Presenting fairholme 2013

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Fairholme: a nurturing Christian school, committed to developing a vibrant learning community; one that challenges students to become confident and respectful contributors within our global society.

contents From the Chairman 4 From the Principal 5 Christian Education 7 Junior School 8 Middle School 16 Senior School 20 Boarding 23 Teaching and Learning 26

Key Learning Sectors The Arts 28 Business & Technology 30 English 31 Health, Sport & Physical Education


Hospitality and Home Economics


Humanities 35 Information Technology 36 Library and Information Services


LOTE 38 Mathematics 40 Science 41

Specialist Areas Careers 42 Vocational Education and Training


Learning Enhancement 45 Service 46 Pastoral Care 47

Fairholme Community

Fairholme Old Girls’ Association


P & F Association 49 Fairholme Staff Listing 50

Highlights and Achievements 2013

From the Chairman As a Board of Directors, we are committed to the ongoing development of the College as stated in our Strategic Direction 2012-2014 and its associated values, as well as ensuring that good governance practices are implemented and maintained. Our mission is to be a caring student-oriented Christian community which encourages lifelong learning within a challenging and enriching environment.

We continued to spend significant sums this year to improve facilities and infrastructure. Projects totaling almost $900,000 approved and completed in 2013 included:

This has led to ongoing development in 2013, in many areas of the College. We are a learning institution and we continue to strive for excellence in all areas of our operation. As a Board we have focused on governance matters, particularly in relation to compliance and risk-management measures as well as ongoing policy development. We reviewed our committee structure and recently re-established/ established an Audit and Finance Committee and a Compliance and Risk Management Committee to give a more particular focus to these very important responsibilities.

> Construction of pathway and access ramp to the Health Centre

We are, of course, focused on ensuring that the College provides the best education possible for our students. We have excellent staff, a very solid financial base, up-to-date technological resources and, every year, we make major improvements to our facilities. As usual, the membership of the Board of Directors changed again this year. We welcomed the Honourable Greg Rodgers to his 12-month term on the Board as the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland. In addition, we welcomed Mr George Harris, the new Treasurer of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland, who replaced Mr Keith Booker. We thank Mr Booker for his 17 years of distinguished service. We also welcomed Rev Peter Barson and Rev Rob Farr as new Board members, and we farewelled Rev Graeme McKay after 10 years of distinguished service and Rev Andrew Clarke after two years of service and thank them for their commitment in their role as directors.


I thank all Board members for their commitment, diligence, loyalty and support throughout what has been a very busy year.

> Reconstruction of the Oval Retaining Wall > Boarding House improvements – refurbishment of Upper Nancy Shaw Supervisors’ Unit as well as replacement of carpets, curtains, furniture and mattresses in various dormitories

> Sheeting and painting of six ‘L’ Block classrooms and re-carpeting of five classrooms

> Renovation of The Learning Centre Classrooms 1 and 2 > Dining Hall improvements - including 250 new dining chairs > Replacement of desks and furniture in various areas of the College

> Air conditioning of all College Classrooms completed > Aquatic Centre – various improvements, including new lane ropes

> Early Childhood Centre: New outdoor playground including water feature, deck, swings, sandpit, outdoor musical equipment External painting New floor coverings to all four classrooms and painting of two classrooms. The Board approved the 2014 Budget at its November meeting. The Board is aware of, and is sympathetic to, the many competing needs in formulating the budget each year. These include the ongoing financial difficulties confronting many of our families, as well as the level of funding from government sources. The 2014 Budget provides for a 4.15% (on average) increase in tuition fees, a 4% increase in boarding fees, with the capital levy to increase by 2.3%. Every year brings challenges, triumphs and memories; we have all been part of the Fairholme journey this year. I hope you have enjoyed the year as much as I have, and as we move forward either here at Fairholme or elsewhere, I trust you will look forward with enthusiasm to the challenges and opportunities of the coming year. Fairholme College is well placed to meet those needs as 2014 unfolds; of that I have no doubt.

Mr Ian Andersen | Chairman


The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done; men and women who are creative, inventive and discoverers, who can be critical and verify, and not accept, everything they are offered. partnerships through classroom visits and generally encouraged a close examination of teaching for learning practices.

The pages within provide highlights and achievements of this year; those things that are quantifiable, verifiable and, in essence, a snapshot of our school calendar’s activities. Please take the time to enjoy the fullness of the year that has passed; one characterised by such events as the magical ‘South Pacific’, a highly successful Spring Fair, Fairholme Old Girls events and outstanding achievements in a diversity of sporting and cultural competitions. The overriding focus this year has been in the academic realm, with our principal goal to create new or enhance methods of practice. We have been a pilot school for the Independent Schools of Queensland SelfImproving Schools project and this has led the development of a K-12 pedagogical framework, strengthened peer teaching

Professional learning through structured professional conversations has also been a focus for the teaching staff and we look forward to implementing this process throughout 2014. We have restructured our timetable to secure more teaching time, expanded and strengthened QCS preparation and continued to develop an outstanding learning pathways process for each Senior School student and their parent/s. Both junior and middle subschools have continued to work through the curriculum changes associated with the National Curriculum whilst ensuring all girls were prepared for, but not fixated upon, NAPLAN testing. Yet so much cannot be realistically captured in text or in pictures. How do we measure the Mizpah effect or the confidence with which our departing students are able to reach out to their future, or the impact of boarding for five or six years and developing

friendships that will span a lifetime? How might we present Fairholme of 2013? Is it a good school that has prepared our girls to leave with pathways to the future, hope-filled and linked with connections? Or is it the great school that we seek it to be, one that has equipped them with pathways to the future and has also imbued a deep sense of responsibility in those who most need their support and the courage not to accept everything that they are offered. Herewith is ‘Presenting Fairholme 2013’, a précis of a full and, at times, an inspiring year, one that remained focussed upon its core purpose: ‘to educate creative, inventive discoverers who can be critical and verify, and not accept, everything they are offered’ (paraphrased from Jean Piaget). I trust that you will enjoy a stroll through the pages of this year’s Fairholme and a distilled glimpse of that which we are able to highlight for you and celebrate with you. Mrs Linda Evans | Principal

Highlights and Achievements 2013



Christian Education

As I take time to reflect on another busy year at Fairholme, I am yet again overwhelmed by what God has been doing within our community. No two years are ever the same but our ‘Jesus is the same, yesterday and today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8), and for that we are eternally grateful. Throughout the year we have taken the opportunity to ‘unpack’ the core values that buttress our strategic plan. With ‘Christcentred faith’ as the first of those values, we have endeavoured to make absolutely clear what that means in our lives, and in the life of the school. The Christian Education program right across the school continues to present the heart of God’s message of salvation in an unambiguous and attractive manner that stimulates enquiry in our students as they try to navigate their way through this pluralistic religious world in which we live.

Christian Education classes continue to provide the best forum for sharing the Christian message and answering those questions that often trouble the minds of young people. Some of our best lessons find their source in a question, a newspaper article, a news report or a local or global incident, and the energy in the classroom that stems from the subsequent discussion could power a small town! This is what continues to energise me after 18 years of Chaplaincy ministry at Fairholme College. The Sony Foundation Children’s camp, held each September, was once again a very popular service activity for girls in Year 11. Ms Kelly Owen continued as the co-ordinator of this activity for the College in 2013, working in conjunction with the Toowoomba Grammar School. This weekend provides respite care for young people in our community with both physical and

Mr Ian Andersen | Chairman


intellectual disabilities, and it gives their carers an opportunity to have some brief respite themselves. The value of this service activity is immeasurable for our girls, their clients for the weekend and the parents/ carers of these children. The annual trip to Mizpah Home in Ootacamund, South India, now in its sixth year, continues to be a major outreach for the College. In 2013, we had the special privilege of hosting in Toowoomba, Jennifer and Mohandass, the Directors of Mizpah Home. They spent 12 days in our community, meeting people, speaking at special events (including Presenting Fairholme) and experiencing a part of the world they had not visited before. They were truly a blessing for our entire community which adopted these two special people as their very own. It is impossible to estimate the impact that our association with Mizpah Home has on

It is impossible to estimate the impact that our association with Mizpah Home has on both our community and upon the children of Mizpah, but suffice it to say, that it is enormous.

both our community and upon the children of Mizpah, but suffice it to say, that it is enormous. In many ways the effect can be seen in the number of girls and staff wanting to travel to Ootacamund. In 2013, two teams will travel to India, one in December and the other in mid-January. Each team comprises 15 students and 4 staff. We are anticipating a similar response from the Year 11 cohort of 2014. And so the journey continues! I am very grateful for the wonderful pastoral work being done by Mrs Jenny Sutton in the Boarding House. Jenny has also been running weekly Bible study sessions for girls from Years 7 to 12 and she has taken several Chapel services for the Boarder girls throughout the year. Mrs Kerrie Jessup continues to teach Christian Education in the Junior School. It has been so useful to work as a husband

and wife team, as that has enabled me to plan and present the Junior School weekly Chapel services using the themes and content that has been taught in the classroom through the previous week. In 2013, the Prefect for Student Ministry was Laura Andersen. The highlight of Laura’s ministry year was co-ordinating ExoDay for the Secondary School. This lunchtime event is a national movement, designed to let students know in a clear, uncomplicated way that ‘life is Ex-cellent with Jesus’. Thank you, Laura, for all your hard work.

of Jesus Christ and engage with young people at their point of understanding and need. We will continue to seek God’s wisdom and guidance as we work with the young ladies in our care.

Pastor Richard Jessup | School Chaplain

On behalf of our Christian Education team I want to close this report by saying it is a privilege to work with young women who want to question and understand issues of faith. Whether in the classroom, in the schoolyard or on an overseas trip, it continues to be a joy to share the message

Highlights and Achievements 2013



Fairholme Junior Throughout 2013 it has been a privilege to witness students engaging in the sheer joy of learning in the classroom, around the sporting arena and across the stage, their overwhelming zeal for new and different opportunities, and their immense pride in succeeding with those challenging and exacting times and tasks. The Junior School vegetable garden has not only transformed an area in the P&F courtyard into a visually attractive environment, but it has also enabled the girls to learn how to grow, harvest, prepare, and share fresh, seasonal food. A strong connection has been established with Scientist, Dr Turner from the University of Queensland, who visits and works with our students. The incursions from the CSIRO Scientists from Brisbane have provided engaging demonstrations and interactive hands-on activities, highlighting the importance of Science in today’s society. The staff have worked alongside colleagues from the wider educational community to share ways that the KidsMatter program is successfully implemented into the daily routines, to develop planning and assessment tools in Science and History in the Early Years, the Participation for All Learners — Universal Design for Learning Project, and with the Literacy and Numeracy Coaching Academy on Reading. Mrs Lee-Ann Grantham was presented with a Service Award from the Toowoomba Primary School Sports Association for her dedication and support of Primary School Sport in Toowoomba over the past 14 years.


International Competitions and Assessment for Schools for Years 3 to 6 in English and for the first time ICAS was extended to Year 2 in English and Mathematics. All the Junior School girls participated. Achievements included:

English: 2 High Distinctions, 14 Distinctions, 39 Credits Maths: 9 Distinctions, 29 Credits Science: 1 High Distinction, 7 Distinctions, 24 Credits Writing: 2 Distinctions, 12 Credits (optional to participate)

> Maths Olympiad: one student achieved in the top 10% and another student was in the top 25%. Fifteen Year 6 girls participated. > Interschool Individual Chess Championships: 12 girls participated > Interschool Chess Teams Tournament: 12 girls participated > IPSHA Interschool Debating: Three teams and all teams won their debate > Chronicle Junior Art Expo: Prep Student received Commendation and work was on display in the Toowoomba Regional Gallery > Christmas Card competition: Two girls’ artworks were printed for Christmas cards for Trevor Watts MP

Parents form a crucial part of the special Fairholme fabric, together with Friends of Junior School, in supporting, nurturing and forming strong partnerships in the Junior School. Our values of seeking excellence, respect, collaboration, enjoyment and a Christ-centred faith, enable us to live out that true Fairholme spirit

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Fairholme JUNIOR

Details below offer a snapshot from 2013 of the many excursions, incursions and presentations in the Prep to Year 6 classes


Prep Mothers’ Day Afternoon Tea

Year 3 Activity Morning with The Glennie

High Tea for Year 12 Past Fairholme Junior

Kindy and Prep Fathers’ Day Breakfast

School Junior Years and Toowoomba


NAIDOC Day Excursion to Cobb & Co Prep

Grammar Junior

Clubs including bee bot, chess, computer,

and Year 1

Maths Morning Year 4 with The Glennie

Club G, garden club, dance

Ambulance and Emergency Services, Fire

School Junior Years and Toowoomba

Parent workshops in Terms 1, 2 and 3

Brigade and Medical Officer Prep incursions

Grammar Junior

Fairholme College and Toowoomba Grammar

Scientists-in-Schools incursions Year 1 and 3

Science Morning Year 5 with The Glennie

production of South Pacific Years 4 to 6

Cobb and Co excursions in Year 1

School Junior Years and Toowoomba

String Out 2013

Farm excursion in Year 1

Grammar Junior

Lunchtime Concerts in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4

Meet a farmer incursion in Year 1

Year 6 Quiz with The Glennie School Junior

Adopt-A-Cop Visit Prep to Year 6.

Empire Theatre tour in Year 2

Years and Toowoomba Grammar Junior

Toowoomba Regional Library in Year 2

Year 5, 6 and 7 Socials with The Glennie

Service Activities in 2013

Cobb and Co excursion in Year 2

School and Toowoomba Grammar Junior

Visit to Empire Theatre to Possum Magic for

Camps for Years 3 to 6

Restorative behaviour implemented through Circle Time Sessions in Prep

Kindy to Year 3

Open House

Eisteddfod for Year 2 Strings

Grandparents and Friends Day

Bastille Day Celebratory Luncheon for Year 3

Fairholme Girl for a Day

with Middle and Senior girls

Footsteps Dance incursion Kindy to Year 6

National Simultaneous Storytime Kindy to

Book Week activities and Book Week Alien

Year 2

Invasion Parade

Safe Cycling for Year 5

Book Week Canvas Artworks Kindy to

Operation Christmas Child 52 boxes

Leadership Day for Year 5

Year 6

AEIOU IPSHA Ecumenical Service

Presentation of History multimedia

Mayor and Councillors Morning Tea for

documentaries on migrant experiences in

Junior School Leaders

Year 6

IPSHA Ecumenical Service and IPSHA Leaders

Guest speakers from Sudan and Vietnam in

Dinner for Year 6

Year 6

Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day Stall

Multimedia documentaries on Indigenous

organised by FOJS, assisted by Year 6 girls

affairs in Year 6

Year 6 Leaders Induction Ceremony

Life Education Van for Prep to Year 3

Year 6 Chapel Service and Graduation Dinner

CSIRO Incursions for Prep to Year 6

Year 6 Transition into Middle School program

Under Eights Day for Prep to Year 2 with The

Year 12 and Year 6 Leadership meetings

Glennie School Junior Years and Toowoomba

FOJS High Tea and FOJS Pink Luncheon

Grammar Junior

FOJS activities every term

Focus on Circle Time and Social skills KidsMatter Primary implemented Prep to Year 6 Jeans for Genes Pyjama Day for the Pyjama Foundation

Pink and Orange Day and Cup Cakes for Katie The Jump Rope for Heart Foundation presented a silver printed plaque to Fairholme for raising $40,000 for the Heart Foundation over the past 15 years. I am proud to work with a staff who are caring, innovative, and who strive always for outstanding achievements to sustain a vibrant Fairholme learning community. Mrs Lyn Merry | Head of Fairholme Junior



We were delighted with the outstanding results that the girls achieved. Outlined below are our Year 3 and 5 results compared with the State

2013 Mean Score Comparison

Percentage of students at or above National Minimum Standard

Test Fairholme State National

Test Fairholme State National


Reading 449 407.6 419.1 Writing 427 406.5 415.6 Spelling 442 396.2 410.7 Grammar and Punctuation 494 419.3 428.2 Numeracy 420 386.2 396.9

Reading 100 87.1 92.1 Writing 100 94.2 95.0 Spelling 100 93.0 93.9 Grammar and Punctuation 100 95.5 95.3 Numeracy 100 95.8 95.8


and National results.

