Presenting Fairholme College 2012

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F a i r h o l m e


H i g h l i g h t s

a n d

A c h i e v e m e n t s

So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others (Romans12:5)


From the Chairman 4 From the Principal 5 Christian Education 8 Junior School 10 Middle School 16 Senior School 20 Boarding 21 Teaching and Learning 24 Key Learning Sectors The Arts 26 Business and Technology 28 English 29

Health, Sport and Physical Education


Hospitality and Home Economics 32 Humanities 33 Information Technology 34 Library and Information Services 35 Languages Other than English 37 Mathematics 38 Science 39 Specialist Areas Careers 40 Vocational Education and Training 42 Learning Enhancement 43 Service 44 Pastoral Care 46 Fairholme Community Fairholme Old Girls’ Association 47 P & F Association 48 Foundation 49 Fairholme Staff 50 Staff Listing 51

Highlights and Achievements 2012


From the Chairman

2012 has been a year of ongoing development across all sectors of the College. As a learning institution, it is important we continue to strive for excellence in all areas of our operation. This College has fantastic staff, a very sound financial base, up-to-date technological resources, and we strive to develop and expand our facilities each year. Our Principal, Mrs Linda Evans, continues to lead Fairholme in a vibrant and committed way, showing great care and concern for the whole Fairholme Family. As has been the case for the last few years, the membership of the Board of Directors membership changed again this year. Regular change is a good governance model. This year we welcomed the Right Reverend David Niven to his 12-month term on the Board as the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland. In addition, we were joined by the Rev Graeme McKay after his term as Moderator last year and we welcomed Mr Graham Burt as one of the two Parents and Friends Association representatives on the Board who replaced Mrs Jalena Martin after her three years of service. We also farewelled the Rev John Langbridge, one of our longserving members, after 21 years as a Board Member during a 30 year association with the College. We thank him for his long and valued service to Fairholme College. I thank all Board members for their commitment, diligence, loyalty and support throughout a very busy year. This year we have invested substantial funds to improve College facilities and infrastructure. Projects, totaling more than $700,000 were approved and completed in 2012 include:

Replacement of the Oval’s retaining wall along Wirra Wirra Street, repairing damage that was sustained in the heavy rain events of early 2011. Boarding House improvements – refurbishment of various parts of Lower South Dormitory, refurbishment of Upper Nancy Shaw bathroom, replacement of external fascias, gables and soffits of Black and South Dormitories Refurbishment of ‘L Block’ classrooms Major refurbishment of The Learning Centre Refurbishment of Western Townhouse Air conditioning of all Senior School Classrooms Non-slip flooring in ‘C’ Block hallways and surrounds Installation of new timber-sprung dance floor Construction of an Athletic Physical Conditioning Area on the oval Replacement of floor coverings in many areas including sections of the Boarding House, Senior School Offices, and the Junior School. The Board approved the 2013 Budget at its November meeting. The Board continues to be confronted by a number of competing factors in framing the budget each year. These include the ongoing financial difficulties confronting many of our families, as well as the level of funding from government sources – with state government funding being reduced significantly for 2013. The current Budget provides for a 6.62% (on average) increase in tuition fees, a 5% increase in boarding fees, with the capital levy to increase by 4%. It is important to reflect on the year just passed, to celebrate the successes, learn from the mistakes and consider the memories. I trust you will do that – and then look forward with enthusiasm to the challenges and opportunities that 2013 will present us all, knowing that the College is well placed to meet them.

Mr Ian Andersen | Chairman of the Board


As a learning institution, it is

As a Board of Directors, our main focus is the overall strategic direction and governance of the College, always ensuring the College provides the best education possible for all our students. Our Strategic Direction 2012-2014, developed early this year, provides a very clear path forward over the next three years, encapsulating those values we and the whole Fairholme community consider to be most important: Christ-Centred Faith | Collaboration | Enjoyment | Seeking Excellence | Respect.

important we continue to strive for excellence in all areas of our operation.

From the Principal

The Year of 2012 ... a year in question

‘My mother made me a scientist without ever intending to. Every other Jewish mother in Brooklyn would ask her child after school: So? Did you learn anything today? But not my mother. ‘Izzy,’ she would say, ‘did you ask a good question today?’ That difference — asking good questions — made me become a scientist.’ Isidor Isaac Rabi (20th century) US physicist. quoted in ‘Great Minds Start With Questions,’ Parents Magazine (September 1993). The power of a good question is undeniable. Its value as a pedagogical tool is apparent when considering that teachers can ask 300–400 questions per day and can ask as many as 120 questions in an hour. Furthermore, researchers note that verbal questioning is second only to lecturing as the most common instructional practice for teachers (Black, 2001). In Germany, the job title, ‘Direktor Grundsatzfragen’, exists in some companies – it translates as Director of Fundamental Questions – and some companies have entire departments dedicated to asking questions: Daimler, Bayer and Siemens, for example. Ironically, if those companies are acquired by parent US companies – they usually eliminate the Grundsatzfragen Department, immediately. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity resulted from a question he wondered about all through his teenage years: What would the universe look like if I were riding on the end of a light beam at the speed of light? He regularly practised these thought experiments, just like James Watson and Frances Crick who asked, What might DNA look like in a 3D form? >>>

Highlights and Achievements 2012


From the Principal

Their discovery of the double helix has changed the scientific landscape . So too, Ray Kroc’s question, ‘I wonder where I can get a good hamburger on the road?’, contributed to the birth of McDonalds. Sometimes basic questions betray the complexities of their answers. A mother once asked her son, ‘Why don’t you quit fooling around in that garage and get a real job?’ Her son - Steve Wozniak - was the inventor of the Apple Computer. In many ways at Fairholme College, 2012 began with a question – indeed a series of questions. For two full days in January the Leadership Team and College Chairman gathered with an educational and business consultant to think strategically. Specifically, such questions as these listed, were pondered upon:

If the evidence is so overwhelming that great teachers make great students, why hasn’t something been done earlier?

And a bonus question: Did you have a great teacher at school?

Furthermore, our 2012 educator and thinker in residence, Tony Ryan, has posed many questions during the year, such as: Do you understand the difference between perfection and excellence? He regularly finished staff meeting sessions with us by saying What? So What? What Now? We are provoked to think, rather than to respond. If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the fi rst 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper

> > > >

How do we defi ne our school? Where are we headed? How do we honour the things of our past? What do we want to look like in three years’ time?

The answers did not lie easily at our fingertips through Google or Wikipedia. They are powerful and important questions that demand and require discussion, debate, disagreement and deliberation. What emerged from our discussions was a lengthy consultation process with students, staff and parents, as well as a series of documents that will frame our thinking and our questions for the next three years and beyond. How do we embed our identified core values: Christ-centred faith, collaboration, enjoyment, respect and seeking excellence within our daily practice? Whilst some answers emerged in our strategic planning, other questions have emerged during the year, like the parent who asked recently … ‘Is Fairholme a good school, or a great school?’ Or the teacher who gave me a copy of Simon Sinek’s book, ‘Start with Why’, or another parent who gave me a copy of an article from The Australian in March this year entitled ‘10 questions: Ben Jensen, 37, education expert’. It included such thought-provokers as:


If installing computers in every classroom and constructing new school buildings have failed to lift performance, what will?

What makes a great teacher?

question, I could solve the problem is less than f i ve minutes. Albert Einstein Questions can also elicit dangerous responses, such as one from Malala Yousafzai, the 14-year-old Pakistani girl who was attacked by the Taliban while travelling on a school bus on 9 October 2012. Malala has been billed as ‘the girl who just wanted to go to school.’ Her enduring and courageous question has been, ‘Why can’t girls have access to education?’ It was a question she first began asking in earnest in 2009 when a BBC journalist posted her handwritten notes on a blog site under a pseudonym; it was a question that led Desmond Tutu to nominate her for an international children’s prize, and to the Pakistan government awarding its first ever National Peace Prize, in December 2011. And yet it was Malela and not the government who, in a rather prophetic moment, envisaged a confrontation with the Taliban as a result of her question. She said this, ‘I think of it often and imagine the scene clearly. Even if they come to kill me, I will tell them what they are trying to do is wrong, that education is our basic right.’ This young woman is fighting for her life because she asked: ‘Why aren’t all girls entitled to an education?’ Educational academic Professor Erica McWilliam – at a recent presentation asked this, ‘Why do we need discomfort in order to learn?

Using examples from Mary Russell’s book, The Blessings of a Good Thick Skirt, she identified little-known women from the past century or so who have experienced discomfort in order to achieve their goals. She used these examples as a counterpoint to our sanitised 21st-century world where, in her words, ‘lawn mower teachers and curling parents ensure that no young person has a negative experience’. It is an age she describes as embracing a therapeutic approach to education and she believes she must pose these questions: What are schools for? How do we stop the avoidance of difficulty or the belief that success is an entitlement, a right and that it should be easy? McWilliam also asks, What if the highest achievers in the next decades won’t necessarily be our OP 1 students or our A graders but those who are agile, persistent learners and those who can deal with discomfort and failure? What if the world we have created where everyone gets a ribbon for trying will destroy the very strength we need to face the future? What if? If we draw from history we think first of Christ whose agonising question was, ‘My God, my God why have you forsaken me?’, Or of Rosa Parks whose tired legs forced her to take a seat on a bus, on a seat reserved for whites, where she asked, ‘Why? Why do you push us around?’ The quest is for the question, not the answer – a mirror of Socrates who wandered around Athens asking questions to get to a deeper truth. Perhaps it is a question that those leaving Fairholme this year will have better perspective to answer in the near future. How do we answer the question: Is Fairholme a good school or a great school? We do so by considering our school leavers – those wonderful Year 12 girls whose future paths will inevitably provide an answer. What will they do to make a difference? What plans does God have for their next steps? If only we knew. We can but trust that at the heart of their life will be the following core self values in evidence – both philosophically and behaviourally: Christ-centred Faith | Collaboration | Enjoyment | Respect | Seeking Excellence Mr Ian Andersen | Chairman Fairholme: a nurturing Christian school, committed to developing a vibrant learning community; one that challenges students to become confident and respectful contributors within our global society. (Vision statement 2012) Mrs Linda Evans | Principal

Christ-centred Faith | Collaboration | Enjoyment | Respect | Seeking Excellence

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Christian Education

Once again it is time to stop and reflect on another year and look at what God has been doing within our Fairholme community. Much has happened over the past year and we thank God for his guiding hand on all who serve and study in this place. It would be difficult for anyone associated with Fairholme to have missed the fact that a large portion of this year has been spent developing our strategic plan. At the heart of that plan are a mission statement and five core values. We state that ‘Fairholme is a nurturing Christian school …’ and the first of our core values is our desire to develop in our community and demonstrate in our lives, ‘Christ-centred faith’. To that end, our Christian Education program right across the school seeks to present the heart of God’s message of salvation in a clear and attractive manner that stimulates enquiry in our students as they try to navigate their way through this pluralistic religious world in which we live. In 2011 we moved to consolidate curriculum changes made in the previous year and it was necessary to continue that consolidation process into this year. The current Christian Education program for all year levels is now working well but we will continue to look for ways to improve both content and delivery in the year ahead. One new innovation this year occurred through the efforts of Ms Kelly Owen who teaches Christian Education in the Middle School. Ms Owen became aware of a need to link up the Christian girls in Year 9 with some Christian mentors in Year 12. Girls in both year levels really appreciated the opportunity to spend time together encouraging and supporting one another. We also had one breakfast meeting with a guest speaker from Teen Challenge. The plan is to continue this next year in the same format. Senior School students in Year 10 have continued working with the material produced by Australian author John Dickson: the Christ Files and the Life of Jesus. These two series continue to form an excellent tool for enabling the students to understand the person and work of Jesus Christ. Students in Years 11 and 12 worked through a more apologetic approach to scripture as it relates to issues of faith and life.


This year the Sony Foundation Children’s camp held each September, came under the umbrella of Christian Education and was organised for our Year 11 girls by Ms Owen in conjunction with the Toowoomba Grammar School. This is a very popular service activity among our girls as they provide a weekend of respite care for young people in our community with both physical and intellectual disabilities. Ms Owen also co-ordinated the annual visit to Operation Christmas Child in Brisbane, ably assisted by Mrs Jaye Ross and Miss Lauren Hood, and 30 students travelled down to Yeronga in November to help pack and sort shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse. Fairholme has been part of this ministry for over ten years and this year contributed over 180 shoe boxes to the Queensland appeal. This year we were overwhelmed by the number of Year 11 students wanting to travel to India. At one stage we thought we would have over 40 girls wanting to go but that number settled back to 38, which is still amazing! After much consideration we decided to take two teams across, and the first team of 20 students and 4 staff jetted off on 2 December. The second team of 18 students and 4 staff left a week later. This is now our fifth visit to Mizpah Home and the relationship just keeps getting stronger and stronger. To say the impact on the girls who have visited Mizpah has been life-changing is not an exaggeration. While in India we have also included a day visit to a rehabilitation centre called Smyrna. This centre exists to help children and adults who are dealing with issues resulting from stroke, Down Syndrome, physical and intellectual disabilities, and diseases such as Polio. The doctors, physios, OTs and nurses who work with these people give their time voluntarily. In the Boarding House, Mrs Jenny Sutton continues to do a wonderful job with Pastoral Care for the girls plus her weekly Bible study sessions that cater for a growing number of girls in Years 7 to 12. Jenny’s room is very much a ‘drop in’ centre after a busy day and many girls take the opportunity to stop off on their way back from school and debrief their day. Jenny has taken several Chapel services

for the Boarder girls throughout the year and it has been good to ‘share the responsibility’ with such a godly colleague. Mrs Kerrie Jessup continues to teach Christian Education in the Junior School. It has been so useful to work as a husband and wife team, as that has enabled me to plan and present the Junior School weekly Chapel services using the themes and content that has been taught in the classroom through the previous week. The student elected as Prefect for Student Ministry in 2012 was Georgina Price. What a wonderful Christian example she has been to staff and students as she went about her quiet and gentle ministry throughout the year. Georgina has a mature grasp of the scriptures, and her ability to write and present devotions for the school has been effective and encouraging. I have certainly appreciated Georgina’s help this year and I believe our students have also. She is indeed a ‘pearl of great Price’. On behalf of our Christian Education team I want to close this report by saying it is a wonderful privilege to work in this school. Whether in the classroom, in the school grounds or on an overseas trip, it is such a joy to share the message of Jesus Christ and engage with young people at their point of understanding and need. We will continue to seek God’s wisdom and guidance as we work with the young ladies in our care.

Pastor Richard Jessup | College Chaplain

message of Jesus Christ and



It is such a joy to share the

engage with young people at their point of understanding and need.

Pastor Richard Jessup | School Chaplain

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Fairholme Junior

A fitting tribute to the hundreds of young children who have enjoyed countless hours of rich imaginative play and learning over the first ten years of Fairholme Kindy was the Fairholme Kindy 10th birthday celebration. Current and past Fairholme Kindy children, their families and staff, both current and past, were entertained on the Fairholme College oval with face painting, dancing, a performance by Popcorn and the cutting of the celebration cake by Mrs Jo Darbyshire and Mrs Sue Harris, who have been staff members from the commencement of Fairholme Kindy. Fairholme was invited in 2012 to join the Andrews Cup sporting competition with Somerville House, Clayfield College, St Hilda’s, St Margaret’s, St Aidan’s, Moreton Bay College, The Toowoomba Preparatory School, The Glennie School and Ipswich Junior Girls’ Grammar. In our first year in this competition we won the Association Percentage trophy both in Swimming and Athletics and were first in the 9 years and under age group in Cross Country. We gained second place in the 10 years age group in Swimming and third place in this age group in Athletics, and the Year 5 touch team also achieved third place. Our continuing involvement in the Australian Quality Teacher Program in Information Communication Technology, through Independent Schools Queensland, enabled us to commence a new project. The project, led by Mrs Kate Sweeney, was designed to introduce and upskill staff in knowledge management skills with OneNote as the platform. Mrs Annie Heydon and Mrs Kate Sweeney were invited to attend the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Professional Learning Convention in Melbourne. This convention was a by invitation symposium for participants in the pilot studies for the National Professional Learning Flagship Program. Mrs Jo Darbyshire and Mrs Lyn Merry presented a workshop, Collaborative Practice in Early Childhood: A Professional Learning Approach, at the Early Childhood Australia National Conference held in Perth. The collaborative practice experience of Fairholme College was presented in the workshop. Mrs Elaine Harris and Ms Rosie Eden, and Mrs Jo Darbyshire, Mrs Sonya Nicol and Mrs Julie Suttor participated in Term 4 in the Masterclass conducted by Tony Ryan.


