Reflection upon the engagement with the stated learning objectives of the studio In this Upper Pool Design Studio I was expected to show and demonstrate a rising potential to engage in a diversity of design processes in order to react to design project opportunities, this was one of the major problems for me, but I was able to understand this new design process and react to it. I had no prior experience in Design Studios at RMIT, as an exchange student I have developed my knowledge in a similar way to the industrial design students at this institution but I can assume it has been in the exact same way. The offering of different learning opportunities in the Upper Pool Design Studios gave me the chance of engaging with an unfamiliar design situation, being this a huge challenge to my creative thinking. The projects that we did during the semester helped me gathering knowledge and skills to improve my critical thinking, motivating my creativeness and teaching me a different design process. This studio tutorial offered me the chance to work with other participating programs in the School of Architecture and Design, bringing a new and unique opportunity to engage with and respond to contemporary issues. The theme of the studio, the Informal Urban Practices, was a new innovative concept for me, the research and observation done during the semester helped finding a new perspective for my design projects. With the development of my projects I have been demonstrating the design knowledge acquired and the ability to apply it in research and exploration. The studio trigged my ability to conceptualise and develop ideas. My ability to communicate with Melbourne’s society through design improved since the beginning and made my entrance to this new city easier. One of the major advances that I did as a designer was to critique and judge my own work and my classmate’s projects.
Outcome Results Knowledge
Production Reflection & Critique
Reflective Responsive
Public response
Documenting Analysing
Reflection upon the engagement with the specific stated learning objectives of the studio In this upper pool studio called informal urban practices I had the opportunity to engage with different disciplines and share my interests with them. I was glad to be able to influence the class by showing cases of informal urban practices from Latin America. When I firs started the studio I was seeking to expand my design process and I was able to do it by expanding my experimentation and strategies. In the first half of the semester through projects, actions, and events I understood the nature of the Informal urban practices. During the second half of the semester I framed my approach, interest and intention within the studio. Through the semester the studio enabled me to undertake practices in order to approach to creative design development. I had the opportunity to work as a part of an inter-disciplinary creative team several times, sharing my ideas and learning from my classmates. The studio gave me the opportunity to work with different mediums that I have learned before, produce sketching, modelling, and rearrange my design process. I have been generating and testing creative techniques as result of my informal urban practices research and to test them. During each week I had the opportunity yo receive feed back from other students in the class and to express my opinion about their work in a propositive way. I have been developing design propositions each week, undertaking a large amount of experiments and practices through the semester. Close to the end of the semester I understood and identified the design opportunities to enable informal urban practices.
Research & Exploration
Interdisciplinary Reflection & Critique creativity team work & Especulation imagination
Conceptual Planning
Design Proposition Estrategy Planning
Design Opportunities
Design Opportunity
3 The Vortex