Reading 552 496.8 502.2 Writing 510 469.9 477.8 Spelling 517 485.3 494.0 Grammar and Punctuation 541 494.8 500.8 Numeracy 538 481.3 485.9

Reading 100 96.1 96.2 Writing 100 90.0 91.7 Spelling 100 92.6 93.1 Grammar and Punctuation 100 94.4 94.8 Numeracy 100 93.6 93.4

Fairholme KINDY During the June and July holidays, Fairhome Kindy playground was remodelled with the assistance of a Queensland Government grant. The new playground includes a water course, a deck suitable for play as well as a teaching and learning space, a vegetable garden, an outdoor musical instrument, some carved timber totem poles and new garden beds. The gardens have been intentionally planted with variety to stimulate aesthetic interest, sensory exploration and encourage birds and insects to our grounds. Kindy classes have been involved in learning some Auslan signs to support their developing language skills, their communication awareness and their understanding of diversity. Mrs Sonya Nicol attended lessons in Auslan, and Mrs Jo Darbyshire completed training in the Fun Friends Resilience program. Kindy Yarning circles offered the children an opportunity to develop further their understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. Mrs Jo Darbyshire and Mrs Sonya Nicol presented a workshop at the ISQ Early Childhood and Kindergarten Forum on the Fairholme Kindy experience of the KidsMatter Early Childhood program. Both teachers attended a workshop with Tim Gill, titled, No fear — Why risk matters to children, the Early Childhood Teachers Association Annual conference, a one-day workshop on Sustainability and Energy Efficiency, and a seminar about Autism delivered by Temple Grandin. During the year Fairholme Kindy staff hosted network meetings for colleagues throughout the Toowoomba area. Fairholme Kindy was awarded with a Small Green Steps Certificate to acknowledge the commitment of the children and the Educators to embed sustainable practices in the Service.

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Musicals The world of Performing Arts is a magical place for our Junior School girls. Through Music, Dance and Drama we have had the opportunity to create many beautiful experiences in 2013. The year started with the Years 1 – 6 musical, Our Tale of Beatrix Potter, where we were transported to Hilltop Farm in the Lake District of the United Kingdom. Kittens, Mice, Flopsy Bunnies, Bumblebees and many Beatrix Potter characters wove a story around Beatrix Potter’s life and gave us all a deeper understanding of this amazing children’s book author. At the end of the year, our Kindy to Year 3 students performed Off to Bethlehem, where the true story of the meaning of Christmas was enacted with Kindy as Animals, Prep as Angels, Year 1 as Shepherds, Year 2 as Wise Men and Year 3 as Storytellers. Through lovely singing and acting, every student was given an opportunity to perform on stage for an audience of delighted parents. Choirs Beautiful music was created by our many ensembles. Our special cocurricular choir, the Year 4 to 7 Chorale, conducted by Belinda Eldridge and accompanied by Anne Thomas, once again achieved fantastic results in the A Grade of the Toowoomba Eisteddfod, including a second place and Highly Commended. We have continued to offer a Year 1 & 2 Choir a Year 3 & 4 Choir and a Year 5 & 6 Choir as part of the Junior School curriculum. These choirs underpin the strong choral program in the Junior School and lay a solid foundation for the Chorale and the choirs in the Middle and Secondary Schools. In 2013, our Prep classes also formed a little choir for the Spring Fair. Instrumental Ensembles An innovation this year has been the formation of a Junior Band, which has acted as a stepping stone from our highly successful Year 4 Band Program to the Concert Band, with membership of girls up to Year 8. Mr Tim Gray led the Junior Band to be placed 2nd in the Small Concert Band section of the Eisteddfod. Mr Martin Crook has been the conductor of the Concert Band. Our Junior String Orchestra, conducted by Mr Rod Egerton has continued to create beautiful music with string players from Year 3 to 6. Our Junior String Orchestra, conducted by Mr Rod Egerton, received Highly Commended, and the Year 2 Strings were placed 3rd in their section


The ARTS of the eisteddfod. Smaller ensembles, such as a Year 5 Flute Ensemble and the Year 5 String Quartet, have also rehearsed and performed throughout the year. String Program and Band Program Every girl in Year 2 was given the opportunity to learn a stringed instrument in the Year 2 String Program, taught by Mr Rod Egerton, Mrs Celia Egerton and Mrs Danielle Skerman. Every girl in Year 4 was given the opportunity to learn a brass, woodwind or percussion instrument in the Year 4 Band Program, taught by Mr Tim Gray, Miss Nicola Hayden and Mr Mal Gaydon. Many girls have selected to continue learning their instrument in 2014. Concerts A successful String Out 2013 was coordinated by Mr Rod Egerton and held at the Empire Theatre in June, for string players from all over the Toowoomba region. With guest conductor, Ms Louise King, the daytime workshops inspired our developing string players and the evening concert was a wonderful event that delighted the audience. The twelve Lunchtime Concerts which were held throughout the year, and Mrs Chappell’s Singing Studio Recital, provided wonderful opportunities for our girls to develop their performance skills in a supportive environment. The Spring Fair gave an excellent opportunity for every Junior School choir and large ensemble to perform. Dance Footsteps Dance Company ran workshops for the whole Junior School in Term 2, where we all loved moving to music and learning contemporary dance steps. In Term 4, we held our annual Year 6 Interhouse dance competition where the Year 6 girls had the opportunity to put their skills into a dance to perform for the younger classes.

Belinda Eldridge | Co-ordinator of Junior School Arts

Junior SPORT Fairholme Junior Sport offers a wide range of sports and activities for the girls, and involvement and participation rates are excellent in Interhouse activities. The girls from Prep through to Year 6 are involved in these activities and the Kindy students also participate but no points are awarded.


HIGHLIGHTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Winner of Range Zone Girls’ Aggregate Swimming shield Winner of Range Zone Athletics Overall Girls’ shield Winner of Andrews Cup Percentage Trophy in Track and Field for a second consecutive year Range Zone Cross Country: 2nd Andrews Cup Percentage Trophy Swimming: 2nd Andrews Cup Percentage Trophy Cross Country: 3rd Andrews Cup 11 year age group Swimming: 2nd Andrews Cup C grade Softball: 3rd Andrews Cup B division Invitational Basketball competition: 1st Netball Primary School Mission Cup: 4th 11B Saturday Netball: Runners-up Jade Dunphy represented Queensland at the National Swimming Championships Bella McLoughlin achieved 3rd in Discus and 8th in Shotput at the Australian Primary School National Track and Field Championships Lilli Anderson was a State reserve athlete in High Jump for Australian Primary School National Track and Field Championships Chloe Randall 2nd 9 years Qld All Schools Individual Cross Country Championships Phoebe Riordan, qualified in 3 out of 4 events at the State Equestrian competition to compete at the National Schools Equestrian Championships.

State, Zone and Regional representation: The tables indicate the number of Junior School students involved at each level.



Zone DD State 16 (4) 4 1

Zone DD State Zone DD 7 (6) 2 (3) 1 3 (3) (1)

Touch Zone DD 1 (1) (1)




Zone DD 1 1

Zone DD State 1 1 1*

Softball Zone (1)

Hockey DD (1)

Zone DD 3 2

C. Country Aquathon Zone DD 1 (3) -

Zone DD 3 1

*Could not attend

SPORT SPECIALISTS in CLASS SESSIONS > Fairholme Aquatics Swim School: two-week Intensive Learn to Swim classes delivered in Term 1, for Prep to Year 3 > Toowoomba Hockey Association: five-week unit for Year 4 and 5 delivered in Term 2 > Allstar Gymnastics Academy: gymnastics unit from Kindy through to Year 6 both at school and at the Allstars’ fabulous venue in Term 3. Fairholme continues to foster strong links with The Allstar Gymnastics Club. The Club provides coaching sessions and coaches to assist with preparation for the Andrews Cup gymnastics competition > Jump into Netball: Net-set-go for Prep to Year 1 > Basketball: Year 2 and 3.In

> Interhouse competitions: swimming, cross country, athletics and gymnastics, with tennis and aquathon being optional, and Junior Swimming Knockout tournament by invitation. > Interschool carnivals: swimming, athletics and cross country > Interschool Friday Sport: Year 6 through the Toowoomba Primary Sports Association > Interschool Thursday Sport: Years 4 and 5 with The Toowoomba Preparatory School and The Glennie School Junior Years in touch, netball and softball > Zone and Regional: swimming, athletics, cross country, hockey, basketball, tennis, cricket, netball, softball, touch and aquathon > Fairholme Clubs and Association: swimming, track and field, cross country, netball, touch, basketball and equestrian.

DEVELOPMENT SQUADS > Athletics: An athletics development squad, under the coaching of Mr John Sessarago and his specialist junior coach, Miss Lauren Murray, continued to flourish this year. The girls competed in several competitions including the Sunshine Coast Athletics competition. > Swimming: FAST Swimming Club, under Mr Dave Negus and Mr Tim Taylor, continues to develop a squad of juniors who have achieved highly in local club competitions and at the Queensland State Primary Relays. The girls have also represented their regions at both club and school levels. > Cross Country: Ms Rosie Eden and Mrs Brigitte Powell, the State Cross Country coach and teacher in our secondary school Sport department, assisted with preparing the girls for cross country. The girls also participated at the QLD All Schools Championships and Relay Championships, and individual fun runs. > Touch: One team in the South West Region Primary Touch competition, and one team in the Queensland Primary All Schools Touch competition > Netball: One team in the Queensland Primary Mission Cup competition > After School activities: Non-competitive, fun-filled activities that enrich the Physical Education and sporting program run at Fairholme Junior after school include the AFL Development Board 6-week program, the Toowoomba Hockey Association 6-week program in Term 3, and visits from Development Officers from local clubs in soccer and basketball. ition: 1stNetball

Highlights and Achievements 2013




Champion House

Interschool Zone



Basketball 9 Cross Country


Range Zone





1 year 4/5 1 year 6/7


Equestrian 1 Gymnastics Powell

Most improved Arya Forbes

Hockey Netball Club Netball Misson Cup Swimming

Year 6 team Gala day at Clyde Park

2 netta teams 2 teams 11 years 2 teams 12 years


Champion Madelyn Gordon 3



2 20




Swimming Winner Knock-out Allan Rummell Plate Division Madelyn Gordon Swinning State Relays


Tennis Cameron Singles Katelyn McHugh Doubles Katelyn McHugh & Laura Leeson


Touch All Schools Team



Track & Field







Friday Sport competitionState supported both competitive and social teams. The competitive REPRESENTATIVES teams were those selected for Andrews Cup competitions and undergoing match/game practice.

Once again, we fielded teams across the following sports: tennis, touch, swimming, cross country, athletics, netball, softball and gymnastics, in the Andrews Cup sporting competition. The Percentage Trophy was won for a second consecutive year in Track and Field, and we gained a second position in this trophy in swimming, and a third place in cross country.

Term 1 Cricket 1 team Junior Social Tennis 4 teams Senior A and Senior B Junior A, Junior B

A second place pennants was gained in the 11yr age group in swimming, and a third place in the C Grade softball.


Open 12yrs

11yrs 10yrs 9yrs

8 yrs

Swimming Percentage 2nd Trophy 2nd

Term 2 No TPSSA Sport offered

Cross Country Percentage Trophy 3rd

Term 3 Hockey 1 team Junior Social Netball 3 teams Senior A, B & C Year 6 played in Senior competition

Athletics Percentage Trophy 1st

A Div B Div C Div Social/D Div Year 5 Year 5 Netta Tennis
















yes yes


yes yes



Term 4 Softball Junior A & Senior A Volleyball Social Junior A & B


yes yes

Invitational 1st Basketball

Name Swim Tennis Cross Track and Netball Softball Gym or or Country Field Invitational Touch Basketball Rowan Brady Tennis a Abbey Ryder Touch a Madeleine Randall Touch a Madelyn Gordon a a Bella McLoughlin Touch a Year 3 are only eligible for four Competitions and the following girls Maya Toshach a a Samantha Hon a a

a a a a

a a a a a

a Basketball a Basketball a Gym a

participated in all four — Swim, Cross Country, Track & Field, Gym: a a

Gym Gym

Lee-Ann Grantham | Coordinator of Physical Education and Sport

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Middle School 2013 was yet another very enjoyable year in the Middle School. The girls are privileged to be part of a Middle School that allows them to have their own special place to develop at their own pace but also to be surrounded by friends who support as well as challenge them. Every day sees girls performing, achieving and learning, and a few highlights appear below.

Academic Success — NAPLAN



Fairholme girls are achieving well above State and National averages in all areas and a far greater percentage of students are performing at or above the National Standard. 2013 Mean Score Comparison

Percentage of students at or above National Minimum Standard

Test Fairholme State National



Reading 582 533.3 540.4 Writing 558 514.8 516.9 Spelling 588 542 549.2 Grammar and Punctuation 593 531.7 535.4 Numeracy 581 538.5 542.2

Reading Writing Spelling Grammar and Punctuation Numeracy

98 93.6 94.2 100 88.7 89.3 98 93.1 93.6 98 89.9 90.6 100 95.6 95.1

Reading 612 572.4 580.4 Writing 607 548.3 553.9 Spelling 608 578.2 582.7 Grammar and Punctuation 632 568.2 572.9 Numeracy 604 573.3 583.7

Reading 100 92.5 93.4 Writing 97 81.5 82.6 Spelling 99 92.3 92.1 Grammar and Punctuation 97 87.4 88.1 Numeracy 99 90 90.6

State National

Extracted from: 2013 National Assessment Program - NAPLAN Summary Report

Co-Curricular Opportunities > Debating: Three Year 7 teams, three Year 8 teams and two Year 9 teams > Maths Team Challenge: Year 8 team reached the second stage of this competition > Maths Olympiad > Readers’ Cup: Year 7 and Year 8 team > Chess Competitions > Middle School play: 30 girls involved in presenting Girl Who Cried Wolf > Choirs, Bands & Ensembles > Public speaking: Year 7 competition

Service Opportunities We incorporate the concept of Service to others as a strong part of the Middle School Community, as indicated in the following activities: > Middle School Sponsor Child through Compassion

> Africa Day – raising money for orphanage in Africa and supporting Middle School student, Erin Higgins who visited this orphanage in January of 2013

> RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) Buddies in Term 3. Service within the Middle School.

