The Australia & New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline (ANZIP) provides a detailed and informed picture of upcoming infrastructure investment and major construction activity across Australia and New Zealand.
ANZIP provides a respected and credible opinion on major greenfield projects and brownfield transactions, across the Australian and New Zealand markets.
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia is an industry think tank and an executive member network, providing research focused on excellence in social and economic infrastructure. We exist to shape public debate and drive reform for the national interest.
Chief Executive Officer
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia
Head of Policy and Research
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia
Policy Analyst – Infrastructure Projects Infrastructure Partnerships Australia
Forecast Expenditure
by Jurisdiction and Sector
These charts provide a forecast of upcoming major infrastructure expenditure across the Australian Infrastructure Pipeline. Data for the forecast is drawn from the projects and contracts on the ANZIP website. This data has then been applied to a model which estimates the quarterly rate of expenditure for each project using expenditure benchmarks based on the project’s sector and position in the planning and delivery cycle.
The modelling approach was developed by Deloitte for Infrastructure Partnerships Australia.
Forecast Expenditure by Jurisdiction
Forecast Expenditure by Sector
Expenditure Demand by Energy Asset Class
This chart provides a forecast of the changes in quarterly expenditure required by the upcoming major renewable energy project pipeline in Australia, divided by asset class. Data for the forecast is drawn from the projects and contracts on the ANZIP website. This data has then been applied to a model which estimates the quarterly rate of expenditure for each project using expenditure benchmarks based on the project’s sector and position in the planning and delivery cycle. This expenditure is then indexed to the total expenditure for Q2 2024.
The modelling approach was developed by Deloitte for Infrastructure Partnerships Australia. Analysis of additional asset classes is available upon request.
Labour Demand by Jurisdiction and Sector
These charts provide a forecast of the labour demand changes required to deliver the major infrastructure pipeline in Australia. Data for the forecast is drawn from the projects and contracts on the ANZIP website. This data has then been applied to a model which estimates each project’s quarterly labour requirement across all relevant occupations using ABS employment data and labour intensity benchmarks based on the project’s sector and position in the planning and delivery cycle. This labour demand is then indexed to the quantity of labour required in Q2 2024.
The modelling approach was developed by Deloitte for Infrastructure Partnerships Australia.
Labour Demand by Jurisdiction
Labour Demand by Sector
Analysis of Upcoming Contract Awards
This page provides a recap of the contracts awarded for major infrastructure projects in the previous two years, as well as a summary of projects currently under procurement or with expected contract awards in the next two years. The charts at the bottom of the page – broken down by sector and sub-sector – summarise the ANZIP projects with firm funding commitments that are yet to enter procurement, representing the next stage of opportunities.
Energy projects have been excluded from this analysis due to the availability of procurement information.
ANZIP projects currently at Announced Status
Private Finance Opportunities
Analysis of the pipeline conducted by Infrastructure Partnerships Australia shows a substantial unmet opportunity for the use of private finance in infrastructure delivery models.
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia has identified and collated projects in the pipeline that could attract private capital. Strong Candidates for the use of Private Finance are those projects with comprehensive scope details available and highly comparable reference projects. Potential Candidate projects are typically earlier in the planning process and can be graduated to Strong status once further details are released.
Total Private Finance Opportunities by Jurisdiction
Total Private Finance Opportunities by Sector
Summary of Private Finance Opportunities
Pipeline Summary - Total Map
This chart breaks down the value and quantity of all ANZIP projects by jurisdiction. Further information on the sectoral breakdown of jurisdictions is available on request.
Pipeline Summary - New South Wales
These charts detail the forward pipeline – projects yet to have a main works contract awarded – of major infrastructure projects in New South Wales by sector and delivery status.
New South Wales - Pipeline by Sector
New South Wales - Pipeline by Status
Pipeline Summary - Victoria
These charts detail the forward pipeline – projects yet to have a main works contract awarded – of major infrastructure projects in Victoria by sector and delivery status.
Victoria - Pipeline by Sector
Victoria - Pipeline by Status
Pipeline Summary - Queensland
These charts detail the forward pipeline – projects yet to have a main works contract awarded – of major infrastructure projects in Queensland by sector and delivery status.
Queensland - Pipeline by
Queensland - Pipeline by Status
Pipeline Summary - Other Jurisdictions
These charts detail the forward pipeline – projects yet to have a main works contract awarded – of major infrastructure projects in other Australian Jurisdictions and New Zealand by sector and delivery status.
Other Jurisdictions - Pipeline by Sector
Other Jurisdictions - Pipeline by Status
Pipeline Summary - Road
These charts detail the forward pipeline - projects yet to have a main works contract awarded - of major infrastructure projects in the Australian and New Zealand road pipeline by asset class and status.
Road - Pipeline by Asset Class
Road - Pipeline by Status
Pipeline Summary - Rail
These charts detail the forward pipeline - projects yet to have a main works contract awarded - of major infrastructure projects in the Australian and New Zealand rail pipeline by asset class and status.
Rail - Pipeline by Asset Class
Rail - Pipeline by Status
Pipeline Summary - Energy
These charts detail the forward pipeline - projects yet to have a main works contract awarded - of major infrastructure projects in the Australian and New Zealand energy pipeline by asset class and status.
Energy - Pipeline by Asset Class
Energy - Pipeline by Status
Pipeline Summary - Social
These charts detail the forward pipeline - projects yet to have a main works contract awarded - of major infrastructure projects in the Australian and New Zealand social pipeline by asset class and status.
Social - Pipeline by Asset Class
Social - Pipeline by Status
Pipeline Summary - Other Sectors
These charts detail the forward pipeline - projects yet to have a main works contract awarded - of major infrastructure projects in other sectors of the Australian and New Zealand infrastructure pipeline by asset class and status.