ACHIEVEMENTS in 2012 International Competitions and Assessment for Schools for Years 3 to 6 (100% participation) the Junior School girls achieved: English 18 Distinctions, 28 Credits Maths 1 High Distinction, 12 Distinctions, 30 Credits Science 15 Distinctions , 27 Credits Writing 1 High Distinction , 10 Distinctions 10 Credits (optional competition) Maths Olympiad All Year 6 girls participated Interschool Individual Chess Championships 12 girls participated Interschool Chess Teams Tournament 12 girls participated Opti-MINDS competition 3 teams participated and one team gained Honours IPSHA Interschool Debating Three teams – all teams won their debate Chronicle Junior Art Expo Commendation for a Year 2 student

Year of the Farmer participation 4 cow-shaped corflutes decorated by Year 6 and Fairholme Kindy children

The new and richly-challenging academic program offered the students a further

2012 saw the introduction of an Australian Curriculum and in the Junior School we began the implementation of this new curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science and History. The new and richly-challenging academic program offered the students a further wealth of opportunities to pursue their talents and interests. The slogan of ‘love2 read’, from the 2012 National Year of Reading project, was supported by the Book Week theme of ‘Champions Read’. The students dressed up as current and future champions from all walks of life as part of our Book Week celebrations. Author, illustrator and grandmother to two of our girls, Mrs Yvonne Blakeney, was our special guest at Grandparents and Friends Day, where she shared her story of how she came to write and illustrate her picture books for and about her grandchildren.

wealth of opportunities to pursue their talents and interests.


2012 NAPLAN results were outstanding. Three of our Year 5 girls achieved the highest state score in Language Conventions (one in Grammar and Punctuation and two in Spelling). In Year 3, one girl gained the highest state score in Reading, whilst two gained the highest state score in Language Conventions (one in Grammar and Punctuation and one in Spelling). Outlined below are our Year 3 and 5 results compared to the Queensland average.


NAPLAN RESULTS 2012 2012 Mean Score Comparison









Reading 507 408.3 419.3 Writing 422 403.2 415.4 Spelling 472 398 413.9 Grammar & Punctuation 513 411.2 423.6 Numeracy 444 380.7 395.1

Reading 100 92.8 93.5 Writing 100 94.7 95.3 Spelling 100 93 94 Grammar & Punctuation 100 91.9 93 Numeracy 100 92.8 93.9



Percentage of students at or above National Minimum Standard

Reading 532 480.1 493.2 Writing 503 457.4 476.5 Spelling 527 478.5 494.3 Grammar & Punctuation 549 477.2 490.5 Numeracy 514 476.1 488.4

Reading 100 89.3 91.8 Writing 100 88.3 92.2 Spelling 100 90.5 92.6 Grammar & Punctuation 100 87.5 90.4 Numeracy 100 92 93.4

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Fairholme Junior

The following events form a snapshot of the many excursions, incursions and presentations featured this year in the Prep to Year 6 classes: Prep Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea Cobb and Co excursion in Year 1

Camps for Years 3 to 6

Farm excursion in Year 1

Open House

Incursion from Fire Brigade to Year 1 Highfields Pioneer Village Visit in Year 2

Grandparents and Friends Day and visit from author, Yvonne Blakeney

Empire Theatre tour in Year 2

Fairholme Girl for a Day

Toowoomba Regional Library in Year 2

Footsteps Dancing Incursion

Webb Park for Year 2

Book Week activities and Book Week Character Parade

Water Wise Talk from Toowoomba Regional Council in Year 2 Visit to Empire Theatre to ‘Happy Birthday Peter Rabbit’ for Kindy to Year 3 Eisteddfod for Year 2 Strings Empire Theatre for James and the Giant Peach for Kindy to Year 3 Bastille Day Celebratory Luncheon for Year 3 with Middle and Senior girls Brisbane Writers’ Festival - Children’s Literature Festival online with Year 3 National Simultaneous Storytime Kindy to Year 2 Visit to Planetarium in Brisbane by Year 3 Safe Cycling for Years 4 and 5 Leadership Day for Year 5 Presentation of History multi-media documentaries on migrant experiences in Year 6 Guest speakers from Congo and Vietnam and translators in Year 6 Multi-media documentaries on Indigenous affairs in Year 6 Life Education Van for Prep to Year 6 CSIRO Incursions for Prep to Year 6 Under Eights Day for Prep to Year 2 with the Glennie School Junior Years and Toowoomba Grammar Junior Year 3 Activity Morning with the Glennie School Junior Years and Toowoomba Grammar Junior Year 4 Maths Morning with the Glennie School Junior Years and Toowoomba Grammar Junior

IPSHA Ecumenical Service and IPSHA Leaders Dinner for Year 6


Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Stall organised by FOJS and run by Year 6 girls

A Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) for Fairholme Kindy was formulated to support the transition to the new Federal Government National Quality Framework. The Kindy staff implemented the QIP throughout the year.

Year 6 Leaders Induction Ceremony Year 6 Chapel Service and Graduation Dinner Year 6 Transition into Middle School program FOJS High Tea FOJS Pink Lunch High Tea for Year 12 Past Fairholme Junior girls Clubs including bee bot, chess, computer, craft, Club G, garden club Parent workshops in Terms 1, 2 and 3 Service Activities

The Kindy staff participated in a seven-hour online professional development called, ‘The Traffic Jam in My Brain’. Ideas and strategies from the course were implemented in the Kindy program to support sensory integration and processing of all the Kindy children. Mrs Jo Darbyshire presented a workshop for Early childhood educators in Toowoomba entitled, Play, What do Parents really think? Mrs Sue Harris, assistant in Kindy D, was on Long Service Leave in Term 4

Focus: Circle Time and Social skills Restorative Practices implemented Kindy to Year 12 Fundraising Jeans for Genes Day: $407 Pink Day - Breast Cancer Association: $500 Operation Christmas Child: 36 boxes Jump Rope for Heart: $3502.50 AEIOU: $28

Year 6 Quiz with the Glennie School Junior Years and Toowoomba Grammar Junior

The Junior School staff has enthusiastically embraced the many professional learning opportunities presented to them, focusing on building capacity as reflective learners and teachers, in order to achieve the very best learning outcomes for their students. 2012, a year where we have continued to develop a vibrant learning community.

Year 6 & 7 Socials with the Glennie School and Toowoomba Grammar Junior

Mrs Lyn Merry | Head of Fairholme Junior

Year 5 Science Morning with with the Glennie School Junior Years and Toowoomba Grammar Junior


Mayor and Councillors Morning Tea for Junior School Leaders

Fairholme Kindy has continued to support the establishment of family and community partnerships by celebrating family occasions, offering social events, regular weekend bushwalks, participating in school events, excursions and incursions including Mother’s Pampering morning, Father’s Day Breakfast, Family Picnic, Grandparents and Friends Day and Sunday family walks. The Kindy children made two visits to the Empire Theatre to watch, ‘James and the Giant Peach,’ and ‘Happy Birthday Peter Rabbit’.

THE ARTS Musicals Music, Dance and Drama…what a fabulous creative outlet for our Junior School students. We started the year with our Year 1 to Year 6 Musical, Café de Paris. From the living room of an Australian family, to the streets of Paris, we were entertained by Pink Panthers, French chefs, good-natured robbers, bumbling Gendarmes, outrageously dressed tourists, elegant Parisians and an adorable Australian family. A mystery was solved and romance blossomed in our delightful show. At the end of the year, our Kindy to Year 3 students performed Prickly Hay, a Christmas story told through the eyes of Sam the stable boy. With hoedown style music, the children dressed in cowboy costumes and delighted the audience with their singing, dancing and acting. Choirs Beautiful music was created by our many ensembles. Our special co-curricular choir, the Year 4 to 7 Chorale once again achieved fantastic results in the A Grade of the Toowoomba Eisteddfod, including second place, two third places and two Highly Commended certificates. We have continued to offer a Year 1 & 2 Choir, a Year 3 & 4 Choir and a Year 5 & 6 Choir as part of the Junior School curriculum. These choirs underpin the strong choral program in the Junior School and lay a solid foundation for the Chorale and the choirs in the Middle and Senior Schools. Instrumental Ensembles Our Intermediate Concert Band, under the baton of Mr Nick Williams, achieved first place and our Junior String Orchestra, conducted by Mr Rod Egerton, received Highly Commended, in their sections. It was a real highlight to have the Year 2 Strings and the Year 3 Strings also receive Highly Commended at the Eisteddfod. In addition to these large ensembles, there has been the Year 6 Flute Trio, the Year 6 Saxophone Quartet, the Year 6 String Quartet and the Year 4 String Quartet. String Program and Band Program Every girl in Year 2 was given the opportunity to learn a stringed instrument in the Year 2 String Program, taught by Mr Rod Egerton, Mrs Celia Egerton and Mrs Danielle Skerman. Every girl in Year 4 was given the opportunity to learn a brass, woodwind or percussion instrument in the Year 4 Band Program, taught by Mr Nick Williams, Miss Nicola Hayden and Mr Mal Gaydon. Many girls have chosen to continue learning their instrument in 2013. Concerts A successful Sing Out 2012 was co-ordinated by Fairholme College and held at the Empire Theatre in June, for primary school choirs from 50 schools. With guest conductor, Mr George Torbay, the Sing Out concerts delighted audiences and inspired our choristers. Our Years 6 and 7 Chorale members performed at this event. The eleven Lunchtime Concerts which were held throughout the year and Mrs Chappell’s Singing Studio Recital, continued to be wonderful opportunities for our girls to develop their performance skills in a supportive environment. A very successful Pre-Eisteddfod Concert was held in Term 3 for each ensemble in the school to perform before the Eisteddfod. The Spring Fair gave an excellent opportunity for every Junior School choir and large ensemble to perform. Dance Footsteps Dance Company ran workshops for the whole Junior School in Term 3, where we all loved moving to music and learning contemporary dance steps. In Term 4, we held our annual Year 6 Interhouse dance competition where the Year 6 girls had the opportunity to put their skills into a dance to perform for the younger classes. With Mrs Eldridge on leave in Term 3, Miss Wendy Baills did a marvellous job teaching Junior School Music and co-ordinating Junior School Arts. We love to sing and make music, dance and perform in the Junior School and we have certainly done all these things in 2012. Mrs Belinda Eldridge | Co-ordinator of Junior School Arts

Highlights and Achievements 2012


SPORT Fairholme Junior Sport has continued to offer a wide range of sports and activities for the girls, and involvement and participation rates are excellent in Interhouse activities. The girls from Prep through to Year 6 are involved in these activities and the Kindy students also participate but no points are awarded at this level. Sporting opportunities include: • Interhouse competitions in swimming, cross country, athletics, ball games and gymnastics with tennis and aquathon being optional • Interschool Carnivals in swimming, athletics and cross country • Zone and Regional Sport, including swimming, athletics and cross country and other sports such as hockey, basketball, tennis, cricket, netball, softball, touch, aquathon, orienteering and girls’ soccer • Interschool Friday Sport for Year 6 through the Toowoomba Primary Sports Association, and the Years 4 and 5 compete in a friendly competition with The Toowoomba Preparatory School and with The Glennie School Junior Years at least three times a term in touch, netball and t-ball • Fairholme Clubs and Association involvement in swimming, track and field, cross country, netball, touch, basketball and equestrian • After-School Activities delivered by Development Officers from various clubs such as hockey, soccer, basketball and AFL • In-school visiting specialists in hockey for Year 4 and 5 in Term 2, the Allstar gymnastics program from Kindy to Year 6 in Term 3, and cricket in Term 4 for Year 2 and 3. Fairholme Learn to Swim conduct an intensive two week swimming program for Prep to Year 3 students during school time in Term 1. DEVELOPMENT SQUADS Athletics: An athletics development squad, under the coaching of Mr John Sessarago and his team of coaches, Mr Sam Toleman and Miss Lauren Murray, continued to flourish this year and the girls participated in several competitions including the Sunshine Coast Athletics competition. Swimming: The FAST swimming club, under Mr Dave Negus and Mr TimTaylor, continues to develop a squad of juniors who have achieved highly in the local club competitions and at the Queensland


State Primary Relays. The girls have also represented their regions at both club and school levels. Cross Country: Ms Rosie Eden and Mrs Bridgette Powell, the State Cross Country coach and member of our secondary school Physical Education department, assisted with preparing the girls for cross country. The girls also participated at the Qld All Schools relay and individual carnivals. Touch: A team participated in the 2012 South West Region Primary Touch competition and the Queensland Primary All Schools Touch competition. Netball: A primary team participated in the Queensland Primary Mission Cup competition. AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Other non-competitive, fun-filled activities enrich the Physical Education and sporting program run at Fairholme Junior after school, include the AFL Development Board six week program and the Toowoomba Hockey Association 6 week program in Term 3. SPECIALISTS IN CLASS In-school deliveries were conducted by our own aquatics Swim School which provides a two-week Intensive series of Learn to swim classes for all students from Prep to Year 3. In Term 2, Sean Miller and Clare Jolley from Toowoomba Hockey Association delivered a five-week unit for Year 4 and 5 and Sam Toleman, Lauren Murray and Adrian Layden assisted with specialist athletics coaching during some Physical Education lessons. In Term 3 the Allstar Gymnastics Club again conducted the gymnastics unit from Kindy through to Year 6 both at school and at the Allstars’ fabulous new venue. Fairholme continues to foster strong links with the Allstar Gymnastics Club that provided coaching sessions and coaches to assist with preparation for the Andrews Cup gymnastics competition. HIGHLIGHTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Fairholme won the Girls Aggregate shield at both the Zone Interschool athletics and swimming carnival in 2012 and won the school average shield in swimming in 2012. Achievements are best displayed by the number of girls achieving selection in the zone and regional teams. There were 23 Junior School girls in Range Zone teams in various sports and 9 girls in Darling Downs team. Some of these girls represented in more than one sport.


Fairholme Junior



RANGEZone ZONE Range REPRESENTATIVES representatives

REGIONAL Regional REPRESENTATIVES representatives



1st place Girls Aggregate Trophy



Junior knock-out Swimming Tournament

Cameron and Powell

Winner: E Dann Plate Div: M Gordon


4 teams reached the finals School team 20

Primary Schools State Relay Swimming Championship Cross Country


Track and Field


3 + 3 reserves


1st Girls Trophy





Touch Primary All Schools Team

SW Qld Regional Competition 8 Qld All Schools Touch Competition 8


Netball Primary Mission Cup Team

Primary Mission Cup Team 2


CLUB COMPETITION 2 x netta teams (8 & 9yrs, and 9 & 10yrs ) 2 x 11yrs teams












Ball Games




Most Improved: C Tully

Term 1 A team participated in the Thursday afternoon Association League

Term 4 Friday night 1 x Yr 4/5 team 1 x Yr 6/7 team


1 4


State representative

School Champion: A Grimmett 1



Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Cricket 1 team Junior Social

No TPSSA Sport offered

Soccer 1 team Junior Social

Softball Junior A and B

Tennis 4 teams Junior A, Junior B

Netball 2 teams

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Fairholme Junior Andrews Cup Competition In our inaugural year of participation in the Andrews Cup sporting competition, we fielded teams across all the following sports: tennis, touch, swimming, cross country, athletics, netball, softball and gymnastics with Percentage Trophies won in both swimming and athletics. Pennants were won in cross country with the 9 year age group obtaining first position. In swimming the 10 year division obtained second place and in athletics the 10 year division obtained third place.

ANDREWS CUP RESULTS Swimming Schools Percentage Trophy 2nd position (10 years age-group) Cross Country 1st position (9 years age-group)

MODELLING the middle

Athletics Schools Percentage Trophy 3rd position (10 years age-group)) Tennis Competed in All Divisions (& Year 5) Touch Competed in All Divisions (& Year 5) Netball Competed in All Divisions (& Year 5) and Year 5 Netta


Offering a stimulating and challenging curriculum, in a

Gymnastics Competed in All Divisions 6th position (Open division) Mrs Lee-Ann Grantham | Coordinator of Physical Education and Sport


supportive and caring


Softball Competed in A, B and C Divisions

environment with purpose-built facilities.

2012 has been another very successful year for the Middle School and its students. Fairholme Middle School prides itself on being able to offer a stimulating and challenging curriculum but in a supportive and caring environment and in fabulous, purpose-built facilities. The girls in Year 7,8 and 9 really do enjoy the benefits of a Middle School that allows them to be in a smaller and more close-knit community but also one that is linked closely to the Senior School and all the opportunities that stem from being part of a larger College community. The teachers in Middle School have spent a lot of time and energy on creating units of work that are in line with the new national Curriculum, and the girls have enjoyed the challenge that this new curriculum brings. We are proud of the fact that we have implemented the National Curriculum in Years 7, 8 and 9 in the areas of English, Maths, Science, History and Geography. This focus on the academic curriculum has been well supported by our strong Pastoral Care program and Life Skills program. The aim of both of these programs is to support the emotional, social and spiritual development of each girl. Further support for the academic development of the girls has been given by the Learning Enhancement Centre (LEC) which is coordinated by Mrs Karen Cottle. The addition of Mrs Kylie Wallis, our Learning Support teacher, to this Centre has greatly strengthened the support given to girls with Learning Difficulties. The LEC opens before school and each lunch hour to offer academic support and help to students in any subject area. Many afternoon Help sessions are also offered in this centre and these are of great benefit to many students.

