June 2015
Parent Questionnaire
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Thursday 11th June—Class and team photos taken in school Thursday 25th June—Y6 Leavers Assembly Thursday 25th June—Reception Starters Meeting Saturday 27th June—FWPS School Fair Week beginning 6th July—Olympic Legacy Activity Week Monday 6th July— Transition fortnight for Y6 Wednesday 8th—July KS1 Sports Day: 1.15 start Thursday 9th July—KS2 Sports Day: 1.15 start 10th July—Reports and class allocations out to parents
17th July-Final day in school Thursday 3rd September - School re-opens for 2015 / 2016 school year.
Thank you for completing our parent questionnaire, we had over 200 returned. The Senior Staff and Governors have scrutinised the results which are extremely positive. We are always striving to move the school forward and views of the parents are extremely important to us. Out of the 28 questions asked, only two were less than 95% positive in their responses. One which stood at 95% was the question regarding the security around school, the damaged perimeter fence was of particular concern. This has now been fully repaired and is in excellent condition. The two questions which fell below and had 12% and 10% negative response, involved the Governing Body and school meals:
It was noted that 12% of parents did not understand the role of the school governors. As a result, the school will add a Governors page to the school website this term. This will explain their role in detail and the invaluable contribution they make to the school.
I was surprised to see that 10% of parents did not feel that school dinners are value for money. This seems particularly strange as Key Stage 1 have free lunches. I have my lunch with the children every day and find them of a very good standard. I usually rush into the dinner hall just in time for third sittings and there is always plenty of choice still available. Our cook Dawn is wonderful with the children and is doing an excellent job in my eyes. I was wondering if the parents who do feel that improvements could be made to the school lunches could get in touch with the school so we can address any concerns.
School Fayre Remember the school Fayre on the 27th June this year. Please support this event. We can all see the benefits of fund-raising by the FWPS, without their support many additional events in school and projects like our MUGA, which will be complete this term, would not be possible.
Activity Week We are all looking forward to “Activity Week” beginning 6th July. The additional activities have been included as a result of our Olympic Legacy Funding. As well as the usual Sports Days we are welcoming street dance, hockey, football and cricket coaches into school.
Friday 5th June
I am extremely pleased to report that all parents who responded to the question: “I would recommend this school to another parent” agreed or strongly agreed. This is wonderful to see.
Eco School Green Flag Award Well done to everyone at West Park School—the children and staff have worked with our Eco Team to recently achieve the Eco School Green Flag Award for the second time. The Green Flag Award® scheme is the benchmark national standard for parks and green spaces in the UK. It was first launched in 1996 to recognise and reward the best green spaces in the country. The first awards were given in 1997 and, many years later, it continues to provide the benchmark against which parks and green spaces are measured. It is also seen as a way of encouraging others to achieve high environmental standards, setting a benchmark of excellence in recreational green areas.
WW1 Art Competition As part of the Hartlepool Bombardment Commemorations, Hartlepool History Group held an Art Competition. The winners and runners up were invited to a Presentation Ceremony at CETL (Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning) on 24th March. They were awarded certificates and prizes and the winning works of art were framed and are on display at the local art gallery. Congratulations to the prize winners from West Park Primary: Y2: Alexander Anderson and Devon Harrety Y3: Rhianna Kerr and Harry Norris Y5: Luke Harper and Michael Armstrong Y6: Heather Sinclair
The school Eco Team welcomed the assessment team in May and made an excellent impression. Look out for our new flag which will be raised this week.
Y5/6 Cricket Competition In May, the Town Kwik Cricket Competition was held at Seaton Carew. We sent two boys teams and one girls team. They all did extremely well. The girls won their competition and the two boys teams were winners and runners up! The winners now go on to the area finals in Durham this month. Congratulations to all who took part, they were a credit to the school.
Marie Curie Cancer Support Children from across the school have taken part in the Marie Curie “Mini Pots of Care” programme, where they have been sponsored to take care of a daffodil bulb over the winter months. This sponsorship, along with a “bake sale” organised by the school council, has raised £453.00 for Marie Curie Cancer Support. Well done to everybody.