4D PhotoStation Manager Brochure

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Introducing the 4D PhotoStation Manager™ If your healthcare facility uses or is planning to use digital photography to improve the quality of your medical documentation, the choice of a camera is but the first in a series of challenges you will face. There are other things to consider, such as creating an efficient process for capturing, organizing, and using the pictures you take. Defining and managing an efficient photography workflow involves several key steps that we at 4D Imaging Systems are experts in helping you address. Let us show you how our 4D PhotoStation Manager software performs as an easy to use, flexible, and full featured photo image management tool. The 4D PhotoStation Manager takes the pain out of using photography for treatment progress documentation, before and after records, pre-certifications, reimbursements, reporting, and referrals.

PhotoStation Manager Benefits • Automatically organize your photo images by patient ID and date • Images tagged with patient demographics. • Digitally measure features in photo images without need for manual calculations. • Store measurement data and graphical markups with each photo image. • Easily create photography output reports – including “before and after” for side by side comparisons .

• Interactively reveal photo images details with a zoomable magnifier. • Automatically upload photo images to most EMR’s (requires separate add-on component) • Compatible with any digital camera. • Reduce print costs.

• Decrease threat of malpractice lawsuits.


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