Middle School

The academic success of the Middle School girls was again displayed in the results from the NAPLAN (National Assessment Program for literacy and Numeracy) testing conducted in May. The girls were tested over three days in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions, Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Number, Space, Measurement and Algebra. The table below demonstrates that the Fairholme girls achieved well above the State and National averages in all areas and also shows that we have a far greater percentage of students performing at or above the National Standard. Of course, Fairholme Middle School girls also take advantage of the many other opportunities that the College offers. We have had large numbers of girls involved in Debating, Opti-MINDS, Maths Team Challenge, Maths Olympiad, Readers Cup, Chess Competitions, the Middle School play, ‘This ain’t Kansas’, Choirs, Music Bands and ensembles as well as a huge range of sporting competitions. The girls are very fortunate to attend a College that offers such a variety of activities. The Middle School staff have tried hard to incorporate the concept of Service to others as a strong part of the Middle School community. We have continued our regular visits to Tricare Nursing home, coordinated by Christian Education teacher, Ms Kelly Owen. We also continue to support our Middle School Sponsor child through the Compassion organisation and the

NAPLAN RESULTS 2012 Percentage of Students at or above National Minimum Standard

Year 7

Year 9

Fairholme State National Fairholme State National















Grammar/ Punctuation





















NAPLAN RESULTS 2012 Mean Score Comparison Year 7 Year 9

Fairholme State National Fairholme State National


567 532 541.3 613 567 574.5

534 543.1 606 571 576.6 Spelling 567 Grammar/ Punctuation







512 517.9 610 539 553.3 Writing 560 Numeracy 568 532 537.9 608 575 584

Middle School leaders always focus on fundraising so we are able to continue to meet our commitment in this area. The Middle School also values teamwork and co-operation and tries hard to develop these skills in each of the girls. Each year level attends a camp in Term 1 which strengthens the relationships between the girls and, of course, offers a lot of fun as well. The Year 9s also spent a day at Emu Gully Adventure Centre in October which helped them to understand the ANZAC tradition and how they can incorporate these values into their own lives. I feel privileged to be able to lead Fairholme Middle School girls. They continue to impress me with their enthusiasm for life and their dedication and commitment to their studies. I immensely enjoy seeing, and supporting the

emotional growth in each girl from the beginning of Year 7 to the end of Year 9. Although the adolescent years can be challenging times for many young people, I really do believe that the support offered by the Fairholme Middle School to each girl is invaluable and prepares them beautifully for the challenge and excitement of the Senior School.

Mrs Jaye Ross | Head of Middle School

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Senior School

‘If Only you Knew...’ It was wonderful to see each of our Senior Leaders for 2012 walk proudly across the stage to receive their badges of leadership on Monday 20 February. At that time, the Seniors had already led the College in several significant events and did so with distinction! At that early stage, they set a high standard in servant leadership. As we arrive in November, it is easy and right to note that the leaders of the College sustained the excellent leadership established early in the year – an accomplishment of great note. At the Induction, Guest Speaker, 2004 Head Girl Miss Nikki Staskiewicz, spoke of ‘one woman’s journey’; at each step along her journey since Fairholme, Nikki has enjoyed various spells of study, trips to exciting parts of the planet and connections with people who have changed her life. Nikki spoke of the series of small decisions along the way that ultimately prompted life’s big changes. The value she has placed in each of these small steps was wonderful to hear about and provided some clarity and inspiration for our newest leaders. With the year still ahead of them, it proved a fabulous message for the newly installed leaders. I trust they will recall Nikki’s story about small steps and decision which meld together to form life’s journey. Back then in February, 2012 Head Girl Meghan Hamilton’s sentiments linked beautifully with Nikki’s. Meg spoke of the shiny badge of leadership within each girl – a badge they have indeed always worn. Weaving in a lovely analogy of the Wizard of Oz’s Tin Man character, Meg reflected upon the core leadership badge which can never be seen, yet prompts all that we do.


As we pin this badge on our lapels, think of it in these ways, as they clearly go hand in hand. The first being an outward sign of unity and strength to lead as one group. Every girl in the Senior class now owns one of these navy Fairholme Senior badges, representing outwardly to our community the servant leadership I believe has always been there. The second is just as important, and in fact absolutely crucial for the outward sign to be effective, and that is recognising your inner, unseen badge as the unique core – your tinman’s heart. You bring something special, something no one else can, to our unified group. The richer your ‘unique’ part can be, the richer the unified group will be. It’s logical, yes? It is through this overall rich, heavy, monumental cloud of servant leadership that empowerment and positive influence can come and rain over Fairholme, and even further. In 20-1-2, if only you knew what your unseen badge could do. So keep your badge pinned to your servant hearts this year, girls, and let it glimmer and shine radiantly so that we really can be the greatest group of Senior Leaders that we can be. May your unique servant’s heart be the backlight and enrich for your actions and drive you as a leader this year, and never forget your importance along our own yellow brick road. Meg Hamilton On Friday 16 November, as the girls pinned their metal badge to their white collar for the final time, may they have felt pride for a year of Fairholme leadership – it was certainly one of distinction. However, my hope is that there is just one stronger feeling experienced at that time. My wish for the girls is the overwhelming feeling of hope – hope for a future of great promise established well by their year as excellent leaders and each of those small Fairholme moments and decisions along the way which created their story!

Leading and Learning When consulting a dictionary to discover the definition of the word ‘dynamic’, one will encounter words such as energy, action and change. These books of reference, should they have the advantage of knowing the Senior School It was wonderful each of our This sector of the College is indeed ever-changing; at Fairholme, would no doubt add ‘Senior School’totosee their definition. Senior Leaders for 2012 walk proudly the energy of the staff and girls perpetuate significant energy. The real power of this energy is that it is fed by acrossand thepositive stage toaction receive attitudes propelling the engagement wetheir see badges each day well into the future. of leadership on Monday 20 February. Return to the dictionary and to the word ‘snapshot’. Our dynamic senior school curriculum is diverse and contains great that snapshot, time, the Seniors had already depth. Only a ‘brief appraisal’, a At simple is presented herein to illustrate the wonderful work of the staff and led the College in several significant girls in the Senior School at Fairholme during 2012. events and did so with distinction! At stage, they setNational a high standard Putting Youth in the Picture –this Year 11 Retreat – based at the that early Success in the Chemistry in servant leadership. As we in ICAS program with its focus on personal Alexandra Park Conference Centre, Quiz and Universityarrive of NSW November, it is easyCompetitions and right to note safety and legal issues, hosted by the July retreat stood as the creo Academic – girls of theSchool Collegeexcelled sustained author/producer Adair Donaldson, visio stage of the Leadership that the leaders in the Senior in the excellent leadershipinestablished early forms a critical and practical aspect of Program. Three days of challenge competitions the competitions an accomplishment great the Year 10 Life Skills program. and reflection were embraced in bythe yearin –Mathematics, Science,ofChemistry note. Year 12 Geography - investigating the newest leaders of the College. and English, receiving a significant elements of eco-tourism, Senior Dance & Drama Sydney Tour – a number of Credits, Distinctions and Guest Speaker, 2004 Geographers spent time at the five-day program working withAt the Induction, High Distinctions in 2012. Head Girl Year Miss Nikki Staskiewicz, Lamington Nation Park. industry professionals at the Sydney 11 Biology Camp – spoke the camp journey’; at each Back Me Up – Year 10 girls Annabelle Dance Company, NIDA, Theatreof ‘one woman’s experiences involved thestep exploration journey Fairholme, Nikki Thelander, Hannah Haidley and Hannah for Young People and at Brentalong her of marinesince ecosystems, undertaking variousdata spells of study, Nugent created three short films Street. Teamed with attendinghas enjoyed scientific collection and trips to exciting parts of the planet between them for consideration in the performances by the Sunday Dance attending workshops over several and connections peopleEnvironments who Back Me Up Competition. These clips Company and at the Opera House, days at with the marine have changed life.and Nikki spoke of called for a stop to cyber bullying the itinerary was inspirational and Field her Study Resource Centre at the seriesHastings of small Point decisions along the and encouraged bystanders to step challenging. way that ‘Fairholme ultimately prompted up when someone is harmed. The University of Queensland Young Day’ – 2012life’s sawbig the The value she has in girls fared very well in this national Scholars’ Program – three Yearchanges. 11 reintroduction of aplaced welcome each of these smallfor steps was wonderful competition. girls were selected for the annual program the Year 7 & 8 girls andby provided some clarity Year 12 Alternate Program – after program, held at the St Lucia to hear about hosted the Senior Leaders. and inspiration forGeographers our newest leaders. the formal academic curriculum campus in late November. Year 11 –time spent With the studying year still ahead of them, it was complete, the Senior Leaders Voices on the Range – a host of the Gowrie Creek proved a Catchment fabulous message the practical had the opportunity to gain further professionals visited the College formedfor a crucial newly installed leaders. Now, with their qualifications in such areas as in August for the annual literary exercise within the Geography Fairholme days tallying only single digits, defensive driving, first aid and festival, facilitating a host of curriculum. I trust they will recall Nikki’s story about hospitality. performances, workshops and Sporting Champions – in 2012 there small steps and decision which meld Workshops: June Dally Watkins and presentations across diverse genres. were champions in sportsmanship together to form life’s journey. Elizabeth Wilson – sessions in work Japan Tour – a Spring-time language and championships in sporting preparation, formal etiquette and and cultural tour encompassing excellence. Positive participation and Back then in February, 2012 Head Girl personal presentation were presented experiences in Osaka, Tokyo, good sportsmanship are hallmarks of Meghan Hamilton’s sentiments linked on campus. Hiroshima, Kyoto and time with Fairholme College. beautifully with Nikki’s. Meg spoke of the National Athletics Knockout – three Chiharu Ota’s family in Odawara International Women’s Day – hosted shiny badge of leadership within each College teams were invited to City. by the College Interact Club, this girl – a badge they have indeed always attend this national contest in 2012. International Hosts – again, Fairholme year’s day of celebration centred on worn. Weaving in a lovely analogy of Impressively, the Intermediate Team played host to 14 girls from France, those women, in our daily lives, who the Wizard of Oz’s Tin Man character, returned with the national bronze Germany, Switzerland, Canada, enrich our lives. Meg reflected upon the core leadership medal. a group from Jissen (Japan) and Year 12 Chemistry – the Seniors’ badge which can never be seen, yet Excellence Recognised – in 2012, two Kent College girls. During the annual Extended Experimental prompts all that we do. Senior Leaders were fortunate to summer vacation many Senior Investigation commenced with secure numerous scholarships, School girls will travel to spent time the collection and study of water As we pin this badge on our lapels, think including those offered by Bond with their counterparts, perhaps samples in local areas. of it in these ways, as they clearly go University and interstate residential experiencing a white Christmas! Arts Excellence – countless girls hand in hand. The first being an outward Colleges. Numerous girls were offered Immersion in the French Language undertook formal, external music sign of unity and strength to lead as one early entry into university programs – an intensive program for the and speech & drama exams with group. and were successful in auditioning for Senior French girls at Maison de bodies such as the Australian creative industry degrees. St Clair, teamed with the New Music Examination Board. Some South Pacific – the launch and auditions Caledonia, provided students of extraordinary results were attained began in Term IV, ahead of the French wonderful opportunities – several Senior School girls attained August 2013 season of the Fairholme to hone their language skills, while results in the highest echelon at such – Toowoomba Grammar School experiencing nuances of French levels and seventh and eight grade. production, South Pacific. culture.

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Senior School

Infi nities and Seniors As we wave the Senior Leaders off, we wish well a group of very fine, accomplished, just, driven and compassionate young women. When we look at these young women, and see them as our future, we cannot help but feel quietly confident. With our senior leaders walking out into the world and making change and making good, we can look forward to a future strong and hopeful. As we say farewell we express our thanks. We cherish the lessons learnt through being involved in the lives of our senior leaders. The lessons of support, justice, integrity and empathy we have learnt from these girls are things for which we are very grateful. Perhaps the greatest gift and lesson we can share with our graduating seniors is one of gratitude. Girls, as you continue to create and cherish more ‘infinities’, weave patterns with your coloured woollen string and take on the world with courage, remember … If Only You Knew I…

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Melody Beattie.

Ms Catrina Sharp | Head of Senior School


Boarding at Fairholme

Boarding is not a holding pen between bouts of academia, but a place of learning in its own right, an academy which teaches the skills needed for life. (Australian Boarding Schools Association Website) With a strong history as a leader in residential education Fairholme College continues to be one of the largest and most preferred all-girls’ boarding school in Australia. It has strong connections with country families with 95% of the boarding population coming from rural and remote areas of Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Territory and Western Australia. We have also welcomed students from city families and from overseas countries such as Japan, Hong Kong and Papua New Guinea. Boarders are at the ‘heart and soul’ of the College, constituting over a third of the student body in the Middle and Senior School.

Seeking Excellence At Fairholme College the academic environment is supportive and proven to add value, whilst the sporting and cultural programs are second to none. The boarders have unparalleled access to excellent facilities and learning opportunities.

Continued enhancement of our culture of genuine pastoral care has occurred through increased staffing, professional learning, and programs and opportunities to develope better relationships with and amongst staff, students and parents and the wider community. The connections made Meeting the Standards across friendship groups and year Fairholme Boarding has always levels, and the care and concern that demonstrated a strong commitment the girls, have experienced themselves to the development of best practice, from staff and students, or have and with the proposed introduction given to others, are the fabric of the of industry-based National Boarding Fairholme Boarding House. These Standards by the Australian Association experiences nurture lifelong learning in of Boarding Schools (ABSA) our focus each girl which is not left at the gate this year has been on areas relating to the when she leaves but enables her to welfare, development and management deal with life beyond school and in her of our students,Marguerite staff, and boarding Dunne | Head of Boarding quest for personal fulfilment. community.

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Boarding at Fairholme Developing Learning Practice Study routines and supervised Prep (homework) have helped many boarders to achieve better academic results. In 2012 all Year 6-10 girls attended nightly Prep sessions, supervised by College Academic Staff who were on hand to support the girls as required. Year 11 and 12 boarders work in a quiet learning environment at their desks in their dorms during supervised Prep time. This year the girls took advantage of the tutoring offered by Miss Stacie Walton, a teacher of Mathematics and Physics at the College, who was appointed as the Academic Assistant to the Boarding House, and who resided in the Boarding House. Boarders were encouraged to access and use study help available at the College and regularly attend the academic support sessions for different learning areas, available to all girls every weekday morning and afternoon at the College Learning Enhancement Centre. The Boarder Lifeskills Program was expanded to include sessions for younger boarders on study skills, including discussion of strategies used when studying and completing assignments, and organisation strategies managing their studies and extracurricular involvement. During the year, Fairholme Boarding staff completed further professional learning in topics ranging from Restorative Practice, Workplace, Health and Safety, Applied First Aid, Use of Technology, and Working Together against Bullying. In October, all staff attended the ABSA Queensland State Conference ‘Understanding the Adolescent Brain’ which was facilitated by USQ Associate Professor, Dr Michael Nagel, and in November residential staff maintained their up-todate qualifications by completing the ABSA Bridging Course in the Duty of Care Course, the main training course for boarding staff in Australia. Senior staff members attended both the Queensland and New South Wales Isolated Children and Parents Association 2012 Conferences held at Goondiwindi and Burke respectively. Fairholme College principal Mrs Linda Evans and Head of Boarding Ms Marguerite Dunne are members of the executive committee for the Queensland Branch of ABSA and both attended the ABSA National Conference, ‘Are you meeting the standards?’, held in October. Concurrent with the conference, ABSA held its Annual General Meeting where Mrs Evans was elected to the ABSA National Executive Board. We congratulate Mrs Evans on her appointment and are pleased that Fairholme College and other Queensland schools will have a strong voice on the ABSA Board.


