INSider | January / February 2021

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Supplement to: January/Feb ruary 2021 ISSN 1533-1458

Almost here!

Volume 44 • Number S1 www.journalo昀nfusionnu

Journal of

Infusion Nursing

The Of昀cial Publication of the Infusion Nurses Society

Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice 8th Edition

Policies and Procedures for

Infusion Therapy: Acute Care

Coming soon! 6th edition

New Member Spotlight feature & INSide Scoop

A deep dive into the process of becoming a CRNI®







Inez Nichols, DNP, FNP-BC, CRNI®, VA-BC®, IgCN



Lynn Deutsch, MSN, RN, CRNI®, VA-BC INSider encourages the submission DIRECTORS-AT LARGE

Nancy Bowles, MHA, RN, OCN®, CRNI®, NEA-BE, CPC-A Angela Skelton, BSN, RN, CRNI®

of articles, press releases, and other materials for editorial consideration, which are subject to editing and/or


condensation. Such submissions do

John S. Garrett, MD, FACEP

not guarantee publication. If you are interested in contributing to INSider,


Mary Alexander, MA, RN, CRNI®, CAE, FAAN

please contact the INS Publications Department. Photos become the property of INSider; return requests must be in writing. INSider is an official bimonthly publication of


the Infusion Nurses Society.

Chief Executive Officer: Mary Alexander, MA, RN, CRNI®, CAE, FAAN Executive Vice President: Chris Hunt

FUSION NURSES SOCIETY Director of Operations and Member Services: Maria Connors, CAE

Clinical Education & Publications Manager: Dawn Berndt, DNP, RN, CRNI® Associate Managing Editor: Leslie Nikou Director of Clinical Education: Marlene Steinheiser, PhD, RN, CRNI® Member Services Senior Associate: Jill Cavanaugh Meetings Manager: Meghan Trupiano, CMP INFUSION NURSES SOCIETY

Conference Education Coordinator: Judy Clapp, CMP, DES ©2021 Infusion Nurses Society, Inc. Marketing Project Manager: Whitney Wilkins Hall Publications Coordinator: Patrick Hickey

All rights reserved. For information contact:

Certification Manager: Adrienne Segundo, IOM

INS Publications Department

Certification Administrator: Valerie Sanchez

One Edgewater Drive, Suite 209

Senior Certification & Member Services Associate: Maureen Fertitta Member Services Associate: Susan Richberg

Norwood, MA 02062 (781) 440-9408

Bookkeeper: Cheryl Sylvia

In this Issue 4

President’s Message: IV Nurse Day 2021: Setting the Standard


CRNI Connection: 5 steps to CRNI Certification


Advocacy Now: Helping to prevent Non-Adherence




Cover Story: The revised Standards, new Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy and a look at the upcoming Virtual Symposium: Resetting the Standards: Examining the 2021 Changes


Guest Feature: On writing for publication


Member Spotlight:


INSide Scoop: A closer look at what’s going on within INS

Recognizing our members’ experiences along their nursing journeys

For more INS information visit us at

P R E S I D E N T ’ S


Setting the Standard I want to wish everyone a happy IV Nurse Day,

management of the patient’s infusion therapy.

which will be celebrated on January 25. This

As a specialty nursing organization, INS

year’s theme, “Setting the Standard,” reminds

provides scope and standards documents that

us of our commitment to provide the best

define and guide the practice of infusion

care for our patients through science and

therapy. INS continues “setting the standard”

evidence-based practices. IV Nurse Day is

with the release of the 8th edition of the

a day to celebrate the achievements of the

Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice this

infusion specialty and each nurse’s role in

January, along with the revised Policies and

“setting the standard” through advocacy,

Procedures for Infusion Therapy collection

continuing education, and adding to the body of evidence that promotes best

Angie Sims MSN, RN, CRNI®, OCN®

practices in infusion therapy. INS and our members are “setting the standard” in a number of exciting ways.


INS President, 2020-2021

of resources. Developing and/or revising scope and standards for specialty nursing practice is a formidable task. The nurse experts that

undertook the task of revising the Standards represent

As infusion nurses, we are responsible for direct patient

specific roles and functions, with global relevance.

care and the outcomes related to the delivery and

Structures and processes are in place to identify initiating


the process of review, as well as who will lead this

recommendations outlined in the paper. You can find a

important work. The committee of nurse experts then

copy of the white paper on the INS web site.4

begins the work of identifying timelines, gathering foundational documents, new evidence and research. Barriers and strategies for success are identified,

Infusion nurses are “setting the standard” in their practice settings by identifying the most appropriate vascular access device, based on the infusion therapy ordered

responding to reviewer feedback. Finally, the new

and assessment of the patient’s vasculature, age,

Standards is disseminated.1

co-morbidities, infusion therapy history, and patient

Infusion therapy is delivered in multiple practice settings to

preference. You communicate and collaborate with other

all patient populations. Nurses need to be equipped with

members of the healthcare team to ensure positive

the knowledge and skills to deliver effective, safe infusion

outcomes for patient care related to their infusion therapy.

care to their patients. Little attention is given to infusion

You provide education to the patient, their family, and

therapy during nursing school. Some schools will provide

members of the healthcare team. You add expertise to

labs for the skills and tasks of infusion therapy but the

the development of policies and procedures and

theoretical knowledge base needed to practice safe and

competencies for infusion therapy delivery. Your

effective infusion therapy is lacking.2 INS is again “setting

experiences and shared stories during the pandemic

the standard” with the introduction of the Fundamentals of

highlight your care for patients and each other. You have

Infusion Therapy (FIT) program. Introduced in November

continued to demonstrate your compassion, leadership,

2019, the FIT program is an interactive, online learning

and courage.

platform that consists of eight learning modules which guide the learner through the essentials of infusion therapy.3 To support the development of the next generation of nurses


25 National IV Nurse Day

during the pandemic, INS has offered the program to nursing schools and nursing

On January 25th, take a moment to reflect on the achievements that you, your fellow infusion nurses, and INS have added to the infusion nursing specialty in “setting the standard.” Take time to celebrate, because as the official IV Nurse Day proclamation reads, “recognition is long overdue for the nurses who practice IV therapy.”5 Happy IV Nurse Day!

students at a discounted rate, so that they can continue



their learning.

