FA.RO.MAR For Marine Works Had established itself as a specialized company in the field of marine & underwater activities supporting the following: • Marine Constructions • Oil & gas exploration / production industry. • Marine vessels’ safe fleeting objective. • Water stations & power plants maintenance. • Communication Cables' industry. From the main office in Rome FA.RO.MAR can cover all underwater specialists, and can provide all aspects of services in several areas of underwater & marine works:
1. Marine & diving support activities for cable laying projects. 2. U/W Surveys for offshore structures. 3. U/W Engineering. 4. U/W Surveys for vessels. 5. Cutting & welding activities. 6. Marine Construction & maintenance works. As FA.RO.MAR is one of the moderated companies in Italy, FA.RO.MAR is growing up so fast to reach in a short time the international standards using the most updated equipment, offshore support, shore bases, hold spares, workroom, maintenance facilities & supported by a professional management & highly trained qualified engineers & supervisors. FA.RO.MAR tracks a record of successful completed projects achieved by its work power, which reflects its capabilities to handle major offshore & marine projects to satisfy its client by providing up date underwater technology and the offshore expertise.
FA.RO.MAR For Underwater Activities FA.RO.MAR has got main target FA.RO.MAR for having all resources needed to be as a specialized professional company for providing the marine & underwater activities. FA.RO.MAR company has always been to the forefront in research and development into diving and marine technology in the service of the offshore and onshore works. FA.RO.MAR is well-equipped and experienced to execute all diving operations in the three main phases of offshore field development:
l - Exploration phase. FA.RO.MAR provides its equipment and diving team to support the drilling operations
Il - Development phase. This stage demands flow-line engineering expertise and divers with constructional skills for conducting professional activates supporting such projects: • Installing jackets, pipelines, templates, riser, clamps and anodes • Removing pile guides • Performing spool piece tie-ins and umbilical lays
IlI - Production phase These are some of the services which can be provided in this phase:
• Installation. • U/W visual, video & still photography survey. • R.O.V. Survey. • Ultrasonic thickness measurements. • Magnetic particle inspection (MPI). • Cathodic potential measurements. • Flooded member detection. • Water jet. • Abrasive cleaning. Offshore diving operations are fully checked by onshore bases, which incorporate mechanical electrical and electronics workrooms, depots and administrative facilities.
FA.RO.MAR Resources Respecting SAFETY Rules Our policy is SAFETY FIRST OF ALL. FA.RO.MAR. personnel and equipment meets all company safety and certificate requirements. FA.RO.MAR personnel are trained according to international diving safety and Non-Destructive-Testing standards.
Years of experience have demonstrated that supplying equipment without providing project management often results in delays and costly errors. When we supply equipment and expertise as a full-service package, tasks are accomplished in a comprehensive manner while keeping costs within initial expectations. FA.RO.MAR is proud of its diving team and this is the most developed aspect of FA.RO.MAR. Our divers have carried out virtually every task that has ever been done underwater, and when we are presented with something new, it is carefully analyzed to determine the best method of completion.
Certification A listing of FA.RO.MAR professional personnel's Certification Authorities: • A.S.N.T., C.S.W.I.P., LLOYDS, D.N.V.A.S.S. (In Non-Destructive Testing) • The Association of Diving Contractors • The United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive (In Commercial Diving)
Disciplines In Non-Destructive Testing Ultrasonics, Close Visual Weld Inspection, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Underwater Video Inspection, Still Photography, R.O.V. Survey, Inspection Engineering, Cathodic Potential Inspection, Eddy Current, Thermography.
HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FA.RO.MAR is ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified. FA.RO.MAR recognizes that HSE is a critical element of the business system that the company has developed. As such HSE is considered a function of business and is therefore conducted under the same rules and formats as the Quality Assurance System. FA.RO.MAR acknowledges the requirements of the application of HSE standards and compliance with the legislation. We know that some changes will be required to meet the contract terms. This may be by revision and reissue of documents or by provision of bridging documents to bridge the Corporate/Project gap. As a general statement by FA.RO.MAR for activities that will apply to any project we unequivocally state that: • FA.RO.MAR shall ensure that all activities undertaken in relation to the performance of the contract either by FA.RO.MAR , will comply with all applicable international, national, local or other legislation including regulations, codes and standards particularly that relating to safety, health and the protection of the environment. • FA.RO.MAR warrants that it is familiar with the contents and implications of such applicable safety, health and protection of the environment legislation and regulations. • FA.RO.MAR will apply national and/or local legislation to be met within the country(s) where each part of the project is conducted, as well as that of the corporate company legislation.
HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY STATEMENT In fulfilling its legal obligation and its responsibility to provide a place of employment, which is free from identified hazards, FA.RO.MAR has set forth this statement of Policy reinforcing its commitment to maintaining a safe environment, both at the work site and in the community. This Statement of Policy is the Base of FA.RO.MAR Health, Safety and Environmental Management System. The Policy is communicated openly and at every opportunity to employees & customers, and has equal status with other primary business objectives. All personnel shall adhere the policy and any violations should be immediately brought to the attention of management. FA.RO.MAR’s philosophy is that, in the performance of our work, the Health, Safety and Welfare of our personnel, the protection of assets and the environment are of primary concern. FA.RO.MAR will provide all necessary resources and funding to ensure the safety of its personnel and protection of the environment. FA.RO.MAR believes that all accidents are caused, and therefore, can be prevented. The safety and health of workers, accident prevention and environmental protection is fundamental to our company.
1 - Marine & diving support activities for cable laying projects: FA.RO.MAR is one of the rare companies in the whole area for executing this kind of works based on our capabilities as next: • Fiber Optical Cable & Power Cables. • Shore - End & Protection Cables. • Removal and disposal of oos cables. • Sea bed survey & mapping. • Soil investigation, classification & or lab tests. • Qualified diving teams for handling & installing any special equipment for data collection. • High quality video & still photography. • Up to the highest standard reporting.
FA.RO.MAR is utilizing “MARTE 1” which is a new design for the burial tools, aimed directly at the shallow water areas between the Cable Laying Vessel's end of burial and the Low Water Mark. The burial tool is totally cable friendly and has no protruding jets or point load/sharp edgings. Each individual sword (2 in total) has 17 jets, 5 inside to clear under and around cable, 10 on front edge to clear and break up front of trench and 2 propulsion/trench clearing jets. Front followers have rounded 6 jets, to follow and form the initial trench. The burial tool has been built from saltwater corrosion, resistant materials also giving strength and weight reducing properties. “MARTE 1” is environmentally friendly as seawater is the only propulsion and trenching requirement.
2 - U/W Surveys for offshore structures: A turnkey inspection program package is available and it incorporates the preparation & assembly of all the necessary techniques & personnel to complete the scope of work & prepare the final written report co. a standard acceptable to all international certifying authorities, the ability to provide a comprehensive inspection services fields - considerable saving in time & cost - including: • Major structure inspection & maintenance programs. • Pipeline survey. • Platform Survey.
The inspection function is split into the following activities: • Preparation of inspection program. • Preparation of inspection procedures. • Supervision of inspection program. • Compiling the final written reports with relevant drawings...etc. • Evaluation of new inspection techniques. • Inspection data analysis & recommendations for protection & repairs. • Inspection data storage, retrieval & presentation according to clients’ standards for formats to provide immediate access & help to make decisions regarding remedial work. • Preparation for repair & protection procedures.
Qualified inspectors are employed in a variety of inspection purposes, they offer a comprehensive inspection services & supported by a wide range of Non-destructive testing ( NDT ) resources including: • Digital videoing systems with two way communication & surface monitors (CCTV) • Digital still photography cameras with illuminations. • Multiple ultrasonic gauges (UT) for underwater thickness measurements • (MPI) Magnetic particles inspection sets for inspecting the underwater welds • A-Scanning • Cathodic Potential Gauges (CP) for cathodic protection measurements & assessment • Computerized inspection data logging & analysis software.
