Future Building 2014

Page 64

Dale Connor

Dale Connor Dale Connor, Chief Operating Officer – Construction and Infrastructure at Lend Lease, outlines the considerable shared opportunities that exist for governments, the community, and the private sector through large-scale urban regeneration. I want to talk about urban regeneration and its associated infrastructure requirements. Urban regeneration is different to other projects that Lend Lease is undertaking in the infrastructure space, such as roads, tunnels and bridges. The art of making places is equally as important as inner-city urban regeneration, and it is as important as the role of infrastructure. To Lend Lease, urban regeneration is an opportunity to revitalise and re-use inner-city areas, some of which are contaminated and have a remediation focus, and to create a more positive legacy for people and places. This process involves the private sector working with governments to upgrade infrastructure by leveraging the new value that is created to pay for it. This is an ongoing, efficient way to fund innercity infrastructure.

The opportunity for Lend Lease By way of background, Lend Lease operates in Australia, Asia, Europe and the Americas. The majority of Lend Lease’s $40 billion of pipeline development is in inner urban regeneration, and our $16 billion construction backlog doesn’t reflect some of the recently announced preferred positions in the infrastructure space.



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Key points: • Lend Lease has a global pipeline of large urban regeneration projects across Australia, Singapore and the United Kingdom. • Major urban regeneration projects in Australia include Barangaroo South in Sydney, Docklands in Victoria and RNA Showgrounds in Brisbane. • Urban regeneration provides unique opportunities for the private sector to work with governments to upgrade infrastructure and create better economic, social and environmental outcomes. Lend Lease’s global pipeline of large regeneration projects extends from Australia to Singapore and the United Kingdom. Large-scale urban regeneration is large-scale, mixed-use redevelopment of inner urban locations, with a minimum development value set for each geography, profit opportunities for Lend Lease, and a lasting positive legacy for people and places. These opportunities are found in creating mediumto high-density developments, which importantly

Volume 5 Number 1

31/10/14 4:39 PM

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