Round 2 Call for Expression of Interest for Participation in RECABASO

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

Round 2 Call for Expression of Interest for Participation in RECABASO Capacity Building in Results Based Management for AIDS Service Organisations in Eastern and Southern Africa 1.


The Comprehensive Results-Based Management (RBM) Capacity Building for HIV AIDS Service Organisations (RECABASO) is an initiative aimed at utilizing best practices in identifying and addressing Results-Based Management (RBM) capacity gaps among organisations implementing HIV programmes in Eastern and Southern Africa. RECABASO strives to reinforce the role played by Results-Based Management in improving the effectiveness of HIV and AIDS programmes. The project approach stresses that adequate capacity building and technical support is necessary in helping many ASOs realise their potential. In this context, RATN with funding from Sida launched the RECABASO initiative aimed at building RBM capacity for AIDS service organisations and community institutions implementing programmes towards achieving the public health Millennium Development Goals 4, 5, and 6 which are; to reduce child mortality rate; improve maternal health and combat HIV and AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. RECABASO involves AIDS service organisations and community institutions indicating specific RBM areas in which they need capacity building and how the need is linked to improved HIV service delivery. RECABASO teams of RBM experts then follow up with detailed diagnosis of the RBM capacity gaps through site visits. The panel of reviewers align the successful applicant organisations to best solutions that include experimental learning, internships, on-site mentoring, technical support and follow-up. The beneficiary organisations from the capacity building processes then form online learning communities where they continue to share their experiences on applying the new knowledge and skills. 2.

Rationale for RECABASO

A growing body of evidence points to the important benefits of integrating RBM into all HIV and AIDS interventions. The principles of “managing for results� was especially highlighted in the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and reaffirmed in the Accra Agenda for Action in 2008 as part of the efforts to work together in a participatory approach to strengthen country capacities and to promote accountability of all major stakeholders in the pursuit of results. Globally, development agencies and the donor community are now focussed on integrating RBM into HIV and AIDS interventions for better service delivery. Evidence has shown that organisations utilising RBM principles are yielding better results and attracting more funding. Notably, RBM capacity is limited or non-existent in some instances especially

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

among indigenous civil society organisations. Therefore, the RECABASO project aims to address the need for RBM capacity in the selected ASOs in Eastern and Southern Africa. 3.


The first round of RECABASO was a pilot phase that run from January 2011 to April 2012. This phase involved 17 beneficiaries from 8 countries in ESA region and was implemented with support from East African National Networks of AIDS Service Organisation (EANNASO) based in Arusha Tanzania. An evaluation of the pilot phase was conducted and the lessons learned are being ploughed into the next phase of RECABASO. The purpose of this call for expression of interest is to select up to ten (10) AIDS Service Organisations which will benefit from the capacity building and technical assistance under this phase of the project as presented in Section 5 of this Call for Expression of Interest. Interested AIDS Service Organisations should submit an Expression of Interest, using the template of which is attached hereto as Annex 1.


Definitions and Interpretation


means an AIDS Service Organisation applying to this Call for Expression of Interest;

Award Criteria

means the criteria applied to select the eligible beneficiaries;


means December 10, 2012;

Eligibility Criteria

means the minimum criteria with which the Expression of Interest and the Applicants must comply and which are listed in Annex 2 hereof;

Expression of Interest

means a proposal sent by an Applicant in response to this Call for Expression of Interest, within the deadline, to be drafted in accordance with the template attached hereto as Annex 1;


means “RBM Capacity Building for HIV and AIDS Service Organisations� launched by the

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

Regional AIDS Training Network with funding for pilot project from Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) aimed to strengthening the capacity of ASOs in managing HIV interventions for results. ASOs

means any non-governmental organisation implementing HIV and AIDS interventions at national or local level meeting the Eligibility Criteria as set out in Annex 2 hereof;

Selection Criteria

means the Eligibility Criteria and the Award Criteria;

Capacity Building;

Means technical skills and knowledge as provided in the framework of the RECABASO Initiative. Capacity building support will take the form described in section 5 below.


Means Results Based Management. It is a management approach that reflects on processes and resources to achieve interventions targeted at commonly agreed results.

Risk Management

Means assessing and quantifying business risks, then taking measures to control or reduce them.