Service The Fairholme Boarding House is underpinned by a strong Christian ethos of Service, and the joy of giving to others is demonstrated not only by the girls’ unequivocal support for each other but also by their numerous contributions to the wider community. Year 12 boarders and members of staff displayed their Anzac spirit by attending the Anzac Day services at the Mothers’ Memorial in Toowoomba as a mark of respect. The girls have continued to sponsor their World Vision Sponsor Child and have been heavily involved in supporting many community activities, including the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, Queensland Rural Flood Appeal, Toowoomba Riding for the Disabled, the RSPCA Cup Cake for a Day, the Cancer Council Biggest Afternoon Tea, and the Mizpah Orphanage. Nine Year 12 boarders participated in ‘Shave for a Cure’, shaving or cutting off their hair and raising much needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. The girls have also assisted in the Toowoomba City Church, ‘Base 57’ Children’s Program. On Friday evenings, boarders cooked and delivered dinner for disadvantaged primary school aged children, as well as assisting group leaders to run activities and devotions. Fairholme boarders are selfless in purpose and we are all immensely proud of their actions in 2012. Christ-Centred Faith Throughout the year Fairholme Boarders attended Sunday Services at six different local churches. The girls, as part of their congregation, participated in the Service; for example, by assisting with the Readings or by sharing a devotion or prayer for significant occasions. Boarder Services were also regularly conducted in the College Chapel by Pastor Richard Jessup and Mrs Jenny Sutton (with Mrs Maree Morrison accompanying the singing of hymns on the piano). Fairholme Boarding Bible Groups The Boarding House Bible Groups (Junior, Middle and Senior) have continued this year under the watchful guidance of the Boarding House Assistant to Pastoral Care, Mrs Jenny Sutton. Each group met on a weekly basis for prayer and discussion. Many of the Boarder Chapel services were planned and presented by these girls who used readings, role plays and songs of praise to share the Christian beliefs, values and message of love, hope and charity that underpin all that we do. Members of the Boarding staff also met weekly at the Staff Prayer Group. ‘Embracing those intangibles that transform a place of residence into a home’. (Study in Australia website)

Boarding Lifeskills Program The development of a structured Boarding Lifeskills Program has continued in 2012, particularly in its scope and in complementing and linking with the Day School programs. The main objective of this program is to provide opportunities to help our students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, that build their sense of personal worth and agency, and teach them to interact with others constructively and effectively. Mentoring Program The support and recognition given to younger girls by more senior boarders icontributes significantly to a caring, supportive atmosphere of acceptance and tolerance in Fairholme College Boarding. This year, through our Big Sister program, all younger boarders had a senior buddy and a peer buddy in the Boarding House. Through this mentoring, the Year 12 boarders have provided care, support, guidance and friendship to the younger boarders throughout the year. Regular events such as Big Sister activities, dinners, breakfasts and afternoon teas provided opportunities for the girls to cement these bonds. The vertical structure of the Boarding House, where all age groups are across the various floors, also creates an environment that fosters friendship and support amongst all the girls. Training of students who act as mentors occurred as part of the Lifeskills Program, through sessions run by Mrs Sutton and other College staff, and community experts. Year 11 boarders attended sessions with Restorative Practice experts, Marg Thorsborne and Maryann Ahern, as part of the College leadership program. Fortnightly visits from a community support worker began this year for girls of Indigenous background. Orientation and Induction to Boarding The Fairholme New Boarder Induction program was expanded this year with weekly sessions throughout Term 1 for the Years 6, 7 and 8 boarders. Topics covered included change management, stress and relaxation techniques, problem-solving and conflict resolution techniques. Our City Family Program has continued with the Daygirl/Boarder Sleepover being a highlight for the girls. In September the Boarding House welcomed our 2013 new boarders and their families when they attended our Orientation Weekend. This event was an outstanding success with the girls and their families having the opportunity to build connections with staff and other families, and enabling them to familiarise themselves with the routines in the College and the Boarding House, easing the path of the girls for their start at the College.

Leadership and Community Development Fairholme boarders experience rich opportunities for leadership and personal growth. The work of the boarder committees led by the Head Boarder and the Boarder Prefects was outstanding in 2012 and the caring and nurturing environment in the Boarding House was enhanced through committee initiatives such as ‘Boarder of the Week Award’, the ‘Flawless Floors’ competition, the Boarders wall mural in Lower Nancy Shaw, the regular themed dinners and after dinner quizzes and activities. The Boarders Representative Committee, comprising of representatives from each year level, also gave the girls a voice and a mechanism for change. The Fairholme Head Boarder and Boarder Prefects attended regular Boarding Schools Leaders Meetings this year to share and broaden ideas and strengthen community connections.

Activities and Achievements. Many Boarders’ successes were celebrated in academic, sporting and cultural endeavours in 2012. The girls competed at eisteddfods and country shows, participated in music, dance and drama performances and represented the College, the Darling Downs and Queensland in numerous sporting events. Supplementing the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities in academic events, sporting teams and music, drama and dance groups in which the majority of boarders were involved, the girls also enjoyed convenient access to an extensive range of activities and facilities (sporting, social, cultural, recreational and spiritual), through a weekend activity program. In 2012 a Boarding House Activities Officer was appointed and, working with the Boarding House Recreation Committee, planned an Activities Program each term with regular weekend sporting, cultural, art and craft activities and excursions on

offer for the girls. The introduction of the Boarders Morning Run Group and the morning and afternoon Boarders Fitness Classes (through a partnership with Willows Health and Lifestyle Centre) have been very successful. Term 1 saw the boarders dominate in the pool for the second year, blitzing the daygirls in the traditional Daygirl versus Boarder relay, only to repeat this on the track in Term 3. State of Origin fever hit and the interstate rivalry was displayed as the girls proudly wore their state’s colours. The Year 7 and 8 Boarder-Daygirl sleepover in the Assembly Hall, led superbly by the Head Boarder and Boarder Prefects, was a fantastic night. The Fairholme College Boarders Social was again the social event of the year, attracting close to 900 students from boarding schools in Toowoomba and Brisbane. The annual excursion to Wet’nWild and the traditional Boarders Christmas Dinner were the culmination of a most enjoyable year.

I would like to acknowledge the many people who have made significant contributions to Fairholme Boarding throughout 2012. In particular, many thanks must be given to: Deputy Head of Boarding, Miss Elaine Burns, for her excellent management of the Boarding Office and ensuring the efficient day-to-day running of the Boarding House Boarding House Resident Supervisors, Mrs Marie Deans, Miss Susie Fredline, Miss Mary Gleeson, Miss Rebecca Haase, Mrs Judith Hawley, Ms Sue Heslop, Mrs Michelle Jackson, Mrs Maree Morrison and Mrs Jenny Baker (relief supervisor) who have given unending support, encouragement and loving concern to the girls in their care Mrs Jenny Sutton, the Assistant to the Boarding House Pastoral Care, Miss Stacie Walton, the Academic Assistant to the Boarding House, and Boarding House Activity Officers, Miss Leonie Hart (Term 1) and Natalie Evans (Terms 2 and 3) for their invaluable dedication and expertise Mrs Donna Smith for her support and continual work in maintaining the constant communication with our boarding families and girls in her role as Administrative Assistant to the Head of Boarding Creating a Warm Environment The Fairholme College Boarding House aims to provide a safe, inviting ‘home away from home’ environment for the girls whilst they live on campus. In 2012 major renovations have continued in numerous areas, enhancing the space where the girls work, relax and enjoy life together. New furnishings including comfortable new innerspring mattresses and ensembles, hutch style desks and new bedside tables, an increase in the number of single rooms, and new flooring and painting throughout the buildings have been greatly appreciated. The Boarders benefit from a specialist kitchen and dining hall with excellent food and plenty of it. In 2012 major renovations also occurred in the Dining Hall with new flooring and ceiling and the fitting of noise reduction panels making meals an even more pleasant experience.

Health Centre staff nurse manager, Mrs Kirsten Riordan, and the team of nursing staff, Mrs Janet Dixon, Mrs Lois Fernandez, Mrs Jennifer Halls, Mrs Clarissa Laws, Mrs Alison Leach, Mrs Sue McGavin, Mrs Angela McMahon, and Mrs Helen Surch for their constant care of the girls The very supportive Parents Boarder Support Group, led by President Mrs Debbie Weber, who have worked tirelessly for the Boarding House throughout 2012 2012 Head Boarder, Sarah Amos, and Boarder Prefects Megan Armstrong, Isabella Duggan, Emily Forrest, Lieschen Noack and Lucy Walton for their inspiration and outstanding leadership shown throughout the year Dr Ros Dunlop who conducts morning clinics at the Health Centre in her professional care of the girls, and Mr James Wiltshire who this year began a weekly physiotherapy clinic at the Health Centre The Boarding House volunteer drivers who generously give up their time to greatly assist boarding families by driving and accompanying boarders to outside appointments, Facilities, Maintenance, Catering and Laundry staff whose continual work supports the needs of the Boarding House on a daily basis. 2012 was another great year for all those involved with Fairholme Boarding. Thank you for contributing to the care and wellbeing of our students and for being a part of this wonderful community. Ms Marguerite Dunne | Head of Boarding

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Teaching and Learning University at the Gold Coast. The academic reputation of Fairholme College goes from strength to strength and remains consistent, with our students continuing to achieve outstanding results this year. The provision of quality teaching and innovative programs is a key strategic objective and we strive collaboratively to achieve this goal. In line with Federal Government expectations, our teachers have implemented the Australian Curriculum in English, History, Mathematics and Science, and the development of new Arts, Geography and LOTE work programs is well underway. Results from the 2012 National Assessment Plan Literacy and Numeracy testing (NAPLAN) indicate that Fairholme girls performed very well as a group, with their results in each testing area being well above the State and National average. In comparison to other schools in Toowoomba and Brisbane, Fairholme performed extremely well; three Year 7 girls and four Year 9 girls achieve results equal to the best in the State in Grammar and Punctuation. Our NAPLAN success was due to great teaching and the students’ own hard work. While NAPLAN scores are not the be-all and end-all for a school’s success, they are important indicators used to gauge how particular cohorts progress from year to year. Data on student achievement and performance at Fairholme College (classroom-based assessment along with systemic data such as Year 8 testing, NAPLAN and QCS results) has been used effectively to evaluate student and school performance and to plan for future learning experiences. Professional learning is an integral part of the life of a Fairholme teacher, and a significant part of our learning in 2012 was devoted to the analysis of educational data, in seminars facilitated by Dr Judy Smeed (QUT). The outcomes of such learning not only benefit the pedagogy of our staff but also have a direct impact on the planning and delivery of lessons in the classroom. Furthermore, Dr Lindsay Williams worked collaboratively with all members of academic staff, building their capacity to improve the English and curriculum literacy outcomes of our students in all subject areas. As a part of our ongoing support of those students considering Tertiary study pathways, all Year 12 students travelled to either Brisbane or the Gold Coast on our annual University Road trip in late June. The day included tours of the Queensland University of Technology (Kelvin Grove), Southbank Institute of Technology and the University of Queensland (St Lucia) in Brisbane, or tours of the Gold Coast TAFE and the campuses of Griffith University and Bond


Information nights were held in early February, covering topics such as SET Planning, VET options, OPs, the QCS test and Tertiary Entrance. This was followed later in the year by a QTAC workshop which was well attended. A primary focus for our seniors was QCS preparation. The Year 12 students began their academic year with a two-day QCS immersion workshop facilitated by Dr Lindsay Williams, Helen Masselos, Helen Spencer and Matthew Rigby – our expert gurus. This was followed by weekly lessons and followup workshops from January to September. The College acknowledges the comprehensive preparation done by our staff and students in the lead-up to those two rigorous days of examinations. As in previous years, the College participated in the International Competitions and Assessment for Schools (ICAS) co-ordinated by the University of New South Wales (UNSW). These competitions provide students with opportunities to test their skills and knowledge in their special areas of expertise in an external examination situation, and also provide excellent practice for NAPLAN or the Year 12 QCS test. Our students fared extremely well, with a significant number of distinctions and credits being awarded in English, Mathematics and Science. The Learning Enhancement Centre has gone from strength to strength, facilitating changes in teaching practice throughout the College. Differentiated curriculum, learning support and enrichment days were conducted to enhance and support teaching and learning. Furthermore, this year has seen a virtual explosion in the number of students undertaking Vocational Education and Training or VET Programs. This alternative pathway to careers can be accessed by any student in Year 10 and can provide courses that culminate in Certificates I, II or III in a range of areas from Aromatherapy to Veterinary Science. A number of our students are also involved in traineeships with local employers that will result in employment after the completion of their formal education. 2012 has been a year full of success and, to that end, I would very much like to take this opportunity to recognise the outstanding contribution of our teaching and support staff – dedicated people who continue to pursue the highest professional standards and who go more than the extra mile in the service of all our students. They are an exceptional team, and worthy of our respect and support. Regardless of what subject our teachers teach, they teach people and they influence the whole person; head, heart and hands.

Queensland Core Skills Test (QCS) Congratulations to our entire Year 12 cohort for their successes in so many facets of school life throughout their senior year. The achievements of the 2012 leaders have certainly been impressive, with substantial academic improvement demonstrated across the spectrum. Of note are the most impressive ‘single digit’ OP outcomes in some ten years. Herein, you will note two sets of data that illustrate this outstanding progress in academic performance over twelve months. While these figures herald important information, they do not reflect all there is that matters to us about our school leavers. The data does not reflect the girls’ qualities of compassion, humility, tenacity, determination and diligence, nor the myriad other traits that will strengthen and enrich the quality of their future lives. We are immensely proud of our recent graduates and remain very grateful for all that they have contributed to Fairholme College.

OP Results 2012

100% Percentage of Year 12 OP results

90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40%








20% 10%

Overall Placement FAIRHOLME State-Wide Results - Female Students State-Wide Results - All Students

50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25%










Percentage of Year 12 QCS results

QCS Results 2012




Academic Results FAIRHOLME State-Wide Results - Female Students State-Wide Results - All Students

*Fairholme College QCS performance improved by 30%, collectively, over twelve months.

Mr Stewart Peacock | Head of Teaching and Learning

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Key Learning Sectors

THE ARTS Experimenting and Exploring


2012 has been another highly successful year for The Arts. A truly amazing array of achievements has been celebrated across all disciplines from almost the very first day of the school year. It has been a year not only of the highest artistic standards – but also a time of immense enjoyment and creative growth.

Shining Students


Tatum Kersh and Zoe Miller appeared in the Empire Youth Arts IMPACT production of ‘Blackrock’.

Mr Alex Dixon joined us as our inaugural Head of Performance Music.

Marvellous performances by students of all Arts Disciplines at the annual Kaleidoscope of the Arts

Get SmART, Fairholme’s annual Arts Festival incorporated the Voices on the Range Literary Festival, thus leading to 9 weeks of unprecedented participation in arts-related pursuits for all students. Many individual arts competitions were revived with trophies presented to outstanding performers and visual artists.

Camber Choir performance at Anzac Day dawn service.

Music Camp – Members of the Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Strings, Concert Band and College Choir attended this weekend of rehearsals, fun and other delights at Mapleton. ‘Vignettes’ Middle School creativity group performed This Ain’t Kansas in the Fairholme College Assembly Hall. Our flute students had the privilege to play for world-renowned flautist Jane Rutter. Ms Rutter devoted two hours to present a master-class hosted by Fairholme, including a workshop and short performance with our Chamber Strings. This was a rare opportunity to work alongside a highly regarded professional musician in a meaningful educational environment. ‘For the Fallen’ - an ANZAC Day Performance featured the work, Faure’s ‘Requiem Mass’. A special project uniting students, staff and alumni.

Opera Queensland’s performance at the College 2 high calibre Music Extension Recitals presented by Senior Music Extension students. Fairholme Arts students performed beautifully at the City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod, gaining places in what was a very high standard of competition. Special Music Events: Spring Fair, Open House, Senior Music class visit to State Library to view their collection. Special Drama Events : QTC - ‘Elizabeth’ , QTC – ‘ Summer of the 17th Doll”’ , Year 12 Drama students staged Brechtian scenes from The Good Person of Setzuan and The Threepenny Opera for a public audience at Fairholme College Assembly Hall A Dance/Drama Tour to Sydney enabled many girls to see a number of professional productions and undertake practical workshops with some the Australia’s leading dance and drama practitioners.

Ms Nancy Macks | Head of The Arts

Meg McBain selected to join both the Young Conservatorium Jazz Band and Jazz Singers.

Toowoomba Eisteddfod - Zoe Miller was awarded the Secondary Speech and Drama Bursary for Girls. 2 Fairholme girls awarded Empire Bursaries Zoe Miller (Drama) and Georgina Duncan (Instrumental Music) Presentations at the Australian College of Music Awards Evening 2012:

Gold Award to Aleysha Martin and Chiara Osborn (Speech and Drama)

Grade IV Gold Medal Tara McClelland (Speech and Drama)

Grade VI Gold Medal (shared): Aleysha Martin and Chiara Osborn (Speech and Drama)

Grade 1 Silver Medal: Erin Higgins (Speech and Drama)

The following musicians were selected to participate in theQueensland Conservatorium Griffith University State Honours Ensemble Program which will took place at the Queensland Conservatorium South Bank Campus in September: Brianna Benn, Katie Devine, Meg McBain, Abbey Munro, Annabelle Thelander Over 100 students were recognised for their commitment and contribution to the Arts in the disciplines of Visual Art, Music, Sound and Lighting, Dance and Drama at The Arts Presentation Evening.

