Hi. My name is Ingrid Morancho I am a student in the last year of architecture in UPC university, in Barcelona. The last year, I’ve done an Erasmus in KTU university, Lithuania. This portfolio contains some of the works that I made in university from urbanism and architectural design, but also related with structure, construction, sustainable design, sociology, people and so one. After studing 5 years of arquitecture it is the moment to started to work and see real projects. I am really interesting to started an intership in a company where develop skills and continuing learning knowledges, technics and vision of professionals architects. Contact: ingridmorancho@gmail.com (+37062275515)
Dwellings in traditional structure
CONNECT ESCOSSESA/ Barcelona Modular dwellings
Club and Nautic university in front sea
Restoration civic center in Nau Ivanow
BUBBLE HOTEL/ Kaunas, Lithuania 5 stars Hotel in the main street Kaunas
Master plan of a industrial zone
Giving form and size to public spaces
WAYS AND ROADS Continuity of the road
COOL SCHOOL/ Mongolia School in extreme conditions
01. LIVING RAVAL Dwellingns in traditional structure Housing Barcelona el Raval, 60 dwellings+ service groundfloor Talking about privacity and intermediat spaces
The project located in raval, a district in Barcelona. A place with very ​​
immigration substandard housing and overcrowding,
squatter, and major social problems of prostitution, drugs and crime,... In this urban context we project 60 dwellings following the structure of the neighborhood, and controlling different privacity degrees of the spaces We access In the interior block coming across passages, a very common element in the neighborhood that makes filter. Then we arrive at a community outdoor space on the ground floor, where
space is compress and expands, creating a play of light and shadows.
Finally we follow by the vertical communications core and then we come into the houses. all of which have a private terrace overlooking inside the block. creating these degrees of privacy seeks to provided security, prevent illegal occupation and vandalism, and create deserving houses.
02. CONNECTING ESCOCESA Housing connecting The Escocesa. Housing Barcelona Poblenou 2floors service,cultural activities 3floor for 80small and 80 big dwellings Prefabricated moduls, metalic containers completely finish
This project take part in Poblenou, a neighbourhood of Barcelona with a lot of industries like Escocesa that nowadays are using like art centre with spaces for artist to create and make performance. The aims of the project is to give weight and mass to the place with this pixels, made with
prefabricated containers which create
this elements. When they repeat and ro-
tate generate all the building and the entrances of lights
The ground floor is more public with services and the entrance to the cores, and with a square in the corner, a public spaces where people can meet and socialise. The project is based in this seven vertical cores that are the elements of vertical communication and generated community open spaces, with entrances of light rotating in the different floors and always connected with open spaces. Every core have access to 8 houses, 4 small of 60 sqm and 4 big of 110 sqm all connected with two private court-
03. NAUTIC UNIVERSITY BARCELONA Nautical University Barcelona Equipment Barcelona Port, Spain 20.000 sqm Prefabricated structure of long spands Compact drill with courtyards
Yacht club with direct access to jetty and boats, different access and works more on weekends. - Nautical university of Barcelona, with outside spaces to practice, with own entrance and close on weekends. Main ideas: - Compact building
drilled with courtyard
that allow the entrance of light and create spaces of relation. - Easy distribution of all the spaces and rooms needed. - Bigger corridors as spaces to stay and socialise, related with courtyards. - Prefabricated wood structure with long stands, dry construction Concept of cradle to
- Use of materials with 0 impact, that com from
nature. renewable - Sustainable -Self-sufficient building with generate their own energy (Using photovoltaic and thermic panels,etc) - Reusing the water . Double layer like a filter of light . Good isolated . Recyclable materials - Natural ventilated - Natural not directed
light of courtyards
04. RESTORATION NAU IVANOW Art center Nau ivanow Equipment La Sagrera, Barcelona, Spain Dry construction with prefabricated materials. Wood modular structure
The project consist on a
rehabilitation of the warehouse Ivanow,
a space of creation and broadcasts Performing Arts, and creation of new stadium. It’s located in the district of Sagrera in Barcelo-
The main ideas are: - Create flexible and
multifuncional spaces.
- Divions of the spaces that allow versatibility, and control of the light - Rehabilitation the old warehouses that are part of history - Introduccion of boxes inside with toilets . - New intervencion that respect the old part but with new materials and dry construction. - New entrance and corridors like spaces to stay, full of light where people meet and socialise. - Attract more people and invite to enter, with small square in the main entrance,. - Big square next to bar whihc create this space outside of relation between the two buildings and a big
terrace of the bar.
05. BUBBLE HOTEL IN KAUNAS Hotel in Kaunas Equipment Kaunas, Lithuania 20.000 sqm Dry construction with prefabricated materials. Wood modular structure
The construction of a ho-
tel in Savonario Street
it’s opportunity to make better and revitalise the life of this street. The main purposes of the project are: - Create a building with
- Solve the corner with a public space where is the entrance of the building, the bar, conferences,...a node with a lot of activity and life. - Simple distribution which make easier the
-Use of a main interior courtyard and other smaller that allow light to enter and create a good and comfortable atmosphere. How make the city and the street better? - Public spaces outside controlled that generated relationships be-
tween neighbours.
