Welcome to the SWVA region’s premiere divers community magazine! From our eye-catching covers to the appealing editorial throughout, you’ll discover the perfect guide to our unique community, for you and your family.
Each season, Informative Qs’ advertisers and authors provide a glimpse into the diverse life in and outside of SWVA. Informative Q is a 501c3 non-profit magazine under the fiscal sponsorship of the Roanoke Diversity Center.
Let’s jump into the Q! Page 2
Structure of IQ Magazine LETTER FROM THE Q TEAM- Each season, a member of our team will share their thoughts on the featured monthly topics. They will offer their entertaining and informative perspective with a nod to stories from their own experiences. LIVING- Find stories on family matters and pet shenanigans that will keep you drooling for more. OUR COLUMNISTS- From our contributors that will bring different stories with a perspective! HEALTH QUEUE- Find articles on how to eat right, get into shape, to STI prevention, and resources to help you stay in the know about your body and health. FEATURED ARTICLES- Interesting, informative, often exclusive articles take advantage of IQ’s national and local interest in our community. You’ll be glad you jumped into the Q.
Distribution Please ask for Informative Q Magazine at every business you visit, and support our distributors with purchases. Our distributors are just as important as our advertisers and readers. All three are essential elements of community we seek to cultivate for the benefit of all. Thank you for reading, supporting and contributing to nformative Q. We are glad you have joined us in celebrating our diverse community in SWVA. Welcome to the family.
COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT- find out what’s hot and who’s who in the community. CALENDAR OF EVENTS- There’s so much to do in SWVA. Check out the events and other exciting things to do in the region. FASHION- Learn what to wear this season, featured by Fashionista Roanoke. TRAVEL- Discover fun places to visit locally and abroad. SOCIAL- See pictures from events in and around SWVA. PINK PAGES (community resource directory) - here is a quick reference to nightlife, food & wine, attractions, churches, shopping, and more.
Our Advertisers are the absolute best! They not only make this magazine possible and are the greatest people in SWVA. Please patronize them and tell them you saw their ads in Informative Q. Page 3
If you are providing printready copy, your ad must be submitted in one of the following formats: TIFF, PDS, PDF, EPS or JPG file. Please “flatten” all file before saving. Emailed files must be under 6MB. Adobe Acrobat PDF File, distilled from InDesign or Quark Express as ‘Press Quality’ with all fonts embedded. MS Word or Publisher files are not accepted. Native application files: PC InDesign files with “ALL 300 dpi files needed for remote printing.” This should include the original one-page InDesign files, any linked 300 dpi graphics and all fonts. Adobe Illustrator files saved as EPS with embedded photos & art. All fonts converted to outline. Adobe Photoshop files saved as flattened JPG or PSD, 300 dpi, in CMYK.
of the camera” are preferred. Professionally printed photos scanned at 300 dpi. TIFF, EPS, PDF or JPG windows format accepted. Professionally printed photos (to be Scanned) No computer-printed material or website images are accepted. Please send all advertising files and digital graphic files to:
Full Page
8.5x11 In
Double full page
17x11 In
1/2 Page Landscape
8.5x5.5 In
1/2 Page Portrait
4.25x11 In
1/3 Page Portrait
2.83x11 In
1/3 Page Landscape
8.5x3.6 In
1/4 Page
4.23x5.5 In
PHOTOS AND GRAPHICS Be sure to include any photos or graphics in one of the following formats as an email attachment. Graphics embedded into word documents are not acceptable. Digital photos (JPG, TIFF or RAW) unretouched “right out Page 4
INFORMATIVE Q WELCOMES AND ENCOURAGES YOUR PARTICIPATION! Your editorial submissions is what makes Informative Q Magazine a community resource. We want our readers to get to know you. When submitting editorials for one or more of our departments provides you with the opportunity to share information and help bring focus to you, your business or organization.