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Middle School

Year 7 Camp | Canberra

Year 8 Camp | Mapleton

Year 9 Camp | Bornhoffen

Teamwork & Leadership Because Middle School girls are in a great stage of growth and change in their physical and emotional development, it is important to include programs that encourage them to work together. The following activities are a great source of fun for the girls as well as fabulous opportunities to build friendships: > Year 7 Camp to Canberra > Year 8 Camp to Mapleton > Year 9 Camp to Bornhoffen

Mrs Jaye Ross | Head of Middle School


Visit from School of St Jude

Breast Cancer Breakfast

Emu Gully

Girl Who Cried Wolf | MS Play

Girl Who Cried Wolf | MS Play

Girl Who Cried Wolf | MS Play

Year 7 & 8 Sleepover

Etiquette Dinner

Middle School Leaders Induction


SENIOR School 20-one-3: Find Your Key At the heart of our College was a group of girls who were passionate, intelligent, driven and kind. Our Senior Leaders for 2013 proved that they had the ability to excite the heart of the College through their leadership. Setting the scene for 2013 with the motto 20-one-3: Find Your Key, the Seniors challenged the College community to set goals, explore new things and find their niche and passion! Throughout the year, in each sub school, they honoured girls who took on that encouragement and sought to find their key and excel. In February, as the new seniors proudly received their Leadership Agreements and badges, Head Girl Hannah Donaldson, in her address, announced the impending release of a book set to change the literary scene. ‘Today, I wish to talk to you about a book, a book which has been forecast as enthralling and life changing. Experts predict that you simply ‘won’t be able to put it down’. It is entitled, “The Tale of 20-13” and we are its authors. The literary world is aghast at the potential for this book, a tale of a great many intriguing, strong, resilient, clever and creative young women. While still in its early stages, the foreword in fact begins this morning. It is our story of leadership and it is unfolding….’ Hannah continued, ‘Today, we are fortunate to walk across this stage and accept badges of leadership - a gesture from the College which balances our commitment to servant leadership at Fairholme. The navy badge of ‘senior-dom’ is not a boastful icon of attention sought, but rather a reminder of the privilege we are given to serve the community. To polish the badge of leadership is about polishing a reminder of servant leadership for ourselves. We must keep in bright for ourselves in order to be bright for all of you! So, here’s to “The Tale of 20-1-3”. May the cliff-hangers keep us excited about our journey and the twists keep us ready and intrigued about the next chapter. May we pause at every page turn to remember and acknowledge the privilege of earning our place here. If today is the foreword, it was fitting that to begin this morning we walked in together, singing together: Will you let me be your servant? Let me be as Christ to you Pray that I may have the strength To let you be my servant too.’ At that time, it was our pleasure to welcome back 2010 Head Girl, Sara Al-Bostanji, as the guest speaker for the Induction of Senior Leaders. Incredibly well-qualified to speak of such qualities, Sara highlighted the key characteristics of great leaders as being honesty and integrity. To this end, Sara shared a quote by Andre Gide, a French author and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for literature in 1947, ‘be faithful to that which exists within yourself’. She assured the 2013 Senior Leaders that their hard work and participation in all that Fairholme offers will bring reward and satisfaction that will far outweigh the effort, management of study planners, busy schedules and the time invested! Sara: ‘To the Seniors of 2013, this year, lead with purpose, lead with integrity, lead with tolerance and patience, lead with high expectations of your peers, lead with your conscience and of course lead with kindness. It is a challenging year ahead, but one which I promise, will leave you with some very special memories.’


Leading and Learning Like the learning journey, the leadership journey matches the continuum of life; there is no end point or final achievement. Through an awareness of personal learning comes leadership learning. The girls in thee Senior School enjoy countless opportunities to learn and to lead. They are able to focus on those things for which they have real passion and explore new fields. One cannot help but learn in an environment where this is possible, encouraged and celebrated. While it is tremendously challenging to pay homage to all wonderful achievements in 2013, the following provides a glimpse of the spectrum of achievement and contribution by Senior School girls: > South Pacific – a wonderful season of South Pacific was presented in August, with the Toowoomba Grammar School. Presented at the Empire Theatre, the production was a spectacle of stylistic costuming and sets and showcased the musical and dramatic talents of a large group of boys and girls. It was stunning in every respect! >

University of Queensland Young Scholars’ Program – four Year 11 girls were selected for the annual program held at the St Lucia campus in late November. International Learning – in 2013, Fairholme played host to exchange students from France and Germany, a group from Jissen (Japan), girls from Samuel Marsden (NZ) and two Kent College girls. During the summer vacation many Senior School girls travelled to spent time with their counterparts, some experiencing a white Christmas!

> International Students – five girls from Japan became Fairholme girls for Term III, as the beginning of a homestay partnership with Japanese students. > Immersion in the French Language – an intensive program for the Senior French girls at Maison de St Clair, provided Senior students of French a wonderful opportunities to hone their language skills > Victorious Science and Engineering Students – Teams of Year Ten Girls won their day of competition in the 2013 University of Southern Queensland Science and Engineering Challenge >

Year 11 Retreat – based at the Alexandra Park Conference Centre, the July retreat stood as the creo visio stage of the Leadership Program. Three days of challenge and reflection were embraced by the newest leaders of the College. International Women’s Day – hosted by the College Interact Club, this year’s day of celebration included setting personal goals with a view to being young women of positive influence and contribution. Teamed with the ‘20-one-3:Find Your Key’ motto, goals were written on ribbons and tied to padlocks. These remain outside the Assembly Hall as a reminder of the goals and the encouragement to ‘find your key’.


Arts Excellence – countless girls undertook formal, external music and speech & drama exams with associations such as the Australian Music Examination Board. Some extraordinary results were attained – in many grades, as high as the Associate of Music Australia (a diploma qualification). Various Bursaries and incredible Eisteddfod results were testament to a successful year of music. Putting Youth in the Picture –this program with its focus on personal safety and legal issues, hosted by author/producer Adair Donaldson, forms a critical and practical aspect of the Year 10 Life Skills program.

> Leadership Committees – the first year of Leadership Committees saw all Year 12 girls work serve the community in an area of interest to them. > 2013 Leadership Committees – Communications; Environment; Junior School; Middle School; Pastoral Care; Restorative Practices; Teaching & Learning, Technology. > Back Me Up – Year 11 student Hannah Nugent created a short film for the Back Me Up Competition. Hannah’s clip focussed on diversity and acceptance. Year 12 Alternative Program – after the formal academic curriculum was complete, the Senior Leaders had the opportunity to gain further qualifications in such areas as defensive driving, cooking, care safety and maintenance, first aid and hospitality. > Workshops: June Dally Watkins– sessions in work preparation, formal etiquette and personal presentation were presented on campus. > National Athletics Knockout – three College teams were invited to attend this national contest in 2013. Impressively, the Intermediate Team won their competition and the title of National Champions for 2013. The Junior Team were placed a most credible 6th place in their competition. This result places Fairholme as the most successful school in the competition’s history. > Vocational Education & Training Excellence – a great number of Senior Leaders graduated with further qualifications as a result of traineeships, TAFE study and apprenticeships undertaken during their Senior School years.

Highlights and Achievements 2013


SENIOR School In the Pages of your Autograph Book This year’s Founders’ Day Assembly centred on the kinds of memories that make their way onto the pages of autograph books. Many such keepsakes, held in the College archives, became the inspiration for this theme and the important connections, relationships and treasured memories that epitomise each girl’s time at Fairholme. The Year 11 girls presented an autograph book to each Senior, by way of thanks for their leadership and with the encouragement to take the time in the final term of schooling to jot down precious memories and write messages to friends. At that point in time, it was lovely inspiration to take the time to ensure the reminiscing would be long lasting. As the senior girls wear their tartan for the final time, we wish with them life’s blessings. We are grateful for their leadership, friendship and contribution to this College. With our gratitude, we offer encouragement to go now and make a difference in our world, to share and build upon the strengths we have seen in them here at Fairholme and to have the personal motivation to empower and care for those around them. To the Seniors, ‘Find Your Key’ is no longer about 20-1-3, it is about life. Girls, continue to find your strengths, be passionate about what is important to you and above all help other people to find their key – what a gift that will be.

Catrina Sharp | Head of Senior School


Boarding at Fairholme Fairholme College continues to be a leader in residential education in Australia, being one of the most preferred all girls’ boarding schools in Australia. In 2013 the College maintained its strong connection with rural families with current students predominately from country areas of Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Territory and Western Australia. The Boarding House also welcomed students from city families and from overseas countries including Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, and Mauritius. Boarders make up the ‘fabric’ of the College constituting over a third of the student body in the Middle and Senior Schools.

Seeking Excellence At Fairholme College the academic environment is supportive and proven to add value, whilst the sporting and cultural programs are second to none. The boarders have unparalleled access to excellent facilities and learning opportunities. Renovations over recent years have created warm “home away from home” living spaces in the Boarding House, including comfortable bedrooms, numerous common areas with kitchenettes, a specialised art and craft room, and of course, the fully equipped health centre offering 24-hour care by trained nursing staff.

Developing Learning Practice Study routines and supervised ‘Prep’ (homework) time have helped many boarders to achieve better academic results, evident in the outstanding achievements of the 2013 Year 12 cohort with 29% of the boarding girls receiving an OP 1 -5, 51% receiving an OP 1-8, and 71% receiving an OP 1-10. In 2013 the College Academic Staff were on hand to support the Years 7-10 girls at the night prep sessions. Year 11 and 12 boarders work in a quiet learning environment at their desks in their dorms during the supervised Prep time. This year a team of academic tutors covering all subject areas assisted students during the evening prep sessions in the Boarding House. Middle School boarders also took advantage of Numeracy and Literacy tutoring sessions offered on Thursday and Sunday afternoons.

During the year Fairholme Boarding staff also continued their lifelong professional learning through workshops, conferences and courses covering various topics such as Restorative Practice, Workplace, Health and Safety (including fire, lockdown and evacuation training), Apply First Aid, Use of Technology, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Essentials of Emergency Nursing, Active Duty - What does it mean, Social Media - A teenager’s view, and ABSA Duty of Care Courses. In October, all staff attended the ABSA Queensland State Conference “Updating the Boarding Staff Toolbox” held at Ipswich. Senior staff members attended the Queensland Isolated Children and Parents Association 2013 Conference held in Toowoomba.

Fairholme College principal, Mrs Linda Evans, continues to be a strong advocate All boarding students were also encouraged for the boarding community as a member to access and use study help available at the of the Australian Boarding Schools College and regularly attend the Academic Association National Executive Board. She Help Sessions for different learning areas, and the Head of Boarding, Ms Marguerite available to all girls every weekday morning, Dunne, are also members of the executive lunchtime and afternoon at the College committee for the Queensland Branch of Learning Enhancement Centre. ABSA. Both attended the ABSA National Marguerite Dunne | Head of Boarding Leaders Symposium held in Perth in August.

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Boarding at Fairholme Christ-Centred Faith Throughout the year Fairholme Boarders have attended Sunday Services at six different local churches. The girls as part of their congregation participated in the Service, for example, by assisting with the Readings, or by sharing a devotion or prayer for significant occasions. Boarder Services were also regularly conducted in the College Chapel by Pastor Richard Jessup and Mrs Jenny Sutton (with Boarding Supervisor Mrs Maree Morrison accompanying the singing of hymns on the piano).

Genuine Pastoral Care The connections made across friendship groups and year levels, and the care and concern that the girls have experienced themselves from staff and students, or have given to others, are the valued extra that boarding at Fairholme provides. These experiences nurture lifelong learning in each girl which is not left at the gate when she leaves at the end of her Fairholme journey but enables her to deal with life beyond school. Continued enhancement of our culture of genuine pastoral care has occurred through specialised staffing, professional learning, and planned programs and opportunities to better relationships with and amongst students, staff, parents and the wider community. Service Fairholme Boarding is underpinned by a strong Christian ethos of service and service has always played a major part in the life of a Fairholme boarder. The joy of giving to others is demonstrated not only by the girls’ unequivocal support of each other and for their school but also by their numerous contributions to the wider community. Year 12 boarders and members of the staff, displayed their Anzac spirit by attending the Anzac Day dawn service at the Mothers’ Memorial in Toowoomba, and all other boarders went to the later morning Anzac Day service as a mark of respect. The girls have continued to sponsor their World Vision Sponsor Child and have been heavily involved in supporting many community activities, including the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, the RSPCA Cup Cake for a Day, the Cancer Council Biggest Afternoon Tea, the Mizpah Orphanage, and the Philippines Typhoon Appeal. A number of Year 12 boarders participated in “Shave for a Cure”, shaving or cutting off their hair and raising much needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation, and the whole boarding community rallied behind the “KrewCuts for Katie” campaign, raising funds to support fellow Year 11 boarder Katie Hough (and her parents) as she continues to battle this disease.


The Boarding House has continued to assist the Toowoomba City Church ”Base 57” Children’s Program, where, on Friday evenings, boarders cooked and delivered dinner for the disadvantaged kids who attended, as well as assisting group leaders run activities and devotions. Although selfless in purpose, the boarding community should be immensely proud of its actions in 2013. Fairholme Boarders Bible Groups The Boarding House Bible Groups (Junior, Middle and Senior) have continued this year under the watchful guidance of the Boarding House Assistant to Pastoral Care, Mrs Jenny Sutton. Each group met on a weekly basis for prayer and discussion. A number of the Boarder Chapel services were planned and presented by these girls who used readings, role plays, and songs of praise to join with all and share our Christian beliefs and values and message of love, hope and charity that underpin all that we do. Members of the Boarding staff also met weekly at the Staff Prayer Group. Respect Boarder Lifeskills and Well Being Program The development and delivery of a structured Lifeskills program for boarders as continued in 2013. The main objective of our Lifeskills and Well Being Program is to provide opportunities to help our students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, that build their sense of personal worth and agency, and teach them to interact with others constructively and effectively. Mentoring Program The support and recognition given to younger girls by more senior boarders is a significant contributor to a caring, supportive atmosphere of acceptance and tolerance in Fairholme College Boarding. This year through our Big Sister program all younger boarders had a senior buddy. Through this mentoring, the Year 12 boarders have provided care, support, guidance and friendship to the younger boarders throughout the year. Regular events such as Big Sister activities, dinners, breakfasts and afternoon teas gave opportunities for the girls to cement these bonds. The vertical structure of the Boarding House where all age groups are across the various floors also creates an environment that fosters friendship and support amongst all the girls. Training of students who act as mentors occurred as part of the Lifeskills Program, through sessions run by Mrs Sutton and other College staff, and community experts. Towards the end of this year our Year 11 boarders, attended sessions with Restorative Practice expert, Marg Thorsborne, as part of their leadership program and numerous

boarders and staff attended the thought provoking presentation by Canadian restorative justice advocate, and author of the book Walking After Midnight, Katie Hutchinson. Orientation and Induction to Boarding The Fairholme New Boarder Induction program was expanded this year with weekly sessions throughout Term 1 for the Years 6, 7 and 8 boarders. Topics covered included change management, stress and relaxation techniques, problem-solving and conflict resolution techniques. Our City Family Program has continued with the Daygirl/Boarder Sleepover being a highlight for the girls. In September the Boarding House welcomed our 2014 new boarders and their families when they attended our Orientation Program, staying overnight in the Boarding House. This event was an outstanding success with the girls and their families having the opportunity to build connections with staff and other families, and enabling them to familiarise themselves with the routines in the College and the Boarding House, easing the path of the girls for their start at the College. One of the highlights of the program was a parent forum where current parents shared their experiences of being a boarding parent, giving invaluable information and advice to the “new” parents who were preparing to send their daughters away from home for the first time. Leadership and Community Development Fairholme boarders experience rich opportunities for leadership and personal growth. The work of the boarder committees (Pastoral Care, Service, Environment, and Recreation) led by the Head Boarder and the Boarder Prefects enhanced the caring and nurturing environment in the Boarding House in 2013 with committee initiatives such as “Tidy Dorms” competition, inter-year gatherings, “Boarder of the Week” Awards, the regular themed dinners and after dinner quizzes and activities. The Boarders Representative Committee comprising of representatives from each year level met regularly giving the girls a voice and a mechanism for change. Throughout the year the Head Boarder and Boarder Prefects attended regular Toowoomba Boarding Schools Leaders Meetings to share and broaden ideas and strengthen community connections.

