The Hon Warren Truss MP Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development the Hon Warren Truss MP discusses the role and function of the reformed Infrastructure Australia, the deepening pipeline of projects currently underway throughout the nation, and the Federal Government’s Asset Recycling Initiative.
Key points: • The Commonwealth Government is firmly committed to infrastructure investment – and policy reform. • The Abbott Government’s first budget lifted federal investment to record highs. • Infrastructure Australia will play a central role in guiding investment and reform. • The Commonwealth’s Asset Recycling Initiative is an important incentive for state infrastructure reform.
Tony Abbott made it clear that he wanted to be recognised and remembered as the ‘Infrastructure Prime Minister’, and, one year after being elected, we have fulfilled our election commitments to get major projects underway. We have a substantial agenda for the future, which will play a key role in transforming the infrastructure of our nation. I would like to acknowledge the Hon Mark Birrell, who was the founding Chairman of Infrastructure Partnerships Australia until 2013. In September 2014, I was pleased to appoint him as the new Chairman of Infrastructure Australia. On 1 September 2014, the Coalition Government’s governance reforms for Infrastructure Australia began. Now, Infrastructure Australia is a truly independent advisory body, with a Chief Executive Officer responsible to the Board. The Government will welcome and value its considered advice on the infrastructure needs of this country into the future. In order to get ahead of political decision-making, Infrastructure Australia has been given a mandate to identify Australia’s long-term infrastructure needs for a rolling 15-year plan to be updated every five years. Volume 5 Number 1
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