socks, scarves and jumpers for soldiers; picking pigweed to supplement the tomato sauce and dripping sandwiches; wearing identity discs on a necklace or bracelet; the mud in the bottom of the air-raid trenches; serving tea at the Comforts Fund teashop; being allowed to wash hair only once a fortnight; receiving War Time Certificates instead of Prize Books at Speech Day.

Pictured above: Olive McMahon (1940) served as a Lieutenant in the Australian Women’s Army Service (QF 142256) from July 1942 until December 1945. Olive passed away in 2010.

And who could forget the celebrations when peace was declared in August 1945, as Fairholme girls galloped around the oval, yelling in a most unladylike manner and ringing the school bell wildly. Photos and stories from the wartime schooldays at Fairholme are now on display in the FOGA Foyer.



Pictured above, far left: Helen Ruegg (Leslie) 1925-27) served in the WAAAF (102591) as an Aircraftwoman based at the Signals School, Point Cook, from January to July 1945. Helen passed away in 2010.

Pictured above right in 1942: Brenda Williams (Kaalund 1936-37) served in the WRANS 19431945 (WR 1449) at HMAS Moreton in Brisbane as a transport driver.

Where are they now? PAST STUDENT UPDATES After marrying Mr Nathan Armstrong, Alison (Warrillow-Williams) Armstrong (1995 to 1996) moved to Switzerland where she is now teaching Theatre and Music at the International School of Berne.

Fairholme Families Pictured above is Paula Brimblecombe’s (Proctor) (1987-88) daughter Kingsley (currently in Prep & moving on to year 1 at Fairholme Junior) with Paula’s niece Samantha Brimblecombe on her last day as a senior. This is a very sentimental picture for the Brimblecombe families as one Fairholme ‘Old Girl’ moves on and another is coming up through the ranks. Both girls have a long family history at Fairholme and Paula would like to share this story with you. ‘My mother Maxene Proctor (nee Summers), attended Fairholme as a boarder back in the sixties (19661967). After reaching Year 10 she contracted pneumonia and the doctors had asked her to move back to a warmer climate (My mother, I and my sister grew up on a farm just outside Biggenden). At the same time the cattle industry wasn’t doing so well and as the oldest of five she was moved back to the local high school. My mother married a local farmer and she sent us as to Fairholme as boarders as well. I attended Fairholme in 19871988 and my sister Kerry Farrell (nee Proctor) attended in 1995-1996. I married a Dalby farmer and ended up back in Toowoomba and purchased Browns Books and Stationery in 2002, with my husband and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. My sister-in-law Sandee Brimblecombe (nee Jackson) was also a past Fairholme girl (1985-86) and she then sent Samantha Brimblecombe to Fairholme Junior in year 6 in 2003. Sandee’s sister Geraldine Walker (nee Jackson) is also a past Fairholme girl (she finished in 1989). I sent my son Harrison Brimblecombe, to Kindy at Fairholme in 2007 and 2008 and was so impressed by the standard of schooling! My daughter Kingsley was always destined to become a Fairholme girl like her grandmother, mother, aunts and cousin before her. Kingsley attended kindy in 2009 and is currently in Prep.... with no turning back!!! It was a sad and emotional day on Friday to watch Sam finish her schooling at Fairholme but I thought this photo captured the strong bonds between our families and the history our families have for this wonderful school.’

Shortly after completing a double degree in journalism/business Anita Fitzgibbon (1995-2003) Toowoomba, took on the role of marketing manager at Fitzy’s Fibber Magee. This allowed her to exercise her long-time interest while finding a niche in the family business. Anita wears many hats in her role at Fibber’s, coupling marketing with an operational role as restaurant supervisor. Frances Muriel (Smith) Schafer (2000-2004), and her husband Glen, run a small business on the Atherton Tablelands, which keeps them busy but has also allowed Frances to return to study and stay at home with their son Matthew, born 1 June 2009. Emma

Marie Talbot ( 2007) is currently working with the Commonwealth Bank in Perth and has recently announced her engagement to Flying Officer Alexander Edward Fielding Roff. Alex is a member of the Royal Australian Air Force, currently based in Pierce WA. Gary and Alicia Ewart ( Sewell) (199495) have been living in Darwin for last 6 months and should be relocating with the Military at the end of 2012. The are the doting parents of three adorable children: Olivia, Annabelle and Jack.