Divided in 4 spaces all
related with the main HALL, an interior courtyard plenty of light. Four blocks differenced are: - The food zone - Beauty block - Conferences zone - Bedrooms (3-10floor)
06. CONNECTING NEIGHBOURHOODS Improve the industrial zone of Montsolis urban plan Barcelona , Spain New geometric plot mix functions improve connections
The project take place in the north-east of Barcelona, in the industrial zone of Montsolis. The main objective: - Improve the connections of the different neighbourhoods - The actual Sant Adria Street we will improve and broaden from Fabra i Coats connecting diferent equipments and public buildings, finishing in the main square of the proposal. - New urban fabric mixing uses and giving life and activities. - Improve and wide two main streets of the proposal which will con-
nect longitudinal and transversal, increasing
the density with housing, but with shops and services in the ground floor. - New main square will bring life, great public space, with commerces,bars,etc. and housing that supports. - Cities blocks plot based in a geometric mesh with 3 types elements connecting and urbanised the place: 路 Tower : 13-15 floors 路Block: housing 5-7 floors, ground floor with shops, service or public activities. 路Industry:2-3floors, tertiary industry and cultural activities. Increase density, increase the mix of functions, improve connexions and bring social live and urban design spaces
07. URBAN SPACES Mataro urban project Equipment Barcelona Port, Spain 20.000 sqm Dry construction with prefabricated materials. Wood modular structure
Matar贸 has its historic center in a small town that had been walled polygonal. The streets Biada, St. Benedict and St. Joseph had made the journey to access the centre from Barcelona Crossing the street Biada round-Prim Alfonso XII is therefore one of the singular points of the city, aimed at intensive activities. The islands around this point contain outdated factories and buildings of poor quality, to the extent that, in order to put a large shopping centre, has emptied the island formed by the street Biada, round Alfonso XII and Calle Torrijos and passengers, and may also bring down other industries and houses set around this gap, both on and beneath the streets Biada.
The main porpoise are: -- new centre -create urban public spaces, with a definition a form and activities
-increase housing, to medium density
-maintain and rehabilitated industries that have
heritage value -ground floors commercials in the zone, that will bring life
-main square in two levels that solve the dif-
ferent of height and create this bars and pubs in the low part generating night life in this zone.
-new equipments connected between
theme, that will attract people
-mix of buildings
-public spaces plurals
08. WAYS AND ROADS Roads and connections Barcelona, Spain
These two project want to emphasise the continuity between the city and architecture of the buildings (residence, equipment, tertiary) public spaces (streets, gardens , places). The first project will take place in the bounda-
ry between sea and land of the Llobregat delta, where I create a edge via, a boardwalk. the feeling of the sea
and horizon, dunes, nature. This strip contains diverse areas of expertise: natural major infrastructure, equipment specific areas of high
value agricultural areas of significant archaeo-
logical and cultural, while an area was very punished by the pressure of tourism and speculative. The otther is at the top of Barcelona in an ur-
ban structure made of packages that come close to Tibidabo. It
is an area where work crosswise coming down from the foothills Collserola and clearly identify the establishments built, there are two different areas that we can consider boundary between the
city and the natural territory.
Nautic University Barcelona Equipment Barcelona Port, Spain 20.000 sqm Dry construction with prefabricated materials. Wood modular structure
The main worry of this project it was the lack
of readability and continuity in some
points along the street. the proposal is focus in the place where we perceived more the lack of continuity, where the slope line chance,
Our proposal is to build
a mesh of mainly pedestrian traffic,
which sets Samonta line through small joints of the existing road network and connect with interstitial spaces between the pieces of infrastructure . In this “hinge area” we try our mesh would see three areas of different character: - active urban area of
Sant Ildefons,
- dense and big emp-
ty space infrastructure
- keep the urban environment Can Station Boixeres, where the influence of the railway is salvageable. We propose the construction of a series of
platforms and walkways along two dif-
ferent routes, containing a small additional program elements to the existing ones.
10. Cool school Ampliation primary school in Mongolia Equipment Kvod, Mongolia 300 sqm Recicled materials, plasticbottles, neumatics,... and local Moduls that repeat and adapt to differents situations,flexibility
1. Connection corridor 2. Library 3. Gym 4. Toilets 5. Classroom 6. Existing building A. Outside access B. Existing school access
The main problem nowadays with the education is that in the main cities the schools are overcrowded and they can’t learn with good conditions, but in the towns its difficult to arrive the education and the schools, in a country that continuing being nomads. And a lot of childrens nowadays drop out of the schools: - The poverty - Poor quality of teaching and learning - Difficult to provide free or cheap dormitories - Long distance - More boys than girls who have to work for family livestock This building made with modular structure 4.3x6m can adapt to everywhere, join whatever you want and with really cheap recicled materials. This moduls added can solve the problem of overcrowded schools with really bad conditions and can create new schools to arrive to the entire child in Mongolia. The school need to provide learning spaces where the child can develop themselves, their creativity. (PBL) The education is really important for the future of Mongolia, so with this project we need to thing to all the children in Mongolia that they have the right to re-
ceive properly education.
Sustainable ideas 1. Passive house: - Adapted to the extreme cold and the winds, with less surface of contact to exterior, small façades to north and with less openings. -Have the best orientation to the different spaces. - Totally isolated for avoid thermal bridges - Cross natural ventilation - Maximum light and more useful and protected openings 2. Use of renewable energies: - Use of solar energies with photovoltaic panels made with recycle materials - Use of solar panels to build water, with recycled bottles, like in the image. 3. Utilization of natural resources. I use materials that came from natural resources like wood, sand, and sheep wool. 4. Material with the less impact .
Thank you!! ingridmorancho@gmail.com (+37062275515)