Lympho Productos - Mozambique

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Meet the Entrepreneurs

Limpho Produtos Alimentarios

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Agribusiness Entrepreneurship

Limpho Produtos Alimentarios Lda.


A Peanut Entrepreneur Struggles to Meet Customer Demand


Octavio Muchanga, Founder and Managing Director, Mozambique

THE BUSINESS Limpho Produtos Alimentarios Lda. is a small family business, located just a few miles outside of Maputo that produces peanut butter and other peanut-based products such as cakes, roasted peanuts and peanut powder for the local market . Octavio Muchanga, the business founder, is a victim of his own success: customers now demand more supply than he can produce. Octavio Muchanga founded his business at the beginning of 2011, when he decided to leave his work in the mines of South Africa to become an agribusiness entrepreneur in his own country. Mr. Octavio realized that many farmers in Mozambique were producing peanuts, but that no one was processing them. This motivated him to use his engineering skills to design and build his own roasting machine and begin roasting peanuts. Shortly after, he acquired additional machinery to produce peanut butter and package it for sale to local markets. For the packaging, Mr. Octavio buys plastic jars from a local company, and a friend helped out with the design of the brand’s label. The whole production process, including filling and labeling of the jars, is done by himself and his family members. Xikhaba Manteiga de Amendoim, the official brand name of Mr. Octavio’s peanut butter, is an all-natural product, and its product price is only half of what imported peanut butter costs.


4 family members PART TIME EMPLOYEES:

5 women for sales and marketing activities Buys from more than 40 small farmers, mostly women Annual turnover: USD19,710

However, Mr. Octavio is struggling to improve the quality of his peanut butter and to utilize the price-competitive advantage to successfully position and promote his product in the market. This is most obvious when considering that Limpho Produtos Alimentarios is far from reaching its full production capacity, which is 50kg/hour. In fact, Mr. Octavio does not produce more than 50kg/week because he cannot afford to buy more raw materials due to limited earnings. In terms of sales, Mr. Octavio sells 100% of his production to local markets (110-112 jars per week; 450g per jar), which shows that there is considerable growth potential for sales. Mr. Octavio and his family have put all their skills, energy and knowledge to the creation and development of the business, but have now reached a point where they will need external assistance in order to be able to upscale their small family business into a more professional and profitable enterprise that could give employment to a larger number of people and benefit more local farmers as raw material suppliers.

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