Although it had always been Lisa Bolton’s (1990) dream to be a ski instructor when she finished at Fairholme College, her parents had other ideas and sent her off to Business College. Having developed a keen eye for detail and strong business acumen, Lisa’s entrepreneurial streak led to her starting her own business. After spending some time in Bangladesh and India, the passion for travel had taken hold and Lisa’s career took a different direction. While studying for a Degree in Economics and Resource Management, she began working for Qantas Airways, first as a Reservations Consultant, and then as Business Analyst for Qantas’ Business Travel division. Having firmly set her sights on a career in travel, Lisa wanted to specialise in the cruise market, thus embarking on two years as a Project Manager with Carnival Australia (P&O Cruises). It was during this time that she was exposed to all aspects of the cruising industry and travel market at large. Working her way up the ladder, Lisa developed an insight into multiple facets of the travel industry, whilst her experience with the world’s largest cruise company left her ideally equipped to take the helm as Aurora Expeditions Chief Executive Officer. Most weekends Lisa can be found on Coogee Beach working as a Patrol Captain and volunteer lifesaver for the Coogee Surf Life Saving Club.

Emma Blakeney (1989-2001) and Lachlan Woods’ recent wedding day was very special indeed, with Emma’s sister Hannah (Blakeney) McNulty (1991-2002) performing duties as Matron of Honour, and Fairholme Old Girl Lizzie Parker travelling from overseas to attend their wedding. Emma travelled with Alice Hain to Kent College in Year 9 (1996) on the very first exchange between Fairholme College and Kent College. At the same time Lizzie Parker and Caroline Smith came from Kent College to Fairholme College to be boarders. Since 1996 the ties between the Parker family and the Blakeney family have only strengthened and both families are very good friends. Lizzie now lives in Provence in France (Saint Cannat) and with her mother Pamela Parker (Kent England), travelled to Toowoomba for Emma and Lachlan’s wedding. Emma & Lachlan now live in Brisbane. Emma is a teacher of hearing-impaired and special needs children at Taigum State School and Lachlan is a bricklayer.

Sad passings Barbara Murphy (Walters) (1941 -44) Isla Downes (1937-38 ) (Author of Day to Day Cookery) Marian Taylor (Bidstrup) (1932-33) Neridah Wraight (Pennington) (1952-53)

Marjorie Morwood (1930-31) Ailsa Robertson (Straughair) (1941) Joan North (Rosbrook) (1943) Marion Hadley (1969-72) Olive McMahon (1940)

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11



Engagement s

Weddings Weddings Weddings

1. Sally Brandon(1994 -1999) married Paul Brenchley, 16 October 2010, during a beautiful service held at St Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Brisbane. Vocalist and Fairholme Old Girl Alice Basillie (1994-2005) and Fairholme’s Chaplain, Pastor Richard Jessup both participated in the special ceremony. Pictured from left are Sally’s brother Andrew Brandon (TGS 1997-2003), Sally’s mother Mrs Lyn Brandon (Taylor) (19621965), Paul Brenchley, Sally, and her Father, Mr Richard Brandon.



Emma Talbot (2007) and flying Officer Alexander Roff (Prosepine) announced their engagement in August 2010. Alex and Emma have known each other since kindergarten, and have remained in contact ever since. They plan to marry in 2011. Katie Munn (2001-2003 ) and Andrew Marden recently announced their engagement and will be ‘tying the knot’ in 2011.