Editorial Guidelines HOW TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL MATERIALS: Always consider that if you are working in an article for our magazine it is strongly recommended to be written in third person, there are some exceptions in the narrative of the articles where the first person is related when you are telling “your story” where that style of writing is convenient and allowed, but also take the consideration that it might be adjusted for the magazine purposes. For the nature of the magazine, it is considered and recommended to be in a positive point of view. Please submit your typed editorials in the following formats: • All editorial must be in digital format. No faxed or printed submissions will be accepted. • E-mail as an attached MS Word or text file to: • Saved to a flash drive hand delivered in a MS Word or Text File. Include name, business and phone number with all editorial submissions. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for length, style and clarity. Must be informative and or educational. Editorial content submissions are judged separately from advertising contracts. FEATURE ARTICLES: Length: 750-2000 words (some articles longer, they might be considered to edit depending on length and information, they need to be original information and they can quote other articles, but no article copies will be allowed) due on or before the 5th of the month prior publication. Articles featured in Informative Q Magazine cover a wide range of subjects in the areas of health, family, food or wine, history, and more. Articles should be written in layman’s terms and impart information that does not sound self- serving. Rather tackling a vast subject, it is better to focus on a particular segment. We reserve the right to edit all submissions if necessary; for longer features, a copy of revisions can be sent upon request. Please include a brief
biography at the end of your article. The author of a feature-length article accepted for publication will receive a free Pink Pages (Community Resource Guide) listing that month. HEALTH AND FAMILY QUEUE: Length: 50 to 500 words Due on or before the 5th of the month prior publication The health zone is short, interesting, informative clips of information often referring to health facts, healthy eats or leading edge research. Please include any references. In Family Zone there are short interesting, informative clips of family adventures, facts and resources, not to mention articles about your furry family members. TRAVEL: Length: 50-500 words Due on or before the 5th of the month prior publication Travel tips and ways to have an adventure here and outside of SWVA. Please include pictures that you have taken, noncopyrighted material will not be published unless you have written permission. Please write travel articles in third person. CONTACT US Informative Q Magazine Offices 806 Jamison Ave. Roanoke VA 24013 Dewey Goodwin Cofounder/Project Manager Phone.(540)519-9630 Nerio Gonzalez Editor in Chief Phone.(540)278-3823 Jason Layman Managing Director
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Informative Q Contributor’s Agreement This is to confirm the agreement between _____________________________ _____________________________ and Informative Q, Q Publisher of Informative Q Magazine. 1.
Intellectual Work. Work You agree to contribute an original photo, column or article, identified as follows: __________________________________________________ ________________
2. Rights Granted. Granted You grant to Publisher the following intellectual property rights in the Work. A. Worldwide First Serial Rights (exclusive first publication of Work in a print and online periodical). If, however, Publisher does not publish the work within the first month of acceptance, this right shall revert to _______________________. B. For a Period of three (3) years from date of this agreement, the nonexclusive right to publish the Work on Publisher’s World Wide Web site. Publisher shall publish the Work only in secure and/or passwordenabled electronic formats that protect the Author’s copyright as far as is reasonable and possible using current encryption methods, except with the prior written agreement of the Contributor. C. A nonexclusive worldwide right to include the Work in anthologies, reprint editions, adaptations, or collections of articles. D. The nonexclusive right to use selections from the work in the advertising and promotion of Informative Q. E. All Rights to the Work not specifically granted above are reserved by _________________. __________________ retains the copyright to the Intellectual Work.
3. Warranty. Warranty _____________________ warrant that to the best of your knowledge the Work does not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, contract, or proprietary rights of others, or contain anything libelous or defamatory, and you agree to indemnify and hold publisher harmless against any final judgment resulting from falsity of the foregoing warranties. 4. Compensation. Compensation There is no compensation for the Work nor Intellectual Work, for you have agreed to contribute voluntarily. However the author (__________________________), will get credit in the magazine and website. 5. Editorial Changes. Changes Publisher may revise, edit, condense, extend or otherwise alter the intellectual work, and may code the work in HTML or as needed for web presentation, but will make no substantive changes in text, title or graphic content without your giving previous information. 6. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous a) No modification to this Agreement shall be binding unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto. b) This agreement shall be deemed executed under the laws of the commonwealth of Virginia. c) The parties acknowledge that each party has read and understood this contract before execution. Please Keep one copy of this agreement for your files and send a signed and dated copy back to us. We truly thank you for your contribution.