These projects are including many visual inspection activities; marine growth inspection, splash zone coating inspection, sea bed survey, scour survey, etc... Final professional technical reporting with class. Society certification is giving very well evaluation about the offshore structure status, report is containing: • Diminution values & percentage for metal thickness. • Potential values for anodes & structure, activation status. • Close photo shots for inspected welds. • Marine growth data & studying its effects on structure integrity. • Splash zone status, its contact , coverage & cohesion. • All produced video Cds will be labeled far underwater inspected members with voice commentary. • All produced still digital photo shots will be labeled far underwater inspected members with data identification. • Technical working procedures for all phases of the project. • Detailed listing of certified technical personnel & used equipment with its calibration certificates. • Providing the detailed related technical recommendations for all inspected items.
3 - U/W Engineering: Structure Repairs & installations: FA.RO.MAR provides all the underwater, diving & marine services for platform repairs including: • lnstallation of friction clamps, grouted clamps, boat landings, fenders...etc. • Riser installation, and repair. • Rig move assistance. • U/W trenching by balasting. • U/W grouting and free span correction. • Stabilization and repair of submarine pipeline.
Cathodic protection upgrading: FA.RO.MAR provides all the underwater, diving & marine services for cathodic protection upgrading for offshore structures like platforms & pipelines including installation of artificial anodes either by bolted clamps or welded clamps.
Protection works for offshore structures: Application of the splash zone coatings & anti-scour protection works for the offshore structures are very mandatory works for keeping the design life for the offshore structures, so FA.RO.MAR gives high priority for providing professional personnel with the moderated techniques for executing these activities.
Sea Bed Excavation : FA.RO.MAR provides all the available supporting methods including H.P. jetting & air lifting.
4 - U/W Surveys for vessels: As FA.RO.MAR is a certified diving company through the international classification societies: • American Bureau ( ABS ) • Lloyds Register ( LR ) • Germanschier Lloyds ( GL ) • Bureau Veritas ( BV) for all NDT & underwater inspection activities, so (FA.RO.MAR) is authorized company for running the underwater surveys for the marine vessels.
FA.RO.MAR has very high technology for the underwater lighting / digital cameras / Underwater communications which gives the ability to overcome the obstacles & do the underwater surveys even in the worst visibility conditions. This's a turnkey survey for the vessels - in lieu of dry docking - including the following: 1. Underwater video & photographing survey for the vessel with two way communication between the divers & Class surveyor on surface control for covering any of the surveyor requirements. 2. Showing the underwater videoing results on time to class surveyor on the surface monitor ( CCTV ). 3. Tail shaft & rudder clearancies' measurements. 4. Providing the complete technical reports with digital photos prints & video Cds for the underwater survey with voice commentry & on-screen data labeling for the inspection results.
5 - U/W Cutting & welding activities: FA.RO.MAR offers a comprehensive cutting & welding services includes: • Pipeline tie-ins & repairs. • Structural repairs & member replacement. • Repair to floating structures, vessel & S.B.M.S. • Wet hyperbaric welding. • Dry welding by very special technique (NPTN).
As underwater welding is a necessary part of the maintenance of any metal structure existing underwater, NPTN Underwater Dry Weld System was developed to dramatically improve upon conventional underwater welding repair and maintenance practices used in sub sea industries. NPTN Underwater Dry Weld System can be applied to a variety of damage repair situations in the Shipping, Oil and Gas, Marine lnfrastructure and Defense industries, and it is ideally suited to welding in hazardous environments where ignition and spark containment are crucial safety issues. The System can be used in routine weld repair situations using standardized housings or in situations requiring more customized solutions. NPTN Underwater Dry Weld System can achieve quality welds to the AWS 3.6 Class A code with 25% elongation - previously only possible in a dry welding environment. NPTN has the approval for use gained from international classification societies; American Bureau of Shipping ( ABS ), Lloyds Register of Shipping ( LR ), Det Norske Veritas ( DNV) .