Enjoyment Activities and Achievements In 2013 the boarding students kept very busy immersing themselves in the wide and extensive co-curricular program on offer at Fairholme College. Living on campus enables the boarders convenient access to an extensive range of activities and facilities (sporting, social, cultural, recreational and spiritual) with the majority of girls involved in a plethora of activities. Many successes were celebrated in academic, sporting and cultural endeavours in 2013. The girls competed at eisteddfods and country shows, participated in music, dance and drama performances and represented the College, the Darling Downs and Queensland in numerous sporting events. The Boarding House Recreation and Activities Program supplements this co-curricular program. The Boarding House Activities Officer works closely with the Boarding House Recreation Committee to plan an activities program for each term with regular weekend sporting, cultural, art and craft activities and excursions on offer for the girls. Throughout the year boarding life has been continually full as the girls involved themselves in many themed dinners, socials, and sporting and cultural opportunities. The Boarders Morning Walk/Run Group and the morning and afternoon Boarders Fitness Classes (through a partnership with Willows Health and Lifestyle Centre) have continued in 2013 with these healthy initiatives running at capacity numbers. The year started with a Closed Weekend when all the girls enjoyed a weekend of fun activities and games together and of course the traditional trip to Wet’nWild. Term 1 saw the boarders dominate in the pool for the second year blitzing the daygirls in the traditional Daygirl versus Boarder relay. State of Origin fever hit and the interstate rivalry was displayed as the girls proudly wore their state’s colours. The Year 7 and 8 Boarder-Daygirl sleepover in the Assembly Hall, led superbly by the Head Boarder and Boarder Prefects, was a fantastic night and of course the Fairholme College Boarders Social was again the social event of the year attracting over 600 students from boarding schools in Toowoomba and Brisbane. Boarders Assembly highlighted the many talents in the boarding cohort, and an excursion to MovieWorld at the Gold Coast and the traditional Boarders Xmas Dinner culminated what was a most enjoyable year. Creating a Warm Environment The Fairholme College Boarding House aims to provide a safe inviting “home away from home” environment for the girls whilst they live on campus. In 2013 renovations have continued in numerous areas, adding the modern touches necessary to enhance the space where the girls work, relax and enjoy life together.

On reflecting over 2013 I would like to acknowledge the many people who have made significant contributions to Fairholme Boarding throughout the year. In particular many thanks must be given to: Deputy Heads of Boarding, Miss Elaine Burns and Ms Leigh Pickstone for their support in managing management of the Boarding Office and ensuring the efficient day-to-day running of the Boarding House Boarding House Resident Supervisors, Mrs Marie Deans, Miss Susie Fredline, Miss Mary Gleeson, Miss Rebecca Haase , Mrs Judith Hawley, Miss Sue Heslop, Mrs Michelle Jackson, Mrs Maree Morrison, and relief staff Miss Alice Milson and Mrs Jenny Baker who have given unending support, encouragement and loving concern to the girls in their care Mrs Jenny Sutton, the Assistant to the Boarding House Pastoral Care for her invaluable contribution to the whole Boarding House Mrs Donna Smith for her support and continual work in maintaining the constant communication with our boarding families and girls in her role as Administrative Assistant to the Head of Boarding The Parents Boarder Support Group, led by President Mrs Debbie Weber, who have worked tirelessly for the Boarding House throughout 2013 The Boarding House Academic tutors, Miss Samantha Crossman, Mrs Maxine Hetherington Miss Alice Milson, Miss Kara Stuart, and the Boarding House Activity Officer, Mrs Philicia Salzke for their support of the girls Health Centre staff nurse manager, Mrs Kirsten Riordan and the team of nursing staff, Mrs Janet Dixon, Mrs Lois Fernandez, Mrs Jennifer Halls, Mrs Clarissa Laws, Mrs Sue McGavin, Mrs Angela McMahon, and Mrs Helen Surch for their constant care of the girls Dr Ros Dunlop who conducts morning clinics at the Health Centre for her professional care of the girls, and to Mr James Wiltshire and Miss Lisa Wallace who conduct afternoon physiotherapy clinics at the Health Centre The Boarding House volunteer drivers who generously give up their time to greatly assist boarding families by driving and accompanying boarders to outside appointments 2013 Head Boarder, Honor Moore and Boarder Prefects Catherine Bartelen, Georgia Devenish, Fiona Elder and Ruby Elliott for their leadership shown throughout the year Facilities, Maintenance, Catering and Laundry staff led by Mr Scott Klaebe, Mr Martin Zarb and Mr Peter Sutton, whose continual work supports the needs of the Boarding House on a daily basis. 2013 was another successful year for all those involved with Fairholme Boarding. Thank you for contributing to the care and well-being of our Ms Marguerite Dunne | Head of Boarding

Highlights and Achievements 2013


TEACHING and LEARNINGat Fairholme When the Courier-Mail published the 2012 Queensland schools OP results in May, Fairholme was listed as the top performing school (OP 1- 15) on the Darling Downs and the tenth best school overall in Queensland. Complemented with excellent results in NAPLAN and a high commitment from the girls in their studies, as evidenced through their semester reports, this affirmed Fairholme’s most impressive overall academic performance in 2012. Thus, the academic tone was set for 2013.

Strengthening the academic fabric at Fairholme College in 2013 > The Alternative Pathways program continues to go from strength to strength. Through systematic, one-on-one conversations with all Senior students from the initial SET planning in Year 10 through to Year12, the College is able to track student progress across a three-year timeline which lends advice towards meaningful career/tertiary pathways. > Year 10 Work Experience Week this year showcased potential architects, solicitors, operatic divas, surgeons, researchers, lawyers, aircraft mechanics, bankers and even zookeepers. Furthermore, the number of students undertaking Vocational Education and Training or VET Programs increased to 100; many were involved in Traineeships with local employers that will result in employment after the completion of their formal education. > National Curriculum – Mathematics, Science, English and History are now fully implemented from Years 7 – 10, as well as Geography in Years 9 – 7, with the Year 8 program being trialled over the next two years. We are still waiting for ACARA to finalise and publish the Arts and Health and Physical Education curriculum documents, which will be our next area of focus for implementation. > Innovations within the QCS program with the ‘new-look’ QCS team facilitated by Dr Terri Bourke (Queensland University of Technology, Education faculty). A rigorous QCS preparation program was implemented using data from practice tests to target areas of need. Across the school from Junior to Senior, our teachers are embedding the language of the Common Curriculum Elements (the foundations of QCS) in their daily lessons across all subject areas; for example: ‘applying strategies to trial and test ideas’ and procedures or ’using vocabulary appropriate to a context’. > The College ‘Help’ program has strengthened – most subjects offered at the College offer some form of learning support either before or after school, or during lunchtime. > In Boarding, three university students fulfil the role of tutors covering all subject areas, and their availability is unique to the Senior students; while on Sunday and Thursday afternoons, the junior boarders have the opportunity to seek assistance with Mathematics, Science, English and Humanities with a qualified teacher. Year 12 and Year 10 students have instituted a peer-tutoring program, run by the students for the students, who volunteer their time to help their classmates. > Our students as well as our teachers are learners. The way teachers teach their students has, we believe, a direct correlation to the way in which they learn themselves. Fairholme was one of 30 schools across Queensland to be selected for a pilot project facilitated by Independent Schools Council (ISQ) to develop a school-wide pedagogical framework in line with the College’s five core values. Under the guidance of the ISQ, our teachers embarked on a school - wide audit of their teaching practice to assess their effectiveness as both teachers and learners. Through rigorous self-assessments, the Self-improving Schools’ program identified priorities for change and enabled us to implement clear action plans to improve school performance, student learning and teacher practice. Over several months, our teachers have set about analysing various pedagogical frameworks, ranging from the Early Years Learning Framework to The Principles of Learning and Teaching P-12 (PoLT) Online Professional Learning Resource which focuses primarily on extending teacher knowledge and supporting the development of skills to be implemented in classrooms. > Aiming to maximize teaching for learning at the College, the Leadership Team, in consultation with the Heads of Departments and teachers in the Middle and Senior Schools, has examined different possible formats for the Fairholme lesson timetable. Along with the streamlining of lesson times, the most significant change is that the 2014 school day will be extended by 10 minutes – lessons will commence at 8:25am and conclude at 3.20pm. The past, the present, and the future has been, is, and will be shaped by the quality of educational activity. I am delighted to say that our staff continually adapt to meet this challenge, and gladly accept the remarkable responsibility in nurturing a future generation.


2013 OP/QCS Results and Tertiary outcomes We are very pleased to present a synopsis of the Overall Position data for the Seniors of 2013. The achievements of these students are strong, with academic improvement most evident in the OP 1-5 band. The results below are representative of commitment and hard work both individually and as a whole cohort as well as reflecting the strong educational and pastoral support that has been provided by a professional and dedicated teaching staff > 100% of our girls achieved their QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education) > 93% of our girls achieved an Overall Position between 1 - 15 > 31% of our girls achieved an Overall Position between 1 - 5 > 50% of our boarders achieved an Overall Position between 1 - 8

The OP (Overall Position) score is used solely for tertiary education admission. It reflects each student’s position in a Queensland-wide ranking order of overall achievement in Queensland Studies Authority-approved subjects. Overall positions range from an OP1 (the highest) through to an OP25. The QCS (Queensland Core Skills Test) is a common state-wide test designed for Year 12 students which contributes information for the calculation of Overall Positions (OPs) and Field Positions (FPs) and is used to rank students for tertiary entrance Of course these figures cannot capture other important features about each one of our school-leavers. They do not reflect their personal qualities, those characteristics that will guide and inform the quality of their life. Our efforts throughout each girl’s schooling have been focused upon developing appropriate pathways for the future within a tertiary educational setting, or the workplace and ultimately as contributing members of the communities to which they belong. We also wish to acknowledge the achievements of those who have attained academic excellence. It is of interest to note that of the 25 880 students who were OP Eligible in 2013 (14 539 female; 11 341 male) a total of 711 students were awarded OP 1 (341 female; 370 male) and four of whom are Fairholme students. Another item of interest – whilst the majority of our girls are OP eligible, 56% of our students also completed VET (Vocational Education and Training) Studies.

Mr Stewart Peacock | Head of Teaching and Learning

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Key Learning Sectors THE ARTS

A Wave of Enthusiasm 2013 has been another highly successful year for the Arts at Fairholme. A truly amazing array of achievements has been celebrated across all disciplines almost from the very first day of the school year. It has been a year not only of the highest artistic standards but also a time of immense enjoyment and creative growth. HIGHLIGHTS South Pacific – a musical co-production with the Toowoomba Grammar School involving six months of rehearsal, 20 staff and 200 students in the cast, crew, orchestra and numerous support groups Mrs Brigid Baker joined us as our new teacher of Dance Year 11 & 12 Art Students hosted the Official Opening of their Miniature Art Exhibition, entitled ‘A Moment in Time’ 11 Fairholme musicians were chosen to take part in SHEP ( State Honours Ensemble Program ) at the Conservatorium in Brisbane – a record number Get SmART – our annual Arts festival incorporated an individual Arts discipline competition, book week celebrations, Interhouse Choir and Dance competitions, leading to 8 weeks of unprecedented participation in Arts-related pursuits for all students Music Camp – Members of the Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Strings, Concert Band, College Choir and Chamber Choir attended this weekend of rehearsals, fun and other delights at the Gatton Campus of the University of Queensland Vignettes ( Middle School creativity group ) performed the Australian gothic play ‘Girl who Cried Wolf’ by Angela Betzien in the Fairholme College Assembly Hall. College Choir and Chamber Choir dominated at the Toowoomba Eisteddfod. Between the two choirs, they received two Highly Commended placements, a second place, two first places and the prestigious ‘Secondary Schools’ Choral Aggregate Shield’ The Chamber Strings took the honours of first place in both the secondary school string orchestra and the secondary small string ensemble sections at the Toowoomba Eisteddfod, in a very competitive field USQ Escape from the Zoo Art Exhibit – 19 students were selected as finalists. Ailsa Houston’s work entitled ‘Destruction of Mankind...’ was awarded the Packers’ Prize and Rachel Molloy’s work entitled ‘Bark Bone’ was awarded the Best 2D work. Icons – An outstanding Choral Performance held in the Arts Theatre at USQ Marvellous performances by students of all Arts Disciplines at the Annual Kaleidoscope of the Arts


Two high-calibre Music Extension Recitals presented by Senior Music Extension Students. Strings Workshop with the Camarata of St John’s Brisbane Chamber Choir and College Choir Concert at St Luke’s Anglican Church, Toowoomba

Significant Growth in Co-curricular Music The co-curricular music ensembles and teaching continues to be the primary area of development. There has been a pleasing resurgence in membership of the many band, choral and orchestral groups. A significant number of students are also enrolling for external examination by the Australian Music Examination Board.

250 keen primary school string players coming together for the 9th String Out festival. String Out 2013 offered young students of the violin, viola, cello and bass the opportunity to come together in a musical celebration on a scale that had to been seen to be believed.

Shining Students

Well over 200 Fairholme Arts students performed beautifully at the City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod in various solo, duo and small group sections, gaining many places in what was a very high standard of competition

Sandra Neale Tribute Scholarship – the top honour in Speech and Drama at the Toowoomba Eisteddfod – was awarded to Tara McClelland

Special Music Events / Performances – Spring Fair, Open House, workshops with Graeme Morton Special Dance Events – Choreographer Kirsty Lee, dancers from SWAGAMAMA, Flamenco Fire performance, workshops with Expressions Dance Co. Special Drama Events – • QTC performance at QPAC – The Pitch and The China Incident • QTC performance at QPAC – Design for Living • QTC Performance at QPAC – Mother Courage and Her Children • La Boite performance at QUT Roundhouse – The Glass Menagerie • Zen Zen Zo performance at the Old Museum – Medea: The River Runs Backwards • BGGS – Junior Drama Ensemble Performance of Girl Who Cried Wolf at BGGS • Shake and Stir Theatre Co. – Performance of Animal Farm at QPAC.

Meg McBain and Nina Wildman sharing the lead role of ‘Nellie’ in South Pacific

Five Fairholme students received Empire Bursaries in the areas of Musical Theatre, Dance and Instrumental Music Four students had art works selected for the Darling Downs / South West Regional Exhibition for Creative Generations. Two girls went on to win major awards – and their work will be exhibited at GOMA. Over 100 students were recognised for their commitment and contribution to the Arts in the disciplines of Visual Art, Music, Sound and Lighting, Dance and Drama at Arts Presentation Evening Student musician Joumanna Haddad attained her A.Mus.A. Kate Stevens won the OPEN drawing prize at the Chronicle Junior Art Exhibition.

Year 12 Drama students staged their Brechtian Showcase, The Profiteers, at The Studio – Empire Theatre.

Ms Nancy Macks | Head of The Arts

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Key Learning Sectors Business & Technology Students are our current or future workers, savers, voters, consumers, producers and investors and these roles can be performed much better if students have some understanding of the business world. Business Communication and Technologies (BCT) and Accounting equip students with an understanding of business, important when educating for active citizenship – all business subjects offer practical life skills, suitable for general use as well as being suitable for implementation in business or the professions. Accounting activities included: > cash budgeting > computerised accounting program MYOB. Yr 12 BCT - 93% of 2013 students gained Certificate II in Business, embedded in that course. This subject has enabled students to combine a vocational certificate with their academic program. Year 11 BCT students have had the opportunity to enjoy the new BCT Work Program, which includes new topics such as Event Management. Preparation and organisation of the Senior Valedictory was the culmination of their learning this year. Each topic studied includes a Business Technology embedded into the unit. Activities included: > calendar dimension in Microsoft Outlook > budget using Microsoft Excel > designing Valedictory invitations and place cards using a variety of programs. Year 10 Business and Technology strives to provide students with a ‘real world’ focus. Year 10 BT has highlighted the ‘World of Work’. Topics include: communication skills, job applications and interview skills. ‘Financial Literacy Skills’ are developed through: Introduction to Accounting and Earning, Saving, Spending and Budgeting, emphasising Wise use of Credit. Activities have included: > letter writing, résumé writing, interview skills, applying for jobs and presenting for mock job interviews > ESSI Money Competition - Earning Saving Spending Investing – an online competition, with competitors from high schools throughout Australia.




