2022 Ready2Race Vendor Guide

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Malkovich 2019 Inglis Ready2Race Sale Stakes winner of over $700,000 VENDOR INFORMATION GU IDE 2022 READY2RACE SALE Tuesday 11 October Riverside Stables, Sydney
2 SITE MAP Barn F Barn E Barn D Barn C Barn B Barn G Barn H Barn I Barn J Barn Sales Arena Garden THE BIG BARN SALES ARENA G O VERNOR M A C Q U ARIE DRIVE Vendor parking between Ring Road and fence RACECOURSE THE WILLIAM INGLIS THE A VENUE Newmarket Room Garden Garden Pavilion K Security HutVet Room First Aid RoomHolding Yards Holding Yards Vet Room BOTTOM CAR PARK TOP CAR PARK HOTEL GUEST PARKING ONLY MACHINERY SHED Rose Pavilion RING RD RING RD Pavilion B Pavilion C Pavilion D Pavilion E Pavilion F Pavilion G Pavilion H Pavilion I Pavilion J Pavilion K MAIN ENTRANCE Pre Parade Ring MAIN ENTRY FLOAT ENTRY




3 Schedule of events 4 Inglis COVID-19 Biosecurity 5 Getting to Riverside & Parking 6 Horse Movements 7 Horse Information 9 General Information 17 Vendor Contacts 20
Staff Contact Details 21 Hotel Complex Map 22
Accommodation 24 Local Destinations 26 FAQs 29 Horse Administration Check List 31



Thursday 6 October Alternate breeze ups, Warwick Farm

Friday 7 October

Inspection Day, Riverside Stables

Saturday 8 October Inspection Day, Riverside Stables Royal Randwick Race Meeting Caulfield Race Meeting

Sunday 9 October Inspection Day, Riverside Stables

3:30pm - 5:30pm Vendor Welcome Drinks

Monday 10 October Inspection Day, Riverside Stables

Tuesday 11 October

Inglis Ready2Race Sale, Riverside Stables,10am




If arriving by car, Riverside Stables are located at 155 Governor Macquarie Drive, Warwick Farm, 40km from Sydney’s CBD. The M5 motorway, which commences at Sydney Airport, is the most direct arterial.

If travelling from the Coogee area, the new M8 Tunnel is an alternative route. This motorway begins at Gardners Road and merges onto the M5 before the Warwick Farm exit.

After following the M5 for 25km, take Henry Lawson Drive Exit, keep right then follow for 2.2km and use the two left lanes to turn left onto Newbridge Rd (A34) for 1.7km.

Use the right 2 lanes to turn onto Governor Macquarie Drive, for 2km, at the roundabout stay on Governor Macquarie Drive and continue for 1.1 km and turn right at the traffic lights into Riverside Stables.

Extensive car parking is available. There are 800 parking spaces at the facility, as well as another 1000 carparks available to access for major sale days. There is a limited number of vendor car spaces located behind the hospitality pavilions. These will be allocated prior to the sale.


Please note there is limited parking for vendors/staff around the Riverside Stables Ring road. Vehicles are to park either behind the barns on the Governor Macquarie wall side of the complex if stabled in Barns J and K or if stabled in Barns B and C this parking will be in the car park located near the machinery shed at the Southern end of the complex.

Access to the ring road is now via numberplate recognition. Please email the numberplate of your vehicle to reception@inglis.com.au to be added to the database.

Previously distributed car passes are still valid.

Additional parking is located in the main carparks in front of the hotel, except in areas marked hotel guests only.




Horses catalogued in the Ready2Race Sale may be stabled at Riverside from 7am Wednesday 5 October.

As the complex is multipurpose there is no guarantee of access to your stables prior to this date.

We ask that all horses are on the grounds by 7pm Friday 7 October. Please contact Teresa MacGinley on 02 9399 7999 or teresa@inglis.com.au to advise us of your horses’ arrival day, approximate time and your expected parade start time. This will be included on our Parade Schedule that is distributed to buyers.




The float entrance for Riverside is located at the southern end of the complex and is accessed from a slip lane on Governor Macquarie Drive.

This lane can only be accessed when travelling south on Governor Macquarie Drive. Once a float passes through the security gate at this entrance there are several unloading bays available for side loaders, rear loaders and basic two horse floats.

We have 10 rubber lined holding yards adjacent to the loading area that can be used to hold horses if your float driver has no assistance in delivering horses to their barn.