Description of RECABASO Approach

The selected organisations will be entitled to Capacity Building in RBM. The RECABASO approach consists of the following steps: 5.1 Stage 1 – Selection of ASO for RBM capacity building Applicant organisations will be requested to complete a simple application form indicating their RBM capacity gaps and motivation for their application including suggested solutions to the identified gaps. 5.2 Stage 2 – Diagnosis/Screening for RBM gaps and short-listing Panel of RBM experts will make visits to the short-listed applicant organisations to diagnose the RBM challenges and gaps in the applicant organisation. Based on reports of the RBM

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

experts and related evidence the RECABASO team shall then shortlist the applicant organisations using a well defined award criteria that will among other things assess how the gaps identified are linked to improved HIV services delivery. The stage also involves development of RBM capacity building plans by the beneficiary organisations. 5.3 Stage 3 – Alignment of ASOs to capacity building solutions This stage is the core of the project strategy because it is the stage where the panel of RBM experts will recommend how each of the shortlisted applications will be linked to relevant capacity building. The project will involve a total of five (5) options to which the shortlisted applications shall be aligned to. The options include; (a) Identify a relevant training within or outside the RATN network; (b) Pooling applicants with common gaps; (c) Experiential learning by placement; (d) Technical Support and on-job experiential learning; and (e)Twining of organisations for mutual support and learning The solutions may be provided as a package or as independent units depending of the nature of the RBM gaps and appropriateness of the solutions as determined by the RECABASO team base on the diagnosis reports and related evidence. This stage may also include small grants to the selected organisations to enable them to fast-track RBM within their institutions. 5.4 Stage 4 – Development of Learning Communities and Follow-ups This stage will involve development of learning communities of organisations and trainees from different training courses and workshops. At any point in time there would be multiple learning communities based on different learning groups and RBM thematic areas covered over a given period.


Expression of Interest

A template for the Expression of Interest is attached hereto as Annex 1. The Expression of interest includes the Applicant’s identification (based on the form under Appendix to theExpression of Interest). The Applicants may request clarifications regarding the Call for Expression of Interest or the nature of the Technical Assistance 15 calendar days before the deadline. Such requests must indicate the Call for Expression of Interest reference number RECABASO/11/12 and the name of the Applicant and shall be submitted via e-mail to: Attention: RECABASO Co-ordinator Regional AIDS Training network

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

Answers to all questions will be published at least 10 calendar days before the Deadline, on RATN website and on all other interfaces where the Call is published. RECABASO Team will not contact any Applicant prior to the selection, unless it considers it necessary to clarify issues of a mere technical nature. However, should RECABASO Team come across any errors, inaccuracies, omissions or any type of clerical defect in the text of the Call for Expression of Interest before the Deadline, the RECABASO Team will correct the text and inform the Applicant accordingly. NB: All applications must be in English. 7.

Submission of Expression of Interest

The Expression of Interest shall be submitted on or before the Deadline both by (i) e-mail and (ii) by registered mail or professional courier service. The Expressions of Interest sent by registered mail or professional courier service shall consist of a single closed package and shall contain the Expression of Interest, in paper form. The Deadline for the submission of Expressions of Interest is December 10, 2012 The Expression of Interest shall indicate the reference number of the Call (RECABASO/2012/11) and the name of the Applicant Organisation, and shall be sent to the following address: Postal and Physical Address: RECABASO COORDINATOR REGIONAL AIDS TRAINING NETWORK MORNINGSIDE OFFICE PARK, NGONG ROAD, 4TH FLOOR P.O. BOX 16035-00100, NAIROBI KENYA Telephone: +254 020 2635929/2635938 E-mail Address: E-mail Subject Line – EOI for RECABASO Round 2 Prior to the Deadline and in the same manner as specified above, the applicants may change or amend their Expression of Interest by clearly indicating the parts to be changed or amended. Prior to the Deadline and in the same manner as specified above the Applicants may withdraw their Expression of Interest.

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

After the Deadline, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the relevant Applicants by RECABASO Coordinator via e-mail. The acknowledgement of receipt is not to be considered confirmation of completeness of the Expression of Interest, nor any kind of assessment to this effect.


Selection Process

The Expressions of Interest will be examined by the RECABASO team of experts using professional analysis and judgment, taking into account the Eligibility Criteria. RECABASO Team will reject incomplete or unsigned Expressions of Interest, as well as those Expressions of Interest not complying with the Eligibility Criteria. Applicants complying with the Eligibility Criteria will go through the selection process based on the Award Criteria. RBM Capacity Building and Technical Assistance will be awarded at the sole discretion of the RECABASO Team. Applicants should by no means consider that mere submission of a complete application will give rise to any claims, or other rights, or legitimate expectations to be ultimately selected as a beneficiary under this Call for Expression of Interest. RECABASO Team can cancel the Call for Expression of interest at any stage of the procedure. The selection shall be deemed complete upon written confirmation by the RECABASO Team to the Applicant. ASOs not selected for capacity building under the framework of RECABASO shall be informed accordingly. Upon request, rejected Applicants may ask for further information from the RECABASO Team on the reasons for their non-selection. The selection for capacity building as detailed in Section 8 above does not give any right of access to Sida funding. 9.


Annex 1. Annex 2. Annex 3. Appendix.

Expression of Interest RECABASO Eligibility Criteria RECABASO Award Criteria Application Identification and Application Form

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:


EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Call for Expression of Interest No.:


Deadline for the submission of the Expression of interest:

10 DECEMBER 2012

Expression of Interest for:


Applicant submitting the Expression of Interest:

__________________ (Organisation name)

Dear Sir or Madam, Herewith we are submitting our Expression of Interest on behalf of [Applicant’s name] in response to the Call for Expression of Interest RECABASO/11/12. The undersigned duly authorised to represent the [Applicant’s name], by signing this form certifies/certify and declare(s) that the information contained in this Expression of Interest and its Appendices is complete and correct in all its elements.

Yours sincerely,


Stamp of the Applicant:

Name and position in capital letters: Applicant’s name:


Date (day/month/year):

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

Appendix to the Expression of Interest APPLICATION FORM A.1 Applicant identification INFORMATION REQUIRED CONTACT DETAILS Address:


Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Date of registration: Country of registration: Registration number:

A.2 Contact person INFORMATION REQUIRED TITLE Mr/Ms/Dr/other NAME Surname: First name: DESIGNATION CONTACT Email: DETAILS Tel:

B. Applicant Profile What is the mission statement of the applicant organisation?

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

B1. (a)

Type of your organisation (please tick/shade) appropriately: Community-based organisations (CBO) working on HIV and AIDS

(b) National Network of AIDS Service Organisations (c)

National Civil Society Organisation working on HIV and AIDS

(d) Other Specify


Please list any organisations /bodies that your organisation is a member of or is affiliated to;


Provide the following details on size of your organisation in terms of number of permanent staff and budget in the last three (3) years

Year 2012 2011 2010


No. of full time staff

Annual Budget (US$)

Please provide an overview of the project (s) or programmes your organisation has implemented in the past three years: Name of project Keys Project Year(s) of Donor(s) Outcome(s) implementation

1. 2. 3.

C. Applicant’s Information for RBM intervention C1.

Describe how your organisation applies or understands Results Based Management principles?

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

C3. i.











Please answer the following question by ticking the appropriate box NQuestion o .



To what extent is your organisation using results information to manage and adjust on-going operations, strategic plans, policies and resources To what extent is there tangible support from management for building and supporting resultsbased management? To what extent is RBM-based training available to managers and staff throughout the organisation? To what extent do the appraisal systems in your organisation relate individual accomplishments to outcomes? To what extent do your organisation’s values and ethics reflect an outcome focus? To what extent is risk management systematically practiced in your organisation and linked to outcomes To what extent does your business plan/strategic plan specify organisation-wide performance expectations that are clear, concrete and timebound? To what extent are outcome measurements linked to financial measures To what extent is evaluation integrated into the management of programs and policies To what extent are results data used for internal managing?

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Not Started

Don’t know

Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:


Overall, how would you rate your organisation in terms of practice of Results Based Management?

1. Advanced

2. Not started

3. Beginning

4. Do not know/ Not sure


Briefly describe why your organisation is applying for capacity building for Results Based Management (RBM) (If space is not enough use separate page but maximum one (1) page)

C6. Does your organisation have the following documents? Please tick as appropriate Type of Document Yes No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Constitution for the Organisation Registration certificate Audited Accounts for last Financial Year Annual Report for last Financial Year Organisational chart Current Strategic Plan Annual work-plan Monitoring and Evaluation Plan/Framework Organisational Capacity Statement/Profile

C7. If yes to C6 (6) above, is the current Strategic Plan fully funded? (tick one) Yes fully funded

Yes Partially funded

Not funded


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Not Applicable

Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

ANNEX 2 to the Call for Expression of Interest RECABASO/11/12 RECABASO: Eligibility Criteria IMPORTANT: RECABASO Team reserves its right to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the Applicant by means of due diligence, if required. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

System of appraisal (for RECABASO use only) Yes / No


The Applicant is an AIDS service organisation


The Applicant is based in the Eastern and Southern African region


The Applicant has declared interest in RBM capacity building


The Expression of Interest is prepared in accordance with Annex 1 to the Call for Expression of Interest. All necessary supporting documents are provided.


The Expression of Interest and the relevant appendices/annexes are duly signed.


The Expression of Interest is submitted both by registered mail and email.


The Expression of Interest is submitted within the Deadline.

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Regional AIDS Training Network P.O Box 16035-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2635929, 2635938, Mobile: +254 73499975, 724255849 Email:, Website:

ANNEX 3 to the Call for Expression of Interest RECABASO/11/2012 RECABASO: Award Criteria



Evaluation (weighting) For RECABASO use only


Eligibility criteria met as per Annex 1



The applicant’s organisational governance structure



Applicant’s demonstrated need and interest in Results Based Management



Applicant’s potential to demonstrate results



Assessment of relevant supportive document




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