Yr 11 Yr 12 Yr 11 Yr 10 No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % VHA 5 42 4 33 2 13 3 19 8 33 HA 2 17 2 17 4 27 6 38 10 42 SA 3 25 3 25 7 47 4 25 4 16 LA 2 17 3 25 1 7 3 19 1 4 VLA 0 0 1 7 0 0 1 4 Total 12 100 12 100 15 100 16 100 24 100

Mrs Margaret Erbacher | Head of Business and Technology


ENGLISH Writing [and reading] fundamental to a healthy society POETICS A common experience for many English teachers is the collective sigh from all and sundry at the commencement of a poetry unit. This is often reason enough for some to avoid teaching poetry all together. Such an option would be disappointing and would be denying students opportunities to engage with some truly enriching texts. I was reminded of an old proverb recently that, ‘the path of least resistance makes men (women) and rivers crooked.’ The imagery is provocative. While no one is disputing the fact poetry is hard, there is nothing to be gained from avoiding it. This year we have overhauled our Year 12 unit, Beneath the Southern Cross. An assortment of innovative and multi-faceted pedagogical approaches was adopted by each member of the faculty, and the end product was a challenging, but thoroughly engaging unit involving a close study of a range of Australian poets culminating with the production of a feature article suitable for the literary journal, Meanjin. The success of this project has inspired us to share it with our colleagues throughout Australia – a task we will accomplish at the Australian Association for the Teaching of English and the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association National Conference in 2014. We look forward to this opportunity to engage in professional learning and growth. ACHIEVEMENTS

Academic Achievements Year VHA HA




12 20 55 27 2 11 20 60 22 2 10 22 55 14 3 9 17 60 21 8 30 51 19 7 18 22 13

Total 104 104 91 98 100 53

LITERARY COMPETITIONS Hannah Nugent > ‘A Glimpse Of Him’ (short story) entered in ASG competition + published in Oz Kids In Print Magazine + certificate of achievement > ‘A Glimpse Of Him’ (short story) entered in Write4fun competition + published in Write4fun anthology ‘Written In The Stars’ + certificate of excellence > ‘Imperfection’ (poem) entered in Write4fun competition + will be published in next anthology > ‘Moments’ (short story) entered in Written Portraits competition + published in Written Portraits 2013 Anthology + certificate for highly commended

ICAS English Competition A range of students from Years 11, 10 and 8 sat the annual University of New South Wales’ English Competition this year. The following students received High Distinctions and Distinctions, scoring in the top 1 and 10 percent of the state respectively, which is an outstanding achievement. High Distinction: Abigail Munro (Year 10) Year 8 Distinctions: Jade Bahnisch Sophie Bilbrough Nicola Chaney Christina Meelen Rebecca Rathie Ashleigh Reimers

DEBATING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING Zoe Cornwell > United Nations Youth State Summit 2013 and the United Nations Evatt Trophy Competition > Lions Youth of the Year Quest Entrant Jessie Wilson > Rostrum Voice of Youth Southern Queensland Finalist Queensland Debating Union Competition > Five teams were QDU Debating Finalists in 2013.

Year 10 Distinctions: Georgia Austin Jane Callan Claire Cavaye Ainslie Fraser Imogen Hassall Grace Jarvis Katie Lowe Chloe Painter Sienna Rieck

Year 11 Distinctions: Vanessa Chapman Lucy Grigg Bronte Holding Israel Needham Hannah Nugent Caitlin Sorour Chantelle Stewart Alison Thomas Brianna Watts Hannah Whitton

Mr Rohan Davis | Head of English

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Key Learning Sectors HEALTH, SPORT & PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2013 was another outstanding year for Fairholme College. Our girls produced some amazing individual and team results, further enhancing Fairholme College’s reputation as the premier girls’ sporting school on the Darling Downs.

Highlights and Achievements Toowoomba Secondary School Sport ‘Double Crown’. We retained our Swimming and Athletics titles and were a very close runner-up in Cross Country. AFL > 1 Darling Downs Representative > 3 South West Queensland Representatives BASKETBALL Champion Basketball School of Qld Competition > 4 Association Teams > 1 Darling Downs Representative > 3 Friday Night Teams CHESS > Teams and individuals competing at Toowoomba schools tournament CRICKET > 5 Darling Downs Representatives > Alice Smith selected on Queensland Fire Squad Rookie List and Development Tour of Sri Lanka > Georgia Hendy and Anna Paton selected in U16 Queensland > Indoor Cricket Teams – Georgia Hendy named in Australian Merit Team CROSS COUNTRY > Interhouse Carnival Champions – Stephens > Toowoomba Secondary School Sport Runner Up > Trophy – 14yrs > Canterbury College Cross Country > Toowoomba Grammar Invitational Meet > State All Schools Relays > State All Schools Individual Championships > 2 Darling Downs Representatives; Mrs Powell (Official) > Queensland Official – Mrs Powell > Peak to Park Annual Charity Fun Run – over 200 Fairholme family participants EQUESTRIAN > Scots/PCG Weekend > 14 Regional Competitors > 6 Darling Downs Representatives > 3 Queensland Representatives – Maitie Webb, Tory Robertson and Bree Robertson


FOOTBALL > 1 Association Team – School Club Link with Willowburn and Garden City Football Clubs – Grand Finalists > 3 Darling Downs Representatives > Red Lion Cup > UHL Sport Cup > Alice Cameron – Football Toowoomba Fillies Best and Fairest FUTSAL > 2 Association Teams > Vikings South-West Qld Schools Championships – 3 teams > 14yrs Team – SWQ Champions > Vikings Chantelle Cramb Cup – 1 team > 3 Vikings Nationals Representatives HOCKEY > Association Team – School Club link with North’s Hockey Club > 2 Darling Downs Representatives > Selena McIntyre – selected in Queensland 13yrs Team NETBALL > 25 Association Teams – Saturday & Wednesday nights – 4 Association Teams (Grand Finalists in respective divisions) > Junior Vicki Wilson Cup Competition – Regional Winners > Senior Vicki Wilson Team – Regional Runner Up; Queensland Top 16 > Laura Geitz Shield Competition – Regional Runner Up > 2 Darling Downs Representatives ORIENTEERING > 3 Darling Downs Representatives > 1 Queensland Representative – Zazi Brennan SOFTBALL > 4 Association Players > DD Representative – Ms Gierke (Official) > Queensland Representative – Ms Gierke (Official) > Regional Golden Glove convenor – Ms Gierke > Golden Glove Cup

SWIMMING > Interhouse Carnival Champions – Powell > March Past – Powell > Toowoomba Secondary School Sport Winners for 11th successive year. Trophies – Aggregate, 14s, 15s, 16s, 19s & Relays > 9 Darling Downs Representatives > Julia Algie – selected in Australian Team to compete in Deaf Olympics in Bulgaria > Ipswich Girls Grammar and Brisbane Girls Grammar Meets > Middle and Junior School Swimming Tournaments TENNIS > 1 Darling Downs Representative – Jasmyn Bryant-Kennedy – DD Champion > Knowles Cup Tournament > Sacre Coeur Tournament, Brisbane – Yr9 and Open A – Runners Up > Queensland Secondary School Cup – Regional Champions > Fairholme Open Tournament TOUCH > 6 Association Teams – A Grade qualified for preliminary finals > 8 Summer Touch Teams > 7 Darling Downs Representatives > 3 Queensland Representatives – Dominique Du Toit, Georgina Rackemann and Olivia Goodsell > QLD All Schools Tournament – 4 teams – Open & 15A made grand finals > SWQ Tournament – 4 teams – Open & 15A Champions > All Hallows’ Tournament – 4 teams – Open and 15A Champions TRACK AND FIELD > Interhouse Champions – Cameron > March Past – Powell > Toowoomba Secondary School Sport Winners for 21st successive year. Trophies – Aggregate, 14s, 16s, 19s, Relays and Percentage > 26 Darling Downs Representatives; Ms Truscott (Official) > 3 Queensland Representatives – Ellie Bowyer, Samantha Lenton and Sophia Harper > Junior, Intermediate and Senior Knockout Athletics Teams – Queensland Runners-Up – all qualified for Nationals > Intermediate Knockout Athletics Team won Bronze Medal at Nationals, Launceston, December 2012 > Club Nationals – 5 Representatives – Mackenzie Andrews, Meg Pegler, Jessie Harper, Ellie Bowyer and Samantha Lenton > Fairholme Athletics Club reforms > University of the Sunshine Coast Meet

TRIATHLON > 2 Darling Downs Representatives VOLLEYBALL > 6 Association Teams > Junior Schools Cup – 1 team > Queensland Schools Cup – 2 teams > Darling Downs Schools Cup – 2 teams > Fairholme College host venue for Queensland Schools Cup WATER POLO > 3 Association Teams > 6 Darling Downs Representatives > Fairholme College host venue for DD team training TOOWOOMBA SECONDARY SCHOOL SPORT Term 1 Summer Competition > 20 Teams entered > 6 Premier Teams Term 2 Winter Competition > 23 Teams entered > 2 Premier Teams PIERRE DE COUBERTON AWARD 2013 Awarded by Queensland Olympic Council for outstanding sporting achievements, commendable sporting behaviour and exemplary leadership to: Georgina Rackemann ADDITIONAL SUCCESSES > Julia Algie was awarded the 2012 AWD Sports Star of the Year by Sports Darling Downs. > Fairholme Friends of Sport successfully ran the FOS Social; FOS Aquathon; and Westpac/Fairholme Gift, Peak Performance Sports Physiotherapy Youth Gift and Stonestreets Coaches Charity Relay. > Term 4 Interhouse Sporting Competition – Touch, Netball, Football and Volleyball – Champions: Cameron. > Year 12 Ski Trip, Perisher Valley. > Judy Dickinson, Queensland Austswim Presenter of the Year. > Grahame Pitt, Australian Junior Track and Field Coach of the Year.

Mr Nick Byron | Head of Sport

Highlights and Achievements 2013



This year marked the graduation of the first Fairholme Home Economics cohort to complete the Senior course. This group, the largest Home Economics cohort in the region, did extremely well with over half of the student achieving a High Achievement or above. Due to the innovative work program and the current issues that are studied in the course, such as sustainable food and fashion, Australian fashion industry, New Australian Dietary Guidelines and the ethics involved in being a consumer of both food and textiles, girls are well equipped for life and future learning. Year 10 continues to be a strong entry year for Senior Home Economics, with girls able to study in both areas of Food and Nutrition and Fashion and Textiles, engaging in units that prepare them well for further study in the subject. Year 9 textiles and design students are embracing the opportunity to develop their own products through design challenges that are relevant in their world. Year 8 builds on the skills established in Year 7 and involves the students in the design and production of useful everyday products that enhance their wellbeing. Year 7 Textiles and Design focuses on inspiring students about design and the important role it plays in our lives. Overall, Home Economics is alive and well at Fairholme with enrolment numbers in Years 10, 11 and 12 at an all-time high. Updated facilities, new practical equipment and innovative work programs, coupled with an amazing teaching team, have all contributed to a fantastic learning environment in 2013.

Achievements > Year 12 Home Economics – 30 students, the largest cohort in the region, completed their studies in Home Economics with a focus on sustainability and living with conscience. > Year 11 Home Economics saw 20 students complete an indepth focus on design and textiles and food and nutrition, equipping them very well for the personal choice of focus area in Year 12. Students examined issues about adolescent nutrition and a semester of Fashion and Textiles, developing ideas about how body image is portrayed through fashion. > Year 10 Home Economics - 14 students undertook a semester each of textiles and design and food and nutrition.

2013 Results Subject/Year VHA % HA % SA % LA % VLA Year 7 Art & Design




37.25% 2





Year 8 Food & fashion










Year 9 Food & fashion










Year 10 Home Economics 6 42.85% 6 42.85% 2 14.28 0 0 0 Year 11 Home Economics 7 31.81 13 65 0 0 0 0 0 Year 12 Home Economics










Mrs Clare Greenhill and Ms Melissa Stevens | Teachers of Home Economics



‘ The calling of the humanities is to make us truly human in the best sense of the word. ‘

J. Irwin Miller

…And this is what we have endeavoured to accomplish through our programs in Economics, Geography and the Histories this year. We have examined the impact of emerging economies, delved into the issues of food security, and pondered the implications of imperialistic regimes in order to not only understand our world a little better, but in the process, ourselves. Our Middle School programs have undergone significant change this year with both the History and Geography components of the Australian curriculum being ratified. We now await the implementation of these curriculums in the Senior School. Our continued focus across Years 7 to 12 has been on developing independent learners and critical thinkers. To this end, we are in the process of making considerable changes to our drafting policies and assessment scaffolding in order to work towards this objective in 2014. HIGHLIGHTS > Peoplescape Enrichment Day and Gab Fest (Year 7 English and Humanities) > Monster Storms Enrichment Activity (Year 8 Humanities) > ‘Fightin’ the Kaiser’ World War 1 Performance (Year 9 Humanities) > Nobby Farm Field Trip (Year 9 Humanities) > ‘I Was Only Nineteen’ Vietnam War Performance (Year 10 Humanities) > ‘EcoMan’ Seminar (Year 11 Economics) > Reserve Bank of Australia Seminar (Year 12 Economics) > Gowrie Creek Managing Catchments Field Trip (Year 11 Geography) > Eco-Tourism Field Trip to Fraser Island (Year 12 Geography) RESULTS Middle School Year VHA HA SA LA VLA Total 7 19 21 13 - - 53 8 20 60 21 - - 101 9 19 51 23 - - 93

Senior School Year/Subject VHA HA SA LA VLA Total 10 22 42 30 1 - 95 11 Ancient History 6






12 Ancient History 9






11 Economics 1 11 4 - - 16 12 Economics 3 7 4 - - 14 11 Geography 2 12 14 - - 28 12 Geography 5 16 12 - - 33 11 Modern History 8






12 Modern History 8 6 4 - - 18

Ms Alison Scott | Head of Humanities

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Key Learning Sectors The fourth class of graduating Information Technology Systems students continued the pattern of excellence in this course at Fairholme. This year, eight out of the nine ITS students (who completed all 4 semesters of study) will exit with a VHA.

Information Technology

One of Sabrina Dore’s creative works, ‘Two Worlds Colliding, was posted on the Fairholme College Facebook page and it became the most viewed posting on our site, receiving 2000 views in the first 10 hours. With the approaching National Curriculum, Fairholme has integrated IT studies into all subject areas from Kindy to Year 9, and offers IT specific electives in Years 10 to 12. The electives are Information Technology Studies in Year 10, and Information Technology Systems in Years 11 and 12. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS Year

Total Students Enrolled in ITS






10* 10 6 4 - - -

ITS Award Recipient in 2013: Torie Harrison * Semester 2 results ** Semester 2 results *** For students who completed 4 semesters of study (verification level of achievement)

Information Technology S

11** 8 6 2 - - - 12*** 9 8 1 - - -

IT SERVICES Our laptop program reached the 4 year milestone without any major issues. About half of the graduating Year 12 students have been in the Laptop Program for 4 years and will be given an ex-lease laptop. This has proven popular as it allows students to take their data with them and gives them a few months grace to decide what device will suit them as their destination for next year unfolds. The battery swap and go service and loan laptop system is working well, ensuring our students have access to a working laptop for classes.

Hardware Infrastructure includes: > 865 laptops and desktops > 76 Data Projectors > 28 interactive whiteboards > 73TB network storage > 87 printers > 17 scanners > 1 Bookedge Scanner > 8 physical servers > 11 virtual servers > 59 network switches (1G or 10G capable) > 8 fibre links (10G capable) > 112 dual radio, ‘N’ wireless access points > 100/100 mbps ethernet internet (WAN) connection through fibre.


The Fairholme College Facebook page (http:// was launched on 31 October 2013 and has proven to be popular with the Fairholme community. Within two weeks, there are 720 fans from 31 different countries, and 33,313 views. The most popular and post was “Two Worlds Colliding” by our Year 12 student, Sabrina Dore. It received 2000 views within 10 hours of posting. We hope this Facebook presence will continue to be a source of inspiration for the Fairholme community. IT Services continue to pursue excellence in supporting the academic and administrative goals of the college. Listed below are some facts and figures for the technically minded. Software infrastructure includes: > Windows 7 Professional, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64 bit) > Office 2013 Professional Plus > Adobe CS 6 Master Collection > Server 2008 R2 > Exchange 2010 > Configuration Manager 2007R2 > Microsoft Forefront (antivirus) > Hyper-V (server virtualisation) > Sharepoint 2010 > SysAid (helpdesk software) > Synergetic (school management software).