Once horses are ready to walk to their allotted stable, they should be led to the left-hand side of the security hut which is located on the central avenue. Here they will have their microchip scanned and their stable location will be confirmed to the handler.

The horse will then be directed down the central avenue to it’s stable. Please ensure your floating company and staff are aware of these directions.

Horse trailers/floats may be parked at Warwick Farm over the duration of the sale. To request a float parking spot over the sale period please contact Jonathan D’Arcy on 0412 965 729.




Important note: Please ensure there is someone present to show your horses to prospective buyers during inspection times. The official parade times for the sale are:

Friday 7 October to Monday 10 October 8:30am to 5:00pm

Tuesday 11 October 8:30am to end of sale

Please note that at Riverside we have a parade ring that will allow horses more time in front of prospective buyers prior to entering the sale ring. Your horses will be called up by our staff approximately 25 minutes before being offered in the sale ring.




Inglis will be providing a Welcome Pack for all vendors containing the following:

• Door Pedigrees

• Lot Cards

• Vendor Guides for staff

• Treatment Sheet

Please collect these packs upon arrival from Inglis Reception on Level 3.


Identification cards should be posted immediately or handed-in to Teresa MacGinley at our office upon arrival if they have not already been sent in.

If you have not already done so, you must advise us if your horse(s) is a roarer (including those who have undergone laryngoscopic surgery), windsucker and/or wobbler. You must also disclose any invasive joint surgery or abdominal surgery (colic) of any type (see Clause 10 (c) of the Conditions of Sale for further information).


Hip stickers, along with any bonus scheme stickers will be distributed prior to the sale on each sale day morning.

It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that each lot wears the appropriate hip sticker(s) when going through the ring.

Please establish eligibility for any bonus schemes well in advance of the sale. If changes have been made to eligiblity/nomination status since cataloguing, please advise Wayne Massingham on 02 9399 7999 or wayne@inglis.com.au.




Please ensure you have submitted x-rays, surgical reports and any other relevant material (excluding endoscopic videos) by Friday 7 October.

X-Rays are to be taken after the horse has breezed up. If a horse breezes up on the alternate breeze up day the X-Rays are to be done that afternoon and submitted to the repository by 9am Saturday 8 October.

Please note that Hong Kong buyers may require additional xrays. We recommended consulting with your vet prior to repository submission.

During the sale the repository is located on the mezzanine level of The William Inglis Hotel, opposite Galleries 7 and 8 in the Grand Armee Room.

Repository Opening Hours:

Saturday 8 October to Monday 10 October 8:30am to 5:00pm Tuesday 11 October 8:30am to end of sale

The repository is accessible to registered vets ONLY and no submissions may be removed from the repository. X-rays remain the property of the veterinary practice identified on the radiographs.

Please be aware of our repository policies. The repository is only to be used in the manner provided in the Inglis Conditions of Sale (please refer to Clause 12 in this catalogue’s Conditions of Sale). Repository terms and procedures of use are available on the Inglis website.

For more information please contact Wayne Massingham on 02 9399 7999 or wayne@inglis.com.au.




On a voluntary basis, you may choose to have your horse/s undergo a presale endoscopic examination, conducted by a veterinarian of your choice at Riverside and lodged in the Inglis repository.

If you are planning on having your horse(s) pre-sale scoped, please contact your veterinarian directly as soon as possible so they can book the vet room. Under the EVA Guidelines pre-sale scopes are required to be completed on the complex.

Please have your appointed veterinarian contact Teresa McGinley to book one of our custom designed scoping facilities to conduct this procedure. For the safety of staff and horses, horses are not permitted to be scoped in their boxes.

Once the endoscopic evaluation has been completed you may choose to lodge it in the Inglis repository and/or keep a copy on your laptop at the barn and show interested veterinarians as requested. Inglis recommends that pre-sale scope reports are lodged in the repository to allow last minute buyer requests to veterinarians to be undertaken.

Please note that all pre-sale scope reports submitted in to the repository must be completed at Riverside and lodged no later than midday Monday 10 October. These will be maintained in the same repository system as the x-rays.

Post-sale scoping remains in place at the purchaser’s request.




Under our Conditions of Sale all Ready2Race horses sold at this sale are eligible for blood samples to be collected and tested for anabolic androgenic steroids, receptor modulators, bronchodilators (Clenbuterol) and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories).

All Ready2Race horses will have a blood sample collected at the breeze up day. These samples are securely stored at the both the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory and the NZTR Laboratory. They will be made availble for testing upon request of the buyer. On the day of the sale a post-sale blood sample may also be collected and tested upon request of the buyer.

