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Source: Training course Loesje Armenia: “From out of Hate, a Peace of Art” from


Aim: -to increase knowledge and sensibility of participants about hate speech

Time: 45min

Material: post-its, pens

Description if activity:

1. part of activity Each participant got one post-it on his back with excluded/hated people (migrants, refugees, LGBT, women, politicians, Jewish, Muslim, drug addicted...) Their task is to mingle in the room and check the post-it of the others and to react as in their country they would react/interact with that group of people.

After 10 minutes they can see their post-it

2.part of activity Three volunteers are asked to go in the middle. The rest of the group got a post-it on which to write what people from their country think about that group of people which are now in the middle. They have to write it on the post-it and stick them on the people in the middle.

Read up the notes written.

Now the group makes a corridor standing face to face. All three participants go one by one walking the corridor and others have to say words that normally people from their country would say to these people.

Reflection and discussion: how did you feel during this activity? In particular, the 3 volunteers? How to act against hate speech in social media?

Proposal on how to adapt this activity

Ask young people to search on the web in discussion forums the reaction of people towards minorities or other group of people which were selected as example for the game. To write down these reactions on post-its and stick them on the people in the middle.

WHAT IS HATE SPEECH? Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe defines Hate speech as “all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, Antisemitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance”.

According to Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA of 28 November 2008, illegal hate speech is punishable as criminal offences. More information: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=LEGISSUM:l33178

Hate speech is very spread phenomena online therefore European Commission and four major social media platforms on 1th June 2016 announced a Code of Conduct on countering illegal online hate speech. It included a series of commitments by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft to combat the spread of such content in Europe. More information: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/fundamentalrights/files/hate_speech_code_of_conduct_en.pdf

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