Helpdesk Services: > Average number of helpdesk jobs (per month): 750 (does not include assistance provided in person at the Helpdesk counter) > 45 battery swap-and-go service per day. > 6.3 laptop services per day (free technical support such as data recovery, insurance claims or warranty claims). Email and Internet Traffic: > Average number of emails sent and received (per month): 102,200 > Average number of blocked incoming emails – spam or infected (per month): 18,858 > Average volume of internet download (per month): 1TB

The 2013/2014 school break created another opportunity to carry out or deploy research and development work that normally would disrupt school operations. Projects included: > Upgrade to threat management system (firewall, anti-virus, proxy server, internet filtering and monitoring) > Installation of video teleconference equipment > Deployment of an online tutoring system > Synergetic Version 65 upgrade (school management software). Mr Chau Chuc | Head of Information Technology

Library AND Information Services Library and Information Services are provided to staff and students in the Middle and Senior schools from the Greta Statham Library & Learning Centre (TLC Library) and to the Junior School staff and students from the Fairholme Junior Library (FJL). Fairholme’s love of literature and reading for enjoyment was celebrated by: > engaging library lessons exploring a wide range of resources on diverse topics – weekly for Kindy to Year 6 and fortnightly for Year 7 > awarding the Junior School Interhouse Reading Trophy to Powell House > Read across the Universe Book Week activities for students in Kindy to Year 6 > Middle and Senior students participating in Book Week activities as part of Get SmART Festival > hosting a Scholastic Book Fair and partaking in Scholastic & Koorong Kids Book Clubs > reading The Wrong Book as part of National Simultaneous Storytime > presenting interactive storytime sessions in Under 8s Week > ‘Rate & Comment’ competition for Middle and Senior school students > hosting the Darling Downs Readers Cup Competition > visits from authors and illustrators, including Oliver Phommanh, Lisa Holier and Tracey Roper > ‘Blind date with a book’ Valentine reading promotion for Middle School students > stimulating library displays in a welcoming friendly environment > participating in the ‘Accelerated Reader’ program in Years 4 & 5 > selling pre-loved library books to raise money for Mizpah Home > creating a new fiction section in TLC Library with shelving to display book covers > providing access to the Fiction series lists in both libraries > promoting the reading databases accessible from the FJL Internet and TLC Library Online > celebrating Library & Information Week with the launch of the new TLC Library Online intranet page.


The teacher-librarian assisted staff and students to enhance their information literacy skills by: > explicitly teaching skills in library lessons from Prep to Year 7 > team-teaching classes with Junior, Middle and Senior School teachers > individually assisting students and staff with their research process > teaching critical literacy skills and referencing skills to individuals, small groups and classes > providing access to, and promoting, quality information resources including online databases > further developing the library catalogue as a federated search tool > making enhancements to both the libraries’ Intranet pages.

Highlights and Achievements 2013


Key Learning Sectors LANGUAGES OTHER

Library AND Information Services 2013 Collection & Borrowing Statistics




Items in Library Catalogues




Items borrowed by students




Items borrowed by staff & others




Total number of items borrowed




Online Databases Number of searches World Book


We are delighted to present an overview of events that have been enjoyed by language learners at the College this year. Students have participated in a variety of activities both in and out of the classrooms to extend their linguistic and cultural knowledge. > A French Immersion weekend at Maison de St Claire > Attendance at the Oktoberfest in Brisbane

EBSCO 9,911

> The annual Bastille Day lunch Year Level Number of items Average borrowings borrowed per student Kindy 5,596 84 Prep 2,593 86 Year 1 3,240 105 Year 2 2,879 120 Year 3 2,030 81 Year 4 1,660 66 Year 5 2,444 68 Year 6 859 27 Year 7 929 18 Year 8 526 5 Year 9 760 8 Year 10 562 6 Year 11 1,080 10 Year 12 1,206 11

Most popular items borrowed from Fairholme College Libraries Picture Book

There’s a hippopotamus on our roof

eating cake by Hazel Edwards Picture Books (Early Childhood)

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy

by Lynley Dodd Picture Books (Older Readers)

Uno’s garden by Graeme Base

Early Readers (Chapter Books)

Secret message by Sally Rippin

Junior Fiction

Brilliant world of Tom Gates by Liz Pichon

Junior Non-Fiction

Little girls bible storybook for

mothers and daughters Junior Board Games


TLC Fiction

Fault in our stars by John Green

TLC Senior Fiction

Perks of being a wallflower

by Stephen Chbosky TLC Picture Books

Rabbits by John Marsden

Mrs Melanie Hassall | Library and Information Services


> Sushi making in Year 8 Japanese > Opportunities to meet and host visiting students from our sister schools in Germany, France and Japan > Fairholme students participating in exchanges during the Christmas holidays in France and Germany > Five Japanese students attending the College for Term Three > Weekly language lessons for all students in the Junior school >

Promotion of our language program at the annual Toowoomba Languages and Cultures Festival where students assisted with craft projects

> Representation at Open House and the Orientation Weekend to give visiting students a taste of languages at Fairholme. A recent article published in New Scientist (06/11/13) reported that ‘being bilingual helps delay the onset of several forms of dementia. A leading theory as to why bilingualism can affect dementia suggests the key may be the constant suppression of one language, and switching between the two. This permanent switching and suppressing offers you constant brain training. [Researchers are also] looking at whether people who learn languages later in life reap the same benefits as those who grow up bilingual. Preliminary results suggest they do, so it is something we could all act on.

THAN ENGLISH “It’s much cheaper than a lot of brain training sets, it’s socially more enjoyable, and it forces your brain to train permanently,” he says.’ As language learners, we know how enjoyable it is to speak other languages. It is such a useful skill, not only when travelling. Furthermore, learning about different cultures broadens our outlooks and perceptions of the world. And now, we can say that learning languages is good for your health. We commend the academic achievements of language learners in 2013:

French Year Level 7 8 9 10 11 12

A B C D 38 6 5 0 45 20 8 0 26 16 2 0 13 11 2 1 7 9 4 0 8 7 3 0

German Year Level




7 26 5 2 0 8 13 7 5 0 9 6 6 1 0 10 9 2 0 0 11 3 0 0 0 12 4 1 0 0

Japanese Year Level 7 8 9 10 11 12

A B C D 32 9 6 0 30 20 10 0 4 2 2 0 4 5 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0

Mrs Jody Friend | Head of LOTE

Highlights and Highlights andAchievements Achievements 2013 2013


Key Learning Sectors MATHEMATICS Recognising the importance of the skills learnt in Mathematics for active participation in society, the Mathematics Department endeavours to cater for the needs of all students. Students are offered opportunities to participate in a number of extra-curricular activities which are interesting and challenging. They may also seek support in Maths Help sessions which are offered twice a week in the Mathematics Department and at the Learning Enhancement Centre. The introduction of the Cambridge texts for the Australian Curriculum, along with the online support of HotMaths, has been an excellent choice. Both the texts and the online component are valuable resources for Year 7–10. Students have been encouraged to use the online component to support classroom learning, as extra exercises, revision or even just for fun!

Darling Downs Mathematics Teams Challenge The following girls were selected to participate in the Darling Downs Mathematics Teams Challenge. The competition consists of two rounds. The first is a team event where the team is given a set of 10 questions to solve, as a group. The second is a relay – where team members work in alternating pairs to solve as many problems as possible in the time limit. The questions are interesting and challenging and often require students to think ‘outside the box’! Year 7 Year 8 Year 10 Bronte Gibbs Bhumika Sood Chloe Painter Zoe Webster Nicola Chaney Emily Littleproud Phia Joubert Lola Lachmund Georgia Mitchell Charlotte Thelander Chelsea Palmer Claudia Dight Mathilda Bath Ashleigh Riemers Rachel Mack Natalie McHugh Abby Love Ellie Randall Madeline Callow Chloe Gallo Christina Meelen Alex Grimmett Rozan Huskisson Ellen Noble Mia Doering

Year 12 Gabi Painter Hannah Donaldson Alex O’Hare Jessie Harper Katie Richards

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS Subject VHA HA SA LA VLA Year 7** 27 16 9 1 0 Year 8** 34 37 28 1 0 9 Specialised Maths **






9 Maths Methods **






10 Specialised Maths **






10 Maths Methods **






> > >

The Year 7 Teams were placed 4th and 10th in a field of 29 teams. The Year 8 teams were placed 4th and 7th in a field of 17 teams. The Year 10 team ranked 11th out of 16 teams, and the Year 12 team ranked 14th out of 22 teams.

Australian Mathematics Trust Mathematics Challenge Program for Years 7–10 Students nominate to participate in the Challenge Program. Students work through a booklet of problems over a period of 3–4 weeks. This year four students completed the program. Congratulations to Clara Lee and Rachael Grimmett who were each awarded a Credit. DET and QAMT Year 8 Quiz This is a competition especially for Year 8 students. It consists of sections which test their ability to do mental mathematics calculations and to problem solve, both individually and as a team. The team members were: Nicola Chaney, Bhumika Sood, Lola Lachmund. Congratulations to these girls who were successful in the first round of the local competition but unfortunately were knocked out in the second round.

10 Workplace Maths ** 1 6 3 2 0 11 Maths A* 4 34 9 2 0 11 Maths B* 12 17 20 4 0 11 Maths C* 8 1 1 0 0

2013 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools: Mathematics

11 Pre-Voc Maths* 1 2 1 0 0 12 Maths A* 12 32 15 6 0 12 Maths B* 15 15 12 1 0

This year 287 students in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 participated in the ICAS Mathematics Competition. Eight students were awarded Distinctions and 61 were awarded Credits.

12 Maths C* 8 4 1 0 0 12 Pre-Voc Maths* 3 2 0 0 0


**End Semester 2 * Overall for Year

Year Year Year Year

Mrs Wendy Andersson | Head of Mathematics


8: Nicola Chaney, Bhumika Sood 9: Zazi Brennan 10: Claudia Dight, Rachael Grimmett, Chloe Painter 11: Nida Hafeez-Baig, Caitlin Sorour

SCIENCE The Australian Curriculum: Science provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of important science concepts and processes, the practices used to develop scientific knowledge, of science’s contribution to our culture and society, and its applications in our lives. The curriculum supports students to develop the scientific knowledge, understandings and skills to make informed decisions about local, national and global issues and to participate, if they so wish, in science-related careers. In addition to its practical applications, learning science is a valuable pursuit in its own right. Students can experience the joy of scientific discovery and nurture their natural curiosity about the world around them. In doing this, they develop critical and creative thinking skills and challenge themselves to identify questions and draw evidence-based conclusions using scientific methods. The wider benefits of this ‘scientific literacy’ are well established, including giving students the capability to investigate the natural world and changes made to it through human activity. (Excerpt from The Australian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) The Australian Curriculum has been implemented across Years 7–10, with the Senior Secondary Australian Curriculum to come. The curriculum is focused across three interrelated strands: 1. Selection and integration of appropriate science knowledge to solve real world problems 2. The dynamic development of scientific knowledge as new evidence becomes available and the effect of science on people’s lives 3. Proficiency in using the scientific inquiry skills, including questioning; planning, conducting and reflecting on investigations; processing and analysing evidence and communicating findings. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS

Year 11 Zoe Cornwall Jessie Wilson Year VHA HA SA LA VLA Total Junior Results (%)

7 38 49 13 0 0 53 8 29 40 31 0 0 101

IT Focus The department continues to utilise more information and communications technology, specifically the Microsoft One-Note Program for the improved design and delivery of engaging learning across Year 7–10 Science classes, as well as all Senior Science subjects Learning experiences beyond the classroom included: > The three-day Year 11 Biology Camp at Hastings Point in Northern NSW to study rocky shore, beach and mangrove ecosystems > The Year 8 Science Excursion to Acland Mine to investigate the locating and extraction of mineral resources > Careers in Science presentation by Kay Lembo from Faculty of Sciences USQ – particularly supporting the primary industries sector and opportunities for industry placements and Science Scholarships > Eco Service Trip to the Whitsunday Islands for interested Year 11 Students. This trip looks at human impact and reef management. Accolades/Competitions > In this year’s International Competitions and Assessments for Schools Science Competition 13 Distinctions and 49 Credit certificates were awarded to Fairholme students. (This year involving Year 8 and 10 cohorts only.) Disitinctions Year 8: Madeline Callow, Abby Love, Lily Pagalis-Jackson, Ashleigh Reimers, Grace Scanlon, Bhumika Sood, Eliza Wilson. Year 10: Georgia Austin, Claudia Dight, Rachael Frimmett, Katie Lowe, Georgia Mitchell, Elyse Richelle Rich. > Year 12 students, Madelaine Firth and Torie Harrison received Credit Certificates in the Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s Chemistry Competition. Thanks must go to our team of committed Science staff.

9 25 53 22 0 0 95 10 24 46 29 1 0 93

Mrs Fran Brazier | Head of Science

Senior Results (%) Subject




VLA% No. of Students enrolled for at least 1 sem

11 Biology 10 48 39 3 0 67 11 Chemistry 24 48 28 0 0 29 11 Physics 38 50 12 0 0 8 12 Biology 11 42 47 0 0 62 12 Chemistry 21 73 3 3 0 29 12 Physics 15 70 15 0 0 13

Highlights and Highlights andAchievements Achievements 2013 2013



Anyone who has planned the holiday of a lifetime knows how exciting and stressful this can be. There are key decisions that need to be made: • • • •

How far do I need to travel? How much time will I need? How much money will it cost? Can I afford everything I want or will I need to budget? • Can I visit all of the places I dream of in one holiday? • Who will help me make these decisions? Ask a travel agent if it is easy organising the perfect holiday for others and I am sure they will tell you that it is not easy at all. Each person is different and has a different idea of what the perfect holiday looks like. Some people want to start the journey with very little planned, others want everything planned, and others have no idea and want someone else to make all of the decisions for them. Career Development Support, in many ways, is the same. Some students are ready and don’t need much except information, others want to start the journey and are happy to make changes when necessary (with the right information), others want the decision made for them, and there others who are NOT READY for the journey and do NOT want to think about it at all. Career Development at Fairholme is about helping each student prepare for her own big adventure – and this means catering to a diverse range of students and supporting the individual choices each student makes in preparation for her own journey. As with anything in life, ‘Attitude is Everything’ and I would encourage each student to develop an optimistic view of her future plans to improve her chance of success.


Senior School Highlights All Year 12 students participated in a one on one meeting with a key staff member, where they discussed their plans for life after school. It is the hope of the staff members who met with the Year 12s that each one of them feels a sense of empowerment about her future and feels confident that she is able to access information and support whenever necessary and make well-informed choices based on her research. Year 11 Students concluded 2013 with the Year 11 Career Engagement Day. The students were offered a unique opportunity to listen to a University Lecture about Career Development in the 21st Century, a motivational speaker and much more. They were also engaged in mock interviews with industry professionals who offered them constructive feedback about their application and interview. All of the students reported enjoying the day, and the presenters/interviewers were all impressed with the attitude of the Fairholme students. Year 11 Senior Education Training review interviews were completed in Semester 2 to ensure they were on track to achieve their academic goals. Year 11 & 12 students | University Big Day Out June 19 2013 Students travelled to Brisbane or the Gold Coast and had VIP access to the major Universities and higher education institutions in these regions. These universities included: University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, Bond University, Southbank Institute of Technology and Gold Coast Institute of Technology. A very long day for all attendees but well worth the trips.