Fields can be covered by NPTN technique:
I - Shipping Fields NPTN System delivers a permanent quality weld repair, in situ, with a significant reduction in cost when compared to conventional methods. With the world's ageing fleet of ships being subject to stresses from extreme weather conditions, accidents and a very competitive business environment, ship owners and managers constantly face the prospect of outlaying huge sums of money on repairs. Because of its ability to produce high quality dry welds at a similar cost and convenience to that of a wet weld, NPTN System offers enormous advantages over conventional repair methods used in the shipping industry. Currently repairs to vessels have been in two drastically different categories temporary repairs and dry docking. Temporary repairs such as wet welds and the use of concrete boxes are expedient. But, while being quick fixes, they are also very costly. They often require more frequent class inspection and ultimately have to be removed and repaired correctly during dry docking. Permanent repairs achieved by prematurely dry docking a vessel are enormously expensive in terms of both direct and consequential costs. NPTN Underwater Dry Weld System removes the need to resort to these measures in a great number of vessel damage situations. This technology can be applied to a number of underwater ship maintenance tasks such as cracks, plates, rudders, bilge keels and propellers. NPTN System is a true in-situ repair which does not disrupt or delay normal activities. Repairs using the system can be carried out during normal berthing of a ship, or even at sea (given satisfactory conditions). The repair outcomes result in a permanent repair, as if it were done during dry docking.
II - Oil & Gas lndustry NPTN Underwater Dry Weld System was developed to dramatically improve upon conventional underwater welding repair and maintenance practices used in the offshore, marine and oil and gas industries. NPTN System has enormous advantages over conventional repair methods used in these industries, chiefly in its ability to effect high quality dry welds without the need to construct a hyperbaric chamber. NPTN System can be used successfully on a number of repair tasks formerly requiring the use of the hyperbaric technique including pipe repairs, TKY joints, tie-ins, valves, and risers. NPTN is a unique dry welding system which has specific application to pipelines, oil rigs, platforms and sub-sea structures. For pipelines, a welding casing is moulded to different shapes depending on the diameter of the pipeline. NPTN can offer economical, permanent repair solutions to other sub-sea structures in the oil and gas area, such as platforms, risers, vessels, and FPSO’s, and can also be used on new installation pipelines, headers and tie-ins - jobs where hyperbaric chambers are traditionally used- again, reducing costs. The applications for the use of the NPTN System include: oil rigs and platforms where flash sensors monitor sparks and flashes onboard; petrochemical plants; and welding in confined or internal environments where external venting of fumes/gases is imperative. III - lnfrastructure lt has particular application in industries using on-shore structures such as ports, piers and jetties, where standard welding is impeded by water. NPTN System is able to undertake repairs on a variety of structures including dams, water feed lines and tanks, locks, along with other underwater infrastructure. NPTN System also has applications where ignition and spark containment are issues that must be considered when undertaking a welding repair. The nature of the inert, fully contained welding habitat created by, NPTN System makes it a perfect technology to be applied to situations where safety and operational issues restrict welding repairs. For example, where flammable and volatile gases require maintenance welding to be carried out with extreme caution, the NPTN System and its revolutionary welding housing is the perfect solution.
6 - Marine Construction & maintenance works: FA.RO.MAR is well equipped & experienced to take on all factors for the underwater construction activities. FA.RO.MAR provides diving support for all types of marine & jetty structures during the construction phases. Underwater & above water activities for marine construction of specific structures are very specialty professional experiences like : • Slip way construction • Anti-Seepage protection construction • Piping works for the water stations & power plants • Maintenance & survey works for the water stations & power plants • Construction & Maintenance Harbour • Coastal Defence
Main clients, our best business card: