Future Building 2017

Page 60

Technology, transport and reform – panel discussion

L–R: Craig Shortus, Jessika Loefstedt, Tim Reardon and Lisa Tobin

Technology, transport and reform Key points: • • •

Data and information pose one of the greatest changes to the transport industry. Information and communications technology (ICT) is breaking down the barriers between travel demand and providers, and the user and the network. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) will only become a reality with appropriate changes.


part of the answer to transport reform, what is less clear is the

Jessika Loefstedt, Manager, Public Policy and

way forward. The first question I’d like to put to the panel is

Government Relations, Uber

regarding information and communications technology (ICT).

Tim Reardon, Secretary, Transport for NSW

What does this mean for transport?

Lisa Tobin, Group General Manager, Technology,


Moderator: ►

Craig Shortus, Head of Utilities and Infrastructure Australia, ANZ

Tim Reardon (TR): For me, it’s a couple of things. Firstly, it’s really good to be the Secretary of Transport for NSW and to be asked to sit on this panel – that’s the point we’re heading to in terms of transport being a technology business. Secondly, I want to acknowledge Mike Mrdak in the audience, who’s been Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure and


Craig Shortus (CS): Transport is something that clearly impacts

Regional Development for a long time, and who is a great

all of us, whether we’re in the industry or not, and it’s undisputed

colleague and friend. The fact that he’s moving to the Department

that technology and data will certainly play a significant role in

of Communications and the Arts, and I’m here speaking about

the future of transport. Whilst we all know technology is a key

the link between transport and communication, is also a good


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