“So far, so close” is a Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas coordinated by Associazione InformaGiovani and funded by the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Commission.
The project consisted in the organisation of 3 volunteering team activities in rural areas of Sicily (Italy) and
involved 45 participants, aged between 18 and 30 years, coming from several European countries (Belgium,
France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain) during the summer 2021. To make
the activities more inclusive and to further enrich their intercultural aspect, activities were featured by
mixed groups of young people, where youngsters from different socio-economic, educational and cultural
backgrounds met and lived a common experience.
The idea of this project was to bring young people coming from different geographical territories to get to
know rural areas and how young people are involved there, to exchange point of views, to implement concrete interventions for the local communities.