Through collaboration with other specialty

1. Best Practices for Developing Specialty Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice. Finnell, D., Thomas, E., Nehring, W., McLoughlin, K., & Bickford, C. 2, s.l. : The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 2015, Vol. 20. 1091-3734.

nursing organizations, INS is frequently asked to provide input on issues and practices

2. Czaplewski, Lynn. Clinician and Patient Education. [book auth.] M., Corrigan, A., Gorski, L., Hankins, J., & Perucca, R. Alexander. Infusion Nursing: An Evidence-Based Approach. St. Louis : Saunders Elsevier, 2010.

related to infusion therapy. This past year, INS worked with the Emergency Nurses Association and provided input and endorsement of the position statement for, “The Role of the Registered Nurse in the Use of Intraosseous Vascular Access Devices,” which was published in the May/June issue of the Journal of Infusion Nursing. INS also convened a task force to develop guidance on vascular access device care and management. The outcome of the task force was a white

3. Society, Infusion Nurses. Learning Center: Fundamentals of Infusion Therapy Program. Infusion Nurses Society. [Online] 2020. [Cited: Nov 29, 2020.] 4. Infusion Nurses Society. INS Learning Center: Position Papers. [Online] 2020. [Cited: December 6, 2020.] 5. Infusion Nurses Society. IV Nurse Day. [Online] 2020. [Cited: December 6, 2020.]

paper that provides a more complete understanding of the issues involved and the evidence that supports the January/February 2021


5 steps to CRNI® Certification Infusion Nurses Certification Corporation (INCC) is committed to promoting the CRNI® credential as the standard of excellence that nurses seek in order to provide optimal infusion care. INCC promotes the CRNI® credential to those who wish to demonstrate their expertise and gain confidence in the practice of infusion therapy, through certification. In this article, let us guide you through the initial steps to achieve CRNI® certification.

Administrations For starters, the CRNI® Exam is offered twice a year. As a candidate, you can sit for the Exam in either March or September.

Exam eligibility requirements In order to sit for the CRNI® Exam, you must have a current, active, unrestricted RN license in the US or country of practice. In addition, you must have completed a 1600-hour requirement in the specialty. Fulfilling this requirement indicates to INCC that you are interested in becoming certified as a practitioner of infusion therapy. The 1600 hours do not have to be strictly clinical, bedside experience. The hours can include assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating the care and needs of patients and/or clients who require infusion therapy.

Examples may include, but are not limited to: • Daily assessment and care of peripheral and central vascular access devices • Administration of medications by venous access, such as: IV antibiotics, hydration, biologic therapies, parenteral nutrition and others • IV therapy – product evaluation, policy and procedure development, quality improvement, education

Follow these 5 steps to become CRNI ® certified: Preparing &

Exam Results Examination Day

Studying for the Exam Scheduling Process Application Process

1. 6


4. 3.



1. Application Process Application Requirements and deadlines To start the application process, visit and click on the REGISTER tab to get started. Candidates who are also INS members can take advantage of a discounted registration rate. Application Acceptance INCC will mail a receipt and confirmation letter of eligibility to all applicants within 7 to 14 days of processing an Exam application. If you do not receive a confirmation letter after you submitted your application, e-mail or call (781) 440-9408 to confirm that your application was successfully processed. The confirmation letter will include your unique ID number, which is required to log into PSI Services’ website, to schedule your Exam appointment and to register at the test site. Note: The first digit of your unique ID number is the letter I. It’s a capital “i” for infusion. Your application is not considered complete until you receive a confirmation letter from INCC. If INCC finds you are ineligible to take the Exam, you will be notified. Applications not received by published deadlines are not guaranteed acceptance and may be subject to a $50 late fee. Applications are processed in the order they are received.

2. Scheduling process with PSI Services (INCC’s testing company) You must schedule a time, date, and location to sit for the CRNI® Exam through PSI Services. INCC does not manage your Exam appointment; PSI Services does. The scheduling process will commence in early February for a March administration or early August for a September administration. You will receive an e-mail from PSI Services with an invitation to schedule your test appointment. To secure your preferred testing date and time, please book early. You will need your unique ID number that starts with capital “I,” which is provided in your Confirmation letter, to schedule your testing appointment. Currently, the CRNI® Exam continues to be a live and in-person experience. The CRNI® Exam is not proctored online. Candidates will have access to PSI’s secure testing network to take the CRNI® Exam. To find a US Domestic or international assessment center near you, visit under EXAM BASICS to learn more.

3. Preparing and Studying for the Exam You are encouraged to visit INCC’s website under STUDY INFORMATION to learn more about the content covered in the Exam. INCC’s Study Information webpage is comprehensive and full of resources. It gives candidates an overall feel for the CRNI® Exam and it directs visitors to other suggested resources that have helped past candidates successfully prepare for the Exam. Pro tip: make sure to download the CRNI® Exam checklist. It’s a good tool for checking-off items, from the beginning of the preparation process all the way to Examination day!

4. Examination Day Knowing what to expect will set you up for success and it will also help you relax. To learn more about the testing environment, what documentation to bring, Exam restrictions and more, download your complimentary copy of the latest CRNI® Exam Handbook and refer to the “Test Day” section. To download your copy, visit under EXAM CONTENT. January/February 2021


5. Exam Results If You Pass the Exam The CRNI® credential becomes effective April 1 for successful candidates of a March Exam and expires three years later, on April 1. The credential becomes effective October 1 for successful candidates of a September Exam and expires three years later, on October 1. After receiving official notification of CRNI® certification, the credential may be used only as long as certification remains valid and in good standing. Individuals may not use the CRNI® until they have received specific written notification that they have successfully completed all requirements, including passing the Examination and documenting the specified experience. Once you pass the Exam, download complimentary resources available to you, to help market the fact that you are a qualified specialist, having earned the right to practice as a CRNI®. Download resources at under CRNI® RESOURCES.

If you fail: Retake Discount Candidates who were previously unsuccessful CRNI® Exam candidates automatically qualify for a $50 discount. We hope this will motivate you to try again and successfully becoming a certified CRNI®.


To maintain your prestigious CRNI® credential, learn the very basics of CRNI® recertification: 1. To maintain the use of your CRNI® credential, you must recertify every 3 years. 2. You can recertify by Exam (on the final year of your certification cycle) or you can recertify by continuing education. 3. If you are recertifying by continuing education, you need a total of 40 Recertification Units (RUs), 30 of which must be from INS meetings (in person or online). Eligibility requirements for CRNI® recertification 1. Documentation of 1,000 hours of clinical experience in infusion therapy within the previous three years. Clinical bedside experience is not a requirement. Nursing experience may be in the areas of nursing education, administration, research, or clinical practice within the infusion specialty. 2. Documentation of a current, active, unrestricted RN license.

Expiration of credential and CRNI® recertification deadlines (January, April and October) The CRNI® credential is valid for three years, contingent upon continuous RN licensure. The three-year renewal cycle is based on INCC’s assessment of the frequency of significant changes in infusion nursing. RUs must be earned between the date the credential became effective and the date the credential expires. Failure to successfully recertify by the deadline will result in the revocation of the CRNI® credential. An expired CRNI® will need to sit for the CRNI® Exam and pass to regain the CRNI® credential.



Treatment Non-Adherence and What You Can Do to Help Patients by Cristina Threlkeld, Director, Communications for National Infusion Center Association As providers, there is no doubt that you are in your line of work because you care for the health and wellbeing of the patients you serve. However, one thing that can stand in the way of patients receiving effective, safe, and high-quality care is treatment non-adherence. Treatment non-adherence can be either intentional or unintentional. In this case, we are specifically speaking about unintentional non-adherence, which is the passive process in which the patient may be careless or forgetful about adhering to treatment regimen. There are many reasons why patients may be driven to non-adherence. For example, sometimes understanding treatment protocols or medication regimens is simply confusing for the patient. There is an awful lot of medical jargon surrounding the why’s and the how’s of adhering to one’s treatment protocol, and sometimes patients can get caught up in the details. The more complex a treatment plan is, the more likely some level of non-adherence will occur. Think about the difference in having to take one medication a day versus having to take five medications a day. Then, add on the complexity that some of those five medications must be taken with food, some without; some in the morning, some at night; some not within two hours of the other, and so on and so forth. Even just reading that is a bit complicated. It is important to steer the patient towards being organized, to minimize the risk of non-adherence or confusion. Setting alarms as reminders to take medication, buying a pill organizer, or even getting loved ones or caretakers involved to help with medication administration can be very beneficial in helping the patient stick to their medication regimen. Another reason for non-adherence is the extent and severity of the disease. The longer a patient is dealing with a certain condition or disease state, the higher the chance that they will either become complacent or fatigued from spending so long dealing with their symptoms and trying treatment after treatment. Checking in with patients on a more frequent basis can soothe some feelings of resentment for ongoing battles that do not seem to be letting up. Whether you make a standing bi-weekly or

monthly appointment to talk through symptoms, side effects, and reactions to treatment, or whether you simply make yourself available through email or patient portals, it is important to carve out some time to continue to check in with patients. The will help you get a feel for how they are doing on their current regimen. If something needs to change, you and the patient will be able to discuss, be proactive, and come to a shared decision about what steps to take forward. A final factor to consider as a cause for non-adherence would be lack of education and social support. There is a great deal of accountability that presents itself for the patient when family or caregivers are actively involved in their health and treatment. Unfortunately, this support is not always present for every patient. Many patients, despite age or socio-economic status, may be solely responsible for all aspects of managing their health: from getting to doctor’s appointments, to treating symptoms, to reaching out for help when needed. This can be extremely difficult on a patient, especially if and when they are dealing with a complex, chronic illness or even disease flares. Additionally, it can be difficult for a patient who is solely responsible for managing their care to keep organized with all the information they are given with each appointment. In these cases, it is important to do what you can to make things easier on the patient. You should make sure you can spend ample time with them in each session, ask if they have any questions when they visit, and consider giving out printed copies of instructions or informational sheets that they can refer back to. There are certainly many other reasons of non-adherence that one should familiarize themselves with, such as missed appointments, cost of medication, poor patientprovider relationship, and medication side effects. It may be wise to discuss strategies and protocols with your internal team to encourage patients towards effective and consistent treatment adherence. By simplifying regimens for the patient, involving family and caregivers when possible, and making the patient-provider relationship a safe space through shared decision making and mutual goal setting, better treatment adherence can be promoted with your patients.

January/February 2021




Advancing the Specialty of Infusion Therapy through Evidence-Based Standards of Practice We are pleased to announce that INS will release the

As the global authority in infusion therapy, INS is dedicated

revised 2021 Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice

to exceeding the public’s expectations of excellence by

this month. This authoritative document is an essential

setting the standard for infusion care. The development

resource for those who practice infusion therapy.

of the Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice is an

It helps clinicians consistently implement best practices of infusion therapy, to deliver the highest level of patient care. It is used to establish and define organizational infusion-based policies and

important and meaningful example of our Supplement to: January/February 2021 ISSN 1533-1458

Volume 44 • Number S1 www.journalo昀

Journal of

Infusion Nursing The Of昀cial Publication of the Infusion Nurses Society

procedures for all practice settings. It was

to protect the nurses who administer

community understand the various changes within the 2021 Standards, and into practice. INS will present a Virtual

Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice

infusion therapy. It provides measurable


resources to help members of the infusion

to incorporate those important changes

developed to protect and preserve the patient’s right to safe, quality care and

dedication. Further, we will be offering

8th Edition

Symposium in February, Resetting the Standards: Examining the 2021 Changes, that will delve into the various changes

components that assist clinicians when

within the latest edition of the Standards.

establishing nursing competencies,

In addition, we will soon be releasing the

performance improvement criteria, and

revised Policies and Procedures for Infusion

identification and evaluation of patient

Therapy family of resources. Developed as

outcomes. The Standards has been revised to ensure that

a complement to the Standards, INS’ revised P&P manuals

it contains the most current infusion information available.

offer comprehensive guidance, specific to various care

It will include the very latest evidence-based clinical

settings and patient populations, to enhance clinician

information from infusion experts around the world.

knowledge, understanding and practice of infusion

Truly a global effort, the content contained within the

therapy. With the release of the new 2021 Standards, our

Standards was reviewed by infusion experts from 17

related Virtual Symposium and the revision of our P&P

countries. This updated and expanded edition will

resources, INS is continuing our commitment to advance

contain two additional standards and will reflect the

the infusion therapy specialty, with the goal of improving

latest developments inthe infusion specialty.

patient care through evidence-based standards of practice.


Resetting the Standards: Examining the 2021 Changes We will be hosting this Virtual Symposium, on February 18th from 9:45 AM-2 PM EST and 19th from 10 AM-2PM EST, to explore the changes that can be found in the newest edition of the Standards. The Symposium will feature members of the Standards of Practice Committee as they take a deep dive into some of these important changes. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the revised Standards and learn how to incorporate the changes into practice. During each day, there will be an opportunity for attendees to engage with members of the Committee to ask clarifying questions and to discuss how these changes will impact clinical practice. Attendees will receive 5 Contact Hours and 10 Recertification Units. Additionally, registrants will have the ability to view anything they miss on-demand. Infusion Nurses Society is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the California Board of Registered Nursing, provider #CEP14209.

Register Now The Symposium will consist of 5 informative and impactful sessions: Session 1 Speaker: Lisa Gorski, RN, MS, HHCNS-BC, CRNI®, FAAN Title: Introduction to the 2021 Standards of Practice Abstract/Description: In this session, we will discuss the global impact, committee membership, the revision process, and methodology of the 2021 Standards. Changes in the table of contents, including new and renamed standards, will be highlighted. Following this introduction, we will explore updates to the general Practice Recommendations included in the Infection Prevention and Control section, as well as specific recommendations throughout the Standards. New to the 2021 edition, the clinical practice framework of Aseptic Non Touch Technique is introduced and described. January/February 2021


Session 2 Speaker: Tricia Kleidon, B Health Science (Nursing), Grad. Cert. Paediatrics, M Nursing Science (Nurse Practitioner) Title: The Right Device, the Right Site, and the Right Technology for the Right Treatment Abstract/Description: The purpose of this session is to introduce important updates within four standards: “Vascular Visualization, VAD planning, Site Selection and VAD placement.” VAD planning, site selection and VAD placement is paramount to successful vascular access with minimal complications. Until recently, the importance of this had been poorly articulated within the scientific literature and clinical practice. Changes within the standard, including standardization of device terminology and vascular visualization will be highlighted. New evidence to support device choice, and site selection will be highlighted to assist clinical decision making.

Session 3 Speakers: Barb Nickel, MSN, RN, APRN-CNS, CCRN, CRNI® and Lisa Gorski, RN, MS, HHCNS-BC, CRNI®, FAAN Title: Vascular Access Device Complications Abstract/Description: Selection of the best vascular access option for an individual patient is based in part on the risk of complications present in their vascular health and their particular infusion needs. Every vascular access device carries some risk to patient safety. To better understand and mitigate those risks, there has been a dramatic increase in vascular access-related research. This session will review four catheter-associated complications included in the 2021 Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice: venous thrombosis, extravasation, bloodstream infection, and skin injury. For each of these complications, presenters will give a concise review of the incidence, assessment parameters, new evidence-based recommendations, and directions for future research.

Session 4 Speakers: Lisa Gorski, RN, MS, HHCNS-BC, CRNI®, FAAN and Barb Nickel, MSN, RN, APRN-CNS, CCRN, CRNI® Title: Pain Management and Implanted Vascular Access Ports Abstract/Description: For most patients, attention to pain management is a critically important intervention. However, the need to address pain concerns often remains under-appreciated by clinicians. Current evidence provides interventions that include local anesthesia and non-pharmacologic strategies. Use, care, and management questions regarding implanted vascular access ports abound. In this session, we will discuss changes to the Standards that address vascular access pain management and implanted vascular access ports.

Session 5 Speaker: Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed, RN, NPD-BC, CRNI® Title: The Foundation for Patient Care Abstract/Session Description: Frequently, the Standards of Practice document is used to answer direct questions about specific clinical questions related to infusion therapies or vascular access device insertion or management. The first two sections may easily be overlooked because they appear to have less significance. These sections require equal attention, however, as they contain important components of practice regarding patient and clinician safety, legal and regulatory issues, competency, quality improvement, and many others. This presentation will focus on the new aspects of these sections and how they impact daily clinical practice.



INS will soon release our revised Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy resources Based upon the 2021 Standards, INS’ revised Policies and Procedures family of resources provides information on the processes and techniques essential to infusion therapy delivery. When used in conjunction with the revised Standards, each P&P will offer comprehensive guidance to enhance knowledge, understanding and practice. We will be publishing five P&Ps, each offering specific considerations for different patient populations and care settings:

Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy: Acute Care, 6th edition, provides guidance for delivering infusion therapy, with a focus on the acute care setting. This resource provides clinicians with clear policies and specific procedures, with the goal of improving patient outcomes through evidence-based standards of care.

Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy: Older Adult, 4th edition, is the updated guide to clinical practice for the older adult patient. This edition addresses key points, patient/caregiver education, and assessment of this patient population. Following the guidance presented in this edition, nurses will be able to deliver care more effectively to the older adult.

Policies and Procedures for

Infusion Therapy: Acute Care

6th edition

Policies and Procedures for

Infusion Therapy: Older Adult

Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy: Ambulatory Infusion Centers, 2nd edition, provides guidance to clinicians delivering infusion therapies in this setting. Care is best accomplished through a specialized team structure to meet patient and organizational needs for safe, effective, and high-quality infusion therapy.

Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy: Neonate to Adolescent, 3rd edition, serves as a guide to clinical practice for this special population. This edition has been adapted to recognize the differences not only from the adult population but also within the group itself.

4th edition

Policies and Procedures for Policies and Infusion Therapy: Home Infusion, Procedures for 2nd edition, is the latest addition Infusion Therapy: Home Infusion to this family of resources. The high cost of health care and chronic illnesses have made the home infusion setting a practical option for patients. In some cases, hospitalization for uncomplicated conditions can be avoided and patients can receive infusion therapy in the comfort of their own home. This resource serves as a valuable tool for those who practice in this rapidly growing care setting. 2nd edition

Policies and Procedures for

Infusion Therapy: Ambulatory Infusion Centers

2nd edition

Policies and Procedures for

Infusion Therapy: Neonate to Adolescent

3rd edition

INS remains dedicated to our mission of developing and disseminating standards of practice, providing professional development opportunities in quality education and advancing best practice through evidence based research. With all of the changes happening in the specialty, as well as all of these resources and educational assets forthcoming, this is an exciting time to be an INS member and to be a part of our community. We are proud to present the 2021 Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice and to offer these additional resources to the infusion therapy community.

January/February 2021


The Skill of Writing for Publication By Cynthia Saver, MS, RN Writing an article for publication can seem overwhelming, but in essence it’s simply another nursing skill, such as starting an IV. Nurses can learn to not only write but can become good at it. Of the many reasons given for nurses to contribute to the literature (for example, expanding our resume), the most essential is that nurses have a duty to disseminate. In others words, we have a duty to share what we know. In fact, Provision 7.1 of the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements states: “All nurses must participate in the advancement of the profession through knowledge development, evaluation, dissemination, and application to practice.”1 A method to help nurses meet their duty to disseminate is to think of writing in terms of anatomy—brain, heart, skeleton, intestines, and kidneys.

Brain All great articles start with a great idea. Answer questions such as: What practice gaps am I seeing? What are the trends in my specialty? What is new (for example, new guidelines)? What do others perceive me to be an expert in? This will provide fodder for ideas. You can consider projects you have completed, but know that narrow quality improvement projects (for example, took place on a single unit) that can’t be widely applied are unlikely to interest journal editors. One source of topics frequently overlooked is a presentation. Preparing a topic for presentation gives you a good start on an article. It’s important, however, to write the article soon after the presentation to avoid losing momentum. After selecting a general topic, the next step is to narrow it. For example, the broad topic of catheter securement could be narrowed to one of the following: securement of short peripheral catheters, securement of central venous catheters, how to choose the right securement device, or types of securement. These topics may still be too broad, depending on the length of the article. A topic can be narrowed further by writing a summary statement that describes the purpose of the article and includes the target reader. For example: • This article describes how acute care nurses can best secure a central venous catheter. • This article discusses how home care can choose the right securement device for a short peripheral catheter. In addition to the summary statement, identify the goal of the article by asking what you want the reader to think, do, or feel after reading it. For example, you might want readers to think about the ethics of withdrawing nutritional support, change (do) how they secure peripherally inserted central catheters or feel empathy for patients who undergo multiple IV insertion attempts. Share your summary statement and goal with colleagues to obtain feedback and adjust as needed. Once finalized, the



statement and goal serve as a touchstone as your write, ensuring that you focus on essential information.

Heart Just as blood flows through the heart without our conscious awareness, the article needs to flow easily for the reader. Keep in mind that the percentage of an article a reader will consume depends on the interplay of two factors—benefit and cost. If it’s too difficult to follow what the author is writing, the benefit-cost ratio tips in favor of cost, making it less likely the reader will finish the article. Even if they finish reading, they are less likely to remember what they have read. The bottom line is that readers should not have to work to absorb the information. To boost benefit, turn to the author guidelines for the publication where you would like to be published. Author guidelines, which are akin to an organization’s policies and procedures and located on the publication’s website, provide direction as to the types of article the publication’s readers look for. In addition, reading past issues of the publication gives you insight into how published articles flow.

Skeleton Another way to enhance reader benefit is to provide a framework (skeleton) for the article. All articles have a beginning, middle, and end. At the start of the article, it’s important to draw the reader in by using methods such as a startling statistic or case study. The middle is where you provide the information you want readers to know (be sure to follow your summary statement and goal), and the conclusion is the opportunity to drive home key takeaway points. This basic structure can be enhanced by using tools that provide even more structure to the skeleton—think tendons, ligaments, and muscles. For research articles, the most common tool is IMRAD: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.

In addition to IMRAD, many reporting guidelines have been developed to help authors structure specific types of articles. (Most of these can be accessed at For example, SQUIRE (Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence) is commonly used for quality improvement projects. Many journals’ author guidelines will include expectations as to which reporting guidelines are to be followed for different types of article.

Warning: Not all journals are created equal.

Intestines The intestines, or “guts”, of an article is where you need to ensure your text is clear, concise, correct, and compelling— the four Cs. Writing styles vary among publications (which is why it is essential to read several past issues before starting to write; for example, contractions are permitted in some publications but not others), but the four Cs are universal. Being clear includes avoiding unnecessary acronyms and using examples to “show” instead of “tell.” For instance, give the formula for calculating an infusion rate, and then provide an example. It also helps to be specific (e.g., quarter-sized wound, not small wound; replace “many” and “some” with numbers, if possible; give the age range for “older” patients). In sentences, use “active voice” to show action. (“The nurse should slow the administration rate” is better than “The administration rate should be slowed,” which doesn’t tell you who should slow the rate.) The methods section of a research report is one area where passive voice is preferred because the focus is on the basic steps of what was done. Finally, use transitions as signposts for readers. For instance, “in addition” is helpful for making another point and first, second, third, etc., is helpful for indicating sequence. Being concise shows respect for busy readers. Focus on what readers need to know, not what is nice to know. Make paragraphs shorter rather than longer and cut unnecessary words. For example, “in order to” can almost always be “to.” Another way to be concise is to create graphics and tables that succinctly summarize key information. Being correct requires you to check all numbers, reference citations, grammar, and spelling. Use primary references (e.g., journal articles) as opposed to secondary references (e.g., books in which a journal article is cited). Tools such as Mendeley and Endnote can help you keep track of your references and ensure you submit them in the correct format. The two most common formats for journals are American Psychological Association (APA) and American Medical Association (AMA). The author guidelines will tell you which to use. Being compelling can be achieved by not stating the obvious, such as “Nurses face ethical dilemmas” unless it’s followed by an interesting statistic that supports the statement. Expert authors provide compelling text by anticipating readers’ questions—and answering them. Expert authors also tailor the article to the reader. For instance, an article on catheter securement will be different if the target reader is an infusion nurse with more than 25 years of experience or a medical/surgical nurse without infusion nursing certification.

Predatory journals are focused only on making money and are “characterized by false or misleading information, deviation from best editorial and publication practices, a lack of transparency, and/or the use of aggressive and indiscriminate solicitation practices.”2 Predatory journals prey on unsuspecting authors, luring them with promises of quick publication (for example, within a week or even 48 hours) in exchange for a large fee. Publishing in a predatory journal damages your professional reputation.

To avoid becoming a victim of a predatory journal, publish in journals you know are legitimate. If you are unsure, check if the journal is listed in a trusted directory such as the Directory of Nursing Journals (, a joint service of Nurse Author & Editor and the International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE). Tools to evaluate journals can be found on the website Think. Check. Submit. ( a nd in the article “Predatory Publishing: What Editors Need to Know” from the INANE “Predatory Publishing Practices” Collaborative.3 January/February 2021


Here are the steps of the publishing process: 4

Kidneys The kidneys are responsible for excreting what the body doesn’t need, allowing it to function at peak performance. Editing serves the same function—it jettisons text that isn’t helpful and ensures the final manuscript is of the most benefit to readers. If possible, put the article aside for a day or two before editing so you can approach it with fresh eyes. Some authors find it helpful to print out the article and read it through on paper before making their final edits.

Journal identification. Target publications you are familiar with and that publish articles on topics similar to yours. Avoid predatory journals.

Query submission. If the author guidelines state that queries are accepted, send a short email describing your topic to see if the editor is interested.

Manuscript submission. Follow the instructions in the author guidelines to submit your manuscript. You will often need to upload it to an electronic database. You’ll also be asked to submit other forms, such as a copyright agreement or conflict of interest statement.

When you feel the article is ready for publication, ask another expert to review it to ensure you haven’t missed any key information and that the information is clear. It’s also important to ask a target reader to review the article, particularly if the article is intended for those who aren’t “experts.” This will help identify areas that might be perfectly clear to an expert but not clear at all to someone unfamiliar with the topic.

Share What You Know By keeping anatomy basics in mind, you can write for publication and disseminate your knowledge to other clinicians. In the midst of a pandemic, it’s more important than ever to share our expertise.

Peer review. Two to four independent reviewers will read your work and provide feedback. Usually neither you nor the reviewers know each other’s identify (“double-blind” review). Review time varies, but typically take 4 to 8 weeks.

Revision. Your article may be accepted without revision (quite rare), rejected, or returned to you for revision based on the reviewers’ comments. Don’t be discouraged by comments; view them as an opportunity to improve your work.