This test will be conducted at either the purchaser’s or Racing NSW Stewards request and expense. Purchasers wanting to avail themselves of this procedure must check the box on the Acknowledgement of Purchase iPad in the sale ring. The horse will have a blood sample collected by an Australian Racing Board approved veterinarian shortly after the lot is returned to its stable. For further information please read Clause14 of the Conditions of Sale as listed in the catalogue and our website.

Special Note: ALTRENOGEST (Regu-Mate)

Vendors are advised not to administer Altrenogest (Regu-Mate) to 2yo’s entered in this sale as this product may produce swabs with traces of the steroids trenbolone and trendione.

Please note under Clause 14, if a horse returns a positive test for anabolic androgenic steroids and/or receptor modulators the sale may be cancelled.

Furthermore, under the Australian rules of racing, any horse that returns a positive test for anabolic androgenic steroids may be stood down for 12 months.


The Inglis Conditions of Sale have been updated to include a new post-sale blood test for Bisphosphonates (commonly traded under Osphos or Tildren).

This test needs to be specifically requested by the purchaser and is separate to the current anabolic steroid test.

Should the sample prove positive to Bisphosphonates, then the purchaser will have the right to cancel the sale within 24 hours of being notified and the results referred to the relevant PRA. Please see Clause 14.1 to 14.3 of the Conditions of Sale for more information.




Any horse that has been immunised with the Hendra Vaccine must be notified to the Auctioneer prior to the Sale and this information will be advised to the buyers at the time of the Sale. Failure to notify the Auctioneer of this information could lead to cancellation of the sale of your lot.

Please note horses that have been immunised with the Hendra Vaccine are currently banned for export to several countries including China, Indonesia and Malaysia.


If your horse/s catalogued in this sale is being transported from a property that is located in the area from Port Macquarie to Tamworth, Tamworth north to Tenterfield, Tenterfield north to the Queensland border and all of Queensland and has not been vaccinated, the attending veterinarian is required to complete a declaration of health and return it to Teresa MacGinley in the Inglis Riverside office by 5pm, Friday 7 October

Should you require the form please contact Teresa MacGinley on 02 9399 7999 or teresa@inglis.com.au.




Any treatment of a Lot by a veterinarian whilst at Riverside should be disclosed to the Auctioneer and a treatment sheet lodged in the repository. A copy of the treatment sheet will be included in the Welcome Pack at the sale.

Should another copy be required please contact Teresa MacGinley on 02 9399 7999 or teresa@inglis.com.au.

Vet boxes are located in Barns F & G.


A Farrier will be available each day from 9am to 1pm from Thursday 6 October through to Tuesday 11 October.


Lucerne hay, oats, lucerne chaff and oaten/wheaten chaff are supplied in the feed room. Feed buckets, water buckets, rakes, brooms, manure bins, hoses and wood shavings (bedding) are supplied.

We advise vendors supply their own mucking out gear to ensure staff have sufficient equipment to carry out relevent duties.

Should you wish to have bags of feed delivered to Riverside prior to your arrival at the sale please contact Jonathan D’Arcy on 0412 965 729 and these can be stored in a secure room in your barn.


We recommend you allow Inglis to measure and weigh your horse(s) after arrival at Riverside, these details can then be added to the website. This information is regularly requested by buyers pre-sale. Publiciation of the height and weight is optional.

The measuring stick and scales are located at the Barn F vet room.

Please contact Johnny Stocker on 0416 269 342 to book your horses in from Friday 7 October.




We strongly recommend you to upload photos and videos of your catalogued horses to the Inglis website.

Vendors are encouraged to film stock on a hard flat surface and in a manner that resembles a buyer inspection. Conformation stand, as well as front-on, hind-on and side-on walking shots are also encouraged.

Both photos and videos can now be uploaded by vendors directly through the sale page on the Inglis website. Using the tabs on the right hand side of this page, a portal will open allowing uploads per individual lots.

It is a simple process and a very useful marketing tool. If you require assistance with this process, please contact our IT Department on 02 9399 7999 or it@inglis.com.au.




We ask that a vendor representative is present at the auction box when your Lot is offered for sale. Please make your way to the Vendor Room located behind the auction box at least 2 Lots before your horse is to be offered. The room can be accessed by the door located at the horse entrance/exit from the sale ring. Please communicate your reserve/unreserved instructions to the Clerk at the back of the auctioneers rostrum in a clear and timely manner

If you do not intend to be present when your horse is offered, please give your sale instructions to Jonathan D’Arcy at jonathan@inglis.com.au or on 0412 965 729.