2. Emma Blakeney was married to Lachlan Woods, 25 September 2010 at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Toowoomba and later enjoyed a reception held at Gips Restaurant. Pictured enjoying this very happy occasion are: Luke Donovan, Luke Fritz, Lachlan Woods, Emma Blakeney (1989 -2001), Hannah McNulty (Blakeney) (1991- 2002), and Vanessa Leslie. 4. 4.


3. Helena Hart (Fairholme 1997) married Wade Rowbotham on 27 February at Ferns Hideaway, Byfield National Park. They were attended by Danny Millard, Bobby Gunn Chrissy Curran and Matron of Honour, Heather Rowberry (Nott) (1997). A honeymoon at Lindeman Island followed before returning to their home in Emerald, where Helena works as a Veterinary Nurse. Helena is the youngest daughter of Bill and Margaret Hart (Slaughter) (1963) of Miles, and Wade is the eldest son of Bruce and Linda Rowbotham of Miles.



4. Glen Schafer and Frances Muriel Smith (2000-2004) were married at Woodleigh Station, Mt Garnet on 26 September 2009. To make the special occasion even more memorable, Old Girls Jae Ryan (2001-2004), and Rosie Wippell (1999-2004) were both able to attend. 5. Nicole Hornick (1998-2002) and Guy Campbell from Condamine were married on 25 September 2010. They held their wedding in the beautiful Tamborine Gardens at Mt Tamborine.

6. Rebecca Gillam (1997-2007 ) married Lucas Connolly from Melbourne on 17 April 2010. The ceremony was held at the Marriott in Brisbane and the couple enjoyed a honeymoon in Italy. 7. Fiona Williams (1997-2001) and Daniel Lucas were married at Preston Village Chapel on 1 October 2010. Their reception was held at the Bride’s parent’s home in Colonial Street. The happy couple honeymooned in Vanuatu and are now living in Roma.

Birt hs Birt hs Birt hs After 6 long years of waiting Phillip and Laurinda Hinder (Plant) (1980-1987) celebrated the arrival of their beautiful baby girl, Abbey Jayne Hinder who was born 4 weeks premmie on 2 June 2010, weighing 5lb 10oz and 50 cm in length, delivered at St Vincent’s Hospital.

Kate Chapman (Saal) (19841988) and husband Andrew happily announced the arrival of Matilda Rose Chapman on 29 April 2010, a sister for Jessica Alice Chapman (Born 26 February 2007). Proud parents Nathan and Edwina Sander (Lamble) (1991-1998) welcomed their little girl Molly Victoria Sander 9lbs 3oz 55cm to the world on 23 April, 2010. Todd: Scott and Alison (Whiteman) (1995-2000) of Roma welcome their first child, a daughter, Grace Elizabeth, born 23/07/10 in Toowoomba. Carrigan: Lachlan and Jillian (Whiteman) (1993-1999) of Goondiwindi celebrate the arrival of their second child, a daughter, Jessica May, born 26/07/10 in Toowoomba. A sister for Ned. Gary and Alicia Ewart (Sewell) (1994-1995) are happy to report that their family has expanded yet again and are very proud to announce the arrival of another Daughter, Olivia Grace Ewart who was born on 6 February 2010. She has a besotted big Sister, Annabelle Kate & a very helpful & doting Older Brother, Jack Samuel. Matthew Edward Ivor Schafer, son of Glen and Frances Schafer (Smith) (2000-2004) was born 1 June 2009 and pictured here looking healthy, happy and full of beans! Tim, Jack and Amanda Bowen (Williams) (19941997 ) of Morven welcomed the safe arrival of Charlie Ellis Bowen born on 31 December 2009, weighing 8lb 8oz ounces.

FOGA event s...