Editing. The publication’s editors will edit your work and then send to you for review. The extent of editing depends on several factors, including the publication’s editorial style and quality of your manuscript. You will likely need to answer some questions (“queries”) to ensure your information is clear to readers.

References 1. American Nurses Association. ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements. 2nd edition. American Nurses Association: Silver Spring, MD; 2015. 2. Grudniewicz A, Moher D, Cobey KD et al. Predatory journals: No definition, no defense. Nature. 2019;576:210-212. 3. INANE “Predatory Publishing Practices” Collaborative. Nurse, Author & Editor. 2014;24(3):2. Accessed November 16, 2020. 4. Saver C. Anatomy of Writing. In: Saver C, ed. Anatomy of Writing for Publication for Nurses. 4th ed. Sigma Theta Tau International; 2021:3-20.

Layout. The publication will lay out the article as it will appear when published and will typically send a PDF file for your review. The layout may include stock images to lend interest to the article.

Publication. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to 2 years for your article to be published. Be sure to add your accomplishment to your resume and share via social media platforms to encourage others to read your work.



Cynthia Saver, MS, RN, is president of CLS Development, Inc., an editorial consulting firm in Columbia, Maryland, and editor of Anatomy of Writing for Publication, Fourth Edition, published by Sigma Theta Tau International. Cynthia can be reached at

January/February 2021

Volume 44 • Number S1 www.journalo昀nfusionn

/February 2021 Supplement to: January ISSN 1533-1458

Journal of

Infusion Nursing ciety of the Infusion Nurses So The Of昀cial Publication

Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice 8th Edition

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Debuting January 2021


We celebrate IV Nurse Day, each year on January 25th, to recognize the decades of continuing education, advocacy, and professional development that have the advancement of the infusion specialty. This year's theme, “Setting the Standard,” invites infusion nurses everywhere to commemorate their commitment to providing evidence-based care to their patients. Treat yourself or an infusion nurse colleague to one of the many items offered to honor the significant contributions that infusion nurses make each day. Happy IV Nurse Day!

View these webinars and more on-demand: Risk factors for peripheral intravenous catheter failure in the care of patients with cancer: How can we improve care?

Improving Vascular Access and Care with Near Infrared (NIR) Technology

Types and Uses of Various SARS-CoV-19 Tests

Listen to these podcasts and more on-demand: Employee Engagement for Remote Workers 18


Your CRNI® 2020 Recertification Solution

Innovation in Infusion Nursing: INS Innovation Award Winner Ellen Marrs

Welcome New Members!


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Austin Rigney

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Demetrice McDuffey

Jo-Anne Felix

Stephen Prentice

Jacqueline Calero

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Althea Henry

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Valerie Tousignant

Megan Smith

Dawn Morris

Elizabeth Morgan

Erica Smith

Michelle Boan

Cynthia Isaacs

Staci Johnson

Aven Bennett

Katrina Remes


Ashley Kersey

Lisa Piccirilli

Jessica Le

Teresa Wells

Mary Jean Croft

Blaine Kifle

Leonila Kathirna Velasco

Christopher Morra January/February 2021


INS Member Spotlight INS is honored to share our members’ stories with the infusion nursing community. Each nursing journey is unique and we can all learn from each other’s experiences. We will continue to share stories from our members in a variety of care settings.

Wilena Blackwel Home Infusion RN Supervisor What led you into the nursing profession? When I was 11 years old, I would give my grandmother her insulin injections for her diabetes and I would give my grandfather his eye drops 4 times a day for his glaucoma. I was my grandparents own personal live in nurse. I decided at that age that I wanted to be a nurse, after seeing my grandmother’s home health nurse come out 2-3 times a week. She told me at that age that I was such a good little nurse and she was so impressed with my skill level at the age of 11. What made you decide to specialize in infusion therapy? After working in an acute care hospital for 4 years (2002-2006) working 12 hour shifts, I was burnt out. I was looking for an opportunity within the local system, to find a position working 8 hour shifts 5 days a week. The great thing about nursing is that it’s a career rather than just a job. The opportunities are limitless. I applied for a home infusion position back in 2006 and interviewed. I didn’t have any IV experience prior to this position because we had an IV team at the local hospital where I was employed. The nurse director decided to take a chance on me and to this very day I am so thankful she did!! Since 2006, I have done nothing but IV therapy and I absolutely love it! I have worked in a variety of care settings, including outpatient infusion, home infusion and specialty pharmacy infusion. How has INS Membership benefited you in your journey? My INS membership has been so valuable to me. I am grateful to have been able to attend the INS Conference last year on scholarship and I have been able to meet lots of great nurses from my local chapter at meetings, inservices, and dinners. Has there been a mentor, colleague or other INS member who has helped along the way? Melanie Kinley and Cheryl Stolz were very valuable in the development of my early career in infusion nursing. I’m grateful to have learned a lot from Tanya McKenley-Dennis, our national educator at US Bioservices Specialty Pharmacy, and my national nursing director at US Bioservices Specialty Pharmacy, Jannifer Stovall. Do you have stories from your practice that you would like to share with the infusion community? Since the start of the pandemic, it has been very important to me to wear all PPE while traveling to and from patients homes, and sor practice social distancing as much as possible. I have double masked throughout the pandemic.



Joleen Reil Infusion Nurse Manager with IntraFUSION. What led you into the nursing profession? To be honest, I feel like being a RN was actually my destiny. I don't feel like I had an actual choice; it was my calling. Initially, I did try to resist but it was out of my control. And here I am 21 years later and would like to think I've carved out a beautiful legacy for myself and my patients. I actually started my infusion career in an outpatient rheumatology office. Now, 21 years later, that's where I find myself again. Talk about full circle. I truly love my job and the patients I care for. They are a very special clientele. What made you decide to specialize in infusion therapy? I didn't start out in Infusion Therapy, but in 2004 a position presented itself to me. I have not looked back ever since. I think you have to be a pretty special person to be an Infusion RN. Most of our patients are chronically-ill and you are able to establish a real connection with them over their years of therapy. I treasure these relationships and I think my patients feel the same How has INS Membership benefited you in your journey? INS has benefitted my career in the education opportunities provided to increase my infusion therapy knowledge. Of course, others use it to network, I haven't had that opportunity up to this point but possibly in the future. I've tried to be encouraging to others trying to achieve their CRNI. Has there been a mentor, colleague or other INS member who has helped along the way? I did have one person in particular from my past that I can call a mentor. Her name is Kathy Melville. She was a Nurse Manager at a local infusion company where I was working and she encouraged me to obtain my CRNI®. So I am thankful for her mentorship and guidance.