If no instructions are received and you are not represented at the auctioneer’s box at the time of sale, we will offer your Lot for unreserved sale.


If you have any withdrawals from your draft, please notify our office as soon as possible and supply a veterinary report.

If you have any questions or concerns leading up to or during the sale, please don’t hesitate to contact any member of our friendly bloodstock team on 02 9399 7999 or Jonathan D’Arcy on 0412 965 729.




Every barn at Riverside is fitted with bathroom and shower facilities. We would encourage staff to use these facilities after completing their morning work with the horses to alleviate the need to return to offsite accommodation.

Inglis employs full time cleaning staff to be onsite throughout the sale. Vendors and their employees are encouraged to social distance while using the facilities and utlize the hand santitizing stations throughout Riverside Stables.

Inglis has also provided storage boxes to assist with the need to secure equipment during the sale. These will be allocated prior to the sale. For further information please contact Teresa McGinley 02 9399 7999.


There are laundry machines located in the Machinery Shed at the back of the complex behind Stable F. These can be utilised by stud staff between the hours of 7am and 6pm on inspection and sale days. Horse items are not to be washed in these machines.

Below is a list of local laundry services that may be able to be of futher service.

Name Location Number

Lawrence Dry Cleaners

Liverpool Liquid Self Service Laundromat

Loca Loca Laundry

Turbo Turtle Dry Cleaners

Westfield Shopping Centre, Level 2, near Woolworths Macquarie St, Liverpool (02) 9734 6704

2/72 Hoxton Park Rd, Liverpool 1300 911 292

3/1 Woodlands Rd, Liverpool (02) 9600 7634

Moorebank Shopping Village, Stockton Ave, Moorebank (02) 9601 3296

Liverpool Easy Wash Laundry 12 Hume Hwy, Warwick Farm (02) 9822 8585




There is a first aid room located in the security building at the Southern end of the central avenue. A medical professional will be on site during all inspection and sale days.

Should you require medical assistance during the sale please see the attendant in the first aid room or in the case of an emergency contact Inglis Security on 0466 980 334


Guards will patrol the grounds throughout the sale from Thursday 6 October. A list of vendor contact numbers has been given to our security firm who will contact your designated staff member or yourself if necessary. The security office is located at the lower end of the central avenue.


Inglis will supply a pedigree for each Lot to display in the holder on the stable door.

Vendors are permitted to display further promotional material on the stables, but this must be attached with double sided tape ONLY. The use of nails, staple guns and screws will not be permitted as these will damage the stables.


The Business Centre is located on the ground floor of The William Inglis Hotel. Access is via the hotel lobby, through the corridor between the hotel reception and the ground floor bathrooms. The Business centre is located along this corridor to your right, opposite the Sale Day Office.





Located in the foyer of the William Inglis Hotel Open 7 days a week from 7am to 3pm

Located adjacent the sale arena, A-la-carte dining RESTAURANT Open 7 days a week from 6:30am. Bookings are essential



Newmarket Terrance Food from 7am to 3pm






Inglis ‘Travel Phone’ for client travel requests and assistance during sales and inspections 0477 426 993 or travel@inglis.com.au

Lily France Client Relations & Event Co-ordintor 02 9399 7999 lily.france@inglis.com.au


Sinead Flannery

Insurance Manager, VIC & NSW +61 3 9333 1422 +61 416 243 696


Narelle Stocker Insurance Consultant +61 3 9333 1422 +61 404 093 660

Andrew Munce – Chief Operations Officer +61 412 575 452


Sebastian Hutch CEO – Bloodstock Sales +61 423 770 854

Jonathan D’Arcy General Manager of Bloodstock Operations/Auctioneer +61 412 965 729