Year 10 Students participated in fortnightly careers classes for all of 2013 and work experience placements relevant to career interests. This year also saw all Year 10 students participate in the Career Avenues Profiling and Interviews with a Careers Psychologist. Year 10 students were also required to prepare for their Senior Education Training interview with key senior staff. Each student was required to prepare the following for her interview: • Recent Resume • Academic History • Three career aspirations • A 200 word personal statement outlining her strengths and achievements. Middle School Highlights All Year 9s participated in Careers classes where they: > Participated in The Real Game – an online career development game > Completed student resumes > Developed an understanding of work experience placements that they would all be engaged in during Year 10 2014. Parent Information sessions This year, all Senior School Parents were offered an opportunity to attend career development sessions, and this will continue in 2014. University Preparation success Griffith University GUEST: Kristana Forbes. University of Southern Queensland – Headstart Program: Jessica Howard, Isabella King, Kate Morris, Lydia Davis.

FIELD OF EDUCATION TOTAL Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies Pref 1 4 (eg Land, Parks & Wildlife) All Prefs 13 Architecture and Building Pref 1 0 (eg Urban & Regional Planning, Interior Design) All Prefs 2 Creative Arts Pref 1 10 (eg Music, Graphic Design, Communication & Media Studies) All Prefs 57 Education Pref 1 10 (eg Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary) All Prefs 40 Engineering Pref 1 3 (eg Chemical, Automotive, Civil, Aerospace, Biomedical, Surveying) All Prefs 9 Health Pref 1 29 (eg Pharmacy, Veterinary Science, Naturopathy, Speech Pathology) All Prefs 151 Information Technology Pref 1 1 (eg Computer Science, Programming) All Prefs 7 Management and Commerce Pref 1 16 (eg Hospitality Management, Banking & Finance) All Prefs 95 Natural and Physical Sciences Pref 1 8 (eg Mathematics, Physics, Laboratory Technology) All Prefs 64 Society and Culture Pref 1 22 (eg Law, Economics, Psychology, Sport & Recreation) All Prefs 146 Totals Pref 1 103 All Prefs 584

Highlights and Achievements 2013


SPECIALIST AREAS VOCATIONAL EDUCATION & TRAINING Vocational Education and Training (VET) has remained a positive and well-respected option for Fairholme College students. As in previous years, well over one-third of the Senior student body are completing (or have completed) a Certificate III qualification whilst completing their Senior education at Fairholme College. 2013 began on a positive note when the following students received the Australian Vocational Student Prizes: Katie Hancock | Certificate III Aged Care Cara Pinches | Certificate III Hospitality Emily Forrest | Certificate II Community Recreation Cathy Speed | Certificate III Media The AVSP promotes the value of gaining vocational skills while at school and recognises students who choose to pursue a practical training pathway whilst completing secondary studies.

Student Congratulations Laura Andersen and Kelsea Schwenke completed a School-based Traineeship in Hospitality (Certificate III) AND a TAFE qualification (Certificate III Events) simultaneously, and completed their Senior studies as well. We congratulate all of our Year 12 students who completed a Certificate III qualification whilst completing their senior studies. A challenging but rewarding outcome. Jessica Kutner successfully completed a Certificate III Children’s Services and has taken up the challenge of the Diploma of Children’s Services as a School-based trainee. The top three areas for 2013 VET training areas were: > Agriculture > Education Support > Health and Community Recreation Thank you to our wonderful employers, parents, apprenticeship centres and training organisations who supported our girls during their VET studies.

Mrs Laura Anderson | Career Pathways Co-ordinator



The Learning Enhancement Centre has been a hive of activity during 2013, effectively supporting all students at Fairholme College who may have required it. Before school and lunchtime assistance were ably provided on a daily basis by the skilled and experienced LEC staff, along with specific subject Help Sessions operating after and during the school day by teaching staff from various departments including, Mathematics, Humanities, English and Science. The Literacy Plus sessions continued for selected students in year 7, 8 and 9, focussing on the further development of comprehension and literacy skills. In some instances, these sessions also provided further support to the students whilst undertaking assessment tasks. This program is an effective way of ensuring that skills that are detrimental to learning can be taught explicitly to Middle School students who may require this consolidation. Curriculum development continued to be a key feature of Learning Enhancement with numerous staff members continuing to refine the process of differentiation for students who required extension or modification of their learning pathways. Of particular note was the Independent Schools

Queensland funded project that saw a focus on tracking and embedding the Core Curriculum Elements that are a focus of the Year 12 QCS testing into the middle school curriculum in the area of English and Humanities.

receiving high praise for this ‘cutting edge’ research. It is hoped that the focus on understanding the importance of a strong working memory and ways in which student’s can improve this process, will continue to be a key facet of the College in future years.

In its second year of functioning, the Learning Enhancement Executive Committee continued to meet weekly to make decisions regarding how best to cater for specific student needs within the College and in response to this, helped to support both the students, staff and parents with learning adjustments etc to enable the best possible educational experiences for the Fairholme girls. This ‘whole school’ and ‘whole student’ approach is a very special component of learning enhancement at Fairholme College.

Learning Enhancement, and the physical presence of the Learning Enhancement Centre have evolved into an embedded component of Fairholme College. This is a huge accomplishment that in itself confirms the importance of its role with Fairholme College. Whilst this success is largely due to the staff who are involved directly in it, all staff members and all of the students who access learning enhancement in its various forms, have made this the case.

In 2013 the College and some of its students were supported via another grant provided by the Independent Schools Queensland. Such funding resulted in the Teachers as Researchers Project which saw some members of the Learning Enhancement Executive Committee undertake action research into the area of Working Memory. The project team then presented their findings at a Colloqium in Brisbane,

Mrs Karen Cottle | Enrichment Co-ordinator

Highlights and Highlights andAchievements Achievements 2013 2013


SERVICE “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” These are the wise words of Mahatma Ghandi, used by new Head Girl Sarah Aljassim to introduce Mrs Jennifer Mohandas at Presenting Fairholme. Jennifer epitomises the meaning of these words; her incredible sense of inner peace and her strength of faith are indeed a result of her outreach and authentic Service. For those meeting Jennifer for the first time, the significance of Service was highlighted beyond measure. While sitting beyond formal curriculum, Service opportunities, much like Pastoral Care, bolster each girl’s discovery of her own identity, personal motivation and place in the community. It gives perspective to all other endeavours. Service is important to Fairholme College. Our Vision - Fairholme: a nurturing Christian School, committed to developing a vibrant learning community; one that challenges students to become confident and respectful contributors without our global society, encourages and challenges all members of the community to reach out through Service. The College’s student-led Interact Club leads much of the Service activity in the College. Service Engagements from the 2013 Program > World Vision Sponsor Children, support through Valentine’s Day Social and several Middle School Enterprises > Sponsorship for Blue Light Foundation > Middle School – Regular Visits to the Tri Care Aged Care Residence > Base 57 – Boarders regularly preparing food and facilitating sessions at the Base 57 Youth Group at the Toowoomba City Church > Operation Christmas Child – collection of gift packages for Samaritans Purse > Advancement of the College’s involvement in Red Cross Ambassador Program > Financial Support for Beyond Blue > Year Ten Life Skills Service Projects > Butterfly Project encouraging self-awareness and promoting positive self esteem > Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal 2013 > Jeans for Genes Day > Peak to Park Fun Run in support of local charities Significant Service Activity in 2013 2013 Eco-Tour The second successful Eco-Tour departed for the Whitsundays in September. Year 11 girls travelled with College staff spent time investigating issues in the area, with a view to protecting and maintaining a healthy ecological environment. Their program included educational sessions and many hours engaged in hands-on practical activities which played an important role in reaching the goal of an ecologically sound setting.

Year 11 Day of Service At an important point in the leadership journey, the Year 11 cohort spent a day serving various organisations in the local area, as the year drew to a close. Assisting local organisations such as BlueCare, Inner Wheel, the Co & Co. Museum, Toowoomba City Library and the Endeavour Foundation, girls and staff members engaged with others in order to understand better their local community and help them meet their own charitable and Service needs. SONY Camp The highly-anticipated SONY Camp again drew interest from the Year 11 girls. The SONY Holiday Camp at the Toowoomba Grammar School, includes the provision of 24-hour physical and emotional care for children with special needs. Our girls were instrumental in supporting the children through every step of the program, ensuring every individual need was met. Certainly an eye-opening experience, these young children clearly touched the hearts of our girls. For some families, the holiday program offers parents and carers their very first time away from their children – a small yet important chance for them to rejuvenate while their children are well cared for. Mizpah Home, India Two Year 11 tour parties travelled to India, in December and January, to spend time with the children of Mizpah Home, Ootacamund. The first group were fortunate enough to travel with Jenny and Mohan as they returned home after their visit to Toowoomba. Again, the girls were able to offer the gifts of time, love and practical support to strengthen the lives of those who live in Mizpah Home. This experience changes the lives of those Fairholme community members who experience this tour and the lives of those children who enjoy the yearly visits and companionship of the Fairholme girls. Evidence of the significance of the Mizpah magic was seen clearly through those who attended the Mizpah Dinner, and who were able to witness Jenny’s address at Presenting Fairholme at the end of 2013. Old Girls and families of those who have travelled to India gathered to hear tales of the children of Mizpah, to ask excitedly about their young friends and to see again their beloved Jenny and Mohan. While immeasurably, the impact of this Service was almost tangible that night! Shave for a Cure A group of Year 12 girls, led by Kate Brassington, continued what has become a significant Service venture for the College, supporting the Leukaemia Foundation. Raising an incredibly amount, over $20000, 15 girls cut or shaved their hair as a gesture of support for, and awareness of, the journey experienced by those who suffer from leukaemia and those who offer vital care. Funds will go towards providing accommodation for families, treatment and funds for vital research. The ‘Shave’ project expanded with the news of our own Katie’s ill health. The male staff members banded together to raise money through ‘Krewcuts for Katie’. Well supported by the College community, these gentlemen led this campaign in support of Katie and her family. With the promise of crew cuts, coloured hair, coloured beards or shaved heads, the gents led the charge to raise funds for our Katie. Ms Catrina Sharp | Head of Senior School



At Fairholme College everything we do proceeds from the Christian premise that each person is unique and valuable to God and to us. Our pastoral care program is an expression of Fairholme’s commitment to the traditional values of respect for self and others as well as a dedication to the development of honesty, integrity and a high standard of personal demeanour. The Heads of House [HoHs] continue to devote their time and energy to the welfare and ongoing pastoral care of the young women in each of the four Houses. To ensure that effective practices occur, meetings between key pastoral care staff occur on a weekly and fortnightly basis. Leading a team of twelve Pastoral Care Group Teachers in each House, the Heads lead both daily activity and major events such as Interhouse Swimming, Athletics, Choral and Dance competitions. Pastoral Care Groups meet daily at which time they worship together, celebrate successes, share activities and offer support where practicable. Weekly House Meetings are held in order to celebrate the girls’ successes and support all members, as well as working towards the major aforementioned events in the school calendar. Once a year, Houses host a College Assembly in which they are able to showcase the talents of their members and share aspects of the House journey during the year. The Heads of House work toward major events such as the Senior Formal, Day of Service and contribute to facilitating sessions within the annual Year 11 Retreat. They work collaboratively on a daily basis in order to pool ideas, resources and strategies for the care of their students. Pastoral care underpins all practices within the Fairholme community. It exists in the nature of the pedagogy within the classroom, the restorative approach to conflict resolution, the inclusion of devotions each day and in general, in the respectful way we treat one another.

Highlights and Achievements 2013


FAIRHOLME COMMUNITY FAIRHOLME OLD GIRLS’ ASSOCIATION Fairholme Old Girls monthly meetings took on a new format for 2013, in the absence of an elected President. Meetings are presided over by members on a rotational basis. To add to the ‘flavour’ of our meetings, guest speakers address/entertain the group prior to the meeting proper. These included College choirs and solo choral performers, the Equestrian team and Old Girl medical doctors who explained their paths into Medicine to interested current students. Annual reunions were again held in conjunction with the Spring Fair in October. From all reports ‘a good time was had by all’. Fifty-four Old Girls attended the Sunday luncheon in the Dining Hall after the church service held in the New Chapel. Founders’ Day continues to be an important event in the lives of the older Old Girls. At the end of Term Three, they met for morning tea, viewed the archives, listened to the College Interhouse Choral competition and enjoyed lunch. They then attended the Founders’ Day assembly where two Old Girls’ bursaries were presented to Brianna Benn (Phyllis Lovell Memorial Bursary) and Bronte Holding (FOGA Founders’ Day Bursary). Other Old Girl functions included the service at Caloundra Presbyterian Church in February, as well as the Brisbane Reunion luncheon and the Sydney Reunion both in March. The Toowoomba St. Stephen’s Church service was well attended in April, as was the Brisbane St. Paul’s Church parade in August, where the delightful Bella Voce group sang under the direction of Mrs. Gwennyth Chappell. Jenny Noble continues her important work on the archives and many visitors have been welcomed. We are grateful for the many artifacts donated this year. Our gratitude is extended to Jo Glasheen, our Alumni Officer. Her tireless efforts have made the running of our Toowoomba branch so much easier for its members. In conclusion, we wish the current Seniors all the best in their future endeavours and hope they enjoy their future membership of our organization. Christine Gilshenan (Dehnert) | Secretary FOGA


PARENTS & FRIENDS’ ASSOCIATION The Parents and Friends Association enjoyed working to support Fairholme in 2013. The Association continued in its role as a group to support the school, allow communication between parents and staff, provide a platform to organise social events for parents and, foremost, to assist the girls of Fairholme in their many and varied ventures. The Association retained the same parents in the designated roles of President, Treasurer and Secretary, and I would like to sincerely thank Colette Whell and Kirstie Smolenski who gave willingly of their time and abilities to organise events, collate notes and accounts and to be a strong backbone for the group. Meetings saw increased attendance by parents and, of note, some of our boarder community travelled to attend some of the meetings. Meetings allowed some information sessions for parents. An enlightening presentation was presented by a parent from TK’s driving school, on very relevant information on current road rules and the process for learner drivers to attain their licence. We received an update from the 2012 girls who travelled to India, about the school’s involvement in Mizpah and the rewarding opportunity this liaison affords many of our girls. The staff from Senior, Middle and Junior School reported the myriad events, achievements and challenges our girls faced during 2013.

The favourable weather and, as always, many parent, staff and student volunteers, ensured the success of Spring Fair, with a strong union between boarder and day communities lightening the workload. Slightly different approaches were instigated with the performances being more a collective concert and a spread of the stalls to use more of the school grounds. The day was able to raise over $47,000 for the College, and this will allow more assistance to all areas of the school in the 2014 Grants.

The staff attendance at these meetings is greatly appreciated, with their reports enabling parents to gain a better understanding of the community in which our girls are being educated and to appreciate the challenges both staff and students face in striving to gain the best outcome for every Fairholme student. It is reassuring for the parents to see the value placed on each girl receiving the optimal outcome from her time at Fairholme in all possible avenues of her education and development as an individual. As an extension from the P & F, the various Sub Committees continued to support different areas of Fairholme College. SOFA, FOS, FOJS, the Spring Fair Committee and the Projects Committee continued in their roles in the various areas of the school community, and are to be thanked for their continued contributions. The Boarder Support Group, led by Mrs Debbie Weber, strongly supported the girls and the College and provided an information link to Boarder Parents. The Projects Committee ably distributed Grants Money across the school, with many areas receiving funds to purchase new equipment or upgrade existing equipment to benefit all members of the College Community. Spring Fair saw all ‘planets align’ to enable Fairholme to host a perfect day.