MELBOURNE FOGA Get-togethers! Pictured are Fairholme Old Girls who reside in Melbourne and who meet twice a year (or more regularly if they are able). The following ladies enjoyed luncheon at the Alluvial Restaurant, Hotel Intercontinental, 495 Collins Street, Melbourne on 11 October, 2010: Back Row, Fay Horne (Rowebotham),Judith Saunders(Nicholl), Flora Bowman(Stewart),Daphne Murton(Hills), Barbara Abell(Bond). Front Row: Joyce Craig(Northcott),Fay McKinnon(Sparkes), Elizabeth McKay(Dunn), Bev Cox(Freeman). A tentative luncheon date has been set for 4 May 2011. Please contact Judith Saunders on 03 9889 2725 or email: judithsaunders@bigpond.com for further information.

FOGA BRISBANE Annual Church Parade The annual Brisbane Old Girls’ Church Parade held on Sunday 29 August 2010 had several highlights; the gathering of a number of old girls spanning 60 years between oldest and youngest; Pastor Jessup’s address; current students sharing the news of the mission trip to India for 2010 and the sheer quality of music generated by Fairholme’s Bella Voce, Mrs Gwenyth Chappell’s ‘young’ old girls’ ensemble. Alana Scott’s solo performance of ‘Lift Thine Eyes’ brought spontaneous applause as did the items presented by the vocal ensemble. It was an enjoyable morning of worship and fellowship and we hope to encourage even greater support in 2011.

Friends of Fairholme FOUNDERS’ DAY A delightful day was had by all at the recent Fairholme College Founders’ Day celebrations; over fifty ‘Old Girls’ (a record attendance) enjoyed tours of the new Fairholme Junior Library, the FOGA Foyer, Interhouse choir performance, and luncheon in Cameron Homestead. As a finale, guests attended the Fairholme Founders’ Day Assembly where they enjoyed musical presentations, addresses from Principal Mrs Linda Evans and Old Girls’, a DVD presenting a pictorial history of Cameron Homestead and the announcement of FOGA Bursaries: This year’s worthy recipients (pictured with Toowoomba FOGA President Mrs Claire Wuth, Mrs Linda Evans and Board Chairman Mr Ian Andersen) being Johannah Holding (Year 12 - Phyllis Lovell Bursary) (far right), and Isabel Noon (Year 11 - FOGA Bursary) (far left).

FOCUS on Fairholme Summer 2010/11


Remember t he days ....

REUNION WEEKEND Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 October 2010

20Year Reunion

CLASS of 1990

DATE : Saturday 16 October VENUE: GPO, Margaret Street, Toowoomba Attendance: 48 (Wow what a response!) Co-ordinator: Katie Wilson (Mitchell) (1986-90)

30Year Reunion

CLASS of 1980

DATE : Friday 15 October VENUE: The Olive Branch, Ruthven Street, Toowoomba Attendance: 20 DATE : Saturday 16 October VENUE: Private function at the home of Jenny Durack (Dearden) (1975-80) Attendance: 23 (Not all the same girls attended both nights, which was great to give everyone the option to attend either or both events - boy, these girls really do know how to party!). Co-ordinators: Prue Weir (Loughnan) (1974-80), Tanya Gummow (Bence) (1978-80) and Jenny Durack (Dearden) (1975-80)

CLASS of 1970

40Year Reunion From years 1966 to 1970...

Despite the passage of 40 years, voices, laughs and happy memories never change! A gathering of interesting, well-adjusted and quiet, (well mostly), achieving women from all walks of life celebrated together at the recent FOGA reunion weekend. Regardless of the years, they were comfortable in the company of old friends as they shared good humour and anecdotes retold. Indeed, there was an abiding sense of pleasure for all, to be linked to a group of such women.

