Foreword I am delighted to introduce the latest edition of Future Building, the journal of Australia’s infrastructure sector. This edition draws on the proceedings of our recent Partnerships conference, distilling the deep policy and reform contributions from a selection of the nation’s most senior policy, business and public sector leaders. This year’s program saw fresh optimism reflected throughout the day’s proceedings, as fiscal challenges drive procurement experimentation and balance sheet reform across Australia’s states and territories. The overlay of a new, majority Federal Government – with strong funding and policy commitments for infrastructure – provided a strong context for ambitious contributions about the requirement for a national infrastructure compact. This year’s keynote, plenary and panel presentations explored the renewed project and policy experiments, as the states approach similar infrastructure problems, using markedly different approaches. The uniting outcome across the day was the benefit and utility that will be provided through a better skilled and mandated Infrastructure Australia. Contributors noted that Infrastructure Australia has the opportunity to interrogate the outcomes, as states trial new models to fund and finance major motorway, health and other infrastructure projects. I was particularly delighted that the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon Warren Truss MP, was able to join us in the immediate aftermath of the Federal election. Mr Truss provided a generous contribution, outlining the philosophy and approach of the Abbott Government as it moves to achieve its infrastructure legacy. As you may be aware, I have also decided to retire as the Chairman of Infrastructure Partnerships Australia, after more than eight years in the role. As such, this will be my last contribution to Future Building.
Volume 4 Number 1
I would like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the generous engagement, support and investment from IPA’s members, and particularly my fellow Board Members. I trust that you will find this edition both relevant and thought-provoking, and I welcome any feedback that you may have. In the meantime, my best wishes for a successful 2014.
The Hon Mark Birrell Chairman, Infrastructure Partnerships Australia