Chris Russell/Auctioneer NSW Bloodstock Manager +61 412 644 452

James Price VIC Bloodstock Manager +61 409 806 595

Brett Gilding

Senior Bloodstock Consultant/ Auctioneer +61 401 300 280

Harry Bailey Senior Bloodstock Consultant +61 420 997 417

Will Stott Senior Bloodstock Consultant +61 408 126 952

Jin Tian Senior Bloodstock Consultant +61 419 679 970

Brittany Hussey Bloodstock Consultant +61 409 333 823

Sinead Flannery Bloodstock Consultant +61 416 243 696

Ziva Mullins Bloodstock Consultant +61 435 743 222

Angus Robertson Bloodstock Consultant +61 477 179 393



Room Main Entrance Lobby Lounge Heroic Café Newmarket Room Restaurant Business CentreSales Day Office Lift Lobby Toilets Reception ENTRY to Newmarket Garden Gift Shop Stairs to Mezzanine Stairs to Mezzanine
to Sales Arena ENTRY to Sales Arena
23 1. Hydrogen 2. Fawkner 3. I Am Invincible 4. Bernborough 5. Fields of Omagh 6. Brew 7. Just a Dash 8. Shannon 9. Might and Power THE GALLERY 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Stairs to Ground Floor Grand Armee Repository Toilets and Change Rooms Stairs to Ground Floor Lounge Bar 1867 Lounge Lift Lobby SALES ARENA ENTRY to The Gallery ENTRY to The Gallery Stairs to Inglis Office MEZZANINE FLOOR


The Holiday Inn

355 Hume Highway, Warwick Farm, NSW 2170

Phone: +61 2 9726 1222

Mercure Sydney Liverpool (Mecure Catholic Club)

Cnr Joadja & Hoxton Park Roads, Liverpool West, NSW 2170

Phone: +61 2 8777 0600

Mercure Sydney Liverpool Quest Liverpool

Quest Liverpool Scott Street, Liverpool, NSW, 2170

Phone: +61 2 8738

Ibis Styles Sydney Lansvale Hotel Hume Highway, Lansvale NSW, 2166

Phone: +61 2 97275255

Ibis Styles Sydney Lansvale Hotel The Holiday Inn The William Hotel



Liverpool Hospital

Corner of Elizabeth & Goulburn Streets, Liverpool, NSW 2170

Contact: +61 2 8738 3000

Chipping Norton Medical Centre

Shop 14, Chipping Norton Market Plaza

Corner of Ernest Ave & Barry Rd, Chipping Norton, NSW 2170

Contact: +61 2 9726 9300

GENERAL Liverpool Police Station

Contact:+61 2 9765 9499

Address: 150 George St, Liverpool NSW 2170

Post Office

The Liverpool Post Office is the closest to the Riverside Stables complex. Open 9am – 5pm weekdays and until 12:30pm on Saturdays. 270 George Street, Liverpool NSW 2170

Service / Petrol Station

The BP on Hume Highway is the closest Service Station to the complex, approximately a five minute drive. Open 24 hours, also sells amenities, light snacks and has ATM facilities.

Address: Cnr Hume Hwy & Forbes St, Warwick Farm NSW 2170


Market Plaza Chipping Norton Contains several cafés, small diners and a Coles Supermarket Location of Chipping Norton Medical Centre and Active Therapy Chipping Norton

Address: 20 Ernest Ave, Chipping Norton NSW 2170

Westfield Liverpool

Contains a wide variety of stores including Coles Supermarket, Big W, MYER, JB Hi-Fi, several banks, Hoyts Cinema, several cafés and diners

Address: Macquarie Street, Liverpool NSW 2170



Fashion Spree Factory Outlet

Open 10am to 6pm daily Factory Outlet Shopping Centre, includes a variety of stores

Address: 5 Viscount Pl, Liverpool NSW 2170


The Paper Mill

Historic building converted into a food precinct with 4 unique dining options. Venues open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Contact: 02 8742 4033

Address: 20 Shepherd Street, Liverpool, NSW 2170

The Iron Chef Cabramatta

Classic dishes, upscale specials and yum cha on trolleys, served at round tables with lazy Susans. A favourite of both Inglis staff and clients travelling from overseas.

Open for Lunch & Dinner

Contact: 0402 218 003

Address: 84 Broomfield St, Cabramatta NSW 2166

Brighton Lakes Kitchen (On the Brighton Lakes Golf Course) Newly constructed modern dining with views of the lake and golf course Open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Contact: (02) 9195 1000

Address: 43 Brickmakers Dr, Moorebank NSW 2170

Aquarius Seafood Restaurant

Modern Seafood Restaurant

Contact: (02) 9755 5568

Address: 3/56 Raubaul Road, Georges Hall NSW 2198

The Warwick Tavern

Pub setting with full beer garden and TAB facilities Open from 10am till late

Contact: (02) 9726 1222

Address: 355 Hume Hwy, Cabramatta NSW 2170



Holy Basil

Cuisine that is uniquely Thai & Laos Open from 12:00pm to 10:00pm

Contact: (02) 9727 7585

Address: Shop 5 (Meriton Altitude) 330 Church St Parramatta NSW 2150

Gemelle Ristorante Italiano

Modern blend of authentic Italian traditions and contemporary flair Open for Lunch & Dinner