Visual Arts Victories Four students (Kate Darlington, Aleysha Martin, Amelia O’Connell and Jaime Painter) had art works selected for the Darling Downs/South West Regional Exhibition for Creative Generations. Excellence Awards. Amelia’s work, entitled ‘Wishes’ won the S & S Wholesale Creativity Unlimited Regional Encouragement Award. Nineteen Fairholme artists had works selected in the USQ Escape from the Zoo Exhibition. Two students went on to win further awards at the exhibition: Kate Darlington’s work, ‘What makes me, me?’ was announced as the winner of the 3–dimensional category, and Amelia O’Connell was announced as the Overall Winner of the Nelly Ryan Award for her work entitled ‘Wishing for a Better Future’.

Co-curricular Music The co-curricular music ensembles and teaching continues to be a primary area of development. There has been a pleasing resurgence in membership of the many band, choral and orchestral groups. A significant number of students are also enrolling for external examination by the Australian Music Examination Board.

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Key Learning Sectors

BUSINESS & TECHOLOGY Accounting and Business Communication and Technologies give students the opportunity to study either a specialised or a general business subject, both of which offer practical ‘life-skill’ experiences. These subjects, along withYear 10 Business and Technology, strive to provide students with relevant topics and to maintain a ‘real-world’ focus. The Year 10 course has again highlighted the World of Work with topics covering communication, résumé writing, cover letter and job applications and interviews. In addition, students’ Financial Literacy Skills are addressed in the topic ‘Introduction to Accounting’ and in ‘Earning, Saving, Spending and Budgeting’.

Examples of activities: Preparation of résumé, practising interview skills, choosing and applying for jobs and presenting for mock job interviews Participation in the Earning Saving Spending Investing Money Competition – an online competition, with competitors from high schools around Australia. Certificate II in Business is currently embedded in the Senior subject BCT, with 75% of the current Year 12 BCT students having achieved the competencies required to gain this certificate. This subject has enabled students to combine a vocational certificate with their academic program. BEAQ Accounting Competition Presentations from speakers from banks and local businesses.

2012 RESULTS ACCOUNTING BCT BUSINESS Yr 12 Yr 11 Yr 12 Yr 11 Yr 10 Level % Level % Level % Level % Level % VHA 3 20 5 45 4 16 1 8 20 48 HA 8 53 3 27 8 32 5 38 11 26 SA 3 20 2 18 10 40 3 23 10 24 LA 1 7 2 18 3 12 3 23 1 2 VLA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 15 11 25 13 42 Total Mrs Margaret Erbacher | Head of Business and Technology



Writing [and reading] Fundamental to a Healthy Society Writing – whether it’s the writing of music or the writing of plays or novels or journalism – is fundamental to a healthy society and is the most primal expression of a society’s views about itself. (The Weekend Australian, August 2012). Such an assertion strikes a chord with every teacher of English. Whether it is an imaginative text, an analytical exposition or a feature article the students write, the very act of writing requires creativity, discipline, synthesis and reflection – pursuits or ‘habits of mind’ that will stand us in good stead for life. Williams has been lauded for his nurturing of Australian writers – something that English teachers are trying to do every day. It is worth considering just how much writing is valued. Societies with only an oral tradition are on very shaky ground. History is awash with examples of indigenous peoples whose language and identities have been subsumed by colonists and competing civilisations. Perhaps the same will be said for societies that have lost their ability to write and their esteem for writers. It is ironic, however, that as many as one in seven journalism jobs in the big newspaper companies has been lost over the winter months – over 300 jobs, according to Media Alliance, from Mr William’s News Limited and about 280 jobs from Fairfax Media. No doubt there will be many more people making ‘primal expressions’ of our society’s view, but without readers we will need fewer writers. Perhaps Mr Williams should have included reading with writing as being fundamental to a healthy society. Academic Achievements Year VHA HA SA LA VLA Total 12 27 54 21 1 103 11 17 66 21 1 105 10 29 58 18 2 107 9 25 46 19 90 8 26 51 19 96 7 18 19 17 54 ICAS English Competition A range of students from Years 11, 10 and 8 sat the annual University of New South Wales’ English Competition this year. The following students received High Distinctions and Distinctions scoring in the top 1 percent and 10 percent of the state respectively, which is an outstanding achievement.

Year 8 Distinctions Heidi Adamson Laura Brosnan Jasmyn Bryant- Kennedy Isabelle Carey Kerri Carmichael Rosie Crimmins Holly Ellen Emily Fitzpatrick Meg Gillan Sophie Hawker Anne Jarvis Alice O’Connor Yasmin Perry Jessica Rogers Claudia Steel Isabelle Terry Adelaide Veal

Year 10 Distinctions Sarah Aljassim Lydia Davis Lucy Grigg Nida Hafeez-Baig Isabella Humphreys Israel Needham Hannah Nugent Chantelle Stewart Alison Thomas Brianna Watts Hannah Whitton

Year 11 Distinctions Lucy Armstrong Laura Heydon Ailsa Houston Jessica Howard Hannah McKee Bonnie Nicol Alexandra O’Hare Marie Ogg Katherine Richards Gemma Smith

Hosted by Fairholme College, ‘Voices on the Range’ promotes artistic and cultural talent. The 2012 program featured a wide variety of literary and cultural activities, and presenters including: Katherine Battersby Steph Bowe Kate Constable Cath Crowley Trent Dalton Ghostboy (aka Dave Stavanger) Kate Hunter Belinda Jeffrey Maureen McCarthy James Moloney Gerard Saide Suzanne Stark

Other Competitions CN Creative Writing Group – Eve Mahler Winner of Short Story Competition for 2012, Category 2.

Debating and Public Speaking Rostrum Voice of Youth – Georgia Steele (South Queensland finalist) Queensland Debating Union – Year 12 and Year 10 (Grand Finalists Runners-up) & 7 debating teams successfully made it through to the finals of the QDU debating competition Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award – Brianna Watts (National Finalist)

High Distinctions

High Distinctions

High Distinctions

Eve Mahler

Caitlin Sorour

Jessamy Routley

Mr Rohan Davis | Head of English

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Key Learning Sectors


2012 was another outstanding year for Fairholme College. Our girls produced some amazing individual and team results, further enhancing Fairholme College’s reputation as the premier girls’ sporting school on the Darling Downs.

Highlights and Achievements •

Toowoomba Secondary School Sport ‘Double Crown’ - we retained our Swimming and Athletics titles and were a very close runner up in Cross Country.

The 2012 15years Touch team won the Sports Darling Downs Sports Team of the Year after their win at Queensland All Schools.

Fairholme Aquatics won Swim School of the Year for the second successive year.

Pierre De Couberton Award 2012 Awarded by Queensland Olympic Council for outstanding sporting achievements, commendable, sporting behaviour and exemplary leadership – Rachael Curtis

Darling Downs School Sport Board Queensland School Sport Future State Great Award 2012 Awarded by Darling Downs School Sport on behalf of Queensland School Sport for her dedication and performance in Swimming and Cross Country – Julia Algie


BASKETBALL Champion Basketball School of Qld Competition 2 Association Teams 1 Darling Downs Representative 3 Friday Night Competition Teams CHESS Teams & individuals competing at Toowoomba schools tournament CRICKET 8 Darling Downs Representatives 3 Queensland Representatives – Eliza Flynn, Georgia Hendy, Emily Littleproud Alice Smith selected in Queensland Fire Squad Georgia Hendy selected in U16 Australian Indoor Cricket Team – team wins World Cup in South Africa CROSS COUNTRY Interhouse Champions – Stephens Toowoomba Secondary School Sport - Runner Up Trophies – 13yrs & 16yrs Canterbury College Cross Country State All-Schools Relays State All-Schools Individual Championships 4 Darling Downs Representatives, Mrs Powell (Official) 1 Queensland Representative & National Champion – Julia Algie, Mrs Powell (official)

HOCKEY 1 Association Team – School Club link with Norths’ Hockey Club

TRACK AND FIELD Interhouse Champions – Cameron House

NAB Schools Cup

Toowoomba Secondary School Sport Winners for 20th successive year. Trophies - Aggregate, 14s, 15s, 16s, 20s & Relays

NETBALL 25 Association Teams – Saturday & Wednesday nights – 4 Association Teams were Premiers in respective divisions Junior Vicki Wilson Cup Competition – Regional Winners Senior Vicki Wilson Team – Regional Runner Up (10th at State level) Laura Geitz Shield Competition – Regional Winners 5 Darling Downs Representatives ORIENTEERING 3 Darling Downs Representatives 1 Queensland Representative – Zazi Brennan SOFTBALL 7 Association Players 3 Representative players, Ms Gierke (Official) Queensland Representative – Ms Gierke (Official)

FOOTBALL 2 Association Teams Red Lion Cup UHL Sport Cup Ellen Counter – Football Toowoomba Fillies Best & Fairest FUTSAL 2 Association Teams Vikings South-West Qld Schools Championships Vikings Chantelle Cramb Cup 3 Vikings Nationals Representatives 1 FFA Queensland Representative – Alice Mason

25 Darling Downs Representatives 5 Queensland Representatives – Sarah Flynn, Samantha Lenton, Shanen Layden, Alexandra Doyle, Mr Pitt - official Intermediate Knockout Athletics Team – Queensland Runner Up – qualified for Nationals along with Junior team Club Nationals – 4 Representatives – Shanen Layden (3 medals), Emma Elsden (1 medal), Mackenzie Andrews, Meg Pegler TRIATHLON 2 Darling Downs Representatives VOLLEYBALL 7 Association Teams

Regional Golden Glove convenor – Ms Gierke

Junior Schools Cup – Gold Medal Div 3 Intermediate Girls

Golden Glove Cup – Regional Runner Up – qualified for State Final

Queensland Schools Cup – 2 teams

SWIMMING Interhouse Champions – Powell House

2 Darling Downs Representatives

March Past - Stephens House Toowoomba Secondary School Sport Winners for 10th successive year. Trophies – Aggregate, 13s, 15s, 16s, 19s, Open & Relays 16 Darling Downs Representatives

EQUESTRIAN Allora Showhorse Day Scots/PCG Weekend 14 Regional Competitors 8 Darling Downs Representatives 2 Queensland Representatives – Anna Bourne & Anna Elder Anna Elder – Showman Supreme Champion

March Past - Cameron House

1 Queensland Representative – Julia Algie – National Champion, multiple medallist, National Record Holder

Darling Downs Schools Cup – 2 teams Fairholme College host venue for Queensland Schools Cup WATER POLO 2 Association Teams 7 Darling Downs Representatives Fairholme College host venue for QSSS State Championships

Brisbane Girls Grammar Meet TENNIS 1 Darling Downs Representative Knowles Cup – Year 8s qualified for semi finals Hosted Sacre Coeur Queensland Secondary School Cup – Regional Champions & Queensland Country Champions

TOOWOOMBA SECONDARY SCHOOL SPORT Term 1 Summer Competition 20 Teams entered 6 Premier Teams Term 2 Winter Competition 23 Teams entered 2 Premier Teams

TOUCH 5 Association Teams – A Grade qualified for semi finals 8 Darling Downs Representatives 3 Queensland Representatives – Dominique Du Toit, Meg Jakins, Georgina Rackemann Qld All Schools Tournament – 3 teams – Open & 15A make final 16 SWQ Tournament – 3 teams – Open& 15A Champions

Mr Nick Byron | Head of Sport

All Hallows’, Tournament – 3 teams – all finalists – 15A Champions

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Key Learning Sectors

HOSPITALITY & HOME ECONOMICS 2012 has seen an ending and a beginning. The last cohort of Senior Hospitality Studies students completed their course this year. This wonderful group of girls exited with the largest number of VHAs in the history of the course. What a wonderful end to a subject that contributed so much to the academic and vocational skills of the girls. In its place is Senior Home Economics… ‘everything old is new again’. Hospitality Studies was a subject which focused on equipping the girls for the Hospitality industry. The College has moved from having only two VET options, Hospitality Studies and BCT, ten years ago, to offering a wide range of traineeships, TAFE courses and other VET options. Thus, with girls becoming more involved in alternate learning - via hospitality traineeships and work placement, the demand for the traditional curriculm has shifted. Home Economics focuses on improving the wellbeing of individuals, their families and communities. Through the development of a life-long approach to nutrition and skills needed for good health, the curriculum involves such foci: fashion and textiles, sustainability in the textile industry, body image. This snapshot of curriculum elements illustrates this subject is one which equips students for our dynamic society. In an age where our girls will move through various careers in their life, this broad, rigorous study equips the girls with skill sets essential to learners in this century.

2012 Achievements

It is extremely pleasing to note that 30 pioneers began in Year 11 – making it the largest cohort in the region. With strong interest in this area for 2013, this subject has established itself quickly. The College now offers study of food and textiles options through to Year 12; it is designed in a way which allows students to specialise in their area of interest, making it a flexible, relevant academic pursuit for the individual.

Year 10 Food and Fashion – Elective - 39 students studied 1 semester of Food and 1 semester of Fashion

Year 12 Hospitality - This year, 25 Year 12 Hospitality students gained their Certificate II in Hospitality Operations through successfully the bar course with SmartSkill. They took part in structured work experience at Royal Pines Resort, and provided their parents, teachers and friends with delightful experiences in both the Middle Eastern and Vietnamese Ethnic Restaurants in Term Four. Year 11 Home Economics - Elective - In 2012, 30 girls studied a semester of Food and Nutrition, examining issues about adolescent nutrition and a semester of Fashion and Textiles, developing ideas about how body image is portrayed through fashion.

Year 9 Food and Fashion – Elective - 64 students studied 1 semester of Food and 1 semester of Fashion.

It is extremely pleasing to see that 30 pioneers completed Year 11 Year 8 Food and Fashion – Compulsory - 92 students studied 1 term of Food Home Economics in 2012, with strong continuing interest at all year and 1 term of Fashion levels for 2013. Fairholme now has both food and textiles options to Senior and the course is designed to allow students to Year 7 Art and Design – Compulsory - 54 students studied 1 semester of Art specialise in their area of strength inYear 12. This allows and 1 semester of Textile Design. students who feel that they are not as strong in one area to minimise the contribution of 2012 Results that area to their OP. With such an innovative approach Subject/Year VHA % HA % SA % LA VLA to an old subject, students Year 7 Art & Design 24 44.5 30 55.5 0 0 0 are well equipped to succeed. Year 8 Food & Fashion 56 60.9 36 39.1 0 0 0 Year 9 Food & Fashion






Year 10 Food & Fashion





Year 11 Home Economics





Year 12 Hospitality Studies (30 students on R6)



















Ms Charlotte Faine | Head of Hospitality and Home Economics



It has been a busy year again in the Humanities Department, from implementing new curricula to various excursions around both Toowoomba and Brisbane. In each and every Humanities class, students have been learning, discussing, exploring, debating and questioning what is happening in our world and how these things affect us on a local, national and global scale. Highlights Handscape Enrichment Day and Gab Fest (Year 7 English and Humanities) Ancient Egypt Exhibit – Queensland Museum (Year 7 Humanities) Peoplescape Enrichment Day and Gab Fest (Year 8 English and Humanities) Monster Storms Enrichment Afternoon (Year 8 Humanities) “Fightin’ the Kaiser” World War I Performance (Year 9 Humanities) Abbey Museum Excursion (Year 11 Ancient History) Ancient Egypt Exhibit – Queensland Museum (Year 11 Ancient History) ‘EcoMan’ Seminar (Year 11 Economics) Reserve Bank of Australia Seminar (Years 11 and 12 Economics) University of Queensland School of Economics Competition (Year 11 and 12 Economics) Gowrie Creek ‘Managing Catchments’ Field Trip (Year 11 Geography) Eco-Tourism Field Trip to Binna Burra (Year 12 Geography)

2012 Results Middle School Year VHA HA SA LA VLA Total 7 16 24 15 0 0 55 8 26 55 13 0 0 94 9 23 55 12 0 0 90

Senior School Year/Subject VHA HA SA LA VLA Total 10 Humanities







11 Ancient History







12 Ancient History 6






11 Economics 2 10 2 0 0 14 12 Economics







11 Geography 3 19 10 0 0 32 12 Geography







11 Modern History












12 Modern History 6

Miss Alison Scott | Head of Humanities

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Key Learning Sectors


IT SERVICES The College has invested significantly to create a comprehensive and diverse IT capability that supports student learning. Research and careful planning ensures our Laptop Program reamains successful. It has been extended to cover Year 7 to Year 12 in 2012. Laptops, together with the technical support and IT infrastructure, has become a critical tool for learning.

Congratulations to the 2012 Information Technology Systems cohort. There are many ways to measure the effectiveness of a curriculum program. Qualitative measures such as student enjoyment and parents’ perceptions are important. Also crucial are quantiative measures which meet a standard and are compared to the rest of the state. Year 12 ITS students have performed better than state averages each year. In 2012, 10 out of the 21 ITS students will exit with a VHA. This is testament to the efforts of the students, the staff and the College’s approach to offering IT specific subjects and integrating technology skills into all curriculum areas from Kindy to Year 12.

