Lucy Fraser Final Self Assessment

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Final self-assessment

Student name: Lucy Fraser, s3203390 Import the above criteria








3 Use of the Blog


What indicates the current levels of your performance and achievement in the studio against each criteria? Describe in detail the indicators (evidence) of quality at the level of performance you honestly believe you have achieved so far. In less detail, describe what would indicate if you had achieved above or below your proposed level. ʻSATISFACTORYʼ ʻGOODʼ ʻVERY GOODʼ ʻOUTSTANDINGʼ PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS INDICATORS INDICATORS INDICATORS Does not work well in a Works well in a team, good Works well in a team, good Works very well in a team. team. at leading or following, at leading and following, Good at leading and listens to others. appreciates others, is fair. following, appreciates everyone’s ideas, is diplomatic. There is evidence of participation from each member of the group, and each references the other. Good leadership and followership evident. Sets a good brief that most Works with group to set a Works with group to set an Works with group to set a group members are brief that relates to urban interesting brief that is challenging, interesting enthusiastic about. practices and all group closely linked to informal brief that is closely linked members are enthusiastic urban practice and all to informal urban practice about. group members are and all group members are enthusiastic about. enthusiastic about. As a group is clear on the aims and expectations of the project. Has set a challenging brief. Uses the blog frequently to Uses the blog post Uses the blog frequently to Uses the blog frequently to post homework on time and homework on time and post homework on time post updates of project correctly (embedded issuu correctly (embedded issuu and correctly and to view correctly (embedded issuu etc) and view and comment etc) and glances at others and others work where etc) and to view and on others work where work. possible. comment on others work possible. where possible. Uses the blog to clearly and concisely convey studio activity. Has all relevant documents imbedded/linked


Time Management

Little or no time management

Outlines a time-plan that includes all members, but does not follow it very well.



Contributes little in class beside what homework is required.

Speaks in class to contribute reflections and observations, discussing their own and commenting on others work.

Gives presentation that fits requirements.

Gives a presentation that fits requirements. Takes feedback on board and displays this development in following presentations.

Participation in Class

Outlines a good time-plan that includes all members, and tries to stick to it. A bit of confusion toward beginning of groupwork, caught up in time to satisfy the brief. However, time management needs to improve. Speaks in class to contribute ideas, reflections and observations, providing constructive criticism for their own and others work.




Gives a clear, eyecatching, interesting, unique presentation that fits requirements. Takes feedback on board and displays this development in following presentations.

to the blog. Outlines a good time-plan that includes all members, and sticks to it, updating where necessary.

Speaks in class to contribute ideas, reflections and observations, providing constructive criticism for their own and others work. Takes on board what others say. Very vocal in class (where appropriate), enjoys and takes a lot from a good discussion. Takes on board feedback and tries to put this into following projects. Gives a clear, eyecatching, interesting, unique presentation that fits requirements. Takes feedback on board and displays this development in following presentations. Gives a highly entertaining and visually stimulating final presentation, clearly and concisely conveying what occurred and what was learnt

Other Notes: It took Lucy and her group a while to warm up to the assignment in the second half of the semester. Initially they could not find their feet. When they did, however, they undertook interesting and challenging activities that yielded fascinating results. Lucy incorporated her interests into the groupwork and activities, and took onboard the interests of others. She made sure the workload was fair for everyone and her entire group was keen as mustard, lugging stuff around and chatting up the public. They all have very muscular arms and disarming smiles now. The activities made Lucy feel more comfortable interacting with the public, a skill she will find useful in the future. Toward the end of the assignment, the groups time management was so outstanding they had printed they posters and had a run through more than 24 hrs before the presentation! Lucy was quite proud of this as time management is usually a weak spot of hers. It shows that a good group supports the others and pushes them on.

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