IGH MV 176 October 2020

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been approved by the FDA. Companies are not required to test their products and can leave off hazardous chemicals from the ingredient list. Many of these chemicals may increase the risk of cancer, are hormone disruptors, cause infertility and even birth defects. Cleaning products for the home falls into the same category. sibilities. An integrative team will The Environmental Working Group consist of practitioners in functional (www.ewg.org) provides lists of and integrative medicine. Interview harmful chemicals. the providers you find and choose Get up and move. Physical what best suits your needs. The movement is necessary to stay cancer is only a piece of what needs strong. Exercise boosts immunity, to be treated. A whole body approach increases endurance, builds muscle, needs to be considered consisting of reduces inflammation, and provides energy therapy, supplements, whole added energy. With daily movement, nutrient-dense foods, and other you will be better able to handle possibilities to increase your immune cancer treatments and procedures, system. and recover more quickly. It is very Eat whole nutrient-dense foods important to commit to some form to help decrease inflammation. Elim- of exercise (yoga, Pilates, weights, inate dairy and other animal prodswimming, tai chi, dance, walking) ucts as these can consist of hormones. on a regular basis beginning with 10 Eliminate sugar as it feeds cancer. minutes and building to 30 minutes Research shows the average Ameror more. ican consumes approximately 152 Reduce stress. A diagnosis of pounds of sugar per year. Choose cancer can be one of the most stresslow-glycemic fruits as a dessert. ful events in your life. You need to Make at least half of your plate plant find the best way for you to manage rich, and (if not vegan) one quarter stress so as not to weaken your imof your plate a lean, clean protein. mune system, alter your sleep habits, Consider purchasing a juicer and or create more illness. As mentioned juice…juice…and juice some more. earlier, breathing exercise is a great Use organic fruit and vegetables as way to reduce many stressful situamuch as possible. Go to www.ewg. tions. Other forms of stress reduction org for information on the Clean 15 include yoga (the added benefit of and Dirty Dozen to choose approprimovement), meditation (even as little ately. When juicing, use a 3:1 ratio as 5-10 minutes is helpful), getting of veggies to fruit. Adding ginger out in nature (again more move(anti-inflammatory and gut healthy) ment), and massage (so relaxing). and lemon (aids in alkalinity) will You may need to seek professional add to the flavor. help as well since dealing with a The type of body care and cleancancer diagnosis can be extremely ing products need to be chosen with difficult. caution. Many personal care prodNightly restorative sleep for 7-9 ucts contain ingredients that have not hours is healing to the body allowing

The Balanced Body

Confronting cancer A By Deb Dittner

diagnosis of cancer can be devastating. No one wants to hear those three words “you’ve got cancer”. So if you or a loved one receives a cancer diagnosis, there are many steps you can take to make the going a bit easier. Enlist the help of either a family member or close friend to be by your side and for the extra pair of ears, for support, for company during tough times. Sure there are times you will want to be alone to think things through for yourself but that extra hug is so much needed. Initially, you may feel that tests, treatment, and/or surgery need to be done “yesterday”. Slow down. Breathe. Listen to what your heart and body is saying to you. The breath will help to decrease stress and anxiety. Sit comfortably with both feet flat on the floor and your hands either on both knees or placed in your lap. Close your eyes and inhale to the count of 8…hold for the count of 8…release for the count of 8. After a few rounds of this breathing method you will feel more in control and relaxed. Once you receive a cancer diagnosis, begin to research the disease, oncologist(s) and other health care providers to be on your “team”. Begin to understand what the current traditional options for treatment consist of and how to find those who may offer other or additional pos-

October 2020 •

you to best respond to treatment(s). If you are a coffee drinker, stop by noon. If you drink alcohol, decrease the amount and have it with a meal. Alcohol disrupts melatonin necessary for sleep and blood sugar levels. Start approximately one hour before you are ready to go to sleep with a nightly routine. Take an Epsom salt bath (excellent in magnesium) with therapeutic grade essential oils, have a cup of herbal tea, or read a book or magazine. Eliminate all electronics (TV, iPhone, computer) as these stimulate the mind. Create a calming atmosphere. Keep the temperature cool and dark with curtains to block all light. Climb into bed and journal. Write whatever comes to mind about your day. Also write about 3 things you are grateful for and why. End with an affirmation such as “I am healing every day”. And most importantly…believe in you. Care and love yourself just as you are. Be present. Know your truth. In the words of Buddha: Do not dwell in the past, Do not dream of the future, Concentrate the mind on the present moment. Deborah Dittner is a family nurse practitioner and health consultant. Her mission is to transform as many individuals as possible through nutrition and lifestyle changes. For more information, check out her website at www.debdittner.com or contact her at 518-596-8565.

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

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