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REclaiming the beats

TIM BAGNARA WEEKS 1-6 S3197089 COLLINGWOOD EXPLORATION For the beginning of semester we were studying Collingwood and it's informal urban practices. Initially, we went for an exploration of Collingwood and made suggestions of how the urban environment could be improved for informal urban practices.

RECLAIMING THE BEATS METHODS, How to reuse your old useless speakers This project is exploring the concept of INGREDIENTS: - boombox/speakers with tape deck privacy vs publicity in urban space and - soldering equiptment people's reactions to the change in the - headphone/stereo wires urban space. My goal for the project was - screwdriver to revive the social portable music player - multi-meter rather than anti-social headphones. The methods I used in exploring the reactions of people in the space I was inhabiting were interviewing, documenting 1. Get your old speaker system/boombox, peoples reactions to myself undertaking make sure it has a tape deck. this informal urban practice with pictures and video and inviting other people to play the music they were listening to in their headphones through my boom box. PROJECT DESCRIPTION

2. Remove the housing and locate where the three wires from the tape deck meet the chipboard, Collingwood Commision Flats Community Garden Examples of the modifications to the urban environment we were exploring.

INTERVENTION The informal urban practice intervention we chose was to place a game of twister for free. This was useful in gaining knowledge of the urban environ.

OCCUPATION For the occupation we decided to interview people aboutwhat Collingwood has to offer in regards to it's informal spaces. One of the people we interviewed was a woman was heavily involved in the aboriginal and african communities in Collingwood and stopping public drinking in the Smith Street area.

3. Remove the tape deck wires from the chipboard. 4. Strip the cables using a scalpel make sure the copper wire is exposed using multimeter. Each line of the headphone cables have a ground wire running though, these need to be exposed and twisted together.

market trading

CONCLUSIONS In terms of the effectiveness of this concept I think it has merit in that it is reviving an obselete piece of technology for a useful purpose and in that revivial of old technology the boombox culture 5. Solder the headphone wires to the chipand it's related informal urban practices board where the tape deck cables were remay also be revived. The other merit moved from. that can be attributed to this project is questioning privacy of people. Most peo- 6. Find a hole in the housing for the cable ple were very relucant to play their mu- to come out from and reassemble the houssic through my boom box and when I ing, was undertaking this IUP myself I got a Now plug in your personal music player turn lot of strange looks. However, in inter- everything on and press play on the tape viewing people I found that most were deck supportive of music in the urban envi- *Tip* Turn your ipod's etc. volume to the lowronment and were interested in other est you can, this will help with distortion. people's music and the social aspects.

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