Julie Dameus Director of Nursing What led you into the nursing profession? My joy for nursing began very early on, before I even started college. I knew that this was a profession that I wanted to be a part of because caring for others came so naturally to me. Taking care of your elders is a reflection of how much you value your family and other people. Reverence to others extends to the outside just as much as in the home. Thus, I channeled those same values of service to others and care for all into my life’s work. Nursing was the truly the perfect fit. I enjoyed the connection and I am honored to be a part of patients’ lives. I truly appreciate the trust they extended to me as their nurse. What made you decide to specialize in infusion therapy? Infusion therapy became my preferred field of work within nursing because it gave me the opportunity to practice independently, using all of the skills I learned in previous clinical situations. I’m able to connect with patients on a less hurried level, as compared to the hospital setting. I educated patients in the home and valued the opportunity to ensure their practice and administration of medications for best outcomes. The quality of care delivered to patients in the home is very important to me. I believe patients should receive superlative nursing care in hospitals and the home alike. How has INS Membership benefited you in your journey? I am exposed to the latest recommendations for infusion therapy by a panel of experts, which provides me with confidence when searching for guidelines in best practices. Being a part of INS also encouraged me to take CRNI® Academy with aspirations of becoming certified by 2021. Has there been a mentor, colleague or other INS member who has helped along the way? Yes! Laura Balawejder was preceptor when I first learned how to insert PICC lines and utilize ultrasound guidance for access device placements. She never compromises quality and holds herself to the same standards as INS. She is an avid and passion supporter of INS and our profession. She continually provides guidance with questions and ideas for projects, to enhance care for patients. Do you have stories from your practice that you would like to share with the infusion community? Infusion nursing is so important - more now than ever. The infusion nurse is skilled and equipped with knowledge that supports clinical trials during the pandemic. We embark upon the latest technologies and collaborate with many disciplines in order to care for our patients. We are stronger together and hope that we can work together to support legislative changes to increase our autonomy and reach nationally.

January/February 2021





Timothy Spencer Position: Director What led you into the nursing profession? Following in the footsteps of my grandmother, who was a nurse, I decided to enter the profession after I found that a business degree was not as rewarding. In 1986 I began my career in a neuromedicalsurgical unit, mixed along with general medical and surgical units, pediatrics, stroke rehab and psychiatry. I eventually moved to intensive care, seeking the clinical challenges it provided, and where I have remained working for my entire career. Critical Care was my first love, and so remains today. However, vascular access is parallel with it. The benefits of a critical care background cemented my interest in developing advanced vascular access and clinical ultrasound skills, which I have used and taught throughout my career, both on an national and international level. My committment to the specialty was recognized with the 2019 Suzanne LaVere Herbst Award for Excellence in Vascular Access. This has helped to positively inspire current and future mentors and clinicians. What made you decide to specialize in infusion therapy? I had an early, keen interest in infusion therapy and vascular access while working in a combined critical care unit and developed the facility's first venipuncture and cannulation program in the late 80's. Moving to a large tertiary institution in the early 90's, I was afforded the opportunity to place central venous catheters, due to a lack of medical officers in our critical care unit to provide timely insertion. This led to a long career in providing best practices in vascular access within the institution. This also gave me the opportunity to attend my first conference specializing in vascular access and infusion therapy, and I attended the 1997 INS Meeting in SLC, Utah. I have since gone on to present at many professional society meetings; INS, AVA, WoCoVA, APIC, SCCM, ASA, ANZICS, GaVeCeLT on vascular access-related issues. I have lectured internationally and been an invited speaker to many local INS chapters and AVA networks around the country. How has INS Membership benefited you in your journey? INS has been a part of my professional career since I attended my first conference in 1997. I purchased a copy of the "red bible" and eventually copies of the INS Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice, which I have referred to continuously throughout my career - both in publications and professional speaking engagements. The SOP has become the foundational reference point to which I refer many clinicians. Has there been a mentor, colleague or other INS member who has helped along the way? I must give kudos to several INS members whom I met in my early career and have maintained in high regard ever since - Nancy Moureau, Lynn Hadaway, Nancy Trick, Anne Williams, Lisa Gorski, and many, many more whom I have had the pleasure to be involved with professionally.

We are proud of you all and commend you for your hard work, passion and dedication to patient care!






Ann King Staff Nurse, per diem Vascular access team What led you into the nursing profession? Sense of duty, interest in biology and the need for consistent work after separating from the Air Force lead me to nursing. I had applied for and been approved for a Physician Assistant program in the Air Force, but the age waiver was dismissed. Long story short, it was the best thing that could have happened. What made you decide to specialize in infusion therapy? I was working in a bone marrow transplant unit. We had our own PICC team and one day someone asked me, "Why aren’t you working on VAT? You already do PICCS and all the IVs we can't get." I thought about it and applied the next day. That was almost ten years ago. I was an electronics technician in the Air Force and this is a little like that. I enjoy being a problem solver. Some days I feel like Norm on “Cheers.” Often staff are very happy to see us. How has INS Membership benefited you in your journey? Access to the latest techniques andbbn practices. Enjoy the educational offerings and have atteneded conferences. Do you have stories from your practice that you would like to share with the infusion community? I have always had an issue with people jumping to an 18G IV in the ER. There is a real knowledge gap when it comes to IV size and flow rates. We had a trauma come into the ER and this was a man of small stature; a little peanut, if you will. I was placing an IV in his left arm, and there were multiple attempts happening on his right arm. I successfully placed an 18G in his left AC after the MD told me to place a 16G. I explained that I didnt think the vein was large enough and there was no blood return from the 18G, but it flushed and was patent. I believe it filled the vein and that is why there was no blood return. Meanwhile, four failed attempts were made to place 18g catheters in the right arm. I offered to place a 20G in a vein in the left arm explaining his veins wouldnt accomodate a larger one. The 20G was placed and labs drawn. Many nurses are not familiar with flow rates for IV catheters. Usually a smaller catheter will fill the need.

Angel Pina Family Nurse Practitioner What led you into the nursing profession? Since I was a young kid, I aspired to be an OB/GYN, as the thought of bringing life into this world was so fascinating. After doing my research and being the teenager I was, the years it would take to be an OB/GYN didn't settle well with me. So I explored nursing and, with so many paths you can take, I decided to give it try. Since being an RN since 2006, I have fallen in love with my profession and enjoy taking care of the patients that cross my path. I love to see them thrive as they get over illnesses and go home with their family. What made you decide to specialize in infusion therapy? After two years as a PRN, a full-time position became open and landed this phenomenal position as a Family Nurse Practitioner. I still do tasks the RNs do, like starting IVs, taking vitals, and also infusing meds and provided injections. I have considered myself to be an RN first and then a Nurse Practitioner. I love the patients and seeing them get better with each infusion. How has INS Membership benefited you in your journey? It has allowed me to become aware of the CRNI® Exam and all that it entails. Seeing those who pass motivated me to pursue my CRNI®. I love the educational content, which also helps me understand certain aspects of infusion nursing. Do you have stories from your practice that you would like to share with the infusion community? Paragon is such a wonderful place to work. They ensure that we place our patients as our priority and we carry that mentality daily. We strive for customer service and provide the best care to our patient population. We have a nurse practitioner on duty at all times, so if anything occurs with reactions we are always prepared. We follow the infusion guidelines for all drugs word by word to ensure the safety of our patients.

