Background The Regional AIDS Training Network (RATN) is an international NGO comprised of partner training institutions in Eastern and Southern Africa collaborating on training activities related to STDs/HIV/AIDS in the region. RATN functions as a catalyst in strengthening capacities of training institutions and a forum for enabling exchange of ideas and experiences. Through its Secretariat in Nairobi, RATN has set as its purpose the adaptation and development of short-term skills-upgrading courses, targeted at the mid-level STD/HIV/AIDS workers, trainers, program managers and senior policy makers. RATN’s, mission is to strengthen the capacity of relevant individuals, organizations and other stakeholders to respond to STIs/HIV/AIDS in the Eastern and Southern African region. The Secretariat is comprised of Technical and Support staff and is headed by an Executive Director. Within RATN’s Strategic Plan, effective Human Resource development is highlighted as an important aspect and staff are regarded as a valuable resource for RATN. All staff are currently on 2-year contracts and it is desirable to assess the status of staff performance, identify areas for support and training needs.
Purpose of Consultancy The performance management system has been operational in RATN since November 2004. The main purpose for the consultancy is therefore to support RATN management in the three sixty (360) degree appraisal of staff performance and to provide advice and recommendations on the process undertaken.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables by the Consultant The consultant will be responsible for the following outputs: Successful conduction of half-day pre-appraisal awareness meeting for RATN staff on performance management and 360 degree appraisal system. High quality support to management in the execution of performance appraisal of RATN staff using the 360 degree approach Identification of important training needs following the appraisal exercise Advice and recommendations to RATN management on improvements required in (a) the performance management system; (b) staff motivation and retention issues A succinct report covering the above issues and outputs.
Conduct of the Consultancy RATN has 21 members of staff, find organogram attached. Given the magnitude of the assignment, the assignment will be conducted in two phases and by a team of two consultants from the same consulting firm. There will be a team leader responsible for all deliverables. Phase 1: Conduct a pre-appraisal awareness meeting (half-day) on performance management system by Friday 1st February 2013.
Phase 2: Facilitate the 360 degree appraisal process of staff between Monday, 4th February – 1st March 2013. The consultant will need to employ highly participatory methods of working given the different levels of staff within RATN and the need to actively involve staff. The consultant will discuss the TORs with RATN management and reach agreement on timetable for conducting the assignment Hold discussions with various staff to get the relevant information Use existing documents eg. Strategic Plan, existing Job Descriptions, Contracts, Organisational chart, consultancy reports on staff training and previous staff appraisals etc. 5.
Competency and Expertise Required The prospective consulting team (of two members) should demonstrate expertise in the following: Wide experience of Human Resources Development (HRD) issues and HR strategic management in developing countries Track record on successfully completed similar assignments Good experience in facilitation and consulting in HRD work Good knowledge of the employment and labor laws in Kenya The consulting team should be from a reputable consultancy firm with good track record of HRD work.
Duration The consultancy period will be 12 work days (including preparation, actual appraisal and report writing) between Friday 1st February – 1st March 2013. Actual effort days distributed as follows: Effort Activity Days 1 Preparation, discussion of TORs with RATN 8 Actual appraisal work at RATN office 3 Report writing and feedback to Management and Staff 12
Facilities Provided
Management and Reporting
By the consultant: A laptop computer, flash disks, stationery /materials needed for making documents; relevant tools for the assignment, transport within Nairobi city centre and going to RATN office; residential accommodation and all meals. By RATN: All relevant documents related to assignment; an overhead LCD projector, TV set and Deck while at RATN office, a working space for briefing meetings and training purposes; stationery and office equipment required for the reproduction of RATN documents.
Technical: For all technical matters, the consultant shall liaise with Executive Director. For the day-today office support (e.g. access to RATN documents, office equipment) the consultant shall liaise with the Admin/HR Officer. Final approval of the reports will be done by the RATN management team. Contractual: A contract will be issued by RATN and signed by both parties and the consultant will be responsible to the Finance Manager for contractual purposes.
Submission of Proposals
Technical and Financial Proposal should be sent by email to appraisal@ratn.org by 18th January 2013 at 12.00 noon. 10.
Selection of Consultant A criteria-based selection process shall be used by a Selection Committee to determine the most competitive and best proposal. RATN shall not be bound to select the lowest priced or highest priced proposal and its decision shall be final. Those consultants who will not be selected shall be informed by email as soon as possible after RATN has signed a contract with the successful consultant. RATN Secretariat 11th January 2013. 2