1 minute read
Source: activity developed during Seminar
Aim: -to raise awareness on hidden and visible content and messages in commercials,
-to increase critical thinking of what comes of the media and to highlight how commercials can spread stereotypes
Time: 60-90min
Meterial: projector, laptop, 3-4 commercials (short videoclips), A4 white papers and pens, post-its
1. Introduce the activity, its aim and the upcoming commercials. Play all of them one after the other to the whole group.
2. Ask the group what they saw and what was common in the commercials.
3. Distribute the titles of the commercials (each one on a post-it) to each group, this way one commercial is assigned for each group. Ask them to watch the commercials together again but watch the assigned commercial with particular interest. Ask them to make a list of the stereotypes and messages that they find in the given commercial. Play the commercials one after the other.
4. Give the groups 10 minutes to make a list within the small groups based on the impressions of the
members. Ask each group to read out the list of stereotypes and messages they found in their commercials.
5. Ask them if they have seen similar commercials like this? What effects do they have? Who are the most common targets of these, etc. Is it possible to make a change, to promote these products a different way?
6. Ask the group to think of a small act (3 minutes long) to perform a commercial that would be
different and acceptable for them. After each group, facilitate a short discussion (asking the audience what
was the difference, what they observed as a change and later asking the group of performers also what was
their intention with the change).
6. Summary on the influence of commercials, wrapping it up.
Examples of commercials used during the activity:
Chinese laundry detergent
http://www.vox.com/2016/5/26/11785124/china-laundry- detergent-racistqiaobi