January/February 2021


Coming Soon! Policies and r Procedures fo

Policies and r Procedures fo

py: Infusion Thera Acute Care

Policies and r Procedures fo

py: Infusion Thera Ambulatory ters Infusion Cen

py: Infusion Thera Older Adult

6th edition

2nd edition

4th edition

Policies and r Procedures fo

Policies and r Procedures fo

py: Infusion Thera n Home Infusio

py: Infusion Thera Neonate to Adolescent

2nd edition

3rd edition

INS’ revised Policies and Procedures family of resources offers comprehensive guidance to enhance your knowledge, understanding, and practice of infusion therapy. All five P&P’s will be available in early 2021. Be sure to visit for updates.



INSide Scoop Our new recurring feature, INSide Scoop, will serve to keep you informed on things happening within INS, as well as upcoming events, items of interest, exciting new educational deliverables, certification news and additional, current information. Here, we will communicate directly with our membership, as well as the larger infusion nursing community, to keep you informed on important topics- in real time. Membership News We would like to begin by welcoming 127 new members to INS! INS continues to grow our international presence with seven different countries represented among these new members! Also, we would like to share some tips to our members to help them maximize their member experience: – When accessing, the Learning Center or your Member Portal, be sure to avoid Internet Explorer and install the latest update for your browser of choice. – Have you checked out our latest Webinar? Check out – Webinars are a great source for Contact Hours and CRNI® RUs (free for INS Members)! Also, you can read the latest issue of the Journal of Infusion Nursing (JIN) on the go! The digital issue can be accessed by logging into your account and entering the My Info section. You can hover your mouse over the Store and select the Journal in the dropdown menu!

Education News The newly revised 2021 Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice is being published in January and the INS Education Department is planning a Virtual Symposium in February 2021 to address several critical changes in practice. The 2 half-day symposium, Resetting the Standards: Examining the 2021 Changes, will include speakers from the Standards committee. Session topics include changes in vascular visualization and central vascular access device tip placement; infection control practices; vascular access device (VAD) planning; site selection and insertion; port management; pain management; VADrelated complications; organization of infusion and vascular access services; and competency assessment. During each day, there will be an opportunity for attendees to engage with members of the Standards of Practice Committee to ask clarifying questions and to discuss how these changes will impact clinical practice.

INCC News Happy New Year! As you start outlining a plan of action to accomplish all of your professional goals this year, INCC wants to help make your dream of becoming CRNI® Certified come true. This year, you can jump right in by registering for the March 2021 CRNI® Exam. Registration deadline is January 10, 2021. Take a peak and learn the 5 basic steps to CRNI® Certification!

Meetings Resetting the Standards: Examining the 2021 Changes INS is kicking off the year with the first of many Virtual Education experiences. On February 18 and 19, join the Standards of Practice Committee as they explore some of the changes that can be found in the newest edition of the Standards. Registration for the meeting opens on January 4 at a rate of $195 for INS members. Attendees will receive 5 Contact Hours and 10 Recertification Units. Additionally, registrants will have the ability to view anything they miss on-demand. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage directly by asking questions about the changes. This will be an informative and beneficial conference for all infusion professionals!


January/February 2021


INS 2021 Las Vegas, Nevada |August 14 - 17, 2021

Interested in speaking at a national conference? Infusion Nurses Society (INS) is recognized as the global authority in infusion therapy and is dedicated to exceeding the public’s expectations of excellence by setting the standard for infusion care. INS is also dedicated to providing professional development opportunities, quality education, and to advancing best practice through evidence-based practice and research. Abstract submissions are being accepted for 50-minute podium presentations. Content must be evidence-based and reflect the current state of the science or be based upon research-driven results contributing to the science. Presentations must be free of commercial bias and adhere to the criteria set by the California Board of Nursing for awarding contact hours.

Abstract submissions are due by January 8, 2021 Abstracts on the following infusion therapy-related topics may be submitted: Vascular Access Device (VAD) Technology o Products (e.g. infusion control devices, dressings, vein visualization) o Use and management o Complications Infection prevention Patient Education Special populations (examples) o Pediatrics o Older adults o Pregnancy Alternative care settings, including but not limited to o Home care o Outpatient infusion centers o Skilled nursing facilities

• • •

• •

• • • • • • •

Disease States Infusion Therapies o Fluid and Electrolyte Balance o Pharmacology o Transfusion Therapy o Parenteral Nutrition o Antineoplastic and Biologic Therapy o Pain Management Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Nursing Professional Development Clinician Health and Wellness Current Affairs, Social Science and Global Concerns Emerging Evidence Health Care Ethics Professional Liability and Legal Considerations

Apply Now:

Guidelines: • •

To be eligible, your abstract must be your original work; subsequent presentation of this content is acceptable, provided you have an original title with a different view, perspective, or focus To submit your abstract, please be prepared to enter the following information: o Name and credentials - current employer, job title and CV/resume o Paid consultant roles (title and company) o Proposed Topic (including): 1. Original title 2. Session description/abstract 3. Brief session introduction for program agenda 4. Learning objectives 5. Content outline 6. References o Speaking experience

Important Dates and Information: January 8, 2021 → Abstract submissions close January 29, 2021 → Selected speakers will be notified August 14-17, 2021 → Presentation date to be determined by the INS Education Department

Organizing Committee: • Marlene Steinheiser, PhD, RN, CRNI®, INS Director of Clinical Education • Dawn Berndt, DNP, RN, CRNI®, INS Clinical Education and Publications Manager Contact: INS Education Coordinator Jill Cavanaugh with any questions

Get FIT Online The Fundamentals of Infusion Therapy (FIT) is an interactive learning platform that represents the latest advancement in online Infusion Therapy Education. It features 8 Learning Modules that take the participant, step by step, through the essential elements of Infusion Therapy. • Enhanced learning experience through audio, video and 3-D graphic presentations. • Valuable tool for students and practitioners at all levels of the Infusion Nursing specialty.


Available now through the INS Learning Center:















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