Social events were planned through most of the year to extend a welcome for all members of the school community. Two parent events were planned at Gips – one for the Year 12 parents to follow on from the Formal and another parent gathering to support prostate cancer research – with both being well supported. The Foundation’s Golf Day concluded with a social event for all parents and at the varying year levels gatherings were organised to allow parents to meet. The P & F will continue to plan and support social events to encourage parents to be a closer part of the Fairholme Community. I would like to extend a welcome to parents to attend the P & F meetings in 2014 as their support would be appreciated. The meetings are informative, on issues affecting Fairholme and also on current issues related to the growth of the girls. Thank you to all parents, staff and visitors who gave their time to attend meetings and support all the P & F endeavours in 2013. Mrs Sharyn Donaldson | President 2013

Highlights and Highlights andAchievements Achievements 2013 2013


STAFF LIST 2013 Fairholme College Board of Directors Chairman Mr I Andersen Deputy Chairman Mr I Walton Principal Mrs L Evans, MA, B.EdStudies, DipT, MACE, MACEL General Manager - Presbyterian Church of Queensland Mr K Booker, AASA, CPA, ACIS, JP Treasurer - Presbyterian Church of Queensland Mr G R Harris Moderator - Presbyterian Church of Queensland Hon G F Rogers Clerk of Assembly - Presbyterian Church of Queensland Rev. R Clark, DipDivThSoc Directors Rev. P Barson Mr G Burt Rev. W R Farr Very Rev. Dr K Gardner, OBE, DD Mrs J Loxton, B.Eng (Hons), MIEaust, AAICD, PGD (Divinity and Mission) Mr G Morris, B.Eng (Elec) Mrs K Murray LLB (Hons) Mrs F Tilly, TTPC Mrs D Weber Company Secretary/Business Manager Mrs P Jones-Christ, B. Bus: Accounting, CPA (Business Manager) Fairholme College Leadership Team Head of Teaching & Learning Mr S Peacock, BA, DipEd, IMM Head of Senior School Ms C Sharp, BA [Creative], GradDipFET, MACEL Head of Middle School Mrs J Ross, B.Ed, M.Ed Head of Fairholme Junior Mrs L Merry, B.Ed, DipT, MACE Deputy Head of Fairholme Junior Ms H Rasmussen, B.Ed, DipT, Diploma Children’s Services, Cert III Children’s Services, MACEL Head of Boarding Ms M Dunne, BHMS (Ed) Chaplain Ps R Jessup, BTh (Hons), DipAppSc (Agric), DipEd, DipChStud Heads of Department The Arts Ms N Macks, BA(Drama), B.Ed Studies, GDipEd (Prim & Sec) Business & Technology Mrs M Erbacher, B.Ed, DipT, TAA English Mr R Davis, BA, DipEd Health & Physical Education Ms K Gierke, B.Ed, DipT HPE Humanities Miss A Scott, BA, B.Ed Information & Communication Technology Mr C Chuc, DipEd (Maths/Computing) Library & Information Services Mrs M Hassall, MEd, GDipLibSc, B.Ed, DipT, AALIA LOTE Mrs J Friend, BA, DipEd, ASDA Sharyn Donaldson | President Mathematics Mrs W Andersson, BSc, DipEd Science Mrs F Brazier, BSc, DipEd Sport and Activities Mr N Byron, B.Ed (PE), GDipSpSc, FISM, TAA Cert IV Workplace, Training & Assessment

Heads of House Head of Black House Mrs J Friend, BA, DipEd, ASDA Head of Cameron House Mrs F Hughes, BA, DipT, MACE Head of Powell House Mrs V Anderson, BA,GradDipEd (Teaching) Head of Stephens House Mrs C Mason, BA, DipT, ASDA, ATCL Specialist Areas Head of Performance Music Mr A Dixon, BA(Mus), PGDipEd, AMusA, GDBA,M.MusSt Careers Pathways Counsellor Mrs L Anderson, B.App.Sci, Grad.Dip.App.Sci, Grad.Dip Teaching & Learning, Cert IV Training & Assessment, Cert IV Career Dev College Counsellor Mrs P Long-Heslop, B.Ed(EC), MEd(Guid&Couns) Co-ordinator of Learning Enhancement Mrs K Lessells Cottle, MEd, B.Ed, DipT, COGE Co-ordinator of Fairholme Junior Arts Mrs B Eldridge, BA (Mus), GDipT (Mus) Co-ordinator of Instrumental Music Mr R Egerton, BMus (Hons), GDipMus, DipEd, ATCL Co-ordinator of Vocational Educational & Training Miss A Hollindale, BBus (Hosp&Fin),GDipEd, Cert IV in Training and Assessment, Cert IV Careers Academic Staff Mrs B Baker, B.Creative BA (Dance), G.Dip.Ed Mr A Beauchamp, MAL, B.Ed, DipT (until 6/09/2013) Mrs E Beauchamp, BPhysEd, B.Ed Ms J Brassington, B.Ed (Early Childhood) Mr D Cantle, BA, DipEd, MEdAdmin (Hons) Mr J Cawcutt, BA, B.Ed Mrs D Cochran, B.Ed (ECE) Mrs J Darbyshire, B.Ed (EC), DipT Mr I Doneley, BSc (Hons), G.Dip.T, Dip Car. Guidance Mrs G Duncan, BD, B.Ed (Sec) Ms L Easton, B.Science, G.Dip.Ed Ms R Eden, BA (Hons), DipEd Ms D Erdelyi, B.Ed (Sec) Mr G Goodsell (Japanese Teacher) Mrs L Grams, BA, DipEd Mrs L Grantham, BA (PhysEd), HDE Mrs C Greenhill, B.Ed Mr A Hall, BSc, G.Dip.Ed (Sec) Mrs E Harris, BA, B.Ed, G.Dip.AdSt Mrs K Hayward, B.Ed, DipT (Sec Art) Ms C Heays, Dip. Home Econ,DipT, Cert. Spec Att Home Economics Mrs A Heydon, MEd, DipT, COGE, MACE Dr C Hill, PhD, G.Dip.Ed, PGBSc (Hons) Ms L Hobson, M.Ed Teaching & Librarianship, BA, G.Dip Teaching (Sec) Mrs K Jessup, BA, DipEd, DipChStud Ms K Maher, B.Bus, G.Dip.Ed Ms L Miller, BPMU, B.Ed Mrs S Nicol, MEd (Sp Ed), B.Ed(EC), DipT Miss K Owen, B.Journalism, G.Dip.Ed Ms B Powell, B.Ed Prim (PhysEd) Mrs K Reading, B.Ed Prim Mrs C Roberts, MPhil, BAppSc, B.Ed, DipEd Mr B Schmacker, BIT, G.Dip.Ed Ms K Scudamore, BA, B.Ed Mr J Sessarago, DipT (PE), ASSA Mrs M Stevens, B.Ed (Sec) Mrs J Sutton, Dip.Ed(EC), B.Ed Mrs K Sweeney, DipT, Grad Cert ICT Education (on leave 2013)

Ms M Timmer, B.Ed, Ass.Dip.Ed(EC), GradCertTESOL Mrs D Torrance, DipEd Ms K Truscott B.Bus, Grad Dip Teach Mr J Turner, BSc (Mil), B.Ed (Sec), GDipCompStud, GDipMgtStud Mrs A Van Cauwenberge, M.Appl Ling., G.Dip.T Mrs K Wallis, MEdSt (G&T), MEdSt (G&C), B.Ed, GDipEd (Spec Ed), COGE Mr P Webb, B.Ed, Cert.Ed Mr K Whittle, BAppSc, DipEd Ms K Wighton, BA (Perf), G.Dip.T(Sec) Ms F Winton, BA, DipEd Academic Aide Staff Hospitality Studies Assistant & Out of School Hours Care Co-ordinator | Mrs J Hilsdon, Cert III & Dip ChildCare Serv, Cert IV Teachers Aide Home Economics Textiles Assistant | Mrs M Briggs Learning Enhancement Assistants | Mrs N Cooley, Mrs T Hammond, Ms Kylie Jones, Dip Teach, Mrs P Moore, Prep Assistants | Mrs J Canning, Cert III Ed Mrs Fay Sexton Cert III in Child Care & Education, Cert IV - Library & Information Services Mrs Jennifer Perrignon Kindy Assistants | Mrs S Harris, Cert IV Teacher Aide Studies, Mrs A Maguire, Cert III Ed Junior Teacher Assistant | Mrs Rebecca Westman Laboratory Technician | Mrs N Aird, Assoc Dip Lab Techniques Arts Assistant | Ms P Bushell The Arts Visiting Staff Mrs K Bailey, (Speech & Drama) DipT (Sec) Drama and Science, B Ed Mrs L Buttsworth (Piano) BA, AppSc, (Hons), MA,ATMusA, AMusA Mrs G Chappell (Co-ordinator Fairholme Singing Studio) CertTTC, AMusA (Performance), LTCL (Performers & Teachers) Mr M Crook (Woodwind)(Clarinet) DSCM (Performance) Mr I Dixon (Drums) Dip PIT Mrs E Egan (Piano) BMus Mrs C Egerton (Strings) BMus, GradDipMus (Performance), MEd, ATCL (Performance), LMusA (Performance) Mr M Gayden, (Brass), Dip Creative Arts (Mus), Bach of Arts (Mus), Grad Dip Ed (Sec) Mr C Gibbens (Guitar) BMus, BSci– Psychology (Hons) Ms P Gibbs, (Vocal Coach) AMusA, Assoc Dip QCM, Cert Brevet de Musique de Chambre Ecalé Normale de Music Paris France Mr T Gray, (Junior Band Conductor) BCA, Grad Dip Ed, AMUSA (Clarinet), MMusTech Mrs L Hathway (Piano) BMus, Grad Dip Ed (Sec), DipYEA Ms N Hayden (Flute), MMus, AMusA Ms C Lebsanft (Repetiteur), T Mus A, A Mus A Mrs A Noyes, (Speech & Drama) BA (Drama) AD-AMEB (Speech & Drama) Mrs D Skerman (Strings) BMus (Performance) Grad Dip Ed (Sec), AMusA(Cello), AMusA(Violin) Mrs A Thomas (Accompanist) ATCL, LTCL, TMusA

Boarding House Staff Deputy Heads of Boarding Miss E Burns, Cert IV Residential Care Ms Leigh Pickstone, Dip.Teach, B.Ed, B. Voc. Ed & Training, Grad Dip. Mngt Assistant to Head of Boarding Mrs D Smith, JP (C.Dec) Assistant to the Boarding House Pastoral Care Mrs J Sutton, DipT(EC) Resident Staff Mrs M Deans, Cert IV Residential Care Miss S Fredline, DipT, B.Ed, Cert IV Residential Care (until 20/09/2013) Miss M Gleeson, Cert IV Residential Care Miss R Haase, Cert IV Residential Care Mrs J Hawley, Cert IV Residential Care Ms S Heslop, Cert IV Residential Care Mrs M Jackson, Cert IV Residential Care Assoc. Dip Chil Care, Adv Dip Childrens Services Mrs Maree Morrison, Cert IV Residential Care Registered Nursing Staff Mrs J Dixon, RN Mrs L Fernandez, RN Mrs J Hall, RN Mrs C Laws, RN Mrs S McGavin, RN Mrs A McMahon, RN Mrs K Riordan, RN, BN – Nurse Manager Mrs H Surch, RN Administration Staff Administration Manager Mrs C Whell, Cert IV Bus (SBM), Adv.Dip.Acc, CDec Principal’s Personal Assistant Mrs C Andrew Assistant to Head of Senior School Mrs A Stephens Assistant to Head of Middle School Mrs L J Bennett, Cert Sch. Mkt (CMS), Cert IV Education Support Assistant to Head of Junior School Mrs J Bialy, Cert III Bus Admin, CDec Assistant to Head of Teaching & Learning Ms Y Stierer, ADLT, Cert Ed, Dip.Manag, Dip.Bus Administrative Assistant (Performing & Visual Arts Department) Mrs K Siebuhr, Cert IV Bus Admin, CDec Administrative Assistant (HOHs) Mrs D Stuart, Cert IV Bus Admin Administrative Assistant (Junior School) Mrs E Layton, Cert III Bus Admin Administrative Assistant (Sport) Ms L Munro, Mrs V Tasker Administrative Assistant (Careers) Mrs H Bruggemann, Cert IV Bus (SBM), JP (Qual) Business Office Accounts Receivable Mrs H Pumpa, Cert IV Bus Admin Accounts Payable and Payroll Officer Mrs D Hoare-Smith Compliance Officer Mrs K White, BJustice, GradCert CrimIntel Enrolments Officer Mrs E Veal, BMusEd, DipDalcroze; Cert IV Workplace, Training & Assessment Publications and Promotions Manager/ Alumni Mrs J Glasheen, Assoc. Dip.Graphic Design, TradeQual. Graphic Reproduction

Publications, Promotions & Events Assistant Ms S van der Stelt, Dip Graphic Design, Cert IV Photoimaging Archivist and FOGA Alumni Officer Mrs J Noble, BA(Hons), MEd, Grad Cert Ed & Pub, MACE Reception Mrs W Fitz-Gerald Mrs A Berrigan, Dip Agri Bus, Dip Admin (legal) Information Technology Services Staff Head of Information & Communication Technology Mr C Chuc DipEd (Maths/Computing) Teacher of IT IT Co-ordinator Mr B Schmacker, BIT, Grad.DipEd Network Administrator Mr A Burow, BSc, BIT IT Service Officers Mr S Buckley, Dip.Multi.Media Stud Mr T Duffield Library & Information Services Staff Ms J Andrews, BA (Hons), M. Info Stud (Lib), JP (Qual) Ms S Back, Adv Cert Business Computing Mrs C Brunner, Cert III Early Childhood Education Ms Antoinette Porter Sports Department Swimming Coach Mr T Taylor, Silver Licence Swimming Coach, B.Teaching, Assoc Dip in Sports Studies, Cert IV T & A Learn to Swim Head Instructor Mrs J Dickinson, Austswim Teacher of Swimming & Water Safety, Infant & PS Aquatics, People with a Disability, Towards Competitive Strokes, ASCTA Coach, Cert IV Training & Assessment, RLS Trainer & Assessor Learn to Swim Ms H Wolff, Austswim Infant, Certificate III in Community Recreation, Austswim Competitive Strokes, Cert First Aid, Qua Lifeguard Aquatic Development and Support Administrator Ms K Kelly, BBus (Management & Leadership) Junior Squad Coach & Events Coordinator Mr D Negus, BSports Science UNSW; Silver Licence Performance Coach Tennis Coach Mr G Wright, Level 2 Advanced Coach Tennis Australia, Level 2 Tennis Coaches Australia, Tennis Australia Talent Coach, Tennis Australia Club Professional, B. Bus

Mrs L Schutt Cleaning Staff Mrs A Armstrong Mrs T Hagenbach Miss K Hearn Mrs S Hearn Miss T Hearn Mrs T Keding Mrs J Peach Mrs T Williams Catering Catering Manager Mr M Zarb, BA Business (Hospitality Management), Dip Hotel Management, Cert Marketing. Head Chef Mr J Conway, 706/1 & 706/2 Cookery City & Guild of London, ULCI Pastry (Hons) Certificate 3 & 4 in Training Catering Staff Mrs M L Benedicto Mrs D Develos Mrs E Gimm Mrs E Handford Mrs J Mc Meeken Mrs A Meredith Mrs L Mogg Ms P Msambya Mrs K Parry Mrs R Tamone HOLMEstore staff Shop Manager Mrs T Forbes Shop Assistants Mrs J Devine Mrs M Gallagher

Facilities Projects/Compliance Manager Mr S Klaebe, Dip. Fin.Services; Cert IV Bus.Front Line Management; WHSO; Fire Safety Advisor; Rehab & Return to Work Coordinator Maintenance Manager Mr P Sutton, (Trade qual. Carpenter and Joiner) Grounds and Maintenance Staff Mr S Anning Mr A Bennett (Trade qual. Fitter and Turner) Mr J McSweeney, DipAppSci (Horticulture) Mr M Scott Mr M Smith Hygiene Services Staff Mrs C Erbacher Mrs N Jennings Mrs E Moat

Highlights and Achievements 2013



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