At the start of every year we9re ûlled with op}mism and excitement for all a new year can have in store for us. It feels like a dopamine high, a thrust into hopes and expecta}ons.
A few days in and suddenly it all defaults to the usual, the same old, same old. Iíve been thinking of a lot about why? Why nothing really changes from day to day. The simple answer is, nothing changes if NOTHING CHANGES. I recall a statement I once read, it sank deeply and it made me take the next step. Change is the only constant.
Nothing changes if we don9t take a step in the direc}on we want to go and nothing changes if we don9t do the things we didn9t do before. No amount of posi}ve thinking, mo}va}on or inspira}on will change our des}na}on if we don9t take a step in the direc}on we need to go.
As human beings, we are creatures of habit, we like familiarity and comfort. Unfortunately, nothing extraordinary is achieved by being familiar or comfortable.
We started our year by looking in ûrst. Preparing the way ahead meant iden}fying who we are, knowing what we oûer and commiýng to it. It wasn9t comfortable but it was rewarding. I9d like to encourage you; introspect, dig deep and don9t be afraid to leap out in conûdence with the treasure youíve found.
I oven tell our team, to eat the elephant we have to take one bite at a }me. My litle advice to journey into the extraordinary is to take one litle step at a }me. Looking back it will give joy to see how far youíve come. The joy of small wins will bring great victories
From our hearts to your homes we are commiýng to a statement of truth that we are will hold ourselves accountable to :
< We are a passionate family of experts who go beyond property to serve our community* Here9s to a year of celebra}ng small wins, achieving great things and being the best version of ourselves. Here9s to another year oû, making a diûerence.
Ingwe spent the day at Riverside Hotel celebra}ng our successes and achievements internally and being able to make R100 million in sales within the year.
Our team did not disappoint in following the star studded theme. We shared many moments of joy and celebra}on.
We have started the year off by partnerships with professionals Ac琀椀on Coach & Connect Space in order to upskill and provide con琀椀nious training and development for our company in order to grow exper琀椀se in our market and to ensure we serve our clients in the best manner.
Don9t allow your fes}ve season to be ruined by unforseen expenses in your home, read the ar}cle to ûnd out the value of Homeowners insurance during this holiday season.
For 2023 it's all about colours that make you feel good. Forget about being on-trend, the trend is to just go with what you love, create rooms filled with colours that reflect your personal style, and give you an upli昀琀 every 琀椀me you enter them.
Due to the vast amount of }me we spent in our homes, we want to make our space as trendy and comfortable as we can. Follow these trends for the upcoming year by adding these simple decor trends that will help your space stay modern and relevant.
Moving away from ceiling lights, wall lights add depth and character to a space. Ideal in rooms such as bathrooms, which provides ligh}ng with less shadows, crea}ng a visually balanced space required for shaving or applying makeup.
Diûerent textures can hugely aûect the overall feel of a space, like colours do. Contrast in rooms are essen}al, providing the balance and depth you need. Consider the placement of textures and choose two or three in any one room. Otherwise, the space will become chao}c.
Interior designer Jen Dallas told Insider that the rise of vintage furtniture is a growing trend that will con}nue into 2023. Owning vintage furn}ure provides uniques pieces in your home, adds character and is much beter for the environment.
Ranging from apartment living for young couples and ûrst }me buyers to spacious family homes, Ingwe provides the opportunity to ûnd the next place you call home.
Oûering what family is all about, we invite you to view this }meless Cowies Hill home. This home exudes character and charm crea}ng comfort and a secure family lifestyle.
Our agents have been making dreams come true by geýng their client9s homes sold before the end of the year, providing peace of mind for our clients as we enter in 2023.
Conviently located, this home has three spacious bedrooms and very big land for future extension, you can also work from home as it is posi}oned in a good area with a ûbre connec}on.