Touch screens have been introduced in the Junior School computer lab. A new initiative, Fairholme Geniuses, has been introduced for the whole College. Fairholme Geniuses is a service opportunity for students to assist their peers with IT matters. Geniuses will run a Genius Bar and receive training and support from the IT Services staff. These students will also have the opportunity to be involved in research and development of the College IT systems and emerging technologies. This is intended to be a socially and intellectually stimulating service activity. Selection and training of Geniuses occurred in 2012 and the Genius Bar will be in full operation in 2013. During the 2011/2012 school break, research and development on ’Migration to 64 bit Windows 7’ was completed with positive results. Windows 7 64 bit replaced Windows 7 32 bit at our College in 2012.

IT specialist subjects offered in 2012: K – Year 6 Technology Year 7 – 10 Information Technology Studies

The 2012/2013 school break provided another opportunity to finalise research and development work. Actions resulting from R&D work will be scheduled during school holidays to avoid disruption to learning. Research and development projects planned or already under way include:

Year 11 and 12 Information Technology Systems as an elective. Vocational Education in IT as an elective.

Migration to Windows 8 (R&D started in August 2012) Facebook Limiter at Home (R&D started in November 2012) Touch Screen Device Options (extension to the Dell Slate Project started in December 2011) NBN EESS Participation (initial planning started in December 2010)

Academic Achievements Year







7* 53 37 10 6 8* 94

70 13 11

9* 100

62 13 15

Exchange 2013 Migration (planned deployment in December 2012) Microsoft Office 2013 Beta testing

10* 13 10 3 11** 15





12*** 21






Internet Connection Upgrade to 100mbps fibre (planned deployment in early 2013)


Microsoft Server 2012 Migration (planned deployment in December 2012) DFS Advanced Implementation (planned deployment in December 2012) Unified Threat Management System Upgrade Options

End-of-semester achievements

Configuration Manager 2012 Migration (testing)

ITS Award Recipient 2012 Year 12 ITS


Amy Fraser

Listed below are some facts and figures for the technically minded. Email and Internet Traffic Average number of emails sent and received (per month): 96,703 Average number of blocked incoming emails - spam or infected (per month): 25,381 Average volume of internet download (per month): 900GB Helpdesk Services Average number of helpdesk jobs (per month): 750 (Does not include assistance provided in person at the Helpdesk counter.) 40 battery swap-and-go service per day. 5 laptop services per day (free technical support such as data recovery, insurance claims or warranty claims). Hardware Infrastructure includes: 863 laptops and desktops 74 Data Projectors 26 interactive whiteboards 50TB network storage 60TB (4 x 15TB) backup capacity to hard drives. 92 printers 21 scanners 1 Bookedge Scanner 8 physical servers 11 virtual servers 1 SAN box 66 network switches (1G or 10G capable) 8 fibre links (10G capable) 112 dual radio, ‘N’ wireless access points 10/10 mbps ethernet internet (WAN) connection Software infrastructure includes: Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit Office 2010 Professional Plus Adobe CS 5.5 Master Collection Server 2008 R2 Exchange 2010 Configuration Manager 2007R2 Microsoft Forefront (antivirus) Hyper-V (server virtualisation) Sharepoint 2010 SysAid (helpdesk software) Synergetic (school management software)

LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICES Library and Information Services are provided to staff and students in the Middle and Senior Schools from the Greta Statham Library & Learning Centre (TLC) and to the Junior School from the Fairholme Junior Library (FJL). In the National Year of Reading, the love of literature and reading for enjoyment was celebrated by: • dynamic library lessons exploring a wide range of resources on diverse topics • engaging the ‘Accelerated Reader’ program in Years 4 to 6 • awarding the Junior School Interhouse Reading Trophy to Stephens House • ‘Champions Read’ Book Week activities for all Junior School students • Middle & Senior students participating in Book Week activities as part of Get SmART Festival • Grandparents Day’s guest author Yvonne Blakeney • browsing and purchasing from the ‘Champions Read’ Book Fair • reading ‘The Very Cranky Bear’ as part of National Simultaneous Story time • ‘Blind date with a Book’ Valentine reading promotion for Middle School students • visits from authors, illustrators, poets and performers for ‘Voices on the Range’ Literary Festival • ‘Rate & Comment’ competition for students in Years 7 - 12 • Middle School students participating in the Readers Cup Competition • introducing new reading databases accessible from the FJL Internet and TLC Library Online • stimulating library displays in a welcoming, friendly environment. The teacher-librarian assisted staff and students to enhance their information literacy skills by: • explicit teaching of students in library lessons from Years 2 to 7 • team-teaching classes with Junior, Middle & Senior School teachers • individually assisting students and staff with their research process • teaching critical literacy skills and referencing skills to individuals, small groups and classes • providing access to and promoting quality information resources particularly the online databases • increasing access to quality digital resources through Fairholme’s federated catalogue • enhancing the Intranet pages for the Fairholme Junior Library & TLC Library Online.

Mr Chau Chuc | Head of Information Technology

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Key Learning Sectors

LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICES 2012 STATISTICS TLC Items in Catalogue 25,524 Loans to students 7,293 Loans to staff 2,278 Total Loans 9,832

FJL 15,582 20,805 3,033 24,011

Total 41,106 28,098 5,311 33,843

Online Databases Number of searches % increase from 2011 World Book 15,610 41% EBSCO 37,328 65%

Most popular items borrowed from Fairholme College Libraries Picture Book

Alice the Fairy by David Shannon

Picture Books (Early Childhood)

Noni the Pony by Alison Lester

Picture Books (Older Readers)

My dog by John Heffernan

Early Readers (Chapter Book)

Pearlie and her Pink Shell by Wendy Harmer

Junior Fiction Diary of a Wimpy Kid : The Last Straw by Jeff Kinney Junior Non-Fiction

Little Girls Bible Storybook for Mothers & Daughters

Junior Board Games


Fiction The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Senior Fiction Rouseabout by Rachael Treasure Picture Books

The Arrival by Shan Tan


Born to Run : My story by Cathy Freeman


Girl Stuff : Your full-on guide to the Teen Years by Kaz Cooke

Media – Nintendo DS

My French Coach Beginners : Learn to Speak French

DVDs The Help

Number of items borrowed during 2012:

Number loaned

Average loans per student

Kindy 4,663 Prep 2,779 Year 1 2,428 Year 2 2,590 Year 3 1,976 Year 4 3,752 Year 5 1,662 Year 6 958 Year 7 1,290 Year 8 859 Year 9 1,156 Year 10 1,043 Year 11 1,122 Year 12 1,823

Mrs Melanie Hassall | Library and Information Services


64 90 101 113 99 114 54 34 24 9 13 10 10 17

LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH 2012 was an exciting year for language learners at Fairholme College. As well as participating in engaging and fulfilling lessons, students had numerous opportunities outside the classroom to expand their linguistic and cultural knowledge. Here is an overview of events: A French Immersion weekend at Maison de St Claire; theatre excursion to see Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes; German lunch to the Cuckoo Clock Shop, Cabarlah. Incursions for German Tirol Dancers and a Bastille Day Lunch. Opportunities to meet and host visiting students from our sister schools in France, Germany and Japan. Successful trips to Japan and New Caledonia during the September holidays. Our Exchange Program continues to be popular and this year numerous students will spend their Christmas holidays with host families in France and Germany. Fairholme girls fortunate enough to be enjoying a white Christmas this year are: Grace Elliott, Manisha Chinthamuneedi, Brianna Benn, Phoebe Saunders, Emma Terry (France), India Patch (Germany).

The ongoing promotion of the importance of Languages and our language program at Fairholme saw us participate in the annual Toowoomba Languages and Cultures Festival where students performed and assisted with craft projects such as origami, and making masks and Christmas decorations. Within the school, we commenced a revision of the Junior School Language Program. Now, students in every year are involved in weekly language classes. We also conducted language activities on the Orientation Weekend and at Open House. In a report published in The New York Times earlier this year, Yudhijit Bhattacharjee wrote, Speaking two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia in old age.’ (March, 2012) If we want the young women of Fairholme to be culturally aware and competitive in a global context, we must encourage as many of them as possible to study a language other than English.

Academic Achievements 2012

One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. Frank Smith

JAPANESE Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

VHA HA 33 15 17 25 8 3 2 1 1 0 2 1

SA 5 8 2 2 0 0

LA 0 0 1 0 0 0

FRENCH Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

VHA HA 33 17 20 22 22 13 15 10 4 11 10 9

SA 3 0 7 1 3 3

LA 0 0 0 0 0 0

GERMAN VHA HA Year 7 20 11 Year 8 15 7 Year 9 10 1 Year 10 3 1 Year 11 2 2 Year 12 5 0

SA 3 0 1 0 0 0

LA 1 0 0 0 0 0 Mrs Jody Friend | Head of LOTE

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Key Learning Sectors

MATHEMATICS Recognising the importance of the skills learnt in Mathematics for active participation in society, the Mathematics Department endeavours to cater for the needs of all students. Students are offered opportunities to participate in a number of extra curricular activities which are interesting and challenging. They may also seek support in Maths Help sessions which are offered twice a week in the Mathematics Department and at the Learning Enhancement Centre. The Department continues to use Mathsonline as a teaching tool and as a means for students to refresh and perfect their skills. The introduction of the Australian Curriculum has presented many challenges in 2012 both for the students and the teachers. The introduction of new texts in 2013 should provide the necessary support in the form of a text as well as online support including ‘Hot Maths’ which will replace the use of Mathsonline. Competition results and academic results follow. The following girls were selected to participate in the Darling Downs Mathematics Teams Challenge:

2012 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools: Mathematics This year, 275 students in Years 8, 10 and 11 participated in the ICAS Mathematics Competition. One student was awarded a High Distinction (Hannah Nugent, Year 10), 18 were awarded a Distinction (Listed below) and 63 were awarded Credits. Distinctions Year 8

Year 10

Year 11

Heidi Adamson

Maddison Eastcott

Zoe Cornwall

Zazi Brennan

Lucy Grigg

Jessie Wilson

Isabelle Carey

Nida Hafeez-Baig

Bronte Collins

Heba Mikhail

Rosie Crimmins

Aarushi Sood

Caitlin Gallo

Alison Thomas

Year 7

Year 8

Year 12

Nicola Chaney

Rosie Crimmins

Stefanie Benitez

Emma Chuc

Holly Bastian

Amy Fraser

Mia Doering

Eliza Smolenski

Aleysha Martin

Sharyn Osborne

Clara Lee

Jaime Painter

Chelsea Palmer

Adelaide Veal

Lily Stone

Bhumika Sood

Sanaa Hafeez-Baig

Toowoomba and District Mathematics Teachers Association One-Day Workshop

Grace Scanlan

Zasi Brennan

Lola Lachmund

Anna Elder

Rozan Huskisson

Jemma Telleman

Abby Love

Claudia Steel

High-achieving Mathematics students in Years 8-11 were invited to attend a Mathematics Workshop at USQ. Students were exposed to topics not normally studied in their regular Maths classes. Participants interacted with like-minded students from other schools. The following Year 8 students attended the workshop in 2012: Nikki Cornwall, Rachel Mack, Nina Wildman Academic Achievements Academic Achievements 2012 Subject VHA HA SA LA VLA Year 7** 18 24 13 0 0 Year 8** 23 42 26 3 0 9 Specialised Maths ** 25 21 5 0 0 0 16 16 4 1 9 Maths Methods ** 10 Specialised Maths ** 19 15 3 0 0 10 Maths Methods ** 0 10 39 3 0 10 Workplace Maths ** 7 6 5 1 0 11 Maths A* 10 35 14 3 0 11 Maths B* 7 25 10 1 0 11 Maths C* 8 4 1 0 0 11 Pre-Voc Maths* 2 1 0 0 0 12 Maths A* 17 25 15 3 0 12 Maths B* 16 25 9 0 0 12 Maths C* 4 3 0 0 0 12 Pre-Voc Maths* 5 3 0 0 0 (**Results - Semester 2 * Overall for Year)

Australian Mathematics Trust Mathematics Challenge Program for Years 7-10 Students nominate to participate in the Challenge Program. Students work through a booklet of problems over a period of 3-4 weeks. This year 15 students completed the program. Congratulations to the following students whose results where outstanding: Distinction

Clara Lee

Aarushi Sood Credits

Rachael Grimmett

Hannah Nugent DET &QAMT Year 8 Quiz A competition especially for Year 8 students, it consists of sections which test their ability to do mental mathematics calculations and to problem solve, both individually and as a team. The team members were: Clara Lee, Zazi Brennan and Caitlin Gallo.

Clara Lee Yasmin Perry Jessica Rogers Adelaide Veal

Mrs Wendy Andersson | Head of Mathematics



Science provides us with all the tools to explain the world around us, and to make decisions regarding its future. As students develop a more sophisticated understanding of the knowledge and skills of Science, they are increasingly able to appreciate the role of Science in society. Students are able evaluate claims, investigate ideas, solve problems and make informed evidence-based judgements about contemporary Science-based issues such as climate change, use of resources, medical interventions, biodiversity and the origins of the universe. In 2012, Australian Curriculum – Science was implemented across Years 7-10. The curriculum is focused across three interrelated strands: • Selection and integration of appropriate science knowledge to solve real world problems

• The dynamic development of scientific knowledge as new evidence becomes available and the effect of science on people’s lives

Learning experiences beyond the classroom included:

• Proficiency in using the scientific inquiry skills, including questioning, planning, conducting and reflecting on investigations; processing and analysing evidence and communicating findings.

The 3 day Year 11 Biology Camp at Hastings’ Point in Northern NSW to study rocky shore, beach and mangrove ecosystems.

The Professional Learning Focus this year was Australian Curriculum – Science, with an emphasis on differentiated inquiry-based learning. Also, Research was undertaken into e-resources from various educational services to support this new curriculum. The department is utilising more information and communications technology, specifically the Microsoft One-Note Program for the improved design and delivery of engaging learning across Year 7-10 Science classes, as well as all Senior Science subjects.

Accolades/Competitions In this year’s International Competitions and Assessments for Schools Science Competition 14 Distinctions and 52 Credit certificates were awarded to Fairholme students. (This year involving year 8 and 10 cohorts only). Distinctions Name




Zazi Brennan


Eve Mahler


Rosie Crimmins


Isabelle Terry


Caitlin Gallo


Adelaide Veal


Sophie Hawker


Israel Needham


Anne Jarvis


Hannah Nugent


Clara Lee


Imann-Jana Potgieter 10

Hannah Love


Alison Thomas


Lucy Gordon and Jamie Painter were selected by Rotary District interview, to attend the National Youth Science Forum in January 2012. This offers students the opportunity to test drive careers in Science and Engineering in Canberra Universities. Zoe Cornwall and Hannah Donaldson were selected to attend the Rotary District interviews for 2012. Unfortunately, they were not chosen to attend the 2013 National Youth Science Forum.

The Year 12 Chemistry Field Trip to local creek systems to test water quality

The Year 7 Science Enrichment Day, where students prepared 3D models of ecosystems. The celebration of National Science Week ‘Energy Evolution’ with PCG quizzes and a Science foyer display Careers in Science presentation by Kay Lembo from the Faculty of Sciences USQ – particularly supporting the primary industries sector and opportunities for industry placements and Science Scholarships. Eco Service Trip to the Whitsunday Islands for interested Year 11 Students. This trip looks at human impact and reef management.