Pictured above: Sheena Liley (Snow) (1958-70) and Diana Richards (1970) Pictured right: Jenny Gould (Day) (1970), Jeanette Worcestor (Ole) (1965-70) , Diana Richards (1970), Sally Perram (Green) (1965-70)

CLASS of 1960

50Year Reunion An excerpt from the reminiscences of 50 year reunion co-ordinator Mrs Desley Malone (Neilen) (1959 - 60). ‘We sure had a great time at our Reunion! So good to see everyone, and so nice to spend time together to remember. It was such a happy weekend, although we never did grasp that it’s 50 years since we left Fairholme. Dinner at Weis Restaurant was a very joyous occasion, with 20 classmates in total and the meal was sumptuous. Our dorm didn’t waste time sleeping. We had too much to remember and we spent hours reminiscing when we got back from dinner at Weis’. We felt sorry for ourselves for being hungry all the time and were grateful for the heater in the new dorm where we slept, as we remembered the chilly times in Black Dorm in our boarding days! We giggled about our brown knickers, stockings and suspender belts and reefers that we wore to church. We were cold and hungry all the time; we remembered the girls who were expelled for smoking, censored mail and waiting weeks for the term visits from our parents. How about not being allowed to wear slacks on Sundays and having to wear our hats and gloves in public? We remembered the humiliation we Sub-Senior girls had to suffer when we ate a hamburger in public after being taken to the movies by a Senior teacher. We were gated for weeks and disgraced in front of the Boarding House. Such memories! We were terrified of Miss Shaw, and in awe that she’ll celebrate her 100th birthday in 2013.

old girls’ update Name


........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Maiden Name


........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Years at Fairholme ......................................................... Year Level at leaving ......................................................... Address


........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

email address ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Telephone No. (s) ........................................................................................................

We were given a tour of the College after breakfast and the Church Service; there’s not a lot of the old to remember when one walks around the acres of new buildings with landscaped lawns and gardens. The College chef is a gourmet cook and the buffet meals were divine. The boarders today are so lucky, so cared for.


We are most anxious to keep our records up to date as this is most important for our reunions and other functions. Please complete this form if any alterations are necessary and return it to the College at your convenience. Contact the FOGA office on 4688 4688 or email foga@fairholme.qld.edu.au.

Not sure if we’ll be invited to sleep in the dorms again (as we were a bit noisy), but it was good fun and I’ve such memories of a happy Reunion. Thanks to all for coming. For all the ladies who missed this Reunion, we’ve decided to have a morning tea on Saturday 5 February 2011, at Windsor in Brisbane. Please make a note of the date.’ Mrs Desley Malone T 07 5494 2288 E tdmalone22@netspace.net.au PICTURED : From top (L-R) are: 1. Rosemary Goodwin (Tyson) (1955 - 58), Nerida Thayer (Banks) (1958 - 59), Desley Malone (Neilen) (1959 - 60), Stella Simpson (Kirby)(1957 - 60 ), Gwen Salisbury (Mulcahy) (1956-58) and Coleen Atherton (AKA Jocko) (1957 - 59), at the Fairholme Fete for the 50 year school reunion. 2. Rosemary Goodwin (Tyson) (1955 - 58) Jean Batterham (Costello) (1953-59) and Nerida (Banks)(1958 - 60) Thayer, touring the new Junior School Library on Sunday 17 October, 2010

3. Sisters, Coleen Atherton (1957 - 59) and Rosie enjoy catching up a the 50 year class reunion dinner held at Weis’ Restaurant on Saturday 16 October, 2010.

6. Ginny Netterfield (Staines) (1953-58) and Gwen Salisbury (Mulcahy) (1956-58) enjoy dinner and swapping memories.

4. Pam Kerle (Gessling) (1957) and Jacqui McGuinness (Hutchinson) (1957-58) at the evening function.

7. Desley, Isabelle & Stella at Weis’ Restaurant, celebrate their 50 year class reunion in style!

5. Estelle Oates (Perkins) (1953-60) and Stella Simpson (Kirby) (1957-60) pose at the reunion dinner.



Residential Address Wirra Wirra Street Toowoomba Q 4350 Postal Address PO Box 688 Toowoomba Q 4350 T 07 4688 4688 F 07 4688 4694 E principal@fairholme.qld.edu.au www.fairholme.qld.edu.au Registered Provider (QLD): Fairholme College (Toowoomba) Pty Ltd CRICOS Provicer Code: 00651J

Proudly a College of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland


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