Accepted: _____________________________________________________ Contributor Signature ____________________________________________________ Contributor Print Name
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_________________________ Date
ADVERTISING AGREEMENT Contact information Contact:___________________________________________
Business Name:____________________________________________________________ Address (if different from billing address) ______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:_____________ ZIP:________________ Telephone:_________________________________ Fax:___________________________ Email:____________________________________ Website: _____________________________________________________________
Contract Length: 12 Issues
6 Issues
4 Issues
A.. Display Ad Display Ad Size
___________ Display Ad Price/Issue $__________
B.. Pink Pages (Community Resource Directory) #Issues __________ #Extra words _____ @$1/word $__________ Photo or Logo @ $10 ___________ Price/Issue _________ C.. Calendar Listing Calendar # Issue/s _________ Calendar Price Month ________ D.. Discounts - $ __________ E. Monthly Payments $__________ F. Design Fee $_________ G. Total Due Now (E+F) $_________ H. Total Contract Amount _________ x ________________ = ______________ 5% discount for payment in full = _____________
2 Issues Terms: -
1 Issue Event From:___/___ Through:___/___ Payment via credit card or business check only. Please complete credit card billing authorization on the next page.
Broken Contracts: Unearned discounts and a administrative fee of 25% of your issue rate may be imposed (minimum of $20).
Should this become a collection problem, the client assumes all coasts of collection, including, but not limited to court costs, interest and legal fees. Electronic invoices and/or receipts are available upon request.
I agree to the terms of this contract. I understand collection penalties, deadlines, waiver of responsibility, design fees and payment policies.
Comments ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Credit card billing authorization Roanoke Diversity Center for Informative Q Magazine 806 Jamison Ave SE, Roanoke,VA 24013 540.519.9630 Please print this form and mail it back to us fully filled out. DO NOT SEND CREDIT CARD INFORMATION VIA EMAIL. All requested information is required. I authorize Roanoke Diversity Center to bill the card listed below as specified: Amount $_________________ Frequency: One Time __________ Monthly(per issue) ________ Start Billing on:_________________ End Billing: (todays Date)
On contract experation One-Time Charge
Business Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Billing Contract Name: ___________________________________________ Title:___________________ Contact Phone:_______________________________ Email:____________________________________ Roanoke Diversity Center Inc. accepts the following credit cards:
Master Card
Credit Card # ________________________________________________ Expiration:_______________________ Name as it appears on card: ____________________________________________________________________ Billing address for card: ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ City:______________State:_____________________ Zip Code:__________________ 3 digit Code______________( from signature line on back of card) 4 digit Code for AmEx _____________ (on front of card)
Cardholder’s Signature:____________________________________________________ Date:____________
Page 8
4 issues
2 issues
1 issue
AD design
Full page inside front
Full page inside back
Full page outside back
Double Spread Full page
Full page other
Half page
Third of a page
Quarter page
Pink Pages
Event listing
Business card size
Prices listed are per issue and are based on consecutive issue placement. Online Ads: to have your ad included online with a link to your page, there is an additional fee. Full page ads add 15%, half page ads add 20%, and all others add 45% to the cost of your contract. purchase more than one ad and get an additional 10% off. All checks are made out to Roanoke Diversity Center for IQ Advertisement. ALL FULL AND HALF PAGE ADVERTISERS WILL GET VISIBILTY THROUGH OUR FACEBOOK AND OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLETS.
CONTACT US Informative Q 806 Jamison Ave SE Roanoke VA 24013 Dewey Goodwin Jr Project Manager / Publisher Phone: (540) 519-9630 Nerio Gonzalez
 Editor in Chief
 Phone: (540) 278-3823
DISPLAY AD DESIGN & LAYOUT The contract rates listed are for camera-ready ads. If initial ad design/layout is needed, the fee is 30% of the undiscounted (1 month) display ad rate. Minor changes will be made free of charge. Subsequent major ad design/layout changes will be billed at $20 per 15 minutes of design time. PINK PAGES (COMMUNITY RESOURCE DIRECTORY) The Pink Pages appears in every issue of the magazine. They serve as a reference tool that allows readers to find businesses by category. A Pink Pages listing includes: 4 to items (below) and up to 25- word description. Available Items: Business or professional name, contact name, address, phone, cell number, fax number, email address, website address. CALENDAR Calendar listings promote not only events but also workshops, lectures, etc. Event listings include up to 300 characters; ongoing event listings include up to 150 characters. Submit your listing online by the 5th of the month prior to publication. DEADLINES Display ads, Purple Pages and calendar listings must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Orders for ad design must be received by the first of the month prior to publication. Request for changes to existing ads must be received no later than the 5th day of the month before publication. 501c3 non-profits: ask about our non-profit discount.