Academic Achievements Academic Achievements 2012 - Middle School Results (%) Year VHA HA SA LA VLA Total 7 26 54 20 0 0 55 8 24 47 29 0 0 95 9 24 56 18 0 0 90 Academic Achievements 2012 - Senior Results (%) VHA HA SA LA VLA Students Subject 10 Science 20 52 28 0 0 106 11 Biology 21 53 26 0 0 62 11 Chemistry 3 80 14 3 0 29 11 Physics 0 54 46 0 0 13 12 Biology 13 25 14 0 0 52 12 Chemistry 5 15 0 0 0 20 12 Physics 6 5 0 0 0 11 12 Science 21 0 4 1 0 0 5 Year 12 student, Jaime Painter received a High Distinction in the Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s Chemistry Competition. Furthermore, Year 12 Students, Georgina Price and Brigitte Janse Van Rensburg and Year 11 students, Gabrielle Painter and Jessie Wilson, each received a Distinction in the same competition. A credit was awarded to Year 12 student, Stefanie Benitez. Mrs Fran Brazier | Head of Science

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Specialist Areas


All of us who own a car know the care and consideration we place on this purchase. Many of us also know the additional care we place on the purchase of our child’s first car. Is it safe? Is it good value for money? Will it be reliable? Many more such questions turn around in our minds. Our child knows what she wants – she wants the most popular, the most attractive, a particular colour and certainly one with Bluetooth! Her wishes are different and whilst she may listen to what you consider the most important points, she may not agree. It is a big decision and one that can cause a significant amount of stress for parents and children. We also know that as she grows older her views and tastes will change and the car that she thinks is the right choice now may not be the right one, long-term. I often think that career development is quite similar. It can take time, patience and lots of discussion before decisions can be made about career pathways. Certainly one of the most common questions I am asked is – ‘What if I don’t know what I want to do?’ The answer, whilst seemingly simple, provokes questions and opportunities for discussion – What is that you do NOT want to do? If I refer back to the purchase of a car – often we all know what we do NOT want which then helps with the decision making. So, with career development – like purchasing a car – it is important to take time, do the research, ask for help and clarity and accept that some things may not be possible straight away. Some of you may know that I have recently acquired an interesting and unique vehicle – it took time, patience and commitment to finally own it but now I do and I can honestly say I place much more value on it because of the wait. Senior School Highlights Year 12 Students from the Senior School spent the last semester of Year 12 discussing career/learning pathways. Some of them are ready to head straight off to further education, some are preparing or have already left on a gapyear experience, others will work and explore their options in due course. The Year 12 meetings offered positive support and information to students and parents. These meetings offered each Year 12 student an opportunity to formally discuss their post school intensions and develop an action plan accordingly. All Year 12s will continue to work through their career decision-making as they move into young adulthood and make


changes accordingly. Our aim is to make each student feel that she has a welldeveloped ‘careers toolkit’ from her time at Fairholme and that she is confident in how to source information and explore her options. Year 11 Students concluded 2012 with the Inaugural Year 11 Careers Day. The day included: Guest speakers from USQ who offered information about study at a tertiary level, gap year or no gap year? And, how to prepare for Year 12. 3 Masterclasses that focused on – Career exploration and Resume and Cover Letter preparation. Mock Interviews; which surprisingly, whilst the Year 11 students reported feeling terrified before their interviews, the overall responses on their evaluation of the day was that the Mock Interviews were the highlight. Year 10 students participated in the Year 10 Careers Classes during 2012. During these classes students were required to: Explore career pathways Present information about a particular occupation to their peers Develop a work-ready Resume and Cover letter Complete work experience placements Participate in the Senior Education and Training Plan interviews. Middle School Highlights Year 9 students enjoyed participating in the Real Game sessions during Term 4 this year. This online game offered the students an opportunity to explore key aspects of the world of work, budgeting and the importance of a good education for future career development. The girls also learned about the Year 10 Work Experience Program that they will be participating in during 2013. Parent Information Sessions: This year there were several parent information sessions offered to all parents from various year levels. These were well received and will be held on a regular basis during 2013. The content will include: how to help my daughter with career decisions, QTAC, University options, Vocational Education and career research.

Year 12 Applicants by Field of Education for FAIRHOLME COLLEGE (Produced by QTAC on Thursday 29 Nov 2012) FIELD OF EDUCATION



Pref 1 2 2 Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies (e.g. Land, Parks & Wildlife) Offers 0 0 Architecture and Building Pref 1 4 4 Offers 0 0 (e.g. Urban & Regional Planning, Interior Design) Creative Arts Pref 1 8 8 (e.g. Music, Graphic Design, Communication & Media Studies) Offers 1 1 Education Pref 1 7 7 (e.g. Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary) Offers 1 1 Engineering Pref 1 2 2 (e.g Chemical, Automotive, Civil, Aerospace, Biomedical, Surveying) Offers 0 0 Health Pref 1 30 30 (e.g Pharmacy, Veterinary Science, Naturopathy, Speech Pathology) Offers 0 0 Management and Commerce Pref 1 17 17 (e.g. Hospitality Management, Banking & Finance) Offers 1 1 Natural and Physical Sciences (e.g. Mathematics, Physics, Laboratory Technology)

Pref 1 Offers

1 0

1 0

Society and Culture Pref 1 25 25 (e.g. Law, Economics, Psychology, Sport & Recreation) Offers 3 3 Totals Pref 1 96 96 Offers 6 6

Highlights and Achievements 2012


Specialist Areas


Vocational Education and Training (VET) continues to be a dynamic learning pathway available to all Year 10, 11 and 12 students. Again this year, we have had approximately one third of our senior cohort study a School-based Traineeships or short courses through our VET program.

Highlights and Achievements As a springboard to 2012, Australian Vocational Student Prizes were presented to the following Seniors of 2011 : Sally Carson (Health Services Assistance and Agriculture), Peggy Keats (Aviation), Amanda Pace (Health Services Assistance) and Lara Sweedman (Health Services Assistance). The AVSP promotes the value of gaining vocational skills while at school and recognises students who choose to pursue a practical training pathway while completing their secondary studies. Cara Pinches (Hospitality) was awarded the Schoolbased Hospitality Trainee of the Year Award from Work Skills, and the Vanderfield Pty Ltd Overall Schoolbased Trainee of the Year Award at the Downs Group Training Awards ceremony, 2012. Katie Hancock completed a Certificate III in Aged Care and studied Pathways to the Diploma of Nursing whilst still in Year 12.

All VET students who participated in TAFE courses successfully completed their studies before the end of Year 12. Georgia Tanner completed two qualifications during her Senior years – a Certificate III in Events and a Certificate III in Tourism. VET Training areas include, but are not exclusive to: Education Support, Children’s Services, Aged Care, Veterinary Nursing, Aged Care, Allied Health (Physiotherapy), Nursing (Health Services Assistance), Agriculture, Media (Graphic Design), Business Administration, Business Administration Education, Events Management, Tourism, Hospitality, Sport and Recreation, Aquatics, Fitness, Beauty, Hairdressing. Thank you to our wonderful employers, parents, Apprenticeship centres and training organisations who have supported our girls though their VET learning pathways.

Jessie Cogill completed a Certificate III in Health Services Assistance and also studied Pathways to the Diploma of Nursing whilst still in Year 12. We congratulate our Year 12 VET students who completed a Certificate qualification whilst completing their Senior studies.


Mrs Laura Anderson | Career Pathways Counsellor

LEARNING ENHANCEMENT 2012 saw the Learning Enhancement Centre continue to flourish and develop in terms of its role in the College to support and enhance the learning of all students. The appointment of a highly skilled Learning Enhancement Teacher, Mrs Kylie Wallis, brought further expertise through her exceptional skills and knowledge in both gifted education and learning support. This, coupled with the continued dedication of the four Learning Enhancement Assistants, resulted in the consolidation of various programs and support on offer to the students, particularly those in the Middle School. Before school and lunchtime assistance was ably provided on a daily basis by the LEC staff, along with specific subject Help Sessions operating after school by teaching staff from various departments. In response to student need, two additional Maths Help sessions were offered two afternoons per week by Middle School mathematics teachers. Also, weekly lunchtime Science Help sessions were also conducted by a science teacher. This level of support for all students, regardless of ability, was invaluable. A new initiative in the Middle School known as ‘Literacy Plus’ was introduced in Semester Two, offering small group sessions to help support targeted Year 8 students in the area of literacy across all subject areas. The focus of this was on the further development of comprehension and writing skills, and providing a greater level of support to these students with the literacy components of all assessments tasks. This program will be available to identified students in Year 8 and 9 in 2013, as well as to Year 7 students in Semester Two if required Curriculum development continued to be a key feature of Learning Enhancement with numerous staff members from the Mathematics, English and Humanities Departments spending a day each term creating engaging and relevant teaching and learning programs based on the Australian Curriculum. This collaboration and process allows for the best possible learning experiences to be provided for the students and incorporates the College’s commitment to a differentiated curriculum. 2012 saw the establishment of a Learning Enhancement Executive Committee comprising the Head of Teaching and Learning, the Head of the Junior and Middle Schools, the Coordinator of Learning Enhancement, the Learning Enhancement Teacher, the College Counsellor, and the Learning Pathways Coordinator, enabling a ‘whole school approach’ to certain issues regarding specific individual needs. A core group met fortnightly, and the entire group met monthly to discuss and make decisions regarding specific matters pertaining to Learning Enhancement. A major accomplishment in 2012 was the increased involvement of Learning Enhancement programs and initiatives within the Junior School. Whilst acknowledging that this is a long-term process, support via consultation and collaborative planning with the LE teacher and coordinator, as well as an increased level of in-class support by LE assistants, proved very beneficial for both the staff and students. The Junior School will continue to be a major focus in the future, given that early identification of learning needs is the most desirable outcome. In 2012 the College and its students were supported via grants and funding provided by successful applications to the Independent Schools Queensland. Such funding resulted in the provision of learning enhancement assistant time in many classrooms, as well as allowing for individual support for students with specific needs. Grant money supported the professional learning of various staff members which in turn led to new initiatives, research projects, and the evaluation of many programs. The effectiveness of learning enhancement at Fairholme College is due largely to the wonderful staff within the department. Mrs Kylie Wallis, Mrs Nicky Cooley, Mrs Tina Hammond, Mrs Pauline Moore, and Mrs Melissa Stevens are passionate about their role in the College. In addition to this, the teaching staff who liaise and work collaboratively with the LE staff in their desire to provide the most relevant and appropriate learning experiences for the students, are integral to every program and process implemented. The Learning Enhancement staff look forward to 2013 and further growth in this area in the years to come. Mrs Karen Cottle | Learning Enhancement Co-ordinator

Highlights and Achievements 2012



Service is important to Fairholme College. Our Vision - Fairholme: a nurturing Christian School, committed to developing a vibrant learning community; one that challenges students to become confident and respectful contributors without our global society – is enveloped by our values of Christ-Centred Faith, Collaboration, Seeking Excellence, Enjoyment and Respect. Firm in our conviction that serving others is key to our identity and our community responsibility - and our beliefs and values, we include service within our College curriculum. The College Interact Club leads much of the Service activity in the College. Service Engagements from the 2012 Program Singing Kites Stationery Drive & Spring Fair Stall ‘Plan’ and World Vision Sponsor Children, support through Valentine’s Social and Middle School Enterprises Blue Light Foundation 40 Hour Famine Middle School – Regular Visits to the Tri Care Aged Care Residence Base 57 – Boarders regularly preparing food and facilitating session at the Base 57 Youth Group at the Toowoomba City Church Spring Fair Fashion Parade – ‘100 Dresses’ project – in support of the Cancer Council Operation Christmas Child – Collection and Packing for Samaritans Purse St Vincent’s Hospital - support for resources for children’ ward Formal Fashion Parade and PCG Newspaper Fashion in support of several Children’s Charities Girls Night In – in support of the Cancer Council Establishment of Ambassador Program with Red Cross Year Ten Life Skills Service Projects Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal Jeans for Genes Day activities Peak to Park Fun Run in support of the Cancer Council, Toowoomba Hospice, Youth Service, AEIOU Foundation


Significant Service Activity in 2012 2012 Eco-Tour A new and wonderful opportunity was presented to the College community in 2012. Travelling to North Queensland, a group of Year 11 girls, and accompanying staff, engaged in a program of discovery focussing on environmental issues. Participating in scientific research work and exploring the state of the natural environment, the girls were instrumental in stamping their positive environmental footprint via their service venture. Year 11 Day of Service In the final week of the school year, the Year Eleven Girls embark on a Day of Service – a pivotal time in their role as leaders of the College. Assisting local organisations such as Tri-Care, Blue-Care, Inner Wheel and the Endeavour Foundation, the girls engaged with others in order to understand better their local community and help important needs to be met. SONY Camp Again in 2012, a group of Year 11 girls, and Year 12 Facilitators, attended the SONY Holiday Camp at the Toowoomba Grammar School. Providing 24-hour physical and emotional support for children with special needs, the camp offers the youngsters an exciting holiday program and provides their families and carers with respite. Mizpah Home, India Two tour parties travelled to India in December to spend time with the children of Mizpah Home. Offering practical assistance at the facility, and the greatest gift - time, the tour parties enjoyed an uplifting experience with the children and, naturally, Jenny and Mohan. This experience, one which heightens understanding and service, is one which continues to change lives here at Fairholme and, most certainly, at Mizpah Home, in Ootacamund. Shave for a Cure In 2012, a group of Senior Leaders raised over $20,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation. Such funds will allow the Foundation to provide medical care, conduct crucial research and offer support to patients and families. Girls shaved their heads or cut their long hair, in a clear act of support for those who find themselves battling this condition. Our brave Senior Leaders had the full support and admiration of the College community. Ms Catrina Sharp | Head of Senior School

Highlights and Achievements 2012



The Heads of House [HoHs] devote their time and energy to the welfare and ongoing pastoral care of the young women in each of the four Houses. They work closely with members of the Senior Leadership Team to maintain a supportive environment for the girls in their care. Leading a team of twelve Pastoral Care Group Teachers in each House, the Heads lead both daily activity and major events such as inter-house Swimming, Athletics, Choral and Dance competitions. Weekly House Meetings are held in order to celebrate the girls’ successes and support all members, as well as working towards the major aforementioned events in the school calendar. Once a year, Houses host a College Assembly in which they are able to showcase the talents of its members and share aspects of the House journey during the year. The Heads of House work toward major events such as the Senior Formal, Day of Service and contribute to facilitating sessions within the annual Year 11 Retreat. They work collaboratively on a daily basis in order to pool ideas, resources and strategies for the care of their students. Strong pastoral care is a hallmark of the College, and it takes on all forms. Assistance with time management, goal setting, academic concerns and developing strategies to manage daily life are part of the HoHs’ everyday interaction with the girls of the Middle and Senior Schools.

Heads of House




The Fairholme Old Girls’ Association continues to enjoy supporting the College and working on our archives and history, while fostering friendships amongst past students. We enjoy having an active role at the College and the present students are always keen to listen to stories of Fairholme in the past. Our reunions have gone from strength to strength; in 2012 with the Annual ‘All Year Level’ Reunion Luncheon at the College over the Fair and Reunion weekend having its biggest numbers since this was reintroduced in 2008. Founders Day showcased the current interest in the history of the school – numbers of

old girls attending that memorable day have been steadily building and this year we were treated to memories from past captains of each House at Fairholme. Work in the archives continues at an amazing pace with Jenny Noble at the helm. This year, a small and very dedicated group of old girls have volunteered their time every week to assist Jenny with some of the painstaking work of cleaning and preparing of documents for storage. The Archives and Alumni are so capably and cheerfully taken care of by Jo Glasheen and Jenny Noble who continually give much of their time for the benefit of the Old Girls. The committee of FOGA

sincerely appreciate having these two wonderful and dedicated ambassadors as a valuable part of our team. The love that old girls have for Fairholme and the bonds of friendship and ties of loyalty to Fariholme continue to grow within our Association. We are proud that our continued presence at Fairholme is welcomed and encouraged – it helps create a strong sense of Fairholme for the current students.

Claire Wuth (Perkins) (1974) | President FOGA Toowoomba

Highlights and Achievements 2012




In 2012, the Parents and Friends’ Association extended their interest in, and support of, all things Fairholme. This year saw the return of the Committee members who held positions at the close of 2011; I thank Kirsten Smolenski as the Secretary and Treasurer Colette Whell for their continued support and gift of time to ensure the Parents and Friends’ Association continues to be a prominent group within the College community. The P&F Association continues to receive support, and enjoys input, from Day and Boarder parents in order to support both groups and nurture the formation of strong bonds between boarder and day families.

The P&F Association draws on many parents from our community who step up to donate their time and resources to assist the body in all its ventures. This is seen in full force for the Spring Fair which, every year, showcases Fairholme to its own families and the broader community. The weather smiled on us and, under the gentle guidance of Kirsten Smolenski, many from our community joined with staff and students to ensure the success of this day. The organisation for this day was bolstered by a smooth handover by those who assisted with the 2011 Fair; their wisdom and strategies will continue to be part of the success of future Fairs.

Monthly meetings are informative and the most include a guest speaker. We were fortunate to hear from the girls who had travelled to Mizpah in India, staff members keeping us abreast of current issues affecting our girls in their ventures at Fairholme, in addition to guest presenters from the broader community. We are thankful that staff from Junior, Middle and Senior School are able to attend our meetings and their reports are appreciated as they keep all attendees updated with the latest events and achievements of the College.

Several functions were planned by P&F year group representatives throughout 2012. The ‘Chilly Breakfast’ on the morning of the Athletics Day was attended by many and will be gazetted for 2013 as an event where parents can interact.

Under the umbrella of the P&F Association, many subcommittees continued to provide support to many sectors of the College. Supporters of Fairholme Arts [SOFA], Friends of Sport [FOS] and Friends of Junior School [FOJS] are integral in supporting these special areas of Fairholme. The Boarder Support Group, and the guidance of Mrs Debbie Weber, continued to support the Boarder girls and families, formed links with Day families and ensure Boarder Parents are provided with information about events at the College.