Contact: (02) 9602 5294

Address: 79 Bathurst St, Liverpool NSW 2170


The Shed by Ristretto & Co

Modern and refurbished warehouse style café in Liverpool Open from 6am till after lunch

Contact: (02) 9821 1880

Address: 156 Northumberland St, Liverpool NSW 2170

Cream & Co Cafe Open from 6.30am to 1pm each day (Closed Sunday)

Address: 42 Epsom Rd, Chipping Norton NSW 2170


Brighton Lakes Golf Course (Brighton Lakes Kitchen)

The 18 Hole golf course is located a short drive from Riverside Stables. To get there, head east on Governor Macquarie Drive, heading straight onto Brickmakers Drive. The Course will be on your left.

Hoyts Cinema

Located in the Westfield Liverpool Lake Moore Walk

Located in Chipping Norton, the mainly flat, scenic walk is 3.2kms in length. It starts at Chauvel Park and follows the lake around to Haigh Park.



What restrictions will there be as a result of COVID19?

There are currently no COVID19 restrictions. If the situation changes vednors will be notified.

Will I be able to park on site?

Yes. There are over 800 car parking spaces at the complex and an additional parks that can also be utilised in the ATC carpark.

Is there WiFi on the complex?

Yes, there is free WiFi access throughout the whole complex. There is no password required.

Will there be shuttles running from Coogee and/or the city during the sales?

There will not be any shuttle buses running from Coogee or the city for this sale. Please contact Lily France on 02 9399 7999 or lily.france@inglis.com. au if you require further informaiton on travel to the complex.

Is there 24 hour security?

Yes, throughout the sale period, from the moment horses arrive on site, there will be 24 hour security of the whole precinct.

How long does it take to get to the airport from Riverside Stables?

Travelling back along the M5, the journey to the Sydney Airport should take approximately 30 minutes.

How long does it take to get to the city from Riverside Stables?

Heading back to the city from Riverside can take as little as 40 minutes, and as long as 90 minutes, depending on traffic.

Can I swim in the hotel pool?

The rooftop pool, located on level 10 of the hotel, is restricted to guests of The William Inglis Hotel.


Is there an ATM at the hotel?

Yes, there is an ATM on site. It is located in the foyer of the 1867 Lounge.

Where are the toilets located?

There are toilets in the hotel lobby, the Sales Arena, and additionally, in the back of every stable block.

Where is the disabled access?

Disabled access is via the hotel lobby. This will take you through to the Sales Arena and out into the stabling precinct.

Where is the cloakroom?

If you would like to check in luggage or personal items, please see hotel reception who will facilitate this.

What are the smoking rules on the complex?

The entire Riverside Stables complex is a smoke-free zone. There are allocated smoking areas on the outskirts of the complex. One is located out the front in the car park. The other is located in the truck car park off the service entry.

What are the dining options on sale day?

All hotel dining outlets will be open on sale days. In addition, there will be dining available in the Sales Arena.

What are the parade spaces made of?

There are three types of parade surfaces which are synthetic grass, bitumen & crushed granite. These feature in all 11 stable barns on site.

How can I get a taxi?

Please see hotel reception and they will assist you. There is also a taxi rank located in the main driveway and taxis will be available on busy days.

To order an Uber please order it to the hotel and it will pick you up from the roundabout at the main entrance located out the front of reception.


All Horses

Identification Card (or passbook) submitted to Inglis.

Notify Inglis of declarations - listed in Clause 10 Vendor Warranties or Clasue 13 Special Characteristics in the Inglis Conditions of Sale.

Un-named Horses (yearlings, weanlings etc)

Parentage Verified with the ASB

By default, this also means the horse must be Microchipped Branded


ALL Mare Returns up to date on the ASB

Certificate Of Paternity (COP) submitted to the ASB by stallion proprietor (usually stud farm standing stallion your mare is in foal to) once the current service fee has been paid or other private arrangements have been made.

Pregnancy certificate dated within 7 days of the sale OR

Breeding report dated within 14 days of the sale submitted for maiden or barren mares (not compulsory but recommended)

Foals At Foot

Relevant Mare Return completed with the ASB

Relevant COP submitted to the ASB by stallion proprietor (see above)

Ownership declaration completed on the ASB


Cancel any Lease Agreements with the relevant PRA

Declare to Inglis any embargoes

Declare to Inglis if the current racing status is ’retired’


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