Mrs Sharyn Donaldson | President


The Projects Committee, after receiving many applications to support various areas of the College, aptly divided the Grants Money across the school to update facilities and purchase new equipment to benefit as many girls as possible. The Coffee Machine purchased in 2012 was utilised at many events in the College calendar. We thank Kate Van Der Plas for her tireless support to organise a team to provide superbly barista-brewed coffee for many functions in 2012. Thank you to everyone who has supported the Parents and Friends’ Association this year. Hopefully all will enjoy a safe Christmas break with family and we look forward to supporting the College in 2013

FAIRHOLME FOUNDATION The Fairholme Foundation was established with the sole aim of providing financial assistance to capital works programs within the school. It has had some excellent achievements over the years, and is currently enjoying success with its endeavours in this regard. As another school year draws to a close, we can look back on 2012 and see some good headway made on a number of fronts. The Foundation (in conjunction and with guidance from, the School Board) unanimously agreed that our primary focus of attention would be the air-conditioning of the College assembly hall and as such, has galvanised our resolve and efforts. As you will no doubt agree, it is a worthy project and one that will bring not only comfort, but elevated performance to those who utilise the Hall. Our golf day, one of our major events on the calendar, was again an outstanding success. This year it was bigger and better than before and enjoyed a lot of support and participation from family, friends of the school and corporate sponsors. The feedback that I received from this event was nothing but positive and whether it be reports of a hearty laugh from one of the parents through to an excellent return on investment from corporate sponsors, it has the tick of approval from those who participated. Not least of all, we were able to raise $6,000 for the School. We have booked our day again for 2013 and encourage your participation. We also carried on with our breakfast series which was well supported and we enjoyed hearing from the likes of Jessicah Schipper, who was highly entertaining but also communicated an excellent message to the parents and girls of our school. The Foundation is also in active discussion about a couple of major activities to be pursued in 2013 so I look forward to reporting on the progress of that and, hopefully, will have some concrete results for you in next year’s message. If you would like any more information about the Foundation and how you can be involved, don’t hesitate to contact me via the school. It is an excellent way to support your children through the provision of excellent facilities as well as engaging in an enjoyable unity of effort, through our meetings and activities.

Jamie Smith | President

Highlights and Achievements 2012


STAFF LIST 2012 Fairholme College Board of Directors Chairman Mr I Andersen Deputy Chairman Mr I Walton Principal Mrs L Evans, MA, B.EdStudies, DipT, MACE, MACEL General Manager - Presbyterian Church of Queensland Mr K Booker, AASA, CPA, ACIS, JP Moderator - Presbyterian Church of Queensland Rt Rev. D Niven Clerk of Assembly - Presbyterian Church of Queensland Rev. R Clark, DipDivThSoc Company Secretary/Business Manager Mrs P Jones-Christ, B. Bus: Accounting, CPA (Business Manager) Directors Mr G Burt Rev. A Clarke, B. A. (Theol) Mrs L Evans, MA, B.EdStudies, DipT, MACE, MACEL (Principal) Very Rev Dr. K Gardner, OBE, DD Mrs J Loxton, B.Eng (Hons), MIEaust, AAICD, PGD (Divinity and Mission) Rev G McKay, BA (Theol), MA Hons (Rel Stud) Rev G Morris, BE (Elec) Mrs K Murray LLB(Hons) Mrs F Tilly, TTPC Mrs D Weber Fairholme College Leadership Team Head of Teaching & Learning Mr S Peacock, BA, DipEd, IMM Head of Senior School Ms C Sharp, BA [Creative], GradDipFET, MACEL Head of Middle School Mrs J Ross, B.Ed, M.Ed Head of Fairholme Junior Mrs L Merry, B.Ed, DipT, MACE Deputy Head of Fairholme Junior Ms H Rasmussen, B.Ed, DipT, Diploma Children’s Services, Cert III Children’s Services, MACEL Head of Boarding Ms M Dunne, BHMS (Ed) Chaplain Ps R Jessup, BTh (Hons), DipAppSc (Agric), DipEd, DipChStud Heads of Department The Arts Ms N Macks, BA(Drama), B.Ed Studies, GDipEd (Prim & Sec) Business & Technology Mrs M Erbacher, B.Ed, DipT, TAA English Mr R Davis, BA, DipEd Health & Physical Education Ms K Gierke, B.Ed, DipT - HPE Hospitality & Home Economics Ms C Faine, BBus, GDipT, TAA Humanities Miss A Scott, BA, B.Ed Information & Communication Technology Mr C Chuc, DipEd (Maths/Computing) Library & Information Services Mrs M Hassall, MEd, GDipLibSc, B.Ed, DipT, AALIA LOTE Mrs J Friend, BA, DipEd, ASDA Mathematics Mrs W Andersson, BSc, DipEd Science Mrs F Brazier, BSc, DipEd Sport and Activities Mr N Byron, B.Ed (PE), GDipSpSc, FISM, TAACert IV Workplace, Training & Assessment Heads of House Head of Black House Mrs J Friend, BA, DipEd, ASDA Head of Cameron House Mrs F Hughes, BA, DipT, MACE Head of Powell House Mrs V Anderson, BA,GradDipEd (Teaching) Head of Stephens House Mrs C Mason, BA, DipT, ASDA, ATCL Specialist Areas Head of Performance Music Mr A Dixon, BMus, PGDipEd, AMusA, GDBA,M.MusSt Careers Pathways Counsellor Mrs L Anderson, B.App.Sci, Grad.Dip.App.Sci, Grad.Dip Teaching & Learning, Cert IV Training & Assessment, Cert IV Career Dev College Counsellor Mrs P Long-Heslop, B.Ed(EC), MEd(Guid&Couns)


Co-ordinator of Learning Enhancement Mrs K Lessells Cottle, MEd, B.Ed, DipT, COGE Co-ordinator of Fairholme Junior Arts Mrs B Eldridge, BA (Mus), GDipT (Mus) Co-ordinator of Instrumental Music Mr R Egerton, BMus (Hons), GDipMus, DipEd, ATCL Co-ordinator of Vocational Educational & Training Miss A Hollindale, BBus (Hosp&Fin),GDipEd, Cert IV in Training and Assessment, Cert IV Careers (on leave 2012) Academic Staff Mrs W Baills, B.Ed Prim BMus (Term 3) Mrs C Bartlett, B.Ed Dip PhysEd (Term 3) Term 4 P Mr A Beauchamp, MAL, B.Ed, DipT Mrs E Beauchamp, BPhysEd, B.Ed Mr D Cantle, B.Ed Mr J Cawcutt, BA, B.Ed Miss E Chora, B.Ed (Sec) to 1/06/12 Mrs D Cochran, B.Ed (EC) Mrs J Darbyshire, B.Ed (EC), DipT Mr I Doneley, BSc (Hons), GDipT, Dip Car.Guidance Mrs G Duncan, BD, B.Ed (Sec) Ms R Eden, BA (Hons), DipEd Ms D Erdelyi, B.Ed (Sec) Ms R Forrest, B.Ed (2nd Semester) Mrs L Grams, BA, DipEd Mrs L Grantham, BA (PhysEd), HDE Mrs C Greenhill, B.Ed Mr A Hall, BSc, GDipEd (Sec) Mrs A Harpham, B Commun, GDipEd Mrs E Harris, BA, B.Ed, GradDipAdSt Mrs K Hayward, B.Ed, DipT (Sec Art) Ms C Heays, Dip. Home Econ,DipT, Cert. Spec Att - Home Economics Mrs A Heydon, MEd, DipT, COGE, MACE Dr C Hill, PhD, GDipEd, PGBSc(Hons) Ms L Hobson, M.Ed Teaching & Librarianship, B A, G.Dip Teaching (Sec) Ms L Hood, B.CI (Dance); B.Ed (Sec) Mrs K Jessup, BA, DipEd, DipChStud Ms K Maher, B.Bus, G.Dip.Ed Mrs B Powell (nee McGuire), B.Ed Prim (PhysEd) Mrs S Nicol, MEd (Sp Ed), B.Ed(EC), DipT Miss K Owen, B.Journalism, Grad.DipEd Mrs K Reading, B.Ed Prim Mrs C Roberts, MPhil, BAppSc, B.Ed, DipEd Mr B Schmacker, BIT, Grad.DipEd Miss K Scudamore, BA, B.Ed Mr J Sessarago, DipT (PE), ASSA Ms J Sutton,DipEd(EC), B.Ed Mrs K Sweeney, DipT, Grad Cert ICT Education Ms M Timmer, AssDipEd(EC), B.Ed, GradCertTESOL Mrs D Torrance, DipEd Mr J Turner, BSc (Mil), B.Ed (Sec),GDipCompStud, GDipMgtStud Mrs A Van Cauwenberge,M.Appl Ling., GradDipT Mrs K Wallis, MEdSt (G&T), MEdSt (G&C), B.Ed, GDipEd (Spec Ed), COGE Miss S Walton, B.Ed, BSc Mrs T Warfield, BAd, B.Ed, GCEdST, to 20/7/12 Mr P Webb, B.Ed, Cert.Ed Mr K Whittle, BAppSc, DipEd Ms K Wighton, BA (Perf), GDipT(Sec) Ms F Winton, BA, DipEd Academic Aide Staff Hospitality Studies Assistant & Out of School Hours Care Co-ordinator Mrs J Hilsdon, Cert III & Dip ChildCare Serv, Cert IV Teachers Aide Home Economics Textiles Assistant Mrs M Briggs Learning Enhancement Assistants Mrs N Cooley, Mrs T Hammond, Mrs P Moore, Mrs M Stevens, B.Ed Prep Assistants Mrs J Canning, Cert III Ed, Mrs D Ackerman, Cert III Ed Kindy Assistants Mrs S Harris, Cert IV Teacher Aide Studies, Mrs A Maguire, Cert III Ed Junior Teacher Assistant Mrs K Mann Laboratory Technician Mrs N Aird, Assoc Dip Lab Techniques Arts Assistant Ms P Bushell

The Arts Visiting Staff Mrs K Bailey, (Speech & Drama) DipT (Sec) Drama and Science, B Ed Mrs L Buttsworth (Piano) BA, AppSc, (Hons), MA,ATMusA, AMusA Mrs G Chappell (Co-ordinator Fairholme Singing Studio) CertTTC, AMusA (Performance), LTCL (Performers & Teachers) Mrs E Crook (Brass) Dip Arts (Music), AMusA (Hons) Mr M Crook (Clarinet) DSCM (Performance) Mr I Dixon (Drums) Dip PIT Mrs E Egan (Piano) BMus Mrs C Egerton (Strings) BMus, GradDipMus, MEd, ATCL, LMusA Mr M Gayden, (Brass), Dip Creative Arts (Mus), Bach of Arts (Mus), Grad Dip Ed(Sec) Mr C Gibbens (Guitar) BMus, BSci– Psychology(Hons) Mrs L Hathway (Piano) BMus, DipYEA Ms N Hayden (Flute), MMus, AMusA Ms C Lebsanft (Repetiteur), T Mus A, A Mus A Ms N Marschke, (Vocal Coach) AmusA; LMusA, DQCM, LTCL Mrs D Skerman (Strings) BMus (Performance) Grad Dip Ed (Sec), AMusA(Cello), AMusA(Violin) Ms B Stephenson (Speech & Drama) DipT (EC), BEd, ASDA Mrs A Thomas (Choral Conductor) ATCL, LTCL, TMusA Mr N Williams, (Woodwind), Dip Creative Arts (Mus); Dip T Boarding House Staff Deputy Heads of Boarding Miss E Burns, Cert IV Residential Care Mrs A Love, Cert IV Residential Care to 5/8/12 Assistant to Head of Boarding Mrs D Smith, JP (C.Dec) Assistant to the Boarding House Pastoral Care Mrs J Sutton, DipT(EC) Resident Staff Mrs M Deans, Cert IV Residential Care, Miss S Fredline, DipT, B.Ed, Cert IV Residential Care, Miss M Gleeson, Cert IV Residential Care, Miss R Haase, Cert IV Residential Care Mrs J Hawley, Cert IV Residential Care, Ms S Heslop, Cert IV Residential Care, Mrs M Jackson, Cert IV Residential Care, Assoc Dip Child Care, Adv Dip Children’s Services, Mrs Maree Morrison Registered Nursing Staff Mrs J Dixon, RN, Mrs L Fernandez, RN, Mrs C Laws, RN, Mrs A Leech, RN, Mrs S McGavin, RN, Mrs A McMahon, RN Mrs K Riordan, RN, BN – Nurse Manager, Mrs H Surch, RN Administration Staff Administration Manager Mrs C Whell, Cert IV Bus (SBM), Adv.Dip.Acc, CDec Principal’s Personal Assistant Mrs C Andrew Assistant to Head of Senior School Mrs A Stephens Assistant to Head of Middle School Mrs L J Bennett, Cert Sch. Mkt (CMS), Cert IV Education Support Assistant to Head of Junior School Mrs J Bialy, Cert III Bus Admin, CDec Assistant to Head of Teaching & Learning Ms Y Stierer, ADLT, Cert Ed, Dip.Manag, Dip.Bus Administrative Assistant (Arts Department) Mrs K Siebuhr, Cert IV Bus Admin, CDec Administrative Assistant (HOHs) Mrs D Stuart, Cert III Bus Admin Administrative Assistant (Junior School) Mrs E Layton, Cert III Bus Admin Administrative Assistant (Sport) Ms L Munro Administrative Assistant (VET & Careers) Mrs K Morris, Cert IV Training & Assessment, Cert III Children’s Services Business Office Accounts Receivable Mrs H Pumpa, Cert IV Bus Admin Accounts Payable and Payroll Officer Mrs D Hoare-Smith Compliance Officer Mrs K White, BJustice, GradCert CrimIntel Enrolments Officer Mrs E Veal, BMusEd, DipDalcroze; Cert IV Workplace, Training & Assessment Archivist and FOGA Alumni Officer Mrs J Noble, BA(Hons), MEd, Grad Cert Ed&Pub, MACE Publications and Promotions Manager/Alumni Mrs J Glasheen, Assoc. Dip.Graphic Design, TradeQual. Graphic Reproduction Publications, Promotions & Events Assistant Ms S van der Stelt, Dip Graphic Design, Cert IV Photoimaging

Reception Mrs H Bruggemann, Cert IV Bus (SBM), JP (Qual) Mrs W Fitz-Gerald, Mrs S Weston, Cert III Bus Admin to 1/06/12 Mrs A Berrigan, Dip Agri Bus, Dip Admin (legal) Information Technology Services Staff Information & Communication Technology Mr C Chuc DipEd (Maths/Computing) Network Administrator Mr A Burow, BSc, BIT IT Co-ordinator Mr B Schmacker, BIT, Grad.DipEd IT Service Officers Mr S Buckley, Dip.Multi.Media Stud, Mr T Duffield Fairholme Junior - IT Assistant Mr A Kirch to 14/06/12 Library & Information Services Staff Ms J Andrews, BA (Hons), M. Info Stud (Lib), JP (Qual) Ms S Back, Adv Cert Business Computing Mrs C Brunner, Cert III Early Childhood Education Mrs F Sexton, Cert III in Child Care & Education & Cert IV - Library & Information Services Miss D Ladbrook to 24/4/12 Sports Department Swimming Coach Mr T Taylor, Silver Licence Swimming Coach, B.Teaching, Assoc Dip in Sports Studies, Cert IV T & A Learn to Swim Head Instructor Mrs J Dickinson,Austswim Teacher of Swimming & Water Safety, Infant & PS Aquatics, People with a Disability, Towards Competitive Strokes, ASCTA Coach, Cert IV Training & Assessment, RLS Trainer & Assessor Learn to Swim Administrator Ms B Stephan, Austswim Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety to 22/06/12 Aquatic Centre Co-ordinator Mrs A Hardie, BAdmin (Tourism) to 17/8/12 Aquatic Development and Support Administrator Ms K Kelly, BBus (Management & Leadership) (from 24/9/12) Junior Squad Coach & Events Coordinator Mr D Negus, BSports Science UNSW; Silver Licence Performance Coach Fitness Squad Coach & Schools Coordinator Mrs W Collins, Austswim Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety, Infants& PS Aquatics; People with Disability, ASCTA Junior and Ass Coach, Cert III in Children’s Services Tennis Coach Mr G Wright, Level 2 Advanced Coach Tennis Australia, Level 2 Tennis Coaches Australia, Tennis Australia Talent Coach, B. Bus Facilities Projects/Compliance Manager Mr S Klaebe, Dip.Fin.Services; Cert IV Bus.Front Line Management; WHSO; Fire Safety Advisor; Rehab & Return to Work Coordinator Maintenance Manager Mr P Sutton, (Trade qual. Carpenter and Joiner) Grounds and Maintenance Staff Mr S Anning Mr A Bennett (Trade qual. Fitter and Turner) Mr J McSweeney, DipAppSci (Horticulture) Mr M Scott Mr M Smith Hygiene Services Staff Mrs C Erbacher Mrs N Jennings Mrs E Moat Mrs L Schutt Cleaning Staff Mrs A Armstrong Mrs T Hagenbach Miss K Hearn Mrs S Hearn Miss T Hearn Mrs T Keding Mrs J Peach Mrs T Williams Mrs T White to 14/4/12 HOLMEstore staff Shop Manager Mrs T Forbes Shop Assistants Mrs Julie Devine Mrs Marguerite Gallagher Miss Sarah Carberry

Highlights and Achievements 2012




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Faith in her Future

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